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Rapid DNA barcoding‐based fern and lycophyte inventories of protected areas—A pilot study to introduce a simple but effective protocol

Integrative Conservation

Abstract and Figures

Recording inventories of species conserved in protected areas is a key step to evaluate the effectiveness of Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM‐GBF) targets, such as the expansion of protected areas. The application of DNA barcoding facilitates the rapid production of enables to obtain rapid inventories with reduced reliance on taxon experts. These inventories aim not only to confirm existing records but also to minimize gaps in our knowledge of the distribution and taxonomy of species targeted for conservation through the implementation of protected areas. This pilot study introduces a simplified DNA barcoding pipeline as a reliable tool for recording fern and lycophyte species occurring in protected areas. The pipeline emphasizes limited and/or short training requirements, reducing the input required from taxon experts and maximizing shared benefits between conservationists and taxonomists. Despite using a single DNA barcoding region, 78% of the accessions were unambiguously identified to the species level. This applied approach not only confirmed previous records but also identified several previously overlooked species, either as newly recorded species conserved in the protected area or as species new to science. The pilot project effectively documented known species diversity and identified gaps in our taxonomic knowledge by discovering previously unknown and locally rare taxa. This rapid assessment enhances productive exchanges between conservation practitioners and taxon experts, with substantial benefits for both parties.
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Received: 14 February 2024
Accepted: 2 July 2024
DOI: 10.1002/inc3.60
Rapid DNA barcodingbased fern and lycophyte
inventories of protected areasA pilot study
to introduce a simple but effective protocol
Hongmei Liu
|Yarong Chai
|Harald Schneider
Center for Integrative Conservation and
Yunnan Key Laboratory for Conservation of
Tropical Rainforests and Asian Elephants,
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla,
Menglun, Yunnan, China
School of Tea & Coffee, Pu'er University,
Pu'er, Yunnan, China
Hongmei Liu, Center for Integrative
Conservation and Yunnan Key Laboratory
for Conservation of Tropical Rainforests
and Asian Elephants, Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Mengla, Menglun
666303, Yunnan, China.
Funding information
Yunnan Province Science and Technology
Department, Grant/Award Number:
202101AS070012; Yunnan Revitalization
Talent Support Program Innovation
TeamProject, Grant/Award Number:
202405AS350019; 14th FiveYear Plan of the
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Grant/Award Number: E3ZKFF8B01
Recording inventories of species conserved in protected areas is a
key step to evaluate the effectiveness of Kunming Montreal Global
Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) targets, such as the expansion of
protected areas. The application of DNA barcoding facilitates the
rapid production of enables to obtain rapid inventories with reduced
reliance on taxon experts. These inventories aim not only to conrm
existing records but also to minimize gaps in our knowledge of
the distribution and taxonomy of species targeted for conservation
through the implementation of protected areas. This pilot study
introduces a simplied DNA barcoding pipeline as a reliable tool for
recording fern and lycophyte species occurring in protected areas.
The pipeline emphasizes limited and/or short training requirements,
reducing the input required from taxon experts and maximizing
shared benets between conservationists and taxonomists. Despite
using a single DNA barcoding region, 78% of the accessions were
unambiguously identied to the species level. This applied approach
not only conrmed previous records but also identied several
previously overlooked species, either as newly recorded species
conserved in the protected area or as species new to science. The
pilot project effectively documented known species diversity and
identied gaps in our taxonomic knowledge by discovering previ-
ously unknown and locally rare taxa. This rapid assessment enhances
productive exchanges between conservation practitioners and taxon
experts, with substantial benets for both parties.
DNA barcoding, GBF targets, inventories, land plants, protected areas, taxonomic
Plain language summary
Recording the biodiversity conserved in protected areas is a crucial
cornerstone to assess their effectiveness. Unfortunately, assessing the
diversity within protected areas has been a major challenge due to the
scarcity of taxonomists who can provide reliable identication. Here, we
introduce a simple DNA barcoding approach that can be established and
carried out by conservation practitioners with minimal involvement of
taxonomic experts. Notably, the records obtained through this approach
Integrative Conservation. 2024;3:196211.196
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Author(s). Integrative Conservation published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical
Garden (XTBG).
EditorinChief: Binbin Li
Handling Editor: Alison Nazareno
can conrm the occurrence of previously recorded species, identify new
species, and even detect gaps in our taxonomic knowledge. These multiple
benets were demonstrated through a pilot project that recorded the fern
species diversity in a small conservation area in southwest China, utilizing
asimplied DNA barcoding approach to minimize dependence on
taxonomic experts.
Protected areas, such as national parks and forest
reserves, are the cornerstone of global efforts
to conserve species threatened by anthropogenic
transformations of their environments including
deforestation, urbanization, and global climate
warming (Pacici et al., 2020; Williams et al., 2022).
As a consequence, expansion of protected areas
has been set as one of the targets of the
KunmingMontreal Global Biodiversity Framework
(Hughes, 2023;Watsonetal.,2023). Evaluation of the
effectiveness of already established or intended
protected areas requires reliable inventories of the
species conserved in the area protected (Rodrigues
& Cazalis, 2020). However, current inventories often
focus only on a few iconic organisms, such as large
mammals, birds, and selected tree genera, leaving
signicant gaps in the data for the vast number of
taxa contributing to the ecosystems (Rodrigues &
Cazalis, 2020). Consequently, there is insufcient
evidence to support the assumption that protected
areas effectively slow the decline of species diver-
sity across all branches of the treeoflife (Justin
Nowakowski et al., 2023). Besides the lack of rst
records, another major challenge is the absence of
repeated occurrence conrmations necessary to
enable the evaluation of the effectiveness of applied
management strategies. To overcome these chal-
lenges, effective management of protected areas
thus requires to set targets that aim to achieve
periodic documentation of all or at least a broad
range of organisms occurring in these areas.
Unfortunately, this task is complicated by mapping
the biodiversity, especially repeated recording has to
tackle the scarcity of taxonomic expertise for many
lineages of organisms (Engel et al., 2021;Wheeler
et al., 2012). Given this limited availability of taxon
experts for most lineages of the treeoflife, assess-
ments of the biodiversity in protected areas require
the employment of methodologies that minimize the
need for expert input while avoiding compromising
the essential quality of species identication. Here,
we addressed specically the utilization of DNA
barcoding that presents a viable solution to these
challenges by facilitating rapid species inventories
with minimal taxonomic expertise. Since its intro-
duction, DNA barcoding has proven valuable in
conservation biology despite certain challenges
require to be taken into account (e.g., Liu et al., 2014;
Pereira et al., 2021; Song et al., 2023). This study
reports on a pilot project designed to establish a
DNA barcoding workow with specic objectives:
(1) generating DNA sequences with limited costs
and technological requirements, (2) simultaneously
assessing and creating a reference data set, and
(3) establishing an effective feedback loop between
conservation practitioners and taxon experts.
DNA barcoding was introduced to leverage
advancements in DNA sequencing technologies
for achieve reliable species identication without
the constant need for taxon experts involvement
at every step (Hebert et al., 2003). Since its
introduction, substantial efforts were not only
taken to establish barcoding for all organisms,
including land plants (e.g., CBOL Plant Working
Group, 2009; Kress, 2017), and has evolved to
incorporate to expand from the CBOL concept
towards more exible frameworks by integrating
new DNA technologies such as metabarcoding
(Ruppert et al., 2019). The successes and chal-
lenges of DNA barcoding for plants can be
illustrated by its application to identify ferns. It
has been utilized in a wide range of applications
such as to improve quality control of fern frag-
ments in the medicinal plant trade (Ma et al., 2010),
to tackle the identication of fern gametophytes
(Li et al., 2009; Nitta et al., 2017; Nitta &
Chambers, 2021; Schneider & Schuettpelz, 2006),
to document genetic differentiation among closely
et al., 2016), and to enhance documentation of
fern diversity in various habitats, from temperate
(de Groot et al., 2011) to tropical regions (Ebihara
et al., 2010; Nitta et al., 2020;TrujilloArgueta
et al., 2021). These studies had in common the
requirement to utilize reference data sets established
under the guidance of taxon experts. Some well
curated DNA barcode libraries are available, such as
Practitioner points
This highly simplied DNA barcoding
protocol can be easily applied to address
the species identication bottleneck.
Communicating results with experts is
crucial for conrming new species records
and possibly identifying species that may
be new to science.
DNA barcoding improves the documenta-
tion of known species while also expand-
ing the number of rare species known to
occur in protected areas.
for woody plants in tropical and subtropical China
(Jin et al., 2023)andowering plants of northwest-
ern China's arid regions (Song et al., 2023). However,
the broader application of DNA barcoding for
monitoring plant diversity in protected areas
requires simultaneous inventory assessments and
the creation of DNA reference barcoding libraries.
Here, we describe a pipeline to apply DNA
barcoding to record the species diversity in
protected areas, specically focusing on the fern
and lycophyte diversity of the Green Stone Forest
Fragment that belongs to Menglun SubNature
Reserve of the Xishuangbanna National Forest
Reserve, located in southwest China. Some infor-
mation about the fern diversity of this fragment has
been assessed by employing historical records
available in the form of herbarium specimens
in a previous study on the fern and lycophyte
diversity of the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous
Prefecture (Chen et al., 2022). Ferns and lycophytes
are not only common in tropical forest habitats but
are also considered excellent ecological indicators
for evaluating such ecosystems (Della, 2022).
The surveyed protected area is known to host
local endemics, such as Cyrtomium latifalcatum
S. K. Wu & Mitsuta (Wu & Mitsuta, 1985;Zhang
et al., 2013). The pilot project is set up with the
specic aim to be applicable without substantial
training efforts and with access to laboratories
providing only basic facilities for DNA extraction
and DNA barcode amplication. Therefore, the
number of DNA regions employed was restricted
rbcL gene. This gene has been the workhorse of
fern and lycophyte phylogenetics since the earliest
studies applied molecular tools to improve our
understanding of their phylogenetic relationships
(Nitta et al., 2022). As a consequence, more than
20,000 rbcL sequences of ferns and lycophytes
have been deposited in public databases such
as GenBank ( To
demonstrate the simplicity of the core parts of
the pipeline, collecting surveys and molecular lab
work were carried out by an intern student from a
local university. The input from experts with
extensive taxonomic knowledge was restricted to
several essential steps, such as assembling a
reference library and quality control. A specic
target of the pipeline has been the establishment
of feedback mechanisms to address taxonomic
Specically, the results of the study were eval-
uated to satisfy the following requirements: (1) most
species previously recorded for the protected area
were recovered through unambiguous DNA iden-
tication; (2) species gaps in the reference library
were successfully addressed by obtaining new
sequences, especially of local endemics; and (3)
shortcomings of current species treatments were
successfully detected, including the discovery
of accessions that may represent species new to
FIGURE 1 Workow of the DNA barcoding procedure. Blue = data preparation and processing carried out by conservation
practitioners; green = data processing carried out by taxon experts; brown = data analysis steps. The initial reference data set is
updated by incorporating newly generated sequences (AS) and by updating the taxonomy (UT). PCR, polymerase chain reaction; VI,
expert veried identications.
2.1 |Study site
The pilot project employed a workow designed
to enable contributors with limited training in
plant taxonomy and molecular biology to perform
most of the data production, thereby reducing
the dependence on experienced taxonomists and
optimizing feedback between conservation practi-
tioners and taxonomists (see Figure 1). Transect
surveys of the Green Stone Forest Fragment
(21.91022409° N, 101.28119972° E) within the Men-
glun SubNature Reserve of the Xishuangbanna
National Forest Reserve, located in the southern
part of the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Pre-
fecture (Yunnan, China), were carried out repeat-
edly by students with minimal knowledge of the
target plant lineage, without the involvement of
taxon experts. The role of the experts was mini-
mized to providing initial guidance for conducting
surveys, training in the molecular laboratory,
and identifying the accessions using traditional
morphologybased approaches. All ferns and lyco-
phytes were collected to (1) obtain voucher speci-
mens and (2) obtain materials for DNA extraction.
In addition, all collected samples were imaged in
the eld. Voucher specimens were generated using
standard protocols and deposited in the research
laboratory at the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical
Garden, CAS. Pinnae or lamina fragments were
removed, dried in silica gel, and stored in the
laboratory. The remaining material was preserved
for future studies. All images taken were trans-
ferred to an image database. Future surveys will
only require the collection of leaf fragments,
minimizing the impact on rare species by avoiding
the collection of whole plants.
2.2 |DNA
extraction, polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) amplication, and sequencing
Whole genomic DNA was extracted using commer-
cially available DNA extraction kits (Tiangen
Biotech Co.) following the manufacturer's protocol
(see File S1 for further details). The obtained DNA
was then used to set up PCR reactions to amplify
a single DNA fragment, a process commonly
employed in DNA barcoding and molecular phylo-
genetics of these plants, specically the chloroplast
genome region rbcL (see File S1). The PCR products
were sent to Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd for Sanger
sequencing. The obtained sequences were as-
sembled and stored using widely available and
freely accessible software tools, such as BioEdit
7. 1 (; Hall, 1999). All
sequences were integrated into a single database in
the commonly used nexus format. The pipeline
of DNA extraction, PCR amplication, and DNA
sequencing was summarized in File S1. All newly
generated sequences were then checked for taxon
identity using DNA Blast (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/Blast.cgi) to obtain a list of accessions with
highly similar DNA sequences (see BLASTN query
PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch). The reported list com-
prised information about the scientic name (genus,
species), GenBank accession number, and several
statistical values, particularly measures of sequence
similarity, such as the percentage identity (Per. Ident)
that enabled a ranking of the accessions with
similarities of up to 100%. Any potential contamina-
tion and mismatch sequences were identied and
ltered out by this rst quality control step.
2.3 |DNA barcodes reference library
A reference database was assembled for the same
DNA region. For each species, all available rbcL
sequences were downloaded from the GenBank
database (, which is
freely accessible to the public. To avoid generating
excessively large reference databases, up to three
sequences per species were maintained, emphasiz-
ing accessions with recorded voucher information
and relatively long reads (>1200 bp). These three
accessions were ltered from all accessions availa-
ble in early 2024 using the following criteria.
Sequences generated early days of Sanger sequenc-
ing, thus before the year 2000, were avoided if
possible. Specic attention was given to ensuring
the exclusion of misidentied accessions. All
sequences of a single region were assembled into
a single nexus matrix and aligned using widely used
and freely available alignment tools, with manual
adjustment as necessary to handle poorly edited
sequences. This part of the process was carried out
using Mesquite 3.81 (https://www.mesquiteproject.
org). Instead of focusing only on species recorded
from the Menglun SubNature Reserve of the
Xishuangbanna National Forest Reserve, the as-
sembled data set included all fern and lycophyte
species previously recorded in the Xishuangbanna
Dai Autonomous Prefecture (Chen et al., 2022), with
some alterations reecting recent taxonomic prog-
ress. The classication applied followed PPGI (2016)
with minor alterations.
2.4 |Sequence alignment and
phylogenetic reconstruction
The matrix containing the newly generated
sequences was merged with the reference matrix.
The alignment of all sequences of the combined
matrix was checked and adjusted manually using
Mesquite. This matrix was then used for phyloge-
netic analyses employing PhyML (http://www.atgc-; Guindon et al., 2010). The
optimal maximum likelihood hypothesis was re-
covered by applying automatic model selection via
SMS, with the Bayesian Information Criterion
selected (Lefort et al., 2017), and a starting tree
obtained with BioNJ (Gascuel, 1997). Standard
bootstrap analysis was conducted with up to 1000
replicates. The generated phylogenetic hypotheses
were visually inspected using freely available tools
designed to visualize phylogenetic trees, namely,
Figtree 1.4.4 (
Figtree/) and ITOL v6 (;
Letunic & Bork, 2021). The results were interpreted
using the following protocol (see Figure 1). Acces-
sequences identied as a single species were
considered unambiguously identied. Clades
formed by accessions representing more than one
species were considered ambiguous. Accessions
forming lineages not including any reference
sequence were considered unknown. These acces-
sions were assumed to represent either non-
sampled species or species potentially new
to science. All voucher specimens were identied
by an experienced professional. These identica-
tions were then compared to those obtained
through the DNA barcoding process. The following
categories were considered: (1) Identical identica-
tion, (2) conicting identication, (3) species ambig-
uous and unplaced in the DNA barcoding but
identied using morphology, and (4) species
unplaced in the DNA barcoding and also unknown
to science as of February 2024. To clarify the
taxonomic status of accessions belonging to Cate-
gory 4, all rbcL sequences of close relatives
available in GenBank (February 2024) were down-
loaded and assembled into a matrix as described
above. The phylogenetic analyses were run as
previously described. This procedure was speci-
cally carried out for the genera Cyrtomium J. Sm.,
Hymenasplenium Hayata, Leptochilus Kaulf., and
Asplenium L., which are associated with several
closely related species complexes occurring in
China and adjacent regions.
The reference data set included 382 out of the 434
fern and lycophyte species recorded to occur in the
Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture (see
Table S1), resulting in a taxon coverage of 88.0%.
Taxa without any published DNA sequences in
public databases are primarily local endemics
in Xishuangbanna, namely, Bolbitis confertifolia
Ching, C. latifalcatum S. K. Wu & Mitsuta, Poly-
stichum paradeltodon L. L. Ziang, Pteris menglaen-
sis Ching, and Pteris undulatipinna Ching besides.
Additionally, some Yunnan endemics such as Crepi-
domanes chui Ching & P. S. Chiu, Diplazium quad-
rangulatum (W. M. Chu). Z. R. He, and Lomagramma
yunnanesis Ching. The reference data set did include
some Xishuangbanna endemics, such as Arachni-
odes pseudoasssamica Ching and Leptochilus
mengsongensis M. X. Zhao. Considering historical
records specic to the Menglun SubReserve, the
reference data set covered 197 out of 183 species,
achieving a coverage of 92.3%.
In total, 70 accessions were sampled during
surveys and incorporated into the DNA barcoding
test sample (Table 1). Employing the phylogenetic
hypotheses generated (Figure 2), 55 accessions
(78.6%) were unambiguously identied, whereas nine
accessions (12.9%) were ambiguously identied (see
Tab l e 1). Finally, ve accessions (7.1%) were unplaced,
and one accession (1.4%) carried an incorrect acces-
sion number. In total, the survey recovered 53 species
belonging to 26 genera, 14 families, and ve orders
(Table 1). Ambiguous identied accessions included
Angiopteris helferiana C. Presl (accession CYR35,
CYR41, CYR45), Adiantum meishanianum F. S . H s u
ex Yea C. Liu & W. L. Chiou (accession CYR24),
Asplenium humbertii Tardieu(accessionCYR23),
Christella jinghongensis (Ching) A. R. S. M. &
S. E. Fawc. (accession CYR40), Leptochilus exilo-
bus (Christ) Liang Zhang & Li Bing Zhang (acces-
sion CYR57), Lygodium exuosum (L.) Sw. (accession
CYR72), and Pteris venusta Kunze (accession CYR04).
The unplaced species included C. latifalcatum (acces-
sion CYR21), a local endemic that was missing in the
reference data set. Four accessions were unplaced
because they formed independent clades in the
genera: Asplenium (accession CYR17), Hymenasple-
nium (accession CYR12, CYR59), and Leptochilus
(accession CYR2) (see Figure 2).
In total, the study analyzed 70 accessions using the
DNA barcoding protocol, resulting in the identica-
tion of 41 species previously recorded for the
Menglun SubNature Reserve, and nine species that
were newly recorded. Among the newly recorded
species, Asplenium humbertii Tardieu was docu-
mented for the rst time in the Xishuangbanna
Dai Autonomous Prefecture. Additionally, four ac-
cessions required further study due to unresolved
species identities. The DNA barcodes determined
their generic relationship but did not match them
with previously described species, suggesting the
presence of three species potentially new to science
(see Table 1, New spec). Two of these accessions
were identied as a sister pair within the genus
Hymenasplenium, while the other two were placed
in the genera Asplenium and Leptochilus. Further-
more, the study provided the rst DNA sequences
for the local endemic C. latifalcatum.
The pilot project demonstrated the effectiveness
of a straightforward DNA barcoding approach,
utilizing a single plastidbased DNA fragment, such
as rbcL, to reliably identify approximately 75%
of the accession recovered. The success rates of
DNA barcoding in this study were comparable
to previous reports on the DNA barcoding of ferns
and lycophytes in Japan (Ebihara et al., 2010) and
French Polynesia (Nitta et al., 2017). Unfortunately,
TABL E 1 Summary of the identications obtained utilizing the minimalistic DNA barcoding approach.
Lineage Species ID DNA BAR CAT Acc. nr. Record status
1.1 Selaginella bodinieri Hieron. Unambiguous CYR26 New record
1.1 Selaginella helferi Warb. Unambiguous CYR34 Conrmed
1.1 Selaginella picta A. Br. ex Baker Unambiguous CYR51, CYR67 Conrmed
1.1 Selaginella repanda (Desv. Ex Poir.) Spring Unambiguous CYr14 Conrmed
2.1 Angiopteris helferiana C. Presl Ambiguous (4) CRR35, CYR41,
2.2 Crepidomanes latealatum (Bosch) Copel. Unambiguous CYR05 Conrmed
2.3 Lygodium circinnatum (N. L. Burm.) Sw. Unambiguous CYR32 Conrmed
2.3 Lygodium exuosum (L.) Sw. Ambiguous (6) CYR72 Conrmed
2.4 Microlepia rhomboidea (Wall. Ex Kunze) Prantl Unambiguous CYR48 Conrmed
2.5 Adiantum caudatum L. Unambiguous CYR13, CYR64 Conrmed
2.5 Adiantum menglianense Y. Y. Qian Unambiguous CYR11 New record
2.5 Adiantum ×meishanianum F. S. Hsu ex Yea C. Liu &
W. L. Chiou
Ambiguous (3) CYR24 New record
2.5 Antrophyum wallichianum M. G. Gilbert & X. C. Zhang Unambiguous CYR30 New record
2.5 Pteris arisanensis Tagawa Unambiguous CYR10 Conrmed
2.5 Pteris biaurita L. Unambiguous CYR52 Conrmed
2.5 Pteris ensiformis N. L. Burm. Unambiguous CYR33 Conrmed
2.5 Pteris venusta Kunze Ambiguous (1) CYR04 Conrmed
2.6 Asplenium humbertii Tardieu Ambiguous (2) CYR23 New record
2.6 Asplenium nidus L. Unambiguous CYR20 CYR63 Conrmed
2.6 Asplenium saxicola Rosenst. Unambiguous CYR25 Conrmed
2.6 Asplenium spec. Unplaced CYR17 New spec
2.6 Hymenasplenium excisum (C. Presl) S. Lindsay Unambiguous CYR46 Conrmed
2.6 Hymenasplenium spec. unknown Unplaced CYR12, CYR59 New spec
2.6 Anisocampium cuspidatum (Bedd.) Yea C. Liu,
W. L. Chiu & M. Kato
Unambiguous CYR06 Conrmed
2.6 Diplazium alatum (Christ) R. Wei & X. Z. Zhang Unambiguous CRY53 Conrmed
2.6 Diplazium simile (W. M. Chu) R. Wei & X. C. Zhang Unambiguous CRY36, CYR50 New record
2.6 Abacopteris nudata (Roxb.) S. E. Fawc. & S. R. Sm. Unambiguous CYR60 Conrmed
2.6 Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy Unambiguous CYR38 Conrmed
2.6 Christella jinghongensis (Ching ex K. H. Shing)
A. R. Sm. & S. E. Fawc.
Ambiguous (5) CYR40 Conrmed
2.6 Christella parasitica (L.) H. Lév. Unambiguous CYR39 Conrmed
2.6 Christella subelata (Baker) Holttum Unambiguous CYR37 Conrmed
2.6 Reholttumia truncata (Poir.) S. E. Fwac. & A. R. Sm. Unambiguous CYR47 Conrmed
2.7 Davallia grifthiana Hook. Unambiguous CYR31 Conrmed
2.7 Bolbitis scandens W. M. Chu Unambiguous CYR42, CYR70 New record
2.7 Cyrtomium latifalcatum S. K. Wu & Mitsuta Unplaced CYR21 Conrmed
2.7 Nephrolepis falciformis J. Sm. Unambiguous CYR08 Conrmed
2.7 Drynaria bonii Christ Unambiguous CYR03, CYR29 New record
2.7 Lepisorus carnosus (J. Sm.) C. F. Zhao, R. W. & X. C. Zhang Unambiguous CRY15 Conrmed
2.7 Lepisorus zippelii (Blume) C. F. Zhao, R. Wei, & X. C. Zhang Unambiguous CYR65, CYR68 Conrmed
2.7 Leptochilus exilobus (Christ) Liang Zhang & Li Bing Zhang Ambiguous (6) CYR56, CYR57 New record
some common challenges of DNA barcoding were
encountered, including unplaced species and
ambiguous identications. Ambiguous identica-
tion is a recurring issue due to DNA barcodes
often failing to differentiate species complexes as a
consequence of hybridization, polyploid speciation,
and slow mutation rates. For instance, the latter
process has been reported for the marattioid genus
Angiopteris Hoffm. (Lehtonen et al., 2020; May
et al., 2021). Our results are consistent with the
expectation that low mutation rates result in failed
species identication when utilizing only rbcL
sequences. Hybridization led to the ambiguous
identication of accession CYR24 as Adiantum ×
meishanianum F. S. Hsu ex Yea C. Liu & W.
L. Chiou (Shang et al., 2016). DNA barcodes utilizing
genes from the uniparentally inherited chloroplast
genome will fail to provide unambiguous identi-
cation of taxa arising from hybridization or poly-
ploidization (Liu et al., 2018). The other ambigu-
ously identied accessions are currently unplaced
and require further study. For example, three out
of the four accessions belonging to the genus
Christella H. Lev. were identied unambiguously
as Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy,
Christella parasitica (L.) H. Lev., and Christella
subelata (Baker) Holttum, whereas the fourth
accession was ambiguously identied according
to the rbcL sequences as Christella jaculosa (Christ)
Holttum or Christella jinghongensis (Ching ex K. H.
Shing) A. R. Sm. & S. E. Fawc. Both species are
known to occur in Xishuangbanna (Li et al., 2013)
and were represented by a single rbcL sequence in
the reference data set. Considering morphological
diagnostic characteristics (Li et al., 2013), the acces-
sion was identied as C. jinghongensis.Despite
signicant progress in the morphological diagnostics
of this genus (Li et al., 2013), the species identity
of specimens utilized to generate DNA sequences
requires verication. Attention to taxonomic ambigu-
ities is especially crucial in cases where only one
rbcL sequence is available. Accessions belonging to
Lepisorus sect. Lemmaphyllym (C.Presl)C.F.Zhao,
R. Wei & X. C. Zhang (Zhao et al., 2020) exemplify
the need for further taxonomic clarication in south-
ern Yunnan (Wei & Zhang, 2013; Zhao et al., 2020).
Accessions identied as Leptochilus exilobus illus-
trate the need for continued study of the confusing
taxonomy of these ferns (Zhang et al., 2019).
4.1 |New records
During the survey, accessions were encountered that
were identied as A. humbertii (see Lin & Viane, 2013).
This species has previously been recorded from
limestone rocks in southeastern Yunnan, as well as
in Guangxi, Hainan Island, Laos, Thailand, and
Vietnam. It is considered to form a species complex
with Asplenium antrophyoides Christ and Asplenium
grevillei Wall. ex Hook. & Grev., which requires further
study (Dong, 2011; Lin & Viane, 2013;Wei&
TABL E 1 (Continued)
Lineage Species ID DNA BAR CAT Acc. nr. Record status
2.7 Leptochilus spec. unknown Unplaced CYR02 New spec
2.7 Microsorum cuspidatum (D. Don) Tagawa Unambiguous CYR28 Conrmed
2.7 Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel. Unambiguous CYR27 Conrmed
2.7 Pyrrosia nuda (Giesenh.) Ching Unambiguous CYR22 Conrmed
2.7 Pyrrosia nummulariifolia (Sw.) Ching Unambiguous CYR16 Conrmed
2.7 Pteridrys cnemidaria (Christ.) C. Chr. & Ching Unambiguous CYR09, CYR49,
2.7 Tectaria devexa (Kunze) Copel. Unambiguous CYR19 Conrmed
2.7 Tectaria fauriei Tagawa Unambiguous CYR43 Conrmed
2.7 Tectaria fuscipes (Wall. ex Bedd.) C. Chr. Unambiguous CYR44, CYR62,
2.7 Tectaria herpetocaulos Holttum Unambiguous CYR07, CYR58 Conrmed
2.7 Tectaria impressa (Fee) Holttum Unambiguous CYR18, CYR71 Conrmed
2.7 Tectaria quinqueda (Baker) Ching Unambiguous CYR61 Conrmed
2.7 Tectaria zeylanica (Houtt.) Sledge Unambiguous CYR01 Conrmed
Note: Columns report: lineage (linear clade number); species according to expert identication and DNA barcoding identication; ID DNA BAR CAT =
Identication of DNA barcoding category as unambiguous, ambiguous, unplaced, confused sample (numbers see below); Acc. Nr. = Accession Number
(number of the accessions collected in surveys of the Green Stone Forest Fragment); Record Status = species presented records for the Menglun Sub
Nature Reserve of which the Green Stone Forest Fragment is part of as previously recorded (conrmed), recorded for the rst time (new record), or a
perhaps a species new to science (New spec). Causes of ambiguous DNA barcoding identications: (1) lack of differentiation among Pteris heteromorpha,
Pteris subquinata, and Pteris venusta; (2) lack of differentiation between Asplenium antrophyoides and Asplenium humbertii; (3) shared chloroplast DNA
between Adiantum ×meishanianum and its maternal parent Adiantum malesianum; (4) lack of differentiation among species of Angiopteris; (5) lack of
differentiate between Christella jaculosa and Christella jinghongensis in the two available rbcL sequences; and (6) lack of differentiation among Lygodium
exuosum and Lycodium salicifolium in rbcL.
Dong, 2012). Cytological and DNA sequence data are
available for only two of these three species: the
tetraploid A. antrophyoides and the hexaploid A.
humbertii (Dong, 2011; Schneider et al., 2017;Xu
et al., 2020). The sample from the Green Stone Forest
Fragment was nested in a clade comprising acces-
sions of both species but failed to resolve the
differentiation between the two species. Therefore,
further studies are required to clarify the status of
these accessions. Here, we accept the identication
based on the treatment of these ferns in the Flora of
China (Lin & Viane, 2013). As a consequence, the
range of A. humbertii now includes not only south-
eastern Yunnan but also southwestern Yunnan.
4.2 |New genetic resources of the local
endemic C. latifalcatum
C. latifalcatum is currently known only from
Xishuangbanna, Yunnan (Wu & Mitsuta, 1985;
Zhang et al., 2013). Previous records support
occurrences of this local endemic in the Mengla
SubNature Reserve (Chen et al., 2022). The
generated phylogenetic hypothesis recovered this
species as part of a clade comprising species
Several of these species are local endemics, such
as the tetraploid Cyrtomium chingianum P. S .
Wang and the diploid Cyrtomium guizhouensis
FIGURE 2 Phylogenetic placement of Green Stone Forest accessions in the phylogenetic hypothesis generated based on the
reference DNA barcoding reference data set of ferns and lycophytes occurring in Xishuangbanna Day Autonomous Prefecture. The
visualized phylogenetic hypothesis was generated using PhyML 3.0. Branch length corresponded to the estimated amount of
substitution events. Green Stone Forest accessions and their branches were marked in Red. Clades providing unambiguous
identication of Green Stone Forest accessions were marked in blue, while clades providing ambiguous identication of Green Stone
Forest accessions were marked in brown.
H. S. Kung & P. S. Wang. All species of this clade
are known to occur in limestone rocks (Zhang
et al., 2013). The clade also shows notable varia-
tion in ploidy levels, including diploids, triploids,
and tetraploids, as well as sexual and apomictic
reproduction (Lu et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2013).
Similar to other fern genera occurring on karst
formations in southern China and northern Viet-
nam, several species new to science have been
discovered in recent years, such as Cyrtomium
calcis LiangZhang,N.T.Liu&LiBingZhang
(Lu et al., 2023)andCyrtomium remotipinnum Yan
Liu & H. J. Wei (Nong et al., 2023). The majority
of the species related to C. latifalcatum share
narrow distribution ranges due to their ecological
specialization to karst formations. Therefore, these
species are vulnerable to extinction threats caused
by anthropogenic activities and require special atten-
tion. C. latifalcatum is considered to be endangered
(Chen et al., 2022).
FIGURE 3 Phylogenetic placement of the local endemic Cyrtomium latifalcatum in the phylogeny of the genus Cyrtomium based
on all rbcL sequences available from GenBank in February 2024, plus two accessions of Cyrtomium calicos kindly shared by the
authors of this new species. The visualized phylogenetic hypothesis was generated using PhyML 3.0. Branch length corresponded to
estimated number of substitution events, whereas triangles represented the estimated number of substitution events, whereas
triangles represent the bootstrap values as given in the legend. The accession of C. latifalcatum was marked in red. Green branches
marked the clade in which this species was found to be nested. Other species in this clade were printed in bold.
4.3 |Unplaced accessions
Accessions recovered as unplaced species require
further exploration because they highlight recording
gaps that are not restricted to the lack of documen-
tation of already known species but represent
species putatively new to science. Each of these
cases will be discussed more extensively, although
we are not attempting to resolve the taxonomic
issues here.
One accession (accession CYR17) was found to
form an independent clade sister to the Asplenium
coenobiale complex (Figure 4). This complex
comprises currently ve known species (Jiang
et al., 2011; Siqi et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2022). Two
widespread species, namely, A. coenobiale Hence
and Asplenium pulcherrimum (Baker) Ching, have
been recognized since the exploration of Southeast
Asian fern diversity about 100 years ago. In the last
20 years, only three local endemics have been
reported: Asplenium cornutissimum X. C. Zhang &
R. H. Jiang from Guangxi in 2011, Asplenium
maguanense S. Q. Liang, R. Wei & X. C. Zhang
from southeastern Yunnan in 2019, and Asplenium
danxiaense K. W. XU from Guangdong in 2022.
These new discoveries arguably indicate the need
for a comprehensive investigation into the diversity
of these ferns in southern China and adjacent
tropical regions, focusing specically on Karst
and Danxia outcrops, as these species have been
reported from such habitats (Fu et al., 2022; Jiang
et al., 2011; Siqi et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2022). The
taxonomic status of accession CYR17 is currently
under scrutiny using additional samples obtained
in the Menglun region.
Other notable discoveries from our survey
were the two accessions (CYR12, CYR59) nested
in Hymenasplenium (Figure 5). The taxonomy of
the Old World representatives of this genus
has undergone substantial revisions in recent
years. In particular, the concept of Hymenasple-
nium unilaterale as a Paleotropical species has
been dismissed. Previously rejected species have
been reinstated, and several new species have
been described (e.g., Chang et al., 2018,2022;
Lin & Viane, 2013;Xuetal.,2018;Zhang
et al., 2021). In addition to the taxonomic revisions
within the H. unilaterale complex, eight species
of this genus have been documented to occur in
the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture:
Hymenasplenium apoganum (N. Kurak. & Hatan.)
Nakaike, Hymenasplenium cheilosorum (Kunze
ex Mett.) Tagawa, Hymenasplenium excisum
(C. Presl) S. Linds., H. laterepens N. Murak. & Cheng
ex Y. Fen Chang & K. Hori, Hymenasplenium
obscurum (Blume) Tagawa, Hymenasplenium obtu-
sidentatum Y. Fen Chang & G. Cheng Zhang, and
Hymenasplenium pseudobscorum Viane. Notably,
two of these species were introduced with type
specimens collected from this area, namely, H.
laterepens (Chang et al., 2018)andH. obtusidentatum
(Chang et al., 2022). The two accessions recovered as
an independent clade are morphologically distinct
from all these species but resemble somewhat
collections reported in a cytological study on Hyme-
nasplenium in Xishuangbanna (Cheng & Murakami,
1998). These authors reported a diploid of Hymenas-
plenium as Hymenasplenium latipinnum, but this
name was not properly published. Thus, Lin & Viane
(2013) reported these samples as Hymenasplenium
subnormale (Copel.) Nakaike, yet pointed out clear
differences between the specimens from Yunnan and
those from the type locality in the Philippines. These
specimens require further comparative study to
clarify their taxonomic status.
Recovering the accession CYR2 of Leptochilus
not tting to any published species (Figure 6)
aligns with recent progress in the taxonomic
studies of this primarily southeast Asian genus
(Wei et al., 2023;Yuetal.,2024; Zhang et al., 2019;
Zhao et al., 2017). These studies not only intro-
duced several new species but also questioned
previous taxonomic treatments of the genus. The
accession CYR2 clustered in a clade (Figure 6)
containing accessions of an unknown species,
namely, Zhang et al. 6377 (GenBank accession
number MH768422), Zhang et al. 7365 (GenBank
accession number MH768436), and Zhang et al.
6711 (GenBank accession number MH768459).
These three collections were obtained in central
and northern Vietnam (Zhang et al., 2019). There-
fore, our accessions extend the range of this clade
from Vietnam to southwest Yunnan.
4.4 |DNA barcodingbased inventories
As stated in the introduction, this study was
designed as a pilot to explore the benets and
challenges of utilizing DNA barcoding to record
the species diversity of protected areas with
minimal involvement of taxonomists with exper-
tise in fern taxonomy. Surprisingly, the surveys
carried out by inexperienced students recorded
common species as expected but also identied
rare taxa. In particular, the recovery of C. latifalca-
tum is of importance. Repeated surveys documen-
ted a total of six individuals of this local endemic
in the Green Stone Forest Fragment, which is its
type locality (Wu & Mitsuta, 1985). Recovering
this species conrmed its continued presence in
its type locality and will also facilitate the estab-
lishment of effective conservation measurements
for its protection. Given the small number of
individuals recovered, there is a need to develop
a comprehensive program to protect this species.
Such a program should include recording crucial
evidence required including assessments of
ecological preferences, assessing demography,
and genetic diversity, and collecting spores for
ex situ reproduction followed by reintroduction
(Wall et al., 2024).
An important lesson from this study was
the conrmation of the concept's effectiveness.
NonTaxon expert collection was found to be effective,
although feedback loops with taxonomists are essen-
tial to take full advantage of the evidence obtained.
The recovery of new records and species new to
science also highlighted the signicant gaps in our
records of species occurring in protected areas. In the
case of the Green Stone Forest Fragment, this result
may appear surprising given the history of plant
diversity exploration in southern Yunnan (see Chen
et al., 2022) and the proximity of this fragment to the
core research center of the Xishuangbanna Tropical
Botanical Garden. However, it is consistent with the
ongoing discovery of new species in this region, such
as Hymenasplenium laterepens N. Murak. & Cheng ex
Y. Fen Chang & K. Hori (Chang et al., 2018), Leptochilus
mengsongensis M. X. Zhao (Zhao et al., 2017)and
Polystichum menglaense Z. L. Liang & Li Bing Zhang
(Liang et al., 2021). Furthermore, recent studies have
provided evidence supporting the assumption that
these diversityrich tropical forests are home to a
disproportional frequency of rare fern and lycophyte
species (Cicuzza, 2021). The approach introduced here
has the potential to overcome hurdles that have
hampered efforts to assemble comprehensive inven-
tories of protected areas, even for those that are easily
FIGURE 4 Phylogenetic placement of Green Stone Forest accession recovered as an unplaced Asplenium sample based on all
rbcL sequences available at GenBank in February 2024. The sampling generated included accessions of species belonging to several
Asplenium species complexes occurring exclusively or predominantly in Southeast Asia, including representatives of the Asplenium
coenobiale complex (clade in green), Asplenium exiguum complex (clade in dark purple), Asplenium fugax complex (clade in blue),
Asplenium sarellii complex (clade in brown), and Asplenium interjectum (clade in orange). The visualized phylogenetic hypothesis
was generated using PhyML 3.0. Branch length corresponded to the estimated number of substitution events, whereas triangles
represented the bootstrap values of 95%. The Green Stone Forest accessions were marked in red, including their branches.
Our pilot study demonstrated the effectiveness of a
simplied DNA barcoding approach to obtain rapid
assessments of the fern and lycophyte diversity in
protected areas. sampled accessions were success-
fully identied, although some ambiguous identi-
cations and unplaced accessions still require expert
intervention. A signicant challenge is the limited
availability of reliable identied rbcL sequences
for many species. Only 33.4% of the species were
represented with the three targeted reference
sequences, while incomplete representation was
achieved for 16.1% with two sequences, 38.5% with
one sequence, and 12.0% of the species had no
available DNA sequence. Thus, the simultaneous
FIGURE 5 Phylogenetic placement of Green Stone Forest accessions belonging to the genus Hymenasplenium in the phylogeny of
the genus Hymenasplenium based on all rbcL sequences available at GenBank in February 2024. The accession CYR46 Hymenasplenium
excisum was recovered to be nested in a clade comprising only accessions identied as H. excisum. The two accessions, CYR12 and
CYR59, formed an independent clade that did not include any accession previously published. The visualized phylogenetic hypothesis
was generated using PhyML 3.0. Branch length corresponded to the estimated number of substitution events, whereas triangles
represented the bootstrap values as given in the legend. Green Stone Forest accessions were marked in red. Clades including species
previously reported in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture were marked in color: blue clades included Hymenasplenium
chei lo sorum, brown clades included H. excisum,Hymenasplenium obscurum,Hymenasplenium obtusidentatum,andHymenasplenium
pseudobscorum, green clades included Hymenasplenium apoganum, and purple clades included Hymenasplenium laterepens.
assembly of reference data alongside inventories
is arguably the only realistic approach, but this
procedure requires the involvement of taxon experts.
Furthermore, the inventory illustrates the incomplete-
ness of our current understanding of both the spatial
distribution of speciesevidenced by new records
and the taxonomy of plants occurring in speciesrich
areas like southern Yunnan. Lastly, the effectiveness
of inventories can be further enhanced by linking
them to simultaneously established image reference
data sets, providing conservation practitioners with
an additional toolset for species identication. The
combination of DNA barcoding and digital imaging
holds the promise of overcoming limitations specic
to each approach, thereby ensuring the quality of the
identications obtained.
Hongmei Liu: Conceptualization; data curation; identi-
cation; formal analysis, methodology; investigation;
FIGURE 6 Phylogenetic placement of Green Stone Forest accessions belonging to the genus Leptochilus in the phylogeny based
on all rbcL sequences available at GenBank in February 2024. The accession CYR2 was nested in a clade comprising three accessions
previously published as species unknown, namely, MH768422, MH768436, and MH768450. The specimens based on accessions
collected in Vietnam (Zhang et al., 2019). The two accessions identied as Leptochilus exilobus were nested in a clade comprising
accessions identied as this species but also other species. The visualized phylogenetic hypothesis was generated using PhyML 3.0.
Branch length corresponded to the estimated number of substitution events, whereas triangles represented the bootstrap values as
given in the legend. Green Stone Forest accessions were marked in red. The clade comprising CRY2 was marked in green, and the
accessions of this clade were printed in bold. The clade comprising CRY56 and CRY57 was marked in blue, and all accessions identied
as Leptochilus exilobus (Christ) Liang Zhang & Li Bing Zhang were printed in bold.
project administration; writingoriginal draft;
writingreview and editing. Ya r o n g C h a i : Data cura-
tion; investigation. Harald Schneider: Conceptualiza-
tion; validation; identication; writingoriginal draft;
writingreview and editing.
The authors are grateful to the management of the
Menglun subnature reserve of the Xishuangbanna
National Forest Reserve for the permission to
survey the Green Stone Forest Fragment. The
authors acknowledge the nancial support by the
Yunnan Province Science and Technology Depart-
ment (202101AS070012), Yunnan Revitalization
Talent Support Program Innovation TeamProject
(202405AS350019), and 14th FiveYear Plan of the
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (E3ZKFF8B01). The authors
would like to thank several team members who
involved and helped in the eld. The molecular
work was supported by Institutional Center for
Shared Technologies and Facilities of Xishuang-
banna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy
of Sciences (CAS).
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
All newly generated DNA sequences were depos-
ited in GenBank. The reference data set is available
from the request to the corresponding author. All
other accumulated data were summarized in the
supporting information les.
The research does not involve any experiments
involving animals or humans.
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Additional supporting information can be found
online in the Supporting Information section at the
end of this article.
How to cite this article: Liu, H., Chai Y. &
Schneider, H. (2024) Rapid DNA barcoding
based fern and lycophyte inventories
of protected areasa pilot study to
introduce a simple but effective protocol.
Integrative Conservation,3,196211.
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Understanding the effects of seed predation, dispersal, and recruitment on the population dynamics of rare plant species is essential for generating effective management strategies. Unfortunately for most rare plants, the parameterization of these processes is limited and generally not included in demographic analyses. This exclusion can lead to biased estimates of vital rates and overall population growth rates, as well as limit inferences about inter-population processes like colonization and demographic rescue that can affect population viability. Based on previous empirical studies from Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) North Carolina (USA), we constructed a spatially explicit demographic model that accounts for pre-dispersal seed predation, dispersal, and habitat suitability for Lindera subcoriacea (bog spicebush), a rare shrub in the southeastern United States. We demographically modeled three scenarios: S1 did not include any of the three parameters; S2 accounted for seed predation and dispersal; and S3 included all three of the parameters. Results suggested that pre-dispersal seed predation, dispersal, and habitat suitability negatively impact the population growth rates of bog spicebush relative to the naïve demographic model. After 100 annual time steps, scenarios S1, S2, and S3 led to a 96%, 49%, and 1% increase in population size, respectively. In addition, over the course of 100 years, results of scenarios S2 and S3 demonstrated limited increases in site occupancy, with newly occupied areas located < 1 km from previously occupied habitat. Our results suggest additional parameterization of plant demographic models may be an informative endeavor and warranted, even in the absence of empirical data.
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The application of DNA barcoding has been significantly limited by the scarcity of reliable specimens and inadequate coverage and replication across all species. The deficiency of DNA barcode reference coverage is particularly striking for highly biodiverse subtropical and tropical regions. In this study, we present a comprehensive barcode library for woody plants in tropical and subtropical China. Our dataset includes a standard barcode library comprising the four most widely used barcodes (rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2) for 2,520 species from 4,654 samples across 49 orders, 144 families, and 693 genera, along with 79 samples identified at the genus level. This dataset also provides a super-barcode library consisting of 1,239 samples from 1,139 species, 411 genera, 113 families, and 40 orders. This newly developed library will serve as a valuable resource for DNA barcoding research in tropical and subtropical China and bordering countries, enable more accurate species identification, and contribute to the conservation and management of tropical and subtropical forests.
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As part of the Kunming‐Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (K‐M GBF), signatory nations of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) aim to protect at least 30% of the planet by 2030 (Target 3). This bold ambition has been widely celebrated and its implementation seen as pivotal for the overall success of K‐M GBF. However, given that many CBD signatory nations prioritised quantity (e.g., area) over quality (e.g., important areas for biodiversity) when attempting to meet their 2010 CBD Aichi protected area commitments, it is critical that nations focus on protecting those terrestrial, inland waters and marine areas that have the best chance of halting and reversing biodiversity loss and thus contribute to Goal A of the K‐M GBF. Here we provide a review on the type of areas that nations need to prioritise when implementing Target 3 that relates to area ‘quality’: areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, are effectively conserved and managed through ecologically representative, well‐connected and equitably governed systems. We show that data is available for 12 distinct biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service elements that can be mapped and, if conserved, will (with appropriate management) help meet the broad intention of Target 3. We highlight examples of the planning methods available that can be utilized so these areas can be targeted for protection. We discuss issues related to trade‐offs regarding how to prioritise amongst them as well as to operationalise some of the vaguer concepts like ‘representation’ and ‘ecosystem functions and services’ so that they achieve the best outcomes for biodiversity.
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Protected areas (PAs) are the primary strategy for slowing terrestrial biodiversity loss. Although expansion of PA coverage is prioritized under the Convention on Biological Diversity, it remains unknown whether PAs mitigate declines across the tetrapod tree of life and to what extent land cover and climate change modify PA effectiveness1,2. Here we analysed rates of change in abundance of 2,239 terrestrial vertebrate populations across the globe. On average, vertebrate populations declined five times more slowly within PAs (−0.4% per year) than at similar sites lacking protection (−1.8% per year). The mitigating effects of PAs varied both within and across vertebrate classes, with amphibians and birds experiencing the greatest benefits. The benefits of PAs were lower for amphibians in areas with converted land cover and lower for reptiles in areas with rapid climate warming. By contrast, the mitigating impacts of PAs were consistently augmented by effective national governance. This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of PAs as a strategy for slowing tetrapod declines. However, optimizing the growing PA network requires targeted protection of sensitive clades and mitigation of threats beyond PA boundaries. Provided the conditions of targeted protection, adequate governance and well-managed landscapes are met, PAs can serve a critical role in safeguarding tetrapod biodiversity.
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DNA barcoding is a well-established tool for rapid species identification and biodiversity monitoring. A reliable and traceable DNA barcode reference library with extensive coverage is necessary but unavailable for many geographic regions. The arid region in northwestern China, a vast area of about 2.5 million km2 , is ecologically fragile and often overlooked in biodiversity studies. In particular, DNA barcode data from the arid region in China are lacking. We develop and evaluate the efficacy of an extensive DNA-barcode library for native flowering plants in the arid region of northwestern China. Plant specimens were collected, identified, and vouchered for this purpose. The database utilized four DNA barcode markers, namely rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2, for 1,816 accessions (representing 890 species from 386 genera and 72 families) and consisted of 5,196 barcode sequences. Individual barcodes varied in resolution rates; species-and genus-level rates for rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2 were 79.9-51.1%/76.1%, 79.9-67.2%/88.9%, 85.0-72.0%/88.2%, and 81.0-67.4%/84.9%, respectively. The three-barcode combination of rbcL + matK + ITS (RMI) revealed a higher species-and genus-level resolution (75.5%/92.1%, respectively). A total of 110 plastomes were newly generated as super-barcodes to increase species resolution for seven species-rich genera, namely Astragalus, Caragana, Lactuca, Lappula, Lepidium, Silene, and Zygophyllum. Plastomes revealed higher species resolution compared to standard DNA barcodes and their combination. We suggest future databases include super-barcodes, especially for species-rich and complex genera. The plant DNA barcode library in the current study provides a valuable resource for future biological investigations in the arid regions of China.
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December 2022 finally saw the historic agreement of the Kunming‐Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM‐GBF), a landmark framework that sets to halt and reverse global biodiversity loss by remedying the multifaceted drivers behind biodiversity declines around the planet. The KM‐GBF follows on from the Aichi targets, which aimed to prevent further biodiversity loss through a concerted effort between 2010 and 2020, but which were not successfully achieved. The KM‐GBF builds on the drivers of biodiversity losses rather than their outcomes and sets a suite of targeted and measurable actions to reconcile losses. Developing the framework faced considerable challenges, especially in the face of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and issues were often resolved at the very last moment. Consequently, compromises had to be made, useful elements were left out, or removed from the KM‐GBF to achieve consensus, and some will need to be reflected in other ways, or incorporated into indicators. The final agreed KM‐GBF includes 4 goals and 23 targets in addition to a package of annexes including a monitoring framework to set targets and benchmark progress. Particularly challenging issues included the flagship target of ‘30 × 30’ of protecting 30% of land, freshwater, coastal, and high‐sea in a representative way by 2030, which will require both new mechanisms and funding streams to enact effectively. Digital sequence information and funding mechanisms also presented major hurdles in the agreement of the KM‐GBF. Ultimately, the success of the new GBF depends on implementation and mainstreaming. New targets can only be achieved through the inclusion of all sectors, clear communication, and effective funding mechanisms to guide change and provide the means to implement it. Furthermore, while common but differentiated responsibility is crucial to implementation, impacts of inaction are disproportionate in developing economies, and more resources and support are needed to enable them to develop sustainably and meet targets. This highlights the urgent need for action if we are to achieve the new targets and secure a future for all life on earth.
A new fern species, Leptochilus brevipes, is described and illustrated from southeastern Yunnan, China. Morphologically, L. brevipes is most similar to L. decurrens, but differs from the latter in having short petioles and lanceolate and narrower laminae, being the widest at the middle. A phylogenetic analysis based on six plastid markers confirmed the recognition of the new species and resolved it in the Yunnan subclade of the Colysis clade.
Leptochilus scandens, a new microsoroid fern species of Polypodiaceae from southwestern Guangdong, South China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to some taxa of the L. ellipticus complex in its frond shape and lobe size, but differs them by its climbing habit, monomorphic frond, fewer lobes, and precocious individuals sometimes with simple or 2- or 3-lobed fertile fronds.
Cyrtomium remotipinnum, a new species of Dryopteridaceae from the karst areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is distinguished from the two most similar species, C. calcis and C. pachyphyllum, by its larger stature and higher length-to-width ratio of pinnae. The new species is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) following IUCN Red List Criteria. In addition, this study attempted to identify some easily confused Cyrtomium species by combining venation patterns and soral distributions with other characters.
We describe a new species of Cyrtomium, C. calcis, from northern Vietnam and southern China, and report new records of six species in two fern genera, Arachniodes and Polystichum, of Dryopteridaceae, i.e., Arachniodes amabilis (from Lamdong Province), A. amoena (Quangtri Province), A. fengii (Nghean Province), A. globisora (Thanhhoa, Quangtri, and Laocai provinces), and A. nigrossora (Vinhphuc Province), and Polystichum ariticulatipilosum (Hagiang Province). The new species of Cyrtomium most closely resembles C. pachyphyllum, but can be distinguished from the latter in the shape of petiole scales, number of lateral pinna pairs, venation, and lamina shape. Detailed description, images, notes, type information, examined specimens, distribution, and habitat are provided for the new species and new records. The status of the new species is provisionally assessed here as endangered (EN) following the IUCN Categories and Criteria.