
Holonomies for foliations with extreme disintegration behavior

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Given a foliation, we say that it displays “extreme disintegration behavior” if either it has atomic disintegration or if it is leafwise absolutely continuous and its conditional measures are uniformly equivalent to the leaf volume, which we call UDB property. Both concepts are related to the decomposition of volume with respect to the foliation. We relate these behaviors to the measure-theoretical regularity of the holonomies, by proving that a foliation with atomic disintegration has holonomies taking full volume sets to zero volume sets, and we characterize the UBD property with the holonomies having uniformly bounded Jacobians. Both extreme phenomena appear in invariant foliations for dynamical systems.

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... In recent work, both authors and M. Cantarino [5] have tried to better understand atomic disintegration in terms of the holonomy map. It is proved in [5] that if a foliation has atomic disintegration with respect to the Lebesgue measure then for almost every pair of transversal the holonomy takes a set of full Lebesgue measure to a set of zero Lebesgue measure. ...
... In recent work, both authors and M. Cantarino [5] have tried to better understand atomic disintegration in terms of the holonomy map. It is proved in [5] that if a foliation has atomic disintegration with respect to the Lebesgue measure then for almost every pair of transversal the holonomy takes a set of full Lebesgue measure to a set of zero Lebesgue measure. The holonomy gives an idea of how each leaf of the foliation is stacked on one another. ...
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In this work, we consider conditions in which atomic disintegration is in fact a monoatomic disintegration. One of the motivations of this work comes from the work of Ponce et al. (J Mod Dyn, 8(1):93–107, 2014); they prove that there is a minimal foliation and a set of full volume which intersects each leaf in one point, but their argument uses some of the hyperbolic structure of the system. We generalize some of their techniques in which we eliminate the need for Markov partitions, which are structures inherited from Anosov diffeomorphisms. We prove some results on which atomic disintegration and some contraction hypothesis on the foliation implies monoatomic disintegration.
... Since the centre foliation does not exist in our context, we work with a regularity condition for the unstable foliation. In a work in preparation, Cantarino et al [6] prove that the UBD property is equivalent do the holonomies having uniformly bounded Jacobians. ...
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We provide sufficient conditions for smooth conjugacy between two Anosov endomorphisms on the two-torus. From that, we also explore how the regularity of the stable and unstable foliations implies smooth conjugacy inside a class of endomorphisms including, for instance, the ones with constant Jacobian. As a consequence, we have in this class a characterisation of smooth conjugacy between special Anosov endomorphisms (defined as those having only one unstable direction for each point) and their linearisations.
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We provide sufficient conditions for smooth conjugacy between two Anosov endomorphisms on the two-torus. From that, we also explore how the regularity of the stable and unstable foliations implies smooth conjugacy inside a class of endomorphisms including, for instance, the ones with constant Jacobian. As a consequence, we have in this class a characterisation of smooth conjugacy between special Anosov endomorphisms (defined as those having only one unstable direction for each point) and their linearisations.
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This monograph offers a coherent, self-contained account of the theory of Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen measures and decay of correlations for nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems. A central topic in the statistical theory of dynamical systems, the book in particular provides a detailed exposition of the theory developed by L.-S. Young for systems admitting induced maps with certain analytic and geometric properties. After a brief introduction and preliminary results, Chapters 3, 4, 6 and 7 provide essentially the same pattern of results in increasingly interesting and complicated settings. Each chapter builds on the previous one, apart from Chapter 5 which presents a general abstract framework to bridge the more classical expanding and hyperbolic systems explored in Chapters 3 and 4 with the nonuniformly expanding and partially hyperbolic systems described in Chapters 6 and 7. Throughout the book, the theory is illustrated with applications. A clear and detailed account of topics of current research interest, this monograph will be of interest to researchers in dynamical systems and ergodic theory. In particular, beginning researchers and graduate students will appreciate the accessible, self-contained presentation.
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In this paper we address the issues of absolute continuity for the center foliation (as well as the disintegration on the non-absolute continuous case) and rigidity of volume preserving partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms isotopic to a linear Anosov on T3\mathbb T^3. It is shown that the disintegration of volume on center leaves may be neither atomic nor Lebesgue. It is also obtained results concerning the atomic disintegration. Moreover, the absolute continuity of the center foliation does not imply smooth conjugacy with its linearization. Imposing stronger conditions besides absolute continuity on the center foliation, smooth conjugacy is obtained.
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In this work we study relations between regularity of invariant foliations and Lyapunov exponents of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. We suggest a new regularity condition for foliations in terms of desintegration of Lebesgue measure which can be considered as a criterium for rigidity of Lyapunov exponents.
Rich with examples and applications, this textbook provides a coherent and self-contained introduction to ergodic theory, suitable for a variety of one- or two-semester courses. The authors' clear and fluent exposition helps the reader to grasp quickly the most important ideas of the theory, and their use of concrete examples illustrates these ideas and puts the results into perspective. The book requires few prerequisites, with background material supplied in the appendix. The first four chapters cover elementary material suitable for undergraduate students – invariance, recurrence and ergodicity – as well as some of the main examples. The authors then gradually build up to more sophisticated topics, including correlations, equivalent systems, entropy, the variational principle and thermodynamical formalism. The 400 exercises increase in difficulty through the text and test the reader's understanding of the whole theory. Hints and solutions are provided at the end of the book.
In this work we completely classify CC^\infty conjugacy for conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms homotopic to a linear Anosov automorphism on the 3-torus by its center foliation behavior. We prove that the uniform version of absolute continuity for the center foliation is the natural hypothesis to obtain CC^\infty conjugacy to its linear Anosov automorphism. On a recent work Avila, Viana and Wilkinson proved that for a perturbation in the volume preserving case of the time-one map of an Anosov flow absolute continuity of the center foliation implies smooth rigidity. The absolute version of absolute continuity is the appropriate sceneario for our context since it is not possible to obtain an analogous result of Avila, Viana and Wilkinson for our class of maps, for absolute continuity alone fails miserably to imply smooth rigidity for our class of maps. Our theorem is a global rigidity result as we do not assume the diffeomorphism to be at some distance from the linear Anosov automorphism. We also do not assume ergodicity. In particular a metric condition on the center foliation implies ergodicity and CC^\infty center foliation.
In this paper we mainly address the problem of disintegration of Lebesgue measure along the central foliation of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms isotopic to hyperbolic automorphisms of 3-torus. We prove that atomic disintegration of the Lebesgue measure (ergodic case) along the central foliation has the peculiarity of being mono-atomic (one atom per leaf). This implies the measurability of the central foliation. As a corollary we pro-vide open and nonempty subset of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with minimal yet measurable central foliation.
We consider volume-preserving perturbations of the time-one map of the geodesic flow of a compact surface with negative curvature. We show that if the Liouville measure has Lebesgue disintegration along the center foliation then the perturbation is itself the time-one map of a smooth volume-preserving flow, and that otherwise the disintegration is necessarily atomic.
Let A 3 be the product of the automorphism of T 2 and of the identity on T 1. A small perturbation g of A 3 among volume preserving diffeomorphisms will have an invariant family of smooth circles Γ forming a continuous foliation of T 3. Corresponding to the vector bundle tangent to the circles Γ there is a “central” Lyapunov exponent of (g, volume), which is nonzero for an open set of ergodic g's. This surprising result of Shub and Wilkinson is complemented here by showing that the volume on T 3 has atomic conditional measures on the Γ's: there is a finite k such that almost every Γ carries k atoms of mass 1/k.