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Abstract and Figures

Given the widespread integration of Social AI like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, and MyAI, in personal and professional contexts, it is crucial to understand their effects on information and knowledge processing, and individual autonomy. This paper builds on Bråten’s concept of model power, applying it to Social AI to offer a new perspective on the interaction dynamics between humans and AI. By reviewing recent user studies, we examine whether and how models of the world reflected in Social AI may disproportionately impact human-AI interactions, potentially leading to model monopolies where Social AI impacts human beliefs, behaviour and homogenize the worldviews of its users. The concept of model power provides a framework for critically evaluating the impact and influence that Social AI has on communication and meaning-making, thereby informing the development of future systems to support more balanced and meaningful human-AI interactions.
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Understanding model power insocial AI
PetterBaeBrandtzaeg1 · MaritaSkjuve2 · AsbjørnFølstad2
Received: 19 June 2024 / Accepted: 5 August 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Given the widespread integration of Social AI like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, and MyAI, in personal and professional con-
texts, it is crucial to understand their effects on information and knowledge processing, and individual autonomy. This paper
builds on Bråten’s concept of model power, applying it to Social AI to offer a new perspective on the interaction dynamics
between humans and AI. By reviewing recent user studies, we examine whether and how models of the world reflected in
Social AI may disproportionately impact human-AI interactions, potentially leading to model monopolies where Social
AI impacts human beliefs, behaviour and homogenize the worldviews of its users. The concept of model power provides
a framework for critically evaluating the impact and influence that Social AI has on communication and meaning-making,
thereby informing the development of future systems to support more balanced and meaningful human-AI interactions.
Keywords Social AI· Information processing· Knowledge· Autonomy· Model power
1 Introduction
Social artificial intelligence (AI) is understood as AI sys-
tems that enable social interactions with users and services
or applications (Sætra 2020; Kim etal. 2021). Drawing on
recent advances in large language models (LLMs) (Vas-
wani etal. 2017; Brown etal. 2020; Achiam etal. 2023),
Social AI is increasingly powerful, with the potential to per-
ceive, understand, and convey sentiment, thereby enhancing
human-AI interactions (Obrenovic etal. 2024). The rapid
development and deployment of Social AI such as Chat-
GPT, MyAI, Replika, Copilot, and Gemini across leisure,
education, and work settings have transformed them into
default dialogical interfaces for the acquisition and devel-
opment of knowledge (Skjuve etal. 2024) and information
(Shah & Bender 2024). This shift could significantly trans-
form how people find, process, and analyze information and
knowledge, as well as how they establish meaning and make
While Social AI can potentially increase individual flex-
ibility, expand opportunities for information retrieval and
learning (Wu 2024), and compensate for limitations in
digital competence (Brandtzaeg and Følstad 2018), recent
studies have observed a possible overreliance on Social AI
for decision-making and social interactions (Brandtzaeg
etal. 2024; Skjuve etal. 2024). For example, Sun and col-
leagues (2024) found that people trust ChatGPT for health
information more than search engines, indicating a potential
undervaluation of independent thinking and over-reliance
on Social AI responses. Furthermore, Krügel etal. (2023)
found that despite ChatGPT’s inconsistent moral stances, it
significantly influences users’ moral judgments, with users
often underestimating this impact and adopting the arbitrary
stances of the AI as their own.
This research suggests that Social AI possesses model
power, influencing dialogue, reflection, and decision-making
through its model resources within open communication sys-
tems. The idea of model power, as originally conceptualized
by Bråten in 1973, concerns how powerful actors and their
models of the world shape conversations, transforming gen-
uine dialogues into ‘pseudo-dialogues’ and marginalizing
other perspectives. Given the increasing dominance of major
Big Tech corporations like Meta, Google, Microsoft, and
OpenAI in Social AI technologies with their sophisticated
* Petter Bae Brandtzaeg
Marita Skjuve
Asbjørn Følstad
1 Department ofMedia andCommunication, University
ofOslo, Blindern, P.O. Box1093, 0317Oslo, Norway
2 SINTEF, Oslo, Norway
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models, it becomes crucial to understand their impacts (Ver-
degem 2024).
This paper addresses the pressing issue of power dynam-
ics in Social AI interactions by revisiting Bråten’s concept
of model power. We propose that this concept provides a
valuable framework for understanding how Social AI influ-
ences information processing, knowledge, and autonomy.
First, we will explain Bråten’s original concept of model
power, and discuss how this concept may be useful to explain
the power relations in the contemporary context of Social
AI. Second, we will describe how interaction with Social AI
can affect users’ autonomy by subtly guiding their decisions
and actions, potentially leading to a reliance on AI inputs
over independent judgment. Third, we will describe how
Social AIs act as gatekeepers of information, determining
what content is presented to users and how it is prioritized.
We will analyze the mechanisms through which Social AIs
filter, curate, and recommend information, and how these
processes reflect the biases and priorities embedded within
the AI models. Lastly, we will do a mini-review ofrecent
user studies that identify and quantify the power dynamics
inherent in Social AI technologies. These studies provide
concrete examples of how model power manifests in various
real-world scenarios, affecting user behavior, perceptions,
and interactions. Findings from these studies will reveal
patterns and trends of the pervasive influence of Social AI.
Through this exploration, we will provide new perspec-
tives on the intersections of Social AI and humans, and
societies, emphasizing the critical need to understand and
address the power dynamics embedded in Social AI systems.
2 Model power—a theoretical lens
forunderstanding theimpact ofSocial AI
In the article “Model Monopoly and Communication,”
Bråten (1973) explains that a model is a tool that helps
social actors understand and interpret their experiences by
connecting theories to real-world observations, suggesting
a power-through-model paradigm. Models can be thoughts,
texts, videos, drawings, or physical objects used in everyday
social interactions. As our communication systems become
more sophisticated and democratized, power inequality
among actors increases, with those possessing superior mod-
els of understanding increasingly dictating the discourse.
Bråten’s theory of model power is an understanding of how
communication, happens on the premises of powerful actors’
models of the world and how these models influence infor-
mation processing and decision-making—also for the less
powerful actors.
Following the theory, communication is not just about
sharing information and knowledge; it is also a way for those
with more advanced cognitive and interpretive abilities to
exert influence. Importantly, when communication and par-
ticipation are democratized, actors with superior models of
the world often see their views gain prominence. This domi-
nance may, in turn, reinforce their views, challenging the
idea that more communication automatically leads to equal-
ized power distribution and democratization. As a result,
communication may not create a shared understanding that
reflects everyone’s views, according to Bråten. Instead, pow-
erful actors’ perspectives dominate and are replicated by less
powerful ones, leading to model monopolies and homogeni-
zation of thought patterns.
As a sociologist, Bråten examined how model power
influences asymmetric power relations, such as those
between employers and employees. He found that seemingly
democratic dialogues often lead weaker actors to adopt the
perspectives of the more powerful, rather than fostering true
democratization. Similarly, this paper explores how indi-
viduals might be influenced by and become increasingly
dependent on Social AI for communication and informa-
tion acquisition, potentially becoming weaker actors them-
selves. Social AIs, powered by LLMs, generate language
that individuals use in their daily interactions. Bråten (1973)
and other scholars (e.g., Talbot 2019) explain how language
plays a crucial role in shaping power and social relations.
Consequently, individuals relying on Social AI may find
that AI-generated language and perspectives subtly influ-
ence their thoughts and behaviors. This reliance can shift
the balance of power, making users more susceptible to the
underlying biases (Muñoz and Marinaro 2024) and agendas
programmed into the AI, thus reinforcing existing power
structures rather than challenging them.
The dependency on Social AI can lead to cognitive and
communicative subordination, where users increasingly trust
and defer to the AI’s outputs. Over time, this can dimin-
ish critical thinking and reduce the diversity of viewpoints
in discourse. The language produced by these AI systems,
while appearing neutral or beneficial, carries the potential
to manipulate social interactions and reinforce societal hier-
archies. Therefore, studying Social AI’s impact on power
dynamics is critical for understanding the broader implica-
tions of AI integration into social communication networks.
3 Dynamics ofmodel power inhuman–
AI interactions: model‑strong
“Power is the probability that one actor within a social rela-
tionship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite
resistance” (Weber 1978). In the context of Social AI, power
also encompasses the often subtle and unperceived ways
these technologies shape the distribution and exercise of
power in society. This includes the concentration of power in
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the hands of a few large tech companies, the reinforcement
of existing power asymmetries, and the potential for LLMs
to challenge or disrupt existing power structures. Social AI
can influence behavior and decision-making processes with-
out individuals being aware of its impact, thereby reinforcing
the power of dominant groups and potentially undermining
the power of marginalized groups. However, it also creates
new possibilities for challenging these power asymmetries.
Bråten’s theory on model power suggests that in social
interactions, some actors, the ‘model-strong’, wield more
influence over the dialogue, potentially overshadowing the
‘model-weak’. With the emergence of Social AIs like Chat-
GPT and Gemini, which are autonomous, dialogue-oriented
technologies (Obrenovic etal. 2024) powered by complex
algorithms and extensive datasets, we may observe a con-
temporary manifestation of model power in human–AI inter-
actions: Social AI as a model-strong actor, reflecting models
of the world that are superior to most users within a nearly
infinite range of domains.
While Social AI may not hold explicit models of the
world, its output shows evidence of substantial knowledge
and problem-solving capabilities (Achiam etal. 2023;
Bubeck etal. 2023), reflecting implicit models of the world.
Users of Social AI, in contrast, are typically model-weak
as they may not possess models of the world of the same
complexity and comprehensiveness as those held by Social
AI. This relationship between model-strong Social AI and
model-weak users is illustrated in Fig.1. This perspective
aligns with Holton and Boyd (2021), who contend that inter-
action dynamics between humans and AI are inherently
asymmetrical, often placing humans in a weaker position.
Sundar (2020) also proposes that machines, or in this
case, Social AI, increasingly take on roles that humans tra-
ditionally performed. Sundar posits that the key to machine
agency is the user’s perception of the Social AI as autono-
mous. When users perceive Social AI as having agency,
this may enhance the model power of Social AI, as users
attribute more authority to the system’s suggestions and
directives. “
In this view, Social AI, equipped with the capacity to pro-
cess language and produce content at an unprecedented scale
(De Angelis etal. 2023), emerges as model-strong entities,
while humans are model-weak. Social AI can curate and
control the flow of conversation, nudging users along pre-
defined paths and influencing human behavior. For instance,
in user interactions with Social AI, the system’s design—
rooted in its training data and algorithms—can limit the
scope of dialogue by framing questions and answers in a way
that subtly pushes the conversation toward predefined paths.
Thus, LLM-generated content can be shaped by the biases
and assumptions embedded in the training data and algo-
rithms of these models (Muñoz & Marinaro 2024). This can
lead to the amplification of certain voices and perspectives,
while marginalizing or erasing others (Bender etal. 2021).
This mechanism effectively makes Social AI a gatekeeper
of knowledge and information capable of reinforcing certain
viewpoints and statements while potentially marginalizing or
omitting alternative perspectives, which can harm people’s
autonomy. This power dynamic means that the more effec-
tively the model-weak actors (users of Social AI) acquire the
models of the model-strong (Social AI), the more control the
latter may hold over the former.
4 Social AI: pseudo‑dialogue
Autonomy is fundamental to human well-being and moti-
vation (Deci and Ryan 2013). As noted by De Freitas etal.
(2023), individuals who do not perceive control over their
environments are more likely to engage in maladaptive
behaviors. They also argue that the autonomy of AI tools
can contribute to feelings of losing personal control. Addi-
tionally, the ‘black box’ nature of Social AI makes it difficult
for users to understand decision-making processes (Tokayev
2023). This is why some studies also have detected aver-
sion to AI models (Dietvorst etal. 2018), where individuals
exhibit skepticism or resistance toward using AI (Lim and
Schmälzle 2024).
However, Social AI systems that provide an interface
for dialogue (Obrenovic etal. 2024) can create an illu-
sion of choice and dialogue, giving users the semblance
of autonomy in their interactions (Brandtzaeg etal. 2024).
Bråten’s theory may help to question whether this per-
ceived autonomy in human-AI interaction is genuine or a
facade—a ‘pseudo-autonomy,’ where users are guided by
the constraints of the AI’s programming rather than their
own independent choices. The autonomy perceived by users
may be further compromised by the limitations imposed on
dialogue by Social AI.
While users can ask questions and receive responses,
the nature of these exchanges is often confined to the AI’s
trained models and ethical guardrails, which are themselves
a product of human design choices and biases (e.g., Bender
etal. 2021; Muñoz & Marinaro 2024). This potential façade
Fig. 1 Dynamics of model power in human–Social AI interactions
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of autonomy suggests that users, while feeling empowered
through interaction with AI, may be engaging in a restricted
form of dialogue that Bråten would recognize as a ‘pseudo-
dialogue’—one that gives an illusion of equal participation
and influence but is governed by the output of the model-
strong actor, the Social AI (Bråten 1973). Over time, users,
with their weaker model resources, may adopt the models
of the more powerful Social AI, leading to homogenization.
The Social AI’s capacity to simulate human-like behavior
(Brandtzaeg etal. 2022; Inie etal. 2024) can bias humans
to anthropomorphize it based on perceived agency, experi-
ence, and the illusion of life and intelligence (Obrenovic
etal. 2024). This anthropomorphizing can lead to an over-
estimation of its understanding and capabilities. Users may
attribute more cognitive and empathetic ability to the Social
AI than it possesses (Krügel etal. 2023), inadvertently rein-
forcing the AI’s model power. The AI’s responses, which
might seem tailored and insightful, are, in essence, gener-
ated from pattern recognition and predictive modeling. This
insight necessitates a critical examination of the dynamics at
play in human-AI interactions and questions the depth and
authenticity of the autonomy and dialogue experienced by
users in these exchanges.
5 Information andknowledge: model power
andmodels oftheworld inSocial AI
Bråten’s (1983) concept of model power explains the power
held by actors with superior models of the world. Those with
superior models have a better grasp of both information and
knowledge, allowing them to exert more influence over oth-
ers, guiding decisions and shaping outcomes based on their
deeper understanding. Information represents raw data and
facts, while knowledge encompasses the contextual under-
standing and interpretation of this information. Effective
models bridge the gap between information and knowledge,
transforming data into actionable insights.
Leveraging LLMs, social AI can be said to have access
to sophisticated models of the world. These models are
not explicitly visible but are identified implicitly through
their output. For example, LLMs can convincingly pro-
cess textual information and generate communication that
aligns with university-level responses to academic tests
(Meyer etal. 2024). They can also shape political prefer-
ences and public discourse (Rozado 2024), mirror societal
biases (Bender etal. 2021), and propagate new norms (De
Gregorio 2023), profoundly influencing user interactions
and perceptions (Brown etal. 2020). For example, a recent
study of 10 leading Social AIs, including ChatGPT-4 and
Google’s Gemini, found that they repeated false narra-
tives linked to Russian disinformation. Even when pre-
sented with straightforward, neutral questions without any
explicit cues to generate disinformation, the Social AIs
still repeated false claims from the pro-Russian network
(Sadeghi 2024).
In various domains, the models of the world held by
social AI outperform those of naive users and, in some
cases, even the models held by experts (Achiam etal. 2023;
Bubeck etal. 2023). This technology can “learn how to solve
problems that no humans can do themselves” according to
Obrenovic etal. (2024 p. 7). This demonstrates how social
AI’s model power can significantly impact human process-
ing of information and knowledge. Social AI systems, by
providing sophisticated interpretations and contextualiza-
tions of data, can enhance or alter users’ understanding
and decision-making processes, reinforcing the importance
of developing robust, sophisticated models within human
users to ensure balanced and informed interactions with AI
Moreover, diffusion models, or multimodal language
models, extend this influence into visual and audio domains,
increasingly integrated into social AI (e.g., DALL·E in
ChatGPT and recently GPT-4). By generating highly real-
istic images or audio, these models can alter perceptions
and establish or reinforce visual norms (Ho etal. 2020).
By synthesizing realistic media, these models shape users’
understanding and knowledge about reality, embedding
specific worldviews into the media they generate. This can
profoundly influence societal norms and behaviors, as well
as individual social interactions, by shaping the information
and knowledge landscape in which people operate.
As such, the integration of sophisticated Social AI can
magnify their influence on society. These models not only
process and disseminate information but also shape the
knowledge that underpins social and political dynamics.
However, while current Social AI, powered by probabilis-
tic LLMs, reflects substantial knowledge it does not con-
vey explicit models of the world. This leads to variable and
sometimes inconsistent outputs depending on the prompts,
as Krügel etal. (2023) noted. For example, ChatGPT has
been described as a ‘bullshit generator’ (Narayan & Kapoor
2022). This phenomenon, related to that of ‘hallucination’
(Alkaissi and McFarlane 2023), can limit the model power
of Social AI if it fails to consistently reflect accurate world
models. Conversely, if Social AI can maintain consistent
world models, it may exert significant model power, rais-
ing questions about control, sources, and the interests these
models serve.
In summary, the revised model power framework
enhances Bråten’s concept by incorporating the technologi-
cal and interactional aspects of Social AI. It shows how these
power models affect communication, guide information
uptake, and shape perceptions of validity and importance.
This adaptation helps understand the power dynamics in
Social AI and their impact on individual autonomy.
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One approach to mitigate the imbalance is Human-
Centered AI, which argues that current AI development
prioritizes technological progress over human impact. This
approach emphasizes shifting the focus from technology
to humans by placing them at the core of AI development
(Ozmen Garibay etal. 2023; Bingley etal. 2023). This aligns
with Bråten’s concept of model power, suggesting that those
with superior models have greater influence. By centering
Social AI development on human needs, AI models may
enhance transparency and support human understanding and
decision-making, preventing AI from overshadowing human
autonomy and ensuring balanced, meaningful interactions.
Additionally, it is crucial for humans to develop skills to crit-
ically evaluate AI-generated content and handle the model
power effectively, thereby maintaining their influence and
autonomy in interactions with AI (Floridi etal. 2018).
6 User studies—are there real evidence
ofmodel power?
The potential implications of model power in Social AI
make it important to investigate whether and how Bråten’s
concept provides a relevant perspective on how communica-
tion, individual autonomy, and the processing of information
and knowledge may be shaped through Social AI.
Multiple studies have shown that Social AI may lead to
the homogenization of experiences and content, give priority
to specific interactions across users (Anderson etal. 2024;
Padmakumar and He 2023; Yang etal. 2024), and entail
cultural homogenization by favoring dominant cultures and
sidelining minority perspectives (Tokayeve 2023), which
diminish the diversity and richness of human interactions.
Such influence of Social AI is consistent with Bråten’s con-
cept of model power.
To further understand the potential model power of Social
AI, we have explored how this power is manifested in user
interactions with contemporary Social AI, as reflected in
existing research. Our review process involved a mini-
review, with an screening of approximately 450 papers
using search terms related to Social AI and its effects on
human judgment and behavior. We conducted our search
using databases such as Scopus and Google Scholar, and
we exclusively reviewed user studies from 2023 onward,
both preprints and published, to assess the impact of LLM-
powered Social AI like ChatGPT and diffusion models such
as Midjourney.
Figure2 shows an overview over the screening process
and the criteria used to select the relevant studies to our
understanding of model power and Social AI. This figure
visually outlines the workflow from the initial search to the
final selection of studies, describing the approach taken to
ensure a comprehensive understanding of model power in
Social AI. We identified 16 relevant papers in Table1 that
provide insights into how model power is exhibited in user
interactions with Social AI. These studies examine various
dimensions of Social AI’s influence, including overcon-
fidence in AI-generated content, the provision of moral
advice, and the potential for AI to induce polarization or
spread disinformation.
One important limitation is that many of the studies are
preprints and have not undergone peer review. This lack of
Fig. 2 Review process of rel-
evant papers for understanding
model power in Social AI
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Table 1 Overview of studies demonstrating model power by examining Social AIs influence on users
Study Focus Sample (origin and size) AI-model Findings
Zhou etal. (2024) Examined how epistemic markers
indicating uncertainty affect user
trust in Social AI advice
N = 25 in each group (two groups).
Sample demographic not disclosed
Test uncertainty in GPT, LLaMA,
Claude variations. Unknown
which model was used in the
human test
The absence of epistemic markers leads
to over-reliance. Conversely, confi-
dence statements had similar effects
but hindered users’ ability to update
their understanding when contradicted
by new information
Krugel (2023) To what extent Social AI influence
users’ moral judgments
N = 1851. US-based ChatGPT Social AI influences users’ moral judg-
ments. This is true whether or not
users know that the source of advice
is generated by Social AI
Si etal. (2023) Humans’ ability to assess (true or
false) information and explanations
generated by Social AI compared to
information snippets from Wiki-
N = 1500 participants across five con-
ditions. The sample demographic is
not disclosed
ChatGPT Users tend to over-rely on explana-
tions provided by ChatGPT, which
decreases their ability to detect false
claims in informational content
Spitale etal. (2023) To what extent Social AI is more
capable than humans at writing con-
vincing, yet wrong information
N = 697. United Kingdom, Australia,
Canada, United States, and Ireland
GPT3 Social AI is better than humans at
writing in an understandable manner.
Because of this, it may have an advan-
tage at spreading disinformation
Sharma etal. (2024) How interaction with Social AI
impacts exposure to various infor-
mation sources and to what extent
Social AI challenged the users’
views and biases
N = 115. The sample is from the US ChatGPT (GPT4) + RAG approach Participants asked more biased ques-
tions when using LLM-powered
conversational search. An opinionated
LLM that reinforced users’ views
strengthened this bias
Zhang and Gosline (2023) How humans perceive persuasive
content generated by Social AI com-
pared to humans before and after the
author’s identity is revealed
N = 1203. Sample demographic not
ChatGPT (GPT4) The authors concluded that ChatGPT-4
is better than human experts at
creating advertising and persuasive
campaign content
Matz etal. (2024) To what extent personalized messages
(tailored to personality traits) from
Social AI can persuade users across
various domains?
N = 1788 across seven smaller studies.
Sample demographic not disclosed
ChatGPT (GPT3) Although it is unknown how Social AI
performs compared to skilled humans
at writing persuasive messages, it can
persuade users’ attitudes and behavior
Hackenburg and Margetts (2023) The impact of personalized, targeted
messages on persuasion effective-
ness (political issues)
N = 8,587. Sample demographic not
ChatGPT (GPT4) Personalized messages generated by
Social AI do not appear to be more
persuasive than generic Social AI-
generated messages
Bai etal. (2023) Social AIs were compared to humans
in their ability to influence user
opinions on political matters. The
persuasive messages were not
N = 4,836 across three studies. The
sample is from the Americas
ChatGPT (GPT3 and GPT3.5) Social AI was as successful as humans
in writing persuasive messages and
influencing their users on political
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Table 1 (continued)
Study Focus Sample (origin and size) AI-model Findings
Shin and Kim (2024) To what extent use of Social AI can
improve a customer success rate in
getting compensation when writing
financial complaints
Unclear. Multiple studies with differ-
ent purposes were conducted
ChatGPT (GPT4) Find support for assumptions regard-
ing Social AI’s ability to improve
humans’ complaint writing, resulting
in higher chances of getting compen-
sation. Thus demonstrating persuasive
Bashardoust etal. (2024) How users’ perceptions of accuracy
of fake news generated by Social AI
vs. humans, and their willingness to
share fake new generated by Social
AI vs. humans
N = 988 participants. Sample demo-
graphic not disclosed
ChatGPT (GPT4) Although some users are better at
detecting AI-generated fake news than
human-generated fake news, several
still fail to do so. Users are equally
willing to share human- and AI-gener-
ated fake news
Hartmann etal. (2024) How people evaluate AI-generated
(visual) marketing content and its
effectiveness in terms of generating
clicks to ads compared to human-
generated content
Study 1: 254,400 ratings. Study 2:
1,575 participants. Study 3: 173,022
DALL-E 3, Midjourney v6, Firefly
2, Imagen 2, Imagine, Realistic
Vision, and Stable Diffusion XL
Social AI is capable of creating visual
marketing content that outperforms
human content in terms of generating
clicks on ads
Karinshak etal. (2023) Social AIsAI’s ability to persuade
users about vaccinations compared
to human-generated content
Study 1: no human subjects. Study
2: N = 852. Ethnicity is reported
on, but not which country they live
in. Study 3: N = 1248. Ethnicity is
reported on, but not which country
they live in
GPT-3 Messages generated by Social AI are
rated higher and appear to be more
effective at persuading users than
those by humans. However, users
appear to trust information labeled as
AI-generated less than information
with human authors
Salvi etal. (2024) The effectiveness of social AI in per-
suading users and the impact tailor-
ing the message based on personal
information from the user
N = 820 from the U.S ChatGPT (GPT4) Social AI has stronger persuasion abili-
ties than humans, especially when it
has access to personalized informa-
tion and can tailor its messages
Goldstein etal. (2024) How effective Social AI is at generat-
ing persuasive propaganda
N = 8,221 from the US GPT3 Demonstrate that Social AI can gener-
ate almost as effective propaganda
material as skilled humans
Palmer and Spirling (2023) The persuasiveness abilities of Social
AI on political matters and the
impact of author identity (AI vs.
N = 760 Do not disclose Social AI can produce more convincing
arguments than humans on political
matters, but users favor humans when
they know the author’s identity
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
formal review may raise concerns about the reliability and
validity of the findings. Nonetheless, preprints are often
essential for understanding research on current trends in
AI and its social impact, which is the aim of this paper.
These preprints provide rapid dissemination of new ideas
and findings, allowing the scientific community and the
public to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. This
early access is crucial for timely discussions on the soci-
etal implications of Social AI, enabling proactive responses
to potential challenges and opportunities. It should also be
noted that we have carefully reviewed the studies and evalu-
ated their quality.
7 Discussion
AI has significantly expanded beyond commercial and
industrial sectors, now encompassing entertainment and
education, fostering intense human-AI interaction (Obreno-
vic etal. 2024), through Social AI such as Replika, Gemini,
and ChatGPT. The recent studies reviewed in Table1 reveal
that Social AI, particularly ChatGPT powered with GPT-3
and GPT-4, may significantly impact human information
processing and decision-making across different scenarios.
A clear finding across the diverse studies is the tendency of
users’ over-reliance on content provided by Social AI (Kru-
gel etal. 2023; Si etal. 2023; Zhou etal. 2024). The model
power revealed is particularly concerning when Social AI
influences users’ decision-making, their understanding of
the world, and political or ideological stances (Bai etal.
2023; Goldstein etal. 2024; Hackenburg and Margetts 2023;
Palmer etal. Palmer and Spirling 2023), as well as moral and
ethical judgments (Krugel etal. 2023). Here, users have been
found to accept guidance from Social AI without adequate
questioning, unaware of how profoundly it may shape their
decisions or understanding.
While humans truly can be empowered to gather informa-
tion and create individualized content efficiently by the use
of Social AI (Obrenovic etal. 2024; Skjuve etal. 2024), we
find that Social AI may be model-strong actors. The stud-
ies presented in Table1, indicate a potential influence over
model-weak users in human-AI interactions. This is sug-
gested in various scenarios of people’s understanding of the
world. This unbalanced power dynamic between Social AI
and users may lead to imbalanced interactions where Social
AI dominates or excessively guides the conversation.
These findings align with Bråten’s (1973) model power
theory, which posits that superior models influence not only
what users think but how they think. Social AI, equipped
with sophisticated, data-driven models—implicitly reflect-
ing detailed models of the world, often surpasses the sim-
pler models that users typically possess. As a result, users
without a critical framework for evaluating information
and knowledge provided by Social AI tend to adopt the AI-
driven models of the world reflected in Social AI output.
This, in turn, can lead to over-reliance on AI, even when
Social AI generates false claims (Si etal. 2023), which is
especially critical given the implications for public discourse
in democracy and personal beliefs.
The influence on users as model-weak extends beyond a
mere asymmetry in information and knowledge exchange,
fundamentally affecting how information is perceived and
valued. Reliance on Social AI as model-strong can severely
undermine critical thinking and foster dependency on AI for
decision-making. This reliance supports a passive process
where knowledge is transferred without critical engagement
or interpretation of the output content, further weakening
users’ analytical abilities and independent thought, which
is key in engagement with Social AI (Wu 2024).
Re-examining autonomy in the age of Social AI chal-
lenges us to reconsider what genuine human agency looks
like in digital dialogues to distinguish this from the pseudo-
autonomy and pseudo-dialog that interaction with Social AI
may entail (e.g., Bashardoust etal. 2024; Karinshak etal.
2023; Salvi etal. 2024).
The models of the world reflected in Social AI output
may be inconsistent and malleable to the user prompting
(e.g., Krügel etal. 2023). While this inconsistency might
seem problematic, it can also be beneficial as it limits model
power. These inconsistencies can highlight the fallibility of
Social AI, fostering critical thinking and reducing over-
reliance on it. This is especially valuable for normative or
ethical purposes, as inconsistencies may reflect the plurality
of norms and ethical frameworks among users, promoting
diversity rather than homogenization.
The model power of Social AI may also be reduced due to
user skepticism or aversion to AI (Lim and Schmälzle 2024).
Such aversion was first observed with algorithms (Dietvorst
etal. 2015). Research on AI aversion in Social AI like Chat-
GPT has found some evidence of a similar resistance (Böhm
etal. 2023; Lim and Schmälzle 2024), for example, in crea-
tive domains (Bauer etal. 2024; Bellaiche etal. 2023; Shank
etal. 2023). AI aversion may counteract Social AIs model
power as it makes users less inclined to trust or accept AI
output. An important factor here, however, is whether users
are sufficiently aware of who generated the content. The
human-like qualities can make it hard for users to recognize
AI-produced content if it is not disclosed (DeVerna etal.
However, to avoid the imbalance of model power in
Social AI, such AI should be developed to “enhance human-
ity and suit their interests” (Mhlanga 2023, p. 12). Social
AI systems should enhance human understanding and deci-
sion-making, rather than overshadowing human agency
and autonomy. By focusing on the concept of model power
and human-centered design, Social AI can be developed to
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
support balanced and meaningful interactions, thereby miti-
gating the risks associated with the disproportionate influ-
ence of Social AI with superior models.
8 Conclusions andfuture research
This paper offers a novel perspective on the dynamics of
human-AI interactions, focusing on how Social AI may
shape communication, information, knowledge process-
ing, and autonomy through the lens of Bråten’s concept of
model power. We suggest that the model power of Social
AI may lead to model monopolies that significantly influ-
ence human beliefs and behavior. Furthermore, it may foster
an illusion of genuine conversation and independence—a
pseudo-autonomy through pseudo-dialogue.
Our review of recent research on Social AI supports the
notion of model power. The power dynamics predicted in
the theory of model power may be strengthened through
further advances and uptake of Social AI, further influencing
user beliefs and behaviors. Consequently, increased access
to Social AI alone may not democratize communication;
users need robust mental frameworks to avoid becoming
model-weak actors. However, there are some limitations
with these conclusions and studies reviewed in this paper,
as many have not undergone peer review. Additionally, we
identified a notable lack of research on Social AI technolo-
gies beyond ChatGPT, which restricts our understanding of
their broader impacts.
Future research should adopt a model power approach
when investigating how various Social AI technologies
shape communication, information, and knowledge produc-
tion, as well as its influence on human behavior. This should
also be considered in the design of such AI. Such research is
crucial to enhance human decision-making while preserving
real user autonomy and the critical and diverse engagement
necessary for a democratic society.
Funding Open access funding provided by University of Oslo (incl
Oslo University Hospital). This work was supported by Norwegian
Media Authority, 00374833, Petter Bae Brandtzaeg.
Data availability Not applicable
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
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I report here a comprehensive analysis about the political preferences embedded in Large Language Models (LLMs). Namely, I administer 11 political orientation tests, designed to identify the political preferences of the test taker, to 24 state-of-the-art conversational LLMs, both closed and open source. When probed with questions/statements with political connotations, most conversational LLMs tend to generate responses that are diagnosed by most political test instruments as manifesting preferences for left-of-center viewpoints. This does not appear to be the case for five additional base (i.e. foundation) models upon which LLMs optimized for conversation with humans are built. However, the weak performance of the base models at coherently answering the tests’ questions makes this subset of results inconclusive. Finally, I demonstrate that LLMs can be steered towards specific locations in the political spectrum through Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) with only modest amounts of politically aligned data, suggesting SFT’s potential to embed political orientation in LLMs. With LLMs beginning to partially displace traditional information sources like search engines and Wikipedia, the societal implications of political biases embedded in LLMs are substantial.
Full-text available
Can large language models (LLMs) create tailor-made, convincing arguments to promote false or misleading narratives online? Early work has found that LLMs can generate content perceived on par with, or even more persuasive than, human-written messages. However, there is still limited evidence regarding LLMs' persuasive capabilities in direct conversations with humans—the scenario these models are usually deployed at. In this pre-registered study, we analyze the power of AI-driven persuasion in a controlled, harmless setting. To this end, we created a web-based platform where human participants engaged in short, multi-round debates with either human or LLM opponents. Each participant was randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions in a two-by-two factorial design: (1) the conversation partner was either another human or an LLM; (2) the conversation partner either had or did not have access to basic sociodemographic information about their opponent (and thus arguments could be personalized). We find that 64.4% of the time, personalized LLM debaters were more persuasive than humans, given that they were not equally persuasive (81.2% relative increase in the odds of higher post-debate agreement; p < 0.01; N=900). Without personalization, GPT-4 still outperformed humans, but the effect was lower and not statistically significant (p=0.30). Further, our analysis suggests that LLMs use different strategies from human debaters: their texts are harder to read and have more markers associated with logical and analytical reasoning. Overall, our results suggest that concerns around LLM-based persuasion are meaningful and have important implications for social media governance and the design of new online environments.
Conference Paper
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Generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents large risks for society when it is used to create fake news. A crucial factor for fake news to go viral on social media is that users share such content. Here, we aim to shed light on the sharing behavior of users across human-generated vs. AI-generated fake news. Specifically, we study: (1) What is the perceived veracity of human-generated fake news vs. AI-generated fake news? (2) What is the user's willingness to share human-generated fake news vs. AI-generated fake news on social media? (3) What socioeconomic characteristics let users fall for AI-generated fake news? To this end, we conducted a pre-registered, online experiment with = 988 subjects and 20 fake news from the COVID-19 pandemic generated by GPT-4 vs. humans. Our findings show that AI-generated fake news is perceived as less accurate than human-generated fake news, but both tend to be shared equally. Further, several socioeconomic factors explain who falls for AI-generated fake news.
This paper investigates the voting behaviors of Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4 and LLaMA-2, their biases, and how they align with human voting patterns. Our methodology involved using a dataset from a human voting experiment to establish a baseline for human preferences and conducting a corresponding experiment with LLM agents. We observed that the choice of voting methods and the presentation order influenced LLM voting outcomes. We found that varying the persona can reduce some of these biases and enhance alignment with human choices. While the Chain-of-Thought approach did not improve prediction accuracy, it has potential for AI explainability in the voting process. We also identified a trade-off between preference diversity and alignment accuracy in LLMs, influenced by different temperature settings. Our findings indicate that LLMs may lead to less diverse collective outcomes and biased assumptions when used in voting scenarios, emphasizing the need for cautious integration of LLMs into democratic processes.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents large risks for society when it is used to create fake news. A crucial factor for fake news to go viral on social media is that users share such content. Here, we aim to shed light on the sharing behavior of users across human-generated vs. AI-generated fake news. Specifically, we study: (1)~What is the perceived veracity of human-generated fake news vs. AI-generated fake news? (2)~What is the user's willingness to share human-generated fake news vs. AI-generated fake news on social media? (3)~What socio-economic characteristics let users fall for AI-generated fake news? To this end, we conducted a pre-registered, online experiment with N= 988 subjects and 20 fake news from the COVID-19 pandemic generated by GPT-4 vs. humans. Our findings show that AI-generated fake news is perceived as less accurate than human-generated fake news, but both tend to be shared equally. Further, several socio-economic factors explain who falls for AI-generated fake news.