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A Comprehensive Review on Acne and their Herbal Remedies

  • Shri Swami Samarth Institute of Pharmacy Malwadi Bota Sangamner


Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions globally, is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It is great challenge for the the dermatologist for its complexity, prevalence and also huge range of clinical expression. Due to hormonal changes 99.5% of teenage boys and 83% of teenage girls are affected by acne which may continue throughout adolescence. While conventional treatments such as topical creams, antibiotics, and oral medications exist, an increasing number of individuals seek natural remedies due to concerns about side effects and long-term sustainability. So, to give relief from acne problems and also minimize side effects it is better to use herbal plants. This review provides a comprehensive of acne and explores various natural remedies that have gained popularity in managing this skin condition. This review highlights the information about plants such as Eastern purple coneflower, green tea, German chamomile, calendula, liquorice, aloe vera, neem, turmeric, tulasi and witch hazel.Also, this review emphasis on the brief history of acne, taxonomical classification of plants, morphology of the plants, chemical constituents of plants which are responsible for various activities such as anti-acne, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, moisturizing and cleaning. This review includes the different methods of application of plant by using home remedies.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1653
A Comprehensive Review on Acne and their Herbal Remedies
Abhishek K. Sutar*, Amol S. Deshmukh
Department of Pharmaceutics, Indrayani Vidya Mandir’s, Krishnarao Bhegade Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education & Research, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune, 410507, India.
Date of Submission: 28-05-2024 Date of Acceptance: 05-06-2024
Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions
globally, is characterized by the presence of
pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It is great
challenge for the the dermatologist for its
complexity, prevalence and also huge range of
clinical expression. Due to hormonal changes
99.5% of teenage boys and 83% of teenage girls
are affected by acne which may continue
throughout adolescence. While conventional
treatments such as topical creams, antibiotics, and
oral medications exist, an increasing number of
individuals seek natural remedies due to concerns
about side effects and long-term sustainability. So,
to give relief from acne problems and also
minimize side effects it is better to use herbal
plants. This review provides a comprehensive of
acne and explores various natural remedies that
have gained popularity in managing this skin
condition. This review highlights the information
about plants such as Eastern purple coneflower,
green tea, German chamomile, calendula, liquorice,
aloe vera, neem, turmeric, tulasi and witch
hazel.Also, this review emphasis on the brief
history of acne, taxonomical classification of
plants, morphology of the plants, chemical
constituents of plants which are responsible for
various activities such as anti-acne, anti-
inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial,
moisturizing and cleaning. This review includes the
different methods of application of plant by using
home remedies.
Keywords: Skin, Acne, natural remedies, Acne
vulgaris, herbals.
A condition of the oil glands (sebaceous
glands) and hair follicles is acne. Sebum, oil
secreted by the sebaceous glands, keeps the skin
hydrated. Blotches and cysts may result from
congested glands. Acne affects people of all ages
and races. There are numerous chemical and
natural treatments for acne available [1].
Acne comes in several forms, including
blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, cystic
acne, and more. An estimated 50 million
Americans suffer with acne vulgaris each year, and
nearly 85% of teenagers have some form of the
disease. There are several ways that acne can
appear, ranging from little pimples to large cysts.
Acne can be caused by one or more of the
following, according to medical professionals and
An excessive or elevated oil production within
the pore.
Bacteria growth in the pore [2,3]
1. Ancient Civilizations:
Egyptian Civilization: Sulfur-containing
compounds were among the many therapies
utilized to treat skin conditions.
Greek and Roman Civilizations: Hippocrates,
the renowned Greek physician who lived from
460 to 370 BCE, spoke of skin outbreaks that
resembled acne.
2. Middle Ages:
There existed a combination of primitive medical
knowledge and superstition during the middle
3. Renaissance and Early Modern Period:
The importance of cleanliness and hygiene
for maintaining good skin health became
increasingly apparent during the Renaissance as
medical knowledge expanded.
4. 19th Century:
The specialty of dermatology started to
take shape as a separate medical practice in the
19th century.
5. 20th Century:
Significant progress was made in
dermatology and the understanding of acne during
the 20th century. Antibiotics, like tetracycline,
changed the way acne was treated by targeting the
part bacteria play in the condition's development.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1654
6. Late 20th Century and Beyond:
A potent oral drug made from vitamin A,
isotretinoin (Accutane), was developed in the late
20th century to treat severe and chronic acne [4].
1) Eastern purple coneflower (Echinacea
Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl - Aster
Genus: Echinacea Moench - purple coneflower
Species: Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench - eastern
purple coneflower.
Vernacular name: eastern purple
coneflower, purple coneflower, hedgehog
coneflower, or Echinacea [5].
Morphology:"flower" or "daisy “In reality, it is an
assembly of several tiny florets, much like the
head. There are droop florets with teeth at the ends
around the inner (disc) florets, which terminate in
spines. The spiky flowering heads of the Echinacea
genus are distinguished by an elevated receptacle
that forms the "cone.
In open forests, the Purple Echinacea grows
spontaneously. Gorgeous purple petals surround a
brown, spiky, or medium-sized pistil on the shrub.
The petals frequently lean to one side from the
prickly, cone-shaped core. Tiny hairs and a rough
texture characterize the flower leaves. There can be
an odd number of nerves in the leaves, ranging
from one to five. The plant typically reaches a
height of 140 cm [6].
Constituents: The three main categories of
secondary metabolites in the plant which have
primarily been discussed in manuscripts are
alkamides, polysaccharides, and derivatives of
caffeic acid. In one investigation, the n-hexane
extract of the plant root was used to successfully
purify ten alkamides, the majority of which had 2-
methylbutylamide and isobutylamide moieties [7].
Mode of action: Echinacea was found to be able to
inactivate acnes and block the proinflammatory
cascade that results from it in an in vitro
investigation. Additionally, antioxidant activity of
Echinacea has been discovered; this may help to
lessen the generation of free radicals in acne [8].
1. Skin Conditions
2. Antioxidant Effects
3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
4. Immune Support [9]
2) Green Tea (Camellia sinensis):
Kingdom: Plantae
Division (or Phylum): Angiosperms (flowering
Class: Edicts
Order: Ericales
Family: Theaceae
Genus: Camellia
Species: Camellia sinensis
Vernacular name: "Tea Plant" or "Tea Bush"[10]
Morphology: The evergreen tea plant has glossy,
brilliant green leaves that are frequently hairy on
the underside. The white, fragrant blooms of the tea
plants can be found alone or in groups of two to
four. One to four spherical or flattened seeds can be
found inside the brownish-green fruits of the tea
plant. Oval in shape and pointed at the tip, leaves
are typically 510 cm long, glossy, and dark green
above. Finely serrated, or dentate, leaf margin. The
sweet, aromatic flowers have five petals and a
diameter of up to 4 cm. The fruit is a three-angled
capsule with three seeds and persistent sepals all
around it. Traditionally used to make green and
white teas, this is a native Chinese cultivar with
smaller leaves. It began life as a shrub that thrived
in sunny, colder climes. It grows well in
mountainous areas and has a great resistance for
cold [11,12].
Constituents: Epigallocatechin gal late (EGCG),
epicatechingallate (ECG), epicatechin (EC), and
epigallocatechin (EGC) are the main catechins.
Other flavonoids found in green tea include
kaempferol, myricetin, and quercetin. L-theanine,
essential oils for folic acid, manganese, potassium,
and fluoride, and vitamins C, B2, and riboflavin
Mode of application:
DIY Green Tea Masks (DIY: Do it yourself):
Make your own face mask with green tea. To
make a calming mask, combine chilled brewed
green tea with honey, yogurt, or aloe vera gel.
After applying the mixture to your face, rinse it
off after 15 to 20 minutes.
Green Tea Ice Cubes: Apply ice cubes made
from brewed green tea to areas of acne that are
irritated. In addition to the potential advantages
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1655
of green tea's antioxidants, the cold can aid in
reducing inflammation [14].
1. Catechins: Anti-inflammatory qualities.
2. L-theanine:Soothe inflamed skin, lowering
acne-related redness and irritation [15].
3) German Chamomile (Matricariachamomilla
or Matricariarecutita):
Kingdom: Plantae
Division (or Phylum): Angiosperms (flowering
Class: Eudicots
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus: Matricaria
Species: Matricariachamomilla or
Vernacular names:
English- Wild Chamomile
Indian- BabunekaPhool or Babuna [16]
Morphology: The resulting fruits are cylindrical
and referred to as achenes. German chamomile
lacks pallets that resemble scales in between the
capitulum's petals. The capitulum is hollow and has
a long, cone-shaped bottom. This plant is annual,
grows 10 to 80 cm high, and bears white ligulate
flowers with a lovely chamomile scent. It is a
fragrant annual plant that grows to a height of 10 to
60 commit grows to about 20 inches and has
feathery foliage with white flowers that resemble
daisies. Its leaves are scentless, but the flowers are
fragrant. With three abaxial and two virtually
marginal thin ribs, flowers are grouped in heads or
a capitulum as the outer ring ray and inner disc
florets, a frequent trait. They are 0.81 mm long
and around 0.5 mm wide [17].
Chamazulene: A blue-colored sesquiterpene a
compound called chamazulene is created when
chamomile essential oil is distilled. It
possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Alpha-Bisabolol (Levomenol): One terpene
with well-known anti-inflammatory, anti-
irritant, and antibacterial qualities is alpha-
bisabolol. Because of its ability to soothe skin,
it is frequently found in skincare products.
Apigenin:Anti-inflammatory qualities can help
reduce acne-related inflammation, and
antioxidant qualities may shield the skin from
oxidative stress.
Matricin:During the extraction process,
matricin, a precursor to chamazulene, is
transformed into it. It demonstrates anti-
inflammatory qualities.
Flavonoids (Luteolin, Quercetin, and
Patuletin): Potentially anti-inflammatory
agents, flavonoids are antioxidants.
Coumarins: Compounds known as coumarins
may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
qualities [18].
Mode of Application:
Chamomile Tea: Make a cup of chamomile tea
and dab it into your skin with a cotton ball to
act as a mild toner.
Chamomile Steam: Add dried chamomile
flowers to boiling water and inhale the
resulting chamomile steam. Steam has the
potential to relax the skin and open pores [19].
1. Antineoplastic Characteristics
2. Features of Antineoplastic
3. Antiseptic and Cleaning Qualities [20]
4) Calendula (Calendula Officinalis):
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular plants)
Superdivision: Spermatophyta (Seed plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae) - The Aster
Genus: Calendula L.
Species: Calendula officinalis
Vernacular names:
English: Marigold
Indian: Genda" or "GendaPhool [21]
Morphology: Herbs that is annual or briefly
perennial. The leaves of calendula are aromatic and
lance-shaped. Most leaves are sessile (having no
stem), simple, and opposite. The stems can reach a
height of 60 cm and are upright with branching
tips. Composed of both disk florets (central disk)
and ray florets (petals), calendula blooms are
complex. The fruit is an achene, a dry fruit with
one seed that is bent. The fibrous root system of
calendula. Terminal corymbs, which are flat-topped
or slightly rounded clusters, are how the flowers
are organized. Simple, slightly hairy, and spirally
organized, the leaves measure 518 cm (27 in) in
length. The flower heads have both disc and ray
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1656
florets and range in color from pastel yellow to
deep orange, about 3-5 cm in diameter. The
majority of cultivars smell spicy [22].
Fatty Acids:Oleic and linoleic acids are two of
the fatty acids found in calendula seeds.
Maintenance of the skin's moisture and barrier
function is greatly dependent on fatty acids.
Triterpenoids:Triterpenoids substances such
calendulosides and faradiol esters are found in
calendula seeds. Triterpenoids are well-known
for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Flavonoids:Calendula is one of many plants
that contain flavonoids, which are
polyphenolic chemicals. The plant's overall
medicinal qualities may be influenced by these
chemicals, which have antioxidant effects.
Carotenoids: Because of its carotenoid
pigments, calendula is recognized for its vivid
orange and yellow hues. Carotenoids are good
for the health of the skin and have antioxidant
Saponins:These are substances that have the
ability to froth. The purifying and emollient
properties of the plant may be facilitated by
Essential Oils:The fragrant qualities of
calendula flowers are attributed to the presence
of essential oils within them. There may be
slight antibacterial properties from essential
oils [23].
Mode of Application:
Infused Oil: For skin care, calendula oil is
frequently applied topically. Gently massage
the infused oil into the afflicted region of skin
directly after application.
Creams and Ointments: On the afflicted skin
area, use calendula lotions or ointments
immediately. For further instructions, refer to
the product's box.
Tinctures: Tinctures of calendula are applied
topically to the skin after being diluted with
water [24].
1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
2. Antimicrobial Properties
3. Soothing Irritated Skin
4. Moisturizing [25]
5) Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra):
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular plants)
Superdivision: Spermatophyta (Seed plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)
Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae (Legume family)
Genus: Glycyrrhiza
Species: Glycyrrhizaglabra
Vernacular name:
English- Licorice, Sweet Root
Indian- MulethiorJethimadh [26]
Morphology: Glycyrrhiza glabra is a perennial
herbaceous plant in the Fabaceae family that is
used to make licorice. The long, meaty, branching
taproot of the licorice plant is its most valuable
component. The distinctively sweet flavor of
licorice is derived from substances found in the
roots, such as glycyrrhizin. The tall, branching
stalks of licorice can reach heights of one to one
and a half meters. Usually, the stems have small
hairs covering them. Licorice has pinnate
compound leaves, which are made up of many
leaflets oriented along a central axis [27].
Roots: The subterranean portion of the liquorice
plant, more especially the roots, is the component
that is most commonly utilized for its therapeutic
qualities. The inside of the roots is yellowish, and
the outside is brown. A substance known as
glycyrrhizin, which is far sweeter than sucrose
(table sugar), is responsible for this sweetness [28].
Glycyrrhizin: This is the main bioactive
ingredient that gives licorice root its sweetness.
Although glycyrrhizin has been linked to a
number of health advantages, chronic use may
have negative effects, thus it should be used in
Glabridin: Due to its possible antioxidant and
skin-brightening effects, this chemical has
been researched.
Liquiritin:Recognized for its ability to treat
skin dark patches and hyperpigmentation [29].
Mode of Application:
Spot treatments including liquorice extract can
be administered immediately to troublesome
areas, such as blemishes or areas with
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1657
You can add licorice extract or powder to
homemade face masks by combining it with
other health-promoting components like
yogurt, honey, or clay [30].
1. Reduced Inflammation Impact
2. Controlling the Production of Sebum
3. Brightening of the Skin
4. Antimicrobial Characteristics
5. Calm Aspects [31]
6) Aloe Vera:
Kingdom: Plantae
Division (or Phylum): Angiosperms
Class: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Asphodelaceae
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Genus: Aloe
Species: vera
Vernacular name:
English: Aloe vera
Indian: Gheekumari or Khorpad [32]
Morphology: Although the size of a mature Aloe
vera plant might vary, it usually measures between
24 and 39 inches (60 and 100 cm) in height. The
golden, tubular flowers of aloe vera are produced
from a tall, thin stalk called an inflorescence. The
flowers bloom in clusters at the top of the flower
stalk and are usually grouped in a raceme, which is
an elongated, unbranched flower cluster. Aloe vera
lacks a genuine stem in the conventional sense.
Rather, it possesses a short, stem-like form that is
sometimes described as that of a "stemless" or
"stem-succulent" plant [33].
Aloe Vera gel: The inner leaf of the aloe vera plant
yields a thick, translucent, or slightly yellowish
material known as aloe vera gel. This gel's calming,
hydrating, and restorative qualities have led to its
widespread usage in skincare, medicine, and
cosmetics [34].
Polysaccharides: They support skin
regeneration and the healing of wounds.
Anthraquinones:Aloin and emodin are two
examples of anthraquinones that naturally have
laxative and antibacterial qualities.
Enzymes: Many enzymes included in aloe
vera, including bradykinase and amylase,
support the plant's ability to heal and reduce
Vitamins: Vitamins A, C, and E are among the
many vitamins found in aloe vera. These
vitamins support aloe vera's antioxidant
qualities, which help scavenge free radicals
and shield the skin from oxidative stress.
Minerals: Minerals including zinc, copper, and
magnesium are found in aloe vera gel and are
vital for healthy skin and skin renewal [35].
Amino Acids: These amino acids are necessary
for collagen formation and skin repair since
they are the building blocks of proteins.
Lignins: Aloe Vera’slignins improves other
active compounds' ability to penetrate the skin
and improve gel absorption.
Saponins: Saponins possess antibacterial and
cleaning qualities. They support the skin-
cleansing and bacterial-defense properties of
aloe vera.
Plant Sterols: The skin is soothed and reduced
in inflammation by plant sterols, such as
campesterol and lupeol.
Glycoproteins:Aloe vera’s glycoproteins aid in
the lowering of pain and inflammation. They
also promote cell renewal, which aids in the
healing process [36].
Mode of Application:
For Acne and Blemishes: After washing your
face, immediately treat the afflicted regions
with a small amount of aloe Vera gel. Leave
the gel on your skin after giving it a little
massage. For optimal effects, use it twice a
For Face Masks: For a homemade face mask,
combine aloe vera gel with other health-
promoting substances like yogurt, honey, or
turmeric. After applying the mask on clean
skin, rinsing it off after 15 to 20 minutes [37].
1. Actions that reduce inflammation
2. The ability to fight bacteria
3. wound recovery [38]
7) Neem (Azadirachta indica):
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Order: Sapindales
Family: Meliaceae
Genus: Azadirachta
Species: indica
Vernacular name:
English: Neem
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1658
Indian: Neem [39]
Morphology: The Azadirachta indica, or neem
tree, is an evergreen. Neem trees range in size from
medium to large, growing to a maximum height of
15-20 meters (49-66 feet) or more. Neem leaves are
pinnate, complex, and alternating. Usually, a leaf
contains eight to fifteen leaflets. Neem produces
inflorescences, or clusters of small, fragrant white
flowers known as panicles. Neem fruits have an
oval form and drupe-like texture, much like olives.
When young, the fruits are green; as they ripen,
they turn yellow [40].
Chemical constituents:
Azadirachtin:Azadirachtin is mainly
recognized for its insecticidal effects, but it
also possesses antibacterial and anti-
inflammatory qualities.
Nimbidin: Neem seeds contain nimbidin,
which has anti-inflammatory qualities. It
might aid in reducing acne-related redness
and irritation.
Nimbin:Like nimbidin, nimbin aids in neem's
anti-inflammatory properties, which are
advantageous for skin prone to acne.
Nimbolide: This substance has demonstrated
promise in lowering inflammation and
preventing the growth of germs that cause
Quercetin: Quercetin is a flavonoid that has
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It
may help lessen skin inflammation and
oxidative stress.
Fatty Acids:Numerous fatty acids, including
oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid, are
found in neem oil. These fats offer the skin
hydrating qualities and could help regulate oil
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin E, which has
antioxidant qualities, is one of the many
vitamins and minerals that are abundant in
neem [41].
Mode of application:
Neem Oil: Because neem oil is so strong, it
must be diluted before applying it to the skin.
Combine a small amount of neem oil with
jojoba, coconut, or almond oil as carrieroil.
Apply the diluted neem oil to the affected
areas using a cotton ball or your fingertips.
Neem Leaf Paste: Neem oil is so potent that it
needs to be diluted before being applied
topically. As carrier oil, mix a tiny amount of
neem oil with coconut, almond, or jojoba oil.
Concentrating on the acne-prone areas of
your face, apply the neem leaf paste there
1. Antimicrobial Qualities
2. Reduced Inflammation Impact
3. Benefits of antioxidants
4. Controlling Oil Production [43]
8) Turmeric (Curcuma longa):
Kingdom: Plantae
Division (Phylum): Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Curcuma
Species: Curcuma longa
Vernacular name:
English: Turmeric
Indian: Haldi [44]
Morphology: Being a perennial herbaceous plant,
turmeric can survive for more than two years and
has a non-woody stem. Turmeric has huge, lance-
shaped, elongated leaves. On the stem, they are
positioned alternately. The green leaves have a
maximum length of one to one and a half feet.
Turmeric’s stem is a rhizome, a horizontally
growing subterranean stem. The portion of the
plant that is most frequently used in food and
medicine is the rhizome. From the bracts, turmeric
produces spikes of yellow-white blooms.
Root: Traditional medicine has made use of
turmeric's therapeutic qualities, and current studies
are still looking into its health advantages. The
main means of reproduction for the turmeric plant
is through its underground stems, or rhizomes. The
rhizomes resemble knobs and are thick and
tuberous. These are the plant parts that are utilized
in traditional medicine as well as a spice. The
following are some of the chemicals it includes
Curcumin: Due to its antibacterial qualities,
curcumin may be able to stop
Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria linked to
acne, from growing.
Turmerones: (Ar-turmerone and Turmerone):
Turmeric’s general anti-inflammatory
properties are aided by the presence of
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1659
turmericones, which may be found in turmeric
essential oil.
Flavonoids: Turmeric’s flavonoids aid in
preserving the skin from oxidative stress by
adding to its antioxidant qualities.
Zingiberene: Turmeric contains a
sesquiterpene called zingiberene, which aids in
the plant's anti-inflammatory properties [46].
Mode of Application:
Turmeric Paste: Mix turmeric powder with
water or other ingredients like honey, yogurt,
or aloe vera to form a paste. Apply the paste
directly to the acne-affected areas. Leave it on
for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the paste
with water. This can be done a few times a
Turmeric and Coconut Oil: To make a paste,
combine coconut oil and turmeric. On regions
prone to acne, use the paste. Turn it on for ten
to fifteen minutes. After, rinse with water.
Apply this blend several times every week
1. Reduced Inflammation Impact
2. Antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities
3. Diminished hyperpigmentation
4. Cell regeneration and exfoliation [44-47]
9) Tulsi: Ocimum tenuiflorum or (Ocimum
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Ocimum
Species: Ocimum tenuiflorum or (Ocimum
Vernacular name:
English: Holy Basil
Indian: Tulasi or Tulsi [48]
Morphology: Tulsi is an herbaceous, upright plant.
A mature Tulsi plant typically grows to a height of
30 to 60 centimeters. Though they can have
different shapes, leaves often have an oval or
elliptical shape. One defining property of plants in
the mint family (Lamiaceae) is the square cross-
section of the stems. The tiny flowers are grouped
in terminal spikes. The fibrous root system of tulsi.
The fruits are tiny nutlets with four seeds on
average. The potent, fragrant scent of tulsi is
emitted when crushing any portion of the plant
Eugenol: Eugenol’s antibacterial qualities
might aid in the fight against germs that cause
acne, and its anti-inflammatory qualities might
help lessen inflammation linked to acne
UrsulaAcid: The anti-inflammatory properties
of unsolid acid may help minimize the redness
and swelling that come with acne.
Apigenin: Apigenin’s anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant properties may be able to soothe
inflamed skin and relieve acne-related
Linalool: The anti-inflammatory and
antibacterial properties of linalool may help
reduce acne-prone skin and fight bacteria.
Ocimene: Ocimene’s antibacterial properties
might help combat bacteria on the skin, which
might prevent acne [50,51].
Mode of Application:
TulsiPaste: Make a paste by crushing fresh
Tulsileaves. On the skin's afflicted areas, apply
the paste directly. For roughly 15 to 20
minutes, leave it on. Use water to rinse it off.
Tulsi Face Mask: UseTulsi powder as a face
mask by mixing it with water or other natural
ingredients like yogurt or honey. Distribute the
mask evenly across your face. Let it air dry for
fifteen to twenty minutes. Use water to rinse it
off [52].
1. Antimicrobial Characteristics
2. Reduced Inflammation Impact
3. Antioxidant Function
4. Skin Calming
5. Control of Oil [53].
10) Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana): The
native North American shrub known as Hamamelis
virginiana, which is used to make witch hazel
products, is used for its stem, bark, and leaves.
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Hamamelidae
Order: Saxifragales
Family: Hamamelidaceae
Genus: Hamamelis
Species: Hamamelis virginiana
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 9, Issue 3 May-June 2024, pp: 1653-1663 ISSN: 2456-4494
DOI: 10.35629/4494-090316531663 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1660
Vernacular name:
English: Witch hazel [54]
Morphology: Witch hazel usually spreads
similarly and reaches a height of 15 to 20 feet (4.5
to 6 meters). The leaves are widely oval to obovate
in form, simple, and alternating. The distinctive
blossoming time of witch hazel is well-known; it
usually occurs in late fall or early winter (October
to December). The four thin, ribbon-like petals of
the fragrant blossoms are aromatic. The fruit is a
woody, rigid capsule with two glossy black seeds
inside. When the plant is young, its bark is smooth
and grayish; as it ages, it becomes rough and
fissured. The plant is well-known for its aromatic,
spicy scent, which is especially strong during
flowering [55].
Tannins (Hamamelitannins): Astringent
substances called tannins can aid in toning and
tightening the skin. They might help reduce
pore size and regulate the generation of excess
Gallic Acid: Anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant qualities are possessed by gallic
acid. It might lessen acne-related inflammation
and shield the skin from oxidative damage.
Proanthocyanidins: Antioxidants called
Proanthocyanidins may help witch hazel's
general anti-inflammatory properties, which
may be advantageous for skin that is prone to
Flavonoids (Quercetin, Kaempferol): Because
flavonoids are antioxidants, they can lessen
oxidative stress on the skin by scavenging free
Essential Oils: Even though essential oils have
the potential to be antimicrobial, witch hazel
extract's concentration might not be high
enough to provide a noticeable antibacterial
impact [56,57].
Mode of Application: (DIY: Do It Yourself)
Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera Mask: To make a
calming mask, combine witch hazel and aloe
vera gel. Focus on the acne-prone areas of your
face when applying the mixture. After around
15 to 20 minutes, leave it on and rinse with
DIY Acne Gel:Aloe vera’s gel, witch hazel,
and a tiny bit of tea tree oil should be
combined. Use this homemade gel as a gentle,
calming treatment on areas prone to acne [58].
1. Astringent Characteristics
2. Reduced Inflammation Impact
3. Activity of Antioxidants
4. Mild Cleaning
5. Calming Impacts
6. Diminishing Inflammation [59]
Natural remedies for acne offer a
promising alternative, often harnessing the power
of botanical extracts, dietary modifications, and
lifestyle changes. The plants used in this treatment
such as Echinacea purpurea, green tea, etc.
demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
properties. In essence, the review of acne involves
a holistic understanding of its causes, the
integration of evidence-based treatments and the
exploration of natural remedies tailored to
individual needs. This comprehensive approach
holds the promise of not only alleviating the visible
symptoms of acne but also addressing its
underlying factors, ultimately promoting healthier
and more resilient skin.
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In the global market herbal cosmetics have a growing demand. Many cosmetics are being manufactured by the pharmaceutical companies. Herbal cosmetics are the natural cosmetics which have been used since ancient times. Since the herbal cosmetics have lesser side effects than the synthetic ones so they are more prevalent. More than 80% of the world population in dependent upon the herbs. These herbs not only treat the diseases but also are used in the form of cosmetics. Skincare cosmetics is one of the major classifications of the herbal cosmetics. This review article contains the information about the herbs which are used in a face pack. People are using herbs for homemade natural face packs since the ancient era. These natural face packs give smooth and radiant skin and also treats acne, pimples, scars, marks and pigments. They have a non-toxic nature and they reduce the allergic reactions. The aim of this article is to provide information about the herbs which are used in a face pack. These herbs can be used in a combination or can be used a single constituent.
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Background: To date, green tea leaf waste is not well utilized, the waste is remain considered as a waste. Previous studies found that green tea leaf waste still have a fairly high EGCG content. EGCG has benefits as an antibacterial. Utilization of green tea leaf waste started from formulation until the diversification of multiple emulsion w/o/w products has not been reported.Objective: To develop anti acne cream (W/O/W) multiple emulsion containing green tea leaf waste and evaluate its antibacterial activity against acne-inducing bacteria of Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes).Methods: Phase one of this research was green tea leaves was extracted by infundation and fractionation method using ethyl acetate and prepared in different concentration (1% to 6%). The second stage was ethyl acetate fraction of green tea leaf extract was tested for its antibacterial activity against P.acnes. Third stage was tested physical properties of formulation with w/o/w multiple emulsion.Results: The optimal antibacterial activity of ethyl acetate fraction of green tea leaf extract against P.acne was at the concentration of 6%, with inhibition zone of 32.6 mm ±0.57. The formula of w/o/w multiple emulsion loaded with green tea leaves waste of 6% active substance demonstrated a good physical properties which can spread 90.4 cm2 ± 0.03, pH 5.00 ± 0.02 and microscopic analysis showed multiple emulsion w/o/w.Conclusion: The concentration of 6% green tea leaf waste formulated in multiple emulsion had a good physical and antibacterial activity for a referred standard. It is necessary to test the stability of multiple emulsion formula.
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Since times immemorial, plants are considered as an important source for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Herbal medicine is the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal plants, which are the basis of traditional medicine. These herbal therapies are cost effective and free from any side effect. Although there are around 8,000 medicinal plant species used by different communities in India across different ecosystems, only around 10% of them (880 species) are in active trade. So, there is a need of exploration of plants for their medicinal efficacy. India has a very rich source of plants for healthcare to prevent different diseases and Calendula officinalis L. is among such aromatic herbs (family: Compositae), which is used in the traditional system of medicine i.e., Ayurveda, since long because of its rich ethnomedicinal importance. Calendula is commonly known as Pot marigold. It contained a good range of phytochemical constituents including essential volatile oils, saponins, triterpenes, triterpenoids, esters, flavonoid, steroids, carotenoids, amino-acids and polysaccharides. It is mainly used due to its various biological activities to treat various diseases and act as an analgesic, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory agent. It exerted many therapeutic effects including antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, antiviral, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and wound healing. It is also used as a cure for gastrointestinal disease, eye disease, skin injuries and cases of burn.
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Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) is recognized as one of the main triggers of the cutaneous inflammatory response in acne vulgaris, a chronic skin disorder with a multifactorial origin. Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.) is a plant widely used for skin inflammatory conditions, with some preliminary anti-inflammatory evidence on the skin, but lacking data on acne conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a glycolic extract from Hamamelis virginiana bark (HVE) versus C. acnes-induced inflammation in human keratinocytes (HaCaT). Phytochemical investigations of HVE identified hamamelitannin (HT) and proanthocyanidins as the most abundant compounds (respectively, 0.29% and 0.30% w/wextract). HVE inhibited C. acnes-induced IL-6 release (IC50: 136.90 μg/mL), by partially impairing NF-κB activation; however, no antibacterial or antibiofilm activities were found. In addition, HVE showed greater anti-inflammatory activity when TNF-α was used as a proinflammatory stimulus (IC50 of 38.93 μg/mL for IL-8 release), partially acting by antioxidant mechanisms, as shown for VEGF inhibition. The effects of HVE are primarily based on the proanthocyanidin content, as HT was found inactive on all the parameters tested. These results suggest further investigations of HVE in other inflammatory-based skin diseases.
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Plants have been used medicinally by humans for millennia. Tulsi is one of these drugs. A plant's perfume emanates from within. It is found all over India. It is harvested around Hindu temples or places of worship. Its leaves, seeds, and roots are employed in Ayurvedic treatment. Tulsi contains a variety of nutrients and bioactive compounds. Tulsi's key chemical components are Linalool, caryophyllyne, Oleanolic acid, and Rosmalinic acid. Tulsi standardisation has been used in modern science. Two active ingredients are eugenol (essential oil) and ursolic acid (acide). A diaphoretic, anti-periodic, and anti-bronchitis leaf. A decoction of the leaves can treat coughs, malaise, and colds. Not only is it moisturising. Flowers' oils can treat ringworm. Because of its antibacterial and antifungal characteristics, Ocimum sanctum has been used in numerous therapeutic trials. This page discusses the chemistry and pharmacology of Ocimum species.
Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory skin condition caused by polysebaceous units that occurs in adolescents and young adults characterized by comedones, papules, pustules, and nodules. Records of the Indonesian cosmetic dermatology study group showed 60% of acne vulgaris sufferers in 2006 and 80% in 2007. Accur acne vulgaris 80 to 100% in young adults, namely 14-17 years in women, and 16-19 years in men. One of the plants that are useful as facial wash aloe vera. Aloe vera as an ingredient in making soap, is not only able to kill bacteria, but also can smooth the skin.Objective: to find the effectiveness application aloe vera facial wash and aloe vera gel between the degree of acne vulgaris in student at SMA Negeri 2 Bayang. Methods: The scope of this research includes pharmacology and dermatology. Located of this research will be at SMA Negeri 2 Bayang Pesisir Selatan. The time of the research was carried out in April 2021. This type of research is a form of experiment pre-test and post-test control group design. The target population in this research were students of SMA Negeri 2 Bayang Pesisir Selatan who suffered from acne vulgaris on the facial skin. Data analysis using paired sample t test and independent t test. Result: most students are 17 years old 8 people (40%), the most gender are women as many as 18 people (90%), there is a effectiveness between the use of aloe vera facial wash and aloe vera gel with the degree of acne vulgaris in students at SMA Negeri 2 Bayang. (P = 0.000) and there is a effectiveness between the use of aloe vera facial wash and the degree of acne vulgaris in students at SMA Negeri 2 Bayang. (P=0.040). Conclusion: there is a the effectiveness application aloe vera facial wash and aloe vera gel between the degree of acne vulgaris in students at SMA Negeri 2 Bayang.
Background Dermatological disorders are cutaneous infirmities that are frequently occurring and increasing at an alarming rate. These range from mild itching/redness (dermatitis) to fatal skin cancers and have posed a major health concern. Azadirachta indica A. Juss (commonly known as neem), a member of the Meliaceae family, is an Indian medicinal plant that has been known for its health-promoting effects since ancient times. Objective The review highlights the traditional practices, pharmacological aspects, and formulation approach of neem for the treatment of dermatological disorders. Further, recent patents and novel delivery systems (developed and in the pipeline) improving skin delivery and the therapeutic profile of neem are discussed. Results Neem is a traditional medicinal plant that has been employed for the prevention and treatment of numerous ailments covering systemic and topical disorders. Scientific studies have validated the traditional claims of neem and attributed these health benefits to the present more than 300 structurally diverse and complex compounds. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, antiviral, antifungal, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant activities which substantiate its use as skin therapy. Various novel formulations and associated patents that improved the permeability of neem-based products across skin could be found in the literature. Conclusion Critical appraisal of available literature revealed that neem possesses anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties. Thus it has the potential to be developed as a single effective therapy for the management of multimodal skin disorders. Further, pharmaceutical tailoring of neem by implication of novel carriers could enhance its penetrability across the skin.
Skin acts as a protective barrier of body. It keeps the internal body organs safe from external environmental conditions which can prove harmful for them. So, maintenance of skin integrity is very important for normal functioning of body. In our daily life body of both animals and humans encounter to different types of violence, some of them are of such a severity that they break the skin continuity. This breakage of skin continuity is termed as wound. Whenever, the skin continuity is broken, internal organs of body are exposed. This is a dangerous situation and can be fatal for life. Immediate response of skin after wound is the start of wound healing process which starts automatically. This process can be assisted in a number of ways by keeping the wound free from bacterial contamination, moisture and dirt. For this purpose a variety of antiseptic dressings are available which when applied topically support wound healing process. They prevent wound to be contaminated by any micro-organism and reduce wound healing time. Aloe vera is one of them, it possess significant wound healing properties. Herbs have been integral to both traditional and non-traditional forms of medicine dating back at least 5000 years. Herbal medicines, especially in wound management involve disinfection, debridement and provision of a suitable environment for aiding the natural course of healing. The super focus of this review is to summarize the findings of earlier scientists with authentic concluding verse for utilization of herbal medicines (Aloe vera) being safe, readily available and cheaper.