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Effects of the German Minimum Wage on Earnings and Working Time Using Establishment Data

De Gruyter
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik

Abstract and Figures

This study examines the short-term effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and paid working hours. We exploit a novel panel dataset by linking the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) 2014 and the Earnings Survey (ES) 2015 and apply a difference-in-differences approach at the establishment level. The results indicate an effect of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage on the average hourly wages of employees in minimum wage establishments of up to 5.9 %. Due to negative effects on average working time of approximately minus 3.1 %, the effects on monthly gross earnings are smaller but still amount to up to 2.7 % on average. The results further suggest that the minimum wage effects on earnings were greater among low-wage employees than on average, in eastern Germany than in western Germany, and among part-time employees and marginal employees than among full-time employees.
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Clemens Ohlert*
Eects of the German Minimum Wage on
Earnings and Working Time Using
Establishment Data
Received February 2, 2024; accepted June 6, 2024
Abstract: This study examines the short-term eects of the introduction of a
statutory minimum wage in Germany on hourly wages, monthly wages and
paid working hours. We exploit a novel panel dataset by linking the Structure
of Earnings Survey (SES) 2014 and the Earnings Survey (ES) 2015 and apply a
dierence-in-dierences approach at the establishment level. The results indicate an
eect of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage on the average hourly
wages of employees in minimum wage establishments of up to 5.9 %. Due to negative
eects on average working time of approximately minus 3.1 %, the eects on monthly
gross earnings are smaller but still amount to up to 2.7 % on average. The results
further suggest that the minimum wage eects on earnings were greater among
low-wage employees than on average, in eastern Germany than in western Germany,
and among part-time employees and marginal employees than among full-time
Keywords: minimum wage; evaluation; hourly wages; earnings; working time
JEL Classication: J08; J30; J31
1 Introduction
The introduction of a general minimum wage in 2015 was a major change to the
institutional framework of the labour market in Germany. It had a considerably
larger impact on a range of outcomes than subsequent incremental adjustments
Article Note: This article is part of the special issue Minimum Wages: Experiences of European
Countriespublished in the Journal of Economics and Statistics. Access to further articles of this special
issue can be obtained at
*Corresponding author: Clemens Ohlert, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA),
Berlin, Germany, E-mail:
Journal of Economics and Statistics 2025; 245(12): 185213
Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
of the minimum wage (Bruttel 2019; Caliendo, Schröder, and Wittbrodt 2019;
Mindestlohnkommission 2020). In view of the strong increase in the minimum
wage to 12 euros per hour in October 2022, the introduction of the minimum wage
provides an important reference for how the minimum wage operates in the German
labour market.
The eects on hourly wages, monthly wages and working time have
been a major focus of interest in previous evaluation studies since these dimensions
basically determine whether the reform helps increase the incomes of low-wage
earners and hence their welfare.
There has been a lively debate about the size and relation of minimum wage
eects on hourly wages, monthly wages and working hours based on dierent data
sources and methodological approaches applied in the literature. Previous
researchunanimouslyfoundasignicant positive impact of the minimum wage
introduction on hourly wages, but there have been mixed results regarding the
impact on monthly wages and working hours based on dierent data and
approaches (see Section 2). In particular, the ndings diered between studies
based on household survey data on the one hand and administrative data and
establishment survey data on the other.
This paper extends previous research by examining the short-term eects of the
minimum wage introduction based on novel linked employeremployee panel data
for the years 2014 and 2015. To this end, the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) 2014
and the Earnings Survey (ES) 2015 were linked to form an establishment panel,
which also contains observations of a random sample of employees in the surveyed
establishments. The SES/ES is one of few large datasets in Germany that allows the
calculation of individual hourly wages (Dütsch, Himmelreicher, and Ohlert 2019).
The applied methodology uses a dierence-in-dierences approach that
compares changes in earnings and working time among employees in establish-
ments that were aected by the minimum wage to changes among employees in
establishments that were not aected. Aected establishments were dened as
those that had at least one employee with an hourly wage below 8.50 euros in the
year 2014. Heterogenous eects are considered by putting a focus on low-wage
employees and by dierentiating between East and West Germany and by type of
employment (full-time, part-time, marginal employees). As a robustness check, a
weighted control group approach is applied.
1The introduction of the minimum wage aected approximately four million employees in
Germany. The adjustment of the minimum wage to 8.84 euros in 2017 aected approximately 3.3
million employees and the adjustment to 9.19 euros in 2019 aected approximately 2.5 million
employees (Mindestlohnkommission 2020). The adjustment of the minimum wage to 12 euros in
October 2022 aected approximately 5.8 million employees (Mindestlohnkommission 2023).
186 C. Ohlert
The results indicate an eect of the introduction of the statutory minimum
wage on the average hourly wages of employees in minimum wage establishments
of up to 5.9 %. Due to negative eects on average working time of approximately
minus 3.1 %, the eects on monthly gross earnings are smaller but still amount to up
to 2.7 % on average. The results further suggest that the minimum wage eects on
earnings were greater among low-wage employees than on average, in eastern
Germany than in western Germany, and among part-time employees and marginal
employees than among full-time employees.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides an overview
of previous evidence. Section 3 introduces the data and describes the sample. Section 4
explicates the econometric approach. Section 5.1 presents descriptive results on the
distribution and changes in earnings and working time. Section 5.2 examines the eects
of the minimum wage. Section 6 provides a robustness check, and Section 7 concludes.
2 Previous Evidence
The literature consistently reports positive eects of the introduction of the
minimum wage on hourly wages, which dier only somewhat in size. Several studies
used household survey data and reported eects between 4 and 9 % based on the
German socioeconomic panel (GSOEP) (Bachmann et al. 2020; Burauel et al. 2020b;
Caliendo et al. 2023) and between 5 and 9 % based on the PASS
(Hafner and Lochner
2022). Since working hours are not measured in the Integrated Employment
Biographies (IEB) except from 2010 to 2014, two studies used approximated hourly
wages based on imputed working hours. They reported minimum wage eects on
hourly wages of 6 % (Dustmann et al. 2022) and 4 % (Ahlfeldt, Roth, and Seidel 2018).
Several studies have pointed to stronger eects on hourly wages in the lower part of
the wage distribution (e.g. Ahlfeldt, Roth, and Seidel 2018; Bachmann et al. 2022).
Descriptive evidence based on the Structure of Earnings Survey showed an
immediate substantial shift of employment with hourly wages below the minimum
wage to the value of the minimum wage and closely above after the introduction of
the minimum wage. Changes in the same range of hourly wages were much smaller
according to the GSOEP (e.g. Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 52). Additionally,
measured noncompliance with the minimum wage is substantially larger based on
the GSOEP than based on the SES/ES (Mindestlohnkommission 2018: 62.).
2The PASS (Labour Market and Social Securitypanel study) is an annual survey of households in
Germany with a focus on low-income households.
3An analysis and discussion of these dierences can be found in Bachmann et al. (2020) and Dütsch,
Himmelreicher, and Ohlert (2019); see (Fry and Ritchie 2012) for the UK.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 187
of minimum wage eects on hourly wages can thus be expected to be larger in the
SES/ES than in the GSOEP. Using the structure of earnings surveys in 2014 and 2018
and regional variation in the minimum wage bite, Biewen, Fitzenberg, and Rümmele
(2022) nd signicant minimum wage eects on hourly wages along the wage
distribution and spillover eects up to 20 % above the minimum wage. Bossler,
Liang, and Schank (2024) report similar ndings along the wage distribution and, on
average, attribute an increase in hourly wages of 5.3 % to the minimum wage
The results regarding the impact of the minimum wage on monthly wages were
more mixed. Studies based on the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) found
that there were no increases in monthly wages for aected workers in 2015, and the
eect of 6.6 % in 2016 was only statistically signicant at the 0.1-level (Bachmann
et al. 2020; Burauel et al. 2020a, 2020b). They also showed that the ndings on monthly
wages resulted from minimum wage-induced reductions in contractual working
time. However, other studies did nd signicant positive minimum wage eects on
monthly wages of 3.84.3 % using the IAB Establishment Panel (Bossler and Gerner
2020; Bossler et al. 2022) and of 4.4 % in 2015 and 2016 using the Integrated
Employment Biographies (IEB) (Bossler and Schank 2023). According to (Bossler and
Schank 2023: 14), the eects are largest at the 20th percentile of the distribution of
monthly earnings and reach up to the 50th percentile. The authors explain that the
eect is small at the 10th percentile because it is located at the upper earnings limit of
marginal employment (employees with maximum earnings of 450 euros per month,
which are exempt from taxes and social security contributions). For the period from
2014 to 2018, Bossler, Liang, and Schank (2024) nd an average eect on monthly
wages of approximately 5 % using the SES.
The evidence on minimum wage eects on working time has previously relied
strongly on household survey data from the GSOEP (Bachmann et al. 2020; Burauel
et al. 2020a) and the PASS (Hafner and Lochner 2022; Pusch, Seifert, and Santoro 2020)
and was complemented by ndings based on the IAB Establishment Panel (Bossler
and Gerner 2020), all indicating a reduction in working time due to the introduction
of the minimum wage. The results of Burauel et al. (2020a) indicated a signicant
negative eect on contracted working time of approximately minus 5 % in the
one-year period but no signicant eect on working time in the two-year period.
Interestingly, negative eects were found only regarding contractual working time
but not regarding actual working time. However, recent evidence based on SESs from
2014 to 2018 by Biewen, Fitzenberg, and Rümmele (2022) and (Bossler, Liang, and
Schank 2024) does not conrm signicant minimum wage eects on working time on
average. Bossler, Liang, and Schank (2024), however, noted a reduction in the
working hours of minijobbers.
188 C. Ohlert
Burauel et al. (2020a, 2020b) also examined heterogeneous short-term eects of
the minimum wage by type of employment. They nd that the minimum wage had
the greatest positive impact on the hourly wages of marginal workers (15.5 % points),
while the eect on full-time workers amounted to 7.8 % points, and no signicant
eect on part-time workers was found. Despite the positive eects on the hourly
wages of full-time and marginal workers, no signicant impact on monthly earnings
was found. Regarding working time, they reported a signicant and robust reduc-
tion in contractual working hours among employees who are subject to social se-
curity contributions but not among marginally employed workers.
3 Data and Sample Description
This study constructs a panel dataset by linking the structure of earnings survey (SES)
of 2014 and the earnings survey (ES) of 2015 at the establishment level.
on these data, I examine the short-term impact of the introduction of a general
minimum wage in Germany. The SES is a large mandatory survey among estab-
lishments that the Federal Statistical Oce conducts every four years (Statistisches
Bundesamt 2016, 2017). It collects information on the characteristics of the estab-
lishment and a random sample of employees within each covered establishment.
The focus of the survey is earnings and hours of work. The ES 2015 is a special survey,
which is mostly identical to the SES 2014 regarding its content and procedure but
has a smaller sample size, and establishmentsparticipation is nonmandatory. It
was initiated with the specic aim of obtaining information on the impact of the
minimum wage in the years following the introduction of the minimum wage.
the SES and the ES cover establishments of all sizes and the entire spectrum
of industries, except employment in private households and extraterritorial
Sampling of the SES and ES was carried out in two stages. In the rst stage, a
sample stratied by industry, region, and establishment size is drawn at the estab-
lishment level from the Firm Register (URS) of the Federal Statistical Oce. The
realized establishment sample from the SES 2014 was used as the sampling base for
the ES 2015 (Statistisches Bundesamt 2017: 15 .), which allows us to link the same
establishments in both years based on an establishment identier. In the second
4Source: RDC of the Federal Statistical Oce and Statistical Oces of the Federal States, DOI: 10.
21242/62111.2014. and 10.21242/62112.2015.
5Employees can be in a main job or a side job. Therefore, strictly speaking, the data represents
employment relationships held by employees.
6The ES has been conducted for the years 20152017 and 2019.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 189
stage, a simple random selection of employees is independently drawn within
establishments in each year. While all employees are covered in small rms, the
share of covered employees decreases with rm size.
The minimum wage in Germany is subject to several exemptions for specic
groups. It does not apply to self-employed persons, to persons under 18 years old
without a vocational degree, individuals in vocational training, individuals in
particular internships, long-term unemployed individuals in the rst six months
after taking up employment or, until 2017, employees in particular industries
with sectoral minimum wages (Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 20). Consequently,
individuals younger than 18 and individuals in vocational training were excluded
from the sample. Other exemptions could not be clearly delimited in the SES/ES data
because they would require detailed information on industries and employment
trajectories, which was not available. Hence, the same sample delineation as
in previous minimum wage examinations based on the SES or ES was applied
(Bachmann et al. 2020; Dütsch and Himmelreicher 2020; Dütsch, Himmelreicher, and
Ohlert 2019; Mindestlohnkommission 2020). Retaining exempted employees
(with wages below the minimum wage) in the sample may lead to an overestimation
of the relevance of the minimum wage and to an underestimation of the size of
minimum wage eects among eligible employees.
The SES/ES data have crucial advantages but also several limitations. They
provide very reliable information on monthly earnings because rms usually
transfer this information directly based on their accounting data. The SES/ES data
also provide a relatively large sample of employees and establishments, which al-
lows for the dierentiation of analyses by subgroup. The main limitation of these
data is that they usually do not have a panel structure but rather consist of repeated
cross-sections with distinct samples. The years 2014 and 2015 are an exception to this,
which is explained in detail below.
Because the SES/ES is an establishment survey, a presumed tendency of
employers not to disclose hourly wages below the eective minimum wage may be
relevant for the quality of the data (Garnero, Kampelmann, and Rycx 2015). The SES/
ES does not measure unpaid working time and is therefore not designed or ex-
pected to measure noncompliance with the minimum wage. According to quali-
tative research and information from custom agencies actual evasions of the
minimum wage law are mainly related to unpaid and undocumented working time
7Establishments with 19 employees: every employee; 1049 employees: every second employee;
5099 employees: every third employee; 100249 employees: every sixth employee; 250499
employees: every 10th employee; 500999 employees: every 20th employee; 1,000 and more
employees: every 40th employee.
190 C. Ohlert
(Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 69).
Nevertheless, it is of interest that software
tools for wage accounting usually indicate when wages and working hours result in
an hourly wage that is below the minimum wage (Dütsch, Himmelreicher, and
Ohlert 2019: 273). While such tools obviously help employers comply with the
minimum wage regarding hourly wages resulting from documented and paid
working time, it is unknown how accurate working time documentation is and
whether there is unpaid working time. Furthermore, the supposed tendency not to
disclose wages below the eective minimum wage may nd its way into survey
responsesbothintheSESandtheESatspecic instances, such as the reporting
of working time for the survey when working time has not been properly docu-
mented or the required random sampling of employees within larger establish-
ments for the survey, the implementation of which is left to the establishments.
The ES 2015 has been subject to one additional concern because, unlike the SES
survey, participation in the ES was not mandatory. While the same sampling pool of
establishments was contacted for the ES 2015 as for the SES 2014, the participation
rate was much lower (12.8 %), which caused the concern that participation in the
survey might have been systematically avoided by establishments that were
not compliant with the minimum wage after its introduction. Previous empirical
evidence does not support this assumption. Most notably, the ascertained rates of
employees below the eective minimum wage vary only slightly between the
nonmandatory surveys of the years 20152017 and the mandatory Structural Earn-
ings survey of the year 2018. Furthermore, the Federal Statistical Oce analysed
the survey response for the ES 2015 based on the full sample of the SES 2014 and the
subsample that participated in the ES 2015. They found that the probability of taking
part in the survey declined with establishmentswage level (Frentzen and Günther
2017), which is conrmed by a relatively low mean hourly wage in the ES 2015
(Bachmann et al. 2022: 43). As a consequence, and in line with the aim of the survey to
facilitate minimum wage research, the ES is better suited to examining low-wage
employment than high-wage employment. Frentzen and Günther (2017) also found
that the response rate was marginally lower for establishments that were aected
by the minimum wage in 2014 than for establishments that were not aected. This is
not necessarily a problem for the analysis of wage eects since it makes the treat-
ment group (of aected establishments) smaller but does not necessarily distort
wage changes within the treatment group. However, if there was systematic
nonparticipation of establishments that were aected by the minimum wage law
and did not react to it (noncompliance), it would lead to an overestimation of wage
8It is also not measured in contractual working time in the GSOEP. While it is potentially measured
by actual working time in the GSOEP, it is unknown if and how the respective actual working hours
are remunerated.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 191
eects. In the most comprehensive examination of potential measurement errors to
date, Bachmann et al. (2020) concluded that both the SES/ES and the GSOEP are
presumably aected by measurement errors that are likely to dier due to dierent
issues in household/employee surveys and establishments surveys. Ultimately,
which data come closer to portraying the true distribution of low hourly wages in
Germany could not be claried.
For our analysis, the SES 2014 and the ES 2015 were linked at the establishment
level based on an identication number. Linkage is technically not possible for
establishments in public service and establishments that exclusively employ
marginal employees. Apart from these exceptions, all establishments that
participated in the ES 2015 also participated in the SES 2014 and can be followed
over time in the data. Information on wages and working time refers to a random
sample of employees within each establishment. Importantly, the panel structure
of the data is given only at the establishment level but not at the level of individual
employees. This means that the composition of observed employees within
establishments in the treatment and control groups can change over time. Wage
changes therefore can reect wage increases (or reductions) of workers who
stayed at a rm, or entries of employees with specic wage levels, or exits of
employees with specicwagelevels.
Due to the much smaller sample size of the ES 2015, linking both datasets
greatly reduced the number of cases from the SES 2014, resulting in 73,395
employees in 6,594 establishments (see Table 1).
Arm is categorized in the
treatment group if it had at least one employee earning less than 8.50 euros per
hour in 2014 and in the control group otherwise. Approximately 40.5 % and 2,672
establishments in the sample, respectively, are aected by the minimum wage
(see also Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 131; Ohlert 2021). Accordingly, the sample
comprises the same 6,594 establishments in the ES 2015, but the number of em-
ployees deviates somewhat from the data for the previous year due to job changes.
part of the wage distribution and only small deviations in the upper part, which
suggests that the sample of the ES 2015 is not substantially biased regarding the
distribution of wages. Additionally, the share of employees below 8.50 is the same
in both samples.
9The sample of the total SES 2014 comprises 60.000 establishments (Dütsch, Himmelreicher, and
Ohlert 2019).
192 C. Ohlert
4 Econometric Approach
To answer the question of how the introduction of a minimum wage inuences the
earnings and working time of employees, this study applies a dierence-in-
dierences (DID) approach, in which the factually unobserved situation without a
minimum wage is represented by a control group. The central assumption of this
approach is that the outcomes in the dened treatment and control groups would
develop similarly in the absence of the minimum wage (common trend assumption
or CTA). Because there are few exceptions to the minimum wage in Germany, there is
no obvious control group of employees who are not covered by the minimum wage.
Moreover, the available data in this study do not allow us to follow individual
employees but rather to follow establishments over time. Hence, to identify the
eects of the introduction of the minimum wage, I divide establishments into those
aected by the minimum wage and those not aected to compare the changes in
earnings and working time of employees in the two groups of establishments.
Establishmentsaectedness by the minimum wage is measured based on whether at
least one employee with an hourly wage below 8.50 euros per hour was observed in
an establishment in 2014.
Since eects of the minimum wage are likely for workers with wages up to and
closely above the minimum wage but are increasingly unlikely in higher wage
regions (Cengiz et al. 2019), a focus is placed on the group of low-wage employees.
Table :Summary statistics on the distribution of hourly wages.
 
Cross-section Establishment
panel sample
panel sample
Mean . . .
P. . .
P . . .
P . . .
P . . .
P . . .
P . . .
P . . .
Share of employees below .. . .
Number of observations , , ,
Source: SES ,ES, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: Observations are employees within
establishments. The mean and percentile values are in euros per hour.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 193
Hence, employees with hourly wages above 10 euros are dropped from the sample in
an alternative specication. Further heterogeneity of minimum wage eects is
considered by conducting separate estimations for East and West Germany and by
interacting treatment eects by type of employment.
The outcomes of interest are hourly wages, monthly earnings and paid working
time of employee iin rm jand year t(see equation (1)). Monthly earnings are
dened as gross monthly earnings excluding overtime pay, and working time is
dened as paid hours of work per month excluding paid overtime.
Hourly wages
are calculated by dividing monthly earnings by paid working time per month. The
logarithm of all three dependent variables is taken for the multivariate analyses.
yijt =treatedj*year 2015t*δ+year 2015t*τ+θj+xijt *β+εijt (1)
The treatment eect on the treated is estimated by δ,whichisthecoecient for an
interaction of a dummy variable indicating establishments aectedbythemini-
mum wage with the year 2015. It shows to what extent the minimum wage changed
the average wages and working time of employees in establishments that had at
least one employee paid less than 8.50 euros per hour in 2014. Furthermore,
Iincludexed establishment eects (θj)in the models and thus estimate minimum
wage eects based on changes within establishments between 2014 and 2015. The
inclusion of establishment xed eects controls for time-constant dierences
across establishments and thus also between establishments aected by the min-
imum wage and those not aected. As only changes within establishments are
accounted for, changes in the number of observed employees within establish-
ments over time have no inuence on the estimated eect.
Furthermore, control variables that can vary over time are included in the
specication. Changes in the composition of employees within establishments could
be a driver of changes in earnings and working time, and there is some concern that
changes in the composition of employees might deviate between the two groups of
establishments, irrespective of the minimum wage introduction, for two reasons:
a) there are substantial dierences in the employment structure of minimum wage
establishments and other establishments (see Table A2), b) it is not known from the
data to what extent the same sample of employees was observed within establish-
ments before and after the introduction of the minimum wage (see Section 3). The
characteristics of employees within establishments were hence controlled for in the
regressions regarding employeeshighest educational degree, age and age squared
and the type of employment with the categories full-time, part-time and marginal
10 Including overtime in paid working hours and earnings would not change hourly wages strongly.
Overtime pay is slightly higher due to overtime surcharges. Unpaid overtime is not included in the
194 C. Ohlert
employment as well as dummy variables for xed-term employment and
gender. Furthermore, large-scale changes in establishment size are unlikely to be
due to the minimum wage but could inuence average wages and working time in
establishments. Therefore, three categories of establishment size were controlled for
(110 employees, 11100 employees, 101 or more employees). It is assumed that the
common trend assumption holds conditional on these characteristics.
It is common practice to test the CTA based on the trends of both groups prior
to the respective policy intervention. This is not possible based on the available
data in this study, as the panel dataset at the establishment level can only be
compiled for the years 2014 and 2015. Pretrends presented by Bossler and Gerner
(2020) imply that the common trend assumption is not problematic for the anal-
ysis of working time eects. According to this study, which is based on the IAB
Establishment Panel, the development of standard working hours did not dier
signicantly between minimum wage establishments and other establishments in
the year before the introduction of the minimum wage (ibid.: 14). The same study
shows that wage trends from 2013 to 2014 were slightly lower (approximately
2.1 %) in establishments aected by the minimum wage than in unaected
establishments (ibid.: 11). It can therefore be assumed that the DID model
described above tends to overestimate the minimum wage eect on earnings to a
small extent. The eects on hourly wages and monthly earnings are therefore
interpreted as an upper bound.
A robustness check of the results was conducted based on the notion that similar
pretreatment means in the outcome variables in the treatment and control groups
are indicative of a good comparison group (Lechner 2010: 191). To this end, I applied a
synthetic (weighted) control group approach (entropy balancing) that balances the
pretreatment means and distributions of the respective outcome variables and a set
of covariates (Hainmueller 2012; Hainmueller and Xu 2013). The approach is similar
to matching on pretreatment outcomes, which is only possible with panel data and
requires weaker assumptions than the parallel trend assumption in DID. For this
purpose, the data are fully aggregated at the establishment level, which allows us to
apply the obtained balancing weights to establishments in both observed years to
retain a xed treatment and control group. The approach has been applied
frequently in minimum wage evaluation at the establishment level (e.g. Bossler and
Gerner 2020).
The results on the eects of the minimum wage on earnings and working hours
could in principle also be inuenced by employment eects of the minimum wage.
However, the employment eects of the introduction of the minimum wage were
relatively small overall according to previous ndings (Caliendo, Schröder, and
Wittbrodt 2019). The presumably minimum wage-related additional conversions
from marginal employment to employment subject to social security contributions
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 195
comprised approximately 100 thousand employment relationships in 2015 (vom
Berge and Weber 2017: 4). For the analyses presented, these ndings suggest a low
quantitative relevance of selection into employment.
5 Results
5.1 Descriptive Results
Between 2014 and 2015, hourly wages increased by 11.6 % in establishments
aected by the minimum wage and by 3.7 % in other establishments, on average
(Table 2). The dierence in this change between the treatment and control groups
therefore amounts to approximately 8 % points. While the growth of hourly wages
was clearly greater at the bottom of the distribution of aected establishments
than among other establishments, it was also fairly high in the upper half of the
wage distribution, where an impact of the minimum wage is rather unlikely
(Figure 1). In establishments that were not aected by the minimum wage, there
was almost no growth in hourly wages at the 5th and 10th percentiles and slightly
greater wage growth at higher percentiles, which resembles the usual pattern of
wage growth observed in the years prior to the minimum wage introduction
(Burauel et al. 2018: 34).
Table :Means and changes in outcome variables by treatment status.
Employees in establishments
aected by the minimum wage
Employees in other
  Change   Change
Hourly wages
Mean ...%...%
Monthly wages
Mean ,.,..%,.,..%
Working time
Mean ...%..,%
Number of observations , , , ,
Source: SES ,ES, unweighte d data, own calculations. Notes: Establishments aected by the minimum wage are
those that had at least one employee paid less than . euros per hour in . The results from a regression without
any control variables show that the changes from  to  in the control group are signicantly dierent from zero
for hourly wages and monthly wages but not for working time. Changes from  to  in the treatment group are
signicantly dierent from the changes in the treatment group for hourly wages and monthly wages but not for working
196 C. Ohlert
On average, monthly wages increased by 12 % in establishments aected by the
minimum wage and by 3.5 % in other establishments (Table 2). Monthly wage growth
was thus approximately as high as the mean hourly wage growth. The dierence
between the treatment and control groups regarding monthly wage growth amounts
to approximately 8.5 % points. A comparison of the changes across the distribution of
monthly wages shows that the increase in monthly wages was greatest at the 25th
percentile, where the monthly wage increased from approximately 600 euros to
approximately 870 euros (without gures). These descriptive ndings suggest that
the growth of monthly wages was greater for part-time workers who are liable
to social security than for marginal workers and full-time workers with higher
earnings (see also Himmelreicher 2020). For marginal workers, the growth of
monthly wages is limited by denition due to the upper limit of earnings of 450 euros
in this employment form.
On average, working time increased by approximately 1 % in establishments
aected by the minimum wage and remained unchanged in other establishments
(Table 2). Hence, the dierence between the treatment and control groups regarding
changes in working time amounts to approximately 1 % point. In the treatment
group, working time also increased most at the 25th percentile of the working time
distribution, from approximately 17 h per week to approximately 20 h per week.
Figure 1: Changes in hourly wages by treatment status along the wage distribution. Source: SES 2014,
ES 2015, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: The y-axis shows changes in percentages. The x-axis
shows percentiles of the distribution of hourly wages. The establishments aected by the minimum
wage are those that had at least one employee paid less than 8.50 euros per hour in 2014.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 197
5.2 Results from Dierence-in-Dierences Analysis
5.2.1 Main Results
The results from dierence-in-dierences regressions with control variables show
that the introduction of the minimum wage raised the mean hourly wages of em-
ployees in minimum wage establishments by up to 5.9 % (Table 3). The eect on the
average wage of low-wage employees in minimum wage establishments is consid-
erably greater, amounting to up to 13.7 %.
Although the overall minimum wage
eect of approximately 6 % is similar in size to the estimated eects in previous
studies, the result implies that the measured impact on aected low-wage workers is
more than twice as large based on the SES/ES data. Studies based on the GSOEP
conducted comparisons of workers who earned less than the minimum wage in 2014
to workers with earnings just above the minimum wage (Bachmann et al. 2020;
Burauel et al. 2018; Caliendo et al. 2023). They found a positive eect of the minimum
wage introduction on hourly wages amounting to approximately 6 %.
Table :Minimum wage eects on hourly wages, monthly wages and working time.
All employees Low-wage employees
Panel A: hourly wages
Year  .a
Treatment  .a.a
Panel B: monthly wages
Year  .a
Treatment  .a.a
Panel C: working time
Year  .a
Treatment  .a
Observations , ,
Establishment FE Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes
Source: SES ,ES, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: OLS estimation including xed establishment
eects. The outcome variables are presented in logarithmic form. Treatment refers to a dummy variable indicating
establishments that had at least one employee paid less than . euros per hour in . The included control variables
are employeeshighest educational degree, age, age squared, type of employment in the full-time, part-time and
marginal employment categories, a dummy for xed-term employment and a dummy for female gender. Condence
level: ap<.,bp<.,cp<..
11 Axed low-wage threshold of hourly wages lower than 10.05 euros has been applied to include
employees with a round value of 10 euros per hour. The low-wage thresholds reported by the Federal
Statistical Oce are close to 10 euros in 2014 and 2015.
198 C. Ohlert
In contrast to the same studies, I nd signicant positive eects of the minimum
wage introduction on the monthly wages of employees in minimum wage estab-
lishments. It amounts to up to 2.7 %, on average, and to up to 7.9 % for low-wage
employees in minimum wage establishments. These ndings are therefore in line
with (Bossler and Schank 2023), who found positive eects of approximately 4.4 % on
monthly wages.
Ind negative eects of the minimum wage on working time of
approximately 3.1 % in total and approximately 5.7 % for low-wage employees.
Other studies found similar eects on working time of approximately 5%
(Bachmann et al. 2020; Bonin et al. 2018; Bossler and Gerner 2020; Caliendo et al.
2023). I nd that the relative reductions in working time are smaller than the
relative increases in hourly wages. The results thus conrm that in the short term,
working time adjustments have diminished increases in monthly earnings
compared to increases in hourly wages. However, working time reductions did not
entirely oset the positive impact of the introduction of the minimum wage on
monthly earnings.
There are distinct dierences in the bite of the minimum wage between East
Germany and West Germany. Approximately 21 % of employees in East Germany and
approximately 9 % of employees in West Germany had an hourly wage below 8.50
euros in 2014 (Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 56). Accordingly, a larger impact of the
minimum wage could be expected in East Germany.
Separate estimations for East and West Germany show that the eects of the
minimum wage on wages and working time were indeed clearly greater in East
Germany (see Table 4). Relative to employees in establishments without minimum
wage workers, average hourly wages increased by approximately 4.0 % more in
minimum wage establishments in West Germany and by approximately 10.2 % more
in East Germany. Furthermore, the minimum wage introduction raised the mean
wage of low-wage employees in minimum wage establishments by approximately
11.2 % in West Germany and by approximately 16.0 % in East Germany.
The measured additional increase in average monthly wages in minimum wage
establishments in West Germany amounts to 1.4 % but is statistically insignicant. In
East Germany, average monthly wages increased by approximately 5.8 % due to the
minimum wage. The measured impact on the monthly wages of low-wage employees
is again larger than on average for all employees in minimum wage establishments.
It amounts to approximately 6.0 % in West Germany and approximately 9.9 % in East
Germany. Since earnings are lower, on average, in East Germany than in West
Germany, the observed minimum wage eects cause some convergence of the wage
level between regions.
The impact of the minimum wage introduction on working time is also some-
what stronger in East Germany than in West Germany. In West Germany, working
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 199
time decreased, on average, by approximately 2.6 % more among employees in
minimum wage establishments than among those in other establishments. In East
Germany, the respective estimate is 4.3 %. Working time reductions were
slightly stronger among low-wage workers than on average in minimum wage
establishments. There was a decrease in working time of approximately 5.1 % among
low-wage employees in West German minimum wage establishments and of
approximately 6.1 % in East German minimum wage establishments. Since
contractual working time is, on average, greater in East Germany than in West
Germany, the observed minimum wage eects contribute to some convergence in
working time between the regions.
5.2.2 Heterogeneity Results by Type of Employment
The eects of the minimum wage on the average hourly wages of dierent groups of
workers are usually greater for groups with a higher bite of the minimum wage,
i.e. groups with a greater share of aected workers. Additionally, workers may
experience dierential minimum wage eects by type of employment if there are
dierences by group a) in the distance to the minimum wage for aected workers,
Table :Minimum wage eects in East Germany and West Germany.
All employees Low-wage employees
West Germany East Germany West Germany East Germany
Panel A: hourly wages
Year  .a.a
Treatment  .a.a.a.a
Panel B: monthly wages
Year  .b.b
. .
Treatment  . .a.b.a
Panel C: working time
Year  .b
. . .
Treatment  .a
Observations , , , ,
Establishment FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes
Source: SES ,ES, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: OLS estimation including xed establishment
eects. The outcome variables are presented in logarithmic form. Treatment refers to a dummy variable indicating
establishments that had at least one employee paid less than . euros per hour in . The included control variables
are employeeshighest educational degree, age, age squared, type of employment in the full-time, part-time and
marginal employment categories, a dummy for xed-term employment and a dummy for female gender. Condence
level: ap<.,bp<.,cp<..
200 C. Ohlert
b) regarding dierential spillover eects on hourly wages above the minimum
wage, or c) concerning remaining employees below the minimum wage due to
noncompliance or exceptions from the minimum wage.
Table 5 shows that the bite of the minimum wage was greater for part-time
workers and substantially greater for marginally employed workers than for full-
time employees. Approximately 43 % of employees in marginal employment
received an hourly wage below 8.50 euros in 2014. Additionally, the average wages of
employees who were aected by the minimum wage were lower for marginal
employees than for part-time or full-time employees. Hence, the impact of the
minimum wage introduction can be expected to be the largest among employees in
marginal employment.
Reductions in working time are particularly likely to occur among marginal
employees since their monthly gross earnings had to be below the administered
threshold of 450 euros, despite rising hourly wage rates. According to surveys on
working time preferences, part-time workers in Germany wish to increase their
working hours, while full-time employees wish to reduce their working hours
(Harnisch, Müller, and Neumann 2018). Therefore, the eects of the minimum wage
on working time are likely to dier between part-time and full-time workers.
Figure 2 provides a descriptive overview of changes in the respective outcome
variables in establishments that were aected by the introduction of the mini-
mum wage compared to other establishments. In establishments aected by the
minimum wage, the growth in hourly wages was greater for marginal employ-
ment and somewhat greater for full-time employment than for part-time
all three types of employment in establishments not aected by the minimum
Table :Distribution of hourly wages by type of employment in .
Full-time Part-time Marginal
Year   
Mean . . .
P. . .
P . . .
P . . .
P . . .
Share of employees below .. . .
Number of observations , , ,
Source: SES , unweighted data, own calculations.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 201
wage. Monthly wages increased to a similar extent among full-time employees and
part-time employees in establishments aected by the minimum wage. However,
in part-time employment, monthly wages also increased in establishments not
aected by the minimum wage. In comparison, increases in monthly wages were
smaller among marginally employed workers and were present only in estab-
lishments aected by the minimum wage. As noted in Section 3, individual
transitions between dierent types of employment cannot be tracked in the SES/
ES data. Therefore, minimum wage-induced transitions from marginal employ-
ment to part-time employment, which occur by denition when the threshold of
monthly earnings of 450 euros is exceeded, are not captured in the changes re-
ported here. Previous studies showed that the total number of transitions between
marginal employment and regular employment increased from 52 to 104 thousand
between January 2015 and January 2014, which was signicantly greater than that
in previous years (Mindestlohnkommission 2020: 91 .). According to the data of
the IAB Labour Market Survey, 85 % of the transitions from marginal employment
to employment subject to social security contributions in 2015 were conversions
withinthesamecompany(vomBergeetal.2016). In addition, there was a decline
in the share of marginally employed versus employees subject to social insurance
contributions in the workforce of establishments, which was particularly pro-
nounced in establishments of small and medium-sized enterprises (Bonin et al.
2018; Pestel et al. 2020).
Figure 2: Changes in outcome variables by treatment status and type of employment. Source: SES 2014,
ES 2015, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: Establishments aected by the minimum wage are
those that had at least one employee paid less than 8.50 euros per hour in 2014.
202 C. Ohlert
Working hours decreased slightly in full-time employment and more so in
establishments aected by the minimum wage. Working hours increased in part-
time employment, but the increase was lower in establishments aected by the
minimum wage than in unaected establishments (Figure 2). The number of working
hours decreased most clearly among those with marginal employment in estab-
lishments aected by the minimum wage, by approximately 11 %. This nding
reects that the minimum wage together with the statutory upper earnings limit of
450 euros per month for marginal employment implies a de facto upper limit in
working time.
Dierence-in-dierences estimates of the minimum wage eects on hourly
wages by type of employment show that there is a similar positive impact of the
minimum wage on full-time and part-time employees, amounting to approxi-
mately 4.8 %, on average (see Table 6, Panel A).
Compared to the reference group
of full-time employees, the eect on the hourly wages of marginal employees is on
average approximately 6.3 % points greater. The eects of the minimum wage are
larger for each employment group when only low-wage employees are consid-
ered in the analysis. The positive eect on the hourly wages of low-wage
employees amounts to approximately 10.8 % for full-time employees, which is
2.4 % points greater among part-time employees and approximately 6.3 % points
greater among marginal employees. These results clearly show greater eects of
the minimum wage than reported in previous studies based on the GSOEP for all
three types of employment. Similar to the GSOEP studies, the eects on hourly
wages are greater among marginally employed workers than among regular
The growth of the monthly wages of full-time employees was on average
approximately 1.4 % greater for in minimum wage establishments than in other
establishments. The dierence among part-time workers was not statistically
signicantly dierent from that among full-time employees, and it was approxi-
mately 5.3 % points greater among marginal employees. The respective measured
impact of the minimum wage on monthly wages was greater among low-wage
employees. Compared to low-wage full-time workers, it was 7.3 % points greater
among low-wage part-time employees and 3.6 % points greater among marginal
On average, reductions in working time amounted to 3 % among full-time
employees in minimum wage establishments compared to full-time employees in
12 The eect for full-time employees is given by the coecient Treatment 2015. The eect for
part-time and marginal employees is given by the sum of the coecients Treatment 2015and the
respective interactions Part-time ×treatmentand Full-time ×treatment.
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 203
other establishments (see Table 6, panel C). The working time reduction due to the
minimum wage is approximately 2.3 % points smaller among part-time employees
in minimum wage establishments. The respective coecient for marginal em-
ployees is not signicantly dierent from that for full-time employees. The minimum
wage-induced reduction in working time among low-wage employees amounts to
Table :Minimum wage eects by type of employment.
All employees Low-wage
Panel A: hourly wages
Year  .a
Treatment  .a.a
Full time Reference
Part time .a
Marginal employment .a
Full time ×treatment  Reference
Part time ×treatment  . .a
Marginal employment ×treatment  .a.a
Panel B: monthly wages
Year  .a
Treatment  .c.b
Full time Reference
Part time .a
Marginal employment .a
Full time ×treatment  Reference
Part time ×treatment  . .a
Marginal employment ×treatment  .a.c
Panel C: working time
Year  .a
Treatment  .a
Full time Reference
Part time .a
Marginal employment .a
Full time ×treatment  Reference
Part time ×treatment  .c.b
Marginal employment ×treatment  . .
Observations , ,
Establishment FE X X
Control variables X X
Source: SES ,ES, unweighted data, own calculations. Notes: OLS estimation including xed establishment
eects. The outcome variables are used in logarithmic form. Treatment refers to a dummy variable indicating
establishments that had at least one employee paid less than . euros per hour in . The included control variables
are employeeshighest educational degree, age, age squared, a dummy for xed-term employment and a dummy for
female gender. Condence level: ap<.,bp<.,cp<..
204 C. Ohlert
approximately minus 6 % for full-time jobs. It is again of similar size among marginal
employees and it is by 4.9 and thus much smaller among part-time employees.
The relatively small eect on the working time of part-time workers explains the
relatively large positive eect of the minimum wage on the monthly earnings of low-
wage part-time workers.
6 Robustness Check
As a robustness check, a weighted control group approach is applied, which bal-
ances the pretreatment means of the respective outcome variable and a set of
covariates (see Appendix Tables A1A3). This approach is similar to matching
pretreatment outcomes, but it has the advantages of easier implementation and
greater functional exibility (Hainmueller 2012; Hainmueller and Xu 2013). For the
robustness check, the data are fully aggregated at the establishment level because
this allows to apply the pretreatment weights for establishments in the control
group also to the posttreatment data, which retains a xedtreatmentandcontrol
In the main analysis, minimum wage eects were identied by establish-
ments being aected by the minimum wage or not. Control variables at the
employee level were useful for exploiting the available information at the
employee level and thus for increasing the precision of the estimated minimum
wage eects. They are, however, not relevant for the identication of the mini-
mum wage eect, which is estimated based on variation at the establishment level
(Lechner 2010). Hence, the analysis with data aggregated to the establishment
level should yield similar dierence-in-dierences estimates when establish-
ments are weighted by the number of employee observations in each establish-
ment. The respective results are presented in column two of Table 7 and can be
compared to the main results (from Table 3) in column one of Table 7. Column
three of Table 7 presents the results from balancing pretreatment outcomes prior
to the estimation of the DID model (and weighting by the number of employee
observations in each establishment).
The control variables from the main
analysis are also balanced. All variables are aggregated at the establishment level,
resulting in the shares of education groups and employment types, etc., in
13 Results from DID-estimation with and without entropy balancing without weighting the aggre-
gated establishment data by employees per establishment are larger in magnitude for all three
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 205
The results regarding hourly wages show that the dierence-in-dierences
estimates with data aggregated to the establishment level are very similar to the
main results when no balancing of the control group is conducted (see Table 7,
columns 1 and 2). As expected, balancing the control group results in a slightly
lower estimate (by approximately 1 % point) of the measured minimum wage
eect on hourly wages. This nding implies that the minimum wage eect on
hourly wages from the main model could be overestimated to a small extent due to
systematic dierences in the composition of the treatment and control group
establishments, which have not been captured by control variables and are
correlated not only with the pretreatment mean hourly wage but also with its
change over time.
Table :Robustness check.
Main results from Table
(data on employees in
Data aggregated to
establishment level
Data aggregated to
establishment level,
balanced control group
Weighted by employee observations per
Panel A: hourly
Year  .a.a.a
Treatment  .a.a.a
Panel B: monthly
Year  .a.b.a
Treatment  .a.a.
Panel C: working
Year  .a
Treatment  .a
Number of
, ,
Number of
, ––
Source: SES ,ES, own calculations. Notes: OLS estimation. The outcome variables are presented in logarithmic
form. Balancing of the control group using entropy balancing (see Appendix Tables AA). The covariates included in
balancing the control group are the share of employees in the establishment by education, type of employment and
gender, a dummy for East/West Germany, three categories of establishment size and a dummy for establishments
covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Condence level: ap<.,bp<.,cp<..
206 C. Ohlert
The results with respect to working time and monthly wages seem to be less
robust according to the balanced control group approach. Regarding working time,
the negative minimum wage eect is also reduced in the balancing approach by
approximately 1 % point. Because the average eect on working time was too small to
begin with, the remaining estimate is not signicantly dierent from zero. This result
implies that the minimum wage eect on average working time in minimum wage
establishments might be overestimated in the main model.
Regarding monthly wages, the minimum wage eect is relatively strongly
reduced by the balancing approach and is approximately 3 % points smaller. The
remaining estimate is not statistically signicant from zero. This result implies that
the minimum wage eect on monthly wages from the main analysis might be
overestimated due to systematic dierences between the treatment and control
groups. As presented in Appendix Tables A1A3, the pretreatment dierence in
average monthly earnings between minimum establishments and other establish-
ments is particularly large. Controlling for these dierences markedly changes the
DID results.
A similar robustness check with balanced control groups was not feasible for
most of the subgroups because the entropy balancing estimation did not converge.
Consequently, the results for subgroups from the main model must be interpreted
more cautiously. It is nevertheless highly reasonable that minimum wage eects are
larger than average among subgroups that are aected to a high extent by the
minimum wage, as is the case for low-wage employees, employees in East Germany
and marginal employees.
7 Conclusion
This study contributes to understanding the short-term eects of the minimum wage
introduction in Germany on hourly wages, monthly earnings and working time
based on previously unused linked employeremployee panel data, which combines
the SES 2014 and the ES 2015. We nd that the eect of the introduction of the
statutory minimum wage on the average hourly wages of employees in minimum
wage establishments is as high as 5.9 %. Due to negative eects on average working
time of approximately minus 3.1 %, the eects on monthly gross earnings are smaller
but still amount to up to 2.7 % on average.
The eects of the minimum wage introduction on monthly wages and
workingtimehavebeenatopicofdebate,withsomestudiesnding no eects
(in the short-run) and others nding a signicantly positive impact. Our results
conrm a signicant positive eect on employeesmonthly wages in minimum
wage establishments, which is greater among low-wage employees. Similar
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 207
to other studies, the eects on monthly wages are smaller than the eects on
hourly wages because of reductions in working hours. Hence, the nding that the
minimum wage eect on monthly earnings has been reduced but not oset by
reductions in working time is corroborated. The results regarding the average
eects on monthly earnings and working time of employees in minimum wage
establishments could, however, not be conrmed in a robustness check with a
balanced control group, which calls for a cautious interpretation of these
The results further indicate that the minimum wage eects on earnings were
greater than average among low-wage employees in eastern Germany compared to
those in western Germany and for part-time employees. The positive eect of the
introduction of the minimum wage on the hourly wages of low-wage employees
amounts to 13 %, which is substantially greater than that found in previous studies
based on the GSOEP that focused on employees with hourly wages below 8.50 euros
(there is an eect of approximately 6 %). However, these studies cannot be compared
directly because they dier in many aspects.
Our results on heterogeneous minimum wage eects by type of employment
suggest that the hourly pay of low-wage part-time employees and marginal
employees could catch up compared to that of low-wage full-time employees. The
gains in monthly gross earnings were largest among part-time workers and
therefore benetted women more than men (also see Ohlert 2023). The results
further indicate that part-time employees, particularly marginally employed
workers, benet from the minimum wage due to the possibility of receiving similar
earnings with fewer hours of work. The possibility of dierentiating results by type
of employment based on many observations is an advantage of the applied SES/ES
The overall nding of relatively high minimum wage eects on both hourly
wages and monthly wages corroborates previous evidence that employees actually
receive higher earnings due to the introduction of the minimum wage. Higher gross
earnings are important to low-wage earners, even if they still depend on transfer
payments due to low working hours or household needs (Baumann and Bruttel 2020;
Bruckmeier and Bruttel 2021). Hence, the introduction of the minimum wage in
Germany has improved the opportunities for low-wage earners to achieve an
independent income.
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Arne Baumann, Mario Bossler, Matthias
Dütsch and Ralf Himmelreicher for very helpful comments and suggestions. The
service of the Research Data Centre of the Statistical Oce Berlin-Brandenburg is
gratefully acknowledged.
208 C. Ohlert
Table A:Full regression results from main model (complementing Table ).
Hourly wages Monthly wages Working time
Year  .a
. .a
Year  ×treatment group .a.a.a.a
Employees with no vocational degree Reference Reference Reference
Employees with a vocational degree .a.a.a.a.a.a
College/university degree .a.a.a.b.a.
Unknown vocational degree .a
. .a
. .a
Age .a.a.a.a.a.a
Full-time employees Reference Reference Reference
Part-time employees .a
Marginal employees .a
Fixed term contract .a
Female .a
Establishment size: up to  employees Reference Reference Reference
Establishment size:  employees . . . . . .
Establishment size:  or more employees . . . . . .
Constant .a.a.a.a.a.a
Observations , , , , , ,
Source: SES ,ES, own calculations. Notes: Condence level: ap<.,bp<.,cp<..
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 209
Table A:Pre- and posttreatment balancing statistics of log hourly wages and covariates (means).
Treated Controls
     
Log hourly wage . . . . . .
Establishments in West Germany . . . . . .
Establishment size (categories ). . . . . .
Establishments covered by collective bargaining . . .
Share of employees with no vocational degree in
. . . . . .
Share of employees with vocational degree in establishment . . . . . .
Share of employees with college/university degree . . . . . .
Share of employees with unknown vocational degree . . . . . .
Share of women in establishment . . . . . .
Share of full-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of part-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of marginal employees in establishment . . . . . .
Notes: For dummy variables, the mean reects the respective share of establishments in the treatment and the control
group. The collective bargaining status of establishments was not measured in the ES .
Table A:Pre- and posttreatment balancing statistics of log monthly wages and covariates (means).
Treated Controls
     
Log monthly wage . . . . . .
Establishments in West Germany . . . . . .
Establishment size (categories ). . . . . .
Establishments covered by collective bargaining . . .
Share of employees with no vocational degree in
. . . . . .
Share of employees with vocational degree in establishment . . . . . .
Share of employees with college/university degree . . . . . .
Share of employees with unknown vocational degree . . . . . .
Share of women in establishment . . . . . .
Share of full-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of part-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of marginal employees in establishment . . . . . .
Notes: For dummy variables, the mean reects the respective share of establishments in the treatment and the control
group. The collective bargaining status of establishments was not measured in the ES .
210 C. Ohlert
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Treated Controls
     
Log working time . . . . . .
Establishments in West Germany . . . . . .
Establishment size (categories ). . . . . .
Establishments covered by collective bargaining . . .
Share of employees with no vocational degree in
. . . . . .
Share of employees with vocational degree in establishment . . . . . .
Share of employees with college/university degree . . . . . .
Share of employees with unknown vocational degree . . . . . .
Share of women in establishment . . . . . .
Share of full-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of part-time employees in establishment . . . . . .
Share of marginal employees in establishment . . . . . .
Notes: For dummy variables, the mean reects the respective share of establishments in the treatment and the control
group. The collective bargaining status of establishments was not measured in the ES .
Eects of the German Minimum Wage 211
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Eects of the German Minimum Wage 213
... 3 This survey contains information on monthly earnings and on contractually agreed and actual weekly working hours, which allows the calculation of hourly wages (Dütsch, Himmelreicher, and Ohlert 2019). The SES, an establishment survey, provides cross-sectional data and has been used for quasipanel analyses at the regional and establishment levels (Biewen, Fitzenberger, and Rümmele 2022;Ohlert 2022) and for descriptive analyses. 4 The administrative data of the Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB) have been used less frequently, as they do not contain information on working hours on a regular basis. ...
... Significant effects occurred only in 2017 and 2019 (Bachmann et al. 2020(Bachmann et al. , 2022. Analyses of heterogeneous effects revealed stronger increases in hourly wages in eastern Germany than in western Germany in the short term (Bachmann et al. 2020;Ohlert 2022) and among full-time employees (ibid.; Burauel et al. 2018). ...
... Causal studies on minimum wage effects for the years 2015-2019 consistently identified a reduction in contractual working hours directly after the introduction of the minimum wage in 2015 (see Table 2 and Bachmann et al. 2020: 118f.;Bonin et al. 2018: 92ff.;Bossler and Gerner 2020;Ohlert 2022;Pusch, Seifert, and Santoro 2020). ...
Full-text available
The introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany in 2015 aimed at improving the welfare of low-wage workers but was also accompanied by concerns about distortions in Europe’s largest economy. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of results from the evaluation of the German minimum wage by compiling recent descriptive evidence and a systematic literature review on causal effects through 2022. On 1 October 2022, the minimum wage was raised legislatively by 15 percent to 12 euros per hour, which affected approximately 5.8 million employees and 23 percent of companies. The war in Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic hit minimum wage workers and minimum wage firms harder than the rest of the economy. The minimum wage thus far had the strongest causal effects directly after its introduction. Hourly wages increased, while working hours decreased, resulting in mixed effects on monthly wages. Overall employment fell slightly, with a decline in marginal employment in particular. Companies’ wage costs increased, and as productivity did not change, profits declined.
... This suggests that working hours were often reduced in minijobs. Also, according to Ohlert (2022), this form of employment experienced relatively large reductions in working hours and no significant increases in monthly earnings when the minimum wage was introduced. In contrast, regular part-time workers tended to experience expansions in working hours and, in combination with the increased hourly wage, higher monthly earnings (Ohlert 2022). ...
... Also, according to Ohlert (2022), this form of employment experienced relatively large reductions in working hours and no significant increases in monthly earnings when the minimum wage was introduced. In contrast, regular part-time workers tended to experience expansions in working hours and, in combination with the increased hourly wage, higher monthly earnings (Ohlert 2022). This suggests that women in regular parttime employment may have benefited most from higher earnings due to the minimum wage. ...
... Hence, the Federal Statistical Office analyzed the survey response and found that the ES covers establishments with lower wage levels better than establishments with high wage levels (Frentzen and Günther 2017). A comparison of the wage distributions of the full sample of the SES 2014 and the panel sample of the SES 2014 shows that deviations, if any, are only present in the upper part of the wage distribution (Ohlert 2022). Trends in average earnings in years with SES and ES surveys also indicate an underrepresentation of establishments with high earnings (Bachmann et al. 2022). ...
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This paper investigates whether the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany has led to a reduction in gender gaps in hourly wages, working hours and monthly earnings. Using the 2014 Structure of Earnings Survey and the 2015 Earnings Survey, a difference-in-differences approach was applied at the establishment level. The results show a reduction of the gender pay gap in establishments of up to 3.6 percentage points due to the introduction of the minimum wage. While the effects on hourly wages of women and men in low-wage jobs were the same on average, women are more often affected by the minimum wage and therefore benefit more often from it. The gender time gap in establishments decreased by about 2.4 percentage points on average and by about 3.9 percentage points among low wage workers. The minimum wage led to a reduction in the average gender gap in gross monthly earnings in establishments of up to 6.1 percentage points and by up to 4.6 percentage points among low-wage employees .
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Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns zu einer Reduzierung von Geschlechterungleichheiten nicht nur bei Stundenlöhnen, sondern auch bei Arbeitszeiten und monatlichen Verdiensten beigetragen hat. Anhand der Verdienststrukturerhebung 2014 und der Verdiensterhebung 2015 wurden ein Panel-Datensatz generiert und Differenz-in-Differenzen-Analysen auf der Betriebsebene durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bis zu 3,6 Prozentpunkte stärkere Reduzierung des durchschnittlichen Gender Pay Gap der Stundenlöhne in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Die Stundenlohneffekte des Mindestlohns auf Frauen und Männer im Niedriglohnbereich fielen jedoch gleich hoch aus. Zudem ergäbe sich keine Verringerung des Gender Pay Gap durch den Mindestlohn, wenn Frauen und Männer gleich auf Vollzeit-, Teilzeit- und geringfügige Beschäftigung verteilt wären. Der Gender Time Gap verringerte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben im Durchschnitt um rund 2,4 Prozentpunkte und für Beschäftigte im Niedriglohnbereich um rund 3,9 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Durch den Mindestlohn kam es zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des durchschnittlichen Gender Earnings Gap der monatlichen Bruttoverdienste. Dieser reduzierte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben bei Betrachtung aller Beschäftigten um bis zu 6,1 Prozentpunkte und bei Niedriglohnbeschäftigten um bis zu 4,6 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben.
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This study quantifies the distributional effects of the minimum wage introduced in Germany in 2015. Using detailed Socio-Economic Panel survey data, we assess changes in the hourly wages, working hours, and monthly wages of employees who were entitled to be paid the minimum wage. We employ a difference-in-differences analysis, exploiting regional variation in the “bite” of the minimum wage. At the bottom of the hourly wage distribution, we document wage growth of 9% in the short term and 21% in the medium term. At the same time, we find a reduction in working hours, such that the increase in hourly wages does not lead to a subortionate increase in monthly wages. We conclude that working hours adjustments play an important role in the distributional effects of minimum wages.
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We analyze whether the introduction of the general minimum wage in Germany in 2015 had an effect on workers’ self-rated health. To this end, we use survey data linked to administrative employment records and apply difference-in-differences regressions combined with propensity score matching. This approach enables us to control for a vast set of potential confounding variables. We find a health improving effect among the individuals who were most likely to be affected by the reform. Our results indicate that workers’ improved satisfaction with pay, their reduced working hours, and a reduction in time pressure at work may drive this result.
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We investigate the wage, employment and reallocation effects of the introduction of a nationwide minimum wage in Germany that affected 15% of all employees. Based on identification designs that exploit variation in exposure across individuals and local areas, we find that the minimum wage raised wages, but did not lower employment. It also led to the reallocation of low-wage workers from smaller to larger, from lower- to higher-paying, and from less- to more-productive establishments. This worker upgrading accounts for up to 17% of the wage increase induced by the minimum wage. Moreover, at the regional level, average establishment quality increased in more affected areas in the years following the introduction of the minimum wage.
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Vergleichsweise unerforscht sind die Effekte des Mindestlohnes auf die beitragspflichtigen Arbeitsentgelte in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung (GRV). Beitragspflichtige Arbeitsentgelte bei der GRV stehen in einem lediglich indirekten Zusammenhang mit möglichen Mindestlohneffekten, weil Mindestlöhne in Deutschland als Bruttostundenlöhne definiert sind, während für die Höhe der Anwartschaften der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer das beitragspflichtige monatliche Arbeitsentgelt und nicht der Stundenlohn entscheidend ist. Beide Zielgrößen stehen aber über die bezahlte monatliche Arbeitszeit in einem engen Zusammenhang. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Entwicklung der Stunden- und Monatslöhne im Zeitverlauf darzustellen und mögliche Mindestlohneffekte herauszuarbeiten. Hierzu werden zwei Erhebungen – die Verdienststrukturerhebungen (VSE) des Statistischen Bundesamtes und das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP) des DIW Berlin der Jahre 2014 und 2018 – genutzt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass seit der Einführung des Mindestlohnes im Jahr 2015 vor allem zuvor sehr niedrige Stundenlöhne stark gestiegen sind. Im Hinblick auf die Monatslöhne bremst die Geringfügigkeitsgrenze (450 Euro) oftmals die Monatslohnentwicklung über reduzierte Arbeitszeiten. In der Gleitzone sind seit der Einführung des Mindestlohnes gestiegene Monatslöhne und damit höhere beitragspflichtige Arbeitsentgelte zu verzeichnen.
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Kaum eine arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme seit den Hartz-Reformen wurde in Deutschland so kontrovers diskutiert wie die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns 2015. Nach fünf Jahren lässt sich eine erste Bilanz ziehen. Welche Wirkungen hat der Mindestlohn entfaltet? Link zum kostenlosen Download des Schwerpunktheftes zu "Mindestlohn":
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Zusammenfassung Zur Evaluation des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns liegen fünf Jahre nach seiner Einführung zahlreiche fundierte Analysen vor. Die Auswirkungen des Mindestlohns auf die Arbeitszeit haben dabei eine besondere Relevanz, da sie die Einkommensentwicklung und das Arbeitsvolumen im Niedriglohnsektor beeinflussen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet dieser Beitrag eine aktuelle Analyse mit dem bisher wenig verwendeten und für die Untersuchung des Mindestlohns besonders geeigneten PASS-Datensatz des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Es zeigt sich, dass Arbeitszeitverkürzungen vor allem bei geringfügig Beschäftigten und bei Beziehern von Sozialtransfers aufgetreten sind, was teilweise auf eine Reaktion des Arbeitsangebots zurückzuführen sein dürfte.