
Gamification for Studying Mathematics by E-Learning

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The difficulties of studying mathematics in this digital age call for solutions that might boost student engagement and motivation. To make learning more dynamic and interesting, it is suggested that a gamification methodology that combines game simulation with gamification is applied. In order to enhance mathematics instruction using an online learning platform. A thorough grasp of the difficulties associated with studying mathematics. To complement the learning objectives for mathematics, the gamification design includes selecting question types, constructing game situations, and producing visual components. This research creates a gamification paradigm using the Quizizz gaming application. The research focuses on the case of IKPIA Perbanas Jakarta for mathematics courses, which has the primary objective of optimizing mathematical learning through the concept of gamification. The researcher used the Dick and Carey development model, which has 10 phases from requirement identification to assessment, to create this learning model. The implementation of the Quizizz application and the gamification approach in an online learning environment occurs at the development stage. Technical configuration, application testing, and modifications based on preliminary feedback are all part of the implementation process. The success of the gamification technique in raising students' motivation and comprehension of the mathematics content was then assessed. Researchers used this helpful gamification to determine suitable designs for delivering learning content. Gamification for mathematics education is also very practical. In education, gamification by Quizizz as an application for gamification only supports but cannot replace the position of teachers and books. Mathematical learning devices with gamification are effective because they have met the classification very well at 79.17% and 20.83%, respectively, at an accuracy rate of 95.83%. Research has limited problems related to being carried out only in the IKPIA Perbanas Jakarta environment, which has students in semester one who have the characteristics of technology generation with the application of gamification that is integrated into the e-learning of Perbanas. The value of this research is the use of gamification for students studying in higher education and integrated into the Learning Management System (LMS).

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This study aims to examine the process involved in designing an instructional module based on the ADDIE model which was developed by Dick Carey (1996). An instructional module is one of the main tools in the teaching and learning (TL) process of a subject. Therefore, the design of modules needs to be based on an instructional model that details the phases of the process carefully and systematically. Thus, this study explores the use of the ADDIE model in designing an instructional module for the subject of the Malay language at the remedial level. The ADDIE model consists of five phases: namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The use of the ADDIE model in designing the instructional module has helped in meeting the objectives of teaching and learning as the model uses a systematic approach that fulfills the needs of students. It is hoped that this module can help improve the mastery of basic reading and writing skills for students.
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The aplication of learning of biology often deviates from the planning. The problem that comes is low students activities in learning, because not all students participate in learning. The couple card teams tournament (CCTT) learning model was developed to solve these problems, so that each student was actively involved in learning. The objective of this study is to describe the impact of the application of CCTT learning model on learning activities of students Class XII IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Merlung Tanjung Jabung Barat. This study was a descriptive research, the subjects were the 30 of class XII IPA 2 school year 2018/2019. Research data were collected through observation and documentation methods. The data were analyzed qualitatively through reduction and display of data, and make conclusions. The results showed that CCTT learning model was successfully applied in Class XII IPA 2, which is seen from the average of scores in answering other groups questions by 5,50, which means that each group answered 6 correct answers in each round. The application of this learning model has triggered biology learning activities of students, which can be seen that 25 students involved in learning, with average achievement of sub-indicators of learning activities up to 83.33% in the very active category. The results confirmed that CCTT learning model has a good impact on learning activities and was appropriate applied to triggered students learning activities in subject of biology. Keywoards: CCTT Learning Model, Learning Activities, Biology Abstrak : Pembelajaran biologi dalam penerapannya kerap tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan. Masalah yang muncul ialah aktivitas siswa yang rendah karena tidak semua siswa ikut serta dalam pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran couple card teams tournament (CCTT) dikembangan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, sehingga setiap siswa terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui dampak penerapan model pembelajaran CCTT terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XII IPA 2 SMA Negeri 1 Merlung Tanjung Jabung Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 30 orang siswa kelas XII IPA 2 tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui metode pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif melalui tahapan reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran CCTT berhasil diterapkan di kelas XII IPA 2, yang terlihat dari rata-rata capaian nilai siswa dalam menjawab pertanyan kelompok lain sebesar 5,50 yang artinya rata-rata setiap kelompok menjawab 6 jawaban benar dalam setiap putaran. Penerapan model pembelajaran CCTT dapat memicu aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XII IPA 2 pada mata pelajaran biologi, yang terlihat dari rata-rata 25 siswa terlibat dalam aktivitas pembelajaran, dengan rata-rata capaian sub-indikator aktivitas belajar hingga 83,33% dalam kategori sangat aktif. Hasil tersebut menegaskan bahwa model pembelajaran CCTT sangat baik diterapkan untuk memicu aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran biologi. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran CCTT, aktivitas belajar, pembelajaran biologi
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Özet Nowadays, children learn a lot from games, in other word these games have a constructive and educative aspect. There has been a progress in science and technology and this progress changes the people’s way of living. This development and progress also change the teaching and learning method. According to these changes, a new generation of educational tools has been designed to help the student to learn in a modern method. In general, the games are used as effective educational tools for enhancing the learning and comprehension of complex issues. The purpose of this research is the efficiency of educational games on mathematics learning of second elementary students of Tehran. This study adapted descriptive-survey method and collect data by questionnaire. Statistical population of this study is the female second student of Tehran elementary schools. 30 students have been selected as sample. These 30 students were divided into two groups of 15, one group is experiment group and the other is the control group. SPSS software was used to analyze data. Results showed that the educational games influence the motivation and mathematics learning of female second elementary students and enhance their intelligence quotient (IQ).
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Excitement about learning from computer-based games has been papable in recent years and has led to the development of many educational games. However, there are relatively few sound empirical studes in the scientific literature that have shown the benefits of learning mathematics from games as opposed to more traditional approaches. The empirical study reported in this paper provides evidence that a mathematics educational game can provide superior learning opportunities, as well as be more engaging. In a study involving 153 students from two middle schools, 70 students learned about decimals from playing an educational game-Decimal Point-whereas 83 students learned the same content by a more conventional, computer-based approach. The game led to significantly better gain scores in solving decimal problems, on both an immediate (d = .43) and delayed (d = .37) posttest and was rated as significantly more enjoyable (d = .95). Low prior knowledge students especially benefitted from the game. This paper also summarizes the game's design characteristics.
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Although the climate is changing, there remains considerable resistance to the use of games in the classroom, especially to commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) games. The potential value of computer and video games for learning seems high (Mitchell & Savill-Smith, 2004), but the body of in-class research on the use of games is still small - partly because studying learning through games in the classroom still meets with considerable resistance. One way of changing this is by connecting games with accepted pedagogy. This paper proposes to explain how existing game design coincides with two of the most prominent learning theories to come out of the last generation: Gagné's Conditions for Learning (Gagné, 1985); and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983). Game pedagogy is sound but often unrecognized: good games already possess the major components necessary to meet the needs for sound instruction as outlined by both Gagné and Gardner. Gagné's theory stipulates that there are several different types or levels of learning, implying that each type also requires a different approach to instruction. While there is a fair degree of overlap between Gagné's approach and Gardner's, there are still sufficient distinctions to warrant separate treatment. Gardner provides a somewhat more accessible classification based on social interactions and culture, while Gagné focuses on cognitive constructs. Gagné's categories of learning are: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes, which are embodied in his well-known "Nine
Serious games are typically used in higher education for economical, production-oriented, or human resource-related qualifications. They are useful tools for analyzing business-related communication, processes and correlations by reducing complicated, real company problems into substantial parts. The innovative nature of serious games refers to their field of application in education and training in combination with new learning locations or media. While the advantages of serious games are well known and acknowledged by the scientific community, there are very few methods of making game results measurable. In addition, there are only a few findings about general conditions required to support learning and high-quality results of serious games. Thus, the paper provides a survey to evaluate a self-developed serious game in engineering education. Based on the analyses of questionnaires (N = 230) and half-standard observations (N = 68), the learning effects and game experiences of participants were measured. The paper presents results of the analysis of the collected data, which show insights of game-based learning and factors influencing game flow and atmosphere. One of most important results of the analysis is that the learning of the participants and the game atmosphere is significantly connected with gender and professional background of the participants. Additionally, circumstances and design elements that support learning outcome, participant perception and success of the simulation game have been identified.
With the continued application of gaming for training and education, which has seen exponential growth over the past two decades, this book offers an insightful introduction to the current developments and applications of game technologies within educational settings, with cutting-edge academic research and industry insights, providing a greater understanding into current and future developments and advances within this field.Following on from the success of the first volume in 2011, researchers from around the world presents up-to-date research on a broad range of new and emerging topics such as serious games and emotion, games for music education and games for medical training, to gamification, bespoke serious games, and adaptation of commercial off-the shelf games for education and narrative design, giving readers a thorough understanding of the advances and current issues facing developers and designers regarding games for training and education. This second volume of Serious Games and Edutainment Applications offers further insights for researchers, designers and educators who are interested in using serious games for training and educational purposes, and gives game developers with detailed information on current topics and developments within this growing area.
The effects of learning styles and meaningful learning on the learning achievement of gamification health education curriculum
  • W Dick
  • L Carey
  • J O Carey
  • Pearson
  • K K Fan
  • P Xiao
  • Wei
  • C H Su
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. O. (2014). The systematic design of instruction (Sixth edition). Pearson. Fan, K. K., Xiao, P. wei, & Su, C. H. (2015). The effects of learning styles and meaningful learning on the learning achievement of gamification health education curriculum. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 11(5), 1211-1229.