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npj | imaging Review
Applications of artificial intelligence in the
analysis of histopathology images of
gliomas: a review
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Jan-Philipp Redlich1, Friedrich Feuerhake2,3, Joachim Weis4, Nadine S. Schaadt2,
Sarah Teuber-Hanselmann5, Christoph Buck6, Sabine Luttmann7, Andrea Eberle7, Stefan Nikolin4,
Arno Appenzeller8, Andreas Portmann9& André Homeyer1
In recent years, the diagnosis of gliomas has become increasingly complex. Analysis of glioma
histopathology images using artificial intelligence (AI) offers new opportunities to support diagnosis
and outcome prediction. To give an overview of the current state of research, this review examines 83
publicly available research studies that have proposed AI-based methods for whole-slide
histopathology images of human gliomas, covering the diagnostic tasks of subtyping (23/83), grading
(27/83), molecular marker prediction (20/83), and survival prediction (29/83). All studies were reviewed
with regard to methodological aspects as well as clinical applicability. It was found that the focus of
current research is the assessment of hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections of adult-type
diffuse gliomas. The majority of studies (52/83) are based on the publicly available glioblastoma and
low-grade glioma datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and only a few studies employed
other datasets in isolation (16/83) or in addition to the TCGA datasets (15/83). Current approaches
mostly rely on convolutional neural networks (63/83) for analyzing tissue at 20x magnification (35/83).
A new field of research is the integration of clinical data, omics data, or magnetic resonance imaging
(29/83). So far, AI-based methods have achieved promising results, but are not yet used in real clinical
settings. Future work should focus on the independent validation of methods on larger, multi-site
datasets with high-quality and up-to-date clinical and molecular pathology annotations to
demonstrate routine applicability.
Gliomas account for roughly a quarter of all primary non-malignant and
malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors, and 81% of all malignant
primary CNS tumors1. Generally, gliomas can be differentiated into cir-
cumscribed and diffuse gliomas2,3. Whereas circumscribed gliomas are
usually benign and potentially curable with complete surgical resection,
diffuse gliomas are characterized by diffuse infiltration of tumor cells in the
brain parenchyma and are mostly not curable, with an inherent tendency for
malignant progression and recurrence2,3. In particular, glioblastoma, the
most common and most aggressive malignant CNS tumor, makes up 60% of
all diagnosed gliomas and caused 131,036 deaths in the US between 2001
and 2019 alone1. Although the introduction of now well-established stan-
dard therapy protocols, involving surgical resection, radiation, and
chemotherapy4as well as guidance by MGMT promoter methylation
status5, has substantially improved clinical outcomes, 5-year survival in
patients with glioblastoma has been largely constant at only 6.9%1.
The current international standard for the diagnosis of gliomas is the
fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous
System, published in 20216. Based on advances in the understanding of CNS
1Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, Max-von-Laue-Straße 2, 28359 Bremen, Germany. 2Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1, 30625
Hannover, Germany. 3Institute of Neuropathology, Medical Center—University of Freiburg, Breisacherstraße 64, 79106 Freiburg, Germany. 4Institute of Neuro-
pathology, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Pauwelsstrasse 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany. 5Department of Neuropathology, Center for Pathology, Klinikum
Bremen-Mitte, Sankt-Jürgen-Straße 1, 28205 Bremen, Germany. 6Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology—BIPS, Achterstraße 30, 28359
Bremen, Germany. 7Bremen Cancer Registry, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology—BIPS, Achterstraße 30, 28359 Bremen, Germany.
8Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Fraunhoferstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany. 9German Heart Center
Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany. e-mail: jan-philipp.redlich@mevis.fraunhofer.de
npj Imaging | (2024) 2:16 1
tumors, the WHO classification system has been constantly evolving since
its first issue in 1979, with new versions released every 7–9years
previous versions greatly relied on histological assessment via light micro-
scopy, the current classification system incorporates both histopathological
features and molecular alterations (Fig. 1), allowing for a more uniform
delineation of disease entities6,7. The basic principle of classification
according to histological typing, histogenesis, and grading, however,
remains fundamental and underlines the role of conventional histological
assessment as an important element of timely, standardized, and globally
consistent diagnostic workflows6.
The rapidly evolving field of computational pathology, in parti-
cular, the analysis of digital whole-slide images (WSIs) of tumor tissue
sections using artificial intelligence (AI), offers new opportunities to
support current diagnostic workflows. Promising applications range
from automation of time-consuming routine tasks, such as subtyping
and grading, to tasks that cannot be accurately performed by human
observers, such as predicting molecular markers or survival directly
from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained routine sections of
formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue8–10. Essen-
tial concepts of AI and AI-based analysis of WSIs are briefly explained in
Tables 1and 2and Fig. 2.
This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of
research on AI-based analysis, including both traditional machine learning
(ML) and deep learning (DL), of whole-slide histopathology images of
human gliomas. Motivated by a significant increase in corresponding
publications (Fig. 3), this review focuses on the diagnostic tasks of subtyping,
grading, molecular marker prediction, and survival prediction. Studies
primarily addressing image segmentation11–15, image retrieval16,ortumor
heterogeneity17–22 have been considered out of scope. The reviewed studies
are examined with regard to diagnostic tasks and methodological aspects of
WSI processing, as well as discussed by addressing limitations and future
directions. Prior related reviews on AI-based glioma assessment addressed
other imaging modalities, such as computed tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)23–29, and specificdiagnostictasks,suchas
grading30,31 or survival prediction32–34.
Diagnostic tasks
The reviewed studies covered the diagnostic tasks of subtyping (23/83),
grading (27/83), molecular marker prediction (20/83), and survival pre-
diction (29/83). All studies focused on the assessment of adult-type diffuse
gliomas (Fig. 1) and nearly all were based on H&E-stained tissue sections
(only two studies considered other histological staining techniques35,36).
The majority of the studies (52/83) were based on two public datasets
from The Cancer Genome Atlas, which originated from the
Glioblastoma37,38 (TCGA-GBM) and Low-Grade Glioma39 (TCGA-LGG)
Fig. 1 | Schematic diagnostic criteria for adult-type
diffuse glioma as defined by the 2021 WHO
Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous
System. The 2021 WHO classification system
reorganizes gliomas into adult-type diffuse gliomas,
pediatric-type diffuse low-grade and high-grade
gliomas, circumscribed astrocytic gliomas, and
ependymal tumors6. Adult-type diffuse gliomas
comprise Glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype, CNS WHO
grade 4, Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, CNS WHO
grade 2–4, and Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant
and 1p/19q-codeleted, CNS WHO grade 2–36.
Identified adult-type diffuse glioma are stratified
from left to right according to molecular alterations,
including mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1/2
(IDH1/2) genes and whole-arm codeletion of
chromosomes 1p and 19q, as well as histological
features, including increased mitoses, necrosis and/
or microvascular proliferation. “or”is understood to
be non-exclusive.
Table 1 | Essential concepts in artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) The broad field of AI encompasses the research and development of computer systems that are capable of solving complex tasks typically
attributed to human intelligence.
Machine learning (ML) ML is a subfield of AI that uses algorithms that automatically learn to recognize patterns from data. In this way, computer systems can be
enabled to perform complex cognitive tasks that are difficult to express in the form of human-understandable rules. ML algorithms are mainly
used for tasks such as classification (e.g., predicting tumor types), regression (e.g., predicting survival) or segmentation.
Training and Testing The development of ML models is typically split into a training and testing phase. During training, an ML algorithm deduces a ML model from a
given training dataset. During testing, the model’s performance is assessed using a test dataset. The test dataset comprises data which the
model has not seen during training, which is crucial for meaningful performance estimates.
Performance metrics The performance of ML models is measured by metrics such as accuracy (ACC) or area under the operator receiver characteristic curve (AUC)
for classification tasks (e.g., subtyping, grading, molecular marker prediction) or concordance index (C-index)32 for survival prediction. Metrics
closer to 1.0 (resp. 0.5) indicate higher (resp. random) predictive performance.
Features To apply ML algorithms to image data, images are usually encoded into a set of features. Traditionally, these features were “handcrafted”by
human researchers based on prior knowledge or assumptions to quantify relevant pixel patterns or the morphology or spatial distribution of
segmented cell or tissue structures.
Deep learning (DL) DL is an advanced form of ML in which deep artificial neural networks are used to automatically learn features from the training data. In this way,
more complex cognitive tasks can often be solved than is possible with handcrafted features. Important types of neural network, so called
“architectures”, for DL-based image analysis are convolutional neural networks (CNNs)102–107 and Vision Transformers (ViTs)132. The training of
DL models usually requires very large datasets, which can be mitigated by techniques such as transfer learning14,133 or self-supervised learning
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projects. Both contain information on diagnosis, molecular alterations, and
survival for approximately 600 and 500 patients, respectively. Patients in
both datasets had been diagnosed before 2013 and 201137–39 and therefore
according to versions of the WHO classification system before 2016. The
TCGA-GBM dataset includes primary glioblastomas (WHO grade IV), and
the TCGA-LGG dataset includes astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomas,
oligodendrogliomas, oligoastrocytomas, and anaplastic oligoastrocytomas
(all WHO grade II or III). An independent research project later annotated
Table 2 | Essential concepts of artificial intelligence-based analysis of WSIs
Whole-slide images (WSIs) WSIs are digitized microscopic images of whole tissue sections. As they are scanned with a very high resolution of up to 0.25
micrometers per pixel, WSIs can be several gigapixels in size. To enable faster access, WSIs are usually stored as image pyramids
consisting of several magnification levels, which are labeled according to the comparable objective magnifications of an analog
microscope (e.g., 5x, 10x, 20x, or 40x). The large size and the great variability and complexity of depicted morphological patterns
make the analysis of WSI very challenging.
Regions of interest (ROIs) As tumor tissue sections naturally include different tissue types, some ML models require a delineation of ROIs of relevant tumor
tissue. Usually, this delineation is a laborious task that requires expert knowledge.
Patch-based processing of WSIs Due to their gigapixel size, WSIs and ROIs are usually processed by partitioning them into smaller image patches (or tiles) and
processing patches individually. This greatly reduces the memory requirements and facilitates parallelization.
supervised learning (WSL)
WSL enables the training of ML models on entire WSIs, eliminating the need for annotating ROIs. The classical approach to WSL
assumes that all patches inherit the label (e.g., the tumor type) of the respective WSI. Using these pairs of patches and patch-level
labels the ML model is trained to predict a label for each patch. The patch-level predictions are then aggregated (e.g., by averaging) to
obtain a WSI-level prediction135 (Fig. 2).
Multiple-instance learning (MIL) MIL is a special type of WSL and thus also functions without ROIs. A common approach to MIL groups all patches from a WSIina
“bag”and assigns the label of the WSI to the bag instead of to each individual patch. The ML model is thus trained to predict labels for
bags instead of individual patches, enabling the modeling of complex interactions between patches135. Examples of MIL include
attention-based MIL136 (Fig. 2), and clustering-constrained attention MIL137. In the rest of this paper, the term “WSL”only refers to the
aforementioned classical WSL approach.
Multi-modal fusion Fusing WSIs with other modalities of potentially complementary information, such as MRI, clinical, or omics data, poses great
opportunities for improving diagnostic and prognostic precision138. Common app roaches can be differentiated by the extent to which
given modalities are processed in combination before predictions are inferred: Early fusion concatenates modalitie s at the onset; late
fusion aggregates individual uni-modal predictions, e.g., by averaging; and intermedia te fusion infers final predictions from inter-
mediate multi-modal representations138,139.
Fig. 2 | Typical workflow for artificial intelligence-
based analysis of WSIs. Most approaches partition
WSIs into smaller image patches (“Tiling”). Using
AI methods, the patches are processed individually
and then aggregated to obtain a prediction for the
entire WSI. AI methods are often based on weakly-
supervised learning or attention-based multiple-
instance learning136, each of which are depicted in
greater detail.
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regions of interest (ROIs) of relevant tumor tissue for both datasets and
made these publicly available40.
Other studies employed other datasets in isolation (16/83) or in
addition to the TCGA datasets (15/83). Diagnoses in these datasets corre-
sponded either to the current version of the WHO classification from
202141–43, or previous versions from 201644–46 or earlier. Table 3presents an
overview of all publicly available datasets utilized by the reviewed studies.
It should be noted that the 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the
Central Nervous System changed the notation of tumor grades from Roman
to Arabic numerals and endorsed the use of the term “CNS WHO grade”6.
Throughout this review, these changes in notation are used only for diag-
noses that were reported according to the 2021 WHO classification system.
Subtyping. Subtyping gliomas is of fundamental importance for the
diagnosis and subsequent treatment of patients6,7. Before 2016, the WHO
classification system incorporated only histological features. Oligoden-
drogliomas, for instance, were characterized by features including round
nuclei and a “fried egg”cellular appearance; astrocytomas by more
irregular nuclei with clumped chromatin, eosinophilic cytoplasm, and
branched cytoplasmic processes; and glioblastomas by an astrocytic
phenotype combined with the presence of necrosis and/or microvascular
proliferation7. The latest revisions of the WHO classification system
published in 2016 and 2021 reflect important advances in the
understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of gliomas by incorporating
molecular alterations in an integrated diagnosis (Fig. 1). For instance,
since 2021, the diagnosis of glioblastoma has been limited to malignant
non-IDH-mutated (i.e., IDH-wildtype) gliomas. Furthermore, the diag-
nosis of oligoastrocytomas has been removed from the 2021 WHO
classification system. Until 2016, oligoastrocytomas were considered a
distinct tumor entity with mixed oligodendroglial and astrocytic histo-
logical features, and between 2016 and 2021, they could only be diag-
nosed in cases with unknown 1p/19q and IDH status (these cases were
designated as “oligoastrocytoma, NOS (Not Otherwise Specified)”and
diagnosis was not recommended unless molecular testing was
unavailable)6,7. Table 4provides an overview of all corresponding studies
grouped according to the investigated subtyping tasks.
Whereas one study aligned IHC- (for IDH1-R132H and ATRX) and
H&E-stained tissue sections to differentiate gliomas along IDH mutation
status and astrocytic lineage35, all other studies predicted glioma types only
from H&E-stained tissue. Prediction was usually performed in an end-to-
end manner, i.e., without prior identification of established histological or
molecular markers. Many approaches were based on weakly-supervised
learning (WSL), in which predictions of patch-level convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) were aggregated to patient-level diagnosis46–49.Aggrega-
tion of patch-level to slide-level results was either performed by majority
voting46,49 or traditional ML methods fitted to histograms of patch-level
Two studies focused on the analysis of intraoperative frozen sections
(IFSs): Shi et al.46 proposed two weakly supervised CNNs for diagnosing
intracranial germinomas, oligodendrogliomas, and low-grade astrocytomas
from H&E-stained and intraoperative frozen sections (IFSs), respectively46.
They compared the diagnostic accuracy of three pathologists with and
without the assistance of their proposed models and reported an average
improvement of 40% and 20%, respectively. Nasrallah et al.42 used a hier-
archical Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture and three glioma patient
cohorts to support several diagnostic tasks during surgery, including the
identification of malignant cells, as well as the prediction of histological
grades, glioma types according to the 2021 WHO classification system, and
numerous molecular markers42.
Three other recent studies also leveraged emerging ViT architectures
for subtyping41,45,50.Notably,Lietal.,employedTCGAdataandapro-
prietary patient cohort for three tasks of brain tumor classification,
including glioma subtyping, as well as prediction of IDH1, TP53, and
MGMT status in gliomas45. Their proposed model featured an ImageNet
pre-trained ViT for encoding image patches and a graph- and Transformer-
based aggregator for modeling relations among patches. It achieved high
performance in all tasks and automatically learned histopathological fea-
tures, including blood vessels, hemorrhage, calcification, and necrosis.
Fig. 3 | Number of studies by year of publication and diagnostic task. All 70
studies included in this review are shown. Studies published in 2024 are considered
up until March 18, 2024.
Table 3 | Overview of all publicly available datasets utilized by reviewed studies
Dataset Tumor types WHO classification
#Patients #WSIs Tissue
Other information
CPTAC-GBM140 Glioblastoma n.s. 178 462 n.s. H&E CT, MRI, omics, clinical
Digital Brain Tumor
126 distinct brain tumor types 2016 2880 3115aFFPE H&E Clinical
Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas
Glioblastoma n.s. 41 ~34,500 Frozen ISH, H&E CT, MRI, omics, clinical,
TCGA-GBM37,38 Glioblastoma 2000, 2007 617 2053 FFPE, frozen H&E Omics, clinical
TCGA-LGG39 Astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma,
oligodendroglioma, oligoastrocytoma,
anaplastic oligoastrocytoma
2000, 2007 516 1572 FFPE, frozen H&E Omics, clinical
UPENN-GBM143 Glioblastoma 2016 34 71 n.s. H&E MRI, omics, clinical
Other datasets that were utilized but were not made publicly available are not listed.
FFPE formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded, H&E hematoxylin and eosin staining, ISH in situ hybridization, CT computed tomography, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, n.s. not specified
aincluding 47 non-tumor WSIs.
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Table 4 | Overview of all studies related to subtyping
Study Method Multi-modal fusion Dataset Performance
Features Learning paradigm Modalities Fusion Strategy TCGA-GBM TCGA-LGG Other #Patients #WSIs Metric Result
Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma
Jin et al.56 CNN (DenseNet) SL H&E X n.s. 733 ACC 0.920
Kurc et al.13 CNN (DenseNet) WSL H&E, MRI Late X 52 n.s. ACC 0.900
Astrocytoma IDH-mutant vs. Oligodendroglioma IDH-mutant, 1p/19q codeleted
Kim et al.54 CNN (RetCCL) WSL H&E X X X 673 673 AUC 0.837
Astrocytoma IDH-mutant vs. Astrocytoma IDH-wildtype vs. Oligodendroglioma IDH-mutant, 1p/19q codeleted
Faust et al.35 CNN (VGG19) SL H&E, IHC Late X n.s. 1013 ACC 1.0
Astrocytoma IDH-mutant vs. Oligodendroglioma IDH-mutant, 1p/19q codeleted vs. Glioblastoma IDH-wildtype
Hewitt et al.41 CNN, ViT (CTransPath) MIL H&E X X X 2741 n.s. AUC 0.840a, 0.910b, 0.900c
Nasrallah et al.42 ViT WSL IFS X X X 1524 2334 AUC 0.900a, 0.880b, 0.930c
Wang et al.43 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E X 2624 2624 AUC 0.941a, 0.973b, 0.983c
Wang et al.50 ViT MIL H&E X X 940 2633 ACC 0.773
Jose et al.49 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E X X 700 926 AUC 0.961
Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma vs. Glioblastoma
Hsu et al.51 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E, MRI Late X X X 329 n.s. balanced ACC 0.654
Mallya et al.53 CNN MIL H&E, MRI KD X n.s. 221 balanced ACC 0.752
Suman et al.114 CNN WSL, MIL H&E X X 230 n.s. balanced ACC 0.730
Wang et al.52 CNN (EfficientNet, SEResNeXt101) WSL H&E, MRI, clinical Late X X X 378 n.s. balanced ACC 0.889
Lu et al.109 CNN (ResNet50) SSL, MIL H&E Intermediate X X 700 700 ACC 0.886
Astrocytoma IDH-mutant vs. Astrocytoma IDH-wildtype vs. Oligodendroglioma IDH-wildtype vs. Glioblastoma IDH-mutant vs. Glioblastoma IDH-wildtype
Chitnis et al.113 CNN (KimiaNet) MIL H&E X 791 866 AUC 0.969
Astrocytoma vs. Anaplastic Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma vs. Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma vs. Glioblastoma
Li et al.45 ViT (ViT-L-16) MIL H&E X X X 749 1487 AUC 0.932
Jin et al.48 CNN (DenseNet) WSL H&E X 323 323 ACC 0.865
Xing et al.100 CNN (DenseNet) WSL H&E X n.s. 440 ACC 0.700
Astrocytoma vs. Anaplastic Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma vs. Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma vs. Oligoastrocytoma vs. Glioblastoma
Hou et al.47 CNN WSL H&E X X 539 1064 ACC 0.771
Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma vs. Intracranial Germinoma
Shi et al.46 CNN (ResNet152) WSL H&E, IFS X X 346 832 ACC 0.769, 0.820d
Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma vs. Ependymoma vs. Lymphoma vs. Metastasis vs. Non-tumor
Ma et al.55 CNN (DenseNet) SL H&E X n.s. 1038 ACC 0.935
Astrocytic vs. Oligodendroglial vs. Ependymal
Yang et al.108 CNN (ResNet18) SSL, MIL H&E X n.s. 935 weighted F1-score 0.780
Oligodendroglioma vs. Non-Oligodendroglioma
Im et al.44 CNN (ResNet50) ROIs H&E X 369 n.s. balanced ACC 0.873
Studies are organized into specific subtasks and sorted by year of publication. Columns “TCGA-GBM”,“TCGA-LGG”and “Other”indicate whether TCGA-GBM, TCGA-LGG and/or other public or proprietary datasets were employed. “#Patients”and “#WSIs”state the
reported size of the dataset including subsets for training and validation. “Performance”states a subset of the reported performance metrics.
CNN convolutional neural network, ViT Vision Transformer, ROI region of interest, SL supervised learning, WSL weakly-supervised learning, SSL self-supervised learning, MIL multiple-instance learning, KD knowledge distillation, H&E hematoxylin and eosin staining, MRI
magnetic resonance imaging, IHC immunohistochemistry, IFS intraoperative frozen sections, ACC accuracy, AUC area under the operator receiver curve, n.s. not specified.
afor astrocytoma.
bfor oligodendroglioma.
cfor glioblastoma.
dfor model based on intraoperative frozen sections.
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Some studies aimed to improve the accuracy of subtyping by inte-
gration of MRI. A particularly large number of such studies emerged from
the CPM RadPath Challenges 2018, 2019 and 2020, which provided paired
magnetic resonance and whole-slide image datasets for the diff erentiation of
astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and glioblastomas13,51,52. The best per-
forming approaches used weakly-supervised CNNs (or an ensemble
thereof 52) for processing WSIs and fused WSI- and MRI-derived predic-
52, a max pooling13 or by favoring WSI-derived
predictions51. The improvement in balanced accuracy compared to using
WSI alone was up to 7.8%52. Related to the integration of MRI, Mallya et al.
utilized the same CPM-RadPath dataset and proposed a knowledge dis-
tillation framework to transfer the knowledge from WSIs to a model that
differentiates gliomas based solely on MRI53.
In addition to the aforementioned end-to-end approaches, some stu-
dies first predicted established histological or molecular markers, and then
derived glioma types based on these predictions41,50,54–56. In a series of studies,
Ma et al., for instance, proposed a classification model for the differentiation
of astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, ependymoma, lymphoma, metastasis,
and healthy tissue, based on the presence of respective cell types, and glioma
grades based on the presence of microvascular proliferation and necrosis48,55.
They later assessed their model’s performance using a multi-center dataset
comprising 127 WSIs from four institutions56. Interestingly, Hewitt et al.
compared approaches for predicting the 2021 WHO glioma subtypes, and
reported that first predicting IDH, 1p/19q, and ATRX status, and then
inferring subtypes from these predictions performed overall better than an
end-to-end approach41. In addition, they conducted further interesting
experiments, such as comparing the predictability of 2016 versus 2021
WHO glioma subtypes, and validated all results on independent patient
Grading. Complementing tumor types, tumor grades differentiate glio-
mas according to predicted clinical behavior and range from CNS WHO
grade 1 to 4, with CNS WHO grade 1 indicating the least malignant
behavior2,6. Similar to subtyping, grading is currently based on both
histological and molecular markers (Fig. 1), whereas in the past only
histological markers, including cellular pleomorphism, proliferative
activity, necrosis, and microvascular proliferation were considered7.
Table 5provides an overview of all corresponding studies grouped
according to the investigated grading tasks.
All studies predicted glioma grades from WSIs of H&E-stained tissue
sections in an end-to-end manner. Exceptionsfromthisincludeoneearlier
study that inferred glioma grade from detected necrosis and microvascular
proliferation57, and a recent study that analyzed human leukocyte antigen
(HLA)-stained tissue microarrays and inferred glioma grade by assessing
the infiltration of myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment36.
Earlier studies mostly employed handcrafted features and traditional
ML methods15,57–62. In a typical study, Barker et al. proposed a coarse-to-fine
analysis based on handcrafted features extracted from segmented nuclei. In
this manner, they first selected discriminative patches and subsequently
predicted grades using a linear regression model61.
All other studies employed CNNs for predicting grades from image
patches. Three such approaches decomposed II vs. III vs. IV grading as
stepwise binary II and III vs. IV followed by II vs. III classifications and
agreed on greater difficulty in differentiating grades II vs. III63–65.Suetal.
focused on this challenge and reported considerable performance
improvement by employing an ensemble of 14 weakly-supervised CNN
classifiers whose predictions were aggregated by a logistic regression
model66. Whereas this approach seems computationally intensive, Momeni
et al. proposed a deep recurrent attention model, for II and III vs. IV grading,
which achieved state-of-the-art results while only analyzing 144 image
patches per WSI67.
Two recent studies examined the newly adopted approach of grading
gliomas within types rather than across types, as endorsed by the 2021
WHO classification system43,56. Most notably, Wang et al. proposed a
clustering-based CNN model for this purpose (similar to that of Zhao
et al.68), which they validated on two external cohorts of 305 and 328
patients, respectively43.
Several studies integrated additional modalities such as genomics63,69,70,
age and sex60 or proliferation index manually assessed from Ki-67 staining58.
Most notably, Qiu et al. adopted a self-training strategy to address the effects
of label noise and proposed an attention-based feature guidance aiming to
capture bidirectional interactions between WSIs and genomic features69.
They demonstrated the superiority of multi-modal over uni-modal pre-
dictions (AUC 0.807 (WSI), 0.804 (genomics), 0.872 (WSI+genomics)) as
well as the effectiveness of modeling bidirectional interactions between
modalities for glioma grading and lung cancer subtyping.
Addressing the problem of possibly limited availability of genomics in
clinical practice, Xing et al. proposed a knowledge distillation framework to
transfer the privileged knowledge of a teacher model, trained on WSIs and
genomics, to a student model which subsequently predicts grade solely from
WSIs71. Remarkably, they reported superior performance of their uni-modal
student model over a state-of-the-art multi-modal model70 on the same
validation cohort.
Molecular marker prediction. Molecular alterations in gliomas have
diagnostic, predictive, and prognostic value critical for effective treat-
ment selection, e.g., the presence of MGMT promoter methylation was
associated with a beneficial sensitivity to alkylating agent chemotherapy,
resulting in prolonged survival in glioblastoma patients2,5. Standards of
practice for accurate, reliable detection of molecular markers include
immunohistochemistry, sequencing, or fluorescent in situ hybridization
(FISH)2. Table 6provides an overview of all corresponding studies
grouped according to the investigated molecular markers.
Although there are no established criteria for determining molecular
markers from histology yet, a growing body of research has suggested their
predictability from WSIs of H&E-stained tissue sections with considerable
accuracy. Among others, pan-cancer studies predicted various molecular
markers across multiple cancer types72,73 and with regard to glioblastoma
reported an externally validated accuracy of over 0.7 for 4 out of 9 investi-
gated markers72.
Most studies predicted IDH mutation status. Similar approaches based
on weakly-supervised CNNs were augmented by either the incorporation of
additional synthetically generated image patches (AUC 0.927 vs. 0.920)74 or
by the integration of MRI (ACC from WSI: 0.860; from MRI: 0.780; from
both: 0.900)75. As patient age and IDH mutation status are highly correlated
(e.g., the median age at diagnosis was reported to be 37 years for IDH-
mutant astrocytomas and 65 years for IDH-wildtype astrocytomas1), inte-
gration of patient age into multi-modal predictions further improved
Comparing their performance in predicting IDH status to pathol-
ogists, Liechty et al. proposed a multi-magnification ensemble that
averaged predictions from multiple weakly-supervised CNN classifiers,
each processing individual magnification levels77. On an external vali-
dation cohort of 174 WSIs, their model did not surpass human perfor-
mance (AUC 0.881 vs. 0.901), but averaged predictions from
pathologists and their model performed on par with the consensus of
two pathologists (AUC 0.921 vs. 0.920).
Recently, Zhao et al. proposed a clustering-based hybrid CNN-ViT
model to predict IDH mutation in diffuse glioma68. They trained and
assessed their model based on two large and independent patient cohorts
from two hospitals, and, motivated by the changes in the 2021 WHO
classification system, investigated subgroups with particularly challenging
morphologies. Of note, their study provided a clear explanation of how the
ground truth IDH status was determined through sequencing for all patients
in both cohorts.
Five studies were dedicated to the prediction of the codeletion of
chromosomes 1p and 19q. In particular, Kim et al. predicted 1p/19q fold
change values from H&E-stained WSIs and compared their CNN-based
method to the traditional method of detecting 1p/19q status via FISH54.
Based on a cohort of 288 patients, whose 1p/19q status were confirmed
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Table 5 | Overview of all studies related to grading
Study Method Multi-modal fusion Dataset Performance
Features Learning
Modalities Fusion
Other #Patients #WSIs Metric Result
WHO grade II vs. WHO grade III
Su et al.66 CNN (ResNet18) WSL H&E X 507 n.s. ACC 0.801
CNS WHO grade 2 vs. CNS WHO grade 3 vs. CNS WHO grade 4
Jin et al.56 CNN (DenseNet) SL H&E X n.s. 733 ACC 0.730
Wang et al.43 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E X 2624 2624 AUC 0.939a, 0.930b,
0.948d, 0.967e
WHO grade II vs. WHO grade III vs. WHO grade IV
Qiu et al.69 CNN (ResNet) ROIs H&E, omics Intermediate X X 683 683 AUC 0.872
Zhang et al.110 CNN
SSL, MIL H&E X X 499 n.s. ACC 0.790f, 0.750g
Xing et al.71 CNN (ResNet18) ROIs H&E, omics KD X X 736 1325*AUC 0.924
Pei et al.63 CNN (ResNet) WSL H&E, omics Early X X n.s. 549 ACC 0.938h, 0.740i
Chen et al.70 CNN (VGG19) ROIs H&E, omics Intermediate X X 769 1505*AUC 0.908
Truong et al.64 CNN (ResNet18) WSL H&E X X 1120 3611 ACC 0.730h, 0.530i
Wang et al.58 Handcrafted H&E, PI Early X 146 n.s. ACC 0.900
Ertosun et al.65 CNN WSL H&E X X n.s. 37 ACC 0.960h, 0.710i
WHO grade II and III vs. WHO grade IV
Jiang et al.112 CNN (ResNet18) SSL, MIL H&E X X n.s. n.s. AUC 0.964
Brindha et al.120 Handcrafted H&E X X n.s. 1114 ACC 0.972
Mohan et al.59 Handcrafted H&E X X n.s. 310 AUC 0.974
Im et al.44 CNN (MnasNet) ROIs H&E X 468 n.s. balanced
Rathore et al.60 Handcrafted ROIs H&E,
Early X X 735 n.s. AUC 0.927
Momeni et al.67 CNN WSL H&E X X 710 n.s. AUC 0.930
Yonekura et al.121 CNN WSL H&E X X n.s. 200 ACC 0.965
Xu et al.14 CNN (AlexNet) WSL H&E X n.s. 85 ACC 0.975
Barker et al.61 Handcrafted H&E X X X n.s. 649 AUC 0.960
Hou et al.47 CNN WSL H&E X X 539 1064 ACC 0.970
Reza et al. 62 Handcrafted H&E X X n.s. 66 AUC 0.955
Fukuma et al.15 Handcrafted H&E X X n.s. 300 ACC 0.996
WHO grade I vs. WHO grade II vs. WHO grade III vs. WHO grade IV
Elazab et al.144 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E X X 445 654 ACC 0.972
WHO grade I and II vs. WHO grade III and IV
Mousavi et al.57 Handcrafted H&E X X 138 n.s. ACC 0.847
Non-tumor vs. WHO grade I vs. WHO grade II vs. WHO grade III vs. WHO grade IV
Pytlarz et al.36 CNN (DenseNet) SSL,
HLA X n.s. 206*** ACC 0.690
Non-tumor vs. WHO grade II and III vs. WHO grade IV
Ker et al.133 CNN
WSL H&E X n.s. 154** F1-score 0.991
Studies are organized into specific subtasks and sorted by year of publication. Columns “TCGA-GBM”,“TCGA-LGG”and “Other”indicate whether TCGA-GBM, TCGA-LGG and/or other public or
proprietary datasets were employed. “#Patients”and “#WSIs”state the reported size of the dataset including subsets for training and validation. “Performance”states a subset of the reported
performance metrics.
*not WSIs but ROIs, **probably not gigapixel WSIs but smaller histopathology images, ***tissue microarrays.
CNN convolutional neural network, ROI region of interest, SL supervised learning, WSL weakly-supervised learning, SSL self-supervised learning, MIL multiple-instance learning, KD knowledge
distillation, H&E hematoxylin and eosin staining, HLA human leukocyte antigen staining, PI proliferation index, ACC accuracy, AUC area under the operator receiver curve, n.s. not specified.
a/b/cfor astrocytoma CNS WHO grade 2/3/4.
d/efor oligodendroglioma CNS WHO grade 2/3.
ffor frozen sections.
gfor FFPE sections.
hfor II +III vs. IV.
ifor II vs. III.
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npj Imaging | (2024) 2:16 7
Table 6 | Overview of all studies related to molecular marker prediction
Study Method Multi-modal fusion Dataset Performance
Features Learning
Modalities Fusion
Other #Patients #WSIs Metric Result
IDH mutation
Zhao et al.68 CNN (ResNet50), ViT WSL H&E X 2275 n.s. AUC 0.953
Liechty et al.77 CNN (DenseNet) WSL H&E X X X 513 975 AUC 0.881
Jiang et al.76 CNN (ResNet18) WSL H&E, clinical Early X 490 843 AUC 0.814
Wang et al.75 Handcrafted H&E, MRI Late X X X 217 n.s. ACC 0.900
Liu et al.74 CNN (ResNet50) WSL H&E, clinical Early X X X 266 n.s. AUC 0.931
MGMT promoter methylation
He et al.115 ViT (Swin Transfor-
mer V2)
H&E X X 224 657 AUC 0.860
Yin et al.145 Spiking neural P
H&E X 110 110 ACC 0.700
Dai et al.146 Spiking neural P
H&E X 110 110 ACC 0.681
IDH mutation, MGMT promoter methylation
Krebs et al.101 CNN (Res Net18) SSL, MIL H&E X 325 196a,
ACC 0.912a, 0.861b
IDH mutation, MGMT promoter methylation, TP53 mutation
Li et al.45 ViT (ViT-L-16) MIL H&E X X X 1005a,
257b, 877c
n.s. AUC 0.960a, 0.845b, 0.874c
IDH mutation, MGMT promoter methylation, 1p/19q codeletion
Momeni et al.67 CNN WSL H&E X X 710 n.s. AUC 0.860a, 0.750b, 0.760d
1p/19q fold change values
Kim et al.54 CNN (RetCCL) WSL H&E X X X 673 673 AUC 0.833e, 0.837f
IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion
Rathore et al.147 CNN (ResNet) ROIs H&E X X 663 n.s. AUC 0.860a, 0.860d
IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion, homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B
Wang et al.50 ViT MIL H&E X X 940 2633 AUC 0.920a, 0.881d, 0.772g
IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion, homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B, ATRX mutation, EGFR amplification, TERT promoter mutation
Hewitt et al.41 CNN, ViT
MIL H&E X X X 2840 n.s. AUC 0.900a, 0.870d, 0.730g,
0.790h, 0.850i, 0.600j
IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion, homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B, ATRX mutation, EGFR amplification, TP53 mutation, CIC mutation
Nasrallah et al.42 ViT WSL IFS X X X 1524 2334 AUC 0.820a, 0.820d, 0.800g,
0.790h, 0.710i,
0.870c, 0.790k
DNA methylation
Zheng et al.148 Handcrafted H&E, clinical Early X X 327 n.s. AUC 0.740
Pan-cancer studies
Saldanha et al.72 CNN (RetCCL) MIL H&E X X 493 n.s. AUC 0.840a, 0.700c, 0.700h
Arslan et al.80 CNN (ResNet34) WSL H&E X X X 894 1999 AUC 0.669l
Loeffler et al.73 CNN (ShuffleNet) ROIs H&E X X 680 n.s. AUC 0.764a, 0.787c, 0.726h
Studies are organized into specific subtasks and sorted by year of publication. Columns “TCGA-GBM”,“TCGA-LGG”and “Other”indicate whether TCGA-GBM, TCGA-LGG and/or other public or
proprietary datasets were employed. “#Patients”and “#WSIs”state the reported size of the dataset including subsets for training and validation. “Performance”states a subset of the reported
performance metrics.
CNN convolutional neural network, ViT Vision Transformer, SL supervised learning, ROI region of interest, WSL weakly-supervised learning, SSL self-supervised learning, MIL multiple-instance learning,
H&E hematoxylin and eosin staining, IFS intraoperative frozen sections, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, ACC accuracy, AUC area under the operator receiver curve, n.s. not specified.
afor IDH mutation.
bfor MGMT promoter methylation.
cfor TP53 mutation.
dfor 1p/19q codeletion.
efor 1p.
ffor 19q.
gfor CDKN2A/B.
hfor ATRX.
ifor EGFR.
jfor TERT.
kfor CIC.
laverage performance.
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npj Imaging | (2024) 2:16 8
through next generation sequencing, they ascribed a superior predictive
power to their proposed method. They further used their model to classify
IDH-mutant gliomas into astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas and vali-
dated all results on an external cohort of 385 patients from TCGA.
As various molecular markers show complex interactions and
should not be considered as independent variables (e.g., “essentially all
1p/19q co-deleted tumors are also IDH-mutant, although the converse
is not true”2), Wang et al. proposed a multiple-instance learning (MIL)-
and ViT-based model for predicting IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion,
and homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B as well as the presence of
necrosis and microvascular proliferation, while simultaneously recog-
nizing interactions between predicted markers50. They validated their
system in ablation studies and outperformed popular state-of-the-art
MIL frameworks and CNN architectures in all tasks, with improve-
ments in accuracy of up to 6.3%.
Survival prediction. Accurate prediction of survival and a comprehen-
sive understanding of prognostic factors in gliomas are crucial for
appropriate disease management78. Median survival in adult-type diffuse
gliomas ranges from 17 years in oligodendrogliomas to only 8 months in
glioblastomas and generally decreases with older age1. Besides type,
grade, and age, other prognostic factors include tumor size and location,
extent of tumor resection, performance status, cognitive impairment,
status of molecular markers such as IDH mutation, 1p/19q codeletion,
MGMT promoter methylation and treatment protocols, including
temozolomide and radiotherapy2,78. Table 7provides an overview of all
corresponding studies grouped according to the investigated aspects of
prognostic inference.
Almost all reviewed studies investigated the prediction of overall sur-
vival from WSIs of H&E-stained tissue sections in an end-to-end manner.
One exception inferred predictions by first classifying vascular endothelial
cells and quantifying microvascular hypertrophy and hyperplasia79 and two
studies additionally investigated disease-free survival80,81. Most studies
predicted risk scores or survival times, and only four studies conducted
survival prediction by classifying patients into either low- or high-risk
groups82–84 or four predefined risk groups85.
Given the high variability of disease manifestation and co-morbidities,
as well as the stochastic nature of the immediate cause of death, prognosis
can be regarded as the most challenging task. In particular, prediction of
overall survival from histology has been considered inherently more chal-
lenging than tasks such as subtyping and grading70,86–89,ascomplexinter-
actions of heterogeneous visual concepts, such as immune cells in general90,
or more specifically lymphocyte infiltrates91 in the tumor microenviron-
ment, have been recognized as potentially relevant factors.
Zhu et al. proposed WSISA, the earliest end-to-end system for survival
prediction from WSIs, which leveraged a priorly proposed CNN-based
survival model92 to first compute clusters of survival-discriminate image
patches and second aggregate cluster-based features for subsequent risk
score regression89.
Potentially due to the aforementioned complexity, only a minority of
the reviewed studies proposed uni-modal approaches based on handcrafted
features or weakly-supervised CNNs. The majority of the studies utilized
either more intricate architectures, or the integration of additional mod-
alities of information.
To this end, Li et al. and Chen et al. set out to capture context-aware
representations of histological features by employing graph convolutional
neural networks, in which vertices corresponded to patch-level feature
vectors and edges were defined by either Euclidean distance between feature
vectors or adjacency of patches93,94. They both compared their models,
DeepGraphSurv and Patch-GCN, respectively, on multiple cancer types,
where DeepGraphSurv improved on WSISA by 6.5% and Patch-GCN on
DeepGraphSurv by 2.6% in terms of C-index.
Three recent studies leveraged the Transformer architecture for
modeling histological patterns across patches, either by employing multiple
feature detectors to aggregate distinct morphological patterns87,95 or by
fusing information from multiple magnification levels86.Allstudiesreported
state-of-the-art performance on multiple cancer types, including gliomas,
from the TCGA-GBM and TCGA-LGG datasets. Most notably, Liu et al.
reported a 13.2% and a 4.3% C-index performance improvement compared
to DeepGraphSurv and Patch-GCN on TCGA-LGG, respectively, and
Wang et al. reported a 5.5%, a 4.5%, and a 3.5% C-index performance
improvement compared to DeepGraphSurv, Patch-GCN, and an extension
of Patch-GCN via a variance pooling96 on TCGA-GBM and TCGA-
Contrasting the above mentioned uni-modal approaches, half of
all studies stated prognosis as a multi-modal problem by integrating
clinical or omics data. Simple approaches to such integration included
fusing WSI-derived risk scores and variables from other modalities in
Cox proportional hazards models76,81,97 or by concatenating image
features and variables prior to subsequent risk score prediction, as
proposed by Mobadersany et al.40. In particular, they proposed two
CNN-based models, SCNN, which predicted survival from priorly
delineated ROIs, and GSCNN, which improved SCNN by con-
catenating IDH mutation and 1p/19q codeletion status as additional
prognostic variables (C-index 0.801 vs. 0.754). They further reported
the superiority of concatenation vs. Coxmodelsasstrategiesformulti-
modal fusion (C-index 0.801 vs. 0.757).
More advanced approaches fused distinct uni-modal feature repre-
sentations into an intermediate feature tensor, using the Kronecker product,
while controlling the expressiveness of each modality via a gating-based
attention mechanism70,98,99. Most notably, by integrating 320 genomics and
transcriptomics features in this manner, Chen et al. surpassed GSCNN on
the same ROIs with a C-index performance improvement of 5.8%70.The
same authors later expanded on this approach by adopting MIL and
applying it to 14 cancer types98. They conducted extensive analysis regarding
the interpretability of their model and reported that the presence of necrosis
and IDH1 mutation status were the most attributed features in gliomas from
the TCGA-LGG dataset, which is in line with the current WHO classifi-
cation. They further developed an interactive research tool, to drive the
discovery of new prognostic biomarkers.
Methodological aspects of WSI processing
Across all diagnostic tasks, most of the considered studies processed WSIs in
a patch-based manner. The predictive performance of such approaches
dependsonchoicesforpatchsizeandmagnification, methods for encoding
image patches, and approaches for learning relations among patches. In the
following, the studies are examined in more detail with regard to these
Patch sizes and magnifications. The size of image patches and the
magnification at which they are extracted not only determine the number
of patches stemming from given WSIs, but also influence the degree to
which either cellular details or more distributed characteristics in tissue
architecture are captured. However, patch size and magnification were
not consistently reported (63/83 and 50/83, respectively) and only three
studies compared performance across multiple sizes and magnifications,
e.g., patches of size 256 ×256 pixels, and 2.5x, 5x, 10x, and 20x magni-
fication for IDH mutation prediction (AUC 0.80, 0.85, 0.88, and 0.84,
respectively)77; highest performance in grading by employing 672 × 672
pixels patches at 40x magnification14; and highest performance for sur-
vival risk group classification consistent across multiple CNN archi-
tectures by utilizing 256 × 256 pixels patches at 20x magnification85.
Apart from these comparisons, smaller patches, i.e., 224 × 224 and
256 × 256 pixels, and 20x magnification were most frequently employed
(Fig. 4).
In addition to single-magnification approaches, few studies processed
multiple magnifications47,75,77,86,100,101, e.g., by concatenating single-
magnification features at the onset101, averaging of single-magnification
predictions77 or modeling magnifications using graphs100 or cross-
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Encoding of image patches. The reviewed studies employed hand-
crafted features (13/83), CNNs (63/83) (including ResNet102, VGG103,
DenseNet104,EfficientNet105, Inception106, and AlexNet107), capsule net-
works (1/83), and ViTs (6/83) to encode image patches. While hand-
crafted features were mostly employed by earlier approaches, ViT
emerged as an alternative to CNNs in recent years. Few studies compared
different CNN architectures36,44,49,74,85 and mostly agreed on the super-
iority of ResNet over other popular architectures44,49,74. Apart from these
comparisons, ResNet architectures pre-trained on ImageNet were most
commonly employed (33/63) (Fig. 5). Self-supervised learning
Table 7 | Overview of all studies related to survival prediction
Study Method Multi-modal fusion Dataset Performance
Features Learning
Modalities Fusion Strategy TCGA-
Other #Patients #WSIs Metric Result
Risk score/survival time regression
Yin et al.145 Spiking neural P
H&E X 110 110 PCC 0.541
Dai et al.146 Spiking neural P
H&E X 110 110 PCC 0.515
Jiang et al.95 CNN (ResNet18) MIL H&E X 490 843 C-index 0.714
Jiang et al.112 CNN (ResNet18) SSL, MIL H&E X n.s. n.s. C-index 0.685
Liu et al.86 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E X 486 836 C-index 0.702
Luo et al.81 CNN (ResNet50) SL H&E, clinical Early X 162 n.s. C-index 0.928**
Wang et al.87 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E X X 1,041 n.s. C-index 0.861
Carmichael et al.96 CNN (ResNet18) MIL H&E X X 872 n.s. C-index 0.738
Chen et al.70 CNN (VGG19) ROIs H&E, omics Intermediate X X 769 1,505*C-index 0.826
Chunduru et al.97 CNN (ResNet50) ROIs H&E, omics,
Late X X 766 1,061 C-index 0.840
Braman et al.99 CNN (VGG19) ROIs H&E, omics,
clinical, MRI
Intermediate X X 176 372*C-index 0.788
Chen et al.88 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E, omics Intermediate X X 1,011 n.s. C-index 0.817
Chen et al.94 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E X X 1,011 n.s. C-index 0.824
Jiang et al.76 CNN (ResNet18) WSL H&E, omics,
Early X 490 843 C-index 0.792
Hao et al.130 CNN WSL H&E, omics,
Late X 447 n.s. C-index 0.702
Rathore et al.147 CNN (ResNet) ROIs H&E X X 663 n.s. C-index 0.820
Tang et al.149 Capsule network WSL H&E X 209 424 C-index 0.670
Li et al.93 CNN (VGG16) MIL H&E X 365 491 C-index 0.622
Mobadersany et al.40 CNN (VGG19) ROIs H&E, omics Late X X 769 1,061*C-index 0.801
Nalisnik et al.79 Handcrafted H&E, clinical Late X n.s. 781 C-index 0.780
Zhu et al.89 CNN WSL H&E X 126 255 C-index 0.645
Survival time distribution modeling
Liu et al.150 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E X 486 836 C-index 0.642
Risk group classification
Baheti et al.82 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E, omics,
Late X X 188 188 AUC 0.746
Shirazi et al.85 CNN (Inception) ROIs H&E X X X 454 858*AUC 1.0
Zhang et al.83 Handcrafted H&E, omics,
Late X 606 1,194 AUC 0.932
Powell et al.84 Handcrafted H&E, omics,
Early X 53 n.s. AUC 0.890
Pan-cancer studies
Arslan et al.80 CNN (ResNet34) WSL H&E X X 705 1,489 n.s. n.s.
Chen et al.98 CNN (ResNet50) MIL H&E, omics Intermediate X 479 n.s. C-index 0.808
Cheerla et al.111 CNN
SSL H&E, omics,
Intermediate X n.s. n.s. C-index 0.850
Studies are organized into specific subtasks and sorted by year of publication. Columns “TCGA-GBM”,“TCGA-LGG”and “Other”indicate whether TCGA-GBM, TCGA-LGG and/or other public or
proprietary datasets were employed. “#Patients”and “#WSIs”state the reported size of the dataset including subsets for training and validation. “Performance”statesa subset of the reported performance
CNN convolutional neural network, ROI region of interest, SL supervised learning, WSL weakly-supervised learning, SSL self-supervised learning, MIL multiple-instance learning, H&E hematoxylin and
eosin staining, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, PCC Pearson correlation coefficient, C-index concordance index, AUC area under the operator receiver curve, n.s. not specified.
*not WSIs but ROIs, **probably not gigapixel WSIs but smaller histopathology images.
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npj Imaging | (2024) 2:16 10
approaches for pre-training CNNs or ViTs using histopathological
images leveraged pre-text tasks, including contrastive learning36,101,108–111,
masked pre-training112 or cross-stain prediction108.
Learning paradigms. The majority of all 70 DL-based studies
employed either WSL (29/83), MIL (21/83), or previously delineated
ROIs (11/83) to process WSIs (the methodological differences of the
three approaches are explained in Table 2). In recent years, MIL was
most commonly used (Fig. 6) and approaches mostly utilized ResNets
for encoding image patches (14/21) as well as intricate architectures
based on graphs93,94, Transformers45,50,86–88,95,98,112,113 or other attention
mechanisms72,82,100,108–110,114 (often combinations thereof) to model his-
tological patterns among patches.
Few studies compared approaches43,45,50: Li et al. conducted insightful
comparisons across three subtyping tasks and reported an overall super-
iority of ViT-L-16 over ResNet50 (both pre-trained on ImageNet) and a
worse performance of WSL in all three tasks, with an especially large per-
formance gap in a more fine-grained subtyping task including 11 brain
tumor types45. Wang et al., however, reported that their clustering-based
CNN model outperformed four state-of-the-art MIL frameworks in several
subtyping and grading tasks43.
As described in the previous sections, a large body of research on the
application of AI to various aspects of glioma tissue assessment has been
published in recent years. Considering the difficulty of the diagnostic tasks,
each study provides important insights for the future application of AI-
based methods in real clinical settings. However, there remain serious
Limitations of current research
Only 13 of the included studies evaluated the performance of their proposed
method on independent test datasets from external pathology departments
that were not used during the development of the
method41–43,45,46,54,61,68,72,77,80,85,115; 10 of these studies were published in 2023 or
2024. External validation, however, is crucial for meaningful performance
estimates116. Moreover, the performance metrics reported in the solely
TCGA-based studies might be inflated,asnoneofthesestudiesensuredthat
the data used for model development and performance estimation origi-
nated from distinct tissue source-sites117,118. As the TCGA datasets were
originally compiled for different purposes37–39,itmustbeassumedthatthey
are not representative of the intended use of the proposed analysis methods
and contain biases. Given these limitations, the performance metrics
reported by the reviewed studies should be interpreted with caution and
should not be generalized to practical applications119.
Relatedly, all TCGA-based studies utilized different subpopulations of
the two TCGA cohorts without specifying which selection criteria were
employed. When studies used other datasets, these were generally not made
publicly available. This makes it very hard to reproduce the results and
compare results between studies.
Another important aspect is the repeated revision of the WHO classi-
fication system, which makes it necessary to revise the now outdated ground
truth labels in the TCGA datasets with the current subtypes and grades.
Fig. 4 | Patch sizes and magnifications employed by studies. Studies were taken
into account if at least one of the two pieces of information was specified. Other patch
sizes and magnifications employed by single studies (e.g., 150 × 150 pixels, 4x
magnification) are not shown.
Fig. 5 | Convolutional neural network architectures employed by studies. With
only a few exceptions all convolutional neural networks were pre-trained using the
ImageNet dataset. Except for ResNet architectures exact variants of stated archi-
tectures are not shown. “Custom”refers to custom (i.e., self-configured)
Fig. 6 | Learning paradigms employed by studies. Usage of regions of interest,
weakly-supervised learning and multiple-instance learning by all 70 deep learning-
based studies included in this review distributed by year of publication. The meth-
odological differences of the three approaches are explained in Table 2.
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npj Imaging | (2024) 2:16 11
Only three studies utilized the current version from 202141–43;twoother
studies made an effort to reclassify the TCGA cohorts according to the
current 2021 criteria based on available molecular information49,50,and
another three studies considered the previous version from 201644–46,100.All
other studies were either based on versions from 2007 or earlier, or did not
report the version used, which seriously limits their comparability with the
current diagnostic standards, and largely disregards important advances in
the understanding of glioma tumor biology. Notably, this concerns
important advances regarding the molecular pathogenesis of gliomas with
an impact on classification and prognostication, as reflected by the revisions
from 2016 and 20216,7.
A commonality of many studies in the field is their emphasis on
technical aspects of AI approaches, with less focus on the clinical applic-
ability of their proposed methods. The design of several studies suggests that
the investigations were primarily based on the availability of data, while a
clearly defined clinically relevant research question was not immediately
apparent. Examples include studies that mixed distinct glioma types and
grades without properly substantiating the motivation for their respective
approaches, for instance, when differentiating patients in the TCGA-GBM
cohort from those in the TCGA-LGG cohort15,47,59–62,67,112,120,121.Moreover,
not all studies accurately specified if FFPE or frozen sections were con-
sidered for histological assessment. In many studies, it remained unclear for
which specific practical diagnostic tasks the proposed methods were envi-
sioned to be relevant.
Future directions
Considering that the majority of currently available research results are based
largely on data from the public TCGA-GBM and TCGA-LGG projects, the
acquisition of new datasets with high-quality and up-to-date clinical and
molecularpathologyannotationsisofutmost importance to progress toward
clinical applicability. Such new datasets should address the aforementioned
limitations, that is, they should consider the latest version of the WHO
classification system, be representative of the intended use119,andinclude
multiple tissue source sites to enable independent external validation116.
Future work should focus on applications of AI that are clinically
relevant, but have received little attention to date. Analysis of intrao-
perative frozen sections may be valuable for clinicians to improve the
robustness of preliminarydiagnoses and guide the surgery42,46,122. Similarly
unexplored is the automated preselection of representative tissue areas for
DNA-extraction to speed up the molecular pathology workflow. In gen-
eral, future work should incorporate a wider variety of staining techniques,
including IHC, and further explore their value for AI-based approaches to
improve diagnostic tasks or to support predictive and/or prognostic
biomarker analysis. In particular, the automated quantification of relevant
IHC markers, such as Ki-67 and TP53, and the assessment of their spatial
heterogeneity has not yet been investigated specifically for glioma tissue.
Besides these applications, future investigations should also consider
glioma types other than adult-type diffuse glioma6.
While the current research applies a wide range of AI methods, some
promising approaches remain largely unexplored. The emergence of
foundation models for computational pathology123,124, developed using large
amounts of histopathological data, may be an improvement over thecurrent
reliance on the ResNet CNN architecture and the ImageNet dataset for pre-
training. With their multi-task capabilities, these models could unify many
of the reviewed approaches which usually include a specificmodelforeach
particular diagnostic task, and potentially open avenues for new clinical use
cases125. Generative AI models allow for the synthesis of novel histopatho-
logical image data, providing new opportunities for AI-based WSI analysis.
One of the reviewed studies predicting IDH mutation status has used
generative models to synthesize additional training data74.Theirpositive
results encourage further investigation. Other promising applications of
generative models such as the normalization of staining variations resulting
from different image acquisition or tissue staining protocols126,127,orthe
synthesis of virtual stainings128, have not yet been explored in the context of
glioma diagnosis.
Most current DL-based methods for WSI analysis predict endpoints
directly from pixel data in an end-to-end manner. However, methods
considering intermediate, human-understandable features, for example of
segmented tissue structures and their spatial relations, can greatly facilitate
the verification and communication of results and should remain an active
area of work41,50,55. Deep learning can also be used to discover such features
and reliably segment relevant structures13,129.
Regarding multi-modal fusion, all studies, across all diagnostic tasks,
reported better predictive performance when clinical data, omics data, MRI,
and WSIs were used in combination rather than individually. So far, the
additional value of WSIs for multi-modal predictive performance has been
consistently low70,81,82,98,130. Moreover, good predictive performance can
often be achieved with much simpler models. For instance, Cox propor-
tional hazards or logistic regression models based on a few clinical variables,
such as patient age and sex, can perform on par with WSI-based predictions
for survival or IDH mutation status40,70,76,97,98,131. Further research should
therefore be conducted to better understand and improve the added value of
AI-based analysis of WSIs for glioma.
Above all, the reviewed literature clearly indicates a need for future
studies with a stronger focus on clinically relevant scientific questions. This
requires a truly interdisciplinary approach from the outset, involving neu-
ropathology, neuro-oncology, and the broad expertise of computational
science and medical statistics.
The literature search for this review was last updated on March 18, 2024 and
conducted as follows: The query “(glioma OR glioblastoma OR brain
tumor) AND (computational pathology OR machine learning OR deep
learning OR artificial intelligence) AND (whole slide image OR WSI)”was
used to search PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The results
from all three searches were then screened for inclusion. Results met the
inclusion criteria, if they were original research articles that proposed at least
one AI-based method (including traditional ML and DL) for at least one of
the diagnostic tasks of subtyping, grading, molecular marker prediction, or
survival prediction from whole-slide histopathology images of human
gliomas. Studies which incorporated other modalities, e.g., MRI, omics or
clinical data, in addition to whole-slide histopathology images were also
included. Results were excluded if they were not original research articles
(e.g., reviews or book chapters), did not examine glioma or whole-slide
histopathology images, primarily investigated image segmentation or
retrieval methods, focused on tumor heterogeneity, were conference papers
or preprints that were subsequently published as journal articles (in these
cases, only journal articles were included), or were not written in English.
The PubMed search yielded exactly 100 results; the search on Web of
Science yielded exactly 90 results; and the search on Google Scholar yielded
approximately 23,300 results. After screening the first 191 results from
Google Scholar (using the setting “Sort by relevance”), no further relevant
results were identified. For this reason, it was decided to stop screening after
the 300th result and concluded that all further results would likely be irre-
levant. From these combined 490 results, 96 duplicates were removed and
the remaining 394 results were screened for inclusion. Additional studies
that were identified through references or recommendations were also
screened for inclusion. As a result, 83 studies, comprising journal articles,
conference papers, and preprints, were included in this review.
Received: 5 February 2024; Accepted: 27 May 2024;
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