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Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on PT. Persada Utama Diesel


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to develop a spare parts marketing strategy using SWOT and Business Model Canvas (BMC) approaches at PT Persada Utama Diesel. Globalization has encouraged economic growth in various sectors, including exports and imports. However, international business activities also have risks that must be managed properly. Effective risk management can increase investor confidence, maintain company reputation, and ensure long-term business sustainability. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study on PT Persada Utama Diesel. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. SWOT analysis and Business Model Canvas (BMC) were used to develop a spare parts marketing strategy. The results of the SWOT analysis identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the company. Based on the BMC analysis, the company's current business model was also evaluated and developed. The recommended spare parts marketing strategy includes improving operational efficiency, developing a global distribution network, and strengthening strategic partnerships. The application of SWOT and BMC approaches is effective in developing a spare parts marketing strategy that can help PT Persada Utama Diesel in facing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in an increasingly competitive international market.
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Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII)
Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024
p-ISSN: 2828-1284 e-ISSN: 2810-062x
website: https: // index.php / jii /index
Doi: 10.58344/jii.v3i8.5392 635
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC
Approaches: A Case Study on PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Marketing strategy,
SWOT, Business Model
Canvas, Spare parts,
This study aims to develop a spare parts marketing strategy using SWOT
and Business Model Canvas (BMC) approaches at PT Persada Utama
Diesel. Globalization has encouraged economic growth in various
sectors, including exports and imports. However, international business
activities also have risks that must be managed properly. Effective risk
management can increase investor confidence, maintain company
reputation, and ensure long-term business sustainability. This research
uses a qualitative approach with a case study on PT Persada Utama
Diesel. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and
documentation studies. SWOT analysis and Business Model Canvas
(BMC) were used to develop a spare parts marketing strategy. The
results of the SWOT analysis identify the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats facing the company. Based on the BMC
analysis, the company's current business model was also evaluated and
developed. The recommended spare parts marketing strategy includes
improving operational efficiency, developing a global distribution
network, and strengthening strategic partnerships. The application of
SWOT and BMC approaches is effective in developing a spare parts
marketing strategy that can help PT Persada Utama Diesel in facing
challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in an increasingly
competitive international market.
Corresponding Author : Prasetyo Wicaksono
With the advancement of globalization in Indonesia, economic growth is accelerating
in various sectors, including exports and imports. This sector plays a crucial role in driving
economic growth, as it gives companies the opportunity to enter the global market and
increase trade activities. Factors that drive economic growth in the international context
include the lack of disruptions and barriers to sales transactions, such as ease of customs
clearance and the existence of free trade agreements between countries (Chow &
Schoenbaum, 2020). In addition, the number of foreign competitors also encourages
companies to continue to innovate and improve operational efficiency to remain competitive
in the global market. This, of course, can spur companies to expand internationally to
increase sales, by opening branches abroad, building global distribution networks, and
establishing strategic partnerships with foreign companies. Thus, international expansion
not only provides opportunities to increase revenue, but also helps companies strengthen
their position in an increasingly competitive global market (Kotabe & Kothari, 2016).
Business activities are always accompanied by various risks that companies must
face. These risks can include market fluctuations, regulatory changes, operational
disruptions, and financial risks. While these risks can pose challenges, companies that are
able to identify, manage and respond to risks well will have a greater chance of surviving and
growing (Lam, 2014). Effective risk management can also increase investor confidence,
maintain a company's reputation, and ensure long-term business sustainability. Therefore, a
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 636
deep understanding of business risks and their mitigation strategies is a key element in
running successful business activities.
Therefore, in international business activities, in addition to the positive benefits that
can increase the growth and profitability of the company, there are also business risks that
need to be predicted and managed carefully (Suprapto, Hartono, Jennifer, Liu, & Nicholas,
2023) . To manage these risks, companies need to adopt a proactive approach that includes
risk identification, evaluation and mitigation. One way is to implement an effective risk
management strategy for its business. By doing so, companies can minimize potential losses
and maximize growth opportunities in competitive international markets.
On the news page written by Dony Lesmana (2024) in March of the same year, Jawa
Pos revealed that one of the sales of spare parts for the Mitsubishi brand reached up to 1.44
trillion rupiah, which increased by almost 17% from 2022. From this data, it can be
concluded that the increased need for spare parts for logistics is needed for logistics service
providers and heavy equipment, because as stated by Aji Jaya, Director of Sales and
Marketing of PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (KTB), quoted from, written
by Arif Arianto (2024) revealed:
"Because the logistics sector is very concerned about supporting the public
consumption sector. So spare parts are items that businesses need to maintain the continuity
of the condition of their trucks as a support for business operations" (Arif & Anggraeni,
2023) .
This is what makes the spare parts business for logistics very necessary because
logistics turnover in Indonesia is very large, so the need for spare parts also continues to
exist even in the Covid-19 conditions which impose a lockdown on all areas in Indonesia.
Quoted from the VIVA news written by Herawati (2023) entitled "Online Automotive
Equipment Sales in Indonesia Continue to Increase" revealed that sales of spare parts
through the marketplace in Indonesia have continued to increase by almost 300% in the last
three years since 2023 (Herawati, 2023) . This shows that automotive products have a great
opportunity for business actors to use the marketplace as a step to encourage economic
growth for the company itself.
In terms of competitiveness in the export market, the automotive spare parts industry
has its own advantages in the international market. This is supported by the development of
the automotive industry in Indonesia (Khalidazzia, 2024) . This is also influenced by the
trend of automotive spare parts exports to several countries. This was stated by the
Indonesian Automotive Components magazine published by ITPC (Indonesia Automotive
Components) which stated that, from 2013 to 2018, Indonesia had sent automotive products
such as motorbikes, cars and various related components to various countries. The average
export volume during this period exceeded 1.2 million units per year, to meet market
demand for replacement parts (REM) and also the needs of the OEM market.
Figure 1 Number of Imported Spare Parts and Equipment
for Transportation Equipment in Thousand Tons
Source: Central Statistics Agency
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 637
Import data for spare parts and equipment for transport equipment in thousand
tonnes from 1996 to 2023 shows a significant upward trend. In the early period of 1996-
2000, imports were relatively low, ranging from 144.3 to 399.8 thousand tonnes. However,
from 2001 to 2010, there was a steady increase with some fluctuations, reaching a peak of
852.9 thousand tonnes in 2009. This upward trend continued more sharply in the 2011-2023
period, where the amount of imports increased from 475 thousand tonnes to the highest
peak of 1338.9 thousand tonnes in 2023.
Figure 2 Total Value of Imports (CIF) of Parts and
Equipment for Transport Equipment in millions of dollars
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics
Overall, despite some fluctuations, the data reflects a consistent increase in imports
of parts and supplies for transport equipment. This increase may be due to the growth of the
automotive and transport industries that require more parts and equipment for maintenance
and repair. The highest peak occurring in 2023 indicates a significant increase in demand in
recent years.
PT Persada Utama Diesel was established in 2000 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and has
since become closely associated with the supply of spare parts for various types of trucks
from Europe and Japan, as well as tanker and trailer engines such as Volvo, Scania, Hino,
Nissan, Isuzu, and Mitsubishi. In addition, the company has expanded its services to provide
a range of spare parts for maritime equipment, as well as high-quality spare parts for the
latest technologies required by organizations and companies in the logistics or transport
services sector. Although the company's main focus is on the supply of spare parts, it also
offers a full range of services including repair and maintenance for electrical equipment and
In practice, PT Persada Utama Diesel prioritizes its business in the spare parts supply
sector for heavy equipment and trucks. The replaced spare parts have various ages. It should
be noted that the spare parts provided by this company must be guaranteed in order to
maintain the stability of logistics activities in Indonesia. The activity of obtaining
information from various business actors is very important in running company operations
(Delvika, 2016). Therefore, PT Persada Utama Diesel must have access to this information as
well as possible.
Figure 3 Fifth Wheel in Goods Delivery
Source: Researcher documentation
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 638
PT. Persada Utama Diesel is a company engaged in the distribution and sale of
vehicle spare parts, especially those related to diesel engines. Apart from providing spare
parts needs for logistics companies, PT. Persada Utama Diesel also offers a variety of
superior services to ensure customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. According to Sri
Ningsih (2024), as the wife of the late Main Director of PT. Persada Utama Diesel, Late. Mr.
Darsono, said that in 2007 2015 PT. Persada Utama Diesel has the ability to import spare
parts directly from abroad, which has been done consistently for approximately ten years.
This shows the empowerment of PT. PUD to import these goods uses the company's
strengths and becomes the sole importer and distributor in Jakarta for the Volvo aftermarket
brand, namely Diesel Technic.
Based on the background above, research was obtained with the title "Spare Parts
Marketing Development Strategy Using the SWOT and BMC Approach: Case Study at PT.
Persada Utama Diesel” which is expected to increase competitiveness in domestic and global
markets. Objective of this research is to find out the strategy for developing the truck spare
parts business at PT. Persada Utama Diesel using the SWOT method in the automotive
industry, as well as to develop marketing of truck spare parts at PT. Persada Utama Diesel
using the BMC analysis approach in the automotive industry.
It is hoped that this research can provide a useful contribution to the development of
knowledge and practical needs for several parties. For the author, preparing this final
assignment report provides an opportunity to explore the research topic thoroughly, increase
understanding, deepen insight, and develop the necessary analytical skills. For readers, this
research provides insight into the commodity trading process to better understand the
problems faced by business people. For companies, the results of this research can be used as
a solution for business strategy, especially in providing services and spare parts, and can be
used as consideration in making further decisions.
Location and Time of Research
The research was conducted at the PT Persada Utama Diesel office located at Jalan
Gunung Sahari XI No. 12 RT 18/03 Gunung Sahari Utara, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta
10720. Data collection was conducted through direct interaction with internal parties
involved in the process of shipping goods from Jakarta to Cilegon for foreign companies by
land, through interviews, discussions, and observations. This research was conducted in July
- August.
Type of Research
In this study, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods because descriptive
qualitative research allows researchers to understand the context of the phenomenon under
study more deeply. This approach allows for a broader and more detailed exploration of the
research subject. Therefore, this study utilizes descriptive qualitative methods to describe
facts, identify symptoms thoroughly in the aspects under investigation, and expand existing
theories to generate new hypotheses. Therefore, the findings of this research can be conveyed
to all parties involved.
Data Collection Techniques
In this study, researchers collected data into two parts, namely primary and
secondary data. The data is qualitative and becomes the main core of this research and will
then be processed using the SWOT and BMC methods. Meanwhile, quantitative secondary
data is used to support and strengthen the results of the qualitative data analysis. The
combination of these two types of data is expected to provide a comprehensive picture
related to the object under study in this research. The data collection techniques used was
interviews and observations. Through interviews, researchers collected data on the
procurement process, the company's efforts in running its operations, and negotiation
strategies with customers and potential customers. Meanwhile, observation was carried out
by direct observation in the company environment, which aims to collect factual and
objective data related to work dynamics, employee behavior, operational processes, and
environmental factors that affect company activities. The combination of interviews and
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 639
observations is expected to provide valid and reliable data to support the analysis in this
Data Analysis Techniques
In this research, the data analysis technique uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative
data is presented in the form of descriptive analysis with the aim of providing an overview of
the characteristics of the visual design to be produced. The method used in this research is
Business Model Canvas (BMC) with nine blocks that have been compiled, as well as four
SWOT elements, which will produce a strategy that is concluded from both approaches.
SWOT Analysis
In determining the right strategy for developing marketing, it is important to apply a
SWOT analysis approach (Phadermrod, Crowder, & Wills, 2019). This approach includes
identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to all marketing
activities of PT. Persada Utama Diesel, both at the head office and outside the area. Through
SWOT analysis, companies can identify and understand internal and external factors that
influence marketing activities (Namugenyi, Nimmagadda, & Reiners, 2019). This analysis
provides insight into the strengths and weaknesses that exist within the organization, as well
as opportunities and threats from the external environment. With the information obtained,
PT. Persada Utama Diesel can formulate a more effective marketing strategy. This strategy
will be adjusted to market conditions and company capabilities. In this way, the company
can maximize its potential. This contributes to improving marketing performance and
achieving expected business goals.
Table 1 SWOT Analysis Table
Strengths (Strength)
1. Old customers who are loyal to the company
2. Have a permanent supplier
3. Have regular customers
4. Competitive product prices
5. Connectivity with mechanics
6. The company has been around for a long
7. Quick response service
1. The company's location is less strategic
2. Suppliers who are not contractual (so they do not
have price and stock stability)
3. Promotions are not carried out optimally
4. Does not have a dedicated marketing team
5. Companies do not have access to stable sources of
6. Minimal product knowledge
1. Products are very much needed in the
logistics industry
2. The market is still wide open nationally
3. The world of logistics is developing rapidly
4. Utilization of international automotive
exhibition events
1. Unhealthy business competition
2. Competitor development of promotions and markets
3. Many similar companies
4. Consumer purchasing power decreases
5. An unstable dollar
6. Economic disruption (changes in customer behavior
Source: Data processed by the author
IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factor Analysis
Summary) matrices
After carrying out a SWOT analysis approach, these points are the company's
strengths and weaknesses as seen from internal and external factors, then an Internal Factor
Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) plan is made
which aims to determine the weight, rating, and score (Bastian & Shallyana, 2021). The
weight determination must not exceed or be less than the sum of all IFAS or EFAS elements
by 1.00. Each of these factors is given a rating scale starting from 1 point (very poor) to 4
points (very good) (Dhari, 2020). The weights and ratings are calculated based on
information obtained from interviews with several employees of related companies and
business colleagues who have businesses in the same field. The following is a table of
weighting score calculation results for IFAS and EFAS.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 640
Table 2 IFAS Table
Strengths (S)
Score Value
Old customers who are loyal to the company
Have a permanent supplier
Ease of transaction for me
go through regular payments
Competitive product prices
Connectivity with mechanics
Established since 2000
Quick response service
Sub Total (S)
Weaknesses (W)
Score Value
The company's location is less strategic
Non-contractual suppliers
Promotions are not carried out optimally
Does not have a dedicated marketing team
Companies do not have access to stable sources of
Minimal knowledge of product knowledge
Sub Total (W)
Total Internal Factors (IFAS)
Source: data processed by the author
The company has several significant internal strengths according to the IFAS matrix.
First, success in retaining loyal old customers shows that an effective customer retention
strategy has been implemented. Support from suppliers continues to provide stability in the
supply of raw materials or products, which is an important asset in maintaining production
quality and reliability. The ability to offer recurring payments provides customers with
flexibility in managing consumer finances, which can increase the product's appeal. In
addition, competitive product prices enable companies to compete effectively in the market.
Good relationships with mechanics and strong after-sales service strengthen the
brand's reputation in the market. The company's long experience since 2000 reflects its
stability and ability to adapt to changes in the business environment (González, 2015).
Responsive service also provides significant added value, helping to increase customer
satisfaction and differentiate the company from competitors. Overall, these strengths
provide a solid foundation for companies to maintain and improve their position in the
competitive market.
Table 3 EFAS Table
Opportunities (O)
Score Value
Products are very much needed in the logistics industry
The market is still wide open nationally and
Utilization of international automotive exhibition
The world of logistics is developing rapidly
Sub Total (S)
Threats (T)
Score Value
Unhealthy business competition
Competitor development of promotions and markets
Many similar companies continue to improve and
Consumer purchasing power decreases
An unstable dollar
Economic disruption (change in customer behavior )
Sub Total (T)
Total External Factors (EFAS)
Source: data processed by the author
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 641
With a total score of 2.6, the EFAS matrix shows that the company is under the
influence of more opportunities than threats, but needs to consider strategies to deal with
the risks that exist in the external environment. By exploiting existing opportunities and
managing threats well, companies can strengthen their competitive position in the market.
Based on EFAS analysis, the company has great potential to take advantage of
opportunities that exist in the external environment. Opportunities include the high demand
for products in the logistics industry, markets that are still open at both national and
international levels, as well as the benefits of participating in international automotive
exhibition events to increase visibility and networking. Additionally, the rapid growth in the
logistics industry provides opportunities for further expansion in keeping with the rapidly
evolving market trends.
However, companies are also faced with several threats that need to be addressed.
Threats include unhealthy competition in the market, intensification of competitors in
promotion and market penetration, as well as the impact of unstable currency exchange rate
fluctuations. The trend of decreasing consumer purchasing power and the potential for
economic disruption are also threat factors that need to be considered. By considering the
balance between exploiting opportunities and managing threats, companies can optimize
their strategies to increase sustainable growth and maintain competitiveness in the global
Internal External Matrix (IE)
The internal-external matrix aims to find more effective strategies. The IE Matrix uses
the total score from the Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) on the X axis and the total
score from the External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE) on the Y axis. Companies or an
organization in cells me, II, or IV should adopt a growth and development strategy. For
divisions in cells III, V, and VII, a more appropriate strategy is to defend and maintain.
Meanwhile, divisions in cells VI, VIII, or IX should use a harvest or divestment strategy.
Figure 2 Internal External Matrix
Source: data processed by the author
The analysis results from the IFAS matrix show a value of 3.07, while the EFAS
matrix produces a value of 2.65. The meeting point of these two matrices shows that the
most appropriate strategy is in quadrant IV, namely the growth and development strategy.
Based on the IE matrix image above, it can be seen that PT. Persada Utama Diesel is located
in cell IV, which indicates that the company is more suitable for implementing development
strategies in the marketing division.
SWOT Quadrant
The SWOT analysis quadrant is divided into four main parts, where each part has a
different strategy (Keban, Arifin, & Wahyono, 2019). The first quadrant focuses on profitable
aspects by exploiting opportunities and strengths, so that it can encourage the growth of the
related industry. The second quadrant uses diversification strategies to face threats. In the
third quadrant, the industry has the opportunity to expand the market but is hampered by
internal weaknesses; The strategy that can be applied is a reversal strategy. The fourth
quadrant describes a situation where the industry faces various very detrimental threats.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 642
The results of the IFAS matrix analysis show a total score for strengths of 1.61 and for
weaknesses of 1.46, with a difference of 0.15. On the other hand, the EFAS matrix analysis
recorded a total score for opportunities of 1.40 and for threats of 1.20, with a difference of
0.20. The internal factor scores are indicated on the X-axis, while the external factor scores
are located on the Y-axis. Thus, this analysis provides a clear picture of the organization's
Figure 3 SWOT Quadrants
Based on the picture above, the position of PT. Persada Utama Diesel in the SWOT
analysis is located in Quadrant I with coordinate points (0.15, 0.20). Quadrant I offer
advantages because companies can take advantage of existing strengths and opportunities,
so they can implement SO strategies. This allows companies to develop more effective
strategies and improve overall performance. By combining positive internal and external
factors, organizations can strengthen their position in the market and achieve business goals
more efficiently.
SWOT Matrix Analysis
Table 4 SWOT Matrix analysis table
SWOT Matrix
Strengths (S)
Weaknesses (W)
1. Old customers who are loyal to the
2. Have a permanent supplier
3. Has ease of transactions through
periodic payments
4. Competitive product prices
5. Connectivity with mechanics
6. It has been established since a
decade ago
7. Quick response service
1. The company's location is less
2. Non-contractual suppliers
3. Promotions are not carried out
4. Does not have a dedicated
marketing team
5. Companies do not have access
to stable sources of capital
6. Minimal knowledge of product
Opportunities (O)
Strategy (SO)
Strategy (WO)
1. Products are very
much needed in the
logistics industry
2. The market is still
wide open nationally
3. Utilization of
automotive exhibition
events held
4. The world of logistics
is developing rapidly
1. Expanding market share by
utilizing economies of scale to
offer competitive prices
2. Utilizing the name of a company
that has been around for a long
time by offering products to
potential consumers (hard selling)
3. Develop aggressive online
marketing campaigns and special
offers to increase e-commerce
4. Utilize a wide distribution
network to increase sales.
1. Actively participate in
international automotive
exhibitions to increase company
2. Take advantage of the large
market potential by negotiating
long-term contracts with
3. Increase promotional activities
by focusing on platforms
frequently used in the logistics
industry, such as social media,
websites and advertisements in
industry magazines
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 643
4. Establish a marketing team
focused on the logistics
industry, with members who
have in-depth knowledge of
market needs and trends in the
spare parts logistics industry.
5. Use capital efficiently with low-
cost but effective marketing
6. Increase employee literacy by
participating in automotive and
industrial exhibitions to
increase insight and knowledge
about products.
Threats (T)
Strategy (ST)
Strategy (WT)
1. Unhealthy business
2. Competitor
development of
promotions and
3. Many similar
companies continue
to improve and
4. Consumer purchasing
power decreases
5. An unstable dollar
6. Economic disruption
(change in customer
1. Offer loyalty programs and special
discounts for existing customers.
2. Establish closer relationships and
long-term agreements with
permanent suppliers
3. Expanding recurring payment
options and offering more
flexibility in payments to help
customers better manage their
4. Strengthen relationships with
mechanics through training,
incentives and special
collaboration programs
5. Using a decade of reputation and
experience to emphasize product
quality and reliability in
marketing campaigns, and
highlight differences with new
1. Increase operational efficiency
by adopting digital technology
and good management systems.
2. Diversify distributors and
suppliers to reduce dependency
and use a contract system with
several suppliers.
3. Increase promotional efforts
through focused and cost-
effective digital marketing
strategies to reach consumers.
4. Increase the effectiveness of
supply chain management by
means of internal and external
integration and collaboration
5. Establish a dedicated marketing
team that focuses on market
analysis and developing
effective promotional strategies
Source: Data processed by the author
Based on the analysis results from the matrix table above, it can be described as an
alternative strategy that will be used to develop marketing strategies carried out by PT.
Persada Utama Diesel in developing its business. The following are strategies that can be
used to develop a marketing strategy:
1. SO Strategy (Strengths-Opportunities)
SO strategy that can be used at PT. Persada Utama Diesel is as follows:
a Expanding market share by utilizing economies of scale to offer competitive prices.
Increasing the market can be done by utilizing more sophisticated and efficient
technology. This technology can be used according to consumer needs.
b Utilizing integrity by offering products to potential consumers. With the reputation of
the Persada Utama Diesel trademark founded in 2000 PT. PUD has a fairly
strong reputation compared to new players in the logistics spare parts industry. This
reputation must be utilized as best as possible and must be in accordance with
current market trends.
c Develop aggressive online marketing campaigns and special offers to increase e-
commerce sales. To develop aggressive online marketing campaigns and special
offers to increase e-commerce sales, companies can utilize various digital channels
effectively. The strategy includes using paid advertising such as Google Ads and social
media (Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok) to reach a wider and specific audience.
SEO optimization and quality content on websites and blogs can increase organic
visibility. Special offers such as limited-time discounts, bundle deals, and loyalty
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 644
programs can attract customers. Using email marketing and push notifications to
inform customers about the latest promotions and personalizing offers based on
shopping behavior is also very effective. Data analysis and regular A/B testing are
necessary to measure campaign effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
d Utilize a wide distribution network to increase sales. To take advantage of a wide
distribution network to increase sales, companies can strengthen relationships with
distributors and retailers by providing incentives, product training and marketing
support. This strategy includes expanding geographic reach by adding more
distribution points, increasing product availability in different regions, and ensuring
sufficient stock in each location. Using data analytics to identify areas with high
growth potential and targeting marketing efforts in those areas is also important.
Additionally, integrating technology to monitor and manage inventory and optimize
logistics will ensure efficiency and rapid response to market demand.
2. ST Strategy (Strengths-Threats)
ST strategy that can be used at PT. Persada Utama Diesel is as follows:
a. Offer loyalty programs and special discounts to existing customers to maintain their
loyalty and prevent them from switching to competitors. Attractive loyalty programs,
such as reward points that can be exchanged for products or discounts, exclusive
early access to new products, and special offers only for members, provide added
value for loyal customers. Special discounts and personalized offers based on
purchase history also make customers feel valued and cared for. By engaging
customers through regular communications, such as newsletters and mobile apps
that offer updates and exclusive deals, companies can strengthen relationships and
ensure customers remain loyal.
b. Establish closer relationships and long-term agreements with permanent suppliers.
With the right strategy and commitment to maintaining good relationships,
companies can maximize the benefits of long-term collaboration with permanent
c. Expanding recurring payment options and offering more flexibility in payments to
help customers better manage their finances. Offering more flexible periodic payment
options helps customers manage their finances better. This includes interest-free
installments or monthly payments for certain products or services, which can reduce
the customer's financial burden.
d. Strengthen relationships with mechanics through training, incentives and special
collaboration programs. By knowing the items needed by the company, PT. PUD can
know more about the ins and outs of the goods needed by the consumer purchasing
team. This can also anticipate what spare parts can still be utilized optimally.
e. To emphasize product quality and reliability in marketing campaigns, as well as
highlight differences with new competitors.
f. Improve the responsive service system by introducing new technology such as
chatbots or customer service applications to ensure faster and more efficient
responses to customer complaints and requests.
3. WO Strategy (Weaknesses-Opportunities)
a Actively participate in international automotive exhibitions to increase company
visibility. Actively participating in international automotive exhibitions is an effective
strategy to increase the company's visibility globally. Participation in the event
provides an opportunity to expand your network, build relationships with key
industry players, and showcase the latest products and innovations to a relevant
international audience. In addition, automotive exhibitions also function as a
platform to introduce company brands to a wide market, increase consumer
confidence, and gain more comprehensive and in-depth insight into rapidly
developing global market trends and demands in the automotive industry.
b Take advantage of the large market potential to negotiate long-term contracts with
suppliers. Take advantage of the large market potential to negotiate long-term
contracts with suppliers to secure stable supplies and competitive prices over the long
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 645
term. This not only strengthens relationships with suppliers but also provides
operational certainty and reduces the risk of product price fluctuations.
c Increase promotional activities by focusing on platforms frequently used in the
logistics industry, such as social media, websites and advertisements in industry
d Form a marketing team focused on the logistics industry, with members who have in-
depth knowledge of market needs and trends in the spare parts logistics industry. The
fast-moving automotive industry market can also pose a threat to companies if not
addressed quickly. This is because the product knowledge for each truck is different
every year and is updated every year and must match the spare part number of the
e Use capital efficiently with low-cost but effective marketing strategies. Using capital
efficiently with a low-cost yet effective marketing strategy involves focusing on digital
channels such as SEO, social media, and quality content to reach target markets with
measurable investments. This approach allows companies to maximize the use of
marketing budgets with optimal results, expanding reach without significantly
increasing costs.
f Increase employee literacy by participating in automotive and industrial exhibitions
to increase insight and knowledge about products. This not only improves the quality
of service to customers through deeper knowledge, but also prepares employees to
interact more effectively with audiences at exhibition events, promoting products
with greater confidence and trust.
4. WT Strategy (Weaknesses-Threats)
WT strategy that can be used at PT. Persada Utama Diesel is as follows:
a Increasing operational efficiency as an effort to optimize PT's operations, resources
and workforce. PUD so that it can achieve maximum results with minimal cost, time
and effort. Increasing operational efficiency can be balanced by adopting digital
technology and good management. This is necessary to achieve ease of coordination
within the team.
b Diversify distributors and suppliers to reduce dependency. Distributor and supplier
diversification is a strategy in which a company works with various distributors and
suppliers to provide the products and raw materials needed. The main goal is to
reduce the risks associated with depending on one or a few specific distributors or
suppliers. By having several sources, PT. PUD can be more flexible and resilient in
the face of supply disruptions, price changes, or quality problems from one of the
distributors or suppliers. This diversification helps ensure operational continuity and
supply chain stability. Change relationships with non-contractual suppliers to obtain
long-term contracts with suppliers that can provide supply and price stability because
often prices and supply do not match consumer demand.
c Increasing promotional efforts through digital marketing focused on cost-saving
companies can take several strategic steps; leveraging social media to reach a wide
audience at minimal cost through engaging and interactive content, optimizing SEO
to increase website visibility naturally without requiring large investments in paid
advertising. Third, use email marketing to communicate directly with customers and
prospects, providing special promotions and useful content. Lastly, conduct regular
analysis of campaign performance using analytical tools to evaluate effective
strategies and adjust approaches in real-time, thus ensuring every marketing budget
is used efficiently to achieve maximum results.
d Improving the effectiveness of supply chain management can be done with several
key steps. Implementation of technology such as investment management systems
and analytical tools to monitor stock in real-time, thereby reducing the risk of stock
shortages or excess. Apart from that, logistics processes can be optimized by
streamlining delivery routes and adopting best practices in warehouse management
to increase efficiency and reduce costs. After all these steps have been carried out,
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 646
data analysis can be carried out to predict demand and adjust the supply chain
proactively to anticipate changes in the market and customer needs.
e Establish a dedicated marketing team that focuses on market analysis and developing
effective promotional strategies. Establishing a dedicated marketing team focused on
market analysis and developing effective promotional strategies involves hiring
employees with expertise in data analysis, market research, and digital marketing
strategy, including market analysts, SEO experts, social media managers, and content
specialists. Once the team is established, provide in-depth training on the latest
analytical tools and marketing platforms to enable them to effectively collect and
analyze market data, identifying trends, customer preferences and competitor
positions. Based on these insights, teams can develop and execute customized
promotional strategies, such as social media campaigns and paid advertising, while
continuously monitoring and evaluating campaign effectiveness to make necessary
adjustments, ensuring that promotions reach the right audiences and deliver
maximum results in conversions and ROI.
BMC analysis
Table 5 Business Model Canvas Analysis PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Key Partners
Key Activities
The supply of goods
Picking up goods
from suppliers
Research and
Service to
the place
(storing )
After sales
Key Resources
Human Resources
building assets
Physical store
Cost Structure
Revenue Streams
Employee salary
Operating costs
Employee bonuses
Direct sales
Customer Segments
In Customer Segments PT. PUD divides its market segmentation into two parts,
corporate and individual. Market segmentation arises as a result of consumer behavior itself.
Not a few logistics service actors are individuals who operate alone without having their own
team. Market segmentation by corporation or not is used to understand the characteristics,
preferences and needs of each customer group so that marketing, sales and service strategies
can be adjusted more effectively according to each segment.
Value Propositions
Service to the place (storing)
Service to where the consumer is the main service value of PT. PUD in providing
facilities to consumers. This was done by PT. PUD depends on consumer needs. In general,
consumers will ask PT. PUD to send the required goods to the problematic truck position or
what is usually called storing. Because it is not easy for all business actors to provide storing
services considering the availability of goods and the mode of transportation used.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 647
Competitive prices
The price offered by PT. PUD is able to compete with other trading actors. In these
value propositions, companies offering competitive prices focus on providing products or
services at prices that are lower or comparable to competitors, but with significant added
Term payments
Companies offering term payments focus on giving customers flexibility in making
payments. This can attract customers who need or want a payment option that does not
require full payment up front. At this point, not all customers get this facility.
Through the marketplace
PT. PUD reaches out to customers to convey products in general. Marketplaces can
also increase awareness of the products and services owned by PT. PUD through high
visibility on platforms used such as Tokopedia and Shopee.
Physical stores
Physical stores have advantages compared to other channels, one of which is
increasing personal interaction with the company in order to build strong relationships and
increase consumer loyalty. With physical stores, consumers have the experience of being able
to see, touch and try products before purchasing which results in increased trust and
Official Website
The official website of PT. Persada Utama Diesel goes to the page This website contains general product knowledge and services
offered by PT. PUD. The official website can be accessed by customers all over the world
which can expand market share. The website also contains company contact information so
that potential consumers can request additional information via the telephone number
Figure 4 Official PT Page. Persada Utama Diesel
Customer Relationships
Entertainment for customers
To provide entertainment to customers, companies can adopt various approaches
that enhance their experience. It should be noted that there are several companies that
involve the practice of "entartaining" to several collaborating companies. This strategy
strengthens customer relationships while improving the brand's image as a company that
cares and listens to consumer needs.
After-sales service
After-sales service as a customer relationship refers to a series of activities and
services provided to customers after they purchase a product or use a service. This aims to
maintain and improve long-term relationships with customers, as well as increasing
customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 648
Revenue Streams
Direct sales
Through direct sales, PT. PUD has reusable margin for companies to increase profits,
ensure sustainability, and have the flexibility to navigate market challenges.
Through PT commission. Persada Utama Diesel obtains additional revenue streams
obtained through collaborations with external parties. This collaboration comes from a
company that needs a "flag" in the form of a PT. in order to help facilitate the project having
a stronger legal entity.
Key Resources
Human resources
Key resources at PT. Persada Utama Diesel in terms of human resources (HR)
includes talent and technical expertise of employees, a company culture oriented towards
innovation and customer service, as well as an effective HR management system. A company
culture that supports collaboration and commitment to service quality helps increase
employee and customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Company-owned building assets
Key resources at PT. Persada Utama Diesel include strategic company-owned
building assets, employee talents and expertise, as well as effective management systems and
processes. The combination of strong physical assets, competent human resources and
efficient management is the key to PT's long-term success Persada Utama Diesel.
Key Activities
Administrative activities of buying and selling.
This activity is used by PUD in recording sales and purchases. This activity contains;
creating goods offering documents, purchase orders, and creating invoices as proof of
transactions for the next stage, namely billing.
The beginning of distribution activities by PT. PUD is carried out by taking goods
from suppliers who supply the goods. These goods are taken based on consumer needs and
carried out repeatedly (Paduloh, Djatna, Sukardi, & Muslich, 2020). Distribution is carried
out by PT. PUD through operational activities carried out every day. The need for logistics
spare parts is provided to all segments and depends on customer demand. Distribution can
be carried out via land owned by the company or through other cooperating transportation
and sea agents.
Many marketing efforts have been carried out by PT. PUD in order to attract new
customers in this spare parts sector. Many of these efforts are carried out depending on
market segmentation and location of the logistics market in Indonesia (Risnawati, Sumarga,
& Purwanto, 2019). Like the Kalimantan area, many individual and corporate entrepreneurs
look for spare parts on marketplaces available in Indonesia, such as Tokopedia and Shopee.
As for the Facebook application, many logistics service entrepreneurs look for their goods
needs on Facebook, generally they offer them in buying and selling groups and Facebook's
Key Partnerships
Business colleagues
Business Partners who collaborate with PT. Persada Utama Diesel to achieve
common business goals. This is proven by the existence of collaboration with various
companies in coordinating business strategies in order to complement each other's
shortcomings. These shortages often occur when a company offers goods that are quite
difficult to find because the goods are rare or have an inappropriate price.
Relationships between companies and individuals. This has been done by PT. PUD by
expanding its business to places that still have broad market potential, for example Tegal
Regency and Cilegon City as one of the destinations for PT. PUD to expand its market and
increase profits.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 649
At distributor PT. PUD is found in collaborating parties who are given responsibility
for supplying spare parts. Moreover, distributors provide facilities to PUD so that they can
gain profits for retailers such as PUD, for example PUD can pay through term payments and
at lower prices.
Cost Structure
In the cost structure, the costs incurred in marketing PT. Persada Utama Diesel can
be categorized into fixed costs and variable costs:
a. Fixed Costs
1. Employee salary
2. Marketplace Promotions
3. Operating costs
b. Variable Costs
1. Commission
2. Entertainment
3. Bonuses
4. Tip
Marketing Strategy Development
Based on the results of the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and
BMC (Business Model Canvas) analysis that have been described, PT. Persada Utama Diesel
can carry out various marketing strategies as follows:
1. In-depth market research
Careful market research is an important stage in gaining a thorough understanding of
market dynamics, competitors and consumer needs. Through this process, companies can
dig deep information to identify market trends, analyze consumer behavior, and evaluate
competitor strategies. Thus, market research not only serves as a tool for collecting data, but
also as a foundation for making more precise and effective decisions in developing marketing
and sales strategies.
2. Improve the quality of human resources
To improve the quality of human resources (HR) in an organization, the first step is to
ensure that the recruitment process is carried out selectively and carefully. Selecting
candidates who not only have the appropriate skills and experience, but also company
cultural values that are in line with the vision and mission, will form a strong foundation.
Furthermore, it is important to provide ongoing training and development to employees.
Training programs can include technical, managerial, or leadership development learning,
which helps improve employee competency and quality in the long term.
Apart from that, the implementation of mentoring and coaching is also crucial in
strengthening the quality of human resources. This program not only helps new or emerging
employees within an organization learn and develop more quickly, but also builds valuable
relationships between mentors and mentees. A company culture that supports growth and
learning also needs to be built, by encouraging employees to take healthy risks and learn
from their experiences. A balance between recognition of employee achievements and fair
rewards is also an important factor in motivating and retaining high-quality human
Lastly, open and transparent communication between management and employees is
key to building high levels of trust and engagement. By providing constructive and clear
feedback, and ensuring that employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions,
organizations can create a work environment that allows employees to grow and develop
optimally. Regular evaluation of HR development strategies is also important to adapt and
improve the approach that has been taken in accordance with changing needs. By combining
these steps, organizations can significantly improve the quality of their HR and achieve
better overall performance.
Prasetyo Wicaksono1, Eva Ervani2
Spare Parts Marketing Development Strategy Using SWOT and BMC Approaches: A Case Study on
PT. Persada Utama Diesel
Jurnal Impresion Indonesia (JII) Vol. 3, No. 8, August 2024 650
3. Analyze and measure Company performance
Analyzing and measuring company performance is a critical process for understanding
the extent to which an organization achieves its business goals and strategies. The main goal
is to provide comprehensive and in-depth insight into the company's overall performance as
well as identify areas that require improvement or adjustments.
Company performance analysis involves assessing data that has been collected to
evaluate achievements based on various metrics. This process includes comparison with
previously established targets or standards. In addition, this analysis also identifies long-
term and short-term trends, as well as factors that influence company performance results.
Corporate performance analysis involves measuring and evaluating various aspects of
business operations to assess how well a company is achieving its strategic goals. Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) such as net profit, profit margin, revenue growth, and Return
on Investment (ROI) are often used to provide a quantitative picture of a company's
performance. By measuring these KPIs regularly, companies can identify trends, measure
operational efficiency, and identify areas that need improvement.
Involving external parties in company performance analysis is very important because
they provide an objective and independent perspective. Management consultants, external
auditors, and financial analysts can help companies identify weaknesses that internal teams
might miss. Additionally, they can also provide recommendations based on industry best
practices and international standards, which can help companies adopt more effective and
efficient strategies.
The importance of involving external parties is also seen in the aspects of trust and
credibility. Performance reports that have been verified by external parties are more trusted
by investors, creditors and other stakeholders. This not only helps in attracting new
investments but also strengthens relationships with existing stakeholders. Thus, involving
external parties in company performance analysis not only helps in improving operational
efficiency but also improves reputation and trust in the market.
In conclusion, the BMC approach not only helps PT Persada Utama Diesel design a
more effective and adaptive marketing strategy, but also enables the company to remain
competitive and responsive to market changes and customer needs in the spare parts
business. By focusing on the elements of BMC, companies can optimize their operations and
direct marketing efforts more strategically to achieve sustainable growth. The SWOT and
BMC approaches offer a comprehensive framework for formulating an effective spare parts
marketing strategy for PT Persada Utama Diesel. By capitalizing on strengths, addressing
weaknesses, and exploiting opportunities and managing threats, coupled with the use of
BMC to identify key elements of the business, the company can create sustainable value for
customers and maintain competitiveness in the market. This strategy not only supports
short-term planning, but also helps in forming a more structured and adaptive long-term
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, price suitability, company location, and customer satisfaction partially or jointly on customer loyalty in freight forwarders in Jabodetabek. The research method used in this research is descriptive and explanatory survey methods with a sample size of 270 respondents and the data analysis method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with a lisrel 8.80 data analysis tool. Based on the results of the study, the following findings were obtained: service quality, price suitability, and company location partially or jointly had a significant effect on customer satisfaction with a contribution of 62%. Partially the quality of service has the most dominant influence on customer satisfaction. Service quality, price suitability, company location, and customer satisfaction partially or jointly have a significant effect on customer loyalty with a contribution of 85%. Partially customer satisfaction is most dominant in influencing customer loyalty. The results also show that customer loyalty is a full mediating variable on the effect of service quality, price suitability, and company location on customer loyalty. The results of this study provide managerial implications for freight forwarders that to increase customer loyalty reflected in the dimensions of showing immunity to competitors is to increase customer satisfaction which is reflected by an increase in the dimension of price perception, where customer satisfaction will increase if freight forwarders are able to improve service quality, especially reflected in the assurance dimension, which is supported by increasing price conformity, especially reflected in increasing dimensions of product price conformity with the benefits obtained and supported also by increasing the ease of company location, especially as reflected in an increase in the visibility dimension.Keywords: Service Quality, Price Suitability, Company Location, Customer Satisfaction, Customer LoyaltyJEL Classifications: L8, M31, N75DOI:
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Investigating the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of enterprise systems is popular among business researchers in major organizations. Many establishments carry out SWOT analysis at strategic planning, quality control while formulating government policies and legislations. In the digital ecosystems scenarios, the SWOT activities need a great deal of attention, in particular, while designing and promoting new strategies of multiple industry scenarios in the Integrated Project Management context, keeping in view complex business operations. Information solutions may not have choices, failing to address priorities and provide alternate solutions. We focus on digital ecosystem methodologies, in which the business and organizational issues, challenges and priorities are addressed. The purpose of the research is designing a new SWOT model in which the elements are modelled to interrogate managers’ views to oversee new insights of a variety of business contexts that can guide SWOT analyzers and provide digital ecosystem services in multiple industry operations in an optimum manner. Issues and challenges of elements of SWOT of several public and private sector companies are analyzed, documented and modelled to evaluate unified metadata representing multiple industry views, their visualization and interpretation in new knowledge domains.
Full-text available
Persediaan suku cadang tepat waktu merupakan aset yang cukup penting pada perusahaan penyewaan kendaraan khususnya dalam penyelesaian program perawatan dan perbaikan tepat waktu sehingga kendaraan yang siap pakai tersedia pada saat dibutuhkan. Kenyataannya di perusahaan, pada bulan Februari, ada 104 jam waktu menganggur karena menunggu suku cadang tiba di lokasi perbaikan. Pada bulan Maret, ada 169 jam waktu menganggur akibat suku cadang terlambat tiba. Dan pada bulan April, ada 161 jam waktu menganggur untuk menunggu suku cadang tiba. Hal ini menyebabkan seringnya terjadi keterlambatan dalam pengadaan suku cadang sehubungan dengan ketidakjelasan sistem informasi dalam pengelolaan suku cadang. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas, maka dilakukan perancangan data base dan perancangan sistem informasi. Perancangan data base dengan melakukan pengkodean grup suku cadang, pengkodean suku cadang, pengklasifikasian suku cadang dan penentuan elemen-elemen persediaan. Perancangan sistem informasi yang dilakukan dengan metode unified modelling language. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan menerapkan sistem ini adalah pengematan Rp. 9,090,432.56 untuk suku cadang jenis ban, penghematan Rp. 947,025.47 untuk suku cadang jenis ban dalam, penghematan Rp. 1,298,446.09 untuk suku cadang jenis oli, penghematan Rp. 1,198,187.93 untuk suku cadang jenis oli hidrolik, penghematan Rp. 1,559,882.97 untuk suku cadang jenis minyak pelumas, penghematan Rp. 1,285,816.22 untuk suku cadang jenis ban vulkanisir dan penghematan Rp. 5,843,724.47 untuk suku cadang jenis selendang ban.
The purpose of this study is determining significant factors to overcome slum areas using IFAS and EFAS matrix. IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) matrix was used to analyze internal factors, including strengths and weaknesses, and EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) matrix was used to analyze external factors in the research area. The methodological approach in this study was qualitative which is descriptive redundant. The research was conducted at slum area of RW III and RW V, Polehan Village, Blimbing District, Malang City. The data were collected by field observations, in-depth interviews, documentation and data triangulation. The results of the analysis showed that there was a reduction in the strength and weakness values which are -1.883 (negative) and the opportunity and threat values are 0.333 (positive). These values are in quadrant II of room D in the form of selective maintenance strategy. The formulated strategy is to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in handcrafting sector by increasing the intensity of training and adding home industries, joint fund management, savings and loans as capital for households to develop Small and Medium Enterprises and increase community participation in supporting planning activities as well as institutional activities.
Service quality has been traditionally considered the key to customer loyalty. This is also the case in Spanish automotive after sales service, a highly profitable business with yearly sales of more than €12 billion. This research questions this belief, based on a 17,000-customer sample for 2 brands. Perceived service quality and other variables are linked to customer behaviour through techniques such as partial least squares structural equation modelling. The results show other variables with a greater influence on behaviour, like the vehicle's warranty validity. Consequently, contractual retention strategies (e.g., service contracts, warranty extensions) gain importance versus service strategies. This article is the 1st longitudinal study on the service–loyalty link in the European automotive after sales retail business.
An Analisis of Marketing Strategy by Using Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) for Evaluation Effort at Klinik Sinar Medika Plosoklaten
  • Ardi Bastian
  • Shallyana
  • Hida
Bastian, Ardi, & Shallyana, Hida. (2021). An Analisis of Marketing Strategy by Using Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) for Evaluation Effort at Klinik Sinar Medika Plosoklaten. The 3rd Joint International Conference, 3(1), 458-465.
International business transactions: problems, cases, and materials
  • Daniel C K Chow
  • Schoenbaum
  • J Thomas
Chow, Daniel C. K., & Schoenbaum, Thomas J. (2020). International business transactions: problems, cases, and materials. Aspen Publishing.
Penjualan Perlengkapan Otomotif Online di Indonesia Terus Meningkat
  • Y Herawati
Herawati, Y. (2023). Penjualan Perlengkapan Otomotif Online di Indonesia Terus Meningkat. Retrieved from VIVA website: