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Teachers' understanding and enhancement of learning for sustainability in Mauritian primary schools


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the current action research study within a case study design was to explore teachers’ understanding and enhancement of Learning for Sustainability (LFS) in the Mauritian primary education context using a participant-designed action research. Theoretically, the study drew from Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy and O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework. LFS might be simply understood as a concept that describes all educational activities concerned with developing an understanding of the related concepts in sustainability. Teachers find it difficult to bridge their understanding and practice through enhancement in their teaching. This study helped to address such a shortfall in schools and to address the purpose, methods including observations and reflections to generate data from six participants were used. Data generated was analysed using thematic analysis where data was categorized and interpreted in terms of common themes which were synthesized and generalised to provide an overall portrait of the case constructed. The findings indicated that there was different understanding of LFS among primary school teachers and that their understanding greatly influenced their enhancement in their teaching. The study further found that enhancement of LFS improved teachers’ practices and experiences by bringing new knowledge in their understanding of LFS. We recommend that this study allows other teachers, school leaders, policy makers and curriculum writers to develop proper understanding of LFS and address the lack of data and provide insights for future teachers’ enhancement by bringing positive change and adaptation strategies in teacher learning and understanding practices. Keywords: Learning for Sustainability, Primary, Schools Teachers.
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GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
Teachers’ understanding and enhancement of learning for sustainability in
Mauritian primary schools.
T. Hinchoo, D.J. Hlalele and R. Bholah
The purpose of the current action research study within a case study design was to explore
teachers’ understanding and enhancement of Learning for Sustainability (LFS) in the Mauritian
primary education context using a participant-designed action research. Theoretically, the
study drew from Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy and O’Donoghue’s Active Learning
Framework. LFS might be simply understood as a concept that describes all educational
activities concerned with developing an understanding of the related concepts in sustainability.
Teachers find it difficult to bridge their understanding and practice through enhancement in
their teaching. This study helped to address such a shortfall in schools and to address the
purpose, methods including observations and reflections to generate data from six participants
were used. Data generated was analysed using thematic analysis where data was categorized
and interpreted in terms of common themes which were synthesized and generalised to provide
an overall portrait of the case constructed. The findings indicated that there was different
understanding of LFS among primary school teachers and that their understanding greatly
influenced their enhancement in their teaching. The study further found that enhancement of
LFS improved teachers’ practices and experiences by bringing new knowledge in their
understanding of LFS. We recommend that this study allows other teachers, school leaders,
policy makers and curriculum writers to develop proper understanding of LFS and address the
lack of data and provide insights for future teachers’ enhancement by bringing positive change
and adaptation strategies in teacher learning and understanding practices.
Keywords: Learning for Sustainability, Primary, Schools Teachers.
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
1.0 Introduction
The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) of the Ministry of Education and Human
Resources (MoEHR, 2016) identified Learning for Sustainability (LFS) as an essential teaching
strategy that must be adopted to achieve a successful basic quality education. In 2010, the
MoEHR in Mauritius advocated LFS across all subjects as the framework for curriculum design
to be taught at all stages in primary and secondary institutions. UNESCO claimed that climate
change and sustainability issues are lacking in school curricula in more than half of its member
countries (UNESCO, 2021). Teachers need to ensure that these critical and developmental
outcomes are promoted as far as possible at school (NCF). It has been reported that early
education has a very positive effect on a country’s development when its society is concerned
(Painuly, Tyagi, Vishwakarma, Khare & Haghighi, 2020). The statements from UNESCO and
the NCF are urging teachers to develop and drive learners towards achieving a more sustainable
future. According to our observation and that of many fellow colleagues, teachers rarely
prepare learners towards a sustainable future when they themselves are uncertain about what
this means and requires. The new curriculum requires that teachers be no longer mere
implementers, but rather implementers and designers of curriculum which has a priority place
(Hill, Emery & Dyment, 2020).
Through this study, the concern was laid on the future generation and their ability to deal with
the real and adverse consequences of decades of environmentally, socially, and economically
‘unconscious’ decisions made earlier by their predecessors. As stated by Allen (2021) and
Gajparia, Strachan, Vare and Ferguson (2021), ignorance and inaction manifested by an
education of packaged programs, a focus on examination and centralized curriculum are not
preparing the future generation to be critical decision makers in terms of stewardship of our
society, economy, and environment. There is a need to move from basic understanding of
individual components of our biotic and abiotic environment to a transformed way of thinking
and doing things in a sustainable manner (Casinader, 2021; Filho, Pallant, Enete, Richter &
Brandli, 2018; Moyer & Sinclair, 2020). One of the main purposes of education is to create
informed, conscious citizens who possess a sense of responsibility. This sense of responsibility
is not limited to a concern for the environment, but also to issues of equity, citizenship, social
justice, and compassion.
2.0 Preview of Literature
LFS is the process of developing the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes and the critical
agent needed to move from where we are now to a state of sustainability (Mughal, Qaisrani,
Solangi & Faiz, 2011; Taylor, Quinn & Eames, 2015; Laurie, Nonoyama-Tarumi, Mc Keown
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
& Hopkins, 2016). LFS includes a balance between nature and the environment. There is a
synergy that exists between the natural or physical environment and the social and human
environment but according to Hlalele (2019) there has always been at least in the realm of
scientific discourse, an attempt to dissociate between the natural and the social/human
environment. Hlalale’s statement is in consistency with Dyball and Newell (2014) who also
states that there is tension with human ecology between those who favour an open-ended
approach and those who seek a more scientific way of proceeding. The Millenium
Development Goals emphasize that integrating environmental and social dimensions into the
pursuit of economic development aims (UNESCO, 2012; Taylor et al., 2015) acknowledging
that our future economic health critically depends on our planet’s ecological health (Almond,
Grooten & Peterson, 2020). LFS is more than a knowledge base related to environment,
economy, and society. It addresses learning skills, perspectives, and values that guide and
motivate people to seek sustainable livelihoods, participate in a democratic society and live in
a sustainable manner.
Even though, schools in so many countries are expected to teach for sustainability, pre- and in-
service teachers’ lack of confidence and preparedness to conceptualize and practice
sustainability is identified as one of the key barriers to its implementation (Green & Somerville,
2015; Dash & Mohan, 2017). According to a regional workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa,
in collaboration with UNESCO, the main challenge of working with sustainability in terms of
implementation into the national school system in Mauritius is the different and comparative
understanding of LFS for teachers as a concept and as a philosophy/principle for the new
education system (UNESCO-Regional office for Southern Africa-ROSA, 2018). According to
Taylor et al. (2015) and Ben-Eliyahu (2021), people around the world recognize that current
economic development trends are not sustainable, and that public awareness, education and
training are keys to moving society towards sustainability. With the launch of the United Nation
Sustainable Development Group in 2015, countries and stakeholders are encouraged to support
a vision for a sustainable future based on removal of poverty and the establishment of social
cohesion and peace. Global learning and sustainability are now as unavoidable in education,
especially in primary education, as learners now are tomorrow’s adults. In Mauritian schools
the learning about global and sustainability issues within the curriculum is stated in the NCF.
According to Kuzmina, Trimingham and Bhamra (2020), who argue that policies and
approaches that emphasize whole-school LFS engagement are scarce. Nkambwe and Essilfie
(2012) and Tsayang and Kabita (2013) elaborate and show that there is still a limited
understanding of what LFS means both in conceptual and practical terms for teachers and
teacher trainers in Botswana. Many teachers are keen to implement LFS in primary schools but
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
are lacking the confidence, skills, and knowledge to do so (Green & Somerville, 2015; Adawiah
& Esa, 2012; Dash & Mohan, 2017). Teachers report that they do not understand the concept
and cannot integrate LFS into an already overcrowded and centralized curriculum (Green &
Somerville, 2014; Suarez-Lopez & Eugenio-Gozalbo, 2021). Teachers are usually more
concerned with completion of the syllabus, at the expense of the overall development of the
learners, because of the exam-oriented system of education in Mauritius. Some teachers are
reluctant to implement new activities and projects at schools. Moreover, there is a lack of
mechanism in the education system to ensure and regulate the teaching and learning of
sustainability-related contents (Allen, 2021).
It is claimed in recent literature that there is lack of empirical and in-depth research
investigating pedagogical practices for teaching sustainability in higher education (Michel,
2020). According to sustainability scholars and researchers, there is lack of research regarding
sustainability issues on what teachers’ understanding of LFS are and how they are enhanced in
Mauritian primary schools and abroad. There is an urge to prepare school children for life. An
awareness of teachers’ understanding and enhancement of LFS might help them to align their
teaching strategies to the learners’ characteristics which might lead to achievement of specific
learning outcomes and better performance. This study explores how teachers understand and
how their understanding shapes their enhancement of LFS in their daily classes and sheds more
lights to the actual situation prevailing in our primary schools which can eventually contribute
to improve the dissemination of sustainability knowledge to our learners for them to become
ambassadors for sustainability. Hence, in one-way school teachers can be empowered to
develop appropriate behavioural changes and acquire sustainability competencies that will
enable them with sustainability challenges that current society is facing (Lasen, Skamp &
Simoncini, 2017; Burgener & Barth, 2018). As stated by Adawiah and Esa (2012), in so doing,
primary school teachers together with their learners can also become ambassadors for
sustainability for the future (Green & Somerville, 2015; Murphy, Mallon, Smith, Kelly, Pitsia,
& Martinez Sainz, 2021).
3.0 Theoretical Framework
The theoretical perspectives and lenses that informed this study include Burns Model of
Sustainability Pedagogy (Burns, 2013) and O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework
(O’Donoghue’s, 2001).
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
3.1 Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy
Figure 1. The Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy
Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy (Burns, 2013) was developed to address the need for
a practical way to effectively teach LFS in several contexts (Burns, 2009, 2011, 2013). It
addresses the growing need to focus on how teaching and learning can be re-oriented towards
sustainability and more specifically how teachers can effectively address and tract increasingly
well-known sociocultural, economical, and ecological problems in ways that metamorphose
learners and empower them to make change based on a sense of civic responsibility and
sustainability (Burns, 2013). Teachers generally agree that teaching LFS is to encourage
change agents who are responsible to cater for sustainability challenges (Redman, 2013). As
ecological and social crises accelerate, the need for sustainability education that prepares
learners to understand complex issues and to participate in social and ecological regeneration
is evident and paramount (Gamage, Ekanayake & Dehideniya, 2022).
3.2 O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework
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ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
Figure 2. O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework
Teachers implementing LFS are inspired to provide opportunities whereby learners are
involved in genuine decision-making that impacts on their local communities (UNESCO,
2005). Taylor, Quinn, Jenkins, Miller-Brown, Rizk, Prodromou, Serow and Taylor (2019) draw
on the growing phenomenon of not being able to translate the understanding of LFS into
practice. What is lacking in literature discourses is an explanation as to how teachers, especially
within Mauritian context, develop the knowledge and skills to engaging with the complex
issues of LFS. The way suggested in O’Donoghue’s (2001) Active Learning Framework is an
explanation of how teachers can engage learners in independent learning. The model provides
an action plan for learning about and responding to environmental issues (O’Donoghue et al.,
2018). It advocates those learners be engaged in action taking activities within the community
to develop their attitudes and skills towards the better interests of LFS.
4.0 Research Methodology
Action research was the main driver of this study as it offered an opportunity for reflective
practice with regards to teachers’ understanding and enhancement of LFS. Greenwood and
Levin (2007) define action research simply as research that is conducted by at least one expert
with individuals in an organisation or common field, to bring about a transformation of the
context in which the individuals exist or work whilst Altrichter, Kemmis, McTaggart and
Zuber-Skerritt (2021) define action research as an activity that mainly aims to develop process
skills and achieve emancipation. The transformation leads to a better and more functional
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ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
environment in which the individuals live or work (Greenwood & Levin, 2007; Hendricks,
2019; Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon, 2019; McNiff, Edvardsen, Steinholt & Margit, 2018).
The action research cycle used in this study was adapted from Kurt Lewin’s (1946) and
Coghlan and Brannick’s (2003) model of action research methodology which begins by
exploring a concept or idea. This was achieved via the step of ‘planning’ whereby the teachers
recognised what they knew about the concept, idea, or context to be investigated and involved
designing a plan that resulted in a desired outcome. The second step of ‘actioninvolved acting
the plan that was previously set. The third step of observation involved observing how
teachers develop their understanding of LFS and how they enhanced them in their teachings.
Finally, ‘reflection on the action taken resulted in a new cycle which emerged in which re-
planning took place to improve the action. Hence, this cycle involved four steps of planning-
action-observation-reflection (Coghlan & Brannick, 2003). Figure 3 is an adapted version of
Kurt Lewin’s (1946) and Coghlan and Brannick’s (2003) model of action research which was
adopted for this research.
Figure 3. Action Research Cycle -Adapted from Lewin (1946) and Coghlan and
Brannick (2003)
5.0 Selection of participants
Convenience sampling also termed as judgement sampling (Bhardwaj, 2019; Lune & Berg,
2017) for qualitative research was adopted in this study (Wang & Cheng, 2020). As Cohen,
Manion and Morrison (2018) succinctly suggest, the prime purpose of a qualitative study is to
observe tiny representatives “nested in their context” and study these in depth. As Mauritius is
a small island where schools are easily accessible, we wanted to discover, understand, and gain
insights and therefore it was easily accessible for us to select our participants from which the
most could be learnt (Lune & Berg, 2017). Here, since we already knew something about the
specific people or events (Guetterman, 2015), we deliberately selected six participants who
were general-purpose teachers for this research.
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
6.0 Data Generation
After selecting names of the teachers, a request was made, through contact by phone and
personal meetings, inviting them to take part in the study. Different methods, techniques and
instruments were used in a targeted fashion within the action research cycle. In Table 1 a
summary of the data generation methods and instruments are provided to illustrate how they
were used in this study.
Table 1. Data Generation Methods and Instruments used
Cycle steps
Planning steps
Interview schedule
Explore teachers’
understandings and
enhancement of LFS.
Document analysis
Lesson plans
Identify LFS contents and
concepts for their lesson
Action &
Observation steps
Classroom observation
Observation schedule
& reflective journals
Conscious reflections on
teachers’ understanding
of LFS and how they
shape their enhancement.
Reflection steps
Post-lesson meeting and
Explore teachers’
understanding and how
they shape their
enhancement through
new knowledge
Document analysis
Reflective journals
Existing and new
understanding of LFS on
why they enhance LFS
the way they do.
Post-intervention final
Interview schedule
New knowledge of
understanding and
enhancement of LFS
through their reflections.
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
7.0 Data Analysis
According to Tjora (2018), data analysis involves dismantling, segmenting, and reassembling
data to form meaningful findings to draw inferences. The process of data analysis enables the
researchers to make sense of the data that are generated (Tjora, 2018; Xu, & Zammit, 2020). A
constant comparison analysis was used to analyse the conversations after transcription to see
what themes needed further exploration. According to Dufour and Richard (2019) and Lindsay
(2019), this strategy involves taking the statements from the interviews, classifying them, and
comparing them with other interviews. Thematic analysis was adopted to identify the
‘recurring messages that pervaded the situation’ (Xu & Zammit, 2020). Data from the
interviews, observations, document analysis and reflective journals were used to respond to the
research objectives. The data obtained through individual interviews were indexed using pre-
defined themes and new themes added as required. The themes were then grouped into
common, salient, and significant themes and that could shed light to the research objectives
(Yin, 2018; Akinyode & Khan, 2018).
8.0 Findings, Interpretation and Discussion
8.1 The Themes and Sub-Themes: Cycle One
The following section describes and reveals the main findings of the data generation. The
responses are expressed in the form of words and sentences to the questions posed during the
interview, document analysis, meetings, and class observations, and are grouped according to
the themes that were produced (Table 2). Furthermore, it also identified areas of deficit in
teachers’ enhancement of LFS that could be addressed in the next cycle. The themes and sub-
themes that emerged from the data were:
Table 2: Thematic analysis of data- Cycle One
Data generation
Coding (Sub-themes)
Implication for
next cycle
Teachers’ perceived
knowledge of LFS
Teachers’ attending to
LFS in the curriculum
Classroom activities
relating to LFS
Theme One:
Understanding of
What are teachers
understanding of
LFS and how they
use them to shape
their enhancement
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
Pre and Post
Participation in LFS
Surface Approach to
Didactic Learning
Theme Two:
Approaches to
How are the
approaches to
learning affect
understanding and
enhancement of
Educational System
Management Support
Inadequate Teacher
Theme Three:
Factors Affecting
How are these
constraining factors
impeding teachers’
enhancement of
Initial Teacher
preparation of LFS
Teaching of LFS
Teacher Engagement
and Enhancement of
Theme Four:
Perception and
towards LFS
How are teachers’
8.1.1 Theme One: Understanding of LFS
According to Green and Somerville (2015) many teachers are keen to implement sustainability
education in primary schools, but they lack the appropriate knowledge and skills to do so.
During data generation, it was observed that teachers did not have great knowledge of LFS and
as a result, they could not address LFS successfully in their lessons. Moreover, their classroom
activities were passive where pupils could not grasp great knowledge of LFS. It was also
concluded that teachers’ participation in their enhancement of LFS was very limited during
cycle one. They themselves declared in their post cycle one interview that they needed to update
their knowledge on LFS. Hence, these factors limited the teacher to embed sustainability
education more explicitly in their classrooms, just as pointed out by Dyment and Hill (2015).
As such, this explicates for our unsustainable actions and for that of our learners. Not having
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
the right knowledge of LFS from teachers, the learners are prone to perform unsustainable
actions continuously aiding in the degradation of society and the environment.
8.1.2 Theme Two: Limited Approaches to LFS.
Data which was generated through classroom observations during the cycle one helped us to
know about the different strategies and approaches that teachers used to conduct their first
lesson. Not having great knowledge of LFS and teaching strategies, most of them used
traditional and surface approaches to learning which contradicted themselves on what they
reported during their semi-structed interviews. Theme two dealt about the teachers’ limited
approaches to learning in the classrooms. Most of the teachers used surface approach to a great
extent where the concepts of LFS was not addressed sufficiently. In so doing, the utmost
priority was not given to LFS which was argued that it required innovative, place based, active
learning strategies as supported by the Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy and the
O'Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework. The classes were not interactive sufficiently for
the children to grasp the essence of concepts of LFS and implement them in their daily lives to
about the estimated change to sustainable living for the future. Seatter and Ceulemans (2017)
proposed transformative learning for the pupils to be able to understand LFS effectively and to
put it into practice. But, in contrast, the traditional way of teaching used by the participants was
not convenient for the 21st century pupils who get bored much easily.
8.1.3 Theme Three: Constraining Factors affecting LFS
Implementing an educational change is a complex process and it is crucial to understand the
factors affecting LFS to be able to find ways to address it. Miedijensky and Abramovich (2019)
enumerate various factors affecting LFS stating that these must be addressed for the efficient
implementation of LFS in schools. The findings in this theme indicated that there were many
factors that constraint the proper enhancement of LFS in primary schools. Firstly, there were
situational/institutional barriers that hinders the teaching of LFS. This was evidenced by the
barriers caused by parents, teachers, and the school in the proper teaching of LFS. Also,
participants stated some other barriers such as the education system, lack of management
support and inadequate teacher training on LFS in primary schools. It was also found that the
above barriers were key factors which hindered appropriate change in behaviours towards
sustainability living and futures. Pompeii, Chiu, Neil, Braun, Fiegel, Oulton, Ragsdale, and
Singh (2019) propose that all these barriers should be overcome so that effective LFS can be
conducted in schools where learners would be able to grasp the knowledge and be ready for
the required change.
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
8.1.4 Theme Four: Teachers’ Perception and Engagement towards LFS
Teachers’ perceptions on the importance of teaching LFS play a major role on their attitudes
towards LFS (Maidou, Plakitsi & Polatoglou, 2019). Gaining an insight of the perspectives and
engagement of the teachers on LFS can be very useful in this study. The interview questions
were based on how the teachers perceived teaching and their engagement towards LFS. It
consisted of data obtained on initial teacher preparation, their teaching of LFS and teacher
engagement and enhancement of their understanding of LFS. It was found that the experienced
teachers could engage themselves and enhance their understanding of LFS in their teachings to
some extent. Contrarily, novice teachers, lacking teaching experience, were not aware of LFS
could hardly engage fully in LFS. Basically, if a teacher is not engaged in teaching, it is very
bad for the pupils. Also, if the teacher thinks that the latter knows everything and that the way
the latter taught in the previous years still works, he is mistaken. As life keeps on evolving, a
teacher should be a lifelong learner and should keep on changing the ways of teaching to meet
the demands of the 21st century learners. Pompeii et al. (2019) too suggested that teachers
should identify their shortcomings and overcome them accordingly. Once teachers have
positive perceptions of the LFS, they would start engaging themselves willingly towards LFS.
8.2 The Themes and Sub-Themes: Cycle Two
At the end of cycle two all the six teachers were again interviewed individually. The basis of
the interview was two folds, firstly getting a view on their experiences and challenges they
faced during the action research study, and secondly how their understanding shaped their
enhancement of LFS in the way they did. Table 3 provides the following themes and sub-
themes that emerged from the data during Cycle Two of the action research cycle.
Table 3. Thematic analysis of data- Cycle Two
Data generation
Coding (Sub-themes)
Outcome after
Cycle Two
Teachers’ perceived
knowledge of LFS.
Teachers’ attending to
LFS in the Curriculum.
Theme Five:
How Teachers’
constructed their
understanding of
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
Pre and Post
Classroom activities in
Participation in LFS.
Deep Approach to
Holistic Learning
Experiential Learning
Problem-based Learning
Theme Six:
Approaches to
How do teachers
brought about
change to shape
their understanding
of LFS in their
Assistance and Support
Enhanced Educational
Need for Management
Mainstreaming LFS in
Teacher Training
Theme Seven:
Strategies to
address LFS
What are the ways
teachers shaped
their enhancement
of LFS?
Initial Teacher
preparation of LFS
Teaching of LFS
Teacher Engagement
and Enhancement of
Theme Eight:
Perception and
towards LFS
Why do teachers
shaped their
enhancement the
way they do?
8.2.1 Theme Five: Understanding LFS
In the previous cycle, the findings revealed that teachers had limited understanding of LFS as
some never came across the term and some did not pay great attention to LFS before that. As
teachers’ understanding of the concepts of sustainability influences their way of handling and
enhancement in the classroom (Svenkerud, Madsen, Ballangrud, Strande & Stenshorne, 2020),
teachers needed to upgrade their knowledge of LFS to be able to make pupils take decisions to
the best of the future, based on their knowledge acquired. In cycle two, teachers made some
inquiries and explored ways to teach LFS, gained some content knowledge of the concepts and
conducted another class to demonstrate their new understanding and enhancement of LFS. Just
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
as Watson (2017) argued in his study, learners should be taught using active learning strategies
and for this teacher’s understanding of LFS is very crucial. Teachers’ engagement and
participation in class play a significant role in the education of the learners (Grove, 2019) and
this could happen when the teachers have appropriate and accurate understanding of LFS. As
there was no appropriate training given to teachers on LFS, it became difficult for them to
integrate sustainability in their lessons. Having accurate content knowledge would make
teachers confident in their teaching and then no one can challenge them in imparting the
knowledge. Svenkerud et al. (2020) affirm that LFS is not a new phenomenon, but it is new
thoughts that all teachers are supposed to implement in their daily teachings. Hence, teachers
could upgrade their knowledge by themselves, or training sessions could be provided to the
teachers to strengthen their knowledge on LFS so that in other schools too teachers could help
in achieving the goals of sustainability.
8.2.2 Theme Six: Innovative Approaches to LFS
Pahnke, O’Donnell & Bascope (2019) recommended teachers to promote inquiry based
learning and scientific thinking in pupils and favour interactive teaching that enables
exploratory, action oriented, reflective, and transformative learning to teach sustainability.
Literature found it the best way to inculcate LFS in the pupils. Teachers were able to find that
experts proposed a change in their teaching strategies to be able to address LFS in their
classrooms. Consequently, they made use of those innovative approaches in their lessons which
were very fruitful according to them. It has been observed there was distinctive enhancement
in the teachers’ approaches to learning. They had sufficient content knowledge of LFS and
were able to express themselves more clearly on their understanding of LFS and there was a
considerable upgrading in the teachers’ lessons which were interactive and where pupils were
excited to participate in the teaching and learning. As argued by Seatter and Ceulemans (2017)
LFS cannot be taught using the current traditional teaching. The latter stressed that
transformative and innovative activities should be designed by the teachers to be able to make
difference in the behaviour of the pupils in this 21st century. Natkin (2016) too confirmed that
LFS should be taught using a variety of teaching practices and assessment strategies. Teachers
must take pupils out of the classrooms and let them see the beauty of the nature (Watson 2017).
Learning actively, they should be able to discover by themselves and develop skills necessary
to achieve and maintain sustainability in future. And these innovative strategies should be
taught to the teachers through training and briefing sessions.
GSJ: Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2024
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2024
8.2.3 Theme Seven: Enablers for LFS
The enablers are the factors that aid in the sustained implementation of evidenced-based
practices in LFS and can assist school teachers and administrators in identifying strategies to
use when planning for implementation of LFS. Theme seven elaborated on the different
enablers of LFS mentioned by the participants in the semi structured interviews and their
reflective journals. They proposed some strategies and experienced them during their action
research to address LFS in primary schools. Knowing about the barriers and looking for some
ways to address them could assist in the proper implementation of LFS in classes and the
school. The participants proposed some enablers of LFS which could be used and modified
accordingly at schools for the effective teaching and learning of LFS. Teachers should use new
modes of teaching like innovative learning styles and transformational learning. Also, the
education system should be enhanced together with situational and institutional support to
enable the smooth running of LFS in schools. Addressing the barriers can result in better
understanding in teachers and learners. Watson (2017) finds it crucial to use innovative
strategies to be able to create in a change in the learners on LFS.
8.2.4 Theme Eight: Teachers’ Perception and Engagement towards LFS
This theme elaborated on the teachers’ new perceptions and enhancement towards LFS in cycle
two. The findings showed considerable change in the teachers’ perspectives and the
engagement towards LFS. They demonstrated significant improvement in the way they
conducted their lessons and how they enhanced their understanding of LFS to be able to meet
the needs of our sustainable future. Having a better knowledge and understanding of LFS
contents, the teachers were better equipped to conduct their classes which were interactive and
where teaching and learning took place efficiently. It was perceived that the teachers were able
to learn and upgrade their knowledge and understanding of LFS. Through research work and
help from peers, they used innovative strategies in their lessons to inculcate the values and
skills necessary for change towards LFS in the pupils. The teachers were more than convinced
finding their outcomes from their second cycle experience that they had an improved and
upgraded understanding of LFS and they had enhanced them in their teachings. This led to a
remarkable transformation of their lessons which benefited their pupils. As argued by Bholah
(2017), through experiential and problem-based learning, learners were able to experience and
reflect on scenarios and deduce by themselves how to start changing their attitudes towards
LFS. Teachers needed to change their perceptions so that they could engage themselves in LFS.
Maidou et al. (2019) concluded in their research that teachers who lack content knowledge and
ways to teach LFS, needed appropriate professional development training which could upgrade
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their ability to teach their learners. They believed that teachers could influence learners to help
solve sustainability issues.
9.0 Discussion and Conclusion
9.1 Teachers’ Engagement in the Action Research Cycle.
The data generation process indicated that teachers were not able to prompt their pupils to
develop as critical thinkers and were more vested towards traditional approaches for teaching
and learning styles. From the observation it was clear that during the first cycle, pupils adopted
a traditional learning approach as defined by Tularam and Machisella (2018) which was
conducive to sitting and listening. This is corroborated with Giraldo-Garcia, Roy & Alotebi
(2015) where they say that traditional teaching approach does not develop pupils as critical
thinkers. Moreover, teachers were not able to incorporate new knowledge from outside the
curriculum into their teachings, thus relying exclusively on the prescribed textbook as a mean
to deliver the limited content knowledge. The above was also true for a participant who
declared that she never had to search for additional content knowledge regarding science topics
and LFS from outside what was already prescribed in the textbooks. This situation in class
created a lethargy where pupils were not motivated to actively participate in class discussions
and participation resulting in poor to nil for new knowledge development in the field of LFS.
As a result, pupils also showed disengagement in their learning process but could not be
generalised for subjects other than LFS.
9.2 Action Research as a driving force to support change
During this action research study, the participants were able to develop their knowledge
construction of their understanding of LFS within their lessons. They were also able to use
reflective practice from their understanding to enhance LFS during the action research cycles.
Furthermore, teachers were able to drive this understanding of LFS through their content
knowledge and experiences from their teaching practice. Teachers showed more confidence
during their second action research cycle as they reflected positively to new methodologies and
strategies to conduct their lessons. Finally, the participants were all certain about their
enhancement of LFS where they addressed LFS adequately in their second action research
cycle. They all expressed their feeling of rightly implementing LFS during the action research
study and were motivated fully to investigate problematic situations regarding LFS in primary
schools. All the participants were favourable to implement LFS in their future education
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situations in schools while teaching as part of their new experience through the action research
study where they fully enhanced LFS. The above statement stands true as a driving force for
change for the betterment of one and all in their career path. However, change can only be
brought when teachers are willing to implementing new innovations, policies and adaptation
strategies in teacher learning and understanding practices. As informed in the NCF and the
findings, there are enablers which addresses LFS which includes the syllables, content,
textbooks, and SDGs components but a lack of capacity building can eventually pose a serious
drawback for teachers to address confidently the concepts of LFS in primary schools.
9.3 Reflection on Teachers’ Enhancement of LFS
It was no doubt that all the participants had developed their knowledge based on LFS and thus
contributed towards the knowledge around teachers’ understanding and their enhancement of
LFS. By no means, those teachers who participated in the action research study were sole
contributors to new knowledge construction in the field of LFS in primary schools but however
they had marked the first milestone towards becoming exemplary in LFS. The reflective journal
had no doubt offered an important tool for teachers to critically analyse the events and construct
their knowledge of LFS throughout the action research study. It also provided important
features on how and when to react to situation which prompted them to change or amend their
teaching techniques and strategies. There was no doubt that teachers who engaged in writing
reflections, spend more time in planning and action for their lessons and thus engaging fully in
reflective practice. Through reflection and pre and post lesson meetings a corelation was built
between the participants and the flow of the action research study especially during the
intervention phases that encouraged them to change their thoughts and understandings to
conceptualise LFS in their teachings. Teachers were more confident as they showed
considerable change in aspects of rapport in the classroom and in their interactions with their
pupils as regards to their enhancement of LFS during their lessons.
9.4 A LFS model for promoting change towards Sustainability
The lens through which we aimed to address the challenge of exploring teacher’s understanding
and enhancement of LFS in primary schools was that we regarded both Burn’s Model of
Sustainability Pedagogy and the O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework as closely related
to our aspirations for our phenomenon under observation. In fact, the various phases and the
steps during the action research study had proved that integrating both theories contributed to
address the research objectives which brought about the change expected to transform teachers
and pupils to address effectively the increasing socio-cultural, economic, and environmental
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problems in our society. In one hand, Burn’s Model provided the necessary pedagogy that were
incorporated in class activities which focussed on how teaching and learning was happening
and how it was re-oriented towards sustainability as witnessed during the different phases. On
the other hand, O’Donoghue’s Active Learning Framework provided incentives for teachers to
engage themselves towards action taking to develop necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge
for understanding LFS. O’Donoghue’s Model also acted as a guide on what needed to be done
to address and understand LFS through active learning teaching and learning. Developing from
both models, we have come to a refined model of LFS adapted to the learning situations in
schools after the six teachers constructed their understanding of LFS and enhanced them into
their teachings during the action research study. The model provides incentives to develop
proper understanding of LFS and addresses the lack of positive insights for the teacher’s
enhancement by bringing positive change and adaptation strategies in teacher learning and
understanding practices during their enhancement. Through the journey with the six
participants, we established the following model (Figure 4) which explains the processes that
exists between the aspects of LFS, as well as its understanding and enhancement and the
context in which it is being implemented.
According to our model of LFS, classroom interactions which represent a classroom
context/location/subject or topic dealing with sustainability issues are built up through the
impregnation of prior content knowledge and experiences of sustainability with appropriate
teaching methodologies and approaches. Further to the classroom interactions, the focus is
driven towards active and transformational learning. The focus is driven by the interaction
between environmental concern, socio-cultural concern, and economical concern in between
themselves and towards the focal point in the triangular structure. The focus thus drives the
LFS through the action taking process which enables the development of insights and
competences through teaching and learning activities. This model is adapted to bring about
necessary positive change and strategies in teaching and learning practices. It should be viewed
as an inevitable transdisciplinary and trans-perspectival since it is not meant to capture by a
single discipline or by any single perspective. LFS model that emerged from this action
research study should be considered as cross-boundary in nature that cannot be confined to the
dominant structures and spaces that have shaped education systems for centuries now. As such
LFS cannot be limited to only classrooms and schools. Learning in the context of sustainability
requires ‘hybridity’ and synergy between multiple actors in society and the blurring of formal,
non-formal and informal education.
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Figure 4: A model of the LFS
10.0 Recommendations for Further Research
We strongly recommend that further research may be undertaken considering more than two
cycles approach in a similar study. This would no matter add more and greater insights and
perspectives for the teachers, policy makers, curriculum writers and authorities who embark
upon the LFS initiatives to develop proper understanding of LFS. We would also recommend
that this type of research must also complement with research on the broader school community
taking on board such as school management, parents, NGOs, civil society, and the local and
central authorities. Findings born from such research would contribute greatly the present
discourse that informs understanding of what is required to ensure proper address of LFS in
the education systems in Mauritius and abroad.
11.0 Conclusion
This study was an attempt at exploring teachers’ understanding and enhancement of LFS. It
aimed to present the main findings of the participant-designed action research study regarding
the research questions. The findings reported that teachers mainly view LFS as educating about
the environmental aspect rather than considering its socio-cultural and economic aspects and
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their inter-relationship. An elaborated understanding of the inter-relationship between the three
aspects of sustainability was sadly lacking. Findings confirmed that there was a different and
comparable understanding of LFS among primary school teachers and that their understanding
greatly influenced their enhancement in their teaching practice. The study further found that
enhancement of LFS improved teachers’ practices and experiences by bringing new knowledge
in their understanding of LFS. We did have enablers like the NCF which really addresses LFS
but a lack of capacity building and mainstreaming of LFS were observed. Teachers by the end
of the study showed gargantuan motivation through their understanding and enhancement for
further implementation of LFS indicating that the action research process was an empowering
one. LFS needed to be considered as more than merely a knowledge base. It must be viewed
as inevitably transdisciplinary and even trans-perspectival in that it cannot be captured by a
single discipline or by any single perspective. LFS must be considered as cross-boundary in
nature that cannot be confined to the dominant structures and spaces that have shaped education
for centuries now. LFS cannot be limited to only classrooms and schools. Learning in the
context of sustainability requires hybridity and synergy between multiple actors in society and
the blurring of formal, non-formal, and informal education
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As with all educational policy and practice, Environmental and Sustainability Education, if it is to be effective and meaningful, has to be designed and implemented in ways that reflect twenty-first-century circumstances, which are characterized by a globalized society in which cultural diversities amongst individuals and populations have become increasingly more complex and prominent. Using a conceptual and philosophical analysis of the research and policy literature, this paper contends that current ESE tends to be trapped within a restrictive monocultural definition of sustainability that does not reflect the different cultural perspectives towards sustainability that exist across global populations as a whole. It further argues that if ESE is to become truly transformative for students, ESE teachers need to develop a transcultural capacity as part of their professional expertise, one that is more aligned with the reality of a more culturally diverse population and student body. Only then can transformative and effective ESE pedagogies be developed that relate more closely to the socio-political context in which students of today will live.
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Embedding sustainability into pedagogical approaches is a key priority in higher education. Equipping students with knowledge, understanding, and skills, and developing the next generation of innovators and leaders, can potentially provide the change needed and create a real impact in the journey to a sustainable future. Advancement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and corresponding industries can be seen as vital for the success of meeting a majority of the sustainable development goals, and hence the approaches taken to embed sustainability in learning and teaching in STEM higher education programmes can be considered significant in many ways. This paper is based on published literature over the last two decades and a semi-structured interview with 12 university academics from a developing country. Hence, the paper reviews approaches taken to embed sustainability in learning, teaching and assessments in STEM programmes. It also aims to investigate the actions taken by universities to integrate sustainability in STEM education and the remedies taken to minimise the impact of the pandemic on the effectiveness of the learning pedagogies used to integrate sustainability concepts.
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This paper offers a rationale for how ESD related learning at postgraduate level can be assessed. It proposes a framework for evaluating whether assessments in Master’s level programmes align with the pedagogical approach of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). If assessment is to contribute to the overall learning process, then the nature of the assessment should reflect the pedagogy, values and principles associated with ESD. Utilising an Appreciative Inquiry model, existing models of competences for sustainable development have been used to develop the framework. The framework is not aimed at the performance of the students; rather, it is applied to the course itself to identify if assessment opportunities are in keeping with an ESD approach. The framework is applied to three examples from Master’s programmes, with which the authors are affiliated in England and Jamaica. The findings identify key characteristics that should feature in assessing learning for sustainability. The framework enabled the authors to gauge the extent to which their assessment regimes are in line with the aims, purpose and content of their programmes. While the examples cited are from the field of education, the framework can be applied to any Master’s programmes containing elements of sustainable development.
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This article presents a theoretical definition and conceptualization of sustainable learning in education (SLE). SLE is differentiated from teaching for sustainability or sustainable learning, which focuses on teaching ways to renew, rejuvenate, and reuse necessary resources, such as clean water. At its core, SLE consists of strategies and skills that enable learners to effectively renew, rebuild, reuse, inquire, be open-minded, and cope with challenging and complicated circumstances that require learning and relearning. Four aspects of SLE are described: (1) renewing and relearning; (2) independent and collaborative learning; (3) active learning; and (4) transferability. To further understand SLE, the self-regulated learning framework is used. This is an important and novel future direction for research and educational practice.
Higher education institutions are increasingly interested in infusing sustainability content into their curricula. This can be accomplished through general education programs, which the University of Vermont recently established. The implementation of this new requirement created a unique opportunity to investigate sustainability-related teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to explore how instructors structured and taught sustainability learning outcomes and students' perceptions of learning within an assortment of general education courses. The variety of data collection methods (online survey, interviews, focus groups, observation, and document review) enabled the identification and triangulation of strong themes. Findings describe three course design approaches instructors used to incorporate sustainability. Instructors taught sustainability through class discussions, papers, readings, projects, guest speakers, and case studies. Students reported the following teaching practices as particularly helpful: experiencing real-world applications, discussing sustainability issues in class, exploring different perspectives, experiencing agency, and learning from peers and guest speakers. The following are recommended areas for skill development: (1) training instructors to align learning outcomes with assessment strategies to ensure that appropriate evidence is gathered, (2) encouraging instructors to reflect upon which teaching practices effectively supported student learning and consider improvements, and (3) using a variety of teaching practices and assessment strategies.
Sustainability is one of the most important challenges for present and future societies, which needs to be urgently and adequately addressed from Education. This study qualitatively analyses the curricula of primary and secondary education in Spain and Portugal, with the objective of assessing how sustainability is addressed across compulsory education in both countries. The results show a limited presence of sustainability in the curricula of both countries, the coexistence of different and sometimes inconsistent conceptions of sustainability, deficiencies in the inclusion of the social and economic dimensions, and a questionable technological optimism as the solution to sustainability problems. Such findings provide with a basis to improve curricula, also in other countries. Future curricular designs should seek a more ambitious approach to sustainability based on the equal importance of its three dimensions, an effective cross-curricular character, critical thinking, and an ecocentric ethics.