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Data & Knowledge Engineering 153 (2024) 102342
Available online 14 July 2024
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Evaluating quality of ontology-driven conceptual models
Elena Romanenko a,
,Diego Calvanese a,b,Giancarlo Guizzardi c
aKRDB Research Centre on Knowledge and Data, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
bDepartment of Computing Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
cSemantics, Cybersecurity & Services (SCS), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
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Conceptual model abstraction
Ontology-driven conceptual models
Quality evaluation of abstractions
Unified foundational ontology (UFO)
FAIR model catalog
User studies in conceptual modeling
The complexity of an (ontology-driven) conceptual model highly correlates with the complexity
of the domain and software for which it is designed. With that in mind, an algorithm
for producing ontology-driven conceptual model abstractions was previously proposed. In
this paper, we empirically evaluate the quality of the abstractions produced by it. First,
we have implemented and tested the last version of the algorithm over a FAIR catalog of
models represented in the ontology-driven conceptual modeling language OntoUML. Second, we
performed three user studies to evaluate the usefulness of the resulting abstractions as perceived
by modelers. This paper reports on the findings of these experiments and reflects on how they
can be exploited to improve the existing algorithm.
1. Introduction
Conceptual models (CMs) are concrete artifacts representing conceptualizations of particular domains. Ontology-driven conceptual
modeling is a paradigm lying at the intersection of conceptual modeling and ontology engineering [1]. Ontology-driven conceptual
models (ODCMs) are usually considered a special class of conceptual models, namely, those that benefit from reusing foundational
ontologies to guide their development.
Both ODCMs and traditional CMs alike play a fundamental role in organizing communication between people with different
backgrounds, such as programmers, ontology engineers, and domain experts. However, the complexity of a model highly correlates
with the complexity of the domain and software for which it is designed. Thus, although (OD)CMs are developed for communication,
are human-centered, and are aimed at human comprehension [2], one of the most challenging problems is ‘‘to understand,
comprehend, and work with very large conceptual schemas’’ [3].
It is widely accepted that one way to reduce complexity is through processes of abstraction [4]. The intuition about CM
abstractions is to provide the user with a bird’s-eye view of the model by filtering out some details. Some of the existing algorithms
for abstraction are based on classic modeling notations (UML, ER) and use topological properties of the graphs (see [5,6]), while
others leverage the ontological semantics offered by ontology-driven conceptual modeling languages (see [7,8]).
In [8], we have proposed an algorithm for building ODCM abstractions for the language OntoUML. In this paper, we focus on
assessing the quality of the ODCM abstractions produced by this algorithm from different perspectives. The paper is an extension
of [9] and elaborates in much more detail the quality assessments put forth there. First, we elaborate on the notion of conceptual
model quality and on the nature of the abstraction process from a cognitive point of view. This allows us to more precisely
characterize and discuss our empirical study w.r.t. the quality dimensions of abstractions that it addresses.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Romanenko).
Received 15 December 2023; Received in revised form 4 April 2024; Accepted 6 July 2024
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Second, we elaborate on the implementation and testing of this algorithm over a recently created FAIR catalog of OntoUML con-
ceptual models [10,11]. This testing over the FAIR catalog provides evidence for the correctness of the algorithm’s implementation,
i.e., that it correctly implements the model transformation rules prescribed by the algorithm, and for its effectiveness, i.e., that it is
able to achieve high compression (summarization) rates over these models.
However, in addition to these properties, it is fundamental to understand the validity (appropriateness, usefulness) of this
algorithm, i.e., that it achieves what it is intended to do, namely, provide summarizing abstractions over the input models
whilst preserving the gist of the conceptualization being represented. We thus elaborate on three experiments conducted with
modelers/model users to evaluate the validity of the resulting abstractions and the process that leads to their creation. The analysis
of the results produced by these studies (much more elaborated here) as well as of the process of abstracting (not discussed at all in
the original paper) provide important lessons learned to be systematically employed in the future for improving our algorithm.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2presents our baseline and background; Section 3describes in detail
the conducted experiments, including user studies; Section 4assesses the quality of the resulting models; Section 5elaborates on
final considerations and future work.
2. Background
2.1. Ontology-driven conceptual models
By a conceptual model, one could refer to a UML Class Diagram, an i* Goal Model, or a Business Process Model. This is because
conceptual models are high-level abstractions used to capture information about the domain and all these languages (among many
others) are employed for that. Ontology-driven conceptual models are usually considered a special class of conceptual models that
utilize foundational ontologies to ground modeling elements, modeling languages, and tools [12].
In the literature, there are a number of approaches that connect ontologies and conceptual models in many different ways. In
fact, as early as 2008, there were special issues exploring the multiple relations between these topics [13]. These range from the
use of the so-called ontology specification languages (e.g., OWL or, more generally, Description Logics) to reason with conceptual
models [1416], to the use of standard conceptual modeling languages for representing ontologies [17], to the use of ontological
theories (in the philosophical sense) to analyze conceptual modeling constructs [18,19]. Here, by ontology-driven conceptual modeling
languages (ODCML), we mean something stronger than these three dimensions albeit addressing aspects of all of them. By an
ODCML, we mean a language that commits to a foundational ontology (i.e., a domain-independent system of axiomatic ontological
theories) in a strong sense, namely: (i) the language has a grammar (e.g., a meta-model) comprising modeling primitives that
reflect the ontological distinctions put forth by this underlying ontology; (ii) the grammar incorporates semantically-motivated
syntactical constructs that reflect the axiomatization of that underlying ontology [20]. As discussed in depth by Guizzardi [20,21],
a conceptual modeling language can have its abstract syntax (e.g., a meta-model enriched by grammatical constraints) and semantics
systematically designed according to an underlying reference ontology.
In principle, ODCMs are not bound to any specific foundational ontology, so one can choose the most appropriate one to the task
at hand. A recent special issue of the Applied Ontology journal [22] describes seven of them BFO [23], DOLCE [24], GFO [25],
GUM [26], TUpper [27], UFO [28], and YAMATO [29]. We chose the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) [28] for developing our
abstraction algorithm because it is the only one of these mainstream foundational ontologies that has an associated ODCML (termed
OntoUML is an ODCML in the strong sense as described above (i-ii). It is technically implemented as a UML profile, i.e., a
lightweight extension of the UML meta-model endowed with formal OCL constraints [30,31]. In the OMG MOF jargon,1the
OntoUML meta-model is an M2-level model and, hence, the language is meant to represent M1-level models. Finally, the language is
complemented by an ecosystem of tools for model engineering, validation, verification, code generation, complexity management,
etc., which leverage this explicit language meta-model and the associated semantics of the language [32]. For an in-depth discussion,
philosophical justification, and formal characterization of UFO and OntoUML, we refer to [28,3032], while here we briefly review
only some of its notions that are germane for the purposes of this article.
The first distinction that UFO makes is highlighting the existence of both endurants and perdurants. Endurants are object-like
individuals that exist in time and are able to qualitatively change while maintaining their identities [31]. Examples include ordinary
objects, i.e., ‘Person’ and ‘Organization’, as well as existentially dependent entities, e.g., ‘Symptom’ or ‘Enrollment’. In contrast,
perdurants are entities that unfold in time, accumulating temporal parts, including, but not limited to events.
Endurants in UFO can instantiate different types, which are distinguished by the formal meta-properties of rigidity and sortality.
Rigidity is a property that describes the dynamics of how the type may be instantiated. From this perspective, types may be classified
as rigid,anti-rigid, and semi-rigid. Rigid types classify their instances necessarily (i.e., in all possible situations these instances exist),
e.g., stating that ‘Person’ is rigid means that no person may cease to be a person and still exist. Anti-rigid types, including roles and
phases, classify their instances contingently, for example, ‘Registered Person’. Lastly, semi-rigid types classify some of their instances
necessarily and some of their instances contingently.
To define sortality, we first need to introduce the notion of a principle of identity. A principle of identity is principle that establishes
what makes two individuals the same and, by the same token, what kind of changes an individual can undergo and still be the same
1 ModelingAndtheMOF.pdf
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individual [33]. A type is sortal if all of its instances follow the same identity principle. Examples include ‘Person’ and ‘Organization’.
Anon-sortal type aggregates properties that are common to different sortals and, thus, can be instantiated by individuals that follow
different identity principles. An example is ‘Artifact’, which applies to different types of documents, music, and video recordings.
As we will see later in the paper, a special type of rigid sortal type called a kind plays a fundamental role in existing OntoUML
abstraction algorithms [7,8]. For more examples and formalization of these and other notions, one can refer to [31].
The role of conceptual models in general and ODCMs, in particular, is quite precisely specified in the literature. They are intended
to enable clients and analysts to understand one another, to communicate successfully with application programmers, and hence
‘‘play a fundamental role in different types of critical semantic interoperability tasks’’ [34]. It has been shown [12], that novice
modelers applying the ODCM technique produce models of higher quality when compared to novice modelers using traditional
modeling approaches, especially when working on more challenging or advanced facets of a domain or scenario.
However, when dealing with complex domains, often the number of concepts and sub-diagrams of (OD)CMs goes far beyond the
cognitive tractability threshold of those people who are supposed to work with them. The problem of making conceptual models
(and ODCMs) more comprehensible is addressed in the literature by the proposal of different complexity management techniques,
and for quite some time this research area has been under active study. According to Villegas Niño, existing methods can be grouped
into the following categories: (1) clustering methods, (2) relevance methods, and (3) summarization methods [3, p. 54]. The first
group covers methods in which elements of the CM are divided into groups (clusters). Relevance methods rank CM elements into
ordered lists according to their value, while summarization methods produce a reduced version of the original CM.
A number of approaches for complexity management have been proposed precisely for ODCML, e.g., [35,36]. In this paper, we
refer to the task of producing a meaningful but reduced version of the original conceptual model by filtering out the details and
keeping the most important notions also known as summarizing or abstracting.
2.2. Abstracting ontology-driven conceptual models
Traditional algorithms for abstracting CMs mostly depend on syntactic properties of the model, such as closeness or different types
of distances between model elements hierarchical distance, structural-connective distance, or category distance [5]. However,
when relying solely on these properties, there is no guarantee that a model element satisfying some topological requirement by
necessity belongs to the most important concepts of the model. Moody and Flitman referred to this issue as a lack of cognitive
justification [37].
One of the most interesting approaches for CMs abstraction was proposed in [6] and is based on pattern detection and
replacement rules. Although it was originally designed for UML, the author attempted to define patterns that reflect the intuitive
semantics of UML Class Diagrams [38]. These patterns include transitivity of dependence, inheritance, and propagation from parts
to wholes. The drawback of the approach is that it requires the users of the model to perform a manual seeding, i.e., a pre-selection
of certain model elements that need to be preserved in the final abstraction. This, however, imposes on these stakeholders a
manual, tedious, time-consuming task but, more importantly, it requires an a prioristic and in-depth understanding of the model
itself. Since supporting the understanding of a large and complex model is exactly what the algorithm is supposed to be doing,
requiring that users are always able to perform a sensible seeding is an unrealistic assumption. In order to circumvent this important
limitation, Huang et al. have suggested relying on the structural properties of the graph and selecting seeding using a version of the
PageRank algorithm [39].
In contrast, the graph-rewriting rules in the existing OntoUML abstraction algorithms [7,8] leverage the ontological semantics
of the language based on the UFO ontology. The first version of an abstraction algorithm was introduced in [7], followed by
an enhanced version in [8], which was able to abstract more sophisticated models, i.e., models employing a larger number of
formal ontological primitives. For detailed descriptions and justifications of the algorithms, we refer to the previously published
papers [7,8], while the final set of rules is provided further. For the scope of this paper, it is also important to highlight that:
(1) both algorithms bear a remarkable simplicity in the number of rules; (2) they are deterministic; (3) they do not require human
intervention and seeding; and (4) they are computationally efficient and scalable, thus, able to process very large models in a timely
The newest version of the algorithm proposed in [8] defines 11 graph-rewriting rules, which are grouped into three categories,
namely, rules for abstracting: (1) parthood relations (compositions and aggregations); (2) different aspects of objects i.e., de-
pendent objectified features of objects, such as relators,qualities, and modes (as defined in UFO); and (3) hierarchies of concepts
(generalization relations). In line with this algorithm, in this paper (i.e., during discussions, as well as in figures and tables) we
refer to models produced by applying rules from these groups as parthood abstractions,aspect abstractions, and hierarchy abstractions,
respectively. Also, one should note that the application of a rule does not always imply the complete elimination of the corresponding
construct being addressed, e.g., after applying rules from the first group, some of the parthood relations could still be kept in the
resulting model. These rules can be applied in a compositional way, so that we can, e.g., abstract both parthood relations and
hierarchies. Thus, when compositionally applying these three groups of rules, one can receive eight possible models (including the
original model and full abstraction) [8].
In Tables 13, the graph-rewriting rules for producing abstractions are in fact patterns for models expressed in OntoUML. Thus,
to apply them, one needs to relieve the matching model with the replacement, where the placeholder classes are substituted with
the concrete classes of the model.
In this paper, we extend the initial evaluation performed in [7], assessing the compression rate achieved by this algorithm
(i.e., how much information is filtered out) on a larger sample of models. Moreover, we investigate the cognitive adequacy (validity)
of the produced abstraction results from the modelers’ point of view.
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Table 1
Graph-rewriting rules for abstraction parthood relations.
Table 2
Graph-rewriting rules for aspects abstraction.
2.3. Quality in conceptual modeling
The notion of quality in conceptual modeling is a difficult one. From the beginning of the 90s there were attempts to provide a
proper definition, but, when given, those definitions were ‘‘vague and complicated’’ [40]. Thus, researchers preferred simply to list
the desired properties of the models. With time, a number of model quality frameworks have been proposed.
Lindland et al. suggested a framework based on semiotic theory. The authors claimed that one of the main features of their
framework is a separation of goal from means of modeling [41]. The quality dimensions explicitly defined in the framework are
organizational quality, social quality, pragmatic quality, semantic (and perceived semantic) quality, empirical quality, and physical
quality. We here abstain from discussing the details of this framework, but it is worth mentioning that its main focus is on the
product of conceptual modeling, i.e., the model itself.
Another approach was taken in the so-called Bunge–Wand–Weber (BWW) framework for analysis and conceptualization of
real-world objects (see [42,43]). Two main evaluation criteria in that framework are ontological completeness and ontological
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Table 3
Graph-rewriting rules for hierarchies abstractions.
clarity. Nelson et al. emphasized that BWW focuses on the process of conceptual modeling. In particular, within this framework users
of the system should apply the ‘‘direct observation process’’ in order to create a user’s view of the domain.
As an extension and a combination of the above-mentioned frameworks, Nelson et al. have suggested a conceptual modeling
quality framework that incorporates 24 quality dimensions distributed into four layers: physical layer, knowledge layer, learning
layer, and development layer (see Table 1 in [40]).
The idea of employing semiotic theory in conceptual modeling design was later reused in FRISCO, a framework of information
system concepts [44], and within a framework for understanding quality in conceptual modeling SEQUAL [45]. The latter (which
is a more detailed framework) distinguishes between goals and means to achieve these goals in models, and is closely linked to
linguistic and semiotic concepts. Since this framework guided the evaluation of the abstractions, it is worth mentioning all quality
dimensions that it differentiates.
In total, SEQUAL distinguishes seven quality levels, namely:
physical quality: how the model is presented on paper, could it be persistent and available;
empirical quality: ergonomics of modeling tools, visual impression of the model, including coloring schema;
syntactic quality: syntactical correctness according to the modeling language and vocabulary;
semantic and perceived semantic quality: validity and completeness of the model;
pragmatic quality: comprehension of the model by participants, including content relevance;
social quality: agreement in model interpretation by several users of the model;
deontic quality: how the model achieves the goal.
For each level, there are one or more quality characteristics. For a detailed description of SEQUAL, we refer to [45].
However, in evaluating our abstraction algorithm, we dispense with some of these dimensions. For example, we dispense with
the physical and ergonomic quality dimensions, since the layout of the model is kept as it was in the original model, and the coloring
schema is fixed by the OntoUML Editor. The same holds for the last two dimensions: deontic quality is hard to assess in the case
of abstractions since the goal of abstraction differs from the goal of the original model, while social quality would require a deeper
understanding of the domain by all subjects of our study. Thus, in the following, we assess the resulting abstractions at syntactic,
semantic, and pragmatic levels.
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Before coming to the details of the semantics of abstraction, it is worth mentioning that deontic quality is hard to assess not only
for the abstraction but for the original model as well. Although a framework for the goals of modeling has been proposed by Guizzardi
and Proper [46], a recent empirical study has shown that ‘‘modelers only subjectively assess the satisfaction of their modeling
goals’’ [47]. In other words, even when goals are explicitly articulated, model properties that are relevant to their achievement
(e.g., correctness, completeness, and confinement) are not explicitly measured.
2.4. On the semantics and dual nature of model abstractions
Before assessing ODCM abstractions and formulating their desired properties, we should elaborate on some of the cognitive
aspects of model abstraction. In cognitive sciences, abstraction is considered one of the highest forms of thinking [48]. Speaking
of conceptual modeling, Egyed defined abstraction as ‘‘a process that transforms lower-level elements into higher-level elements
containing fewer details on a larger granularity’’ [6]. This definition was used while developing algorithms, such as [7,8]. However,
it leaves open several fundamental questions: Can we provide different types of abstractions? Is abstraction by definition a lossy
transformation? Is the abstraction process finite? In the following, we provide our view on abstraction in the conceptual modeling
Hereinafter, we consider abstraction in relation to the information content. Although information content is only one of the
dimensions along which abstraction can be conducted [49], it is the most relevant one in case of conceptual modeling. We also
intuitively refer to the abstraction process as a process of reducing the amount of information contained in the original model. So far,
by the amount of information in the model, we simply mean the number of classes and relations defined in it.
The foundational contributions to the field of semantics of abstraction were done by Hobbs [50], Plaisted [51], Tenenberg [52],
and also Nayak and Levy [53]. As outlined by Saitta and Zucker, most existing theories identify abstraction with a mapping from a
ground (original) to an abstracted (intended) space, but differ in the nature of spaces and the corresponding type of mapping [49,
p. 49].
Saitta and Zucker suggest distinguishing the following categories of representation changes [49, p. 50]: (1) perceptive, (2)
syntactic, (3) semantic, and (4) axiomatic. The suggested categories are not mutually disjoint and one approach can belong to
several groups at the same time. Taking into account this classification, the algorithm suggested in [8] belongs to all of the categories
specified above. At the level of perception, the granularity is changed when abstracting, for example, generalization relations. In
such cases (see Rules H.2 and H.4 in Table 3), the dependent concept is absorbed by the parent concept. At the syntactic level,
some rules (namely, Rule P.2 in Table 1 and Rule A.1 in Table 2) rename the relations when abstracting. At the level of semantics,
some of the concepts are eliminated (see Rule H.1 in Table 3), so that the number of competence questions that the model can
answer is reduced. Also, when abstracting generalization sets, the original set of axioms is changing as well (see Rules H.3 and H.5
in Table 3).
Giunchiglia and Walsh proposed a more general theory of the abstraction process. They suggested distinguishing between
theorem-decreasing,theorem-constant, and theorem-increasing abstractions depending on the changes in the theorems of the formal
system [54]. In theorem-constant abstractions, the abstract space has exactly the same theorems as the ground space reformulated
in another language, so that all well-formed formulas of the original space map onto well-formed formulas in the abstract space.
In theorem-increasing abstractions, the abstract space has more theorems than the ground one, while the opposite happens for
theorem-decreasing abstraction. The authors argued that ‘‘certain subclasses of theorem-increasing abstractions are the appropriate
formalization for abstraction’’ [54] because they preserve all existing theorems and have intended properties. However, in [55] we
have shown that this property cannot always be guaranteed for our ODCM abstraction algorithms [7,8].
It is interesting to note, that authors with a more practical view on abstraction (see [6,56]), intuitively define abstraction as
a process. The process, that ‘‘can be iterated to generate hierarchies of abstract spaces’’ [54]. At the same time, the developed
algorithms were mostly focused on the result of that process and referred to the abstraction as a new version of the original model.
In the first version of the algorithm on which our work is based [7], the constraints on rule applications were part of the
methodology and the algorithm itself. In other words, the order of the rule application was constant. In the second version of the
algorithm, there has been an attempt to specify the order for rule applications (see listings in [8]). However, those order constraints
were part of the methodology for rule application, but not part of the semantics of the rules themselves. Also, it was shown [55],
that one path in that generated hierarchy could be preferred. This goes in line with the idea of having a transparency path in that
hierarchy of abstract spaces (see [57]).
Summarizing all of the above, abstraction in conceptual modeling has a dual nature. On the one hand, it is a process that leads
to changes in the models. On the other hand, an abstracted model, which reduces the information contained in the original one,
has its own value.
In the close domain of eXplainable AI, Miller has noted that there is a need to distinguish between ‘‘explanation’’ as: (1) a
cognitive process; (2) a product that may come in different forms; and (3) a social interaction [58]. Qian and Choi emphasize that,
in cognitive domains, abstraction is reached through three cognitive processes: (1) filtering irrelevant information, (2) locating
fundamental similarities, and (3) mapping out problem structures [48]. The question is whether in conceptual modeling abstraction-
as-a-process is as important as the final result. So far we will leave this question open, but when assessing the quality of abstraction
it is worth assessing not only the resulting models but the process as well.
In the following, in order to distinguish the terms, we refer to an abstraction as an ontology-driven conceptual model with
specific characteristics (in contrast to the original model) and to an abstraction process, or abstracting, as the process of producing
those models.
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3. Empirical studies on ontology-driven conceptual models abstractions
An initial attempt to compare the abstraction results of the first version of the algorithm (as in [7]) to other existing approaches
was made in [38]. The main hypothesis of that experiment was that the first abstraction algorithm produces models capturing the
gist of the original model more appropriately than the competing algorithms proposed in [6,39].
The experiment was organized as follows. A group of 50 participants with different modeling backgrounds from students to
professionals with years of modeling experience were presented with the original conceptual model in the car rental domain and
with three abstractions based on Egyed’s algorithm. In the first abstraction the seeding was done by experts, in the second kinds
were selected as seeding, and in the third seeding was done using PageRank as suggested by Huang et al. The participants were
asked to rate the models according to their view on the quality of the abstraction and justify their choice.
The suggested algorithm from [7] was clearly preferred by practitioners with large modeling experience. However, overall, the
experiment did not demonstrate a significant preference for one of the tested abstractions. This result is not negative per se, given
that [7] achieves the same results with only four rules (as opposed to 92 rules for the competing algorithms). However, the main
informative result of that experiment is to be found in the comments received from the participants, which challenged some of the
assumptions of the suggested algorithms.
The original abstraction algorithm and its refined version were developed with two assumptions, whose influence was not fully
apparent until the first questionnaire was filled out in [38]. The first assumption was that aspects given that they are existentially
dependent entities could always be safely abstracted from the models without a significant loss of information content. For some
of the aspects that was found to be true, e.g., it is not that important to mention the color of the car while talking about car rental,
but the relator ‘Car Rental Agreement’, although being dependent on other entities, according to participants should always be
preserved in the resulting abstractions of the car rental domain.
The second assumption implicitly assumed that kinds are the most valuable entities of an ODCM. As mentioned before, kind is
a type that applies necessarily to its instances and provides them with the identity criteria. Thus, kinds uniquely divide the entire
space of all objects existing within the domain into non-overlapping groups. However, in some cases, abstraction to the level of kinds
leads to situations when the result includes more objects than expected. For example, if in our system ‘Person’ and ‘Organization’
are only playing the role of ‘Customer’ who can rent a car, and they do not have valuable relations to other objects, does it make
sense to keep both of them and duplicate all relations with the corresponding role name, or would it be enough to abstract them
up to the ‘Customer’?
In order to properly evaluate the second version of the algorithm [8] and to provide recommendations for its improvement, we
then conducted several empirical studies driven by the following research questions:
RQ1: Does the algorithm provide syntactically valid models?
RQ2: What is the rationale for choosing the most valuable concepts of the model (seeding)? How does it change depending on the
given goal?
RQ3: What is the pragmatic value of the abstractions? Can abstraction serve as an explanation of the original model?
RQ4: What are the characteristics of models that are preferred as intermediate steps during the abstraction process?
Following the SEQUAL framework, each research question was formulated to assess one of the facets of the model’s quality (syn-
tactic, semantic and pragmatic quality of the abstractions), and —taking into account the discussion in the previous section quality
of the abstraction process as well.
As mentioned before, in most of the cases the abstraction contains less semantic value than the original model, so we cannot
measure the semantic quality of the model directly. However, we may have a ‘lower bound’. If the model does not contain all the
necessary concepts (seeding), it should not be considered valid anyway. Thus, we would like to know what rationale is hidden in
the expert’s mind when the decision about the importance of a particular concept is made.
Also, with three groups of rules (applied together or separately), we can generate seven abstractions, where six of them could
be considered as intermediate steps towards the final one. However, it is not clear if some of those steps would be preferred by the
users of the algorithm.
In total, we have conducted four experiments. The first one with the FAIR catalog of ontology-driven conceptual models (precisely
aimed at answering RQ1), and three following the triangulation approach [59] with users2:(1) in-person interviews about the
abstraction process (contributed to answering RQ2 and RQ3), (2) online structured interviews with modelers (for answering RQ2,
RQ3 and RQ4), and (3) online questionnaire with conceptual model users (again, RQ2,RQ3 and RQ4). Detailed descriptions of each
experiment are given in the next sections.
3.1. Experiments with the FAIR model catalog
The main goal of the first experiment was to answer RQ1, i.e., to make sure that the abstractions generated by the algorithm
do not contain syntactic errors. This becomes possible with the creation of a FAIR model catalog of ontology-driven conceptual
models [10,11] (hereinafter referred to as the Catalog3). The Catalog offers a diverse collection of conceptual models, created by
2The study has been reviewed and received approval from the Ethics Research Committee at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (Prot. n. 5/2022
from 28/09/2022).
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Fig. 1. Diffusion of eligible conceptual models from the Catalog in the number of classes and relations.
Fig. 2. Diffusion of syntactically valid models from the Catalog used in experiments.
modelers with varying modeling skills, for a wide range of domains, with different purposes, and during the time of experiments
consisted of 168 models. To make API requests to the servers that check model syntax and create model abstractions, we were
interested in the JSON distribution of the models. And because of the importing/exporting issues with JSON, we considered 159 of
the original number.
The problem with the Catalog from the point of view of our research is that it contains all errors that were introduced by
the model’s authors. Those include not only typos but also modeling mistakes. The decision to keep models as they were created
was reasonable for the Catalog’s authors because one of the purposes was an empirical discovery of modeling (anti-)patterns [10].
Unfortunately, this contradicts the goal of assessing the quality of the algorithm, since most of the time the original errors would
be propagated to their respective abstractions. Therefore, only part of the Catalog was used for the experiments.
We selected models satisfying the following criteria: (1) they contained only those 16 stereotypes, for which the second version
of the algorithm was developed (that left us with 87 models out of the original number, see Fig. 1), and (2) they did not contain
syntactical modeling errors that could not be easily fixed. The last statement requires some explanation. First, all models were
automatically checked on the syntactical correctness with the OntoUML Editor (OntoUML plugin4for Visual Paradigm5). Only
41 (out of 87) models did not contain syntactical errors. After a manual review of the rest, 8 models that contained obvious
and easily-fixable errors were rectified and re-included in the set under consideration. Taking into account the aforementioned
conditions, we selected 49 models for the purpose of the algorithm evaluation.
Before creating new models for further experiments, it was also necessary to check how different were the selected models within
the Catalog. As for the size of the models, we distinguished five groups of models, from the super small with less than 35 modeling
elements to the super big, which was represented by one ODCM (see Fig. 1). On average, the models have about 38 classes and 55
relations, where about half of them are generalization relations. The distribution of the 49 valid models together with the Library
model that was created for the experiments with users is shown in Fig. 2.
4 plugin.
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For each of these pre-selected models, from one to seven abstractions were generated, giving us, in total, 278 unique models.
To one of the models, ‘pereira2020ontotrans’6none of the abstraction rules were applicable, and this model was excluded from the
consideration. The resulting 230 abstractions were checked for syntactical correctness with a script using the API developed for the
OntoUML plugin.7
3.2. Experiments with users of ontology-driven conceptual models: face-to-face interviews
The results of the questionnaire in [38] leave unexplained the reason why modelers prefer one abstraction over another. Our
first experiment with users was then designed to find out what people consider when abstracting a conceptual model, i.e., their
(often tacit) rationale for choosing the main concepts to be preserved, and how the final abstraction produced by the algorithm
corresponds to that target preferred one. Thus, the main goal of the study was to contribute to answering RQ2 and RQ3, however,
we also wanted to observe the abstraction process in order to see the underlying reasons that guide it.
From our point of view, the biggest drawback of the algorithm suggested by Egyed [6] is not in its lack of simplicity (i.e., a large
number of rules), but in the necessity for the modeler to perform seeding again, an explicit selection of a list of concepts that are
considered as the most valuable in that model. The problem with that approach is that, in order to perform a sensible seeding, one
needs to be familiar with the domain and with the conceptual model. But if the conceptual model is large and complex, this requires
the modeler to deal with the complexity of the model, thus, risking to defeat of the purpose of an abstraction technique. So, on
the one hand, the non-determinism of that approach has an advantage in the ability to generate different abstractions according to
one’s alternative goals, but on the other hand, it requires an expert and cannot be used for supporting users in getting acquainted
with a new domain.
The purpose of this first user-study was two-fold. First, we wanted to understand how conceptual model users abstract from
complicated ODCMs and how they perform model seeding. The hypothesis was that by understanding their rationale, we could derive
information to (perhaps, partially) automate the seeding process, thus, mitigating the aforementioned problems while preserving
some of the advantages of a non-deterministic approach (personalization).
Second, we wanted to preliminary check the hypothesis that the (simpler) abstracted model has a pragmatic value of serving as
an explanation of the (complex) original model. We suggested that abstraction could be part of the pragmatic explanation process
in the case of ODCMs, in line with what is argued for domain ontologies in [60], as well as with pragmatic aspects to explanations
employing ontology-driven conceptual models ontological unpacking [61]. This view of an abstract conceptual model as a type of
explanation also fits in with the literature on Design Theory (e.g., [62]). In this community, a conceptual model is taken to be a
simplified and useful explanation of how something works from the point of view of an external observer.
Thus, on the one hand, since the abstraction should correspond to the concrete goal, it should be reviewed or even modified in
accordance with the given goal. On the other hand, if the already given abstraction contained an error, i.e., a contradiction with the
original model, it could pass unnoticed due to over-reliance on the given explanation. In other words, if given, the explanations are
interpreted as a signal of competence and are simply accepted regardless of their correctness, especially by non-experts (see [63,64]
and experiments in eXplainable AI).
For that, we conducted 5 one hour interviews, and to reflect on this, we used the transcripts of think-aloud and retrospective
reports of the participants. We followed the approach suggested in [65], under the assumption that ‘‘cognitive processes are not
modified by these verbal reports’’ [65, p. 16].
The experiment was conducted individually and face-to-face with the researcher, using a laptop and a standard well-known UML
editor, namely Visual Paradigm. The participants received a pure black-and-white model without any additional notes, also without
the OntoUML stereotypes for the classes and associations. The level of expertise was defined as a self-assessment before participation
(we also asked our participants some general questions about their experience, familiarity with different modeling languages, etc.),
and the study included two experts in ontology-driven conceptual modeling, two experts in conceptual modeling, and one non-expert
but an experienced user of conceptual models. A pilot study with one conceptual modeling expert was conducted to ensure the tasks
were clear enough and did not raise difficulties.
Each participant was given two tasks to be solved one by one. Both models related to the same domain of a library management
system, which was quite general and did not require special knowledge. In the first task, given the ODCM (see Fig. 3), the participant
was asked to produce a model abstraction, where the abstraction was defined according to Egyed’s algorithm [6]. In order to simplify
this process, they were presented with a short narrative telling them why they need to create an abstraction. During the abstracting
process, they were asked only to think aloud, without additional comments. After solving the task, they also gave a retrospective
reflection on their choices.
In the second task, the participant was asked to change the given abstraction while keeping in mind a concrete goal. The
abstraction was produced by the algorithm with some modifications. We introduced a contradiction w.r.t. the original model by
making ‘Person’ and ‘Organization’ subtypes of ‘Client’.8In order to make the error even more obvious, we kept some other concepts:
6This model (accessible in has all its classes as abstract classes,
i.e., classes that cannot be directly instantiated. In particular, all its classes are role mixins, i.e., role-like types that can be represented by entities of multiple
kinds. As such, it is an atypical conceptual model as it can only be instantiated after being extended with domain-specific notions. In particular, after the kinds
of entities playing those role mixins are determined.
7 The documentation:
8For a discussion of why this is an error (in this case, it introduces a logical contradiction in the model), we refer to [30].
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Fig. 3. Library management system model for the first task.
‘Librarian’, ‘Employee’, and ‘Library’ (see Fig. 4 where the error is shown in red). In particular, in this modified abstraction, every
‘Librarian’ is a ‘Client’ of the ‘Library’, which was not true in the original model. According to the narrative, this abstraction was
produced by one of the participant’s colleagues.
3.3. Experiments with users of ontology-driven conceptual models: structured interviews
After the first study (the results of which are discussed in Section 4) we introduced a threshold for the minimum number of
relationships that aspects should have in order to stay in the abstraction. This small modification allowed us to check if new models
would receive positive feedback (thus, having a better semantic quality), or if we would be suggested to remove some additional
concepts. We also wanted to check if some ideas that we received from the participants for further simplifications, e.g., removing
cardinality constraints, would be accepted more widely.
Out of the valid pre-selected models (see Section 3.1), we removed those that were anonymous (that left us with 23 models) and
those that were too small for abstraction. All authors from the final list of 10 models, namely 26 ontology-driven conceptual modeling
experts, received links to the abstractions of their own models and invitations for online structured interviews. The interviews were
conducted anonymously, and the questions did not specify which model was being referred to.
Hence, after reviewing an abstraction of the original model that they had published, the authors answered up to 18 questions
from the following groups (some examples of questions are provided):
1. Questions about the satisfaction with the abstraction:
I understand the abstraction of the original model.
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Fig. 4. Corrupted library management system model for the second task.
The abstraction of the original model has sufficient details.
The abstraction tells me enough about the domain.
The abstraction could be useful for a specific goal.
The abstraction of the original model contains irrelevant details.
The abstraction could be used for the acquaintance with the domain.
Why do you think the abstraction could be useful?
2. Questions about the correctness of the abstraction:
The abstraction introduced wrong concepts that did not exist in the domain.
The abstraction did not introduce any semantically wrong relations.
The abstraction reveals some errors that were unintentionally introduced in the original model.
3. Questions about algorithm improvements:
Removing cardinalities in the abstraction will make the model clearer.
Removing role names in the abstraction will make the model clearer.
4. Questions regarding the abstraction process:
I clearly see how the original model was abstracted.
Which of the following models you would prefer to see as an intermediate step?
Some questions used a 5-point Likert scale, others were left open. In total, we conducted 7 interviews with an average time of about
40 min (including the time for the abstractions’ review).
3.4. Experiments with users of ontology-driven conceptual models: questionnaire
An aspect that became apparent in the second study is that domain experts tend to be biased against the removal of information
from their own models, exactly because they know the reason behind each modeling element, they run the risk of amplifying their
importance. In a limit case, they would see all modeling elements as essential, forgetting that, as a lossy (as opposed to lossless)
technique, abstraction necessarily implies the removal of information content from the model. One of the respondents from the
previous study formulated this in the following way:
‘‘The idea of conceptual models is to represent the complexity of the entities of a domain and their relationships. When applying
an algorithm to generate simpler representations, there is a risk of generating an interpretation bias in the reader. Complex problems
often require complex solutions.’’
However, the model authors are not the only users of the models they create. In fact, if a conceptual model is successful, the
model creator will be just one among a multitude of users. Our hypothesis is that other users of the model would have a different
attitude towards abstraction in this respect. With that in mind, we developed a questionnaire for a more general audience. The
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Fig. 5. One of the abstractions used in the questionnaire.
questionnaire was developed based on two anonymous models from the Catalog and did not require any special knowledge except
familiarity with UML Class Diagrams. One of the abstractions, which corresponds to the ‘online-mentoring’ model from the Catalog9
and was presented in the questionnaire, is shown in Fig. 5.
The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, which were correlated with the questions of the structured online interviews, and
it was partially based on the assessment suggested in [66]. In total, we received 24 responses with an average completion time of
15 min.
3.5. Evaluation of validity threats
During the first experiment with the Catalog, the major threat is in the construct validity. In order to generalize the results of
the experiment, it should be properly organized, and, first, we would like to be sure that all of the rules specified in Tables 13
were evaluated. However, we selected as many valid models, as we were able to find. Thus, if the rule has never been applied to the
given models, the question arises about the expediency of its existence. Probably, the situation it specifies is rare enough, so that it
could be removed from the algorithm for the sake of the algorithm’s simplicity. Second, sometimes rule application can eliminate
the error that already existed in the model. Hence, we would like to test the syntactical correctness after the application of each
single rule.
In the first experiment with users, the number of participants was quite small, and the influence of natural variations in human
perception and task understanding could be significant. For that reason, the interviewer was always present for clarification during
the time of the experiment. Also, a small preliminary example was introduced in order to make sure the interviewees did not have
any doubts about the task or the system. Furthermore, since it was a qualitative study, such variation in participants’ understanding
is inevitable [67], and no statistical conclusions were drawn from this experiment.
The second experiment with users revealed a strong social threat to construct validity. We expected, that since interviewees
as authors of the models see the importance of abstraction generation in conceptual modeling, they could have been much
more favorably disposed towards the algorithm’s results. However, authors of the models were biased towards keeping as much
information in the model as possible (see Section 3.3). Thus, in order to mitigate this threat the last experiment was introduced.
Last but not least, we acknowledge the internal validity threat in our questionnaire-based evaluation with 24 participants. We
took a few active steps to counter this threat. First, we grounded the questionnaire on two different models and randomized our
interviewees among them. Second, we also left some questions intentionally open and suppose the results are likely to hold for
modelers in general since there is no reason to think that people with different background in modeling would assess the process
or the pragmatic quality of abstractions differently.
9 mentoring.
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Fig. 6. Compression of the abstracted models: classes.
Fig. 7. Compression of the abstracted models: relations.
4. Discussions
4.1. Evaluation of model abstraction: syntactical quality
The first facet of the quality of the abstractions the correspondence to the OntoUML syntax was checked automatically with
a script. Those 230 models that were generated before, were verified via API on a syntactical validity. None of the abstractions
contained any error.
We also report on the results of evaluating the compression rates produced by the algorithm against the set of selected models.
The interested reader may compare these with the results published in [7] for the first version of the algorithm.
As it can be seen from Fig. 6 and 7, the algorithm leads to a reduction of the number of concepts as well as the number of relations
of about three times for the medium-size models in case of applying all of the proposed rules (the so-called full abstraction). The
maximum reduction rate happens after removing generalizations relations (abstracting hierarchies of concepts).
Moreover, we checked an assumption, that during the abstraction process because of the reduction in concepts and relations
some of the syntactical errors could be eliminated. For that, we used the rest of the models that contained only 16 stereotypes that
the algorithm could process but had modeling errors. Those 38 ODCMs also were abstracted and checked. The results are presented
in Table 4. One can see that the average number of errors is reduced when even one type of abstraction is applied. As expected
(due to the high percentage of generalization relations in the models), the most impactful is the reduction from 11.29 in the average
number of errors for original models to 3.5 after abstracting hierarchies.
Hence, since the application of several rules may lead to a valid model even if one of the rules introduces an error, for the
original 48 models we also tested the syntactical correctness after application of each single rule. In total, 783 models were tested,
and none of the abstractions contained any syntactical error.
However, during this process, we realized that, unfortunately, Rules A.2 and H.5 have never been applied, since the selection
of the models did not contain many models with events. Nevertheless, we decided to keep those rules in the algorithm for future
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Table 4
Statistics on reduction of syntactical errors after abstracting.
Original model Aspects Parthood Parthood & aspects Hierarchy Aspects & hierarchy Parthood & hierarchy Full abstraction
Minimum 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maximum 72 72 67 67 20 20 20 20
Median 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Mean 11.29 8.89 9.29 8.05 3.50 3.50 3.47 3.47
Mode 8 2 4 0 0 0 0 0
Standard Deviation 13.01 12.13 11.43 11.56 4.66 4.66 4.67 4.67
Fig. 8. Comparison of the answers for different groups of users (percentages less than 8 are not specified).
4.2. Evaluation of models abstraction: semantic quality
As mentioned, evaluating the semantic quality of the model is a hard task, since expert disagreement is a norm and users may have
different opinions on the same model. An additional complication with abstractions is that these techniques are lossy transformations.
Although it was shown that in theory, existing rules do not always lead to theorem-increasing abstractions [55], in practice mostly
because the rules are applied together they do. Thus, since authors of the models know the rationale behind each element of the
model, they are against abstractions that they perceive as ‘oversimplifying’ the original model.
Our experiments with users were mostly aimed at finding out the hidden rationale behind selecting the most valuable model’s
concepts. During the first experiment with users, we noticed that the idea of a correlation between the number of relations for a
given concept and its significance for the domain is surprisingly well-regarded. Participants preferred highly connected models with
a bounded number of concepts, and four interviewees reduced the size of the original model with 52 concepts to less than 20. Those
concepts that were selected by most participants are shown in green in Fig. 3. In the same figure, we show in blue the concepts that
would have been selected by the algorithm proposed in [8]. Contrasting the latter with the former, we can observe that, on the one
hand, 80% of concepts selected by the algorithm are also selected by the aggregated judgement of the experts. On the other hand,
the experts selected 3 times more the number of concepts selected by the algorithm, i.e., the latter is much more restrictive than
the former.
During the structured interviews, most of the respondents were able to understand the abstraction of the model quite easily.
However, opinions about whether the abstraction contains enough details were divided 3 agreed and 4 disagreed (see Fig. 8).
This is even more interesting, taking into account that only two of the subjects claimed that the abstraction contained irrelevant
details. In other words, subjects would prefer to have less restrictive abstractions and were unsatisfied with their conciseness in
line with the judgement of experts, as we have seen before.
As for the correctness of the abstraction, we were glad to see an agreement of opinion that the abstraction did not introduce
any semantically wrong concepts. The most heated debate happened with the question of whether the abstraction introduced any
semantically wrong relations. Five authors did not notice anything wrong, while two others state that semantically wrong relations
have been introduced. In one case the author refused to specify which relation is wrong, but the second case requires additional
comments. It involves abstracting parthood.
The algorithm in [8] abstracts a parthood relation by transferring certain properties (including relational ones) from the part
to the whole. For example, if the Faculty of Computer Science of unibz has a project with the Government, then unibz has a project
with the Government or, more precisely, unibz has the property of ‘‘having a faculty that has a project with the Government’’.
However, our study showed that when the part-whole relation is established between two parts of the same whole, the result can
seem incorrect to model creators (see the pattern in Fig. 9(a) and the abstracted result in Fig. 9(b)). This pattern requires special
attention and should be addressed explicitly in the further development of the algorithm.
At the same time, 6 out of 7 authors agreed that abstraction may be used for getting acquainted with the domain.
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Fig. 9. One of the abstraction patterns for the parthood relation.
As for the last experiment, again, most of the users (92%) were able to understand the abstraction with ease. For 75% of the
respondents, the abstraction had sufficient details (compare this result to the result of the previous study with models authors, see
Fig. 8), about 62% agreed that the abstraction provided a good overview of the domain, and 29% agreed to reduce an abstraction
even more.
When assessing the quality of the abstractions, these conceptual model users were more tepid: about 55% of them were convinced
that the abstractions were correct and that they did not introduce any wrong relations and concepts; about 21% suggested that the
abstraction could be wrong.
Unexpected consent was reached for the question of whether we should remove cardinality constraints and role names. Those
ideas (suggested during the first interviews) were not accepted. Authors either preferred to stay neutral or disagreed with the
removal. Most of the users (83% in both questions) prefer them to be kept in the abstractions as well.
4.3. Evaluation of models abstraction: pragmatic quality
The second task in the first experiment with users was aimed at investigating if the abstraction may serve as an explanation for
the original model. We assumed, that this may be reflected in the user’s comprehension of the model and, thus, should suffer from
the same problems as explanations do, including over-reliance.
Hence, the participants were given an abstraction with the goal of modifying it according to the task to ‘‘develop a personal
account page for users’’ (this model is in Fig. 4). Although the participants had an opportunity to see the original model during
the whole experiment on paper as well, only one of the interviewees noticed the inconsistency with the original model. All others
accepted their ‘‘colleague’s work’’, i.e., an abstraction from a sufficiently trusted source, as it was provided, but all made different
modifications according to their understanding of the current goal.
In other words, we have noticed the same effect of over-reliance, which was first observed with explanations (see [63,64]). Thus,
it is of great importance to have high-quality abstractions if not done properly, they can lead to comprehension problems with
the original models.
We also received interesting feedback on the question of how the participants envisage the abstraction to be useful. Although
the question was intentionally left open, some of the answers were recurrent, among them ‘‘better communication between
stakeholders’’, and ‘‘understanding the original model’’.
This indicates that ODCM’s abstraction could serve as an overview of the original model and could be used for the acquaintance
with the domain during the explanation process.
4.4. Evaluation of abstraction process
As discussed before, the evaluation of the abstraction process did not receive much attention in the literature, because of the
focus on the final result the abstracted model. However, the results of the protocol analysis of our first user study were quite
Four out of five interviewees were regularly distracted by the layout of the model (when during the modifications it was deemed
‘‘ugly’’ and ‘‘annoying’’). Moreover, during the retrospective reports they reflected on ‘‘chopping the things that are unconnected
to anything else’’ (from an ontology-driven conceptual modeling expert), and the need to remove all the cardinality constraints
(‘‘Of course they are interesting, but if we talk about simplifying and abstracting, I would do that’’ from an expert in conceptual
modeling). The last idea, however, did not receive much support in follow-up experiments (see Section 4.2).
In other words, languages for (ontology-driven) conceptual modeling are typically visual languages as well. And because of that,
it is impossible to completely isolate the assessment of that model from the assessment of the layout of that model. The idea to
remove cardinality constraints also comes from the desire to have a visually simple model without information that is not needed
at that precise moment. Thus, we agree that ‘‘the notion of simplicity is essential to characterize abstract representations’’ [49, p.
Although the idea of ‘‘chopping’’ the concepts that have fewer relations was pronounced aloud only once, all other participants
were doing the same during the abstraction process. So the idea of Huang et al. to use the PageRank algorithm to determine the
seeding has merit because people consider the less connected concepts as less important for the model. Of course, that does not
work all the time but can give an approximation of seeding.
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Fig. 10. Preferences in intermediate abstractions.
We were also interested if there is any preference in the path that leads to the final abstraction in a broad sense. In other words,
if there is any preference from the point of view of users in applying one group of rules before another one. Seven authors who
participated in the second user study gave a little preference to models with abstracted parthood relations as an intermediate step
(see Fig. 10(a)) However, the number of parthood relations in models is not that big, less than 10% of all relations in ODCMs that
were pre-selected. Thus, as intermediate steps in the final experiment with users, only two abstractions were compared: aspects
and hierarchy. The results are shown in Fig. 10(b). For example, a preferred intermediate abstraction for the already mentioned
‘online-mentoring’ model10 (see Fig. 5) is shown in Fig. 11.
In general, typical users also prefer to abstract hierarchies instead of aspects as intermediate steps of the abstraction process.
Our interpretation of these results is that people have a tendency to keep the information contained in the model as long as
possible. Due to the nature of the abstraction rules, where generalization relations, when abstracting, are partially transformed
in enumerations and parthood relations are sometimes substituted by class properties, parthood and hierarchy abstractions are
preferred as intermediate views on the model.
5. Final considerations
The abstraction algorithm suggested in [8] lacked a proper evaluation. We conducted several studies with the purpose of gaining
an understanding of what can be further improved and whether the resulting models are of good quality.
The first problem that became visible thanks to the algorithm evaluation over the Catalog is the problem of excessive compression
(see Fig. 6 and 7for ‘‘super small’’ models). The algorithm was developed in such a way that it stops only when no rule is applicable
anymore. However, for some models, this approach leads to full abstraction with 3 concepts and 2 relations, or even only one
concept. To avoid such situations one could, for example, consider a parameter for the algorithm that determines the minimal
number of entities (classes) that should be left in the abstraction.
During our experiments with the Catalog we have shown, that our abstraction algorithm [8] provides syntactically valid models.
We also have shown that the number of elements in the model correlates with the number of errors in it, so abstracting sometimes
eliminates the errors introduced by the modelers.
Huang et al. [39] suggested using the PageRank algorithm as a way to automate the seeding of concepts in the algorithm proposed
by Egyed [6]. This has the advantage of dispensing the involvement of an expert in the abstraction task. Using PageRank for this
purpose implies selecting highly connected classes as seeds. During the interviews, it became apparent that the idea of preserving
classes involved in many relations is indeed a common practice: interviewees tended to remove the classes that were isolated or
connected to only one other class more often.
In future work, we intend to investigate the use of topological metrics (e.g., the degree of connectivity of a class) in combination
with ontological semantics to improve the algorithm in [8]. For example, classes that would otherwise be eliminated by the algorithm
could instead be preserved if they are connected over a certain (absolute or relative) threshold. We observed this, especially in the
10 Again, the original model can be found in the Catalog, mentoring/new-diagrams/
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Fig. 11. An intermediate abstraction without hierarchies that was preferred by users.
case of aspects, in general, and relators, in particular, where the removal of some of these elements led to the model being perceived
as incomplete by participants.
Formally, the original transformation rules as proposed in [7] only prescribed the abstractions into material relations of those
relators that were connected to at most two mediation relations. In both [8,38], this idea was extrapolated to cover relators
participating in more than two mediation relations. This experiment confirms a tacit rationale behind the original rule: relators
participating in more than two mediation relations are exactly those cases that would lead to relation reification in traditional
conceptual modeling, i.e., one of those cases in which modelers want to perform model expansion —the exact opposite of abstraction.
We hypothesize that the creators of ODCMs and typical users of the same models have different views on the usefulness of the
abstraction, and those views must be taken into account when developing an abstraction system. A future study with a larger cohort
of subjects would be needed to properly investigate this point.
Before reusing an existing ODCM one needs to understand it. However, since the number of concepts and diagrams may be
large, typical users may face problems in familiarizing themselves with an ODCM. We claim that abstraction could be part of the
pragmatic explanation process of an ODCM (as well as sub-models for domain ontologies in [60]). In other words, an abstracted
model in some cases may serve as an explanation of the original more complex model, and comments from the users received in
this study implicitly support this idea.
Also, abstractions, when playing the role of explanations, struggle with the same problems as the latter. They are not taken
critically (see results from the first study) and should correspond to the current goal. This means that the results of the deterministic
algorithm should be used for the first acquaintance with the domain, but for the further explanation process, the most valuable
concepts should be perhaps selected explicitly by the user (with some automated support as discussed here). Also, it is very important
to generate a proper abstraction. Otherwise, due to the gap between the abstracted and the original model, a user exposed to the
former could have difficulties in understanding the latter.
Finally, recent studies, e.g., [68], announced using large language models in the conceptual modeling domain. While some
authors report on ‘‘enormous potential’’ for supporting modeling tasks [68], others remain more skeptical mostly because of the
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quality of the generated models (see findings in [69]). Moreover, some authors suggest incorporating ‘‘structured semantics’’ to
improve the factual correctness of the summarization produced by the large language model [70]. In line with the idea of using
abstractions in the explanation process, we also believe that large language models could be used for changing the form of the
explanation rather than generating it.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Elena Romanenko: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft, Validation, Software, Data curation. Diego Calvanese:
Writing review & editing, Writing original draft, Validation, Supervision. Giancarlo Guizzardi: Writing review & editing,
Writing original draft, Validation, Supervision.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing
interests: Diego Calvanese reports financial support was provided by Italian Basic Research. Diego Calvanese reports financial support
was provided by Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol. Diego Calvanese reports financial support was provided by Knut
and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Elena Romanenko reports a relationship with Free University of Bozen-Bolzano that includes:
funding grants. Diego Calvanese reports a relationship with Free University of Bozen-Bolzano that includes: employment. Diego
Calvanese reports a relationship with Umeå University that includes: funding grants. Giancarlo Guizzardi reports a relationship
with University of Twente that includes: employment. Giancarlo Guizzardi reports a relationship with Stockholm University that
includes: employment. co-author is an associate editor for the Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal - G.G. If there are other
authors, they declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
The data of experiments with users are confidential. The data for experiments with the Catalog are available in the corresponding
folder of the project,
Empirical studies and user experiments are never possible without the generous voluntary participation of several individuals.
The authors would like to express their great appreciation for all the people who spent their time answering the questionnaires and
participating in the interviews. The authors also would like to thank Maya Daneva for her valuable comments during the preparation
of this manuscript.
This research has been partially supported by the Province of Bolzano and DFG through the project D2G2 (DFG grant n.
500249124), by the HEU project CyclOps (grant agreement n. 101135513), and by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and
Software Program (WASP), funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
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Elena Romanenko is a Ph.D. candidate at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, and a member of the Research Centre for Knowledge and Data (KRDB). She
holds a joint master’s degree in Computational Science from Perm State University, Russia, and the University of Reading, the UK. Her current research interests
lie in pragmatic explanations of ODCMs and ontologies.
Diego Calvanese is a Full Professor at the Research Centre for Knowledge and Data (KRDB) at the Faculty of Engineering of Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
(Italy), and Wallenberg guest professor in AI for Data Management at Umeå University (Sweden). His research interests include knowledge representation and
reasoning, virtual knowledge graphs, ontology languages, description logics, conceptual data modeling, and data integration. He is one of the editors of the
Description Logic Handbook. He is a fellow of EurAI and a fellow of ACM. He is the originator and a co-founder of Ontopic, a startup whose mission is to bring
the VKG technology to industry.
Giancarlo Guizzardi is a Full Professor of Software Science and Evolution as well as Chair and Department Head of Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services
(SCS) at the University of Twente, The Netherlands He is also an Affiliated Full Professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at
Stockholm University, in Sweden. He has been active for more than two decades in the areas of Applied Ontology, Conceptual Modeling, Business Informatics,
and Information Systems Engineering, working with a multi-disciplinary approach that combines results from Formal Ontology, Cognitive Science, Logics and
Linguistics. He is currently an associate editor for the Applied Ontology journal and for Data & Knowledge Engineering, a co-editor of the Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing series, and a member of a number of international journal editorial boards. Finally, he is a member of the Steering Committees
of ER, EDOC, and IEEE CBI, and of the Advisory Board of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA).
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Reference conceptual models are used to capture complex and critical domain information. However, as the complexity of a domain grows, so does the size and complexity of the model that represents it. Over the years, different complexity management techniques in large-scale conceptual models have been developed to extract value from models that, due to their size, are challenging to understand. These techniques, however, run into some limitations, such as the possibility of execution without human interaction, semantic cohesion of modules/views generated from the model, and generating an abstracted version of the model so that it can present the essential elements of the domain, among others. This thesis proposes two algorithms to facilitate the understanding of large-scale conceptual models by tackling the problem from two different angles. The first consists in extracting smaller self-contained modules from the original model. The second consists in abstracting the original model, thereby providing a summarized view of the main elements and how they relate to each other in the domain. Both algorithms we propose in this thesis require no input from modelers, are deterministic, and computationally inexpensive. To evaluate the abstraction algorithm for conceptual models, we carried out an empirical research aimed at a comparative analysis taking into account other competing approaches.
Conference Paper
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Ontology-driven conceptual models are precise and semantically transparent domain descriptions that enable the development of information systems. As symbolic artefacts, such models are usually considered to be self-explanatory. However, the complexity of a system significantly correlates with the complexity of the conceptual model that describes it. Abstractions of both conceptual models and ontology-driven conceptual models are thus considered to be a promising way to improve the understandability and comprehensibility of those models. Although algorithms for providing abstractions of such models already exist, they still lack precisely formulated formal semantics. This paper aims to provide an approach towards the formalization of the abstraction process. We specify in first-order modal logic one of the graph-rewriting rules for ontology-driven conceptual model abstractions, in order to verify the correctness of the corresponding abstraction step. We also assess the entire network of abstractions of ontology-driven conceptual models and discuss existing drawbacks.
Conference Paper
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In the context of enterprises, a wide range of models is developed and used for diverse purposes. Due to the investments involved in modeling, these models should ideally be used in projects in which their benefits outweigh their costs. The analysis of modeling benefits and costs requires an in-depth understanding of the goals of modeling and the properties of models that influence their achievement. This is an issue that has not been sufficiently investigated in the literature. Therefore , we conducted an empirical study to identify and understand the goals modelers aim to achieve through their models, the properties of the models that can aid in the achievement of these goals, and how they assess this achievement. In this study, we focus on a subset of these models , namely structural conceptual models. We found empirical evidence to state that modelers usually achieve more than one goal that can vary among six types of functional goals of modeling and four types of quality goals of modeling. Moreover, according to them, there are six properties of structural conceptual models that can aid in satisfying these goals. Finally , the analysis presented insights into why modelers only subjectively assess the satisfaction of their modeling goals.
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In a previous paper, we proposed an algorithm for ontology-driven conceptual model abstractions [18]. We have implemented and tested this algorithm over a FAIR Catalog of such models represented in the OntoUML language. This provided evidence for the correctness of the algorithm’s implementation, i.e., that it correctly implements the model transformation rules prescribed by the algorithm, and its effectiveness, i.e., it is able to achieve high compression (summarization) rates over these models. However, in addition to these properties, it is fundamental to test the validity of this algorithm, i.e., that it achieves what it is intended to do, namely provide summarizing abstractions over these models whilst preserving the gist of the conceptualization being represented. We performed three user studies to evaluate the usefulness of the resulting abstractions as perceived by modelers. This paper reports on the findings of these user studies and reflects on how they can be exploited to improve the existing algorithm.KeywordsConceptual Model AbstractionOntology-Driven Conceptual ModelsUser Study
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Most experts agree that large language models (LLMs), such as those used by Copilot and ChatGPT, are expected to revolutionize the way in which software is developed. Many papers are currently devoted to analyzing the potential advantages and limitations of these generative AI models for writing code. However, the analysis of the current state of LLMs with respect to software modeling has received little attention. In this paper, we investigate the current capabilities of ChatGPT to perform modeling tasks and to assist modelers, while also trying to identify its main shortcomings. Our findings show that, in contrast to code generation, the performance of the current version of ChatGPT for software modeling is limited, with various syntactic and semantic deficiencies, lack of consistency in responses and scalability issues. We also outline our views on how we perceive the role that LLMs can play in the software modeling discipline in the short term, and how the modeling community can help to improve the current capabilities of ChatGPT and the coming LLMs for software modeling.
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In the field of conceptual modeling, we have not yet come across any sources of using ChatGPT. Thus, we will describe in the following several experiments we have conducted using ChatGPT based on the most recent GPT-4 models to explore which potential applications can be imagined in the future for generating and interpreting conceptual models. Thereby, we explore how to generate and interpret ER, Business Process, and UML class diagrams as well as Heraklit models. Our goal is to highlight how modeling applications based on large language models such as ChatGPT could be realized. We do not claim a full coverage of all functionalities, but rather aim to inspire the community to build on our examples and propose their own approaches.
In the context of enterprises, a wide range of models is developed and used for diverse purposes. Due to the investments involved in modeling, these models should ideally be used in projects in which their benefits outweigh their costs. The analysis of modeling benefits and costs requires an in-depth understanding of the goals of modeling and the properties of models that influence their achievement. This is an issue that has not been sufficiently investigated in the literature. Therefore, we conducted an empirical study to identify and understand the goals modelers aim to achieve through their models, the properties of the models that can aid in the achievement of these goals, and how they assess this achievement. In this study, we focus on a subset of these models, namely structural conceptual models. We found empirical evidence to state that modelers usually achieve more than one goal that can vary among six types of functional goals of modeling and four types of quality goals of modeling. Moreover, according to them, there are six properties of structural conceptual models that can aid in satisfying these goals. Finally, the analysis presented insights into why modelers only subjectively assess the satisfaction of their modeling goals.
Echoing the increasing emphasis on STEM literacy, computational thinking has become a national priority in K-12 schools. Scholars have acknowledged abstraction as the keystone of computational thinking. To foster K-12 students’ computational thinking and STEM literacy, students’ ability to think abstractly should be enhanced. However, the existing curriculum in K-12 education may not adequately equip learners with the proper abstraction needed for the STEM workforce. Given the absence of a synthesized understanding of abstraction, effective instructional guidance for fostering student abstraction is also elusive. To overcome the gap in understanding abstraction, we attempted to conceptualize a synthesized framework of abstraction in computational thinking and proposed a set of design guidelines that may enhance students’ uptake of abstraction. In this paper, we describe the importance of abstraction in computational thinking and existing challenges in developing students’ ability to perform abstraction. Then, by reviewing the cognitive dimensions of abstraction and the role of abstraction in computing education, we identify three cognitive processes underlying abstraction in computational thinking (e.g., filtering information, locating similarities, and mapping problem structures). We thereby propose a conceptual framework of abstraction in computational thinking. Finally, design guidelines for fostering abstraction in computational thinking are provided with illustrated examples of a tailored STEM-integrative learning environment.