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Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update


Abstract and Figures

Green oat, also known as wild green oat, is a principal cultivated species harvested at their prime development stage, when still green and packed full of active functional nutrients, contributing to attenuating oxidative damage, reducing inflammatory reaction, hindering tumor progression and promoting cognitive health. The biological and physiological effects, to a large extent, are attributed to a variety of bioactive phytochemicals, encompassing β -glucan, dietary fiber as well as phenolic compounds, particularly Avenanthramides, the exclusive phenolic compounds in oats, demonstrating multiple and remarkable biological activities such as antioxidation, anti-inflammation, antineoplastic and immunomodulatory effects. In consideration of the promising edible and medicinal values, hence, this article will illustrate the underlying values in food and health of green oat, or its extracts, from the amounts and composition, biological effects concerned as well as the possible molecular mechanisms involved.
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Review J. Food Bioact. 2024;000:000–000
Journal of
Food Bioactives International Society for
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats:
A brief update
Huilin Fang, Hui Zhao and Miao Li*
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Food and Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin
300134, China
*Corresponding author: Miao Li, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Food and Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Food Science, Tianjin
University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China. E-mail:
DOI: 10.31665/JFB.2024.18377
Received: June 18, 2024; Revised received & accepted: June 30, 2024
Citation: Fang, H., Zhao, H., and Li, M. (2024). Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update. J. Food Bioact.
000: 000–000.
Green Oats (Avena sativa L.), also known as “Avena Sativa”, are a type of cereal mainly grown in North America
and Europe. Green Oats are highly effective for targeting a broad spectrum of diseases. The beneficial effects
are largely due to various bioactive phytochemicals, such as β-glucan, dietary fiber, and phenolic compounds,
especially avenanthramides. These nutrients help reduce oxidative damage, inflammation, and tumor pro-
gression, and promote cognitive health. This review highlights the nutraceuticals and health-promoting val-
ues of green oat and its extracts, focusing on their compositions, biological effects, and underlying molecular
Keywords: Green oat; Antioxidant; Avenanthramides; Anti-inflammation; Antineoplastic.
1. Introduction
Green oat (Ave na sativa L.), also known as Wild Green Oat, is
a species of wild and domesticated annual grasses in Gramineae
(Poaceae) family (Leggett, 1992). The genus Avena L. includes
29 to 31 species, with Avena sativa being the primary species
cultivated worldwide, particularly in the Western regions. As an
annual crop, oats have been cultivated for over 2000 years and
are consumed in countries such as China, the USA, Switzerland,
Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden (Sang and Chu, 2017).
Green oat originated in Switzerland and has been included in
the German pharmacopoeia for over 200 years. As the fifth most
economically important cereal, green oat is grown in temperate
regions, particularly in North America and Europe (Peterson and
Murphy, 2000).
Beyond its use as a cereal, green oat has a long history of me-
dicinal use. People often eat the seed of green oats, the leaves and
stem (oat straw), and the oat bran (the outer layer of whole oats).
(Abascal and Yarnell, 2004; Reynertson et al., 2015). In recent dec-
ades, accumulating evidence indicates that green Oats are highly
effective for targeting a broad spectrum of diseases. The beneficial
effects are largely due to various bioactive phytochemicals, such
as β-glucan, dietary fiber, and phenolic compounds, especially av-
enanthramides (AVAs). These phytochemicals have been shown to
be effective in oxidative stress, inflammation, tumor progression,
hyperlipidemia, and cognitive health.
This brief review will be focused on our current understanding
of the main ingredients of green oats and the mechanisms of these
ingredients contributing to the health benefits of green oat.
2. Composition and effects of the polyphenol compounds in
Green Oats
Green Oats possess various bioactive ingredients including car-
bohydrates, protein, lipids, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and
other bioactive substances, offer numerous health benefits by
reducing the risk of diseases such as hyperlipidemia, cardiovas-
cular diseases, and cancers. Among these bioactive ingredients,
polyphenols and their derivatives are not only abundant but also
Journal of Food Bioactives |
Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update Fang et al.
represent beneficial activities of green oats.
2.1. Phenolic compounds
Phenolic compounds, ranging from simple polyphenols to polym-
erized compounds, are a major class of secondary metabolites in
plants. In green oat, phenolic compounds include phenolic acids,
flavonoids, and others such as stilbenes and lignans (Figure 1). Oat
products are a rich source of polyphenols, with significant amounts
of phenolic acids. (Soycan et al., 2019). Major phenolic acids in
oat grains are hydroxybenzoic acids (e.g., protocatechuic, vanillic,
p-hydroxybenzoic, gallic, and syringic acids) and hydroxycinnam-
ic acids (e.g., ferulic, p-coumaric, o-coumaric, caffeic, and sinapic
acids) (Li et al., 2008).
The phenolic acids in green oats display broad health-promot-
ing effects. For example, ferulic acid inhibited tumor activity by
targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 1-mediated angiogen-
esis (Yang et al., 2015). p-Coumaric acid has antibacterial, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, and antitumor effects by promoting
apoptosis and inhibiting cell proliferation. (Hu et al., 2020) (Lou
et al., 2012; Rafiee et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2017). Gallic acid,
another phenolic compound, acts as a free radical scavenger and
inhibits cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) (Amaravani et al., 2012).
2.2. Avenanthramides
AVAs are exclusively found in oats and are the most abundant
phenolic alkaloids with significant physiological effects. Chemi-
cally, AVAs are amide conjugates of anthranilic acid and hydrox-
ycinnamic acids, with the three major types in oats being AVA 2p
(Avenanthramide A, Figure 2), AVA 2f (Avenanthramide B), and
AVA 2c (Avenanthramide C) (Figure 2). AVA 2c has the highest
total antioxidant capacity (Yang et al., 2014). AVAs are present
in all milling fractions and commercial oat products, being more
abundant in oat bran than other tissues (Xie et al., 2024). Further-
more, comparison of the AVA content from five oat samples indi-
cated that AVAs vary in different, species, growth stages, growth
conditions, and locations and levels of AVAs (2p, 2f, 2c in Figure
2) are significantly higher in groats than those in oat hulls (Xie
et al., 2024). In addition, Bratt et al suggested that the amount of
Figure 1. Composition and classification of polyphenols in Oat.
Journal of Food Bioactives | 3
Fang et al. Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update
the specific AVA is not correlated with its antioxidant activity, as
AVA 2c is not the most abundant while it is considered to have
the highest antioxidant capacity (Figure 3) (Bratt et al., 2003).
AVAs exhibit strong antioxidant activity against rancidification
and oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in addition to bioac-
tivities such as anti-inflammation, and anti-neoplasm (Molteberg
et al., 1996) (Xue et al., 2021).
3. Effects and mechanisms of AVAs
3.1. Anti-oxidative stress
Oats are recognized as an excellent source of antioxidants (Pe-
ters, 1937). As the main bioactives of oats, AVAs exhibit highly
potent antioxidant properties both in vitro and in vivo. As for the
mechanisms of anti-oxidative stress, AVAs enhance the activity or
expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase
(SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT), thereby
defending against reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated inju-
ries (Figure 4) (Liu et al., 2011). In particular, AVA 2c reduces
H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human dermal fibroblasts by
regulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes (Wang and Eskiw,
2019). Clinical studies showed that AVA-enriched oat extracts sig-
nificantly increase plasma concentrations of reductive glutathione,
a key antioxidant (Chen et al., 2007). Long-term AVA supple-
mentation benefits health by reducing ROS and inflammatory cy-
tokines (Koenig et al., 2016).
3.2. Anti-inflammation
AVAs have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory proper-
ties in both histocytes (Kang et al., 2018) and immune cells (Dhakal
et al., 2019), and play a role in conditions such as hypersensitivity
(Sur et al., 2008) and neurodegenerative diseases (Wankhede et
al., 2023). They inhibit NF-κB-mediated inflammatory responses
by attenuating IKKβ phosphorylation, thus downregulating pro-
inflammatory cytokines (Figure 5) (Guo et al., 2008; Kang et al.,
2018). AVAs were able to modulate the Phosphoinositide 3-kinase
(PI3K) signaling pathway, which is implicated in the inflammatory
pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and
Alzheimer’s diseases (Wankhede et al., 2023).
3.3. Antineoplastic activity
AVAs exhibit antineoplastic activity by inhibiting cell proliferation,
Figure 2. Molecular structure of the primary components of Avenanthramides.
Figure 3. Levels of AVAs in groats and hulls of oats.
Journal of Food Bioactives |
Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update Fang et al.
promoting apoptosis, and reducing inflammation in tumorigenesis
(Figure 6). They negatively regulate genes involved in survival and
angiogenesis, such as BIRC5, HIF1A, and VEGFA (Scarpa et al.,
2018). AVAs-enriched extracts were identified to inhibit the gen-
eration of COX-2/PGE2 in mouse peritoneal macrophages, which
establishes the inflammatory microenvironments and angiogenesis
Figure 4. Possible mechanism of the antioxidant effects of Avenanthramides.
Figure 5. Possible mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effects of Avenanthramides.
Figure 6. Possible mechanism of the antineoplastic activity of Avenanthramides.
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Fang et al. Polyphenol ingredients and health effects of Green Oats: A brief update
in cancer cells (Guo et al., 2010; Hashemi Goradel et al., 2019).
In addition, AVA 2c suppressed growth of colorectal cancer cells
through promoting senescence by attenuating β-catenin-mediated
transactivation (Fu et al., 2022).
4. Conclusion
Green oat is rich in bioactive nutrients which contribute to target
oxidative damage, inflammation, tumor progression, and promote
cognitive health. Oat extracts have shown significant biological
activities, making them a preferred source for chronic disease
prevention. Of its bioactive substances, polyphenols and AVAs
are not only abundant and heat-stable but also act as the bioac-
tive representatives of green oats. Thus, further research regarding
the bioactive mechanisms and development of processing of green
oat and its extracts, especially AVAs, will be essential to promote
the health and clinical translation of green oat- and/or green oat
extract-based products.
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Full-text available
Oats (Avena sativa L.) are one of the worldwide cereal crops. Avenanthramides (AVNs), the unique plant alkaloids of secondary metabolites found in oats, are nutritionally important for humans and animals. Numerous bioactivities of AVNs have been investigated and demonstrated in vivo and in vitro. Despite all these, researchers from all over the world are taking efforts to learn more knowledge about AVNs. In this work, we highlighted the recent updated findings that have increased our understanding of AVNs bioactivity, distribution, and especially the AVNs biosynthesis. Since the limits content of AVNs in oats strictly hinders the demand, understanding the mechanisms underlying AVN biosynthesis is important not only for developing a renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly source in both plants and microorganisms but also for designing effective strategies for enhancing their production via induction and metabolic engineering. Future directions for improving AVN production in native producers and heterologous systems for food and feed use are also discussed. This summary will provide a broad view of these specific natural products from oats.
Full-text available
Avenanthramides (Avns) and their derivatives, a group of polyphenolic compounds found abundantly in oats (Avena sativa Linn.), have emerged as promising candidates for neuroprotection due to their immense antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic properties. Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), characterized by the progressive degeneration of neurons, present a significant global health burden with limited therapeutic options. The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway plays a crucial role in cell survival, growth, and metabolism, making it an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. The dysregulation of PI3K signaling has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various NDDs including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Avns have been shown to modulate PI3K/AKT signaling, leading to increased neuronal survival, reduced oxidative stress, and improved cognitive function. This review explores the potential of Avn polyphenols as modulators of the PI3K signaling pathway, focusing on their beneficial effects against NDDs. Further, we outline the need for clinical exploration to elucidate the specific mechanisms of Avn action on the PI3K/AKT pathway and its potential interactions with other signaling cascades involved in neurodegeneration. Based on the available literature, using relevant keywords from Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science, our review emphasizes the potential of using Avns as a therapeutic strategy for NDDs and warrants further investigation and clinical exploration.
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Background: Existing research shows that p-coumaric acid (p-CA) can inhibit the proliferation of a variety of tumor cells in vitro. However, there are no reports on the anti-tumor effects of p-CA on melanoma cells. In this study, the inhibitory effects of p-CA on mouse melanoma B16 and human melanoma A375 cells are reported, and the related mechanisms are investigated. Methods: CCK-8 assay was used to detect the effects of p-CA on cell vitality, colony formation assay was used to observe the effects on cell proliferation, Hoechst 33,258 staining was used to observe the morphology of apoptotic cells, flow cytometry was used to detect the effects on apoptosis and the cell cycle, and western blot was used to measure the levels of cell cycle- and apoptosis-related signaling pathway proteins. Results: p-CA significantly inhibits cell proliferation of A375 and B16 cells in a dose-dependent manner and obviously induced cell morphological changes. p-CA arrested A375 cells in the S phase by downregulating the cell cycle-related proteins Cyclin A and CDK2, and arrested B16 cells in the G0–G1 phase through downregulating the cell cycle-related proteins Cyclin E and CDK2. In addition, p-CA significantly promoted apoptosis of A375 and B16 cells. Furthermore, p-CA significantly upregulated the levels of Apaf1 and Bax and downregulated the levels of Bcl-2, and subsequently increased the levels of cytoplasmic cytochrome c (Cyto-c), cleaved caspase-3, and cleaved caspase-9, leading to apoptosis in A375 and B16 cells. Conclusion: p-CA can significantly inhibit the proliferation of human and mouse melanoma cells in vitro. Our research is a step in the development of anti-melanoma drugs.
Full-text available
Background and aims: P-Coumaric acid (PCA) is one the compound that has free radical scavenging effects. This study investigates the protective effect of PCA on tissue damage in DOX-induced nephrotoxicity. Methods: Thirty two Wistar rats were divided into control, PCA, DOX (15 mg/kg, i.p.) and DOX plus PCA (100 mg/kg, orally) groups. DOX-induced nephrotoxicity was indicated by marked increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (Cr) compared to controls. DOX group also showed elevations in lipid peroxidation and reductions in enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT). Expression of renal inflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and apoptosis were also elevated in the DOX group. Results: PCA significantly reversed, nephrotoxicity induced by DOX via lowering BUN, serum Cr and improving histopathological scores as compared to the DOX group. PCA also decreased lipid peroxidation, increased activities of GPx, SOD and CAT, to levels relatively comparable to control. Significant reductions in expression of TNF-α, IL-1β and apoptosis were also observed following Co-administration of PCA relative to the DOX group. Conclusions: Results describe a protective effect of PCA against DOX-induced nephrotoxicity. This effect is likely facilitated through inhibition of oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis.
Full-text available
Oats contain a range of phenolic acids and avenanthramides which may have health benefits. Analysis of 22 commercial oat products (oat bran concentrate, oat bran, flaked oats, rolled oats and oatcakes) using HPLC-DAD detected eleven bound and thirteen free + conjugated phenolic acids and avenanthramides. The oat products (excluding concentrate) provided between 15.79 and 25.05 mg total phenolic acids (9.9-19.33 mg bound, 4.96-5.72 mg free + conjugated) and between 1.1 and 2 mg of avenanthramides in a 40 g portion while an 11 g portion of oat concentrate provided 16.7 mg of total phenolic acids (15.17 mg bound, 1.53 mg free + conjugated) and 1.2 mg of avenanthramides. The compositions and concentrations of the components in the different products were broadly similar, with the major component being ferulic acid (58-78.1%). The results show that commercial oat products are a source of phenolic acids and avenanthramides for consumers.
Full-text available
Natural polyphenols are promising anti-aging compounds not only for their antioxidant activity, but also their ability to activate specific cellular pathways mediating the aging process. Avenanthramide C (Avn C), found exclusively in oats, is a natural antioxidant associated with free radical scavenging; however, it is how this compound elicits other protective effects. We investigated the intracellular antioxidant activity of Avn C and other cytoprotective potential in normal human skin fibroblasts exposed to extracellular stress. Avn C reduced H2O2-induced oxidative stress by reducing intracellular free radical levels and antioxidant gene transcripts. Avn C also resulted in decreased levels of gene transcripts encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to H2O2 or tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). This reduction in cytokine gene transcription occurred concomitantly with reduced phosphorylated nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p65, and decreased NF-κB DNA binding. Avn C further induced heme oxygense-1 (HO-1) expression through increased Nrf2 DNA binding activity, demonstrating a second mechanism by which Avn C attenuates cellular stress. Collectively, our findings indicate that Avn C protects normal human skin fibroblasts against oxidative stress and inflammatory response through NF-κB inhibition and Nrf2/HO-1 activation.
Cellular senescence is representing a potential anticancer therapeutic arsenal. Avenanthramide C (AVN C), as signature compounds of oats, exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-tumor activities. However, the relationship between AVN C and cellular senescence in tumors remains largely unclear. Here, we elucidated that AVN C treatment predisposed colorectal cancer cells to senescent phenotype confirmed by flattened and enlarged shape characteristics, elevated senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity, and G1 phase arrest. Furthermore, AVN C triggered cellular senescence via transcriptionally repressing miR-183/96/182 cluster and subsequently reduced the levels of mature miR-183, -96, and -182. Mechanistically, AVN C exerted its senescence induction by attenuating β-catenin-mediated transactivation of miR-183/96/182 cluster to unleash its common target FOXO1 and two other targets, FOXO3 and SMAD4, which subsequently foster the p21 and p16 expression. In addition, AVN C is also noted to facilitate p53-mediated p21 transactivation via suppressing β-catenin. Collectively, we identified a novel mechanism of β-catenin/miR-183/96/182 cluster/FOXO1 mediated-CRC cellular senescence that entails that AVN C serves as an auxiliary agent for CRC treatment.
Cambridge Core - Global History - The Cambridge World History of Food - edited by Kenneth F. Kiple
Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) is frequently expressed in many types of cancers exerting a pleiotropic and multifaceted role in genesis or promotion of carcinogenesis and cancer cell resistance to chemo‐ and radiotherapy. COX‐2 is released by cancer‐associated fibroblasts (CAFs), macrophage type 2 (M2) cells, and cancer cells to the tumor microenvironment (TME). COX‐2 induces cancer stem cell (CSC)‐like activity, and promotes apoptotic resistance, proliferation, angiogenesis, inflammation, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells. COX‐2 mediated hypoxia within the TME along with its positive interactions with YAP1 and antiapoptotic mediators are all in favor of cancer cell resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. COX‐2 exerts most of the functions through its metabolite prostaglandin E2. In some and limited situations, COX‐2 may act as an antitumor enzyme. Multiple signals are contributed to the functions of COX‐2 on cancer cells or its regulation. Members of mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and nuclear factor‐κβ are main upstream modulators for COX‐2 in cancer cells. COX‐2 also has interactions with a number of hormones within the body. Inhibition of COX‐2 provides a high possibility to exert therapeutic outcomes in cancer. Administration of COX‐2 inhibitors in a preoperative setting could reduce the risk of metastasis in cancer patients. COX‐2 inhibition also sensitizes cancer cells to treatments like radio‐ and chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents adversely induce COX‐2 activity. Therefore, choosing an appropriate chemotherapy drugs along with adjustment of the type and does for COX‐2 inhibitors based on the type of cancer would be an effective adjuvant strategy for targeting cancer.