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Contactless seismocardiography via
Gunnar-Farneback optical flow
Mohammad Muntasir Rahman
Dept of Ag. & Biological Engineering
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA
a Taebi
Dept of Ag. & Biological Engineering
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA
Abstract—Seismocardiography (SCG) has gained significant
attention due to its potential applications in monitoring cardiac
health and diagnosing cardiovascular conditions. Conventional
SCG methods rely on accelerometers attached to the chest,
which can be uncomfortable or inconvenient. In recent years,
researchers have explored non-contact methods to capture SCG
signals, and one promising approach involves analyzing video
recordings of the chest. In this study, we investigate a vision-based
method based on the Gunnar-Farneback optical flow to extract
SCG signals from the chest skin movements recorded by a smart-
phone camera. We compared the SCG signals extracted from the
chest videos of four healthy subjects with those obtained from
accelerometers and our previous method based on sticker track-
ing. Our results demonstrated that the vision-based SCG signals
extracted by the proposed method closely resembled those from
accelerometers and stickers, although these signals were captured
from slightly different locations. The mean squared error between
the vision-based SCG signals and accelerometer-based signals
was found to be within a reasonable range, especially between
signals on head-to-foot direction (0.2<MSE<1.5). Additionally,
heart rates derived from the vision-based SCG exhibited good
agreement with the gold-standard ECG measurements, with a
mean difference of 0.8 bpm. These results indicate the potential
of this non-invasive method in health monitoring and diagnostics.
Index Terms—Seismocardiography, heart vibration, contactless
cardiovascular monitoring, vision-based SCG.
Cardiovascular diseases have been a significant global health
concern, imposing substantial burdens on economies world-
wide [1]. Monitoring cardiac health early in its progression is
crucial for effective prevention and management. Seismocar-
diogram (SCG) is a valuable physiological signal that provides
insights into cardiac function and health [2]. Unlike traditional
electrocardiography (ECG), which measures electrical activity,
the SCG focuses on mechanical vibrations generated by the
heart’s movements [3]. These vibrations propagate through the
chest wall and can be detected using accelerometers or other
contact-based sensors [3], [4]. However, sensor attachment can
be uncomfortable or inconvenient for patients. Alternatively,
technologies such as infrared sensors [5], radars [6], and
WiFi devices [7] are used to capture SCG signals without
*This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant No. 2340020 and a SMART Business Act Grant through Mississippi
Institutions of Higher Learning (Grant No. 2024-04).
Corresponding author: ataebi@abe.msstate.edu
physical contact. Moreover, advancements in computer vision
and motion tracking techniques have opened up new possi-
bilities for non-contact SCG signal acquisition [8], [9]. In
our prior work [8], we introduced a vision-based approach
for extracting right-to-left and head-to-foot SCG signals from
chest videos by tracking a patterned sticker attached to the
chest using the Lucas-Kanade method. Specifically, we utilized
texture-patterned stickers, since they create a high-contrast
artificial region allowing the algorithm to reliably identify and
track them [10]. In this proof-of-concept study, we explore
the feasibility of capturing chest vibrations and SCG signals
from video recordings of the chest surface without using any
attached patterned stickers. For this task, we define a small
region of skin on the chest surface and employ the Farneback
optical flow algorithm [11] to analyze that region for mo-
tion tracking in each consecutive frame. By tracking pixel
displacements over time, we can infer the subtle vibrations
associated with cardiac wall motion. This approach eliminates
the need for attaching patterned stickers to the chest or placing
sensors on it, making it more comfortable for patients and
enabling continuous monitoring in real-world scenarios. Our
findings contribute to the growing field of contactless health
monitoring, emphasizing the feasibility of video-based SCG
analysis for early detection of cardiovascular abnormalities.
A. Study Population and Data Acquisition
The study was approved by Mississippi State University’s
Institutional Review Board. Data was collected from four
healthy human subjects (age: 26.3 ±6.7 years; BMI: 25.8
±6.3 kg/m2) after obtaining informed consent.
During data collection, subjects rested supine on a bed
without additional body movements. To validate the vision-
based SCG signals, we attached two triaxial accelerometers
to the sternum, one next to the fourth costal notch and the
other on the xiphoid process. These locations were referred
to as the “top” and “bottom,” respectively. Simultaneously,
single-lead ECG data were acquired using the same data
acquisition system. Additionally, to compare the SCG signals
captured from skin movements with those from a high-contrast
and trackable sticker, we attached QR codes on top of each
accelerometer as shown in Fig. 1. An iPhone 13 Pro (Apple
arXiv:2408.09512v1 [physics.med-ph] 18 Aug 2024
QR Code
Fig. 1. Data acquisition and sensor placement setup.
Inc., Cupertino, CA) was used to record chest motion videos
at 60 fps with a resolution of 3840 ×2160 pixels. To keep
the phone stationary, we used a phone holder with the back
camera facing the subject’s chest. In addition, a Bluetooth
remote control was employed to start and stop recording.
To synchronize the accelerometer, ECG, and video data, we
utilized a microphone connected to both the data acquisition
system and the smartphone. The microphone was tapped at the
beginning and end of each recording, and these timestamps
were used to synchronize the video, accelerometer SCG, and
ECG data during two 15-second breath-hold maneuvers: one
at the end of inhalation (BHEI) and the other at the end of
exhalation (BHEE).
B. Vision-based SCG Signal Extraction
After recording the video, the objective is to extract SCG
signals from specific regions of interest (RoIs) on the skin.
These RoIs were selected on the first frame of the video,
corresponding to the onset of the first tap sound in the audio
signal. For both top and bottom locations, two RoIs on the
skin were selected, one to the left of the sensor and the other
to the right, referred to as “left-RoI” and “right-RoI” (Fig.
1). Also, the stickers’ RoIs were defined based on the QR
codes affixed to each accelerometer. After selecting the RoIs,
their motion across subsequent frames of the video was tracked
using the Gunnar-Farneback optical flow algorithm [11] which
is a two-frame dense motion estimation technique, aiming at
computing the motion of pixels between consecutive frames
in a video sequence. Unlike sparse optical flow methods that
track specific feature points, Farneback’s approach considers
all points in the image. It leverages polynomial expansion
to approximate the neighborhood of each image pixel. The
algorithm constructs a pyramid of images, with each level
having a lower resolution than the previous one. This pyramid
helps handle motions of varying scales. At each level, the algo-
rithm performs polynomial expansion to estimate the intensity
changes between corresponding pixels in two consecutive
frames. By minimizing the sum of squared differences between
predicted and actual intensities, it iteratively searches for the
best displacement at each pixel level. The final result is a
high-resolution optical flow map consisting of a displacement
vector (dx/dt,dy/dt) for each pixel.
In each video frame, displacement pairs (dx, dy) are ob-
tained for all pixels inside the RoI in the right-to-left (x) and
head-to-foot (y) directions. To compute the overall displace-
ment for each RoI, we calculated the median displacement of
all pixels within the RoI: D=median{d1, d2, ..., dn}, where
{d1, d2, ..., dn}represent the displacement values extracted
from all the pixels within the RoI. After calculating the
overall displacement pairs (Dx, Dy) for each RoI across the
entire video, the second derivative of the displacement was
determined to obtain the acceleration signal in the xand y
directions that represent the vision-based SCG signal in right-
to-left and head-to-foot directions.
C. Signal Denoising and Synchronization
The SCG signals were detrended by removing the best
straight-fit line from the data. Then, the accelerometer and
vision-based SCG signals were filtered using a 4th-order
Butterworth bandpass filter with cutoff frequencies of 1 and
30 Hz. The lower cutoff frequency was used to remove the
respiratory noise. The higher cutoff frequency was selected
as 30 Hz because the SCG estimations from the video could
capture vibrations up to half of the camera acquisition speed,
i.e., 60 fps. We then resampled the vision-based SCG signals
using linear interpolation to 5000 Hz to match the sampling
frequency of the accelerometer and ECG signals.
The vision-based and accelerometer SCG signals were
recorded by two distinct systems. Although we synchronized
the signals using audio taps at the beginning and end of
the recordings, a slight lag was still present between the
accelerometer SCG and the vision-based SCG captured from
the stickers attached to the corresponding accelerometer. Ad-
ditionally, during the resampling step, we applied an FIR
antialiasing lowpass filter, which may introduce some delay.
To remove this lag, we calculated the time differences between
the sticker’s SCG and the corresponding accelerometer signal
via cross-correlation, and removed them to sync the signals.
D. Heart Rate Estimation from Chest Videos
We estimated heart rates (HRs) from the head-to-foot vision-
based SCG signals. For this purpose, we further denoised
the signals using some of the methods outlined in [12].
Specifically, we applied a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter
with a length of 60 ms to achieve signal smoothness. We
then used a 4th-order Butterworth bandpass filter with cutoff
frequencies of 1 Hz and 15 Hz. Then, we decomposed the SCG
signals using the variational mode decomposition (VMD). The
last two modal components with the lowest frequencies were
then used to estimate HR.
For this purpose, a narrower bandpass filter (0.75-1.5 Hz)
was first applied to further isolate the heartbeats. Next, the
peaks of this filtered signal were identified using a minimum
peak distance of half the sampling frequency and a minimum
peak prominence of 10% of the filtered signal’s standard
deviation. The time interval between consecutive peaks was
used to calculate the instantaneous HR. K-means clustering
with two clusters was then employed to identify and remove
outliers in the instantaneous HR data. The larger cluster’s
average was assumed to provide a first estimation of the HR,
Time (sec)Time (sec)
0 0
2 2
4 4
6 6
Accelerometer SCG
Vision SCG from Sticker
Vision SCG form left RoI
Accelerometer SCG
Vision SCG from Sticker
Vision SCG form left RoI
Vision SCG form right RoI
Vision SCG form right RoI
Fig. 2. Comparison of the vision-based signals and the gold-standard accelerometer output. The signals are shown for subjects 1 and 4 (S01 and S04) from
the bottom location recorded during breath-hold at the end of exhalation. Only the head-to-foot component of the SCG signals are shown.
(a) (b)
bottom head-to-foot
bottom right-to-left bottom head-to-foot
bottom right-to-left
top right-to-left top head-to-foot top head-to-foot
top right-to-left
Mean Squared Error (MSE)Mean Squared Error (MSE)
S02 S02
S03 S03
S04 S04
left-RoI, BHEE
left-RoI, BHEI
QR-code, BHEE
QR-code, BHEI
right-RoI, BHEE
right, RoI, BHEI
right-RoI, BHEE
right-RoI, BHEI
left-RoI, BHEE
left-RoI, BHEI
Fig. 3. (a) MSE between vision-based and accelerometer signals, (b) MSE between vision-based signals extracted from the QR code sticker and the RoIs.
Accelerometer QR code Right-RoI
Fig. 4. Signal segment derived from the SCG signal obtained at the bottom
location, recorded at the end of exhalation in the head-to-foot direction.
and any values deviating by more than 20% from it were
excluded from the instantaneous HR. Finally, the remaining
HR values were averaged to obtain the mean HR.
A. Vision-based SCG
Fig. 2 shows samples of the SCG signals in the head-to-
foot direction along with the corresponding ECG signal for
subjects 1 and 4 (S01 and S04). The three vision-based signals
shown include the SCG signal extracted from the sticker on top
of the accelerometer and the SCG signals extracted from the
chest skin movements within the right- and left-RoIs. Previous
studies have extensively documented intra-subject variability
(HRECG + HRSCG) / 2 (bpm)
50 60 70 80
mean =
-1.96 SD =
+1.96 SD =
6.4737 QR-code, top
Right-RoI, top
Left-RoI, top
QR-code, bottom
Right-RoI, bottom
Left-RoI, bottom
Fig. 5. Agreement between heart rates (HRs) extracted from ECG and vision-
based SCG.
in SCG signals [3], [13]. Therefore, this might be the source of
some differences in the signals obtained from these locations
and the gold-standard accelerometer SCG.
B. Signal Comparison
Although the right- and left-RoIs are slightly away from
the accelerometer, we compared the signals obtained from
these locations with the corresponding accelerometer and
sticker-based SCG. We visually observed a strong similarity
between the accelerometer signal and the vision-based signal
extracted from the sticker at each sensor location. Remarkably,
despite the location differences, our visual inspection revealed
that the SCG signals extracted from the right- and left-
RoIs closely resembled the accelerometer signal. Furthermore,
we quantified the signal similarity by calculating the mean
squared error (MSE) between the vision-based SCG signals
and the corresponding accelerometer signal in the right-to-left
and head-to-foot directions (Fig. 3.a). The MSE between the
sticker-based SCG and accelerometer signal (depicted in the
middle of each block in the chart) was relatively lower, as these
signals were captured from the same chest location despite
recording by two different systems. However, when comparing
the right- and left-RoI SCG signals with the accelerometer
output, we observed a slightly higher MSE. This discrepancy
can be attributed to the vision-based SCG being captured
from locations slightly different than the sensor positions.
Additionally, the SCG signals in the head-to-foot direction
exhibited higher similarity than those in the right-to-left di-
rection, resulting in a larger MSE for the latter. Furthermore,
the MSE between the right- and left-RoI SCG signals and the
sticker-based SCG signal is shown in Fig. 3.b. These results
suggest that the right-RoI SCG signal consistently had a higher
similarity with the sticker-based signal than the left-RoI signal.
This observation may be attributed to the well-known variation
in SCG signals across the chest, where locations closer to
the cardiac structure experience more pronounced effects from
cardiac vibrations. These findings suggest the feasibility of our
proposed method in extracting SCG signals from the video
recordings of the chest skin. However, we noticed that the
quality of these signals is affected by the presence of natural
chest landmarks. For example, the presence of chest hair can
enhance the performance of the proposed method.
C. SCG Variability
To investigate SCG variability across measurement loca-
tions, we segmented the SCG signals into cardiac cycles using
the ECG R peaks detected by the Pan-Tompkins algorithm.
For each subject, the average heart cycle duration, tc, was
calculated based on the ECG RR intervals and was used to
define the size of the SCG segments. Each segment was set
to start from tc/4before the corresponding R peak to ensure
consistent segmentation of the SCG signal across all subjects.
Then we calculated the ensemble average of all segments for
every SCG signal. Figure 4 illustrates the ensemble average
of the head-to-foot SCG signal extracted from the bottom
location at BHEE for S01 and S04. When comparing the
accelerometer signal with the sticker (QR code) signal, a
higher degree of similarity is observed. Although the signals
were recorded using different systems, they were captured
from the same location, which justifies their higher similarity.
However, the skin-based SCG signal, captured from slightly
different locations (left-RoI and right-RoI), exhibits deviations
compared to the accelerometer and sticker-based signals, most
likely due to different signal acquisition locations.
D. Heart Rate Agreement Analysis
We determined HRs using data from the left-RoI, right-RoI,
and stickers at both top and bottom locations and compared
them with the ECG-based HR. The Bland-Altman plot shows
a good agreement between the HRs estimated from vision-
based SCG and the gold-standard ECG (Fig. 5). The mean
difference (bias) was 0.80 bpm, with lower and upper limits
of agreement ranging from -4.87 to 6.47 bpm.
In this study, we investigated the feasibility of extracting
SCG signals from the video recordings of the chest skin using
Gunnar-Farneback optical flow algorithm. This vision-based
method presents a contactless alternative to traditional SCG
techniques that rely on accelerometers attached to the chest.
Our findings indicate that SCG signals extracted from the chest
videos closely resemble those obtained from accelerometers,
and important cardiac parameters such as HR can be accurately
estimated from these vision-based SCG signals. However,
further research is necessary to enhance the robustness of this
method on a larger and more diverse population.
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