
Devices for digital construction site management. RACK – Charging Station and Doc – Construction Site Operational Desk: Dispositivi per la gestione digitale del cantiere. RACK – Stazione di Ricarica e Doc – Desk Operativo di Lavoro

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The paper documents some of the results of the research program Smart Yard: Industry 4.0 Production Process aimed at reducing inefficiencies in construction site procedures by developing new management methods supported by digitisation processes that can memorise and monitor computational data and guide them towards specific purposes of production processes optimisation. In particular, the aim of the study is to propose evolved, highly efficient and innovative organisational and information management models that enable more reliable control of processes in the construction sector, mitigating unavoidable uncertainties while pursuing a more rational use of resources. The products developed to support the programme include two newly designed pieces of equipment with advanced functions, which can be configured as examples of site management systems such as a “smart factory” in the logic of Industry 4.0, illustrated below. One is a high-performance charging system for power banks to be used with portable power tools, while the other concerns a work standing desk that employs wireless communication protocols to dialogue with other devices at the construction site

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Time boxing is a management technique which prioritizes schedule over deliverables but time boxes which are merely a self, or an outside, imposed target without agreed partial outcomes and justified certainty are at best, an expression of good will on the part of the team. This essay proposes the use of a modified set of Moscow rules which accomplish the objectives of prioritizing deliverables and providing a degree of assurance as a function of the uncertainty of the underlying estimates.
One of the fundamentals adhered to by business organizations in vigorous and ambitious environments is stability in providing reliable products. The maturation of software quality remains a traditional obstacle to any software industry. Enhancing testing efficiency and effectiveness will account for the production of high-quality software. 1 CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................1 1.2 Necessities to Measure Testing Efficiency .......................................................3 1.2.1 Process Adopted....................................................................................3 1.2.2 Case Study I..........................................................................................4 1.3 AHP ..................................................................................................................5 1.3.1 Efficacy Measure Using AHP...............................................................5 Ideal Efficacy Measure...........................................................6 Worst Efficacy Measure .........................................................6 1.4 Measuring Testing Efficiency by Means of Alternating Policy........................9 1.5 Case Study II.....................................................................................................9 1.6 Efficiency Measurement for Upgraded Software ...........................................11 1.6.1 Methodological Approach ..................................................................11 1.6.2 Case Studies III...................................................................................12 1.7 Conclusions.....................................................................................................14 References................................................................................................................16 2 Predictive Analytics As a result, orientation toward effective defect management is a requisite for an organization to achieve better efficiency and software reliability by incorporating the testing attribute that is facilitated through empirical investigation performed using testing attributes through a data collection mechanism. A tool called the analytical hierarchy process in association with requirement prioritization when dealing with the origin of defects enables the identification of the relative significance of attributes for getting better testing competence. This analysis examines testing efficiency during the process of software development from both the stakeholders’ and users’ perspectives. Accordingly, the study seeks to rectify the approaches to testing by practicing the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) by guiding the proper solutions to testing in lieu of old conventional approaches to static testing. This work proposes a theory called the ‘efficacy premise,’ which is used to assess testing efficiency from three perspectives: (1) software team leader, (2) developers/managers, and (3) testers. This effort also demonstrates the perspectives of the team leader, developer, and tester in assessing the functioning of each of the attributes and can serve as an important indicator for measuring testing efficiency. Efficient-testing practices impart reliability and eliminate software flaws during the foundation phase, which reduces the time and cost incurred in the rework, thereby reducing penalties; moreover, these practices make the software industry productive, sustainable, and efficient. Through experimental verification and numeric examples, the latter section of this chapter will introduce the following elements: impact of cost and penalty and the benefit of the software upgrade. Today’s organizational needs for survival and growth – whether through the globalization of markets, brain waves of a futurist entrepreneur, or even the needs of its stakeholders – are recurrently highlighted concerns within organizational literature and practice. Software companies are open systems in continuous interaction with their business environment. They go through adaptation processes and are likely to present organizational dysfunctions, which in turn reflect in their performance. For the past several decades, researchers have been concerned with measuring the effectiveness of software testing techniques and processes. The standards are definite properties to which a potential solution must comply up to a certain extent. Measuring effectiveness is independent of any solution without specifying performance or criteria. Efficient testing techniques not only enhance software performance in an operational environment but also improve the productivity, quality, and sustainability of the software industry, thus reducing rework [1]. There is a need for endless checking of the testing practice that in turn establishes an admissible level of poise for the release of high-quality software products. Here, our emphasis is to identify testing parameters from different users’ perspectives based on their usage. The objective is not to get the computed results and draw comparisons but to establish their consistency and address their importance and scope for enhancing testing efficiency. A two-mode mechanism is introduced to model the efficiency measurement process that takes into account both management’s and the testers’ perspectives to analyze the effectiveness of the testing system based on the efficacy premise. The two-mode assessment framework tries to capture a thorough understanding of the tester/developer and team leader so that the effectiveness of a given technique, readiness for release, and customer satisfaction are emphasized
Cambridge Core - Computational Science - Data-Driven Science and Engineering - by Steven L. Brunton
Latest Edition: 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Principles and Applications (with Companion Media Pack). Fourth edition of Rapid Prototyping. Rapid prototyping (RP) has revolutionized how prototypes are made and small batch manufacturing is carried out. With rapid prototyping, the strategies used to produce a part change a number of important considerations and limitations previously faced by tool designers and engineers. Now in its third edition, this textbook is still the definitive text on RP. It covers the key RP processes, the available models and specifications, and their principles, materials, advantages and disadvantages. Examples of application areas in design, planning, manufacturing, biomedical engineering, art and architecture are also given. The book includes several related problems so that the reader can test his or her understanding of the topics. New to this edition, the included CD-ROM presents animated illustrations of the working principles of today’s key RP processes. © 2010 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dalla Fabbrica 4.0 al Cantiere 4.0: Nuovi Modelli di Business per le Imprese di Costruzioni
  • A L C Ciribini
Machine learning e intelligenza artificiale - Metodologie per lo sviluppo di sistemi automatici
  • G Barone
Manuale smart della sicurezza per i cantieri edili
  • D G M De Filippo
Prototipazione rapida: La tecnologia per la competizione globale
  • A Gatto
  • L Iuliano