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Effects of Ecological Charcoal Production Processes Based on Eichhornia crassipes on its Characteristics as Cooking Energy


Abstract and Figures

Eichhornia crassipes is an invasive plant in the waters of Lake Chad. The ecological problems caused by its permanent and invasive presence lead to search solutions. Thus its valuation as cooking energy is an option whose objective is to assert the effect of production processes of ecological coal based on Eichhornia crassipes on their performance as cooking energy. The collection and sorting of these plants made it possible to prepare the raw material while their pre-treatment made it possible to carry out the anaerobic carbonization between 400-600°C on the one hand, and on the other hand, the semi-decomposition of Eichhornia crassipes biomass allowed us to have a raw material ready after 14 ± 03 days. Hygro-calorific characterization show that the ecological charcoal based on decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has 4.401±0.972% as moisture content average with a calorific value average of 17.825±8.308 MJ/Kg. The ecological charcoal based of carbonized Eichhornia crassipes has 3.79±1.05% as moisture content with average calorific value 21.05±7.76MJ/Kg. The chemical characterization show that the ecological charcoal based on charred Eichhornia crassipes has an average volatile matter rate of 26.87 ± 1.55%, a low average fixed carbon rate of 86.73 ± 2.67% and an average ash content 2.69 ± 0.33% while ecological coal based on decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has an average volatile matter rate of 22.059 ± 1.298%, an average fixed carbon rate of 74.496 ± 1.716 % and an average ash content of 1.97 ±0.72%. The Improved Culinary Furnace test, charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal bonded to clay lasts in the fire longer time average, 46 minutes 10 seconds, when burning emitting 6.72±1.49 grams of ash average with 93.02±0.91% as mass loss average while the decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has a low burning time, 43 minutes 33 seconds, emitting 12.01±0.09 grams as ash average with 90.05±0.95% as mass loss average.
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TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © April 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4 ||
Effects of Ecological Charcoal Production
Processes Based on Eichhornia crassipes on its
Characteristics as Cooking Energy
1Department of Environmental Sciences, National Advanced School of Engineering,
University of Maroua, Cameroon
2Department of Renewable Energy, National Advanced School of Engineering, University
of Maroua, Cameroon
3Department of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and By-Products, National Advanced School of
Engineering, University of Maroua, Cameroon
Eichhornia crassipes is an invasive plant in the waters of Lake Chad. The ecological problems caused by its permanent and invasive
presence lead to search solutions. Thus its valuation as cooking energy is an option whose objective is to assert the effect of
production processes of ecological coal based on Eichhornia crassipes on their performance as cooking energy. The collection and
sorting of these plants made it possible to prepare the raw material while their pre-treatment made it possible to carry out the
anaerobic carbonization between 400-600°C on the one hand, and on the other hand, the semi-decomposition of Eichhornia
crassipes biomass allowed us to have a raw material ready after 14 ± 03 days. Hygro-calorific characterization show that the
ecological charcoal based on decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has 4.401±0.972% as moisture content average with a calorific
value average of 17.825±8.308 MJ/Kg. The ecological charcoal based of carbonized Eichhornia crassipes has 3.79±1.05% as
moisture content with average calorific value 21.05±7.76MJ/Kg. The chemical characterization show that the ecological charcoal
based on charred Eichhornia crassipes has an average volatile matter rate of 26.87 ± 1.55%, a low average fixed carbon rate of
86.73 ± 2.67% and an average ash content 2.69 ± 0.33% while ecological coal based on decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has an
average volatile matter rate of 22.059 ± 1.298%, an average fixed carbon rate of 74.496 ± 1.716 % and an average ash content of
1.97 ±0.72%. The Improved Culinary Furnace test, charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal bonded to clay lasts in the fire longer
time average, 46 minutes 10 seconds, when burning emitting 6.72±1.49 grams of ash average with 93.02±0.91% as mass loss
average while the decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has a low burning time, 43 minutes 33 seconds, emitting 12.01±0.09
grams as ash average with 90.05±0.95% as mass loss average.
Keywords: Eichhornia crassipes, ecological charcoal, charcoal briquette
Eichhornia crassipes is a free-floating aquatic plant on
water’s surface. Native to the Amazon basin in South
America, this macrophyte aquatic plant, of the
Pontederiaceae family and whose name Eichhornia is derived
from the well-known 19th century Prussian politician, J.A.F.
Eichhorn, is the most difficult to control in the world
[1,2,3,4]. Widespread throughout the world in the late 19th
and early 20th century, today this tropical plant is well known
for its rapid reproductive capacity whose population can
double in just twelve days [5, 6 and 7]. Eichhornia crassipes
proliferation’s makes it an invasive plant, raising it to the
same level as weeds. Its germination and spread are rapid
when environmental and ecological conditions are met.
Ecological damage then ensues, such as: the obstruction of
navigation routes; the disappearance of certain aquatic
species; the disappearance of fishing areas and the
appearance of certain waterborne diseases such as malaria.
During their period of proliferation, whatever the mitigation
methods applied, Eichhornia crassipes disappears in one
place to resurface just as quickly in another place [8].
However, although it is possible to control it biologically and
naturally, the persistence of favorable environment to their
reproduction, such as that the abundance of space and
nutrients doubled at a good medium temperature cause this
plant to spread so prolifically that it covers water’s surfaces
in record time with a floating mat-like cover [9,10] .
Considered as an ornamental plant by gardeners and
botanists, because of its pretty purplish blue flowers and its
round and oval leaves, Eichhornia crassipes was propagated
in many countries such as Latin America, the Caribbean,
Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific more than a century
ago because it was highly prized [9, 10, 11 and 12].
Eichhornia crassipes seeds hibernate over a dormant period
of 15 to 20 years. Eichhornia crassipes contains
lignocellulose (60% cellulose, 8% hemicellulose and 17%
lignin) and a good part of carbon nitrate, which gives it
characteristics of an alternative directly usable as renewable
energy source [14, 15]
Rising prices of fossil energy and the problem of global
warming have led to a major effort to promote renewable
energies. This has intensified the search for alternatives to
fossil fuels to facing modernization and industrialization [9].
Exacerbated by soaring energy costs, water hyacinth holds
great promise in this regard for the biofuels industry of the
21st century [16]. The production methods developed by [9]
made it possible to produce ecological coal of high value. The
pyrolysis (or carbonization) method between [400-800] °C
converts raw materials into carbon by minimizing the volatile
matter content and increasing the carbon content of the
material. In this study, the objective is to produce ecological
charcoal based on Eichhornia crassipes to contribute to the
fight against the invasion of Lake Chad waters surfaces.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © April 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4 ||
1. Materials and Methods
1.1. Study zone
This study was carried out in five districts around Lake Chad
on the Cameroon side. Villages crossed by this lake
experience the invasion of Lake Chad waters surfaces by
Eichhornia crassipes. These areas have been represented in
the following table:
Figure 1: Map of the study area
1.2. Eichhornia crassipes briquette manufacturing
a) Preparation of the raw material
The overall preparation process was carried out according to
the following scheme:
Figure 2: Raw material preparation scheme
b) Carbonization process
The carbonization was carried out following the methodology
developed by [28]. It consisted in carbonizing the dry
biomass in a carbonizer at a temperature between 400-600°C.
Figure 3: Scheme of production of ecological charcoal based
on Eichhornia crassipes
During the carbonization, biochar is produced, of blackish
color which, crushed, sieved and mixed with the binder, can
be molded through a manually operated compaction and
extrusion system to obtain ecological charcoal/ecological
c) Semi-decomposition process
During semi-decomposition, the methodology developed by
[9] consisted of decomposing the biomass in a hermetically
sealed plastic bag. The materials used are: Biomass: chopped
and dried stem of Eichhornia crassipes, Polyethylene
decomposition bags (plastic bag with a thickness of more than
60µm, microorganism decomposition solution (EM1
solution) to accelerate the decomposition activity of
microorganisms on the stem of chopped and dried Eichhornia
crassipes. The process of semi-decomposition lasts about 14
± 03 days with reversals after every 07 ± 02 days.
1.3. Hygro-calorific characterization of Eichhornia
crassipes’s charcoal
1.3.1. Moisture content
Determination of the moisture content was inspired by the
methodological measurement procedures developed by [17].
Moisture content expresses the water content and has a strong
influence on the calorific value and the ignition capacity of
charcoal briquettes. Moisture content is obtained by the
following formula:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜  (1)
With: W: moisture content; M wet: mass of the sample; M dry: mass
obtained after heating at 105°C in an oven.
1.3.2. Calorific value
[20] method and the MA protocol, 108-P.Cal. 1.0 helped
measure and calculate calorific value. The heat capacity of
the bomb and the tank was calculated from a test made with
benzoic acid. The calorific value of samples is measured by
the following equation:
  󰇛󰇟󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇠󰇜
Where P.C.: calorific value of the sample (kJ/kg); f: maximum
final temperature of the water in the tank after firing (°C)
1.4. Chemical characterization of Eichhornia crassipes’s
1.4.1. Volatile matter rate
BS EN 14,774-1 protocol for determination of volatile matter
of fuel consists in weighing the dry sample heating under
nitrogen, between 890° and 910°C temperature for 7 minutes
in a crucible with lid and weigh again. The formula developed
by the standard method [18] is used to calculate the volatile
matter content:
   󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜
 (3)
With: MOV: Volatile matter content, M895°C: Mass obtained after heating to
895°C, M899°C: mass obtained after heating to 899°C
1.4.2. Ash content
Ash content is the quantity of very small mineral matter
contained in a fuel and released after complete combustion,
under the effect of heat at high temperatures. The result is
obtained by applying the formula developed by the standard
methods [19] and [20]:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 (4)
With: A, M 850°C: mass of the powder obtained after incineration at
850°C, M dry: dry mass of the sample.
1.4.3. Fixed carbon content
To determine fixed carbon, BS EN 14.774-1 protocol was
used. Two parts of combustible briquettes, each weighing 1
gram, were made, then they were introduced into an oven for
calcination. One part was calcined for 10 minutes at 550°C,
while other part was calcined for 10 minutes at 850°C. The
fixed carbon content developed by the standard method [20]
allows to calculate using the following formula:
󰇛󰇜  󰇛  󰇜 (5)
1.5. Combustion tests
Combustion test allowed us to determine: Burning time of
each combustible briquette; post-combustion mass (ash) and
the loss mass.
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © April 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4 ||
2.1. Eichhornia crassipes briquette manufacturing
2.1.1. Preparation of raw material by carbonization
Preparation of Eichhornia crassipes raw’s material by
carbonization gave the following results:
Table 1: Eichhornia crassipes raw material prepared by
Raw material
size (mm)
Leaf and branch
0.5 to 1
Stem, branch
and root
0.5 to 1
Stem and
0.5 to 1
Whole plant
0.5 to 1
2.1.3. Preparation of raw material semi-decomposition
Preparation of Eichhornia crassipes raw’s material by semi-
decomposition gave, after 14 days, the following results:
Table 2: Eichhornia crassipes raw material prepared by
Raw material
size (mm)
Leaf and branch
0.5 to 1
Stem, branch
and root
0.5 to 1
Stem and
0.5 to 1
Whole plant
0.5 to 1
4.1 Hygro-calorific characterization of Eichhornia
crassipes’s charcoal
Clay-bound charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal (98-02%)
has a lower calorific value average of 14.67±2.01 MJ/Kg
while clay-bound charred Eichhornia crassipes
charcoal_Wood chips (70-28-02%) has 27.442±5.26 MJ/Kg
calorific value average. Among these samples, clay-bound
carbonized Eichhornia crassipes leaf charcoal (98-02%) has
the highest calorific value, 17.656± 0.097 MJ/Kg, while
charcoal from carbonized Eichhornia crassipes stem bound
clay (98-02%) and/or the whole plant of carbonized
Eichhornia crassipes bound to clay (98-02%) have the same
calorific value 13.472 ± 0.012 MJ/Kg. It is found that among
Eichhornia crassipes carbonized charcoal _Wood chips,
charcoal from the leaves of Eichhornia crassipes
carbonized_woodchips bound with clay (70-28-02%) has the
bigger calorific value 33.137± 0.054 MJ/Kg while whole
plant charcoal_woodchip _Clay-bound (70-28-02%) has the
smallest calorific value 22.015± 0.017 MJ/Kg.
Charcoal from decomposed Eichhornia crassipes bound to
clay (98-02%) has an average calorific value 12.755±1.703
MJ/Kg while charcoal from decomposed Eichhornia
crassipes _Chips wood bound to clay (70- 28-02%) has a
calorific value of 22.895±9.466 MJ/Kg. Among these
samples, charcoal from leaves and branches of Eichhornia
crassipes decomposed _ wood chips bound to clay (70-28-
02%) has the highest calorific value of 31.336± 0.017 MJ/Kg
while charcoal from stems and branch of decomposed
Eichhornia crassipes bound to clay (98-02%) has the smallest
calorific value 11.012± 0.042 MJ/Kg.
Overall, it appears that among the charred Eichhornia
crassipes charcoal briquettes has the highest average calorific
value of 21.05±7.76MJ/Kg while the decomposed
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has the lowest average
calorific value which is 17.825±8.308 MJ/Kg.
Graph 1: Calorific value of samples of ecological charcoal based on Eichhornia crassipes
These results corroborate those found by [20, 9] who found
that charcoal from Eichhornia crassipes_wood chips
produced greater heat intensity while being cleaner, more
convenient and took up less space when stored.
Ecological charcoal made from decomposed Eichhornia
crassipes has moisture content (4.401±0.972%) while
Ecological charcoal made from charred Eichhornia crassipes
has moisture content of 3.79±1.05%. Charcoal from whole
plant Eichhornia crassipes_wood chips has the highest
moisture content 5.85±0.12% while charcoal from charred
Eichhornia crassipes leaves and branches has the lowest
moisture content 2.71 ±0.43%. This state of humidity is
higher in the briquettes resulting from the semi-
decomposition than those resulting from the carbonization
process because carbonized Eichhornia crassipes was able to
release the excess free water by dry dehydration, during
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © April 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4 ||
Graph 2: Plot of moisture content trends against calorific value
There is an inverse relationship between calorific value and
moisture content (Graph 2). The plot of the trends of the
moisture content of ecological charcoal based on Eichhornia
crassipes shows that the linear calorific value is ascending
when that of the moisture content is descending. Ecological
charcoal made by using Eichhornia crassipes from the semi-
decomposition method has a higher dry moisture content than
Ecological charcoal by using Eichhornia crassipes from the
carbonization method. Overall, following the trend lines,
when the humidity increases, it causes a decrease in its
calorific value and vice versa. This confirms the results of
[22] which indicate that the calorific value is influenced by
the moisture content. The range of moisture content in the dry
state does not lead to remarkable energy loss during the
vaporization of the moisture present and their stability during
storage is considerable [23]. Ecological charcoal made from
Eichhornia crassipes have good characteristic because their
dry relative moisture content is between 2.71% and 5.85%,
lower than that of wood charcoal 6% [24].
4.2 Chemical characterization of Eichhornia crassipes’s
4.2.1. Volatile matter content
Ecological charcoal based on carbonized Eichhornia
crassipes has an volatile matter content average of
26.87±1.55% while that of ecological charcoal based on
decomposed Eichhornia crassipes is 22.059±1.298%, in
accordance with the conclusions of [24], but contrary to those
of [25] who insist that woody biomasses have higher levels
of volatile matter than other biomasses. Charcoal from clay-
bound carbonized Eichhornia crassipes stems (98-02%) has
the highest volatile matter content of 28.59±0.87%, possibly
due to the process of carbonization of the structure stems of
Eichhornia crassipes which helps it to retain a high level of
volatile matter in the carbonized material, better than by the
process of semi-decomposition. Charcoal from the leaves and
branches of Eichhornia crassipes semi-decomposed_wood
chips has the lowest volatile matter content (20.14±0.18%).
4.2.2. Ash content
Ash content average of charred Eichhornia crassipes
charcoal is 2.69±0.33% (with respectively 2.912±0.097% for
charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal_woodchips and
2.477±0.343% for charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal),
while charcoal from decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has
1.972±0.719% ash content (with respectively
2.615±0.2456% for charcoal from Eichhornia
crassipes_wood chips decomposed and 1.33±0.21% for
anthrax from decomposed Eichhornia crassipes). Our results,
concerning decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal, are
close to those concluded by [26] which indicate that the ash
content of woody biomass is between 0.08% and 2.3%.
Decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has a lower
average ash content, possibly due to the addition of woodchip
(which would be a non-woody vegetable) and clay binder
which would act as a filler, thus contributing to a higher ash
content and possibly also due to their low carbon binding
capacity [27, 9].
4.2.3. Fixed carbon content
Carbonized Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has a low fixed
carbon content (86.73±2.67%) (With 89.035±0.905% for
charred Eichhornia crassipes_woodchips and 84.43±1.29%
for charcoal carbonized Eichhornia crassipes) compared to
their decomposed counterparts which has 74.496±1.716%
(with 73.707±0.444% for decomposed Eichhornia crassipes
charcoal and 75.285±2.241% for Eichhornia crassipes
Leaf and branch
Stem and branch
Whole plant
Leaf and branch_Wood chip
Root_Wood chip
Stem and branch_Wood chip
Whole plant_Wood chip
Leaf and branch
Stem and branch
Whole plant
Leaf and branch_Wood chip
Root_Wood chip
Stem and branch_Wood chip
Whole plant_Wood chip
Charcoal from decomposed Eichhornia crassipes Charcoal from Eichhornia crassipes charred Leaf and branch
Calorific value
Moisture content
Moisture content (%) Calculated calorific value (MJ/Kg) Linear (Moisture content (%)) Linear (Calculated calorific value (MJ/Kg))
TIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © April 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4 ||
Graph 3: Chemical characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes fuel samples
4.3.6 Combustion/cooking test
Charcoal cooking test of charred Eichhornia crassipes with a
cooking stove improved made it possible to boil 01 liter of
water in 15 minutes 20 seconds and 250 grams of rice in 25
minutes 46 seconds. The average burning time of charred
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal is 44 minutes 52 seconds with
post-combustion mass (ash) of 14.36±0.22
milligrams/Kilogram of Ecological charcoal and an average
mass loss of 86.75± 0.01%
charred Eichhornia crassipes charcoal Clay bound lasts on
average longer in the fire (46 minutes 10 seconds) when
burning while decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal
has a low burn time (43 minutes 33 seconds) (Table 3)
Table 3: Cooking test with samples of Eichhornia crassipes briquettes
Burning time (s)
Mass of post-
combustion fuel (gr)
Mass loss
Carbonized Eichhornia crassipes charcoal
Charcoal from Eichhornia crassipes_Charred woodchips
Decomposed Eichhornia crassipes smut
Charcoal from Eichhornia crassipes_decomposed
After 60 minutes of combustion, carbonized Eichhornia
crassipes charcoal emits an average of 6.72±1.49 grams of
ash with an average mass loss of 93±0.9%, while decomposed
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal emits an average of 12.01±0.09
grams of ash with an average mass loss of 90.05±0.95%.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of
green charcoal production processes on their performance as
cooking energy. Overall, it appears that carbonized
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal briquettes perform better than
decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal briquettes.
Indeed, on the hygro-calorific level, ecological coal based on
decomposed Eichhornia crassipes has a moisture content of
4.401 ± 0.972% with a low calorific value average (17.825 ±
8.308 MJ / Kg) while ecological coal based of carbonized
Eichhornia crassipes has a low moisture content of
3.79±1.05% with a high average calorific value of
Chemical characterization show that the ecological charcoal
based on charred Eichhornia crassipes has volatile matter
average rate ( 26.87±1.55%) and low fixed carbon average
(86.73±2.67%) and ash content average (2.69 ± 0.33%) while
ecological charcoal based on decomposed Eichhornia
crassipes has volatile matter content average (22.059 ±
1.298%), and fixed carbon content average (74.496 ±
1.716%) and ash content average (1.97 ±0.72%).
In terms of improved cook stove applicability, charred
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal bounded to clay lasts on
average longer in the fire (46 minutes 10 seconds) during
combustion emitting an average of 6.72±1, 49 grams of ash
with an average mass loss of 93.02±0.91% while decomposed
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal has a low burn time (43
minutes 33 seconds), emitting an average of 12.01±0, 09
grams of ash with an average mass loss of 90.05 ± 0.95%.
From the point of view of cooking energy, charred
Eichhornia crassipes charcoal_woodchip bound with clay
has a better efficiency in the stove. In the case where one
would like to proceed by decomposition of the biomass, the
decomposed Eichhornia crassipes charcoal_woodchips and
bound to the clay would be just as interesting.
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Leaf and branch
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Water hyacinth is a source of biomass, easily found in large quantities from our environment and one of renewable energy sources. As for biomass fuel, it was prepared by carbonizing process. Carbonization of biomass (fueling) includes a process to increase the content of heating value of biomass. In this study, carbonization process was carried out for temperatures 400oC, 500oC and 600oC. Activated carbons were prepared from water hyacinth using NaOH activation (ACWH). Characterization of the ACWH were performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). Other physical parameter such as moisture content, ash content and volatile matter were measured in this article. The result of SEM-EDX showed the pore size and element carbon of the ACWH increases with increasing carbonization temperature. The ACWH was containing functional groups representing phenols, hydroxyl, carboxyl and carbonyl groups. The increases carbonization temperature seems to be increasing crystallinity and crystal size of the ACWH. The physical parameter of the ACWH showed ash content increases when increasing the carbonization temperature. Nevertheless, parameter of moisture content and volatile matter was decreased. The study concludes that the carbonization temperature of the ACWH causes changes in the characteristics of the structure and composition of chemical compounds which are different from the origin.
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Sawdust accumulation and disposal at the various sawmills have always created an environmental problem. From some sawmills along Eleweran, Abeokuta the sawdust of a major hardwood species, Albizia zygia was singled out and collected during conversion at the head rig. The sawdust collected in 30 livestock feed sacs were later transported to Celina Industries where they were densified into briquettes at a pressure of 2000MPa at 4500C and heat intensity of 300% for the production of heat energy and a comparative analysis of the physical properties between the sawdust briquettes and the solid wood of the same species were carried out. The results obtained showed that the briquettes produced using 100% sawdust of Albizia zygia had a lower moisture content of 7.10% than the solid wood (23.76%) of the same species. Also, the heat value and the percentage dry matter of the briquettes were 4.723Kcal⁻¹ and 92.90% respectively which were much higher than the values obtained for the heat value (4.014Kcal⁻¹) and percentage dry matter (76.24%) of the solid wood of the same species. It was concluded that stable briquettes with higher calorific value can be produced from the sawdust of Albizia zygia. Keywords: Briquette, head rig, sawdust, sawmill.
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Mathematical models of the growth of water hyacinth are developed to provide a sound basis for assessing existing and potential control options. We show that under constant experimental conditions, water hyacinth shows logistic growth (r2 of 0.69–1.00). The effects of nutrients and temperature on model parameters are explored using data from the literature. The model is verified against growth in a natural infestation. The resulting model incorporates two of the most important factors (temperature and water nutrient level) that determine whether water hyacinth is an important environmental problem at a given site. These relationships form a robust basis for further model development, and can be readily used to evaluate how the plant will respond to changes in nutrient inputs.
Aquatic plants are only troublesome when they grow where they are not wanted. There is no aquatic plant that is ipso facto harmful and can be considered a weed throughout its geographical range. There are even cases of plants that are protected in one region and ‘hunted’ in another, for example, Heteranthera reniformis (mud plantain) is on the list of endangered plants in Connecticut, USA, and is perhaps the worst weed today in the northern Italian rice fields. Trapa natans (water chestnut) is extinct or endangered in many parts of Europe, an important crop plant in India, a noxious weed in eastern North America and a very serious threat to the sturgeon fisheries (caviar industry) in the southern part of the Caspian Sea.
This paper discussed the potential use of waterhyacinth [ Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] for biomass production and for nutrient removal from wastewaters. Warm climates in tropical and subtropical areas are conducive for establishing wastewater treatment systems and biomass production farms with waterhyacinth. Sources of nutrients available to culture waterhyacinths include sewage effluent, agricultural drainage water, runoff from animal waste operations, methane digestor effluent, and water from eutrophic lakes and rivers. Growth rates of waterhyacinths were found to be influenced by the nutrient composition of the water, plant density, solar radiation, and temperature. Annual yields of waterhyacinth biomass were found to range from 47 to 106 Mg dry wt ha ⁻¹ y ⁻¹ , with approximately 50% of the biomass produced during May through August. About 35 to 50% of the total biomass was roots when plants were cultured in nutrient‐poor waters (eutrophic lake water and drainage effluents), while 14 to 25% of the total biomass was roots for the plants grown in nutrient‐rich waters (sewage effluent). Waterhyacinth systems were found to be more efficient in N removal (70–80% reduction) than in P removal (40–50% reduction). A pond with a surface area of 2.65 ha and 1.0 m in depth containing 15 to 30 kg wet wt of waterhyacinth per square meter (750–1500 g dry wt m ⁻² ) and a detention period of 7 d is adequate to treat 3785 m ³ d ⁻¹ [million gallons per day (mdg)] of sewage effluent. This hypothetical system would achieve 70 to 80% N removal, 40 to 50% P removal, and would produce a biomass yield of 690 to 1060 kg dry wt d ⁻¹ (13–20 g dry wt m ⁻² d ⁻¹ ). The biomass upon anaerobic digestion would yield 180 to 280 m ³ of methane/d. This is equivalent to 549 to 843 GJ ha ⁻¹ of energy from waterhyacinth produced at a rate of 48 to 73 Mg dry wt ha ⁻¹ y ⁻¹ .
This study was carried out on petroliferous wastewaters to define the tolerance threshold to salinity of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, the water hyacinth, in order to achieve effluent treatment. Plant yield was inversely linked to salinity and varied from 4·2 to 1·1 g d.wt m−2 day−1 for salinities (NaCl) ranging from 2 to 2·9 g l−1. From 6 g l−1 there was no production and plants were cankered. Over 8 g l−1 damage was irreversible. The water hyacinth showed a great adaptability to the effluent salinity. Although the production was low, the results do not exclude a possible use for such wastewater treatment.
Densification of agricultural residues and wood waste into fuel briquettes can provide a relatively high-quality alternative source of fuel, especially where solid woodfuel resources are scarce. The objective of this study was to determine the possibility of producing durable briquettes from wheat straw and sawdust as fuel for Kenyan households and small-scale industries. These consumers are burning an increasing amount of these materials, which in their raw form are poor quality fuels. Briquette length expansion at specific time intervals was determined over a 1-week period. The moisture content and durability of these briquettes were measured after a storage period of 2 weeks at approximately 20°C and 50% relative humidity. Sawdust and shavings briquettes were the most durable and exhibited the least degree of length expansion. Wheat-straw briquettes were the least durable and expanded most. However, blending straw with sawdust improved this durability considerably. There appears to be a direct relationship between length expansion and the durability rating of the briquettes. All the briquettes had relatively low moisture content. Briquettes can be manufactured without a binder but with poor durability in the case of straw.
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  • K Lubovich
Lubovich, K. (2009). Working paper No. 5. Managing Transboundary Water Resources in the Lake Victoria Region.