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Central neurological manifestations in a sample of Syrian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: cross-sectional study


Abstract and Figures

Introduction We aimed to study systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) central neurological patterns and their correlations with the disease activity. Patients and Methods Our retrospective observational study was carried out on admitted SLE patients. The patients’ demographic data, clinical examinations, laboratory tests, imaging studies and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) were recorded. Results 36 SLE patients had neurological manifestations from 203 patients, but 8 patients were excluded. 90.2% were females. The age of neuro-lupus manifestation was 24,1+2,9 years. Neurological manifestations were the initial presentation in 25% of patients. General seizures were the frequent manifestation. SLEDAI was 29.51±18.43, while it was 18.3±9.2 among patients without neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). 25% of patients had pleocytosis on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Small lesions were seen in 57,1% of patients on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs), and large lesions were observed in 10,6%. These findings were compatible with the disease activity. Discussion Central nervous system involvement ranged between 10%-80%, and much more with active disease. The frequent finding was general seizures. Psychosis and cognitive impairment were relatively frequent. Adult NPSLE manifestations had developed before or around the time of SLE diagnosis and within the first year after diagnosis. These manifestations were directly correlated to the disease activity. Abnormality in CSF is characterized by slight pleocytosis, and elevation of protein with normal fructose. MRI is the neuroimaging test of choice for NPSLE in clinical practice. Conclusion Central neurological involvement in SLE was seen early in the course of the disease , and correlating to the disease activity.
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Central neurological manifestations in a sample of
Syrian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus:
cross-sectional study
Maysoun Kudsia, Bassel Achmehc,*, Naram Khalayli, MDb, Karam Rabahe, Nour Rabahe, Lama Al_Darwishd,
Fatima Alzahraa Alghawe, MDc
Introduction: The authors aimed to study systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) central neurological patterns and their correlations
with the disease activity.
Patients and methods: The authorsretrospective observational study was carried out on admitted SLE patients. The patients
demographic data, clinical examinations, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index
(SLEDAI) were recorded.
Results: Thirty-six SLE patients had neurological manifestations from 203 patients, but 8 patients were excluded. 90.2% were
females. The age of neuro-lupus manifestation was 24.1 +2.9 years. Neurological manifestations were the initial presentation in 25%
of patients. General seizures were the frequent manifestation. SLEDAI was 29.51 ±18.43, while it was 18.3 ±9.2 among patients
without neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Twenty-ve percent of patients had pleocytosis on cerebrospinal
uid (CSF) analysis. Small lesions were seen in 57.1% of patients on brain MRIs, and large lesions were observed in 10.6%. These
ndings were compatible with the disease activity.
Discussion: Central nervous system involvement ranged between 10 and 80%, and much more with active disease. The frequent
nding was general seizures. Psychosis and cognitive impairment were relatively frequent. Adult NPSLE manifestations had
developed before or around the time of SLE diagnosis and within the rst year after diagnosis. These manifestations were directly
correlated to the disease activity. Abnormality in CSF is characterized by slight pleocytosis, and elevation of protein with normal
fructose. MRI is the neuroimaging test of choice for NPSLE in clinical practice.
Conclusion: Central neurological involvement in SLE was seen early in the course of the disease, and correlating to the disease
Keywords: cognitive impairment, neurological manifestation, neuro-lupus, SLE
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic connective tis-
sue disease, that predominates in women, Asian and Hispanic
Neurologic symptoms occur in 691%, either before the
diagnosis of SLE or during its course
, even without serologic
activity or disease clinical presentations
. This wide range of
prevalence is due to variable presentations, using different study
designs, different criteria, and different methods for
. It involves both central and peripheral nervous
The neuro-manifestations of SLE is classied into primary,
which is related to the direct involvement of the neuro system, and
secondary, which is related to the disease complications and/or its
. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has
formulated the denition of neuro-lupus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) primarily affects
women, Asian, and Hispanic populations.
Neurologic symptoms can occur in SLE cases and are
classied as primary or secondary involvement.
Sixty percent of Syrian SLE patients experienced neuro-
lupus manifestations.
The most common symptoms of neuro-lupus were head-
aches, seizures, and cognitive disorders.
Patients with neuro-lupus had higher SLE disease activity
scores, and a signicant association was found between
neuropsychiatric symptoms and anti-dsDNA antibodies.
Departments of
Faculty of Medicine, Damascus
Sham Private University, Damascus and
Faculty of Medicine, Syrian
Private University, Daraa, Syria
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at
the end of this article.
Published online 8 July 2024
*Corresponding author. Address. Bassel Achmeh, 36 Bab-Touma Street,
Damascus, Damascus, Governorate 20000, Syria. Tel.: +96 393 671 0885.
E-mail: (B. Achmeh).
Received 23 October 2023; Accepted 30 June 2024
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an
open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NoDerivatives License 4.0, which allows for redistribution, commercial and non-
commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the
Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024) 86:50965100
Cross-sectional Study
Studies have found that the frequent presentations were
headaches, seizures, cerebrovascular diseases, cranial neuro-
pathies, movement disorders, psychosis, cognitive disorders, and
The pathological etiologies are still obscure. Autoantibody
production, micro-angiopathy, intrathecal production of pro-
inammatory cytokines, and premature atherosclerosis play a
This retrospective cohort study took place to evaluate the
frequency and characteristics of these manifestations, in a sample
of Syrian SLE patients and correlate them with the disease activity
since there have been no studies of NPSLE in Syria.
Patients and methods
Our retrospective observational study took place from
January.2015 to January. 2022. The hospital les of 203 SLE
patients were examined.
Inclusion criteria included SLE patients, diagnosed according
to the ACR criteria
, and the presence of SLE-related neuro-
logical symptoms, after signing the informed consent
Exclusion criteria included SLE patients with strokes, intra-
venous drug abuse, neurological infections, and encephalopathies
due to other causes, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and elec-
trolyte disturbances.
We divided our cohort of patients into two groups. Group
A including patients with neuropsychiatric manifestations,
and Group B including those without neuropsychiatric
Demographic data, disease duration, clinical, labotorial, and
imaging ndings of the disease were collected and analyzed.
Neuropsychiatric manifestations were reported from patients
medical records, including: Headaches, psychosis, seizures,
transient ischemic attacks, strokes, transverse myelitis, Cognitive
dysfunctions, chorea, cranial neuropathies and peripheral neu-
ropathies, based on ACR denition of neuro-SLE
Laboratory tests included: Complete blood count, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, urea, creatinine, and liver
enzymes. All analyzed within 1 h after the collection of samples.
Immune prole included: Complement (C3, and 4), ANA,
Anti-Smith, anti-ds DNA, Lupus Anticoagulant, anti-cardiolipin,
anti-β2-glycoprotein 1 antibodies.
Urinalysis and 24 h proteinuria analysis, were performed.
Cerebrospinal uid analysis was performed, when necessary.
Nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and electro-
encephalography if necessary were also performed. Conduction
velocity of action potential in meters per second was the used
MRI of the brain was done using (3 Tesla) Siemens machine, in
addition to MR angiography when necessary.
The disease activity index of the SLEDAI contained 20 vari-
ables, and was used to evaluate the disease activity. Patients were
classied as: high (20), moderate (1020), and mild/in remission
Statistical analysis
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 23,
and Excel2010 were used. Data were presented as mean standard
deviations and percentiles. The t-student test, χ
test, and Fishers
exact test were utilized. The KolmogorovSmirnov was used to
verify the normality of variables distribution. Pvalueless than
0.05 was considered statically signicant.
Our study is compatible with the STROCCS guidelines of the
annals of medicine and surgery journal
As shown in Table 1, this study included 203 patients with SLE.
Thirty-six (17.73%) of SLE patients) had neurological manifes-
tations, and 167 patients without NPSLE. Eight patients were
excluded from neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus;
due to the presence of uremic encephalopathy resulting from
renal involvement by SLE (4 patients), hypertension-induced
intracranial hemorrhage (2 patients), meningitis (2 patients), and
the remaining were 28 patients. In 8 out of 28 patients (25%),
neurological manifestations were the initial presentation of SLE.
The mean age of group A was 27.4 ±7.7 (1850), while it was
28.4 ±8.5 (1852) years in group B. In group A, 26 (90.2%)
were females, and 2 (7.1%) were males, while in group B, 155
(92.81%)were females, and12 (7.1%) were males. The mean
duration of the disease was 5.9 ±3.8 years in group A, and
6.1 ±3.5 years in group B.
In patients of group A, malar rash was present in 78.5%
(n=22), photosensitivity in 64.2% (n=18). Serositis in 53.2%
(n=15) patients, arthralgia was noted in almost all patients
92.7% (n=26), articular arthritis was noted in 53.2% (n=15)
patients, hematological disorders in 42.5% (n=12), renal
involvement in 82.1% (n=23), cardiac manifestations in 6
(21.42%), pulmonary manifestations in 4 (14.28%), thrombotic
event in 5 (17.85%), fatigue in 18 (28%) patients, and fever in
28% (n=18) patients. While in group B, the malar rash was
present in 78.44% (n=131), photosensitivity in 59.88%
(n=100). Arthralgia was noted in almost all patients 98.20%
Table 1
Comparison between the studied groups according to
demographic data
Patients with
(group A) (n=28)
Patients without
(group B) (n=167) P
Age in years
(mean ±SD)
27.4 ±7.7 (1850) 28.4 ±8.5 (1852) NS
Sex, N(%)
Female 26 (90.2) 155 (92.81) NS
Male 2 (7.1) 12 (7.1)
Educational level, N(%)
Bachelor, or less 18 (64.28) 35 (20.95) NS
University 8 (28.57) 132 (79.04) <0.05
Marital status, N(%)
Single 10 (35.71) 54 (32.33) NS
Married 18 (64.28) 113 (67.66) NS
Employed 18 (64.28) 100 (59.88) NS
Unemployed 10 (35.71) 67 (40.11) NS
Menstrual period
Normal 14 (50) 126 (75.44) <0.05
Abnormal 14 (50) 41 (24.55) <0.05
Disease duration 5.9 ±3.8 6.1 ±3.5 NS
Statistically signicant P values are in bold.
NS, not specied.
Kudsi et al. Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024)
(n=164), articular arthritis was noted in 50.89% (n=85)
patients, hematological disorders in 47.90% (n=80), renal
involvement in 52.09% (n=87), and fever in 28.74% (n=48)
patients. Renal involvement was signicantly higher in group A
patients compared to group B patients (P<0.05).
SLEDAI was 20.1 ±8.2 in group A patients and 13.9 ±6.9
(P<0.05) in group B patients.
Headaches had the highest percentage 28.57%, then seizures
21.42%, cognitive dysfunction 10.7%, and nally psychosis
10.7% (Table 2).
Generalized seizures in 5 out of 6 patients (83.33%), and 5 out
of 28 patients (17.85%) were the most frequent type of seizures.
One patient had a partial seizure in the form of epilepsy partials
continuing to involve the facial muscles.
Persistent headache, not relieved by narcotics was present in 5
(17.85%) patients.
Cognitive impairment assessment of group A, by using the mean
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
score was 28.79 ±
1.98, while i t was 19.71 ±6.12(P<0.05) in group B patients.
Out of 28 patients studied, 25 (89.28%) had normal cognitive
function with an MMSE score between 24 and 30. Two patients
(7.1%) had mild cognitive impairment, with a score between 18 and
23, while one (3.57%) had severe cognitive impairment. (Table 3).
Laboratory ndings at the presentation
As shown in Table 4, results of complete blood picture were
compared between both groups, with an evaluation of different
laboratory abnormalities found in patients of SLE as anemia,
leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
and there was no signicant difference between both groups.
However, regarding immunological prole, group A patients had
lower C3 and C4 levels, and more lupus anticoagulant level, ACL
level, and β2 GP 1 level.
Cerebral spinal uid (CSF) analysis
CSF was performed and analyzed in 8 patients from group A.
Fifty-eight percent of the CSF analysis were completely normal,
25% revealed pleocytosis, 18% showed increased protein con-
tent, and 2% showed decreased glucose levels (Table 4).
Brain images in NPSLE patients
Among the 28 available brain MRIs, small lesions were seen in 16
(57.1%) brain MRIs, and large lesions were observed in two
(10.6%) MRIs. All abnormal MRIs revealed hyperintense lesions
in T2-weighted images, but only in 14 (50%), MRIs were cor-
responding hypointense lesions in T1-weighted images. These
characteristics were compatible with ischemic/demyelinating
lesions. Twelve patients had high disease activity (SLEDAI 20).
Nerve conduction studies and electromyography revealed a
myogenic pattern in 3 (10.7%) patients; there was myositis and a
neurogenic pattern with conduction block in the patient with the
GuillainBarre syndrome.
A treatment comparison between the two groups is revealed in
Table 5.
Table 2
The neuro-manifestations of SLE
Manifestation Frequency (percentage), N(%)
Headache 8 (28.57)
Seizure 6 (21.42)
Cognitive dysfunction 3 (10.7)
Psychosis 3 (10.7)
Cranial neuropathy 3 (10.7)
Peripheral neuropathy 2 (7.14)
Stroke 2 (7.14)
Aseptic meningitis 1 (3.57)
Table 3
MMSE score
Score Patients Percentage (%)
2430 25 89.28
1823 2 7.14
017 1 3.57
MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination.
Table 4
Laboratory ndings at the presentation of both groups
Laboratory parameter
NPSLE patients
(group A) (28), N(%)
SLE patients (group
B) (167), N(%) P
ANA 27 (96.42) 155 (92.8) NS
Anti-ds DNA 20 (71.42) 100 (59.88) <0.05
Anti-smith 4 (14.28) 27 (16.16) NS
C3 9 (32.14) 90 (53.89) <0.05
C4 7 (25) 82 (49.10)
Leukopenia 10 (35.71) 54 (32.33) NS
Lymphopenia 6 (21.42) 42 (25.14) NS
Thrombocytopenia 4 (14.28) 18 (10.77) NS
Lupus anticoagulant 4 (14.28%) 6 (4.7%) <0.05
Ig M 5 (17.85) 7 (4.19%) <0.05
Ig G 5 (17.85) 7 (4.19%) <0.05
Anti β2GP1
Ig M 2 (7.4%) 1 (0.59%) <0.05
Ig G 2 (7.4%) 1 (0.59%) <0.05
Statistically signicant P values are in bold.
ACL anti-cardiolipin; ANA antinuclear antibody; Anti β2 GP 1 anti β2 glycoprotein I; Anti-dsDNA anti-
double stranded DNA antibodies; C3, complement 3; C4, complement 4; NPSLE, neuropsychiatric
systemic lupus erythematosus; NS, not specied; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Table 5
Treatment of both groups.
NPSLE patients
(group A), N(%)
SLE patients
(group B), N(%) P
<10 mg/day 7 (25) 42 (25.14) <0.05
1020 10 (35.71) 82 (49.1)
2030 8 (28.57) 26 (15.56)
>40 3 (10.71) 17 (10.17)
Methyleprednisolone 15 (53.57) 84 (50.29)
Hydroxychloroquine 24 (85.71) 142 (85.02)
Azathioprine 12 (42.85) 80 (47.90)
Cyclophosphamide 7 (25) 47 (28.14)
Mycophenolate mofetil 5 (17.85) 34 (20.35)
Rituximab 4 (14.28) 4 (2.3) <0.05
Statistically signicant P values are in bold.
NPSLE, neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Kudsi et al. Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024) Annals of Medicine & Surgery
Nervous system involvement in SLE is frequent, serious, poten-
tially treatable, and affects both central nervous system (CNS)
and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Central involvement can
present as aseptic meningitis, cerebrovascular accidents, head-
aches, psychosis, and many others. It usually occurs during the
active disease
CNS involvement ranged between 10 and 80% (3), according
to studies, as in our one (17.73%). In this present study, head-
aches were the frequent presentation followed by seizures,
decreased level of consciousness, and weakness. This is compa-
tible with some other studies
. Meanwhile, seizures were a
frequent neurological feature in other studies that had occurred
during the disease course alone or with another neurological
The frequency of headaches among SLE patients is (2868%),
and it was 66%, which is compatible with studies
Studies have registered the frequency of cerebrovascular acci-
dents among SLE patients
. The frequency of a cerebrovascular
disease in our study was 35.6%, while it was less than that in the
studies of to Futrell and Milikan
. This may have been due to
their small-sized patients sample (105), and the study of risk
factors for stroke.
Acute meningitis and cranial nerve palsy are rare
, as in our
case. The use of non-steroidal anti-inammatory treatment may
cause meningitis as a side effect
. We had one patient with this
In our study, psychosis and cognitive impairment were the
frequent presentations.
Psychosis and depression are frequent. Psychosis must be dif-
ferentiated from corticosteroid-induced psychosis
. Cognitive
impairment occurs frequently due to the diagnostic criteria
. Cognitive impairment was 10.7% in our series, and this is
in contrast with other results
. These variable differences
may be due to criteria selection, geographic region, and ethnicity.
In 8 patients (25%), neurological symptoms were the initial
presentation of SLE, moreover, it may be developed earlier and in
younger patients. Our results are compatible with some
SLEDAI score was signicantly higher in patients with group A
compared to those of group B. In addition, the neurological
manifestations were directly correlated to the disease activity
such as in our study.
CSF ndings in neuro-lupus are pleocytosis, elevated protein,
and normal sugar level
, as 25% of our patients had elevated
white blood cells.
MRI is the best neuro-imagining tool for detecting NPSLE
Our results showed that small lesions were found in 57.1%, and
large ones were seen in 10.6%. Abnormal MRIs revealed hypo-
dense lesions in T1-weighted images, and hyperdense lesions in
T2-weighted images, which is compatible with previous
EEG abnormalities were observed in patients with clinical
neuro-lupus, but it may be an indicator for subclinical neuro-
. In our study, electromyography revealed a myogenic
pattern in 3 (10.7%) patients; there was myositis and a neuro-
genic pattern, with conduction block in the patient with the
GuillainBarre syndrome, like some other previous studies
The limitation to our study was the small sample size enrolled
in one center, when compared to the different neurological pub-
lished articles (Table 6).
Ethical approval/declaration of Helsinki
Approval of Ethical Board (NS: 2321) was credited, and in
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the study was
Written informed consent was obtained from the patients for
publication and any accompanying images. A copy of the written
consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this
journal on request.
Source of funding
Not applicable.
Author contribution
M.K.: supervision, writingreview and editing. B.A.: con-
ceptualization, writingoriginal draft , writingreview and
editing. N.K.: data curation, writingreview and editing. K.R.:
writingreview and editing. N.R.: writingreview and editing.
L.A.D.: data curation, writing. F.A.A.: resources, review.
Table 6
The different neurological published articles
Study features Present study Robert et al.
Brey et al.
Sanna et al.
Khare et al.
No. patients included in the study 52 50 128 323 35
Nervous system involvement, N(%) 19 (36.54) 39 (78) 102 (80) 185 (57.3) 35 (100)
Cognitive dysfunction, N(%) 11 (57.89) 7 (17.95) 35 (10.8) 3 (9)
Seizure, N(%) 8 (42.1) 8 (20.51) 21 (16) 27 (8.3) 23 (66)
Acute confusional state, N(%) 6 (31.57) 6 (16.2) 12 (3.7) 7 (20)
Headache, N(%) 5 (26.31) 20 (55.6) 73 (57) 78 (24) 2 (6)
Depression, N(%) 5 (26.1) 37 (28)
Psychosis, N(%) 4 (21.05) 6 (16.2) 6 (5) 25 (7.7) 3 (9)
Polyneuropathy, N(%) 4 (21.05) 29 (22) 2 (6)
Cerebrovascular accident, N(%) NS 6 (16.2) 2 (2) 47 (14.5) 2 (6)
Movement disorder, N(%) NS 8 (20.51) 1 (1)
NS, not specied.
Kudsi et al. Annals of Medicine & Surgery (2024)
Conicts of interest disclosure
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Research registration unique identifying number
Researchregistry 9187
Maysoun Kudsi.
Data availability statement
Not applicable.
Provenance and peer review
This paper is published solely and not invited.
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Unlabelled: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with unknown etiology. It involves multiple organs and presents as varying clinical manifestations such as renal involvement (nephritis) and hematological disorders. Materials and methods: One hundred sixty people, divided equally into two groups: SLE patients, diagnosed according to the 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism criteria, and healthy controls matched in age and gender, attending the University Hospitals between April 2019 and January 2021. White blood cells count, neutrophils count, lymphocytes count, platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, serum complements (C3 and C4), anti-double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and the SLE disease activity by using Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) was compared between the patient group and the control group. Demographic data were collected from all participants, and data on the disease, including disease durations and disease activity, were only collected from the patients. Results: The age of the patients was 30.49±10.979 years, while it was 34.54±13.710 years in the control group (P=0.249). In all, 90% were females and 10% were males in the patient's group, while 85% were female and 15% were males in the control group. NLR and PLR were significantly higher in SLE patients compared to healthy control. A significant relation was found between SLEDAI and NLR and PLR. Conclusion: The NLR and PLR are correlated with disease activity while also being cost-effective.
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Background The neuropsychiatric lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) is a severe complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that is characterized by a variety of neurological manifestations involving both central and peripheral nervous system with variable mechanisms. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of NPSLE and its relation to other clinical and laboratory findings in SLE patients. Results We retrieved the medical records of 134 SLE patients during the study period; of them, 68 patients (50.7%) had NPSLE. Headache (55. 9%) was the most frequent NPSLE manifestation followed by seizures (54.4%), psychosis was the third most frequent one with a percentage of 41.2. The demographic data didn’t differ in patients with and without NPSLE. NPSLE patients had lower complement 3 (C3) (p = 0.025) and C4 ( p = 0.008) levels, more lupus anticoagulant level (p = 0.033) and more frequency of antiphospholipid syndrome (p = 0.030). There was no statistical difference regarding the drug intake or other laboratory findings. Disease activity and damage indices didn’t differ in both groups. Conclusion The prevalence of NPSLE in this study was 50.7%. Headache, seizures and psychosis were the most frequent neuropsychiatric manifestations in the studied patients. SLE patients with neuropsychiatric manifestations had lower complement levels, higher lupus anticoagulant antibodies and antiphospholipid syndrome.
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Introduction/Purpose Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic auto-immune disease with a broad spectrum of clinical presentations, including heterogeneous neuropsychiatric (NP) syndromes. Structural brain abnormalities are commonly found in SLE and NPSLE, but their role in diagnosis is limited, and their usefulness in distinguishing between NPSLE patients and patients in which the NP symptoms are not primarily attributed to SLE (non-NPSLE) is non-existent. Self-supervised contrastive learning algorithms proved to be useful in classification tasks in rare diseases with limited number of datasets. Our aim was to apply self-supervised contrastive learning on T1-weighted images acquired from a well-defined cohort of SLE patients, aiming to distinguish between NPSLE and non-NPSLE patients. Subjects and Methods We used 3T MRI T1-weighted images of 163 patients. The training set comprised 68 non-NPSLE and 34 NPSLE patients. We applied random geometric transformations between iterations to augment our data sets. The ML pipeline consisted of convolutional base encoder and linear projector. To test the classification task, the projector was removed and one linear layer was measured. Validation of the method consisted of 6 repeated random sub-samplings, each using a random selection of a small group of patients of both subtypes. Results In the 6 trials, between 79% and 83% of the patients were correctly classified as NPSLE or non-NPSLE. For a qualitative evaluation of spatial distribution of the common features found in both groups, Gradient-weighted Class Activation Maps (Grad-CAM) were examined. Thresholded Grad-CAM maps show areas of common features identified for the NPSLE cohort, while no such communality was found for the non-NPSLE group. Discussion/Conclusion The self-supervised contrastive learning model was effective in capturing common brain MRI features from a limited but well-defined cohort of SLE patients with NP symptoms. The interpretation of the Grad-CAM results is not straightforward, but indicates involvement of the lateral and third ventricles, periventricular white matter and basal cisterns. We believe that the common features found in the NPSLE population in this study indicate a combination of tissue loss, local atrophy and to some extent that of periventricular white matter lesions, which are commonly found in NPSLE patients and appear hypointense on T1-weighted images.
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Introduction Strengthening The Reporting Of Cohort Studies in Surgery (STROCSS) guidelines were developed in 2017 in order to improve the reporting quality of observational studies in surgery and updated in 2019. In order to maintain relevance and continue upholding good reporting quality among observational studies in surgery, we aimed to update STROCSS 2019 guidelines. Methods A STROCSS 2021 steering group was formed to come up with proposals to update STROCSS 2019 guidelines. An expert panel of researchers assessed these proposals and judged whether they should become part of STROCSS 2021 guidelines or not, through a Delphi consensus exercise. Results 42 people (89%) completed the DELPHI survey and hence participated in the development of STROCSS 2021 guidelines. All items received a score between 7 and 9 by greater than 70% of the participants, indicating a high level of agreement among the DELPHI group members with the proposed changes to all the items. Conclusion We present updated STROCSS 2021 guidelines to ensure ongoing good reporting quality among observational studies in surgery.
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Background The prevalence of primary headache in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) varies widely and whether it should be attributed to neurological involvement is controversial. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of headache in SLE patients, describe its association with disease-related variables and brain imaging, and explore its impact on life. Results The overall prevalence of headache was 54.4%, and migraine was the most common type among headache sufferers (48.4%). Headache severity (VAS) and impact (HIT-6) correlated with SLEDAI-2K ( P = 0.019 and P < 0.001, respectively) as well as with each other ( P = 0.006). Brain imaging abnormalities were found in 25.8%, with white-matter hyperintensities (WMH) being the most frequent pathology. Musculoskeletal manifestations, positive anti-phospholipid (aPL) antibodies, and SLEDAI score ≥ 13.5 were identified as predictors of headache. Conclusion Primary headache, especially migraine, is a common feature of patients with SLE, and its presence is associated with negative impact on quality of life. Musculoskeletal features, aPL positivity, and overall disease activity appear to predict primary headache in SLE.
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Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) experience neuropsychiatric symptoms. The term neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE) is a generic term that refers to a series of neurological and psychiatric symptoms directly related to SLE. In approximately 30% of patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms, SLE is the primary cause (NPSLE), and symptoms manifest more frequently around SLE onset. Neurovascular and psychotic conditions can also lead to NPSLE. Pathogenesis of NPSLE is implicated in both neuroinflammatory and ischemic mechanisms, and it is associated with high morbidity and mortality. After diagnosing and assigning causality, NPSLE treatment is individualized according to the type of neuropsychiatric manifestations, type of the predominant pathway, activity of SLE, and severity of the clinical manifestations. There are many problems to be addressed with regards to the diagnosis and management of NPSLE. Controlled clinical trials provide limited guidance for management, and observational cohort studies support symptomatic, antithrombotic, and immunosuppressive agents. The purpose of this review was to provide a detailed and critical review of the literature on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of NPSLE. This study aimed to identify the shortcoming in diagnostic biomarkers, novel therapies against NPSLE, and additional research needs.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by multiple immunologic abnormalities and has the potential to involve the central nervous system (CNS). The prevalence of SLE seems to be growing, possibly because of earlier diagnosis and improved survival; however, the associated mortality is still high. The mortality is associated with disease-related risk factors such as lupus disease activity, young age, and organ damage or with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE), which is caused by SLE-related CNS involvement, comprises a broad range of neurologic and psychiatric manifestations with varying severity, which can make this disease indistinguishable from other conditions that are unrelated to SLE. No unifying pathophysiology has been found in the etiology of NPSLE, suggesting that this condition has multiple contributors such as various immune effectors and the brain-intrinsic neuroimmune interfaces that are breached by the immune effectors. The postulated neuroimmune interfaces include the blood-brain barrier, blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier, meningeal barrier, and glymphatic system. On the basis of the immunologic, pathologic, and imaging features of NPSLE, the underlying pathophysiology can be classified as vasculitis and vasculopathy, APS, demyelinating syndrome, or autoimmune antibody–mediated encephalitis. Each pathophysiology has different imaging characteristics, although the imaging and pathophysiologic features may overlap. Moreover, there are complications due to the immunocompromised status caused by SLE per se or by SLE treatment. Radiologists and clinicians should become familiar with the underlying mechanisms, radiologic findings, and complications of NPSLE, as this information may aid in the diagnosis and treatment of NPSLE. Online supplemental material is available for this article.
Introduction Strengthening The Reporting Of Cohort Studies in Surgery (STROCSS) guidelines were developed in 2017 in order to improve the reporting quality of observational studies in surgery and updated in 2019. In order to maintain relevance and continue upholding good reporting quality among observational studies in surgery, we aimed to update STROCSS 2019 guidelines. Methods A STROCSS 2021 steering group was formed to come up with proposals to update STROCSS 2019 guidelines. An expert panel of researchers assessed these proposals and judged whether they should become part of STROCSS 2021 guidelines or not, through a Delphi consensus exercise. Results 42 people (89%) completed the DELPHI survey and hence participated in the development of STROCSS 2021 guidelines. All items received a score between 7 and 9 by greater than 70% of the participants, indicating a high level of agreement among the DELPHI group members with the proposed changes to all the items. Conclusion We present updated STROCSS 2021 guidelines to ensure ongoing good reporting quality among observational studies in surgery.
Systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis are just 2 of several autoimmune connective tissue diseases that are primarily chronic in nature but can present to the emergency department by virtue of an acute exacerbation of disease. Beyond an acute exacerbation of disease, their predilection for invading multiple organ systems lends itself to the potential for patients presenting to the emergency department with either a single or isolated symptom or a myriad of signs and/or symptoms indicative of a degree of disease complexity and severity that warrant timely recognition and resuscitation.