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Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment. Vol 8 (2024), No.3
Journal home page: http://ajarcde-safe-network.org ISSN 2581-0405
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Content Marketing Optimization to Increase Consumer Engagement at Brand
Necerel on the Instagram platform
Al Hisyam Nurussyahban1, Denlora Nor Muhammad2, Abdurahman3, Risqi Firdaus Setiawan4
1,2,3,4 Faculty of Agriculture, Agribusiness Study Program, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” East Java. Indonesia
Article History:
Received: 02 June 2024
Final Revision: 27 June 2024
Accepted: 08 July 2024
Online Publication: 09 July 2024
Content Marketing Optimization to Increase Consumer Engagement at Brand
Necerel on Instagram Platform. Introduction, Marketing 4.0 provides an
important role for marketers to guide the customer journey from the initial stage
to the final stage. Content Marketing is a marketing strategy that ensures
definite identification with strong analysis to attract the attention of potential
customers distributed through digital media. The main purpose of implementing
content marketing is to increase customer engagement. Methods: MBKM
Independent Internship activities for students of the National Development
University “Veteran” East Java at Qurota Academy as Digital Marketers at
@Necerel.id began on February 19 - June 19, 2024. Internship activities are
carried out face-to-face (Offline) at the Office located at Jalan Selat Karimata
Block E3/1, Sawojajar, District. Kedungkandang, Malang City, East Java,
65139. The results of this study help optimize Content Marketing to Increase
Consumer Engagement at Brand Necerel on the Instagram platform.
Content Marketing, Consumer Engagement,
Instagram platform
*E-mail: risqi.f.agribis@upnjatim.ac.id
1.1. Background
A new approach to marketing in the digital economy is needed to
adapt to the natural changes in customer pathways that demand a
personal touch. Marketing 4.0 gives marketers the role of guiding
the customer journey from the initial stage to the final stage.
Marketing 4.0, also known as Digital Marketing, offers the latest
knowledge on various marketing strategies, one of which is
Content Marketing. A digital marketing effort is closely related
to customer engagement. Customer Engagement is an action that
can make consumers contribute to the business, the form of
contribution is not only limited to product purchases but
contributions can also be given such as feedback, suggestions, and
ideas [1]. That way, the marketing communication carried out by
the company can run well, which in turn builds a strong
Media development now uses computer and internet technology
to combine text, photos and videos. The rapid development of
communication technology has given birth to various social
media, digital platforms that allow interaction and promotion of
products and services effectively and quickly, such as Instagram.
Ref. [2] state that social media offers additional options for
marketers to monitor consumer attention, build brand awareness,
and increase consumer engagement. Many companies also utilize
social media as a platform to receive opinions, criticism, and
feedback from consumers. Social media marketing also requires
customer engagement, which is a psychological process that
forms the basic mechanism for creating customer loyalty to new
brands [3]. Customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, and value
positively affect customer engagement, which in turn increases
loyalty intentions. This suggests that customer engagement
mediates the relationship between these factors and loyalty
MBKM Independent Internship is part of "Merdeka Belajar-
Kampus Merdeka", providing an opportunity to contribute to a
company with various benefits. This program replaces classroom
Nurussyahban et al. https://doi.org/10.29165/ajarcde.v8i3.450
learning, especially for students who want to hone their digital
marketing skills, and improve their skills in managing marketing
projects. Internship cooperation with companies is the right
choice for students of the UPN "Veteran" East Java Agribusiness
Study Program, creating a strong foundation for cooperation
with companies. The Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka
(MBKM) program has a very important role in the development
and progress of the nation. The role of MBKM is to organize
cooperation between the fields of industry and education. There
is continuity and cooperation in the fields of industry and
education, the industry will support the need to develop the
Indonesian economy. Meanwhile, the education sector will play
a role in implementing the knowledge gained from the industry
through students who have the opportunity to gain experience in
the world of work.
Necerel is an Indonesian company located in Sawojajar,
Malang Regency. It acts as a manufacturer, advertiser, and
organizer of courses on making natural body care products. They
aim to educate the public on the benefits of using natural-based
products. Assisted by a team of pharmacists, Necerel produces
body care and beauty products that are safe and scientifically
tested. With a digital marketing strategy, the company believes it
can reach many lovers of natural products who prioritize skin
health. Necerel offers a wide range of courses on making
complete body care products from head to toe. Their products
include various types such as bar and liquid shampoos for hair,
bar and liquid soaps and lip balms for the face, and bar soaps,
liquid soaps, and deo balms for the body.
Ref. [4] Indonesia in 2020 had a population of 271.1 million,
with 64.4% active internet users and 58.8% social media users.
YouTube is the most popular platform (88%), followed by
WhatsApp (84%), Facebook (82%), and Instagram (79%). These
social media are used to share content in various formats,
effectively as a means of content marketing. [5] Creating
attractive advertisements with good and clear words can trigger
impulse buying or sudden purchases from internet users
(netizens) who see them accidentally.
The main goal of content marketing is to increase customer
engagement by understanding customer needs and sharing them
through informative content. It influences customer behavior,
helps them make purchasing decisions, and plays an important
role in effective communication that measures customer
engagement. Customer loyalty can accelerate marketing growth
as loyal customers are often the best marketers. Potential
consumers tend to trust more positive recommendations about a
product submitted by previous consumers. Ref. Ref. [6] state
Loyal customers are individuals who make repeat purchases
consistently recommend products to others and tend not to be
interested in competing products. Ref. 7] State that customer
satisfaction encourages their desire to repurchase and recommend
the products and services used. Several previous studies have also
shown that customer satisfaction has a positive impact on the
intention to repurchase and recommend goods and services.
One strategy to increase customer engagement is by using
content marketing on the Instagram platform. The Instagram
social media account owned by Necerel is @Necerel.id with
13,200 followers and 309 uploads as of June 06, 2024. Every day
create content and also monitor the Instagram account for
interaction by replying to comments on content, replying to
messages, and observing instagram analytic tools such as likes,
shares, impressions, engagement, and so on. this form of
interaction is one form of customer engagement.
1.2. Literature Review
1.2.1. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is defined as the use of technology to assist in
marketing activities that aim to increase consumer awareness by
adapting to consumer needs [8]. Digital marketing is marketing
using the application of digital technology. One form of digital
marketing using electronic media or the internet is internet
marketing (e-marketing). E-Marketing is a marketing process that
uses electronic communication technology, especially the
internet. The role of digital marketing strategies can be important
in following the development of digital technology and
developing plans to attract consumers and direct them to a
combination of electronic communication and traditional
Ref, [9] Describes that digital marketing has the following
1. Efforts to increase business interactivity with customers
that depend on technology.
2. An electronic dialog (interactive technology) to provide
access to information to customers (communities,
individuals), and vice versa.
3. Efforts to conduct all business activities through the
internet for research, analysis and planning purposes to
find, attract and retain customers.
4. Efforts to increase the acceleration of buying and selling
(certain) goods and services, information and ideas via the
1.2.2. Content Marketing
According to Ref. [10], Content marketing is management that
ensures precise identification, with strong analysis to attract the
attention of potential customers distributed through digital media.
Content marketing is a promotional strategy by creating and
disseminating commercial content to provide written or spoken
information to consumers through websites, social media, blogs,
videos. [11] explain that content as a marketing strategy through
websites, social media, blogs, videos and podcasts has an
important role to convey company value.
1.2.3. Consumer Engagement
Customer engagement is an interaction that occurs repeatedly
between customers and brands that can strengthen the emotional
and psychological side of the customer against the brand [12].
Customer engagement focuses on satisfying customers by
providing value or value that is superior to competitors to build
customer trust and commitment in long-term relationships [13].
In the context of e-marketing, customer engagement aims to
increase the time and attention given by customers to a brand on
the website or social media. Social media interactivity can
increase customer engagement and encourage the formation of
commitment between sellers and buyers. There are seven stages
in the process of building customer engagement, namely
connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention, commitment,
advocacy, and engagement.
https://doi.org/10.29165/ajarcde.v8i3.450 Nurussyahban et al.
1.2.4. Bodycare
Bodycare is a body skin treatment that is done to maintain the
health and beauty of the skin so that it is well maintained.
However, we also need to pay attention to the ingredients in the
bodycare products that we will use. Bodycare contains several
cosmetic additives such as coloring ingredients, sunscreen
ingredients and preservatives. Preservatives are ingredients used
with the aim of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms [14].
Product quality is a feedback obtained from consumers not from
the company. So, after consumers buy the product, there will be
factors that will affect the quality of the product, namely the
product quality expected by consumers and what is felt after
consumers use the product [15].
Bodycare is a body skin treatment that is done to maintain the
health and beauty of the skin so that it is well maintained.
However, we also need to pay attention to the ingredients in the
bodycare products that we will use. Bodycare contains several
cosmetic additives such as coloring ingredients, sunscreen
ingredients and preservatives. Preservatives are ingredients used
with the aim of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms [8]
Product quality is a feedback obtained from consumers not
from the company. So, after consumers buy the product, there will
be factors that will affect the quality of the product, namely the
product quality expected by consumers and what is felt after
consumers use the product [9].
MBKM Independent Internship activities for students of the
National Development University "Veteran" East Java at Qurota
Academy as Digital Marketers at @Necerel.id Internship
activities are carried out face-to-face (offline) at the office located
at Jalan Selat Karimata Block E3/1, Sawojajar, District.
Kedungkandang, Malang City, East Java, 65139. The expected
result of this activity is that it can help optimize Content
Marketing to Increase Consumer Engagement at Brand Necerel
on the Instagram platform.
In this study, researchers used primary data sources, namely
data sources that directly provide data to data collectors [10], and
secondary data sources, namely sources that do not directly
provide data to data collectors. Secondary data sources in this
study were obtained from observation and documentation, in the
form of field conditions from the research site and supporting
In this study, the data obtained through (1) Observation: a
method of data collection is carried out by directly observing,
seeing and digging up the information needed from the object of
research. Observations carried out by carrying out tasks that have
been divided and implementing and evaluating (2) Interview /
discussion: one of the data collection techniques carried out by
researchers directly. Interviews/discussions were conducted
during the Independent Internship MBKM activities with mentors
and supervisors from necerel (3) Documentation: is a
complement to data from observations and interviews conducted
on the Instagram account @Necerel.id. Researchers obtained
documentation directly in the field in the form of photos, weekly
materials and power points.
Content marketing is considered to create closeness with the
audience so that marketers can more easily achieve the objectives
of marketing communication activities. However, the condition
that must be met is the relevance of the content to the audience
[11]. Content marketing can be distributed (published) through
several mediums, such as websites, social media, blogs, vlogs,
and applications on tablets and smartphones. The choice of media
is tailored to the intended target market and the characteristics of
the content and purpose of the message.
Necerel focuses on courses in making natural body care
products such as shampoo, soap, deodorant, and others. Their
target market is expanding due to increased demand, driven by
building brand awareness through digital marketing. One of the
ways is by holding online classes through Zoom, so that they can
reach consumers outside Malang City. In increasing Customer
Engagement through Content Marketing on the Instagram
platform, there are several stages including the following:
3.1. Content Planning
Content planning is a detailed strategy for creating, publishing,
and managing content consistently, which aims to attract and
retain the target audience. The content plan consists of setting
goals, mapping the target market, content planning and ideation,
content creation, content distribution, content reinforcement,
content marketing evaluation, and content marketing
improvement. One aspect that is still not maximized in the content
marketing strategy at @Necerel.id is content evaluation.
Hopefully, the content presented can have an impact on the
content that has been posted such as providing information and
referring to orders for bodycare courses at Necerel.
Content planning on the Instagram platform by filling out a
content creation schedule so that it is structured and planned,
every day the content created is 2 content in the form of feeds,
stories, and reels. Determination of the day of the content to be
created, the topic / theme of the content to be raised, the content
pillar where each content has its own purpose with this purpose
the content prepared aims to promote, educate, or conversation,
the type of content to be used so that the size or proportion used
in the content is appropriate, Softsellig where the content will lead
to the sale of products / courses in necerel or not lead to sales,
CTA (Call To Action) on the content becomes the goal of the
audience whether the content can be interesting so that it can be
liked, commented on and shared, and determining the title of the
content is very important because the title of the content can have
a view of content creation. Some series of content plans need to
be done so that the content produced can have alignment with the
vision and mission of necerel.
Nurussyahban et al. https://doi.org/10.29165/ajarcde.v8i3.450
Fig. 1. Content Planning
Fig. 2. Content Creation
3.2. Increasing Content
Increasing the reach of viewers at necerel uses two, namely
organic reach and paid or advertising usually to increase the reach
of accounts or social media posts from necerel itself. Organic
Reach is a metric used in social media marketing that shows the
number of unique accounts that have seen posts or content on
social media platforms. Organic reach itself only relies on post
hours, hastags, and captions that contain keywords. In other
words, the number of eyes that have seen the post once.
Meanwhile, paid/advertised reach is the number of people who
see paid social media posts in their feeds and instastories. Paid
reach options allow businesses to purchase increased exposure for
their social media updates. They will often be shown to users with
the term "sponsored"
Fig. 3. Increasing Content
2.1 Content Evaluation
Content evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the
performance of published content to determine its effectiveness
in achieving marketing goals, by measuring metrics such as the
number of impressions, interactions, conversions, and feedback
from the audience. necerel to evaluate each content that has been
published by looking at audience interactions with likes,
comments, and shares made. after the the interaction is seen, the
actions taken are in stages including.
Fig. 4. Content Evaluation
https://doi.org/10.29165/ajarcde.v8i3.450 Nurussyahban et al.
A content will be evaluated in two stages, namely meeting the
target and not meeting the target, when the target is met, the
content will definitely be developed by advertising the content so
that a wide audience can be covered and making the content more
targeted at the planned target. when the target is not met, Necerel
will change the content to suit the desired target market.
The conclusion of the journal "Optimizing Content Marketing to
Increase Consumer Engagement with Brand Necerel on the
Instagram platform" is that the Content Marketing strategy can
increase consumer engagement with Brand Necerel on the
Instagram platform. Necerel must continue to improve the quality
of content and interaction with its customers to increase customer
awareness and trust in its brand. This research shows that digital
marketing strategies, including content marketing, are very
important to keep up with the development of digital technology
and develop plans to attract consumers and lead them to a blend
of electronic communication and traditional communication.
We would like to thank Mr. Risqi Firdaus Setiawan, SP, MP, as
the Supervisor of the independent internship; Ms. Lilyan P N, SS,
MBA, as the CEO of Necerel; Ms. Farida P N, S. Kom, as the
CMO of Necerel; Mr. Raindiza S, ST, as the COO of Necerel;
and all parties who have participated in the independent
internship activities. Thank you for all the knowledge provided
and the opportunity for us to develop our soft skills very well.
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