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A Proposal Presentation on: Adoption of Climate Smart Practice and its Impact on Household Welfare in Dang District, Nepal



It is a presentation of the proposal on the Adoption of Climate Smart Practices in Household Welfare in Dang District, Nepal. This presentation highlights the major works done like surveys, expenses, research materials, and the strategies used by the local people of the district to adopt against climate change and its impact.
A Proposal Presentation on :
Adoption of Climate Smart Practice and
its Impact on Household Welfare in Dang
District, Nepal
Presenter and principal
Bishal Dhungana
IAAS, Paklihawa Campus
Contact: 9861447284
Address: Modi-6, Parbat
Asst. Prof. Mr. Kamal Regmi
Department of Agricultural
IAAS, Paklihawa Campus
AGDP of Nepal: 28.9% of the Gross Domestic Product,
involving two-thirds of the population.
Agriculture: Driving national development.
Climate Smart Practices have significance for mitigating
climate change effects and bolstering agricultural
Due to Climate shifts, Dang District in Nepal has
climate change impacts
CSP adoption useful for household welfare and
addressing climate resilience challenges.
1. Broad Objectives
To assess the current level of adoption of climate-smart agricultural
practices in Dang District.
2. Specific Objectives
To identify the most common climate-smart practices adopted by
To examine the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of
these practices.
To quantify the effects of climate-smart practices on agricultural
productivity and income.
To evaluate the implications of practice adoption for food security
and household well-being.
Study Area: Dang District (latitude 28.1167 N and longitude
Research Design: Structured questionnaires and semi-
instructed interviews
Sample Design: Simple Random Sampling
Interview Type: Open and close-ended questionnaires
Sample Numbers: 25-30 from each local level
Data Collection Software used: mWaterPortal
Data Analysis Software: IBM SPSS, Excel, R-Studio
Expected Outcomes
The present status of CSPs in Agriculture in Dang
will be studied.
The extent of technology adoption for climate
change mitigations will be studied.
These findings will contribute to academic
Inform policy decisions, and guide the design of
future interventions
Estimated Budget
S. No. Particulars Estimated budget (Rs)
1. Program cost
1.1 Stationery and Questionnaire Preparation 2,000
1.2 Primary Data Collection 3,000
1.3 Data Analysis 3,500
1.4 Report Preparation and presentation 3,000
Sub Total 11,500
2 Personal Cost
2.1 Communication 10,000
2.2 Travelling 15,000
2.3 Lodging and Fooding 60,000
Sub Total 85,000
3 Administrative Cost
3.1 External Facilitator 4,500
3.2 Stationery Cost and Printing 8,000
Sub Total 12,500
4 Miscellaneous Cost 5,000
Total Cost 114,000
5 Contingency @5% 5,700
6 Overhead @10% 11,400
Grand Total 131,100
Calendar of Activities
Jan= Feb= Mar Apr May= Jun Jul Aug
2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024
Review of literature = = = = = = = =
Preliminary Field Visit
= = = = = = = =
Preparation of proposal
= = = = = = = =
Preparation of
= = = = = = = =
Pre-testing of
= = = = = = = =
Household and field survey
= = = = = = = =
Mid-term reports = = = = = = = =
Data entry, processing, and
= = = = = = = =
Seminar = = = = = = = =
Draft report and
= = = = = = = =
Finally, I would like to aknowledge my
major advisor Assistant Professor Kamal
Regmi sir for guiding me until the
completion of research.
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