Mathematics is a complex subject including different domains such as arithmetic, arithmetic problem solving, geometry, algebra, probability, statistics, calculus, … that implies mobilizing a variety of basic abilities associated with the sense of quantity, symbols decoding, memory, visuospatial capacity, logics, to name a few. Students with difficulties in any of the these abilities or in their coordination, may experience mathematical learning difficulties. Understanding the cognitive nature of the various mathematical domains, as well as the mechanisms mediating cognitive development, has fascinated researchers from different fields: from mathematics education to developmental and cognitive psychology and neuroscience.
The field of cognitive psychology has a long history in the studies of cognitive difficulties involved in developing the representation and learning general use of numbers in mathematics (e.g., Campbell, 2005). However, as Fletcher et al. (2007) note, there are “no consistent standards by which to judge the presence or absence of LDs [learning difficulties] in math” (p. 207), and there is still disagreement concerning the question of a definition, operational criteria, and prevalence (Lanfranchi et al., 2008; Mazzocco, 2008). In general, the term Mathematical Learning Difficulty (MLD) is used broadly to describe a wide variety of deficits in math skills, typically pertaining the domains of arithmetic and arithmetic problem solving. We will use MLDs to refer to learning difficulties in these domains as well as other mathematical domains like the ones mentioned above.
Within the field of mathematics education, many frameworks and theories have been developed to analyze teaching and learning processes and difficulties involved with these and other mathematical tasks (e.g., Freudenthal, 1991; Schoenfeld, 1992, 2011; Bharath and English, 2010). Recently, the field has shown interest in perspectives from cognitive neuroscience (e.g., Grabner and Ansari, 2010).
Although developmental and classification models in these fields have been developed (for example, Geary and Hoard, 2005; Desoete, 2007; von Aster and Shalev, 2007), to our knowledge, no single framework or model can be used for a comprehensive and fine interpretation of students' mathematical difficulties, not only for scientific purposes, but also for informing mathematics educators. As mathematics educators1, we believe that reaching a model that combines existing hypotheses on MLD, based on known cognitive processes and mechanisms, could be used to provide a mathematical profile for every student.
Our aims with this contribution are to: (1) provide an overview of the most relevant hypotheses in the present day's literature regarding possible deficits that lead to MLD and of possible classifications of MLD subtypes; (2) and to build on such literature, using a multi-deficit neurocognitive approach, to propose a classification model for MLD describing four basic cognitive domains within which specific deficits may reside.
In order to reach our first objective we will describe the current hypotheses on neurocognitive deficits that may lead to MLD specifically related to numbers, and then we will provide examples of the most relevant classifications of MLD, based on a possible deficit in basic cognitive functions.