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Approximation of discontinuous signals by exponential‐type generalized sampling Kantorovich series

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Abstract and Figures

In the present paper, we analyze the behavior of the exponential‐type generalized sampling Kantorovich operators Kωφ,GKωφ,G {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}} when discontinuous signals are considered. We present a proposition for the series Kωφ,GKωφ,G {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}} , and we prove using this proposition certain approximation theorems for discontinuous functions. Furthermore, we give several examples of kernels satisfying the assumptions of the present theory. Finally, some numerical computations are performed to verify the approximation of discontinuous functions f f by Kωφ,GfKωφ,Gf {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}}f .
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Received: 15 March 2024 Revised: 24 June 2024 Accepted: 26 June 2024
DOI: 10.1002/mma.10330
Approximation of discontinuous signals by
exponential-type generalized sampling Kantorovich series
Sadettin Kursun1Tuncer Acar2
1Turkish Military Academy, Department
of Basic Sciences, National Defence
University, Ankara, Turkey
2Faculty of Science, Department of
Mathematics, Selcuk University, Konya,
Sadettin Kursun, Turkish Military
Academy, Department of Basic Sciences,
National Defence University, Çankaya,
06420, Ankara, Turkey.
Communicated by: M. A. Ragusa
Funding information
There are no funders to report for this
In the present paper, we analyze the behavior of the exponential-type gener-
alized sampling Kantorovich operators K𝜑,
𝜔when discontinuous signals are
considered. We present a proposition for the series K𝜑,
𝜔, and we prove using
this proposition certain approximation theorems for discontinuous functions.
Furthermore, we give several examples of kernels satisfying the assumptions
of the present theory. Finally, some numerical computations are performed to
verify the approximation of discontinuous functions 𝑓by K𝜑,
discontinuous functions, exponential-type generalized sampling Kantorovich series,
jump/removable discontinuities, special kernels
41A35, 41A25, 26A15
The classical sampling type operators are approximate version of the Whittaker–Kotel'nikov–Shannon (WKS) sampling
theorem developed by Whittaker [1], Kotel'nikov [2], and Shannon [3]. The family of operators is defined by
G𝜔,sinc 𝑓(x)∶=
𝜔sinc (𝜔xk),xR,𝜔 > 0,(1.1)
where sinc function is given by sinc (x)= sin (𝜋x)
𝜋xif xR∖{0}and sinc (0)=1.
In 1987, Butzer et al. [4] reconstructed the series (1.1) using a suitable kernel, denoted by 𝜒, which satisfies the typical
assumptions of approximate identities instead of sinc function. The reconstructed series is of the form
for any bonded function 𝑓RR.
It is very well-known that Kantorovich's idea allows to approximate not necessarily continuous function. Kantorovich's
idea is based on using integral mean values on the interval k
𝜔of the corresponding function 𝑓instead of its samples
values 𝑓k
𝜔. The Kantorovich form of (1.2) is defined by
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2025;48:340–© 2024 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
... For other publications on the exponential sampling series and its different forms (see, [12][13][14][15][40][41][42]). Moreover, for the approximation properties of generalized exponential sampling series and its different forms in logarithmic weighted spaces of continuous functions (see also [5][6][7]). ...
In this paper, we introduce Mellin-Steklov exponential samplingoperators of order r,rNr,r\in\mathbb{N}, by considering appropriate Mellin-Steklov integrals. We investigate the approximation properties of these operators in continuousbounded spaces and Lp,1p<L^p, 1 \leq p < \infty spaces on R+.\mathbb{R}_+. By using the suitablemodulus of smoothness, it is given high order of approximation. Further, we present a quantitative Voronovskaja type theorem and we study the convergence results of newly constructed operators in logarithmic weighted spaces offunctions. Finally, the paper provides some examples of kernels that support the our results.
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The present paper deals with construction of a new family of exponential sampling Kantorovich operators based on a suitable fractional-type integral operators. We study convergence properties of newly constructed operators and give a quantitative form of the rate of convergence thanks to logarithmic modulus of continuity. To obtain an asymptotic formula in the sense of Voronovskaja, we consider locally regular functions. The rest of the paper devoted to approximations of newly constructed operators in logarithmic weighted space of functions. By utilizing a suitable weighted logarithmic modulus of continuity, we obtain a rate of convergence and give a quantitative form of Voronovskaja-type theorem via remainder of Mellin–Taylor’s formula. Furthermore, some examples of kernels which satisfy certain assumptions are presented and the results are examined by illustrative numerical tables and graphical representations.
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The present paper deals with an extension of approximation properties of generalized sampling series to weighted spaces of functions. A pointwise and uniform convergence theorem for the series is proved for functions belonging to weighted spaces. A rate of convergence by means of weighted moduli of continuity is presented and a quantitative Voronovskaja type theorem is obtained.
The aim of this paper is to compare the fuzzy-type algorithm for image rescaling introduced by Jurio et al., 2011, quoted in the list of references, with some other existing algorithms such as the classical bicubic algorithm and the sampling Kantorovich (SK) one. Note that the SK algorithm is a recent tool for image rescaling and enhancement that has been revealed to be useful in several applications to real world problems, while the bicubic algorithm is widely known in the literature. A comparison among the abovementioned algorithms (all implemented in the MatLab programming language) was performed in terms of suitable similarity indices such as the Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) and the likelihood index S.
In this paper, we investigate the approximation properties of exponential sampling series within logarithmically weighted spaces of continuous functions. Initially, we demonstrate the pointwise and uniform convergence of exponential sampling series in weighted spaces and present the rates of convergence via a suitable modulus of continuity in logarithmic weighted spaces. Subsequently, we establish a quantitative representation of the pointwise asymptotic behavior of these series using Mellin–Taylor’s expansion. Finally, it is given some examples of kernels and numerical evaluations.
In this paper, we introduce a family generalized Kantorovich-type exponential sampling operators of bivariate functions by using the bivariate Mellin-Gauss-Weierstrass operator. Approximation behaviour of the series is established at continuity points of log-uniformly continuous functions. A rate of convergence of the family of operators is presented by means of logarithmic modulus of continuity and a Voronovskaja-type theorem is proved in order to determine rate of pointwise convergence. Convergence of the family of operators is also investigated for functions belonging to weighted space. Furthermore, some examples of the kernels which support our results are given.
We establish a direct and a matching two-term strong converse inequality by moduli of smoothness for the rate of the simultaneous approximation by generalized sampling operators and their Kantorovich modification in the Lp-norm, in particular, the uniform norm on R. They yield the saturation property and class for the simultaneous approximation by the generalized sampling operators, and in the case of the sampling Kantorovich operators---the saturation class of the operator itself as well.