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Review of the food, water and biodiversity nexus in India



Nexus research can help address issues arising at the intersection of traditionally independently treated management , policy, and research areas. While an extensive body of literature and reviews have been published on the water, food and energy nexus, biodiversity is less commonly featured in food and water nexus research, particularly in India. India hosts a large proportion of the world's biological diversity. At the same time, it is facing one of the world's highest habitat conversion rates, among others for agricultural production, as well as increasing water scarcity. Hence, the integration of biodiversity considerations into food and water nexus management and governance decisions is particularly critical in India. Here, we explore linkages at the food, water and biodiversity (FWB) nexus in India using a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. A total of 208 nexus linkages were extracted from 55 articles and mapped using a qualitative systems mapping approach. Results show a strong interdependence between all three nexus nodes, with biodiversity exhibiting the highest number of linkages across the system (137 linkages), followed by water (131 linkages) and food (120 linkages). Our results reflect the state-of-the-art of research on biodiversity at the food-water nexus in India and highlight the importance of better understanding the linkages and tradeoffs at India's FWB nexus.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
1462-9011/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Review of the food, water and biodiversity nexus in India
J.C.G. Martin
, R. Kanade
, N. Bhadbhade
, K.J. Joy
, B.K. Thomas
, B. Willaarts
S. Hanger-Kopp
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management, Pune, India
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, Pune, India
Systems map
Systems mapping
Nexus research can help address issues arising at the intersection of traditionally independently treated man-
agement, policy, and research areas. While an extensive body of literature and reviews have been published on
the water, food and energy nexus, biodiversity is less commonly featured in food and water nexus research,
particularly in India. India hosts a large proportion of the worlds biological diversity. At the same time, it is
facing one of the worlds highest habitat conversion rates, among others for agricultural production, as well as
increasing water scarcity. Hence, the integration of biodiversity considerations into food and water nexus
management and governance decisions is particularly critical in India. Here, we explore linkages at the food,
water and biodiversity (FWB) nexus in India using a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. A total of 208
nexus linkages were extracted from 55 articles and mapped using a qualitative systems mapping approach.
Results show a strong interdependence between all three nexus nodes, with biodiversity exhibiting the highest
number of linkages across the system (137 linkages), followed by water (131 linkages) and food (120 linkages).
Our results reect the state-of-the-art of research on biodiversity at the food-water nexus in India and highlight
the importance of better understanding the linkages and tradeoffs at Indias FWB nexus.
1. Introduction
Nexus research has been dened as the study of interlinkages be-
tween different subsystems or sectors within socio-ecological and other
systems (Sanders and Webber, 2012). Nexus research has the ambition
to highlight feedback loops, synergies and trade-offs between system
elements in a holistic fashion therefore, the concept of nexus research
is closely linked to and partially rooted in systems thinking (Schl¨
or et al.,
2021; Liu et al., 2015).
Nexus studies aim to address issues arising at the intersection of
traditionally independently treated management, policy, and research
areas. In environmental sciences, nexus research is thought to rst have
fully risen to the limelight after the World Economic Forum of 2008,
where the importance of considering water, energy and food linkages
was ofcially recognized (Zhang et al., 2018). In addition, the run-up
events and Rio+20 conference and resulting United Nations Sustain-
able Development Goals (SDGs) are thought to have played an important
role in furthering nexus research (Liu et al., 2018; Hoff, 2011). As a
result, an extensive body of literature and reviews have been published
on the water, food and energy nexus (e.g., Biggs et al., 2015; Weitz et al.,
2017; Wichelns, 2017; Vakilifard et al., 2018; Schl¨
or et al., 2021; Rasul
and Sharma, 2016).
Yet, biodiversity is rarely featured in food and water nexus research
(Liu et al., 2015; Vargas et al., 2023), and has been more commonly
addressed as part of dual nexus issues, such as biodiversity and food
production (Iannetta et al., 2021; Godfray, 2011; Wittman et al., 2017;
Glamann et al., 2017; Fischer et al., 2017) or the biodiversity climate
nexus (Mooney et al., 2009; Bellard et al., 2012; Araújo and Rahbek,
2006; Willis and Bhagwat, 2009; Mashwani, 2020). Due to its
wide-reaching signicance for ecological, human and economic sys-
tems, biodiversity is however increasingly gaining attention in nexus
considerations. For example, the ecosystem service framework emerged
with the ambition to quantify and connect the various benets people
derive from ecosystems in a more holistic way (Daily, 1997; Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment, 2001). Likewise, the importance of a nexus
perspective for achieving SDGs has been widely recognized. Thus,
* Correspondence to: Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg 2361, Austria.
E-mail addresses: (J.C.G. Martin), (B.K. Thomas), (B. Willaarts), (S. Hanger-
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Environmental Science and Policy
journal homepage:
Received 13 November 2023; Received in revised form 26 June 2024; Accepted 2 July 2024
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
numerous studies using a nexus approach to assess SDG linkages have
been put forward (Liu et al., 2018; Scharlemann et al., 2020; Bleischwitz
et al., 2018). These studies emphasized the importance of tradeoffs and
synergies between different SDGs (Nilsson et al., 2016; Pradhan et al.,
2017). Only recently, the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
published a scoping report for assessing the interlinkages among
biodiversity, water, food, and health (Schmeller and Bridgewater,
2021). The resulting nexus assessment, to be published in 2024, will
inform decision making towards policy options to achieve the post-2020
global biodiversity framework and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (llIPBES, 2021). However, developing sustainable gover-
nance options for nexus issues requires context- and scale-specic un-
derstanding of the same. There is therefore a need for national studies
assessing nexus linkages, trade-offs and synergies in specic geograph-
ical and institutional contexts (Nilsson et al., 2018).
The aim of this study is to provide an overview and insights into
nexus issues at the food, water and biodiversity interface in India and to
visualize these linkages using a qualitative systems mapping approach
(Hanger-Kopp et al., 2024). Through this exercise, we highlight key
challenges, linkages and trade-offs in the FWB nexus. India is home to
about 8 % of the worlds biodiversity and four biodiversity hotspots
(Chitale et al., 2014). As such, it is one of the worlds 17 ‘mega--
biodiverse countries (Venkataraman and Sivaperuman, 2018). At the
same time, India is among the largest food producers globally (Aditya
et al., 2020), which has led to habitat and biodiversity loss (Bawa et al.,
2021). India is also one of the worlds most important food producers
(Ramankutty et al., 2018). Agricultural expansion has also entailed
increased groundwater use for irrigation and water scarcity (World
Bank, 2012). For all these reasons, the integration of biodiversity con-
siderations into food and water nexus management by considering
trade-offs and linkages within this nexus and governance decisions is
particularly critical in India.
2. Methods
In this study, publications addressing the FWB nexus linkages were
identied through a systematic literature review, as well as additional
snowballing from included sources. To select relevant literature, a
search was undertaken in Scopus (Elsevier, 2022) in January-July 2022.
Scopus was selected because of its broad scientic literature coverage. In
addition to Scopus, key studies known by experts in the eld were added
to complement search results.
Only articles published after 2010 were included in the study. This is
due to the fact that although the linkages between food, water and
biodiversity have been recognized for a long time, the nexus terminol-
ogy itself (particularly for food, water and energy) began to assume most
prominence in academic and policy circles after the 2008 World Eco-
nomic Forum, as well as the run up to the 2012 United Nations Con-
ference on Sustainable Development (see Introduction). Table 1
provides a summary of the exact Boolean syntax (including search terms
and exclusion criteria) used in Scopus.
In function of the number of results found in Scopus, search terms
were rened to facilitate the screening process. This was mainly
necessary for the food and water nexus due to the extensive body of
literature on the topic. Literature was selected according to the guide-
lines dened in the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement (Moher et al., 2009). Fig. 1 de-
picts the literature selection workow. Thus, a total of 55 journals and
reports were analysed in-depth, most of which were empirical studies to
ensure their scientic robustness.
We reviewed and analyzed the literature to illustrate insights on the
food-water-biodiversity nexus, using a qualitative system mapping
approach (QSM), which entails visualizing relationships through nodes
and linkages (Hanger-Kopp et al., 2024). Systems mapping is one area of
manifestation of systems thinking, and a way of grappling with complex
challenges. Systems thinking is known support more integrative policy
interventions that can bridge disciplines (Davila et al., 2021). QSM may
be useful in many different ways, but in this specic instance, we use it
to make nexus linkages (as implied in the academic literature) explicit
and visible (Barbrook-Johnson and Penn, 2022). The QSM effort forces
us to disentangle and organize linkages between nexus elements, which
ultimately helps us to communicate our insights better. According to
Hanger-Kopp et al. (2024), the QSM approach applied here ts the
intersection of concept maps and causal diagrams.
Fig. 2 illustrates the different steps of this analysis, while Fig. 3 ex-
plains the terminology applied. Based on the relevant literature identi-
ed and elements and linkages extracted (step 1), nexus linkages are
systematically coded (step 2). Depending on the analytical approach and
scope of a study, these linkages do not necessarily represent direct causal
connections, therefore step 3 explores all linkages (including interme-
diate and linkages that might not have been explicitly cited in literature)
and disaggregates them to identify all explicit and implicit causal re-
lationships. Step 4 involves the visualization of all (implicit and explicit)
coded linkages as a systems map in Finally, linkages were
quantied using common metrics used in Social Network Analysis, such
degree centrality, i.e., the number of ingoing and outgoing connections
for each nexus node and element (Wasserman and Faust, 1994) (step 5).
System elements (henceforth elements) and connections between these
elements (henceforth linkages), as well as the quantication of linkages
(degree) were performed using the system mapping software
(Mohr and Mohr, 2023).
Fig. 3 explains the terminology used in the systems map through an
illustrative example of farmland owls reducing rodent populations in
and around farmlands through predation (Ravikanth et al., 2020). Since
farmland owls impact rodents, the direction of the arrow linking both
elements goes from ‘farmland owls to ‘rodents, meaning that the
linkage is ‘ingoing for rodents and ‘outgoing for farmland owls.
Additionally, because farmland owls reduce rodents, the linkage type is
negative (represented by a dotted line), as depicted by a minus sign next
to the arrowhead. If the sign was positive, this would have represented
an increase in rodents. The size of elementscircles within the produced
systems map is proportionate to the total number of ingoing and out-
going linkages for a given element. This means that the larger its circle,
the more connected the element is within the entire systems map. Dotted
lines represent a negative linkage, whereas solid lines represent a posi-
tive linkage between two elements.
3. Results
3.1. The food, water biodiversity nexus: overview
From the 55 data sources included in this study, 151 unique system
Table 1
Summary of Scopus Boolean syntax and search terms.
Nexus issue Boolean syntax of search terms used
in Scopus
Boolean syntax of
exclusion criteria
Water &
TITLE (water OR hydrol* OR aquatic*)
AND TITLE ( biodivers* OR diverse OR
"species richness" OR "species
composition*" OR evenness) AND
NOT (marine OR
coastal) AND
Food &
TITLE (agricultur* OR crop OR food
OR nutrition) AND TITLE (biodivers*
OR "species diversity" OR "species
richness" OR "species composition*"
OR evenness OR diverse) AND TITLE-
ABS-KEY (india)
Food & water TITLE (food productionOR
agricultur* OR crop) AND TITLE
(water OR hydrol* OR aquatic*) AND
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
elements and 208 linkages between these elements were extracted.
Table 2 reports on the general distribution of these linkages, as well as
their type - positive, negative or neutral (only 2 instances). ‘Positiveand
‘negative indicate whether an element increases or reduces another
one, rather than representing a value judgement on the desirability of an
We identied mostly biodiversity elements, followed by water, food,
and a small number of other nexus issues (including social, economic
and health elements (N=12)). Most linkages were found between
biodiversity and food, followed by water and biodiversity, and nally
food and water. Most positive linkages were found between biodiversity
and food (35), and the most negative linkages were found between water
and biodiversity (17). In terms of reach (i.e., how far an element prop-
agates in the system), the elements with most reach were ‘agricultural
land expansion, ‘droughtsand ‘conservation agriculture(see Appen-
dix A). Fig. 4 shows the entire system map created based on the reviewed
literature, highlighting the diversity of elements as well as the most
connected elements, which are distinguished by their size. These central
elements may be indicative of research foci and areas of concern in the
nexus literature, such as food security, agricultural land expansion, and
freshwater biodiversity. Some elements are detached from the main
map, which may indicate that they are more independent in the overall
system and/or have been studied separately from more central concerns.
Due to the dense nature of the full systems map produced which makes it
hard to isolate individual elements on a static map, the main advantage
of the software is that the fully interactive map is openly
available online here. The online map can be used to search, lter or
isolate specic elements. Additionally, clicking on individual elements
in the online map as well as linkages will reveal the data source used to
code a given linkage.
Biodiversity was the most interconnected nexus node, with a total of
137 linkages, closely followed by water (131 linkages) and food (120
linkages) (Table 3). In terms of the direction of these linkages, a large
number of outgoing linkages denotes that the nexus node is mainly
Fig. 1. Literature identication process, from the initial articles identied in Scopus (top) to the nal articles included in the analysis (bottom).
Fig. 2. The analytical process for building qualitative system maps from the literature. Adapted from Eker and Ilmola-Sheppard 2020.
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
‘inuencingor impacting other nexus nodes, whereas a large number of
ingoing linkages signies that a given node is mainly ‘inuenced by
other nodes. We nd that biodiversity presents the highest number of
ingoing linkages (90), meaning that biodiversity is the most inuenced
by the other two nexus nodes. On the other hand, with 83 outgoing
linkages, water is the largest inuencer in the nexus system map (Fig. 5).
While the results provide an overview of the general FWB nexus land-
scape, the next sub-sections explore the key elements that were part of
each nexus node and how they were linked to each other. In each of the
three following sub-sections, the top three most frequently cited ele-
ments and their direct in- and out-going linkages are discussed.
3.2. Water nexus issues
With a very rapidly growing population, sustainable water man-
agement is a key issue in India which is likely become increasingly
critical under a changing climate (Gosain et al., 2011) and with
increasing water demands (Gupta and Deshpande, 2004). Indeed,
several studies have predicted that India might become one of the
worlds water scarcity hotspots in the future (Gosling and Arnell, 2016;
osmarty et al., 2000). The National Water Policy (Government of
India, 2012) is the main (national) legislation governing water resources
in India. Our results show that there is a clear link between water and
food, and water and biodiversity. Among the water linkages extracted
from literature, the most frequently cited and thus connected nexus el-
ements are water quality (directly connected through 16 linkages),
water extraction for irrigation (13 linkages) and droughts (11 linkages)
(Fig. 6).
In the analysed studies, water quality was mainly impacted by
agricultural practices and activities. For example, particularly during
monsoon seasons, water quality was shown to decrease due to increased
nutrient loads (mainly phosphates and nitrates) in Indian waterbodies
(Kumar et al., 2021), in turn related to agricultural fertilizer runoff
(Dubey et al., 2022). This is compounded by agricultural pesticide use,
which has in many instances increased the chemical load of water-
bodies, such as rivers in West Bengal (Bunting et al., 2015) or the
Western Ghats (IUCN, 2011), where pesticide runoff has been linked to
declines in water quality, freshwater habitat quality and biodiversity.
Additionally, many industries in India discharge waste into rivers due to
a lack of operational waste treatment plants (Dudgeon, 2000), further
impacting water quality. With India undergoing rapid urbanization,
urban sewage is also recognized as a major cause for decreasing water
quality (Amerasinghe et al., 2013; Kumar et al., 2022). Inadequate
wastewater treatment infrastructure has resulted in crops getting
contaminated in peri-urban areas where wastewater is a primary source
for irrigation (Kookana et al., 2020; Thomas et al., 2017). Water quality
was also impacted by changes in water availability and distribution.
Among their many socio-ecological and economic impacts, droughts
were particularly associated with deteriorated water quality (Udmale
et al., 2014). Likewise, changes in natural river ow and discharge due
to canalization and dam constructions have further degraded water
quality. For example, in the river Yamuna, water abstraction and in-
creases in industrial efuents have drastically impacted water quality
(Joshi et al., 2016). In terms of elements impacted by water quality, our
results highlight the direct link between water quality and freshwater
biodiversity, including sh (Joshi et al., 2016), macroinvertebrate
(Khatri et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2021) and phytoplankton diversity
(Meshram et al., 2018). Indeed, good water quality leads to high di-
versity, and high biodiversity of certain taxonomic groups is an indicator
of good water quality (Meshram et al., 2018; Khatri et al., 2021).
Water extraction for irrigation was the second most connected
element and was identied as a main driver for declining groundwater
availability, and as whole, water security. Indeed, a signicant and
increasing proportion of freshwater resources in India is used for irri-
gation (Bunting et al., 2015), which has led to decreases in both surface
and ground water levels (Gupta et al., 2015). It is estimated that in India,
about 89 % of extracted groundwater is used for irrigation (Jain et al.,
2019). Water for irrigation is mainly extracted through wells, canals and
tanks (Shah, 2011). Yet, groundwater irrigation is also the backbone of
Indias agriculture (Zaveri et al., 2016), which employs about 55 % of
Indias population (Jain et al., 2019). Thus, there are important impli-
cations for the countrys food security. Indeed, agricultural water use
represents one of Indias National Water Policys main water allocation
priorities (Government of India, 2012). Yet, the Policy primarily sets
focus on water as a resource and does not address biodiversity or its
decline in relation to water exploitation. Yet, irrigation was also asso-
ciated with decreased freshwater sh diversity and general biodiversity.
It was estimated that freshwater species have declined by over 30 %
from 1970 to 2003, partially as a result of water diversions for irrigation
(Lakra et al., 2011). Fish and mollusk species that are particularly
affected include freshwater prawns, carps, catsh and ilish (ibidem),
whereas odonates are particularly threatened by dams, as observed in
the Western Ghats (IUCN, 2011). However, water reservoirs have also
evolved to be important sources of inland sheries (Sarkar et al., 2018).
Water extraction for irrigation is thus mainly inuencing other ele-
ments, and was in our results only impacted by monsoon rainfall, as
more rainfall leads to a lower reliance on water from irrigation (Zaveri
et al., 2016).
Finally, droughts were the third most connected element. While
droughts in India are largely determined by global climate patterns, such
as el Ni˜
no (Kumar et al., 2013), they can have catastrophic effects on
local livelihoods and are perceived to be on the rise by local farmers
(Sharma and Mujumdar, 2017). Unsurprisingly, droughts were mainly
driven by water scarcity (Zaveri et al., 2016), yet were an important
inuencer in the overall system, impacting not only food and water
nexus elements, but also health-related and economic elements. As such,
droughts have been linked to decreased agricultural yield and livestock
production (both associated with decreased income generation) and
Fig. 3. Explanation of the terminology of different components in the systems
map produced in, using an annotated example from Ravikanth et al.
(2020) based on their articles statement: Owls which reside in and around
farmlands have signicantly contributed to managing the rodent population
damaging crops(2020:35. Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of
linkages going to and from a given element, while the thickness of lines rep-
resents the number of connections between two nodes. Dotted lines denote
negative linkages, whereas solid lines represent positive linkages.
Table 2
General statistics of the linkages extracted from literature.
Nexus node Biodiversity Water Food
Total unique*
57 41 41
Biodiversity -
Water -
Water -
Total linkages 56 39 28
Positive linkages 35 22 10
Negative linkages 21 17 18
** Social, economic and health related elements.
Some elements (e.g., irrigation) are mentioned in several studies. Therefore,
the number of unique elements is reported here.
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
poor health (including mental health) by farmers in the Maharashtra
State (Udmale et al., 2014). Droughts also led to environmental degra-
dation, and are associated with decreases in faunal diversity, including
freshwater sh (ibidem). For instance, droughts have a direct impact on
the success of carp cultures in Purulia (Mishra et al., 2022) and sh
spawns in the river Ganga (Das et al., 2013).
3.3. Biodiversity nexus issues
India hosts a substantial proportion of the worlds biological di-
versity (Jenkins et al., 2013; Chitale et al., 2014; Venkataraman and
Sivaperuman, 2018). At the same time, India is among the worlds
countries facing the highest habitat conversion rates (Watson et al.,
2016) and biodiversity loss (Venter et al., 2016). It is estimated that over
40 % of the countrys land is degraded, mainly due to the overuse of
agrochemicals and land conversion for irrigation (Ravikanth et al.,
2020). Yet, it is estimated that up to 150 million people (including
marginalized communities) directly depend on biodiversity for their
livelihoods (Bawa et al., 2021).
With a total of 137 linkages, results show that biodiversity is the most
connected nexus node in the food, water and biodiversity nexus. We nd
39 direct linkages between water and biodiversity, as well as 56 between
food and biodiversity. The most connected biodiversity elements are
freshwater sh diversity (directly connected through 16 linkages),
agrobiodiversity (16 linkages) and freshwater biodiversity as a whole
(15 linkages) (Fig. 7). It is noteworthy that these top 3 most connected
biodiversity elements are in fact not only related to biodiversity, but
already straddle the food and water nexus nodes. Indeed, freshwater
biodiversity and sh biodiversity relate to water, while agrobiodiversity
relates to food. This shows that by default, biodiversity is a highly
connected nexus node that goes beyond a single sector or discipline. This
is in line with the various denitions of biodiversity, placing it at the
root of functioning ecosystem processes and resulting ecosystem services
(Isbell et al., 2017; Harrison et al., 2014)
India has a very high freshwater sh diversity, hosting about 10 % of
the global freshwater sh (Kisku et al., 2017) and over 900 different
species (Joshi et al., 2016) and high endemism (Nesemann et al., 2017).
Fig. 4. Systems map of food, water and biodiversity nexus linkage in India based on literature. Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of linkages going to
and from a given element. Dotted lines denote negative linkages, whereas solid lines represent positive linkages (a full version of the map is available here).
Table 3
Number and direction of linkages between food, water and biodiversity.
Nexus node Linkage direction Number of linkages
Water ingoing 48
outgoing 83
total 131
Biodiversity ingoing 90
outgoing 47
total 137
Food ingoing 56
outgoing 64
total 120
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
Fig. 5. Systems map of the food, water and biodiversity nexus in India based on literature. Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of linkages going to and
from a given node, while the thickness of connections represents the total number of connections between two nodes (map available here).
Fig. 6. Systems maps showing the ingoing and outgoing linkages for water quality, water extraction for irrigation and droughts (full version of the map available
here). Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of linkages going to and from a given element. Dotted lines indicate negative linkages and solid lines pos-
itive linkages.
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
In the analyzed studies, freshwater sh diversity was mainly impacted
by other elements. Water quality (including water turbidity, pH, dis-
solved oxygen and the concentration of various fertilizer by-products)
was the biggest driver of freshwater sh diversity. Indeed, sh di-
versity depends on good water quality (Joshi et al., 2016). For example,
in the Paschim Medinipur District (West Bengal), a study revealed that
Community Development Blocks with the highest water quality
exhibited the highest sh diversity (Kisku et al., 2017). As previously
highlighted, the engineering of waterways (both for irrigation and other
water management purposes) also played a key role in reduced fresh-
water sh diversity. Thus, the construction of dams and canals, as well as
resulting inter- and intra-basin water transfers and changes in river
discharge were shown to have reduced sh diversity (Lakra et al., 2011;
Bunting et al., 2015; Grant et al., 2012). Equally, the loss of forests
(Lakra et al., 2011) and introduction of invasive species (Bunting et al.,
2015) were associated with lower sh diversity. Results also show that
freshwater habitats are currently underrepresented in the national
protected area network (Kumar Sarkar et al., 2013). The only element
directly impacted by sh diversity is food security. Indeed, India is
among the worlds largest aquaculture producers (FAO, 2021). As a
non-vegetarian source of protein, sh consumption and production are
increasing in India, thus contributing to nutrition and food security
(Barik, 2017). Freshwater sheries are thought to support the liveli-
hoods of over 23 million inland shermen and sh workers in the
country (Ghosh et al., 2022).
Agrobiodiversity was the second most connected biodiversity
element. Agrobiodiversity is broadly dened as the diversity of life on,
around or supported by agricultural land (Wood and Lenn´
e, 1999). As
many as 22 agrobiodiversity hotspots have been identied in India
(Nayar et al., 2009), pointing to the importance of India in global
agricultural diversity. In India, agrobiodiversity is a central source of
nutrition, raw materials and soil productivity for farmers (Ravikanth
et al., 2020). Besides, vegetation around farmland increases resilience to
disasters, e.g., by acting as windbreakers and increasing pest control
through predation (ibid). Agrobiodiversity is also vital for medicinal
plants, such as Terminalia chebula (Maske et al., 2011), which are a
non-negligible source of income for many small-scale farmers (Nautiyal
et al., 2020). These various non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are
recognized as crucial livelihood sources and include wild plants, fungi,
wild fruits, nuts, edible roots, small mammals, insects, sh, honey and
aforementioned medicinal plants (Pullanikkatil and Shackleton, 2019).
The reviewed studies reveal that agrobiodiversity can be increased
by conservation agriculture practices (including low intensity farming
or sustainable intensication) (Bunting et al., 2015; Kothari and Joy,
2017). For example, in Buxa (West Bengal), introducing multiple crop-
ping seasons, diversifying crops (e.g., combined rice and sh cultures)
and reducing agrochemical use was shown to have a positive impact on
agrobiodiversity and crop resilience (Bunting et al., 2015). However,
implementing measures supporting agrobiodiversity can be limited by
many factors, including the lack of resources, nancial and institutional
support, access to knowledge and needed paradigm shifts (Bhan and
Behera, 2014; Singh et al., 2023). Likewise, the co-creation of agricul-
tural conservation options is key. Participatory crop variety selection,
seed exchange and the establishment of community institutions
Fig. 7. Systems maps showing the ingoing and outgoing linkages for freshwater sh diversity, agrobiodiversity and freshwater biodiversity (full version of the map
available here). Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of linkages going to and from a given element. Dotted lines indicate negative linkages and solid lines
positive linkages.
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
promoting new varieties and knowledge exchange were proven to
strengthen livelihoods and biodiversity in three agrobiodiversity hot-
spots of India (Anil Kumar et al., 2015).
The third most connected biodiversity element is freshwater biodi-
versity. As freshwater sh are a subset of freshwater biodiversity, the
ingoing and outgoing connections are very similar to those for fresh-
water sh diversity, with few notable differences. For example, litera-
ture highlighted a mutual direct link between freshwater biodiversity
and local communities, including the importance of aquatic resources
for NTFPs and the harvesting of aquatic plants and animals (Bunting
et al., 2016; Kothari and Joy, 2017). Additionally, more focus was
attributed to the negative impacts of agricultural expansion (IUCN,
2011), resulting soil erosion (Bunting et al., 2015) and the use of ag-
rochemicals (Allen et al., 2012) on freshwater biodiversity.
To conclude, biodiversity elements are the most frequent in our
systems map, and the most connected. This can be explained by the
central role biodiversity plays in supporting provisioning services, such
as food and water (Naeem et al., 2012; Watson et al., 2019). Yet, our
results only highlight few linkages between biodiversity and human
well-being, which may point towards a lack of recognition of this linkage
in India. The Indian National Mission on Biodiversity and Human
Well-Being (NMBHWB) aims to ll this gap by integrating biodiversity,
agriculture, health, bio-economy, climate change and capacity building
within biodiversity science (Bawa et al., 2021).
3.4. Food nexus issues
India is among the largest food producers globally, with the agri-
cultural sector employing over 50 % of Indias workforce and remaining
the countrys primary food supplier (Ravikanth et al., 2020; Zaveri et al.,
2016). In our nexus systems map, the most connected agricultural ele-
ments are food security (19 linkages), conservation agriculture (12
linkages) and agricultural land expansion (11 linkages) (Fig. 8). Food
security is the most connected element, not only among food elements
but in the entire systems map. Yet, it only presents ingoing connections,
showing that it is mainly inuenced and impacted by other elements in
the system. An estimated 600 million Indian people directly or indirectly
depend on agriculture for their livelihoods (Anil Kumar et al., 2015).
Most of Indias farmers are small-scale and many live in poverty (Baw
et al., 2020), which means that sustainable agricultural practices are of
vital importance for local livelihoods and food security.
Results show that food security is positively affected by conservation
agriculture measures, such as agroforestry (Dandabathula et al., 2021),
product diversication (Anil Kumar et al., 2015) or the presence of
hedges and woody trees between crops (Aditya et al., 2020; Hegde et al.,
2019). Several other elements related to biodiversity increased food
security, many of which were mentioned in the previous section (e.g.,
NTFPs, agrobiodiversity and freshwater sh diversity). Additionally, our
systems map reveals the importance of genetic diversity for food secu-
rity. For example, a eld experiment in Madhya Pradesh demonstrated
that in the case of pigeonpea, crops with a higher diversity exhibit lower
pod and grain damage from pests (Ambhure et al., 2014). Similarly, the
genetic diversity of forest species in India has been associated with many
species of food value (B´
elanger and Pilling, 2019) and is particularly
critical for the most vulnerable parts of the population (Anil Kumar
et al., 2015). Related to this, farmers experiential knowledge on tradi-
tional crops and farming practices as well as associated ecological pro-
cesses were proven key for maintaining indigenous food sovereignty in
India (Bisht et al., 2020). Yet, the qualitative and less tangible nature of
such knowledge makes its formal recognition in institutional policies
Fig. 8. Systems maps showing the ingoing and outgoing linkages for food security, conservation agriculture and agricultural land expansion (full version of the map
available here). Sizes of circles (elements) represent the number of linkages going to and from a given element. Dotted lines indicate negative linkages and solid lines
positive linkages.
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
difcult (ˇ
umane et al., 2018).
A further key inuencer of food security is water availability and
security, largely dened by monsoons in many parts of the country
(Dhawan, 2017). India is the worlds largest groundwater user (World
Bank, 2012). Most of Indias extracted groundwater is used for irriga-
tion, without which the countrys agricultural transformation (or Green
Revolution) could not have been achieved (Mukherji, 2008; Quinlan
et al., 2014). Government subsidies for electricity powering irrigation
equipment have also led to increased water extraction which did in-
crease food security, yet with important tradeoffs for groundwater levels
(Zaveri et al., 2016; Gulati and Pahuja, 2015). This linkage is also re-
ected in policy. Agriculture and food production are addressed in a
number of national frameworks in India, including the 2000 National
Agricultural Policy, the 2007 National Policy for Farmers, the 2001
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act and the 2002
National Seed Policy (Jacob et al., 2020). Water use is a key consider-
ation in most of these frameworks, while biodiversity is only marginally
addressed (Mondal et al., 2023; ˇ
umane et al., 2018; Bisht et al., 2020).
The second most connected food element is agricultural land
expansion. In contrast to food security, agricultural land expansion only
has outgoing connections, showing that the analyzed literature focused
on the impact this element has rather than its causes. While agricultural
expansion in India is associated with increased agrobiodiversity (Rav-
ikanth et al., 2020), this has been to the detriment of numerous habitats,
including wetlands (Behera et al., 2012), associated freshwater biodi-
versity (IUCN, 2011), forests, scrub- and grasslands (Ravikanth et al.,
2020). Indeed, in their study comparing crop yields of land sharing and
land sparing strategies in India, Phalan et al., 2011 show that overall,
more species are negatively impacted by agriculture than beneting
from it, particularly among endemic species. As discussed above, agri-
cultural land expansion has also greatly reduced water resources (Zaveri
et al., 2016; Quinlan et al., 2014; Dhawan, 2017).
Conservation agriculture, which was already mentioned in the
context of agrobiodiversity (see previous Section) was the third most
connected food element. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations denes conservation agriculture as practices that pro-
mote the maintenance and conservation of soil cover and the diversi-
cation of plants (FAO, 2023) thus increasing agrobiodiversity. Because
of this close link, several of the elements connecting to and from con-
servation agriculture, such as crop diversity and soil nutrients, over-
lapped with those connecting to and from agrobiodiversity, described in
the previous section. Literature also highlighted the role conservation
agriculture practices, such as zero-tillage, can play in reducing invasives
weeds (Bhan and Behera, 2014), fuel and herbicide costs (Malik et al.,
2005) and increasing water use efciency by up to 30 % by preserving
soil water content (Gupta and Jat, 2010). However, literature also
revealed potential challenges in implementing conservation agriculture
measures. For example, the lack of appropriate seeders for small- and
medium-scale farmers, as well as limited skills and manpower to switch
to conservation agriculture practices were highlighted (Bhan and
Behera, 2014).
Finally, it is noteworthy that agricultural land expansion and con-
servation agriculture were among the three system elements with the
highest reach (0.137 and 0.123 respectively, see Appendix 1), pointing
towards the wide-reaching effects of these elements throughout the
entire FWB nexus.
4. Discussion
With this review, we address the need of a context-specic nexus
understanding and review academic literature to explore important
causal linkages at the food-water-biodiversity nexus in India. Applying a
systems thinking lens, we use qualitative system mapping to illustrate
our ndings.
As most extracted elements pertain to biodiversity, our results make
recent advancements in biodiversity and conservation research in India
evident. Biodiversity was the most connected element (both with food
and water), which can be explained by biodiversity representing the
backbone of ecosystem processes that support water regulation and food
availability. A central issue that emerged here was the safeguarding of
food security in a country where agriculture is expanding and water
resources are dwindling. While food elements were less frequent in the
nal systems map, they had a higher reach than other nexus issues, with
agricultural land expansion having the highest reach. This is due to the
severe impacts of agricultural expansion on water quality and use for
irrigation, as well as habitat fragmentation. In the reviewed literature,
particular emphasis was placed on agrobiodiversity and sustainable
farming practices to address trade-offs with biodiversity and water
management. Additionally, many studies focused on the impacts of river
alterations on ecosystems, including the construction of dams and
channels for irrigation. Thus, our ndings also reveal potential conicts
and competing interests within the FWB system.
In terms of nexus pairings, food and biodiversity linkages were most
frequent, followed by water and biodiversity linkages. Despite their
straightforward link, water and food linkages were the least frequent.
This might be explained by the timeframe chosen for including studies
(post 2010), chosen based on the rise of nexus research in this period.
Nevertheless, this timeframe also overlaps with a rise in studies on
biodiversity (Titley et al., 2017), whereas research on water manage-
ment and food production expanded earlier (Postel, 1998), which may
have created a bias towards this nexus node. Despite this, the role of
biodiversity in safeguarding natures provisioning services is less sys-
tematically addressed in Indian water or food policy, as opposed to the
linkage between food and water, which is traditionally more widely
recognized and straightforward. This is most likely due to the
complexity of the concept of biodiversity, and the indirect linkages that
connect it to provisioning ecosystem services such as food and water, as
highlighted in our nexus systems map. Our study therefore highlights a
need for further cross-sectoral policies addressing multiple FWB nexus
considerations simultaneously. ‘Horizontal coordination and
decision-making spanning across different sectors is a key characteristic
of polycentric governance arrangements (Ostrom, 1999), which have
indeed been proposed for addressing other nexus interdependencies and
their governance, e.g., in the water-energy-food (Srigiri and Dom-
browsky, 2022) or energy-water nexus (Villamayor-Tomas, 2018).A
related aspect is the oftentimes conicting objectives of biodiversity
conservation and economic development, which is particularly crucial
in the case of India (Srivathsa et al., 2023). On the one hand, the country
needs to improve the living standards of its vast and expanding popu-
lation, and lift people out of poverty through sustained and long-term
economic growth. On the other hand, many sectors that propel growth
and employment have adverse impacts on biodiversity and environment
(Jha and Bawa, 2006). This tension has resulted in complex policy
choices and tradeoffs (Chopra, 2017). Yet, India has a track record of
bringing in strong legal provisions to conserve biodiversity and protect
the environment. Examples include the Biological Diversity Act 2002
(Parliament of India, 2002) and the Forest Conservation Act 1980
(Parliament of India, 1980). In addition, the government has constituted
conservation bodies like the National Mission on Biodiversity and
Human Well-Being (Bawa et al., 2021) to protect biodiversity hotspots
and complex socio-ecological systems. Biodiversity conservation efforts
in India have attempted to bring in community participation and
ownership going beyond the traditional ‘fortress conservationstrategies
(Rai et al., 2021). However, the tension between the need for economic
growth and environmental priorities has seen several of these efforts not
reaching their desired goals (Tisdell, 2020). Critics have argued that
legal provisions have been weakened to prioritize economic growth and
these have not been implemented properly on the ground: for example,
recent amendments to the Biological Diversity Act 2002 and the Forest
Conservation Act 1980 have come under critical scrutiny and evoked
strong responses from conservationists and experts (Gupta, 2023; Sax-
ena, 2024; Chouhan, 2023). While our review provides valuable insights
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
into key food, water and biodiversity nexus issues in India, it is not
without limitations, many of which are inherent to literature reviews
(Snyder, 2019). For example, our study only highlights those linkages
mentioned in the included literature, at the risk of missing important
(yet unpublished or omitted) nexus linkages. Since food, water and
biodiversity are all broad concepts that encompass many subelds,
sectors and disciplines, it is difcult to capture all nexus linkages in a
comprehensive manner. Additionally, as with any literature review, the
scope of the study was bound using specic search terms, with the
possibility that themes outside of the FWB nexus were insufciently
covered as a result. Similarly, we cannot be fully certain that the terms
reviewed covered all available studies on the topic, as authors may have
used different terminology for identical or similar concepts. Further
biases may have arisen by including only English language resources,
while key studies might be published in local languages or not be pub-
licly available. Moreover, terminology may often be used inconsistently,
thus forcing the reviewer to make potentially arbitrary decisions when
interpreting meaning.
Visualizing literature reviews using qualitative system maps is
increasingly common, for example to illustrate author or thematic net-
works. However, we are not aware of applications where QSM has been
used to structure and illustrate a literature review on nexus issues. This
approach is thus an innovation, which cannot build on available liter-
ature yet is explored in this review study. The key advantage is forcing
clarity on linkages by making them explicit and translating vast amounts
of information into easy to grasp, graphical illustrations.
A wide variety of tools are available for such visualizations.
is a valuable and relatively novel option as it is freely accessible and
provides attractive visuals, apart from ample opportunities to deepen
the analysis by adding additional layers of information. Most impor-
tantly, the resulting maps are excellent knowledge repositories that can
be used and searched online. There are still certain drawbacks, as
complex overview maps are difcult to navigate or on the contrary can
create the illusion of an oversimplied system. There is ample room for
further studies into the most effective use of QSM in nexus review ef-
forts, specically providing clear review protocols and guidance, but
also exploring quantitative opportunities for areas with ample data
availability to gain additional levels of insights.
While care was taken to include studies from different parts of India,
studies will inevitably reect sample biases, for example towards areas
that are most accessible or well-studied. In particular, we note the lim-
itations of aggregating data from a variety of contexts and scopes, which
is however an inherent limitation of literature reviews (Grant and Booth,
2009). Acknowledging these limitations, our ndings nonetheless show
the value of a national study, which on the one hand allows to disag-
gregate nexus issues and highlight context-specic links, while on the
other hand still requiring some level of aggregation of common nexus
Although our review captures important FWB nexus issues in India as
recognized by peer-reviewed literature, further on-the-ground work is
needed to validate and expand these results. Additionally, while this
review serves to inform and identify potential areas of policy action at
the FWB nexus, prescriptions on actual policy and practice are beyond
the scope of the review, and would require the consultation of decision-
makers and stakeholders through a participatory process, such as in-
terviews. We hope to ll this gap in the fairSTREAM project, where FWB
nexus issues in the Upper Bhima Basin are explored using mixed
(quantitative and qualitative) methods (see Kanade et al., 2023). To
develop sustainable policy options across the FWB nexus, the project
aims to develop a knowledge co-production approach involving direct
interactions with primary stakeholders (farmers, shermen and
forest-dependent communities) which will help further contextualize
the FWB nexus,its challenges and policy options in this region.
5. Conclusion
The current study represents a rst attempt at distilling some of the
central issues pertaining to the FWB nexus in India. Our results
emphasize that food, water and biodiversity in India are part of a highly
connected system, as demonstrated by the developed systems map(s),
which exhibit a dense network of nexus elements and only very few
isolated elements. Additionally, extracted linkages were very complex,
with individual elements often having a wide reach within the system.
Thus, impacting one given element can have cascading effects through
the entire FWB system. The developed systems map also highlights the
numerous tradeoffs and areas of competing interests within the FWB
nexus. Yet, the applied qualitative systems mapping method also rep-
resents a valuable approach for understanding wider sustainability
This has important implications for policy and practice both within
and beyond India. Countries around the world have committed to
achieving their national targets as part of the SDGs, and nexus ap-
proaches are increasingly considered indispensable to successfully
deliver them (Estoque, 2023). The Government of India has imple-
mented various programs and interventions and has been keeping track
of and reporting progress towards SDGs (Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation, 2023). While efforts have been focused on
tracking progress towards individual SDGs, there is still a need for
empirical studies monitoring the complex interlinkages between SDGs in
India, especially as the country needs to meet the twin goals of economic
growth to improve livelihoods and biodiversity conservation to ensure
environmental well-being, which are often conicting. The WFB nexus
system map developed in this study provides insights into key linkages
between SDGs 2, 6 and 15 in India.
Balancing biodiversity with socio-economic needs will require
navigating complex trade-offs and synergies within the food, water and
biodiversity nexus, some of which have been highlighted in this review.
As pointed out earlier, India has made strong legal enactments to
enhance biodiversity conservation. An engaged civil society, supported
by academic studies, also ensured that the principles of community
participation are adhered to in designing policies. However, recent
conservation policy amendments cast questions on how environment
and biodiversity will be prioritized as India advances on a growth and
development trajectory. The challenge for policymakers will be to bal-
ance these competing goals, avoid short-termism and develop a long-
term vision for sustainability. Fostering inclusive collaborations
among stakeholders will be critical to help achieve Indias sustainability
This study shows the necessity for integrated policies and cross-
sectoral collaboration (characteristic of polycentric governance sys-
tems) to advance sustainable development in India. It also highlights the
perils in ignoring nexus issues. To overcome silo-thinking, policies and
governance structures that manage food, water or biodiversity must
address nexus challenges across multiple scales, national, regional and
local, including cross-scale linkages. Indeed, a more integrated systems
approach is key to addressing Indias growing water and food demands
and enable the design of sustainable development policies and syner-
gistic governance approaches.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Susanne Hanger-Kopp: Funding acquisition, Project administra-
tion, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. Bejoy K.
Thomas: Funding acquisition, Writing original draft, Writing review
& editing. Barbar´
a Willaarts: Writing original draft. Neha Bhadb-
hade: Writing original draft, Writing review & editing. J.K. Joy:
Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing original draft,
Writing review & editing. Juliette Crescentia Genevieve, Martin:
Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
Methodology, Validation, Visualization, Writing original draft,
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
Writing review & editing. Radhika Kanade: Conceptualization, Data
curation, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A. Summary metrics
Table A.1
Summary metrics of nexus elements included in the analysis
Element Nexus node Betweenness Closeness Degree Indegree Outdegree Reach
Recreational shing water 0 0.000 1 1 0 0.007
Water quality water 0.009 0.077 12 7 6 0.075
Macroinvertebrate diversity biodiversity 0.001 0.054 2 2 2 0.055
Freshwater sheries food 0.001 0.007 6 5 1 0.014
Freshwater biodiversity biodiversity 0.005 0.018 11 11 2 0.021
Freshwater sh diversity biodiversity 0.001 0.007 13 12 1 0.021
Freshwater habitat connectivity water 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Macrophyte community structure biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Nutrient load water 0.001 0.059 3 1 2 0.062
Invasive macrophytes biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Agricultural fertilizer runoff food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Wetlands water 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Microbial diversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Phytoplankton diversity biodiversity 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
Irrigation food 0.006 0.057 2 3 6 0.007
Food security food 0 0 15 15 0 0.007
Income generation economic 0 0 6 6 0 0.007
Endemism biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Nutrition for indigenous communities food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Highland aquatic ecosystems water 0.000 0.028 3 1 2 0.041
Invasive sh biodiversity 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
River discharge water 0.001 0.057 4 2 2 0.068
Agrobiodiversity biodiversity 0.003 0.050 13 7 6 0.068
Agricultural resilience food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Non-timber forest products biodiversity 0.004 0.030 5 3 3 0.048
Groundwater availability water 0 0 8 8 0 0.007
Social and family ties social 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Ecological knowledge transfer biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Soil microbial activity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Soil erosion food 0.000 0.018 2 1 1 0.021
Poverty reduction social 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Medicinal plants food 0.003 0.020 5 2 3 0.027
Faunal diversity biodiversity 0 0 6 6 0 0.007
Floral diversity biodiversity 0 0 5 5 0 0.007
Habitat diversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Genetic diversity (forests) biodiversity 0.000 0.007 2 1 1 0.014
Crustacean diversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Agricultural yield food 0 0 7 7 0 0.007
Freshwater habitats water 0.000 0.017 4 2 2 0.034
Forest biodiversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Grassland/scrubland biodiversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Rodents biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Farmland owls biodiversity 0.000 0.007 2 1 1 0.014
Soil productivity food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Crop climate resilience food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Soil conservation food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Disease protection biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Water use efciency water 0 0 3 3 0 0.007
Nutrient availability food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Land cover change biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Water depletion water 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Land degradation biodiversity 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
Biodiversity loss biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Habitat loss biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Woody trees biodiversity 0.000 0.007 2 1 1 0.027
Crop yield food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Wild plants biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Crop pest control food 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
Tree species richness biodiversity 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
Bird species richness biodiversity 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
(continued on next page)
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
Table A.1 (continued )
Element Nexus node Betweenness Closeness Degree Indegree Outdegree Reach
Genetic diversity (crops) biodiversity 0.000 0.007 2 1 1 0.014
Tailwater sheries water 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Freshwater sh community structure biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Indigenous sh diversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Surface water water 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Groundwater quality water 0 0 2 2 0 0.007
Green revolution food 0.001 0.007 3 2 1 0.014
Water security water 0.000 0.007 3 2 1 0.014
Water extraction for irrigation water 0 0.035 8 0 3 0.089
Cost of agricultural production economic 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Soil nutrients food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Conservation agriculture food 0.002 0.085 9 2 7 0.123
Invasive weeds biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Crop diversity food 0.001 0.027 5 1 4 0.034
Human-wildlife conicts social 0 0 3 3 0 0.007
Agricultural practices food 0.000 0.013 4 2 2 0.021
Livestock production food 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Freshwater sh biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Human health health 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Droughts water 0.001 0.110 11 1 10 0.130
Horticultural diversity biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Flood plain farming food 0.000 0.013 3 1 2 0.021
River ow water 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Fish migration biodiversity 0 0 1 1 0 0.007
Local communities social 0.004 0.025 4 4 2 0.034
Rivers and streams water 0 0.020 3 0 3 0.027
Agricultural pesticide use food 0 0.081 5 0 5 0.103
Overgrazing food 0 0.052 1 0 1 0.055
Rainfall water 0 0.017 2 0 2 0.027
Agricultural land expansion food 0 0.100 10 0 10 0.137
Unsustainable shing practices food 0 0.018 1 0 1 0.027
Dams water 0 0.099 9 0 9 0.116
Agricultural fertilizer use food 0 0.084 6 0 6 0.075
Agricultural sediment runoff food 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.027
Brackish waters water 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Freshwater aquaculture food 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Habitat quality biodiversity 0 0.039 1 1 1 0.021
Pollution (wastewater) water 0 0.052 1 0 1 0.055
Canals water 0 0.056 3 0 3 0.055
Rural livelihood diversication social 0 0.038 2 0 2 0.062
Fish pond integrated in irrigation scheme food 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Fishing food 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Invasive species biodiversity 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.027
Sustainable farming food 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Water regime modications water 0 0.018 1 0 1 0.021
Agriculture food 0 0.019 1 0 1 0.021
Forest rivers water 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Agroforestry food 0 0.020 3 0 3 0.027
Riparian buffers water 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Forest ecosystems biodiversity 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.021
Tribal groups social 0 0.030 2 0 2 0.041
Protected areas (tiger reserves) biodiversity 0 0.022 2 0 2 0.034
Trees on farmland biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Soil microbial diversity biodiversity 0 0.020 3 0 3 0.027
Pollination biodiversity 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Bird populations biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Hedge trees between crops biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Land sharing biodiversity 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Forest protection biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Restoration biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Gene seed and grain banks biodiversity 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.021
Product diversication food 0 0.037 2 0 2 0.055
Inter- and intra-basin water transfers water 0 0.023 3 0 3 0.041
River diversions water 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.027
Deforestation biodiversity 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.027
Jute retting economic 0 0.023 3 0 3 0.041
Crop exports food 0 0.013 2 0 2 0.021
Financial incentives for water intensive crops economic 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Financial incentives for irrigation economic 0 0.042 2 0 2 0.021
Water scarcity water 0 0.075 2 0 2 0.089
Monsoons water 3 0 3
Distorted water prices water 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Water-saving agronomic practices food 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Multiple sector water use water 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Lack of seeders food 0 0.056 1 0 1 0.062
Lack of specialised manpower and skills food 0 0.056 1 0 1 0.062
(continued on next page)
J.C.G. Martin et al.
Environmental Science and Policy 159 (2024) 103826
Table A.1 (continued )
Element Nexus node Betweenness Closeness Degree Indegree Outdegree Reach
Reuse of treated wastewater water 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Protected freshwater habitats biodiversity 0 0.010 1 0 1 0.021
Elephant raids biodiversity 0 0.020 2 0 2 0.034
Primate raids biodiversity 0 0.020 2 0 2 0.034
Leopard attacks biodiversity 0 0.007 1 0 1 0.014
Pastoral landscapes biodiversity 0 0.034 1 0 1 0.055
Floods water 0 0.013 1 0 1 0.027
Terrestrial biodiversity biodiversity 0 0.021 1 0 1 0.027
Appendix B. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103826.
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J.C.G. Martin et al.
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The study aimed to analyze the factors influencing agricultural production in agricultural projects in the River Nile State through a documentary analytical review of the winter season 2018/2019. The descriptive analytical method was adopted, utilizing document and official report analysis related to agricultural production during the season. The study population encompassed all agricultural projects in River Nile State, with a purposive sample selected from reports and statistics of agricultural projects, in addition to data from relevant government bodies for the 2018/2019 season due to its availability. Documents and official reports were analyzed using statistical analysis tools and comparative methods to assess the various factors affecting agricultural production. The results revealed that River Nile State features a diverse range of agricultural projects, including small and large-scale projects, such as individual, cooperative, investment, and government projects. The study emphasized that shifting to modern irrigation systems could enhance water efficiency and productivity. Additionally, economic and social factors significantly impact the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, improving environmental health and farm profitability. The marketing of products was identified as a key factor in boosting agricultural production. The results also highlighted challenges such as climate change, high costs of irrigation, seeds, and fertilizers, along with a heavy reliance on foreign labor. A lack of sufficient funding was a major barrier to improving productivity. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended improving agricultural conditions in the state, transitioning from traditional irrigation to modern technologies, and expanding arable land. Training programs to raise awareness of sustainable agricultural practices were also suggested, along with proposals for future studies. Keywords: influencing factors, sustainable food security, agricultural projects, socio-economic characteristics, ALSudan. /// هدفت الدراسة إلى تحليل العوامل المؤثرة في الإنتاج الزراعي بالمشاريع الزراعية في ولاية نهر النيل؛ مراجعة تحليلية وثائقية للموسم الشتوي 2018/2019، باعتماد المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، واستخدام تحليل الوثائق والتقارير الرسمية المتعلقة بالإنتاج الزراعي خلال الموسم، وشمل مجتمع الدراسة كافة المشاريع الزراعية بولاية نهر النيل، وتم اختيار عينة قصدية تمثلت في تقارير وإحصائيات المشاريع الزراعية، إضافة إلى بيانات من الجهات الحكومية المختصة للموسم (2018/2019)، وذلك لتوفرها، حيث تم تحليل الوثائق والتقارير الرسمية، باستخدام أدوات التحليل الإحصائي والمقارنة لمختلف العوامل المؤثرة في الإنتاج الزراعي، وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن ولاية نهر النيل تتميز بتنوع المشاريع الزراعية بين الصغيرة والكبيرة، بما في ذلك المشاريع الفردية والتعاونية والاستثمارية والحكومية، وأن التحول إلى نظم الري الحديثة يمكن أن يزيد من كفاءة استخدام المياه والإنتاجية، كما أكدت على تأثير العوامل الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في اعتماد الممارسات الزراعية المستدامة، حيث تسهم في تحسين صحة البيئة وزيادة ربحية المزارع. وبيّنت أن تسويق المنتجات يعد عاملاً رئيسيًا لتفعيل الإنتاج الزراعي. كما أن استخدام نظم الري الحديثة يُعد ضروريًا لزيادة كفاءة استخدام الموارد المائية النادرة، كما بينت النتائج وجود تحديات تواجه الإنتاج الزراعي في الولاية، أبرزها تغير المناخ والتكاليف العالية للري والبذور والأسمدة، مع الاعتماد الكبير على العمالة الأجنبية، كما أن نقص التمويل يشكل عائقًا كبيرًا أمام تحسين الإنتاجية، بناء على النتائج أوصى الباحثون بتحسين الظروف الزراعية في الولاية، والتحول من أنظمة الري التقليدية إلى التقنيات الحديثة، واستصلاح المزيد من الأراضي الزراعية لزيادة الإنتاج، مع تطوير برامج تدريبية لرفع الوعي بالممارسات الزراعية المستدامة بين المزارعين، كما تم تقديم مقترحات بدراسات مستقبلية في الموضوع.
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Food is a serious business, for humans, for non-human animals, and for plants. Humans are the only animals that have monetised and trade food, although some spiders, crickets, and birds engage in nuptial gifts of food to facilitate mating. In crickets, males offer food produced from special glands to feed females; spider males themselves form the tasty morsel during the mating process, and birds offer favoured fruit or insects to females in courtship rituals. Plants make their own food, for which they need access to light.
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Researchers in sustainability science deal with increasingly complex problems that cross administrative, geographical, disciplinary, and sectoral boundaries, and are characterized by high stakes and deep uncertainties. This in turn creates methodological challenges to frame, structure, and solve complex problems in science and practice. There is a long tradition in visualizing systems as diagrams, and concept and cognitive maps, but there is insufficient differentiation and comparison between these methods and no clear umbrella term has yet been established. Against this background, we systematically review three foundational methods from different academic disciplines—causal diagrams, concept mapping, and cognitive mapping. Comparing and contrasting them, we facilitate a coherent understanding of qualitative systems mapping (QSM) as an umbrella term. We then proceed to explore the evident intersections between these methods to showcase some of the inter- and transdisciplinary opportunities and challenges crystallizing in integrated QSM approaches. Finally, we share case study insights from the food–water–biodiversity nexus in Austria and elaborate on some of the methodological nuances to data integration in QSM. Overall, with this overview paper, we lay the groundwork for a systematic, transparent, and yet flexible development and application of QSM methods to support mixed-methods research design and clear case study documentation, as well as fostering effective inter- and transdisciplinary communication in sustainability science. Further research needs to explore these QSM applications in depth across alternative sustainability science contexts, particularly with respect to efficient and rigorous protocols for knowledge and data integration vis-a-vis complex problems and transdisciplinary research processes.
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The Water Energy Food nexus is a powerful topic in agricultural systems to elucidate threats to biodiversity conservation and culture. This paper aimed to recapitulate nexus thinking research, focusing on social-ecological transitions of agriculture systems and biodiversity management within the Water-Energy-Food nexus. We developed a systematic review and a bibliometric analysis derived from 529 documents in the Scopus database. The ToS method identified a total of 81 relevant information in the sample of documents (529) categorised into roots (10), trunks (9) and leaves (62). This review paper situates types, focus, and highlights regarding biodiversity and prevalent thematic research areas such as “Food Nexus”, “Environmental Flows”, “Sustainability”, “Transitions”, and “Governance”. Our results suggest that future research should focus on the nexus of “Water-Energy-Food- Biodiversity” and propose a transdisciplinary approach to elucidate the state of sustainability transitions in the agricultural systems at the landscape level. It could increase stakeholder interest in conservation, and sustainability management, to reverse biodiversity losses in ecosystems.
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Biodiversity conservation and human well-being are tightly interlinked. Yet, mismatches in the scale at which these two priority issues are planned and implemented have exacerbated biodiversity loss, erosion of ecosystem services and declining human quality of life. India houses the second largest human population on the planet, while < 5% of the country's land area is effectively protected for conservation. This warrants landscape-level conservation planning through a judicious mix of land-sharing and land-sparing approaches combined with the co-production of ecosystem services. Through a multifaceted assessment, we prioritize spatial extents of land parcels that, in the face of anthropogenic threats, can safeguard conservation landscapes across India's biogeographic zones. We found that only a fraction (~15%) of the priority areas identified here are encompassed under India's extant Protected Area network, and furthermore, that several landscapes of high importance were omitted from all previous global-scale assessments. We then examined the spatial congruence of priority areas with administrative units earmarked for economic development by the Indian government and propose management zoning through state-driven and participatory approaches. Our spatially explicit insights can help meet the twin goals of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in India and other countries across the Global South.
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The sustainability of the agricultural system has become a global concern. Although the growth driven by green revolution technology has significantly contributed to making India self-sufficient in food production, the sustainability of the agricultural system has become debatable due to its adverse impact on the environment. Organic farming has become an alternative farming system to improve agricultural sustainability, yet farmers hesitate to adopt it. Therefore, this study aims to (i) identify the factors that affect the adoption of organic farming and (ii) investigate farmers’ perceptions towards its adoption. A total of 600 farmers (i.e., 300 organic and 300 conventional farmers) were randomly selected to conduct a field survey from two districts of the Middle Ganga River basin, India. A binary logistic regression was used to identify the factors that could affect the adoption of organic farming in the region. The results show that region, education, social category, training, farming experience, and monthly household income significantly affect organic farming adoption. Moreover, lack of financial support, lower yield levels, unavailability of markets, and expected low profits in organic farming are significant reasons that discourage farmers from adopting it. Therefore, by identifying significant variables associated with its adoption, the current study’s findings can provide better information for policymakers, which may help them make policies related to increasing the adoption rate among farmers.
In order to check the increasing diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes, the Government of India enacted the Forest Conservation Act (FCA) 1980 which mandated the central government’s prior approval for any such diversions. This Act applied to land notified as forest under the Indian Forest Act 1927 or any other law, and the forest under the control of the forest department. The Supreme Court order in Godavarman Case (1996) expanded the definition of a forest for applicability of FCA to all forests irrespective of recognition, classification, and ownership, and also those conforming to the dictionary meaning of forests. This created operational problems. The 2023 amendments to FCA 1980 exempt certain forest lands from its purview and exclude certain activities from the definition of non-forest purposes. The amended law shrinks the forest cover besides subverting rights granted to forest dwellers under Central laws.
Government says measure is needed to fight climate change, but conservationists have opposed it.
Despite the importance of Water-Energy-Food (WEF) evaluations in disseminating information about WEF security challenges, no study on WEF security at a State or Union Territory (UT) level has been conducted in India. We have quantitatively analysed the WEF nexus at State/UT level in India using Pardee RAND WEF Nexus Index (PR-WEFNI) for 2015-16 and 2019-20. The Government of India has implemented several policies to ensure India's WEF security. However, none of the studies have analysed the potential impact of implemented policies in WEF nexus changes. We have proposed an indicator-based approach, i.e., a Policy Implementation Score (PIS), which indicates a policy's progress (in %). PIS is calculated by aggregating indicators related to WEF policy implementation to quantitatively investigate the impact of implemented governmental policies on WEF nexus changes. Results indicated significant variations in WEF sub-indices across States/UTs over the two years under consideration. Most States/UTs showed an increase in the Water Sub-index (WSI) and Energy Sub-index (ESI) due to higher values of Water PIS and Energy PIS but a decrease/no changes in the Food sub-index (FSI) due to lower Food PIS. Moreover, overall WSI, ESI, FSI and WEFNI of India increased by 15%, 6.6%, 0.1% and 8%, respectively , in 2019-20 compared to 2015-16. This study assessed the WEF security status of Indian States/UTs, which helped to recognise respective resource-insecure areas. This approach can help policymakers identify problems, make further modifications, and develop area-specific policies to achieve resource security across India's States/ UTs and other developing economies worldwide.
Achieving global sustainability is a coupled human-environment system issue that requires resource planning and management that goes beyond siloed thinking. As such, there has been a growing interest in nexus thinking as a way to address global sustainability challenges in an integrated manner. In general, the nexus approach serves as a tool for systems integration, a platform for stakeholder engagement, and a method for exploring development pathways. This review traces the historical origin and progress of the nexus approach and examines the changes in the complexity and diversity of nexuses over time. Since its emergence in the early 1980s, the nexus approach has undergone several phases of development, resulting in more complex and diverse nexuses, whose components can be resource sectors/systems and/or specific social-ecological issues. This progress is favorable for the sustainable development agenda because the more components involved in a nexus, the greater the reality that can be potentially captured. Currently, however, there is still no consensus with regards to the needed key nexus components that could potentially cover all the sustainable development goals. The development of frameworks for implementing the nexus approach and the identification of relevant indicators and target values to be used for assessing trade-offs and synergies are also among the current issues with regards to the use of the nexus approach in the sustainability context.