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Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails

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Abstract and Figures

Phishing is one of the most prevalent and expensive types of cybercrime faced by organizations and individuals worldwide. Most prior research has focused on various technical features and traditional representations of text to characterize phishing emails. There is a significant knowledge gap about the qualitative traits embedded in them, which could be useful in a range of phishing mitigation tasks. In this paper, we dissect the structure of phishing emails to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence human decision-making when assessing suspicious emails and identify a novel set of descriptive features. For this, we employ an iterative qualitative coding approach to identify features that are descriptive of the emails. We developed the ``Phishing Codebook'', a structured framework to systematically extract key information from phishing emails, and we apply this codebook to a publicly available dataset of 503 phishing emails collected between 2015 and 2021. We present key observations and challenges related to phishing attacks delivered indirectly through legitimate services, the challenge of recurring and long-lasting scams, and the variations within campaigns used by attackers to bypass rule-based filters. Furthermore, we provide two use cases to show how the Phishing Codebook is useful in identifying similar phishing emails and in creating well-tailored responses to end-users. We share the Phishing Codebook and the annotated benchmark dataset to help researchers have a better understanding of phishing emails.
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Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization
of Phishing Emails
Preprint,compiled August 20, 2024
Tarini Saka
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Rachiyta Jain
Kami Vaniea
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada
Nadin Kökciyan
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Phishing is one of the most prevalent and expensive types of cybercrime faced by organizations and individuals
worldwide. Most prior research has focused on various technical features and traditional representations of
text to characterize phishing emails. There is a significant knowledge gap about the qualitative traits embedded
in them, which could be useful in a range of phishing mitigation tasks. In this paper, we dissect the structure
of phishing emails to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence human decision-making when
assessing suspicious emails and identify a novel set of descriptive features. For this, we employ an iterative
qualitative coding approach to identify features that are descriptive of the emails. We developed the “Phishing
Codebook”, a structured framework to systematically extract key information from phishing emails, and we
apply this codebook to a publicly available dataset of 503 phishing emails collected between 2015 and 2021.
We present key observations and challenges related to phishing attacks delivered indirectly through legitimate
services, the challenge of recurring and long-lasting scams, and the variations within campaigns used by attackers
to bypass rule-based filters. Furthermore, we provide two use cases to show how the Phishing Codebook is
useful in identifying similar phishing emails and in creating well-tailored responses to end-users. We share the
Phishing Codebook and the annotated benchmark dataset to help researchers have a better understanding of
phishing emails.
Keywords Phishing
Phishing Campaigns
User Guidance
Email Security ·Qualitative Study ·Codebook
1 Introduction
Phishing is a type of cyberattack in which criminals impersonate
legitimate organizations and send messages via email or other
means to get the user to perform an action against their best
interest, such as providing sensitive login information. Phishing
is one of the most common and disruptive cyberattacks faced
by organizations [
] and is one of the four major entry
points into an organization [
]. According to the IBM Security
X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2023, phishing is the leading
infection vector for security breaches, identified in 41% of the in-
cidents [
]. The credentials obtained through phishing are often
used to launch more damaging attacks such as ransomware or
privilege escalation. Phishing attacks often result in significant
financial and reputation damage to organizations and individuals
alike. Given the low operational cost and high potential rewards,
phishing attacks are becoming increasingly popular, causing a
massive burden on organizations and security researchers.
Owing to advances in machine learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI), technological defenses are becoming more
eective at automatically identifying and blocking malicious
content [
]. However, attackers are constantly creating new,
highly sophisticated, and personalized attacks, which makes rely-
ing solely on detection techniques insucient. As a result, users
continue to encounter phishing emails in their mailboxes. These
emails manage to bypass email filters and security scans, making
them even more challenging to mitigate. Phishing emails often
use various tricks to disguise their true source, such as vaguely
stating that the email is from “IT Services” with the implica-
tion that the email is from the user’s organization. Additionally,
an email can be visually formatted to imply an email’s source
without ever naming the impersonated organization. These tac-
tics can deceive most humans and also obfuscate the implied
email source from computers. However, end users with security
expertise can often identify and report these emails by analyz-
ing a combination of technical (URLs and Sender information)
and descriptive features (Threats and Cues). This is due to the
dierence in how humans and computers perceive and process
emails. It is currently unclear how organizations could leverage
the strengths of both humans and computers to combat phishing
We focus on combining ML algorithms with human expertise
to create a hybrid defense system. While technical aspects of
phishing emails have been thoroughly studied and automated,
descriptive aspects are still under-explored and hardly automated.
Integrating qualitative user-perspective features into phishing
email detection models could also enhance the explainability of
ML algorithms by aligning the model’s decision-making pro-
cess with human-recognizable patterns. To develop an eective
hybrid defense system, we need a structured representation of
qualitative features in phishing emails that influence human
arXiv:2408.08967v1 [cs.CR] 16 Aug 2024
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 2
decision-making when assessing potentially malicious emails.
For this, we conduct an iterative qualitative analysis of a publicly
available set of phishing emails to introduce the Phishing Code-
book, a set of high-level descriptive features in phishing emails.
In addition, we explore how the codebook can be utilized in two
phishing mitigation tasks: (A) identifying phishing campaigns,
and (B) providing guidance/education to users. The former often
involves grouping similar emails based on the underlying fraud,
making them easier and faster to process by IT sta[
], or
identifying common origins [
]. The latter ensures that
any malicious emails in mailboxes are reported, preventing the
attack from escalating into a data breach within the organization.
In this paper, we apply our Phishing Codebook to a dataset
of 503 publicly accessible emails collected over a period of
seven years and release this benchmark dataset for future re-
. We analyze this dataset to provide an in-depth analysis
of emerging patterns and challenges observed in phishing emails
individually and also in a group (i.e. campaigns). To address
the two mitigation tasks mentioned above, we illustrate how the
qualitative features can be beneficial to group phishing emails,
and discuss how they can be used to provide better guidance
to end-users. In summary, our paper addresses the following
research questions:
What qualitative attributes can we observe in phishing
email text that replicate human perception?
To what extent do these qualitative attributes help in
identifying phishing email campaigns?
What kind of observations or challenges emerge from
a study of phishing email content?
The primary outcome of this study is the Phishing Codebook,
as described in Section 4, along with the results derived from
the coded dataset. Section 5outlines the various observations
and challenges posed by phishing emails, highlighting the im-
proper use of legitimate services to trick users, the persistence
of recurring scams that are dicult to detect over time, and the
challenges arising from the variability within campaign emails.
Furthermore, we discuss the application of the Codebook in
two distinct use cases: campaign detection and user guidance
(Section 6). Section 7provides a summary of our findings and
limitations, and we conclude with Section 8to discuss our future
2 Background
The main focus in existing phishing literature is the automatic
detection of phishing attacks. Khonji et al. [
] analyze exist-
ing work on the detection of phishing attacks and provide a
high-level overview of various categories of phishing mitigation
techniques: blacklists, rule-based heuristics, visual similarity,
and machine-learning-based classifiers. Based on their analy-
sis, ML-based detection techniques achieve high classification
accuracy for analyzing similar data parts to those of rule-based
heuristic techniques [
]. Fette et al. [
] develop a support
vector machine-based algorithm, called PILFER, to classify an
instance as phishing or not using a set of ten binary and continu-
ous numeric features. Smadi et al. [
] provide a reinforcement-
learning-based solution to detect phishing emails. Muralidharan
1We will share the dataset link upon publication.
and Nissim [
] present a fully automated malicious email de-
tection framework that uses deep learning methods to analyze all
segments of the email (body, header, and attachments). Although
these algorithms show promising results, one cannot expect that
a system could provide 100% accuracy. Consequently, users still
receive many phishing emails in their inboxes. The presence
of an active and adaptive adversary is the primary reason that
phishing attacks remain prevalent despite eorts to stop them.
Hence, dedicated eorts are required to deal with undetected
phishing emails that reach the inboxes of end-users, block mass
attacks, and provide timely response/advice to users.
2.1 Grouping Similar Phishing Emails
One of the most eective phishing mitigation techniques is
identifying phishing campaigns and taking down the phishing
resources [
]. This is often achieved by reporting attacks to
Internet Service Providers or IT Security teams. The identifi-
cation of phishing email campaigns remains an under-explored
research area because of the lack of consistency in the charac-
terization of campaigns. Identifying phishing campaigns is very
useful because an organization can promptly delete and blacklist
all instances immediately after detecting a single element by
accurately identifying all emails linked to a particular phish-
ing campaign. Such techniques have been previously utilized
to identify spam campaigns [
] and phishing website
campaigns [
], and have proven to be eective tools in
combating cybercrime.
There are several use-cases for grouping a set of similar phish-
ing emails. For example, Xie et al. [
] identify spam email
campaigns to identify and take down spam botnets. Similarly,
Calais Guerra et al. [
] present Spam Miner, an online system
designed for real-time monitoring and characterization of spam
trac over the Internet. Their system was used by the Brazilian
Network Information Center and it mined more than 350 million
spam messages, detecting meaningful clusters and patterns, and
helping the organization to better understand the spam problem.
In [
] and [
], the authors show that grouping similar emails
could assist computing support teams in managing the high vol-
ume of phishing reports that follow a large attack against an
organization. Another common application of email grouping
is authorship attribution [
], [
]. These works use author-
ship attribution techniques to profile dierent attack behaviors
that match oenders or a crime group and provide a consistent
method to track groups over time, even if some characteristics of
the emails change. In each of the above studies, researchers had
dierent motivations but the common goal was to find meaning-
ful clusters or groups of phishing emails. However, these groups
might not necessarily be actual campaigns. We will be using the
following definitions throughout the paper.
Phishing email scam: Broadly, this refers to the hoax
that the phishing email contains. Examples include
package delivery and bank account scams.
Phishing email campaign: A large number of emails
sent by a common source as part of a single attack.
Member emails share common characteristics like the
underlying scam, the malicious element (URL or at-
tachment), organization named and so on. However,
the range of variation and commonalities among emails
dier from campaign to campaign.
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 3
Phishing email cluster: A group of phishing emails
that exhibit notable similarities or patterns, regardless
of their source or origin. For instance, emails based
on the same template or kit need not be from the same
2.2 ML-based Representation of Phishing Emails
One of the key steps in automated phishing techniques is defin-
ing a structured representation of phishing emails. The appro-
priate feature set would require consideration of all parts of the
emails such as the email header,email body,attachments, and
URLs included in the email body [
]. Of these, the body text
is particularly important for campaign detection and user guid-
ance as it provides the context for the email. Several studies have
demonstrated the eciency of using email body text to enhance
the performance of phishing classifiers [
]. How-
ever, the highly unstructured nature of email body text and the
significant variation in language, grammar, and layout present
significant challenges for machine interpretation. Traditional
ways to represent the email body text primarily used syntactic
and linguistic features of the text [
], but these fail to
fully encapsulate the context of an email. More recently, re-
searchers have turned to advanced natural language processing
(NLP) and large language models to better represent the con-
textual nature of email body text [
]. These methods
oer a more nuanced understanding of the text, enabling a more
eective classification of phishing emails or identification of
campaigns, which may change significantly over time. How-
ever, the feature set required to identify a campaign or design
response should be descriptive of the context. There is potential
for using qualitative features that we could learn from humans
that are descriptive of the email rather than quantitative ones.
2.3 Human-centric Representation of Phishing Emails
Humans play a crucial role in the phishing ecosystem and act
as the last line of defense against phishing attacks. Depending
on the level of technical expertise, some users can spot even
the most sophisticated and well-crafted attacks. This can be
attributed to the intricate cognitive processes that humans go
through when evaluating an email. Wash et al. [
] present
evidence that humans read and judge emails in a very dierent
way, using dierent knowledge and capabilities, than almost
all of the technical filters. Through a survey of 297 non-expert
participants, they show that the most common aspect noticed by
people was that the email included a request for an action (76%).
This corresponds to their finding that requests for actions (action
links) were important triggers even for experts [
]. The second
most commonly noticed aspect of an email was ‘what the email
was about’, with 52% of respondents noticing this. Although
such aspects play a crucial role in the human cognitive process,
they are not commonly used in phishing filters or campaign
detectors, and when they are, they are often limited in scope
by language issues [
]. Although they are harder to extract,
we argue that utilizing such aspects as features can significantly
improve the performance of campaign detection algorithms.
We attempt to define a robust set of human-facing features by
creating the Phishing Codebook.
The Phishing Codebook, while serving as an information extrac-
tion framework, resembles a taxonomy. Aleroud and Zhou [
propose a phishing attack taxonomy comprising four dimen-
sions: Communication Media, Target Environments, Attack
Techniques, and Countermeasures. Although ‘Email Phishing’
is included as a type of communication media in the taxonomy,
it lacks detailed information and does not explore the structure
of the email. Similarly, Gupta et al. [
] present a taxonomy
focusing on two types of attacks: Social Engineering and Tech-
nical Subterfuge. Under social engineering, they define email
spoofing. However, in their taxonomy, email phishing attacks
are classified into two categories: spear-phishing and whaling.
This is insucient to represent the full landscape of email-based
phishing attacks and the various tactics used. Rastenis et al. [
propose a taxonomy specifically for email-based phishing at-
tacks, consisting of six phases, and adapted it as a notation for
an incident management system. The second stage is ‘E-mail
content creation’, which contains four criteria: email presen-
tation; text generation strategy; email text creator type; and
email text personalization level. Although their taxonomy is
comprehensive, it focuses on the overall journey of a phishing
email, with limited qualitative and descriptive features identified.
Singh et al. [
] identified features that make phishing emails
hard to detect: sender mismatch, request for credentials, urgency,
oers, suspicious subjects, and link mismatches. Each feature
had a binary result (present or not). Their study highlights the
need for targeted training on these deceptive tactics. Another
important study is the PhishScale [
], which was developed
by NIST to measure the click rate of phishing simulation based
on the complexity of phishing emails. Although there are sim-
ilarities in the features used, reflecting common literature and
experience, our Phishing Codebook focuses on modeling the
context of phishing emails for practical use. While PhishScale
provides a wide range of features, it was designed for manual
use as many of the features cannot currently be automated based
on current research. The Phishing Codebook prioritizes features
that replicate human thought processes and could potentially be
2.4 Automatic Response to Users
It is important to provide timely and suitable guidance to users to
keep them safe from phishing attacks, which often use urgent or
threatening language to trick users into taking dangerous actions.
NCSC recommends that employers train their employees to
identify and report suspected phishing emails as part of a multi-
layered approach to security [
]. Crowd-sourced phishing re-
porting provides fast detection, small operational overhead, and
sustained employee reporting activity [
]. However, employee
training is often provided up-front [
] or after an employee
falls for mock phishing [
] and is not always eective at the
moment. Zhuo et al. [
] propose a three-stage Phishing Suscep-
tibility Model (PSM), which covers three temporal stages that
explain human vulnerability to phishing attacks. One of their
key findings is the research gap around in-the-moment assis-
tant tool eectiveness. To address this issue, Jenkins et al. [
propose a design for a novel phishing-advice tool, PhishEd, to
provide quick and accurate support to those who report phishing
attempts. They propose the use of various contextual features,
URLs, and email headers to craft appropriate responses and
support users in making informed decisions. By understanding
the qualitative features that experts use, we can provide better
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 4
responses to end-users and support them in making informed
3 Qualitative Analysis of Phishing Emails
Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that involves col-
lecting and analyzing non-numerical data, such as text, au-
dio, or video, to gain insights into concepts, opinions, or ex-
periences [
]. It has been used in various fields, including
medicine [
], social sciences [
], and usable security [
and has led to valuable contributions to our understanding of
many real-world problems. In this study, we employ the ap-
proach of qualitative coding to minimize the subjectivity in
human judgment and create a structured representation of phish-
ing emails that is likely to be reproducible by other researchers.
Through an iterative coding process, we analyzed a dataset of
phishing emails and identified important attributes in email texts
that humans would naturally observe. In this section, we out-
line the methodology used in this study. First, we establish a
systematic framework for extracting critical information from
phishing emails, enabling us to create a structured consistent
representation of their content. Second, we build an annotated
dataset that captures the qualitative characteristics of phishing
emails, which can provide valuable insights into the strategies
employed by malicious actors and contribute to the development
of eective countermeasures to combat phishing.
3.1 Dataset
We use the Nazario Phishing Dataset [
], a publicly avail-
able collection of hand-screened phishing messages collected
by Jose Nazario from his personal inbox. It is the most well-
known phishing email dataset available and has been previously
used in multiple works for phishing detection and classifica-
tion [
]. While not necessarily representative of what
other users might encounter, we consider this a suitable dataset
for studying user-oriented aspects for two reasons. First, it
is publicly available so we can release the annotated bench-
mark dataset publicly. Datasets from organizations or security
providers are often restricted by Non-Disclosure Agreements
(NDAs), preventing public dissemination. Second, this dataset
spans over 7 years (2015 to 2021), allowing us to accommodate
for temporal shifts in phishing attacks and identify reliable fea-
tures applicable to a wide range of emails. All emails collected
in a single year were published in a single collection of email
messages in plain text (i.e., mbox) and were downloaded from
the original site.
Pre-processing. The email files were analyzed using the
module in Python. We extracted all relevant features
and created a spreadsheet for the entire dataset. A unique ID was
assigned to each email, consisting of the year and the index of
the email in the initial dataset (e.g., 2015
001). Any emails with
empty content (
=201) and non-English content (
were removed. The final dataset consisted of 1,688 processed
3.2 Coding Methodology
The qualitative coding process was conducted in two parts. In the
first, exploratory phase, we iteratively developed the phishing
codebook, which was then used for the main coding phase.
3.2.1 Unit of analysis
Codes were applied to the user-visible portion of the email,
rather than just the text passages. Coders ignored the content of
headers beyond what a normal email client would show. This
means that information like DKIM signatures were not consid-
ered, but from and subject were included. Email attachments
were not opened for safety reasons, and to streamline the coding
process. Due to the age of the emails, URLs were not clicked as
most no longer show the original content, and clicking on them
would be unsafe for the coders and slow down the coding pro-
cess. We also want to ensure that the code is ecient and safe for
other coders, especially for researchers who may lack security
knowledge. Note that information like the existence of attach-
ments and the domains of links can be automatically extracted,
and hence were not considered in the manual codebook.
3.2.2 Exploratory phase
Three authors engaged in an iterative coding process compris-
ing five rounds. The primary objective of these rounds was to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the dataset and to re-
fine the coding scheme. The authors included a PhD student in
AI, a master’s student in Law, and a professor with expertise
in human-factors of phishing. The first author identified a 1-2
month period with the maximum email frequency in each year
and randomly sampled emails from this period. This approach
provided a representative sample of phishing emails across dif-
ferent periods and formed our preliminary dataset. The first
round was unstructured, similar to open coding or memoing,
with the authors familiarising themselves with the dataset by
reading through emails, noting interesting features, and consid-
ering suitable coding methods to identify aspects of phishing
emails likely to be readily salient to general users. We reviewed
40 emails from the preliminary dataset and then discussed the
Based on the first round of discussion, we selected a hierarchical
coding method and identified key elements in emails that were
descriptive of the context, consistent with time, and clear for
coding. This included the claimed source, salutation, threatening
or urgent cues, actions, and claimed purpose of the email. The
claimed email source is an important factor when judging phish-
ing but many emails leave it implied (e.g. “your organization” or
“IT Services”) making it hard to code correctly. So we break it
into named organizations, when present, and sectors which were
often easier to discern. Similarly, the requested action is quite
important, particularly when giving users advice, so we broke
it into high-level actions (e.g. “click a link”) and then in-vivo
coded the specific action goal (e.g. “update account”). These
mixes of clear classifications with open-ended in-vivo coding
approaches are meant to make the codes easier for automated
learning while also keeping the human-perspective.
The codebook was then refined by applying it to 40 new emails,
followed by a discussion on any points of disagreement or con-
fusion, leading to further refinement. This iteration was repeated
four times until the codebook stabilized, and the inter-rater relia-
bility showed good agreement. After stabilization a fifth round
was completed, resulting in an average inter-rater reliability of
75 over all the codes. The lead author then manually com-
pared the annotations and identified points of disagreement,
which were then thoroughly discussed. For instance, in one
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 5
email the action was not explicitly stated but implied that the
recipient should call a number. One coder coded it as ‘call’
and another coded it as ‘none’. After discussing this case, we
decided to focus the code on explicitly stated actions as they are
less subjective. We then updated the codebook by either adding
more details to the instructions or including an example. We
followed a similar process for all points of disagreement.
3.2.3 Main coding phase
For the main coding, we created a dataset of 503 phishing emails,
sampled using a frequency-based algorithm. To create a rep-
resentative and diverse subset, we sampled approximately the
same number of phishing emails from each year over the seven-
year span. For each year, we identified the 3-4 month period
with the maximum email frequency and sampled 72 emails from
it. Our sampling choice was based on multiple factors. (1)
We wanted to sample emails from a long time period so as to
identify features that are reliable with the temporal evolution
of phishing, and (2) We wanted to capture some phishing cam-
paigns so we could additionally study them from a qualitative
perspective. High-frequency periods (3-6 months in our study)
increased the chances of capturing campaigns, as previous stud-
ies observed [
]. We prioritized gathering sucient data for
reliable and reproducible feature identification. Due to a smaller
number of emails available from 2020 and 2021, a larger time
frame was used. Table 1provides details on which months were
sampled for each year, the number of emails in those months,
and how many were sampled.
Table 1: Summary of the coded dataset. The year, number of
emails in the year, maximum frequency period, and number of
emails sampled from the year. The identified period in 2020
comprised only 71 emails.
Year Total Max. freq. period Sample Size
2015 307 Oct, Nov, Dec 72
2016 494 Mar, Apr, May 72
2017 325 Jan, Feb, Mar 72
2018 288 Aug, Sep, Oct 72
2019 243 Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 72
2020 158 Jan-Jun 71
2021 101 Jan-Dec 72
3.2.4 Inter-Rater Reliability
The first author coded the entire dataset and the second coder
coded the last 50 emails, representing (10%) of the dataset.
This allowed us to assess inter-coder reliability and monitor any
potential drift. We computed the agreement between the two
coders using Krippendor’s alpha [
] and Cohen’s Kappa [
on each high-level code and calculated the overall average, 0
Krippendor’s alpha and 0
93 Cohen’s Kappa. These chance-
adjusted indices are commonly employed to quantify the level
of agreement among raters. Both coecients have a range from
1 to 1, where a value of 1 signifies perfect agreement.
These agreements are rather high for qualitative data, but make
sense for this use case, as highly salient features were specifically
selected to make a codebook that other researchers could use.
Table 2provides Krippendor’s alpha and Cohen’s Kappa scores
for each high-level code with sub-codes.
Table 2: Inter-Rater Reliability Scores (Cohen’s Kappa and
Krippendor’s Alpha) for each of the high-level codes, where
subcodes were pre-defined.
High-Level Code C. Kappa K. Alpha
From Company Name 0.96 0.96
From Sector 0.94 0.94
Salutation 0.94 0.95
Threatening Language 0.96 0.96
Urgency Cues 0.80 0.80
Action - Generic 0.94 0.94
4 Result -APhishing Codebook
This section presents the main outcome of our qualitative study,
the Phishing Codebook (as summarized in Table 3). We de-
scribe each code, emphasizing its role in email cognition and
the coding criteria. This codebook addresses our first research
question (RQ1), as each of the eight high-level codes described
corresponds to an attribute observed in phishing emails that
replicates the human perspective. Additionally, we provide
an overview of the statistical analysis conducted on the coded
dataset. Table 3summarizes the eight high-level codes defined,
providing a brief explanation of each code along with possible
sub-codes. The codebook facilitates consistent and structured
extraction of crucial information from phishing emails. Further
details and instructions for coders are available in Appendix 8.
Note that normalizing email text and varying email lengths
can be a challenge for machine learning (ML) algorithms. To
address this issue, we incorporate the “Main Topic” and “Action-
Specific” codes in our codebook. These codes are designed to
make the email text uniform, leading to enhanced clarity and
conciseness. They can enhance the performance of various ML
techniques that use textual features, such as topic models and
text embeddings. We now explain each of the codes in detail
while providing results from the dataset. Figure 4illustrates the
categorization process of a email using our codebook.
From Company Name. Phishers will often try to
impersonate a real company using approaches that are
easy for humans to interpret but potentially hard for
computers. We code the organization name the email
claims to be from (e.g., ‘Paypal’) based on the sender
address, subject line, or email body text. Only orga-
nization names are coded, and references to named
persons are ignored. If the email claims to be from the
user’s organization without naming it, such as claiming
to be from HR but not stating the organization name,
we code it as simply ‘organization. If the email makes
no claim about who it is from, or the coder cannot infer
a specific organization name, then it is coded ‘none.
Results from the dataset: 74 distinct organization
names were found in the email dataset. The major-
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 6
Table 3: The Phishing Codebook. This table provides a summary of the final codebook developed, the eight high-level codes, a
brief explanation of each, and predefined sub-codes.
High-Level Code Explanation Sub-Codes
From Company Name Name of the organization being impersonated [in-vivo], organization, none
From Sector Type of sector the email claims to be from
financial, email, document share,
logistics, shopping, service provider,
security, government, unknown
Salutation Type of salutation used to address the recipient name, email, generic, none
Threatening language Presence of threatening language, tone threat, none
Urgency Cues Presence of time pressure or urgency cues urgent, none
Action Generic The action being prompted in the email click, download, reply/email, call, other, none
Action Specific The reason provided to perform an action in vivo coding
Main Topic Main purpose of the email in vivo coding
ity of emails (27.43%) had no definitive organization
name. The top four organization names were; ‘mon-
key’ (18.09%), ‘USAA (8.75%), ‘Paypal’ (6.16%),
and ‘WeTransfer’ (2.98%). Followed by ‘organization’
(2.78%) where no specific organization was named.
The email provider that Nazario used to collect the
phishing emails is ‘’ which is why it is so
common, phishers often name the email domain in
From Sector. Even if the organization is unnamed,
a sector is often implied with the hope that the human
will fill in the details. For example, claiming that a
package needs a fee for delivery without naming the
delivery company. We chose nine sub-codes based
on our observation: ‘financial’, ‘email’, ‘document
share’, ‘logistics’, ‘shopping’, ‘service provider’, ‘se-
curity’, ‘government’, and ‘unknown’. If a company is
involved in several dierent types of sectors, we code
for the sector that the email content refers to. If the
coder could not infer a sector, then we code ‘unknown’.
Later applications of this codebook may need to add
additional sectors depending on their corpus.
Results from the dataset: The most common sector was
‘email’ (45.13%) which claim to be from the user’s
email provider. The second most common was ‘finan-
cial’ (30.02%), which included emails regarding banks
and credit cards. 30 emails (5.97%) were coded as
Compromising email inboxes is highly valuable [
and often the first step to a larger compromise. In large
organizations, an email password is often also used
for other organization access, such as with Microsoft
365 services. Compromising an email account allows
hackers to conduct internal attacks, such as distributing
malware, launching ransomware attacks, and so on.
Financial services have also historically topped the list
of most impersonated industries in phishing [52,1].
Salutation. The type of salutation used to address the
user. Some organizations like banks claim to always
address the user by name, so phishers sometimes per-
sonalize emails by adding users’ names or emails to
make them seem legitimate [
]. We code if and how
the email addresses the user at the top of the email body
text, such as ‘Dear Jose’ or Attention user. There are
four sub-codes in this high-level code: ‘name’, ‘email’,
‘generic’, and ‘none’.
Results from the dataset: 34.00% of emails had
no salutation, 31.41% had a generic salutation (e.g.
‘dear user’), 21.67% used the user’s email address, and
12.92% used the user’s name.
Threatening Language. Phishers use threatening lan-
guage to scare users and convince them to take ac-
tion [
]. Here, we code whether the email body
text or subject line contains any explicit threatening
language or tone. This includes talking about any nega-
tive consequences or losses of some kind such as ‘your
files will be deleted’. Indirect or implied threats were
excluded. There are two sub-codes: ‘threat’ and ‘none’.
Results from the dataset: 55.67% of emails had no
threatening language and 44.33% contained threatening
Urgency Cues. Phishers use urgency language or cues
to create a sense of urgency or add time pressure to
encourage, or even demand, immediate action in a bid
to fluster the user, a tactic that is known to be eec-
tive [
]. We code if the email message or sub-
ject line contains urgency cues such as time pressures,
deadlines, and expiry dates. There are two sub-codes:
‘urgent’ and ‘none’.
Results from the dataset: 64.81% of the phishing emails
had no urgency cues and 35.19% of the phishing emails
contained urgency cues. An interesting observation
made during the coding was the co-occurrence of threat-
ening language and urgency cues, such as ‘Activation
expires after 24 hours...and your domain
will be blocked’. 142 emails contained both of these
codes. Such instances formed approximately 80% of
emails with urgency cues and 64% with threats.
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 7
Action Generic. Simply opening a phishing email is
rarely dangerous, instead, they ask the user to perform
an action that creates a dangerous situation such as
giving away credentials or downloading malicious code.
Here, we code what actions an email is trying to coax
the user into performing. There are six sub-codes;
‘click’, ‘download’, ‘reply/email’, ‘call’, ‘other’, and
Results from the dataset: The most common action was
‘click’, with 433 emails (86.08%) containing a link the
user is expected to click on. The next most common ac-
tion was ‘download’, with 67 emails (13.32%) asking
the user to download an attachment. Only one email
was coded ‘none’. Upon further analysis, it was ob-
served that this email was meant to scare the user about
a fraudulent transfer and coax them into calling the
number provided in the email, although the email did
not explicitly ask the user to do so. Three emails had
‘other’ actions. In all three cases, the user was asked
to copy and paste a link or address. Seven emails had
multiple actions.
Action - Specific. The Action - Specific code looks at
the specific action requested of the user and provides a
view into what the user is being asked to accomplish
through that action. Since the range of potential spe-
cific actions is quite large and the language used can be
quite important, we chose to use in vivo coding where
the researcher uses words from the email to summarize
the requested action. For example ‘to verify password’.
Results from the dataset: The 5 most common action-
phrases were ‘verify account’ (15), ‘update account’
(12), ‘proceed email update’ (9), ‘get files’ (9), and
‘sign account update personal information’ (6) The
most frequent terms found across all specific action
phrases were ‘account’ (142), ‘update’ (90), ‘email’
(59), ‘verify’ (46), ‘view’ (46), ‘upgrade’ (39), ‘con-
firm’ (36), ‘attached’ (34), ‘information’ (31), and
‘messages’ (23).
Main Topic. This code is used to define the main
purpose of the email. We again used in vivo coding
as the topics are quite varied. This code addresses a
concern highlighted in previous research [
] and
our own observations in the data, that the varying sizes
of emails (short vs. long) and excessive overlap in
text and wording can confuse Machine Learning (ML)
Results from the dataset: The 5 most common topic-
phrases were ‘passwords expiring soon’ (14), ‘pending
incoming emails’ (13), ‘received files via WeTransfer’
(10), ‘monthly account estatements’ (9), and ‘mail-
boxes almost full’ (5). The most frequent terms found
across all topics were “account" (135), “email" (56),
“incoming" (52), “pending" (45), “new" (43), “pass-
word" (31), “emails" (29), “received" (28), “soon" (27),
and “security" (26). Overall, the results show that the
most common phishing scams are regarding the users’
email accounts, passwords, and incoming communica-
Figure 1: A example WeTransfer email.
Table 4: Coded output of the email.
Information Type Email
From-Sector document sharing
Action-Generic click
Threat none
Urgency Cues none
From-Company WeTransfer
Main Topic received a files
via WeTransfer
Action Specific Get your files
4.1 Application of the Codebook on an Independent Dataset
We applied the Phishing Codebook to a dierent dataset to deter-
mine whether it can be generalized to other organizations. The
new dataset was collected from one department in a university in
the United Kingdom. Students and stawere invited to “donate”
phishing emails they received by forwarding them to a research
inbox. We selected 50 recent phishing emails forwarded by ten
individuals from the period of November 2023 to May 2024 for
analysis. The first author meticulously coded the entire set, and
the third author subsequently reviewed all the codes, flagging
any disagreements. These disagreements were then thoroughly
discussed and resolved.
Overall, we found that the Phishing codebook worked well on
the new dataset. The proposed high-level codes and sub-codes
were easily adaptable, except for ‘From-Sector’ where one new
sub-code had to be added: ‘individual’. This refers to the emails
sent from an individual oering a large sum of money as part of
a charity, similar to the commonly observed Nigerian prince or
419 scam. Phishing emails collected from dierent sources will
likely require some additions to the sub-codes of the proposed
codebook, particularly for the ‘From-Sector’. The ‘individual’
sector was the most frequently observed sector in this dataset.
This is an interesting finding because emails from individuals
typically contain only text and fewer detectable components,
such as URLs. The most common action observed was ‘click,’
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 8
consistent with findings from the Nazario set. A notable dif-
ference was that ‘Reply/Email’ was the second most common
prompted action, as opposed to ’Download’ in the Nazario set.
This could suggest that emails with attachments are better fil-
tered out in the university, and the act of replying, which is
commonly requested even in benign emails, is being used. The
flexibility and adaptability of the proposed codebook make it
generalizable across various contexts and organizations. Despite
the need for minor adjustments, the primary framework remains
intact and eective. This demonstrates that our codebook can
eciently categorize and analyze phishing attempts across dif-
ferent domains, maintaining its relevance and accuracy.
5 Observations and Challenges
This section presents some interesting observations about phish-
ing attacks that emerged during the coding process, aimed at
addressing our third research question (RQ3). Additionally,
we discuss some challenges often posed by phishing attacks
and campaigns. Understanding such phishing trends can help
design better detection algorithms, improve real-time monitor-
ing, recognize phishing email templates matching known trends,
and develop adaptive security measures that evolve to counter
evolving phishing techniques.
5.1 Improper Use of Legitimate Services
Certain phishing attacks are delivered indirectly by routing them
through authentic sources that send emails. For example, mali-
cious documents can be shared through real file-sharing appli-
cations, commenting malicious links on real social media posts,
and so on. These applications send notifications to users via
email. Hence, the email appears to originate from a genuine and
reputable organization, but it carries a concealed malicious ele-
ment. The coders were asked to flag any such indirect phishing
attacks for further analysis, resulting in nine emails identified.
Subsequently, the lead researcher conducted a manual examina-
tion of the original .eml files for these emails. All nine emails
belonged to the document-sharing sector. Of these, two were
found to be real emails from legitimate sources (WeTransfer
and DocuSign), but they likely lead the user to a malicious
Emails of this type, which misuse legitimate services, pose a
complex security challenge. The emails themselves are real
and devoid of any overtly malicious attributes or elements that
security filters typically detect. They contain legitimate URL
domains and sender addresses, IP addresses, and certifications.
Consequently, we must depend on end-users to identify and
report them, which requires educating users about such attacks
5.2 Recurring and Long-lasting Scams
Despite using the same language and sharing similar wording
and layout, similar scams reappear over multiple years. Ex-
isting detection algorithms have failed to filter them out. The
WeTransfer scam is a good example to discuss in detail to show
why detecting scams is challenging. This scam impersonates
WeTransfer, a widely used file-sharing service. Attackers send
well-crafted emails to trick users into downloading harmful files
instead of the expected shared content. WeTransfer scams could
be categorized into two types: spoofed to appear to be from
WeTransfer but links lead elsewhere, and legitimate emails from
WeTransfer with an authentic link but presumably malicious
content in the linked file. Section 5.1 shows that the latter is
harder to automatically filter out due to the legitimate nature of
the email.
In our dataset, we identified 15 WeTransfer scam emails oc-
curring every year from 2017 to 2021. Only one email had an
attachment to download; the rest contained a link for the user to
click to “get their files”. We analyzed each of these 15 emails
in detail. Firstly, 6 of the 15 emails had the sender address
domain, which is the real domain of WeTrans-
fer. Domain spoofing is a common obfuscation tactic used to
fool users [
]. The remaining emails had all dierent domains.
With respect to URLs, one email had WeTransfer’s real domain.
This email with the real WeTransfer URL and the sender domain
was likely a legitimate file-share email leading to a malicious
document (see Section 5.1). Two emails shared a common top-
level domain (, a web hosting platform) in their URLs,
but had dierent specific URLs and sender addresses.
While we cannot definitively confirm whether these emails orig-
inated from the same source or belong to a single campaign,
they are certainly similar enough for a detection algorithm to
filter them. Such recurrent scams can be attributed to the grow-
ing availability of phishing kits. These o-the-shelf tools allow
even non-technical criminals to spin up a phishing campaign
and provide fully hosted, phishing as a service. Commonly em-
ployed defensive techniques, such as domain blacklisting and
URL checkers, prove ineective when attackers resort to tactics
like spoofed domains, redirects, utilization of third-party web
hosts, and the continual alteration of URLs. In light of these
challenges, our study emphasizes the significance of integrating
qualitative attributes, including the company name, the topic of
communication, and the specific action requested, in conjunction
with domain checks.
5.3 Variation within Campaigns
During our coding process, we observed several similarities and
variations within emails that potentially belong to the same cam-
paign (similar emails sent within a short time span). This finding
aligns with previous research, that attackers often send similar
emails in bulk [
], but often induce minor variations
or obfuscations to bypass rule-based filters [
]. We
observed a wide range of variations in technical, visual, and
textual aspects.
For instance, two emails sent from a ‘Mail Administrator’, sent
two days apart, were compared and found to be visually identical,
sharing similar subject lines, ‘error codes’, and consistent gram-
matical errors (as depicted in Figure 2). However, upon closer
inspection, we noticed subtle variations in the subject line (e.g.,
‘Iimited’ and ‘Limited’) and dierent sender addresses. Further-
more, although the visible URLs in both emails appear identical,
the embedded links reveal discrepancies even though they share
a common top-level domain. Blocking the phishing URL and
sender email are standard responses to phishing attacks. The
high level of similarities and short time span between the emails
indicate that they could belong to the same campaign. However,
the technical disparities pose a formidable challenge for con-
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 9
ventional grouping algorithms that use blacklists and rule-based
In another instance, we examined three ‘New Payee’ emails
sent over two weeks, with two of them only two days apart.
Two of these emails (Figure 3b and Figure 3c) were visually
and textually identical, but also closely resemble the content
of the first (Figure 3a). Despite claiming to be from dierent
financial institutions (Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, and Bank of
America), they share a common narrative about adding a new
payee to the bill pay service. While each had distinct sender ad-
dresses and domains, one had an attachment, and the others had
URLs with dierent domains. Although the subject lines were
similar, they were not identical. Notably, the latter pair’s close
content match and timing suggest they may be part of the same
campaign. However, dierences in impersonated organizations,
sender addresses, and URL domains pose challenges.
6 Applications of the Phishing Codebook
In this section, we will demonstrate the practical application
of the proposed Phishing Codebook for two essential phishing
mitigation tasks. These tasks are specifically designed to sup-
port two dierent user groups. Firstly, we will illustrate how
the codebook’s output can be used to identify similar phishing
emails, likely from the same campaign. This can significantly
enhance the IT sta’s ability to manage reported phishing in-
cidents eciently. Secondly, we will discuss how the coded
representation of the email can be used to create well-tailored
responses to end-users and provide them with guidance on how
to respond appropriately.
6.1 Campaign identification
To demonstrate the significance of using qualitative features
to identify phishing campaigns (RQ2), we conducted a multi-
criteria classification experiment. The proposed classification
approach is based on a small number of criteria, making it sim-
ple and ecient to implement, and thus useful for organizations
that have limited resources for email security. Additionally, the
classification approach can be easily adapted and extended to in-
corporate additional technical or qualitative features, to improve
the accuracy. In Section 5.3, we show how phishers employ a
range of obfuscation techniques to bypass email filters including
minor variations in subject lines, sender addresses and domains,
URLs, and organization names. Combining both qualitative
and quantitative features from emails can considerably enhance
the detection outcomes. For the purpose of this demonstration,
we used five high-level codes and exact match criteria to group
emails. In a larger experiment, we suggest researchers utilize
the codes and matching criteria that they find most suitable for
their specific domain and use-case.
6.1.1 Multi-layer Clustering in Four Steps
We followed a systematic approach that consisted of four steps
to obtain clusters of similar emails and was done automatically
Python Dataframes
, making it easy to replicate. Step 1:
All emails are initially grouped into a single cluster, then seg-
regated into sub-clusters based on the ‘From-Sector’. This is
because emails within a campaign, despite variations, share a
common origin sector. For instance, two emails from dierent
sectors like ‘financial’ and ‘email’ would not belong to the same
campaign. Step 2: The clusters are further divided based on the
Action-Generic’ code, as emails part of a single attack usually
have the same attack vector. Step 3: The obtained clusters are di-
vided based on the impersonated organization’s name. Although
in the previous section, we discussed possible campaigns with
dierent organization names, it is still a discriminating factor
in identifying similar emails. This resulted in a total of 104
clusters. Out of these, 36 contained more than one email and
14 clusters had more than 5 emails. If we exclude the singleton
clusters, the mean cluster size is 11.25, and the median is 4.00.
It is important to note that singleton clusters are very common
in campaign research. Step 4: We divide the clusters based
on the ‘Main Topic’ and ‘Action-Specific’ codes. These codes
summarize the main ‘what’ and ‘why’ of the phishing email,
and hence are very important to identify campaigns. For the
sake of this illustration, we used an exact phrase match to divide
the clusters. Since these are open-ended codes with many possi-
ble variations, this matching criteria is very specific, and more
advanced alternatives like topic models, Levenshtein distance
(or edit distance), or contextual similarity could be used.
6.1.2 Analysis of clusters
We pick five clusters from the resultant clusters and manually
analyze them in detail. The summary of these results is pre-
sented in Table 5. These findings illustrate how incorporating
qualitative attributes enables us to identify patterns and simi-
larities among phishing emails within a given campaign, even
when technical features such as URLs or header features vary.
Remarkably, three of the ve clusters identified occurred over
multiple years, yet existing detection algorithms failed to filter
them out despite being in the same language and sharing similar
wording and layout. Visually, all emails within a cluster were
nearly identical with minor dierences. Furthermore, we calcu-
lated the average pairwise Levenshtein Distance [
] between
all subject lines, as this method is commonly used to quantify
similarities between text. The distance between two phrases
is the minimum number of single-character edits required to
change one phrase into the other. The findings indicate that only
one cluster contained emails with identical subject lines, and the
rest had high variation. Another crucial observation was the ex-
istence of multiple usernames and domains in the From headers
and URLs within a cluster. Although URL-based features are
frequently used for phishing campaign detection, emails within
the same campaign can exhibit variations in these aspects. It is
important to highlight that our proposed codes not only enhance
campaign identification but also have the potential to improve
the explainability of the algorithms and resultant clusters. By
providing a clear set of characteristics that define each cluster, as
shown in Table 5, it becomes easier to explain and interpret the
results. We will not discuss in detail one cluster, emails claiming
to be from the United Services Automobile Association (USAA),
an American financial service.
This cluster of phishing emails claim to be from the United Ser-
vices Automobile Association (USAA), an American financial
services company providing insurance and banking products.
The emails claims that USAA has implemented a ‘new security
safeguard’ and ask the user to sign-on to ‘update personal in-
formation’. As shown in Figure 4, all four emails are an exact
visual and textual match. All four identified emails are from a
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 10
(a) Email Sample 1 (b) Email Sample 2
Figure 2: A comparison of two almost identical phishing emails sent to a user two days apart.
(a) Wells Fargo Email (b) Bank of America Email (c) Chase Bank Email
Figure 3: A comparison of three similar phishing emails sent to a user impersonating three dierent banks.
single year. Two of the emails (Figures 4a and 4b) were sent on
the same day and share the same sender name and email address
but they have dierent URLs. At the time of this study, the
URLs were inactive and hence further analysis was not possible.
The other two emails (Figures 4c and 4d) were sent in the same
month but had dierent sender addresses and URLs. In Table 6,
we provide a comparative analysis of some of the commonly
used machine-readable features. Note that the first IP address are
the same for emails 4a and 4b and emails 4c and 4d. The first IP
address was extracted from the last ‘Received’ header. Received
headers show the path that a message takes from the message
sender to the final recipient. The last one shown should be the
one where it left the sender, and hence in considered a reliable
feature. So the above pairs should have been sent from the same
server even though their sender address and URL domains are
dierent. Without ground truth, we can’t be certain if all the
emails from this cluster originate from the same source, however
for many use-cases, such as identifying authorship or providing
response to reported phish, this cluster would be valuable.
6.2 Automatic Response to Users
In Section 2.2, we discuss the importance of automatic response
or guidance tools to support end-users in detecting phishing
emails. Prior research on in-the-moment phishing guidance has
predominantly focused on the use of security warnings, com-
monly in the form of browser-based or banner warnings [
Browser warnings typically appear after a user has already
clicked on a link, which may sometimes be too late. On the
other hand, banner warnings alert users to the suspicious nature
of an email as soon as it is opened. However, these warnings
often fail to explain specific suspicious elements, placing the
responsibility of identifying potential threats on the user. A
recent study by Petelka et al. [
] revealed that warnings fo-
cused on links reduce phishing click-through rates compared to
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 11
Table 5: Summary of the campaigns identified using our multi-criteria classification. Columns are campaign attributes (from-sector,
company name, action-generic), main topic and action-specific, number of emails, year of the campaign, average Levenshtein
distance of the subject line, visual match, number of unique From sender domains, and URL domains.
Attributes Main Topic and Action No. Years Subject Visual From URLs
email [none] password expire soon 6 2015 0.0 same 4 3
click proceed email update 2016
financial [nedbank] monthly account estatement 5 2018 19.7 same 2 1 (legit)
download encrypted electronic statement 2020
financial [usaa] new security safeguard 4 2015 20.3 same 2 4
click update personal information
document [wetransfer] received file via wetransfer 7 2018 30.3 similar 5 7
download get file to 2021
logistics [fedex] shipping cost paid 5 2018 18.0 similar 1 5
click view status order
ID Sender Name Sender Address and Return Path First IP Address Main URL - Domain DKIM
4a USAA none
4b USAA none
4c USAA none
4d USAA none
Table 6: Analysis and comparison of USAA clusters
email banner warnings, with forced attention warnings being
the most eective. However, as organizations receive emails
from various domains and phishers increasingly employ URL
obfuscation techniques such as redirection and shortening, re-
lying solely on URLs is insucient. Consequently, an overall
email summary that contextualizes the content could greatly
enhance decision-making for individuals. Recent studies sug-
gest that future user guidance should leverage email context to
improve ecacy [
]. To achieve this, we need a robust
method for modeling email context, which the phishing code-
book provides. Through this qualitative study, we identified a
set of descriptive features from phishing emails that can be used
to create well-tailored responses by explaining the scams and
tricks being used in the email and drawing the user’s attention
to crucial indicators.
The ‘From-Sector’ code helps categorize the email into a type of
scam and craft a better explanation using this classification. For
instance, the scam explanation for a ‘Document Sharing’ scam
and a ‘Financial/Banking’ scam are very dierent. Similarly,
the Action-Generic’ code is crucial in creating correct advice
because the appropriate response to a phishing email can vary
significantly depending on the action requested. For instance,
a phishing email urging recipients to click on a malicious link
may necessitate dierent remedial measures compared to one
that encourages users to download a malicious attachment. The
‘Company Name’ impersonated in the email allows for cross-
referencing with the URL and sender domain. Exposing such
inconsistencies can help provide users with confidence in the
guidance. ‘Threatening Language’ and ‘Urgency Cues’ within
the email content serve as a flag for potential manipulation,
guiding users to be cautious and verify the legitimacy of requests
before taking any action. Such contextual advice can not only
improve the users’ decision-making process but can also educate
them for future attacks.
7 Discussion
In the previous section, we have demonstrated the practical
application of the proposed Phishing Codebook for two crucial
phishing mitigation tasks. We will now discuss other potential
applications of the codebook.
7.1 Representative Feature Set
The proposed codebook contains eight high-level codes that cap-
ture the human-focused context of phishing emails. The codes
“From - Company Name" and “From - Sector" oer insights into
the impersonated organization, while “Salutation" indicates the
presence of personalization in the emails. “Threatening Lan-
guage" and “Urgency Cues" highlight linguistic cues commonly
used to influence the recipient’s reaction and form an essential
part of the scam. “Action - Generic" and Action - Specific"
describe the type of action being solicited from the recipient and
the reason for the same. Finally, “Main Topic" summarizes the
underlying scam, providing a concise description. The feature
set in our codebook demonstrates a balanced approach to repre-
sentativeness, incorporating various aspects of phishing emails
while ensuring comprehensiveness by covering key dimensions
relevant to the underlying scam of the phishing email. In the
exploratory phase, we assessed other features like images, lo-
gos, and disclaimers. However, we encountered challenges in
defining sub-codes for these elements, as categorizations such
as ‘good’, ‘mediocre’, or ‘bad’ proved to be highly subjective
and posed diculties in maintaining consistency among coders.
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 12
We prioritized consistency and coding reliability for our feature
set choice.
7.2 Structured email representation
As part of the coding process, the authors manually analyzed 503
phishing emails. We observed that the content of an email can
vary greatly depending on its purpose and context, ranging from
short and simple messages to lengthy and detailed reports. While
some emails include elements such as salutations, signatures,
and disclaimers, others completely lack context or information.
For instance, the shortest email in our coded dataset contained a
mere 27 characters, whereas the longest email had a staggering
15,488 characters. Saka, Vaniea, and Kokciyan [
] speculate that
an overlap in wording, caused by generic text could cause poor
scam clustering when using language models such as BERT em-
beddings to represent unstructured text. Han and Shen [
] also
emphasize that when two spear phishing emails from dierent
campaigns share similar features, the detection algorithm could
be overwhelmed. Furthermore, they specify that when emails
are extremely short, such as one sentence or several phrases,
text features become much less stable and less informative to
classify emails as phish or legitimate. Such variation and dis-
crepancy in email structure can pose a challenge for various
Machine Learning and NLP algorithms, which are widely used
for campaign or cluster identification. To address this variability,
our Phishing Codebook oers a standardized framework for ex-
tracting key information from emails and presenting it in a clear
and concise manner. By normalizing highly variable emails
into a standard representation, we can improve the eective-
ness of phishing mitigation techniques. With advancements in
semi-supervised learning [
] and language models [
], such
structured information extraction can be achieved.
7.3 Creating labelled datasets
Organizational phishing mitigation techniques often require the
classification of potential phishing threats into clusters. For
example, some phishing emails make it past the filters, get re-
ported by users, and then must be processed by IT sta. This can
be a challenging task, particularly if there are numerous such
emails to deal with [
]. Clustering can also be done to un-
derstand trends over time and to gather evidence about common
authors [
]. Detecting botnets or common sender sources
is also important and can require emails to be clustered automat-
ically [
]. Such email grouping is a challenging task owing
to its inherently unsupervised nature. The evaluation of phishing
email clusters is currently done either through automatically
detectable features, such as URLs or using researcher-generated
labels, which often lack proper documentation. The absence
of labels necessitates researchers to adapt by either curating a
label set or manually verifying the outcomes to evaluate the
performance of their model. Currently, there is no standard or
reliable way to do so. For instance, two recent studies [
employed a manual approach to analyze phishing emails and
assign labels based on dierent textual attributes. The absence
of a standardized method for this process presents a significant
challenge in terms of reproducibility and comparability. Incon-
sistencies in labeling data can make it challenging to compare
multiple models and determine the best one. The Phishing Code-
book provides a framework for researchers to use as a reference
to systematically code phishing emails and assign qualitative
labels. By using a uniform approach to label data, researchers
can improve the consistency of results and reduce the ambiguity
associated with comparing outcomes across dierent studies.
7.4 Recommendations for Security Workers
In Section 5, we identify key challenges in phishing emails, both
individually and in clusters. One significant issue is the misuse
of legitimate services to distribute phishing content, making
emails appear trustworthy while containing malicious elements.
Information security ocers must proactively educate employ-
ees, especially those with less technical knowledge, through
continuous real-time training rather than traditional methods.
Long-lasting scams highlight the limitations of current technical
filters that rely on blacklists and URLs, necessitating the integra-
tion of qualitative attributes into detection strategies. Variations
in phishing campaigns, such as minor letter changes and dif-
ferent links, demand enhanced rule-based filters incorporating
organization-specific names and topics. Ensuring organizational
security requires a multi-layered approach, combining robust
technical filters and servers with eective training programs.
This empowers end users to identify and mitigate threats, rein-
forcing their role in maintaining email security daily.
7.5 Limitations
Although the authors built the codebook based on a thorough
discussion and deliberation, it is possible that certain features
were overlooked or sub-optimally represented. There are addi-
tional features from other parts of the email, such as attachments,
URLs, and images, that can also be useful, which we intend to
explore in the future. While the features in our codebook may
not be exhaustive, we hope it serves as a good starting point for
future researchers. Additionally, the publicly available dataset
used in this research represents a single user’s personal inbox
and thus does not reflect the frequency and scale of attacks an
organization usually receives. However, the authors applied the
codebook to an independent phishing email dataset to ensure
its generalizability (Section 4.1). Despite these limitations, we
hope this study will serve as a foundation for future researchers.
8 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we conducted a qualitative analysis of phishing
emails to identify their qualitative traits and their role in iden-
tifying phishing campaigns and clusters. The main motivation
of this study was to create a better understanding of phishing
emails by dissecting their complex structure and generating a
human-centric representation of emails using features that users
naturally use to judge suspicious emails. We conducted iterative
qualitative coding of phishing emails and created a Phishing
Codebook consisting of eight high-level codes, which serve as
a reliable framework for extracting relevant information from
phishing emails (RQ1). Using this framework, we coded a set of
503 phishing emails with high inter-rater reliability. The study
further provides interesting insights into the various challenges
posed by phishing emails independently and as a group (RQ3).
Furthermore, we illustrate the utility of the Phishing Codebook
to cluster emails through a simple multi-criteria classification
experiment (RQ2). In our analysis, we found that even similar
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 13
phishing emails exhibited variations in subject lines, usernames,
domains, and URLs. This experiment highlights the potential
of incorporating descriptive and qualitative features for cam-
paign detection. As a second use case, we also discussed how a
standard representation of emails can be useful in creating well-
tailored responses to assist end-users in responding to phishing
appropriately. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first at-
tempt to create such a framework that aims to model the context
of phishing emails by categorizing their qualitative traits and
defining a novel set of descriptive features.
The results of this study provide various directions for future
research. Our immediate future goal is to automate the cod-
ing process and create an intelligent tool to automatically ex-
tract important information from phishing emails by considering
human-centric features as defined in our codebook. In addition
to automating the coding process, future work involves augment-
ing the codebook with elements about user pretext and tailoring
to subject/organization. These aspects can add immense value
to the Phishing Codebook. Furthermore, we plan to conduct var-
ious experiments on downstream applications of this codebook.
This includes the identification of phishing campaigns (an illus-
tration is provided in Section 6.1), detection of phishing emails,
and creation of auto-response tools that provide instantaneous
analysis and guidance of emails to humans: (i) end-users who
may need guidance to decide on how to interact with a partic-
ular email, and (ii) IT support teams to implement mitigation
strategies to protect users and organizations.
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Appendix A: Phishing Codebook
This codebook is a framework to extract important information
from phishing emails in a structured format. While coding only
consider the user-facing part of the email; subject line, displayed
header, and the main body visible to end-users. If there are
multiple codes for a single aspect, commas should be used to
separate them.
8.1 From Company Name
If there is a named company in the from address, subject line,
or email body that the email claims to be from. State the name.
For example, “PayPal”. If two companies are named, include
both. Only code for companies or organizations, ignore the
reference to a named person. If there are two variants of the
same company, name both with the more recognizable name first
and separated by commas. For example, ‘Microsoft, Outlook’.
If there is no name specified in the email, then use one of the
Monkey The email explicitly says it is from some
group associated with
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 16
Organization The email is claiming or implying to
be from an organization the user works for. They may
use generic terms like “HR” or "Manager” that are
associated with a company. Often the organization is
not named, but word usage implies that the email is
None - The email makes no claim about who it is from,
or the coder cannot infer a specific organization name
from it. The email address may just look like garbage.
8.2 From Sector
The type of sector that the email claims to be from. Refer to
the list below to code this. If a company is involved in several
dierent types of sectors, code for the one that the email content
refers to. For example, Amazon is both a Shopping website and
a Logistics service, if the email is about package delivery, then
Logistics should be coded and not Shopping.
Financial banks, credit cards, investment company,
Email email provider, Outlook, or a department that
manages email accounts such as the IT team within a
larger organization that may not be email focused.
Document share Online service that allows users to
share documents with each other. For example: Do-
cuSign or OneDrive.
Logistics shipping and delivery of goods and parcels
Shopping regards to purchasing goods or services
online, companies like Amazon.
Service provider An organization that provides online
services and does not fall into any sector described
above. So, a generic email claiming to be from Apple
should be coded here, but an issue with the Apple
hosted email should be coded under "Email".
Security any company that claims to be a security
provider, anti-virus service, or regarding identity pro-
tection due to a security breach.
Government any email from a government organi-
zation. For example, tax-related emails, HMRC, or
VISA-related emails, and so on.
Unknown the coder can’t tell from just the email or
does not know what the company is.
8.3 Salutation
The type of salutation used to address the user. Some phishers
tailor emails to users by using their name or email to make it
seem legitimate, while others send out mass emails with no spe-
cific salutation. Code if the email addresses the user specifically,
either in a proper salutation or in the email body text. IGNORE
the email header for this code.
Name - if the name of the user is used. For example:
‘Dear Jose’, Attention Jose’
Email - if user email id is used in the salutation
Generic - if no name or personal salutation is used. For
example: ‘Dear User’
None - if there is no salutation at all or a reference to
an individual. For example: ‘Hello’
8.4 Threatening language
Phishers often use a threat or warning to scare users into tak-
ing action. Code if the email subject line or message contains
any threatening language or tone. This includes talking about
negative consequences or loss.
Threat - If there is a DIRECT threat statement or word-
ing in the email. For example: “account will be deleted”
or “money will be lost”.
None- If the email has no threat or incentive mentioned.
Or if you cannot accurately infer one from the email.
Also includes cases where the outcome of a process is
described (I.e. mail being held) which may be undesir-
able, but no direct threat statement exists.
8.5 Urgency Cues
Phishers often try to create a sense of urgency to encourage, or
even demand, immediate action in a bid to fluster the receiver.
Code if the email message or subject line contains time pressure
or urgency cues, including implied.
Urgent if there is a mention of time limit or mention
any urgency words. For example: ‘files will be lost in
24hrs’ or ‘expire in 3 days’ or ‘click Immediately’ or
None If there is no such time pressure scare or word-
ing used in the email. Or if you cannot accurately infer
from the message.
8.6 Action Generic
Code the action being prompted in the email. This only includes
clearly stated explicit actions, and not any implied actions.
Click if the email is asking you to click on any links
Download if the email is asking you to download an
attachment or application
Reply/Email if the email is asking you to reply or
send an email to a given address
Call if the email is asking you to call a number
Other If any other action is mentioned that is not
covered above.
None No clear action is requested, or the coder is
unsure what is being asked for.
8.7 Action Specific
Provide details regarding the reason the phisher has given for
the action. We will use in vivo coding for this column - copy
and paste a few words/phrases directly from the email text. For
example: For the action ‘click link to verify account’, the code
is ‘to verify account’.
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 17
8.8 Main Topic
Code the main purpose of the email. Use a few words or a
phrase from the email to summarize the main topic. For example:
‘package has been returned’.
Preprint Phishing Codebook: A Structured Framework for the Characterization of Phishing Emails 18
(a) USAA Sample 1 (b) USAA Sample 2
(c) USAA Sample 3 (d) USAA Sample 4
Figure 4: Emails from the USAA cluster.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Attackers attempt to create successful phishing campaigns by sending out trustworthy-looking emails with a range of variations, such as adding the recipient name in the subject line or changing URLs in email body. These tactics are used to bypass filters and make it difficult for the information system teams to block all emails even when they are aware of an ongoing attack. Little is done about grouping emails into campaigns with the goal of better supporting staff who mitigate phishing using reported phishing. This paper explores the feasibility of using clustering algorithms to group emails into campaigns that IT staff would interpret as being similar. First, we applied Meanshift and DBSCAN algorithms with seven feature sets. Then, we evaluated the solutions with the Silhouette coefficient and homogeneity score and find that Mean Shift outperforms DBSCAN with email origin and URLs based features. We then run a user study to validate our clustering solution and find that clustering is a promising approach for campaign identification.
Phishing is recognized as a serious threat to organizations and individuals. While there have been significant technical advances in blocking phishing attacks, end users remain the last line of defence after phishing emails reach their email inboxes. Most of the existing literature on this subject has focused on the technical aspects related to phishing. The factors that cause humans to be susceptible to phishing attacks are still not well-understood. To fill this gap, we reviewed the available literature and systematically categorised the phishing susceptibility variables studied. We classify variables based on their temporal scope which led us to propose a three-stage Phishing Susceptibility Model (PSM) for explaining how humans are vulnerable to phishing attacks. This model reveals several research gaps that need to be addressed to understand and improve protection against phishing susceptibility. Our review also systematizes existing studies by their sample size and generalizability, and further suggests a practical impact assessment of the value of studying variables: some more easily lead to improvements than others. We believe that this paper can provide guidelines for future phishing susceptibility research to improve experiment design and the quality of findings.
Lack of personalisation and poor mechanics (e.g., grammar, spelling and punctuation) are commonly cited as cues of deception that people can use to identify phishing emails. However, in an online email classification experiment (N=472), we found no empirical evidence that the presence of these features was associated with better phishing email discrimination. We also manipulated time pressure and found that it significantly reduced detection accuracy. Participants rarely inspected the URLs associated with links in the phishing emails but, when they did, their detection performance improved. Better performance in distinguishing between genuine and phishing emails was linked to lower levels of an intuitive decision-making style and relatively lower education levels amongst a highly educated sample. Older participants and those with greater computer proficiency and stronger email habit showed a slight increase in tendency to judge emails as suspicious. The results are discussed in terms of intervention strategies such as cyber security training to improve resilience to phishing attacks.
In today’s email dependent world, cyber criminals often target organizations using a variety of social engineering techniques and specially crafted malicious emails. When successful, such attacks can result in significant harm to physical and digital systems and assets, the leakage of sensitive information, reputation damage, and financial loss. Despite the plethora of studies on the detection of phishing attacks and malicious links in emails, there are no solutions capable of effectively, quickly, and accurately coping with more complex email-based attacks, such as malicious email attachments. This paper presents the first fully automated malicious email detection framework using deep ensemble learning to analyze all email segments (body, header, and attachments); this eliminates the need for human expert intervention for feature engineering. In this paper, we also demonstrate how an ensemble framework of deep learning classifiers each of which are trained on specific portions of an email (thereby independently utilizing the entire email) can generalize better than popular email analysis methods that analyze just a specific portion of the email for analysis. The proposed framework is evaluated comprehensively and with an AUC of 0.993, the proposed framework’s results surpass state-of-the-art malicious email detection methods, including human expert feature-based machine learning models by a TPR of 5%.