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... Access control is another important cybersecurity measure that limits access to the system to authorized users only. This can be achieved through passwords, biometric authentication, or other security measures (Elmenyawi et al., 2024). Intrusion detection systems can also identify and respond to potential cyber threats. ...
As the world increasingly relies on interconnected energy systems, the threat of cyber-physical attacks on these vital infrastructures has escalated, posing significant challenges to the security and reliability of future energy systems. We meticulously examine the potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with smart grids, including the integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage technologies. The potential impacts of cyber-physical attacks on various components of energy systems, such as power plants, transmission and distribution networks, and energy storage facilities are analyzed. The review extends to an assessment of current cybersecurity measures, such as intrusion detection systems, encryption, and access controls, evaluating their effectiveness in safeguarding against these emerging threats. We delve into the challenges and opportunities in the development of advanced cybersecurity strategies aimed at countering the evolving nature of threats to smart grids. The potential benefits and advancements that smart grids offer for the energy sector's future are explored. This includes the enhancement of grid security, and synergy with cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, virtual reality, virtual power plants, nano-grids, and wireless power transmission. These developments not only present opportunities for innovation but also necessitate a proactive and sophisticated approach to cybersecurity.
Rapid evolution in digital communication increases the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data. Digital images are one of the most popular types and are frequently used to share various information including many sensitive data. Hence, security of the digital images is one of the major concerns for reliable data communication. This work addresses this issue and proposes a novel image encryption technique in which the concept of the binary search tree is introduced. The structure of the binary search tree is optimized with the help of the electromagnetism-like optimization approach that optimizes the image entropy. The proposed approach also incorporates the concept of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) encoding and based on this concept bitplane decomposition is used to get DNA bit planes. A scrambling approach is also proposed to add an additional layer of security. This approach is a symmetric image encryption scheme and is completely lossless. The performance of this approach is tested in terms of both qualitative and quantitative manner. Experimental results and comparative outcomes with the state-of-the-art approaches are encouraging and prove the efficiency of the proposed approach.
Information security has emerged as a key problem in encryption because of the rapid evolution of the internet and networks. Thus, the progress of image encryption techniques is becoming an increasingly serious issue and considerable problem. Small space of the key, encryption-based low confidentiality, low key sensitivity, and easily exploitable existing image encryption techniques integrating chaotic system and DNA computing are purposing the main problems to propose a new encryption technique in this study. In our proposed scheme, a three-dimensional Chen’s map and a one-dimensional Logistic map are employed to construct a double-layer image encryption scheme. In the confusion stage, different scrambling operations related to the original plain image pixels are designed using Chen’s map. A stream pixel scrambling operation related to the plain image is constructed. Then, a block scrambling-based image encryption-related stream pixel scrambled image is designed. In the diffusion stage, two rounds of pixel diffusion are generated related to the confusing image for intra-image diffusion. Chen’s map, logistic map, and DNA computing are employed to construct diffusion operations. A reverse complementary rule is applied to obtain a new form of DNA. A Chen’s map is used to produce a pseudorandom DNA sequence, and then another DNA form is constructed from a reverse pseudorandom DNA sequence. Finally, the XOR operation is performed multiple times to obtain the encrypted image. According to the simulation of experiments and security analysis, this approach extends the key space, has great sensitivity, and is able to withstand various typical attacks. An adequate encryption effect is achieved by the proposed algorithm, which can simultaneously decrease the correlation between adjacent pixels by making it near zero, also the information entropy is increased. The number of pixels changing rate (NPCR) and the unified average change intensity (UACI) both are very near to optimal values
Due to their rich information, color images are frequently utilized in many different industries, but the network’s security in handling their delivery of images must be taken into account. To improve the security and efficiency of color images, this paper proposed a color image encryption algorithm based on cross-spiral transformation and zone diffusion. The proposed algorithm is based on Chen’s system and the piecewise linear chaotic map, and uses the chaotic sequences generated by them for related operations. Firstly, the R, G and B planes are extracted, and the spiral starting point of each plane is randomly selected by the chaotic sequence to implement the cross-spiral transformation. Secondly, the bit-level image matrix is constructed by the scrambled image matrix, and the bit-level chaotic matrix is constructed by the chaotic sequence. Finally, the three-dimensional matrix is divided into four zones by a dividing line, and partition diffusion is carried out to obtain the encrypted image. Simulation results and algorithm analyses indicate that the proposed algorithm has superior performance and can resist a wide range of attacks.
In this manuscript, a new image cryptography algorithm based on new second-order recursive cellular automata (RCA), DNA sequences, and hyper-chaotic system is suggested. Different from the customary permutation-diffusion structure, this manuscript uses a newly three-layer structure, that is, diffusion-permutation-diffusion. Due to the characteristics of high correlation among image pixels that lead to statistical attacks, the aim of this initial diffusion that based on new recursive cellular automata is random redistribution of pixels through assigning a value new for each pixel. The next stage is to perform permutation based on Arnold cat’s map, which aims to remove the high correlation among adjacent pixels in the image. The final step, which is based on DNA sequences and key stream, is to increase the complexity and security of the proposed algorithm. In addition, the initial values of the Chen hyper-chaotic system depend on the secret keys and pixels of the original image, which causes completely different chaotic sequences to be created when we encrypt different images. The simulation and empirical results show that the given algorithm has a proper key space and is resistant to various attacks that we test.
The existence of images containing our personal data or strategic information of states in the developing digital world is an indication that there will be malicious people who want to access this information. Undoubtedly, the attackers’ job will be a little more difficult if the valuable information of importance is transmitted by encrypting on common channels. In this regard, traditional and modern methods are used for encryption. Although traditional cryptosystems are widely used in text encryption processes, they are rarely used in image encryption processes for two reasons. The first is that the encryption process takes a long time due to the fact that the image size is larger than the text size. The second is that, while there are fewer data losses on the text in the decryption process, data losses on the image may cause the image’s structure to be disrupted. In this study, after giving brief information about encryption, the proposed hybrid image encryption method has been explained. In this method, firstly, an encryption process performed with affine and substitution methods from traditional cryptosystems has been applied, then an extended one-dimension (1D) chaotic map has been used to strengthen the encryption process. The superiority of the proposed method has been evaluated with performance analysis.
With advancements in computer and communication technologies, the production, utilization and applications of digital images is at an unprecedented rate. Recent applications include military communications, remote sensing, novel engineering designs storage and communications, as well as medical imaging. In most cases, such images convey highly sensitive or confidential information, which creates a strong need for the design of secure and robust color image cryptosystems. Recent literature has shown that fractional-order functions exhibit improved performance over their corresponding integer-order versions. This is especially true in their use in image processing applications. In this research work, we make use of a four-dimensional (4D) hyperchaotic Chen map of fractional-order, in conjunction with a sine chaotic map and a novel hybrid DNA coding algorithm. A thorough numerical analysis is presented, showcasing the security performance and efficiency of the proposed color image cryptosystem. Performance is gauged in terms of resilience against visual, histogram, statistical, entropy, differential, as well as brute-force attacks. Mean values of the metrics computed are as follows. MSE of 9396, PSNR of 8.27 dB, information entropy of 7.997, adjacent pixel correlation coefficient of 0, NPCR of 99.62%, UACI of 33, MAE of 80.57, and a very large key space of 2
. The proposed image cryptosystem exhibits low computational complexity, as it encrypts images at a rate of 4.369 Mbps. Furthermore, it passes the the NIST SP 800 suite of tests successfully. Comparison of the computed metrics of the proposed image cryptosystem against those reported in the state-of-the-art by counterpart algorithms show that the proposed cryptosystem exhibits comparable or superior values.
Some existing image encryption schemes based on chaotic systems have various security defects, such as non-uniform distribution of the chaotic system's phase trajectory, narrow chaotic range, and the encryption algorithm easily to be cracked, etc. To solve these problems, a new color image encryption and hiding algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a two-dimensional cross-coupled chaotic model (2D-CCCM) is designed, which can generate a variety of hyperchaotic maps. Performance analysis demonstrates that they exhibit more complex chaotic behavior and a wider range of chaotic distribution than existing chaotic systems, and all of them enter the hyper-chaotic state when the system parameters are in the range of [1, ∞). Further, based on this chaotic system, a new color image encryption algorithm is proposed. The algorithm applies the cyclic shift operation and the improved out-inside shuffling algorithm to simultaneously scramble and diffuse the R, G, and B planes of the color image. Finally, two-dimensional discrete cosine transform is employed to embed the ciphertext image into the visually meaningful carrier image to further improve the security of the encryption algorithm. The main contributions of this study are twofold: firstly, the 2D-CCCM is proposed, and the generated chaotic system overcomes the drawbacks of existing chaotic systems; secondly, simulation analysis and security evaluation demonstrate that the proposed color image encryption and hiding algorithm has better encryption performance and higher security than several advanced image encryption algorithms.
I n these days of technology, the usage of images has become increasingly high especially now that almost everyone has access to internet. Also, image helps us to learn, grabs our attention, explains complicated concepts as well as inspires us. Sharing these images is essential and therefore image encryption algorithms are proposed to secure the transmission of these image from many types of attacks such as Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM). In this paper, we proposed a hybrid security system that consist of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Advanced Encryption System (AES). Where ECC is used to generate private/public keys and AES is for encryption and decryption of the image using the ECC generated keys. The system works as follows; it begins by inserting the image to be encrypted which is “lena.png” of size 256*256 and passing it to AES Algorithm along with the generated public key. Then, in AES algorithm, the public key is hashed then used to encrypt the image with AES encryption algorithm. On the other hand, the decryption algorithm works as follows; inserting the encrypted image then calculating the decryption key to use it to decrypt the image using AES decryption algorithm. Finally, our experimental results shows that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) test shows that the ECC generated keys have better randomness than using only AES generated keys. Also, the encrypted image histogram show that the image pixels values are well distributed across all three channels R, G and B. This shows that the hybrid system is a step further to get a more secure image encryption system against attacks with the generated ECC keys. To get further, Logistic chaotic map has been used to encrypt images for comparison purposes with AES and ECC generated images in terms of randomness, security and histogram
The unprecedented growth in production and exchange of multimedia over unsecured channels is overwhelming mathematicians, scientists and engineers to realize secure and efficient cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, a color image encryption algorithm combining the KAA map with multiple chaotic maps is proposed. The proposed algorithm makes full use of Shannon’s ideas of security, such that image encryption is carried out through bit confusion and diffusion. Confusion is carried out through employing 2 encryption keys. The first key is generated from the 2D Logistic Sine map and a Linear Congruential Generator, while the second key is generated from the Tent map and the Bernoulli map. Diffusion is attained through the use of the KAA map. An elaborate mathematical analysis is carried out to showcase the robustness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm, as well as its resistance to visual, statistical, differential and brute-force attacks. Moreover, the proposed image encryption algorithm is also shown to successfully pass all the tests of the NIST SP 800 suite.
Chaotic systems, especially hyper-chaotic systems are suitable for digital image encryption because of their complex properties such as pseudo randomness and extreme sensitivity. This paper proposes a new color image encryption algorithm based on a hyper-chaotic system constructed by a tri-valued memristor. The encryption process is based on the structure of permutation-diffusion, and the transmission of key information is realized through hyper-chaotic synchronization technology. In this design, the hash value of the plaintext image is used to generate the initial key the permutation sequence with the Hash table structure based on the hyper-chaotic sequence is used to implement pixel-level and bit-level permutation operations. Hilbert curves combining with the ciphertext feedback mechanism are applied to complete the diffusion operation. A series of experimental analyses have been applied to measure the novel algorithm, and the results show that the scheme has excellent encryption performance and can resist a variety of attacks. This method can be applied in secure image communication fields.
This paper proposes an image encryption algorithm based on spatiotemporal chaos and middle order traversal of a binary tree. Firstly, other programming software is used to perform the middle order traversal, and the plaintext image is sorted according to the middle order traversal sequence on the permutation. Secondly, the chaotic sequence is generated using the coupled map lattice to set the chaotic interference value. Finally, the XOR operation between the adjacent pixel values of the replacement image is completed to generate the ciphertext matrix. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can resist typical attacks and has good robustness.
At present, many encryption algorithms for color images either decompose color images into three gray images and encrypt them, respectively, or combine R, G, B channels into a two-dimensional image matrix before encryption. These methods break the internal link between the three colors and reduce the efficiency of encryption. Here, to address these shortcomings, a new hyperchaotic system two-dimension Chebyshev–Sine coupling map (2D-CSCM) is proposed to improve the security of the encryption algorithm, and the dynamic behaviors of the system are analyzed by phase diagram, bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponent spectra information entropy and 0–1 test. We propose a Rubik's Cube scrambling method to scramble a three-dimensional bit-level matrix of the color image directly. Then the pixel values of the scrambled image matrix are diffused by two rounds of different operations based on chaotic sequences. The parameters and initial values of the chaotic system are derived from the secret key generated by the hash function SHA-512. Simulation results and security analysis demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has high efficiency and security to resist various common attacks.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive encryption scheme for color images using Multiple Distinct Chaotic Maps (MDCM) and DNA computing. We have chosen three distinct chaotic maps, including a 2D-Henon map, a Tent map, and a Logistic map, to separately encrypt the red, green, and blue channels of the original image. The proposed scheme adaptively modifies the parameters of the maps, utilizing various statistical characteristics such as mean, variance, and median of the image to be encrypted. Thus, whenever there is a change in the plain image, the secret keys also change. This makes the proposed scheme robust against the chosen and known plaintext attacks. DNA encoding has also been used to add another layer of security. The experimental analysis of the proposed scheme shows that the average value of entropy is approximately eight, the Number of Pixels Change Rate (NPCR) and Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI) are 99.61% and 33%, respectively, and correlation coefficients close to zero, making the scheme not only reliable but also resilient against many attacks. Moreover, the use of low-dimensional maps reduces the computational costs of the scheme to a large extent.
In many sensitive Internet-of-Things (IoT) based applications, sensor devices send information in the form of images. Chaos theory is the study of deterministic laws that exhibit characteristics like unpredictability, randomness and irregularity. These characteristics can be used to encrypt images thus providing an extra layer of security over the existing security infrastructure of the IoT application. In this work, we present a symmetric image encryption algorithm called, IETD which is suitable for IoT applications. Here, we propose a new chaotic map named “TD Map” using Tinkerbell Map and Duffing Map. We also propose an advanced zigzag algorithm that can encrypt color images of any resolution. The “TD Map” is used to generate a 2-D chaotic sequence which is utilized by simple operations like scrambling and swapping to encrypt the image. The proposed scheme has undergone many statistical tests and analyses to evaluate its performance against cryptanalysis attacks, noise, data loss, correlation immunity and so on which show that it achieves better values in each of the standard metrics under consideration than the existing ciphers. MSE, PSNR, information entropy, NPCR and UACI values show that the proposed scheme is at par with the existing schemes. Moreover, it has exhibited good energy efficiency and is easy to implement in hardware. These altogether make IETD a suitable lightweight cipher to deploy in real-time IoT applications.
Millions of confidential images are transmitted every day by people through the multimedia systems of the internet. Such confidential information in the images may be belong to the political, business, medical or military authorities. Protecting the privacy and integrity of these images in the era of the internet and multimedia technologies has drawn more attention by the research community. Image encryption is one of the most important tools to secure digital images from the unauthorized access and malicious manipulation. In this paper, a new digital image encryption method is proposed based on bit replacing technique, chaotic systems and DNA coding algorithm. It aims to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the digital images sent over unsecure open channels. Firstly, in this method each pixel of the image is converted to its corresponding binary sequence comprising of zeros and ones bits. Then, the zero bit is replaced by (1 and 0) bits and the one bit is replaced by (0 and 1) bits. Two different images are eventually generated by repeating consistently the replacing operation for all bits of the image pixels. Secondly, the generated images are encrypted using high dimensional chaotic systems based on the principle of permutation and diffusion processes in objective to vary the positions and values of the digital image pixels. Thirdly, the resultant encrypted images are encoded by adopting DNA algorithm rules and then these images are merged by exploiting DNA addition operation. Finally, the coded DNA images are decoded to obtain the output encrypted image. The numerical and visual simulation results confirm that the proposed method is sufficiently robust and secure against several known attacks in comparsion with the state-of-art approaches. Also, the conducted experiments show significant improvement in terms of entropy, correlation, differential, discrepancy metrics, key space and computational speed analysis performance parameters. To sum up, the proposed approach produced large secret key space of (2⁷⁴⁷), a comparable differential analysis performance NPCR (99.61%) and UACI (34.61%) and passed all security and randomness tests.
The fractional-order functions show better performance than their corresponding integer-order functions in various image processing applications. In this paper, the authors propose a novel utilization of fractional-order chaotic systems in color image encryption. The 4D hyperchaotic Chen system of fractional-order combined with the Fibonacci Q-matrix. The proposed encryption algorithm consists of three steps: in step#1, the input image decomposed into the primary color channels, R, G, & B. The confusion and diffusion operations are performed for each channel independently. In step#2, the 4D hyperchaotic Chen system of fractional orders generates random numbers to permit pixel positions. In step#3, we split the permitted image into 2 × 2 blocks where the Fibonacci Q-matrix diffused each of them. Experiments performed where the obtained results ensure the efficiency of the proposed encryption algorithm and its ability to resist attacks.
This paper proposes an asymmetric encryption scheme for color images by introducing a new efficient triple-layered encryption scheme based on the RSA cryptosystem along with a chaotic map in the discrete Hartley domain. The present approach encrypts the image independently using the RSA cryptosystem and afterward transforms them into discrete Hartley domains to diffuse the image pixels. Further, the pixel positions are dislocated by applying a non-linear chaotic map to provide a complex structure of the scheme. The hardness of prime factorization of integers is intricacy in the RSA algorithm. The massive pixel confusion by a non-linear H´enon map gives rise to an efficient and robust system. Simulation results with performance analysis and the detailed comparison with extant systems assure robustness, validity, and security of the proposed scheme against various cryptanalytic attacks.
In this paper, a novel image encryption algorithm based on a new permutation scheme and DNA operations are introduced. In our algorithm, SHA 256 and DNA hamming distance participate in the generation of the initial conditions of the 4D chaotic system, which can associate the encryption system with the original image. In the permutation process, based on the adjustment process of the IAVL (improved balanced binary tree), a new scrambling algorithm is constructed. Then the dynamic block coding rules are designed, in which different image blocks have different coding rules. In the diffusion process, a new diffusion algorithm with intra-block and inter-block is proposed to perform DNA operations on the intermediate encryption result and the key matrix. In the security analysis, the key space of the encryption system is 2933 and the information entropy is about 7.9973. In addition, the NPCR and UACI in the differential attack test are close to the ideal values of 99.6094% and 33.4653%. To further prove the security of the encryption algorithm, the Irregular deviation, Maximum deviation, Energy, Contrast, and Homogeneity tests are introduced into the analysis. Experimental results illustrate that the encryption scheme can against multiple illegal attacks like statistical, brute-force and differential attacks.
As the most effective method of multimedia security protection, image encryption is widely used in data hiding, security authentication and content protection. However, the security and efficiency are still the key issues of image encryption algorithm. In this paper, a grayscale image encryption scheme based on the architecture of bit-level scrambling and multiplication diffusion is proposed. Firstly, the input image is decomposed into eight bit planes and randomly divided into three parts. Secondly, the scrambling process of each part is respectively realized by using binary tree, flip scrambling and improved circle index scrambling. Finally, the diffusing operation of the scrambled components is executed by improving the GF (257) domain multiplication. The remarkable advantage of the scrambling operation is that it not only effectively permutes the pixels, but also permutes the bits in each pixel, and consequently it sufficiently destroys the correlation of adjacent pixels. And the parallel processing of different scrambling operations will increase the confusion effect and real-time performance. Moreover, the key stream for scrambling and diffusion operations is designed and selected strictly dependent on the plain-image. Therefore, our encryption scheme significantly improves the security by disturbing known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks. Simulation experiments and security analyses further verify that the proposed algorithm is secure and effective to withstand various attacks.
Data security has become crucial to most enterprise and government applications due to the increasing amount of data generated, collected, and analyzed. Many algorithms have been developed to secure data storage and transmission. However, most existing solutions require multi-round functions to prevent differential and linear attacks. This results in longer execution times and greater memory consumption, which are not suitable for large datasets or delay-sensitive systems. To address these issues, this work proposes a novel algorithm that uses, on one hand, the reflection property of a balanced binary search tree data structure to minimize the overhead, and on the other hand, a dynamic offset to achieve a high security level. The performance and security of the proposed algorithm were compared to Advanced Encryption Standard and Data Encryption Standard symmetric encryption algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieved the lowest running time with comparable memory usage and satisfied the avalanche effect criterion with 50.1%. Furthermore, the randomness of the dynamic offset passed a series of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical tests.
In fact, as a traditional encryption method, DES has been certified as an unsuitable tool for ciphering due to its smaller key space. Further, in concern of the real-time encryption in the current fast communication era, such as 5G, long-time as well as large computational level processes are not gotten into the consideration. As a result, an innovative encryption structure with hyperchaotic keys for efficient encryption is constructed, where the frame of DES structure is applied, the plain image is shuffled through row and column directions in the first round, and then rearranged to be 64 blocks to fit into the frame of DES structure for 4 rounds ciphering with hyperchaotic subkeys. Also, in order to encrypt the content of the image at the block level, a set of alternative S-box has been produced in this article as well. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme is feasible and reliable for digital image encrypting, not only a large key space can be obtained, but also the low correlation of the adjacent contents can be achieved, and further, in comparison of several existing approaches, less-computational resource can be proven as well. In particular, due to the innovative DES structure, the computational speed is significantly faster than the original DES algorithm and many other chaos-based image ciphering schemes.
In this paper, a new memristor-based chaotic image cryptosystem is designed for colour image encryption. Firstly, the new memristor chaotic system is combined with a dynamic variable selection mechanism (DSVSM) to generate the chaotic state variables for confusion and diffusion phases. Then, a BST model based on binary sort tree adjustment is designed and introduced into the confusion process so as to achieve pixel’s cross-plane confusion. During the whole confusion process, the pixel values between the three channels of the colour image are confused based on the adjustment results of the BST model follow by the pixels in each channel are confused again based on the adjustment process of the BST model. Finally, a row-column-based diffusion algorithm is used to speed up the encryption process. Experimental results and performance evaluations demonstrate that our cryptosystem has superior security and efficiency.
A chaotic image encryption scheme combining block scrambling and DNA coding is proposed. The chaotic sequences generated by Chen hyperchaotic system are used for inter-block index scrambling and intra-block Fisher-Yates scrambling. Then the index sequence is used to further scramble the image to further enhance the encryption effect. The pixel value of the image is initially changed by chaotic sequence, and diffused by different DNA coding rules and different operation rules corresponding to chaotic sequence. After decoding the DNA matrix, the final encrypted image is obtained. The initial values and parameters of the chaotic system are generated by SHA-512 hash function and plaintext image. The experimental results and various security analysis show that the algorithm has good encryption effect and can resist common attacks such as chosen-plaintext attacks, clipping attacks and noise attacks.
Lots of digital images from different fields distributed in Internet are exposed to various risks, such as the content leakage, illegal access and use. To solve the problems of weak security, insufficient encryption capacity and low encryption efficiency, this paper proposes a multiple-image encryption (MIE) algorithm based on the three-dimensional (3D) scrambling model and dynamic DNA coding. Firstly, this paper designs a generalized Zigzag transformation and establishes the 3D scrambling model based on the dimensionality reduction; secondly, multiple plain images are combined into 3D image cube, and the scrambled images can be obtained by the established 3D scrambling model; thirdly, the chaotic sequences are used to perform the dynamic DNA coding and DNA operations on the scrambled images; finally, dynamic DNA decoding operation is performed to obtain the final encryption image. Experimental results and algorithm analyses show that the proposed algorithm has the advantages of large encryption capacity, high encryption efficiency, large key space, high key sensitivity, strong ability to resist the statistical attack, the brute-force attack, the chosen-plaintext attack, etc. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can play a great role in the security of batch image data with high security requirements and large data volume.
Nowadays, security in data transfer is of special importance. Images are of the most attractive kinds of data in the encryption domain. Color images are more attractive than the gray-level images due to provision of more information. In the present study, various existing color (RGB mode) image encryption schemes have been examined comprehensively based on the application domains in addition to summarizing over 50 studies in this field, most of which being published in the last year. In addition, in this study, color image encryption has been categorized into ten schemes, then the proposed schemes have been compared and their advantages and limitations have been highlighted. Moreover, a complete list of common security analysis techniques for (gray or color) image encryption has been discussed which are capable of evaluating the method potential resistance to different possible attacks. The present study has been carried out to provide detailed knowledge regarding the existing image encryption schemes in the area of the RGB images. Finally, in the current study, various open issues and research directions have been considered in order to explore the promising areas for future developments.
In this research article, we have designed a novel image encryption scheme based on Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and chaotic sequencing. We have studied sequences of different genes consisting of four bases, Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Guanine (G), also known as nucleotides which are the fundamental code of life. The purpose of DNA is to store, copy and transmit the genetic information of the living organism. The proposed image encryption scheme uses the chaotic system to generate random sequences and to choose between two or more options. The image is totally transformed by first encoding it into DNA nucleotides, shuffling to achieve diffusion and then substitution is performed to achieve confusion. Then later the DNA fusion operation is performed on the DNA image and the DNA complements are applied on the resulting DNA image, a random number of times to break the residual correlation between the pixels. The cipher image has been tested to fulfill all the standard benchmarks to be categorized as a good ciphered image which includes entropy, correlation coefficient, Pearson’s chi square, peak signal to noise ratio, mean square error, mean absolute error, structure similarity indexed measures, differential analysis and histogram uniformity test.
Symmetric image encryption methods allow users to encrypt the image and hide it from others. Only those that possess the private key can decrypt the data in order to view the content. This paper proposed a new symmetric image encryption method using the concepts of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence and Binary Search Tree (BST). The method initiates by generating the secret key. Next, the number of nodes in candidate BST is determined deterministically prior to create the candidate BST. Then, the plain image and the relevant candidate BST are converted to the relevant DNA sequences. Afterwards, the proposed method proceeds by superimposing DNA-BST over the DNA image in order to apply XOR function. Finally, the DNA image is converted to the cipher image. The experimental results approve the robustness of the proposed method against well-known attacks.
Dynamic DNA Cryptography-based image encryption scheme using multiple chaotic maps and SHA-256 hash function