
Hochstetter's fossil foraminifera collections on the Novara Expedition, 1857-1859.

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Ferdinand Hochstetter was the geologist on the Austrian trans-global Novara Expedition (1857–1859). During these travels he collected sedimentary rock samples from three places that he recognised in the field to have rich foraminiferal faunas and on his return to Austria they were studied by three foraminiferal specialists. Conrad Schwager (1866) described 97 new species (79 currently accepted) from a Pliocene lower bathyal-abyssal fauna from Car Nicobar, India. This was the earliest description of cosmopolitan, deep-water Neogene foraminiferal species and thus includes descriptions of many species widely recognised today such as Lobatula wuellerstorfi, Cibicidoides cicatricosus, Neogloboquadrina conglomerata, Pyrgo murrhina and many of the more common elongate taxa that became extinct during the Last Global extinction in the Mid Pleistocene Climate Transition. Felix Karrer (1864) and Guido Stache (1864) described 19 foraminiferal species (16 currently accepted) from the early Miocene and 126 species (50 currently accepted) from the Oligocene of the North Island of New Zealand, respectively. Among the species described from Hochstetter’s collections are the type species of 15 genera that are accepted today. Three species have been named hochstetteri from these localities. Because of their significance, all these new species from New Zealand and India were revised and typified in monographs by Hornibrook (1971) and Srinivasan & Sharma (1980), respectively.

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Most previous accounts summarising the biogeography and species durations of smaller calcareous benthic foraminifera have been based on literature reviews or on a massive North American database that had been taxonomically standardised. In this review we limit consideration to extant and fossil families or genera (from nearshore, open shelf, and deep-sea environments) with modern reviews that have standardised their global morphotaxonomy and where available, are complimented by molecular studies. We confirm previous studies that indicate most shelf species have limited geographic ranges and the majority of deep-water species are widespread and cosmopolitan or nearly so. In our intertidal and inner shelf groups only one species (molecular and morphological), Ammonia veneta, has a cosmopolitan distribution, although four warm-water morphospecies, of Ammonia and Rugobolivinella, have or had distributions that spanned more than one ocean in equatorial latitudes. The majority of both warm- and cool-water species in these groups are regionally or locally-restricted endemics (92% of Bolivinellidae, 100% of Tubulogenerina, 73% of Ammoniidae). The biogeographic distribution of the two rarer, warm-water groups (Bolivinellidae, Tubulogenerina) changed dramatically through the Cenozoic with the Paleocene–Eocene North American–European distribution of Bolivinellidae switching to purely Indo-Pacific by the Pliocene–Quaternary. In our shelf–upper bathyal groups (Notorotaliiidae, Plectofrondiculariidae), two genera have been restricted to the Southern Hemisphere since their Eocene originations with their greatest diversity throughout in New Zealand and Australia, respectively. The dominantly cold-water notorotaliid genus Buccella has a biogeographic distribution largely restricted to the Arctic Ocean and both coasts of North and South America. Most notorotaliid species are locally or regionally endemic (100% of Notorotalia, Parrellina, Porosorotalia, 75% of Buccella). At least 50–60% of species in five extinct mid-bathyal–abyssal families are cosmopolitan and have been throughout the Cenozoic since their originations. The majority of these deep-sea species with more-restricted distributions are rare, and many could possibly be more widespread with further extensive study. This review found that the shortest mean species durations (4–5 myrs) occur in two groups of rather rare, tropical–subtropical inner-shelf foraminifera with many locally endemic species. In cooler and progressively deeper water environments the mean species durations increase to 7–11 myrs for temperate shelf–bathyal taxa (Notorotaliidae), 20 myrs for an extinct mid-shelf to bathyal family (Plectofrondiculariidae) and 41–50 myrs for five extinct mid-bathyal–abyssal families (Chrysalogoniidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Pleurostomellidae, Stilostomellidae). One species in each of four of these deep-water families had a species duration of 150–120 myrs.
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The Andaman–Nicobar archipelago that forms the western margin of the Andaman Sea is a sediment-dominated accretionary wedge (outer-arc island) associated with a convergent margin tectonic setting. The Andaman accretionary ridge consists of two stratigraphically and structurally distinct terranes, juxtaposed and telescoped into a north–south-trending high-relief fold-thrust belt formed along the obliquely subducting eastern margin of the Indo-Australian oceanic lithospheric plate. The geology and structure of the ridge reflect the complexity of the evolving tectonics and stratigraphy of an accretionary wedge. Pre-Cretaceous meta-sedimentary rocks, Upper Cretaceous ophiolites and Palaeogene–Neogene sedimentary formations indicate rapid, spatial and temporal changes in lithology, sedimentology, sedimentary and tectonic environments, and palaeogeographic setting. This chapter outlines the current geodynamic setting, evidence for the history of accretion and regional geology and introduces the regional stratigraphic framework.
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Elphidiidae is a family of mostly shallow-water benthic foraminifera that occur throughout the world at present and in sedimentary rocks of Cenozoic age. Two subfamilies (Elphidiinae and Notorotaliinae) and four genera (Elphidium, Cristatavultatus, Parrellina, Notorotalia) occur in the South-west Pacific region today and two further genera (Cribrorotalia, Discorotalia) are present in the New Zealand fossil record. The paper describes the systematics, ecology, biogeography and biostratigraphy of recent Elphidiidae.
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Part 1. The Last Global Extinction in the Deep Sea During the Last Global Extinction (LGE) c. 20% (30 genera, 105 species) of cosmopolitan, mainly deep-sea (600–4000 m), benthic foraminiferal species (excluding unilocular taxa), belonging to seven families, became extinct. During this late Pliocene–middle Pleistocene interval (3.6–0.13 Ma), five families (Chrysalogoniidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Stilostomellidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Pleurostomellidae) were wiped out and one more (Plectofrondiculariidae) was almost wiped out with just one species surviving to the present. Most (76 of 105 species) of these extinctions occurred during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT, 1.2–0.55 Ma) at an extinction rate of 25% myr-1 of the deep-sea benthic foraminifera, compared with a background rate through the Cenozoic of c. 2% myr-1. Most species in the families Chrysalogoniidae, Stilostomellidae, Ellipsoidinidae and Pleurostomellidae had equal levels of abundance throughout their middle bathyal–middle abyssal depth ranges. The Glandulonodosariidae mostly lived at middle bathyal to uppermost abyssal depths and the Plectofrondiculariidae at bathyal to outer shelf depths. These Extinction Group (Ext. Gp) families comprised 30–70% of the deep-sea benthic foraminiferal fauna in the middle to late Eocene. Major declines in their relative abundance and species richness at abyssal depths began in the late Oligocene–Miocene in the Southern Ocean, in the late Miocene in the deep Indian Ocean, in the early Pliocene in the West Pacific, then globally in the late Pliocene at upper abyssal (2300–3000 m) depths and all depths in the Mediterranean Sea. At bathyal depths (900–2200 m) declines and extinctions were largely confined to the Pleistocene. These declines occurred in pulses mostly coinciding with glacial episodes of expansion of polar ice sheets, initially in Antarctica but during the MPT in the Arctic. The LGE preferentially impacted species with specific morphologies (elongate, cylindrical, often uniserial tests) and apertural types (e.g., small rounded, dentate, cribrate, or lunate slit). The precise functions of these are not known but the apertural modifications could be related to having a specific food source whose pulsed decline in abundance in the plankton resulted in the LGE. Data on δ13C analyses suggest that Ext. Gp species lived infaunally. Strong positive correlation of Ext. Gp abundance in the Pliocene–MPT with foraminiferal proxies for sustained and pulsed organic carbon flux supports the hypothesis that the Ext. Gp favoured enhanced food supply with consequent lower oxygen concentrations. Decreased bottom temperature, increased bottom water ventilation or carbonate corrosiveness, increased interspecific competition and predation, or increased or more wildly fluctuating food supply are all rejected as unlikely to be the causes of the LGE. We hypothesise that the cause may have been the progressive decline or demise of the specific phytoplankton source of the detritus that the Ext. Gp fed upon, during global cooling and later increasingly cold glacials of the MPT with lowered atmospheric CO2. The LGE and regional highest occurrence levels of Ext. Gp species have considerable biostratigraphic value in providing rapid age assessments of Quaternary oceanic sediment where planktic foraminiferal age datums are rare. Part 2. Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic History of the Extinction Group The absolute abundance and flux of the Ext. Gp were generally greater at bathyal than at deeper abyssal depths and in more eutrophic rather than oligotrophic regions. Peak Ext. Gp fluxes, relative abundance and species richness occurred between the middle Eocene and early Miocene but some short abundance peaks in the Pliocene–MPT were associated with brief periods of locally high productivity. The oldest Ext. Gp species originated in the Jurassic and eight more appeared in the Early Cretaceous. The peak of Ext. Gp species originations (2.7% myr-1) was Late Cretaceous, except in the Glandulonodosariidae (Paleocene) and Plectofrondiculariidae (middle to late Eocene). A secondary peak of originations (2% myr-1) occurred in the late Eocene across all Ext. Gp families. More than 80% of Ext. Gp species originated during the Cretaceous–Eocene (Greenhouse World) compared with c. 30% of modern deep-sea benthic foraminifera. The Cretaceous–Cenozoic Ext. Gp species had an even spread of species durations between five and 85 myrs (except plectofrondiculariids), with mean species durations of 50 myrs (Pleurostomellidae), 47 myrs (Glandulonodosariidae), 46 myrs (Stilostomellidae), 44 myrs (Ellipsoidinidae), 41 myrs (Chrysalogoniidae) and 20 myrs (Plectofrondiculariidae). Cenozoic Ext. Gp faunas are dominated by mostly long-lived species of just three genera – Strictocostella, Siphonodosaria and Pleurostomella. The Ext. Gp was largely unaffected by the K/Pg or PETM extinction events. The late Eocene–Oligocene cooling was the first interval where the Ext. Gp showed an above background level of faunal change or instability and species turnover (1% myr-1, esp. Ellipsoidinidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Glandulonodosariidae). After an early Miocene decline, extinctions began accelerating in the middle to late Miocene (1% myr-1) concurrent with progressive cooling of mid and high latitude climate and surface waters. During the Middle Miocene Climate Transition, Ext. Gp relative abundance declined and some local changes in assemblage composition occurred, but there was no pulse in global species turnover. The rate of extinctions accelerated further in the Pliocene (3% myr-1, dominantly stilostomellids), accompanied by significant changes in the composition of the dominant and overall Ext. Gp fauna as they became less diverse. With one exception, the remaining 40% of the total Cretaceous–Cenozoic diversity of the Ext. Gp disappeared during the Pleistocene, mainly during the MPT. Part 3. Taxonomy of the Extinction Group Two hundred and fifty-three species from 38 genera in the Extinction Group families (Chrysalogoniidae, Glandulonodosariidae, Plectofrondiculariidae, Stilostomellidae, Ellipsoidinidae, Pleurostomellidae, Nodosariidae in part), are reviewed and illustrated, together with eight additional species that became extinct or declined dramatically during the Last Global Extinction. Twelve genera and 26 species are described as new (Anastomosa n.gen., A. boomgaarti n.sp., A. loeblichi n.sp., Cribroconica n.gen., Epelistoma n.gen., E. morgansi n.sp., Lotostomoides n.gen., L. jorisseni n.sp., L. schwageri n.sp., Scallopostoma n.gen., Glandulonodosaria colomi n.sp., G. lutzei n.sp., Fingerina n.gen., Grigelis schoenfeldi n.sp., Mucronina hornibrooki n.sp., M. resigae n.sp., Plectolingulina n.gen., Carchariostomoides n.gen., Caveastomella n.gen., C. caralpae n.sp., C. weinholzi n.sp., Siphonodosaria campana n.sp., S. kaihoi n.sp., S. robertsoni n.sp., Stilostomella? guptai n.sp., Strictocostella srinivasani n.sp., S. strongi n.sp., Toddostomella n.gen., Unidens n.gen., U. ishizakii n.sp., Ellipsoglandulina keyzeri n.sp., Ellipsoidella tappanae n.sp., Laterohiatus n.gen., Nodosarella kohli n.sp., N. nomurai n.sp., N. schroederadamsae n.sp., Obesopleurostomella n.gen., O. boltovskoyi n.sp., Ossaggittia n.gen., O. thomasae n.sp.). Three-hundred and seventy-three species and 20 genera are suppressed as subjective junior synonyms.
The paper gives a complete stratigraphic sequence of Car Nicobar strata for the first time since the work of Schwager. The Sawai Bay formation (consisting of a mudstone member and a limestone member) and the Malacca limestone formation belonging to Archipelago Group are proposed with their type localities defined at Car Nicobar island. Based on the known stratigraphic ranges of planktonic foraminifera, the following three zones are distinguished in ascending order: (1) Globorotalia tumida flexuosa zone, (2) Globigerina nepenthes zone, and (3) Globorotalia multicamerata-Pulleniatina obliqueloculata (s.s.) zone. An Early to Middle Pliocene age is assigned to Schwager's Car Nicobar foraminifera based on planktonic foraminiferal evidence. A comparison of the zonation of Car Nicobar island with zones proposed by Banner and Blow shows that Banner and Blows' sequence is most applicable, and is used in the present work as a basis for comparison.
Inhabited by Polynesians since the thirteenth century and discovered by Europeans in the seventeenth, New Zealand is a geologically diverse island group where active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes have resulted in a rich variety of rock formations and geothermal activity. In 1859–60, the geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829–84) was employed by Auckland's government to undertake the first systematic geological survey of the islands, the results of which were first published in German in 1863 and translated into this English version in 1867. Hochstetter describes his travels across New Zealand, his encounters with native people and his scientific observations. He analyses plants, wildlife and fossils, describes mountains, rocks and boiling springs, and evaluates evidence of glaciers and tectonic activity. As a result of Hochstetter's work, several species in New Zealand were named after him. This book remains a valuable resource in the history of Australasian natural science.
Joined by seven eminent natural scientists, including Karl von Scherzer (1821–1903), the Austrian naval expedition of 1857–9 was remarkable for its globe-spanning scale. During the course of the voyage, the naturalists collected an abundance of samples which contributed to several scientific discoveries, including the isolation of cocaine in its pure form. Some of the investigations also revolutionised knowledge in such fields as geology, oceanography, hydrography and geomagnetism, and are still being studied by modern-day researchers. Prepared by Scherzer and first published in English in 1861–3, this is a compelling three-volume account of the mission, remaining relevant to scholars interested in naval exploration and the history of science. Volume 2 covers the leg from India to Australia, with notes on the Nicobar Islands, Singapore, Java, Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Pacific archipelagos.
The World Foraminifera Database This World Database of all species of Foraminifera ever described (recent and fossil), is part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), a global initiative to provide a register of all marine organisms. Searching the database (fossil and/or recent) The default setting is to search the whole database of fossil and recent species. If you would like to only search the recent (living) taxa then tick the 'extant' box in the Taxon Search window. The World List is a searchable catalogue of species and higher taxa names. Navigating this catalogue starts with clicking on one of the choices in the menu, which you find on the top of each page Introduction will lead you this introductory section Search taxa will lead to a query page through which all taxon pages can be accessed Browse taxa will lead to a taxonomic tree Checklist will lead to a query page in which a geounit can directly be picked if the exact name of the unit is already known. This way a list of taxa for a given area can be found quickly. Attributes will lead to a page to query (mainly) fossil ranges Stats some statistics about the World Foraminifera Database Sources will lead to a query page for References of Foraminifera literature. Images will lead to photogallery with images Login only available to editors. For each foraminiferal species or infraspecific taxon, accepted or not, there may be the following entries: genus name the subgenus name, if applicable, N.B. subgenus names do not need to be cited at all times according to the ICZN; acceptance of combinations without subgenus names is considered ‘alternative representation’ in the database. the species name the infraspecific name, if applicable the author and year of the species name, without or with brackets depending on whether it is the original combination or not The AphiaID (a unique numerical database identifier) The higher classification (according to Loeblich and Tappan, 1990, 1992) The status as ‘accepted’ or ‘unaccepted’ (if applicable; junior synonymy is usually based on published revision) Record status (indicates who checked the record) Rank of taxon, e.g. species Parent: immediately higher taxon, e.g. genus, to which the present taxon belongs Synonymized taxa: the list of junior synonyms linked to the present name Sources: literature reference of the original description and if applicable to a recent revision (as the ‘basis of the record’). Child taxa: all immediate subordinate taxa, e.g. subspecies Environment: marine or brackish Fossil range: recent only or also known as fossil (soon epoch ranges will be available) Distribution: indication of the recent geographic distribution of the taxon, at least based on the origin of the holotype, Different geounits may be indicated, preferably the Marine Ecoregion (see Spalding et al. 2007), but frequently also the country’s Exclusive Economic Zone. The distribution areas of the junior synonyms are automatically shown with each ‘accepted species’ Specimen: type specimen information, or published specimen information Links: to other foraminiferal resources, to images and other information on specific servers. Current general links are: Genbank, etc. Notes: any further relevant information, including descriptions, comments, explanations, etc. Images: photos or other images uploaded to the site We prefer ‘objective’ images of the taxa, such as photos or illustrations of type specimens. We do not encourage photos of unidentified foraminifera, but reliably identified copyright free images are welcome. LSID notation: (similar to ISBN in publications) Edit history: date of entry and changes made, name of editor Links to a Taxonomic tree, Google, Google Scholar and Google images. The records on higher taxa generally have the same structure as those of the species records. Not all of the above items already exist for all taxa entered in the database, but they will be added as time permits. What you can do with this database at this time is find out what the currently accepted combination is of your subject foraminifer, what its currently accepted higher taxon affiliation is, and from where it was originally described. You can also check which accepted species occur in a higher taxon. What you cannot (yet) do is find every published combination of genus and species name, as we have given priority so far to the original and the currently accepted combinations (so non-original non-accepted combinations are frequently still lacking). What you also cannot do comprehensively is trace the distributions of species and higher taxa or extract regional lists of species, because there is as yet no consistency in the data entered from around the world.
The Andaman–Nicobar archipelago that forms the western margin of the Andaman Sea is a sediment-dominated accretionary wedge (outer-arc island) associated with a convergent margin tectonic setting. The Andaman accretionary ridge consists of two stratigraphically and structurally distinct terranes, juxtaposed and telescoped into a north–south-trending high-relief fold-thrust belt formed along the obliquely subducting eastern margin of the Indo-Australian oceanic lithospheric plate. The geology and structure of the ridge reflect the complexity of the evolving tectonics and stratigraphy of an accretionary wedge. Pre-Cretaceous meta-sedimentary rocks, Upper Cretaceous ophiolites and Palaeogene–Neogene sedimentary formations indicate rapid, spatial and temporal changes in lithology, sedimentology, sedimentary and tectonic environments, and palaeogeographic setting. This chapter outlines the current geodynamic setting, evidence for the history of accretion and regional geology and introduces the regional stratigraphic framework.
Topotypes of the Late Tertiary foraminiferal species described in the report of the Novara Expedition published in 1866 by Dr. Conrad Schwager were obtained from samples collected on the island of Car Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal. The present status of these species is listed. Topotypes matched with the figures and descriptions given by Schwager have been lodged in the Geology Department, Banaras Hindu University, and a second set of topotypes will be deposited at the British Museum (Natural History), London. Neotypes will later be designated for all of the valid species described and figured by Schwager in his Novara report of 1866, except Globigerina conglomerata Schwager and G. seminulina Schwager, neotypes for which have already been proposed by Banner and Blow (1960).
The Waitemata Group comists of flysch and related strata, of uppermost Oligocene to Lower Miocene age, outcropping widely around Auckland. It is redefined to exclude the Manukau Breccias, which are included with the Waipoua Basalt and Omapere Conglomerate of Hokianga in Hayward's new Waitakere Group. Also excluded are the co-eval marine strata of Hokianga (Hay's Otaua Group) and North Cape (Leitch's ParengarengD Group), The group includes a central body of flysch extending from Papakura to Brynderwyn (Warkworth Subgroup), It is flanked to the north by a shelf facies (Bream Subgroup); to the west by a distal-volcanic deep shelf facies (Kaipara Subgroup); and to the south by a shelf facies (Meremere Subgroup), To the east, the group overlaps an uneven surface on Torlesse metagreywackes. Both upper and lower contacts of the group are unconformable. There is a substantial volcaniclastic content in some formations, but no in-situ volcanics occur.The existing formations are defined, and the following new formations are proposed. The basal Cape Rodney Formation (much enlarged from Park's original usage); East Coast Bays Formation, non-volcanic flysch centred on Auckland; Pakiri Formation, strongly volcanic flysch occurring northwards from Waiwera; Blockhouse Bay Formation, mixed volcanic and non-volcanic flysch and non-flysch lithologies, occurring west of Auckland and in the Manukau lowlands; Ruarangi Formation, tuff-bearing mudstones and minor flysch; Ngatoka Formation, massive calcareous sandstone; Puriri Formation, calcareous siltstones with volcanic turbidites.The proximal-volcanic Waitakere Group and the Waitemata Group are co-eval and interdigitate. The Waitakere Group oversteps eastwards across the Waitemata Group. The boundary between the two groups west of Auckland is taken at the conformable iunction of the Blockhouse Bay Formation with the overlying Cornwallis Formation. The boundary in the Kaipara Harbour is taken at the unconformable junction of the Timber Bav Formation with the overlying Okahukura Formation.The oldest formations in the Warkworth, Kaipara, and Bream Subgroups are probably Waitakian. The remainder of the group is Otaian. A bibliography of the revised Waitemata Group is included.
By the map of New Zealand it will be seen that in the 36th degree of south latitude the Northern Island of New Zealand is so much narrowed as to form an isthmus of about six miles in width from east to west, connecting the broader and higher land on either side. This isthmus, like the land immediately to the north and south of it, has an undulating surface, rising in some places to hills of about 600 or 7OO feet above the sea. The cliffs which bound its eastern side show beds of soft sandstone, indurated clay, and mud-rock, with layers of volcanic ashes, and, occasionally, seams of lignite and coal. The whole seems to belong to the Tertiary formation, and probably to the Eocene period. Organic remains are rarely met with. But at one locality, between Kohuroa and Omaha, Terebratulœ. (of which specimens are forwarded to the Society) occur at the junction of the volcanic ashes and clay-beds above-mentioned. The higher land to the south of the isthmus—beginning on the eastern coast—consists of, first, clay-slate, then rocks of the Cretaceous formations, and lastly, a magnetic sandstone-rock, mixed with a black conglomerate. This series rises into hills of 800 of 1000 feet above the sea. To the northward of the isthmus the Tertiary is bounded on the eastern slope by a black trap-rock of a very close texture, next by a black boulder-rock, and finally, on the west coast, by a trachytic breccia, rising into peaks and ridges of
The types and figured originals of fossils collected by the Novara Expedition, preserved in the Natural History Museum, Vienna, are tabulated, and missing specimens listed. Types described by Jaeger, Karrer, Reuss, Stache, and Zittel are in the Museum, but those described by Schwager, Stoliczka, and Unger are missing.Notes on the localities of New Zealand fossils collected by the Novara Expedition are given in an appendix.
First usage of the stratigraphic term Te Kuiti is reviewed, with special considerationof restrictions in its use and of the upper limit of its application. Adoption of the name “Te Kuiti Group” is supported, and a revised definition proposed. Stratigraphical, columns are presented covering an area from Papakura to Taumarunui. The constituent formations of the group are described, their type localities are recorded, and the following new formations are introduced: Mangakotuku Siltstone, Glen Massey Formation (including Elgood Limestone, Dunphail Siltstone, and Glen Massey Sandstone members), Waitetuna Limestone Member of the Aotea Sandstone, Te Akatea Siltstone, Orahiri Limestone, Otorohanga Limestone, and Mangapehi Sandstone. Isopachs, shorelines, and facies distribution are described and illustrated. Short sections on facies control of faunas and geological history are also included.
Incluye bibliografía Part.I. Foraminiferal classification from D'Orbigny to Galloway / by Richard Cifelli-- Part.II. Notes on Cifelli's "foraminiferal classification from D'Orbigny to Galloway" / by Susan L. Richardson
Introduction to the study of foraminifera
  • W B Carpenter
  • W K Parker
  • T R Jones
Carpenter, W. B., Parker, W. K., and Jones, T. R., 1862, Introduction to the study of foraminifera: Ray Society, London, v. 1, 319 p.
Reise um die Erde an Bord Sr. Maj. Fregatte Novara unter dem Commodore Bernhard Ritter v. W€ ullerstorf-Urbair K.K. Linienschiffscapitän erzählt von Dr. Ferdinand Hochstetter IV Von der Abfahrt von Madras den 10 Febr. 1858 bis zur Ankunft in Singapore den 15
  • F Hochstetter
Hochstetter, F., 1858, Nicobaren 1858. Reise um die Erde an Bord Sr. Maj. Fregatte Novara unter dem Commodore Bernhard Ritter v. W€ ullerstorf-Urbair K.K. Linienschiffscapitän erzählt von Dr. Ferdinand Hochstetter IV Von der Abfahrt von Madras den 10 Febr. 1858 bis zur Ankunft in Singapore den 15 April 1858. Unpublished manuscript diary, Hochstetter Collection Basel.
  • F Hochstetter
  • Von
Hochstetter, F. von, 1864, Geologie von Neu-Seeland. Beiträge zur Geologie der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Novara-Expedition, Geologischer, Theil 1, (1): Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, 274 p.
Beiträge zur Geologie und physikalischen Geographie der Nikobar-Inseln
  • F Hochstetter
  • Von
Hochstetter, F. von, 1866, Beiträge zur Geologie und physikalischen Geographie der Nikobar-Inseln. Novara-Expedition, Geologischer, Theil 2, (1): Vienna, Staatsdruckerei, p. 83-112.
With special reference to the results of Government expeditions in the provinces of Auckland and Nelson: Cotta
  • F Hochstetter
Hochstetter, F. von, 1867, New Zealand. Its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History. With special reference to the results of Government expeditions in the provinces of Auckland and Nelson: Cotta, Stuttgart, 515 p.
Revision of the Oligocene and Miocene foraminifera from New Zealand, described by Karrer and Stache in the reports of the
  • N Hornibrook
  • B De
Hornibrook, N. de B., 1971, Revision of the Oligocene and Miocene foraminifera from New Zealand, described by Karrer and Stache in the reports of the "Novara" Expedition (1864): New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin, no. 43, 85 p.
Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des Tertiaren Grunsandsteines der Orakei-Bay bei Auckland, Von Felix Karrer: Review in Abstracts of Foreign Memoirs
  • Jones,
Jones, T. R., and Parker, W. K., 1864, Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des Tertiaren Grunsandsteines der Orakei-Bay bei Auckland, Von Felix Karrer: Review in Abstracts of Foreign Memoirs, Geological Magazine, London, v. 1(2), p. 74-75.
Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Geologischer Theil, II. Band, Zweite Abtheilung: Paläontologische Mitteilungen
  • C Schwager
Schwager, C., 1866, Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Geologischer Theil, II. Band, Zweite Abtheilung: Paläontologische Mitteilungen. Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, p. 187-268.
The age of Car Nicobar foraminifera described by Schwager 1866: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia
  • M S Srinivasan
  • V Sharma
Srinivasan, M. S., and Sharma, V., 1974, The age of Car Nicobar foraminifera described by Schwager 1866: Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia, v. 6, p. 173-181.
Schwager's Car Nicobar Foraminifera in the reports of the Novara Expedition -A revision: Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers
  • M S Srinivasan
  • V Sharma
Srinivasan, M. S., and Sharma, V., 1980, Schwager's Car Nicobar Foraminifera in the reports of the Novara Expedition -A revision: Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, 83 p.
Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Geologischer Theil, Erster Band, Zweite Abtheilung
  • G Stache
Stache, G., 1864, Die Foraminiferen der Tertiären Mergel des Whaingaroa-Hafens (Provinz Auckland). Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Geologischer Theil, Erster Band, Zweite Abtheilung. Paläontologie von Neu-Seeland: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fossilen Flora und Fauna der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson. Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, p. 161-304.
Pyramidulina substrigata (Stache, 1864) Plecanium eurystoma Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Plecanium granosissimum Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Plecanium karreri Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Polymorphina cognata Polymorphina lingulata Stache
  • F Stoliczka
Stoliczka, F., 1869, Contribution to the geology and physical geography of the Nicobar Islands by Dr F. von Hochstetter [English translation]: Records of the Geological Survey of India, v. 2, p. 59-73. Pyramidulina substrigata (Stache, 1864) Plecanium eurystoma Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Plecanium granosissimum Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Plecanium karreri Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) Polymorphina cognata Polymorphina lingulata Stache, 1864
  • Carpenter,
Report on the Foraminifera dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873–1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76
  • Brady,
New Zealand Foraminifera: Key species in stratigraphy – No. 1
  • Finlay,
Revision of the Oligocene and Miocene foraminifera from New Zealand, described by Karrer and Stache in the reports of the “Novara” Expedition (1864)
  • Hornibrook,
Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the “Challenger” Expedition. II. Additions to the knowledge of porcellanous and hyaline types: Quarterly
  • Brady,
Contribution to the geology and physical geography of the Nicobar Islands by Dr F. von Hochstetter [English translation]
  • Stoliczka,
Nicobaren 1858. Reise um die Erde an Bord Sr. Maj. Fregatte Novara unter dem Commodore Bernhard Ritter v. Wüllerstorf-Urbair K.K. Linienschiffscapitän erzählt von Dr. Ferdinand Hochstetter IV Von der Abfahrt von Madras den 10 Febr. 1858 bis zur Ankunft in Singapore den 15 April 1858
  • Hochstetter,
Notes on Fossils (from Orakei Creek, Auckland), in Heaphy, C., On the volcanic country of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Jones,