
Ongoing genome doubling promotes evolvability and immune dysregulation in ovarian cancer

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Whole-genome doubling (WGD) is a critical driver of tumor development and is linked to drug resistance and metastasis in solid malignancies. Here, we demonstrate that WGD is an ongoing mutational process in tumor evolution in cancers with TP53 loss. Using single-cell whole-genome sequencing, we measured and modeled how WGD events are distributed across cellular populations within tumors and associated WGD dynamics with properties of genome diversification and phenotypic consequences of innate immunity. We studied WGD evolution in 65 high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) tissue samples from 40 patients, yielding 29,481 tumor cell genomes. We found near-ubiquitous evidence of WGD as an ongoing mutational process promoting cell-cell diversity, high rates of chromosomal missegregation, and consequent micronucleation. Using a novel mutation-based WGD timing method, doubleTime, we delineated specific modes by which WGD can drive tumor evolution: (i) unitary evolutionary origin followed by significant diversification, (ii) independent WGD events on a pre-existing background of copy number diversity, and (iii) evolutionarily late clonal expansions of WGD populations. Additionally, through integrated single-cell RNA sequencing and high-resolution immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that inflammatory signaling and the positive association between chromosomal instability and cGAS-STING pathway activation are restricted to tumors that remain predominantly diploid. This contrasted with predominantly WGD tumors, which exhibited significant quiescent and immunosuppressive phenotypic states. Together, these findings establish WGD as an evolutionarily 'active' mutational process in late stage ovarian cancer and link consequent genomic states with altered innate immune responses and immunosuppressive phenotypes.

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The prevalence and nature of somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) in breast epithelium and their role in tumor initiation and evolution remain poorly understood. Using single-cell DNA sequencing (49,238 cells) of epithelium from BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers or wild-type individuals, we identified recurrent CNAs (for example, 1q-gain and 7q, 10q, 16q and 22q-loss) that are present in a rare population of cells across almost all samples (n = 28). In BRCA1/BRCA2 carriers, these occur before loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of wild-type alleles. These CNAs, common in malignant tumors, are enriched in luminal cells but absent in basal myoepithelial cells. Allele-specific analysis of prevalent CNAs reveals that they arose by independent mutational events, consistent with convergent evolution. BRCA1/BRCA2 carriers contained a small percentage of cells with extreme aneuploidy, featuring loss of TP53, BRCA1/BRCA2 LOH and multiple breast cancer-associated CNAs. Our findings suggest that CNAs arising in normal luminal breast epithelium are precursors to clonally expanded tumor genomes.
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Drug resistance is the major cause of therapeutic failure in high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC). Yet, the mechanisms by which tumors evolve to drug resistant states remains largely unknown. To address this, we aimed to exploit clone-specific genomic structural variations by combining scaled single-cell whole genome sequencing with longitudinally collected cell-free DNA (cfDNA), enabling clonal tracking before, during and after treatment. We developed a cfDNA hybrid capture, deep sequencing approach based on leveraging clone-specific structural variants as endogenous barcodes, with orders of magnitude lower error rates than single nucleotide variants in ctDNA (circulating tumor DNA) detection, demonstrated on 19 patients at baseline. We then applied this to monitor and model clonal evolution over several years in ten HGSOC patients treated with systemic therapy from diagnosis through recurrence. We found drug resistance to be polyclonal in most cases, but frequently dominated by a single high-fitness and expanding clone, reducing clonal diversity in the relapsed disease state in most patients. Drug-resistant clones frequently displayed notable genomic features, including high-level amplifications of oncogenes such as CCNE1, RAB25, NOTCH3, and ERBB2. Using a population genetics Wright-Fisher model, we found evolutionary trajectories of these features were consistent with drug-induced positive selection. In select cases, these alterations impacted selection of secondary lines of therapy with positive patient outcomes. For cases with matched single-cell RNA sequencing data, pre-existing and genomically encoded phenotypic states such as upregulation of EMT and VEGF were linked to drug resistance. Together, our findings indicate that drug resistant states in HGSOC pre-exist at diagnosis and lead to dramatic clonal expansions that alter clonal composition at the time of relapse. We suggest that combining tumor single cell sequencing with cfDNA enables clonal tracking in patients and harbors potential for evolution-informed adaptive treatment decisions.
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