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  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

The extraction of minerals using chloride lixiviants has been thoroughly investigated and proven to offer major advantages in low-cost, highly versatile minerals processing, with an extremely low carbon footprint. Loop Hydrometallurgy continues to innovate in advanced halide-based minerals processing. The Halion Loop TM employs mixed halides to extract copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, silver, gold, PGMs REEs and other metals from a broad range of concentrates, tailings and industrial waste materials. It operates at atmospheric pressure and less than 100 degrees Celsius, with no noxious gas emissions and no liquid effluents. In its latest breakthrough, Loop Hydrometallurgy has proposed an entirely new form of leaching that significantly extends the capabilities of economic and efficient processing for refractory materials. This new form of leaching has undergone successful initial trials in the extraction of cobalt from pyrite tailings. This new technology offers the prospect of near reagent-less leaching for materials that would otherwise be expected to be highly acid-or alkali-consuming by conventional hydrometallurgical processes. By extending the capabilities of the extraction step, the Halion Loop TM has also been shown to enable significant efficiencies to be captured upstream of the concentrate, at the mine and mill. This paper will discuss the outcomes of initial studies of the breakthrough technology, as well as some of the broader potential applications in critical and battery minerals, gold processing, the stabilisation of arsenic, and beyond. It will also discuss the outcomes of economic analysis for processing non-traditional concentrate feedstocks, including low grade and polymetallic bulk concentrates, and materials containing high levels of arsenic.
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1 Dave Sammut
1Loop Hydrometallurgy, Australia
Presenter and Corresponding Author
Dave Sammut
The extraction of minerals using chloride lixiviants has been thoroughly investigated and proven to
offer major advantages in low-cost, highly versatile minerals processing, with an extremely low carbon
Loop Hydrometallurgy continues to innovate in advanced halide-based minerals processing. The
Halion LoopTM employs mixed halides to extract copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, silver, gold, PGMs
REEs and other metals from a broad range of concentrates, tailings and industrial waste materials. It
operates at atmospheric pressure and less than 100 degrees Celsius, with no noxious gas emissions
and no liquid effluents.
In its latest breakthrough, Loop Hydrometallurgy has proposed an entirely new form of leaching that
significantly extends the capabilities of economic and efficient processing for refractory materials.
This new form of leaching has undergone successful initial trials in the extraction of cobalt from pyrite
This new technology offers the prospect of near reagent-less leaching for materials that would
otherwise be expected to be highly acid- or alkali- consuming by conventional hydrometallurgical
By extending the capabilities of the extraction step, the Halion LoopTM has also been shown to enable
significant efficiencies to be captured upstream of the concentrate, at the mine and mill.
This paper will discuss the outcomes of initial studies of the breakthrough technology, as well as some
of the broader potential applications in critical and battery minerals, gold processing, the stabilisation
of arsenic, and beyond. It will also discuss the outcomes of economic analysis for processing non-
traditional concentrate feedstocks, including low grade and polymetallic bulk concentrates, and
materials containing high levels of arsenic.
Keywords: Critical minerals, chloride leaching, halide leaching, cobalt process, hydrometallurgy
Halide hydrometallurgy is widely recognised for its versatility(1-4). It is capable of unlocking value from
a very broad range of resources (ores, concentrates, tailings and industrial wastes) at low cost and
with minimal environmental impact.
Halides are a significantly stronger lixiviant than sulphate, and significantly safer and cleaner than
cyanide. Leaching in halide can be performed swiftly at atmospheric pressure, at less than 100°C,
using air as the oxidant, producing no noxious gas emissions and no liquid effluents. By comparison,
most sulphate-based processes require high temperatures and pressures, or long leach times to
achieve similar levels of extraction.
The Halion LoopTM is based on these thoroughly-established principles of Halide Ion minerals
extraction technology. Using a mixed halide liquor, the Halion LoopTM has been proven to achieve
>99% copper extraction from a ‘conventional’ chalcopyrite concentrate in 4-6 hours. For the same
feedstock, sulphate-based pressure oxidation would require in excess of 220°C and 35 bar to achieve
similar leaching in the same period, also requiring an expensive oxygen plant; bio-oxidation would
require 48 hours of leaching; and heap leaching would take up to 200 days to achieve ~60%
Additionally, halides can dissolve and extract a much broader range of metals than sulphate. Halides
form soluble chelates with copper, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, gold, silver, PGMs and rare earth
elements plus other metals.
Chloride hydrometallurgy produces environmentally stable residues for safe and low-cost disposal,
being primarily composed of hematite, elemental sulphur and (where arsenic is present in the feed)
Given these major advantages, multiple technologies have been developed over the last 50 years
that use halides exclusively or in combination with sulphate to extract copper from chalcopyrite and
other minerals, none of which were ever commercialised. These developments have proven the
process engineering, using common and inexpensive materials of construction including fibreglass,
HDPE and PVDF, as well as some titanium.
The primary factor keeping multiple chloride technologies from getting to market was the inability of
any of the previous technologies to directly recover the copper from the cuprous state in a practical
and efficient manner. Maintaining the cuprous state is critical to minimising power consumption on
electrowinning, requiring only one electron per atom of copper instead of two.
That problem has been solved by the HalionTM electrowinning cell, presented at ALTA 2023(5). This
novel design is the world’s first practical electrowinning cell design for the continuous production and
recovery of high purity copper metal from the cuprous chloride state, producing copper as dendritic
powder for melting/pressing into product. It is estimated to require 70% less power than conventional
sulphate electrowinning, with less than 20% of the tankhouse footprint.
Loop Hydrometallurgy’s breakthrough provides the key unit operation that now makes closed-loop
metal extraction in a halide lixiviant practical, effective and cost-efficient. It leverages the broad and
thoroughly established global knowledge of chloride leaching and purification, then brings to
application new developments for the recovery of key co-products and by-products. The company is
currently commercialising that technology.
The 2023 ALTA paper(5) described the status of the Halion LoopTM technology and the breakthrough
HalionTM electrowinning cell for the continuous production of high purity copper from mixed halide
The HalionTM Loop is a mixed-halide closed-loop hydrometallurgical process for the extraction and
recovery of copper, silver, gold, PGMs and REEs from mineral concentrates.
Figure 1: The HalionTM Loop Flowsheet
Table 1: Halion LoopTM Process Parameters
Operating conditions
Atmospheric pressure
<100 °C
>5M Cl / Br
4-6 hours leach residence time
Primary reagents
Sulphuric acid (if needed)
Limestone (if needed)
Elemental sulphur
Alkaline precipitate
Commercialisation of the Halion LoopTM
The overwhelming majority of the Halion LoopTM has already been proven to TRL 7 (Figure 1). The
leaching and purification of metals in chloride lixiviants has been widely studied, with pilot and
demonstration plants run by multiple companies including Metso, JX Nippon Mining & Metals and Intec.
The invention of the HalionTM electrowinning cell represents the first practical opportunity to close the
loop on a full process to leach, purify and electrowin metals in a single co-ordinated process.
This technology is complemented by a range of demonstrated techniques to recover a range of co-
product and by-product metals: gold, silver, PGMs, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc and potentially REEs,
uranium and/or thorium.
As a direct application of these multi-element technologies, the existing and proven unit operations
are available and ready to be applied at commercial scale. There are a range of immediate project
opportunities to produce metal-bearing products (high grade oxide or hydroxide concentrates,
sulphates or other intermediates) that could be developed swiftly and relatively inexpensively.
Leach Stage 1
Leach Stage 2
Leach Stage 3
Cupric Reduction
Low pH
(Fe, U & Other
Bleed Treatment
High pH residue
Co by- product
Some of the most immediate opportunities involve the processing of materials that are contaminated
with arsenic. As a penalty element in any concentrate or intermediate product, arsenic can have a
major adverse effect on operations not just the economic penalty on sale of the product, but also
the negative effect on the operation of the mill, particularly through increased costs and a reduction
in total metal recovery while attempting to minimise the arsenic contamination of the concentrate.
This offers a major opportunity for the Halion LoopTM and halide hydrometallurgy more generally.
Under oxidising acid conditions and with the right liquor composition, leached arsenic can be swiftly
oxidised and reprecipitated as scorodite (FeAsO4), which is stable and safe for disposal to tailings.
This can be leveraged to advantage at the mill by changing the operating principle to maximise metal
recovery (over arsenic grade and potentially also metal grade) and minimise mill operating cost. The
proven and market-ready unit operations (leaching and purification/recovery) could then be applied
for the processing of that material.
In principle, this approach could be applied to unlock value from a range of ‘stranded’ medium- to
high-arsenic resources that are currently uneconomic across the full range of base and precious
Over the last 12 months, studies have continued into the various use cases of the Halion LoopTM
process for metals extraction. Two particular use case studies are presented here:
1. (Fast to market) Metal extraction and recovery without electrowinning;
2. Low-grade, polymetallic, arsenic-contaminated concentrate
These studies have demonstrated the ability to unlock value from a ‘stranded’ copper resource that
is low-grade, polymetallic (Pb/Zn) and contaminated with arsenic; and the ability to extract cobalt from
low-grade pyritic tailings.
Most particularly, the first case represents a potentially significant extension of halide leaching
capabilities to a broader range of low-grade concentrates and tailings, with Loop Hydrometallurgy’s
second major technology development. This is a new form of leaching apparatus that offers the
prospect of significantly reducing the acid/base reagent requirement for the leaching of materials
(such as tailings).
Case Study Background
Early in 2024, Loop Hydrometallurgy was provided with a sample of cobaltiferous pyrite tailings that
is known to be resistant to / uneconomic for conventional processing.
The tailings material graded <0.8% Co and >0.2% As in a 95% pyrite matrix. While no details were
provided regarding the specific mineralogy of the cobalt, it can be inferred from available literature
such as Holley et al(6) that the cobalt may be present as iron substitution in the pyritic host mineral.
Over the last 10 years, the cobalt price has commonly traded between US$25,000/tonne and
US$35,000/tonne. (It peaked twice in excess of US$80,000/tonne). Accordingly, a viable process for
these tailings needs to have an operating cost less than the minimum contained metal value
(approximately US$200/tonne tailings at a cobalt price of ~US$30,000/tonne), with an allowance for
both profit and repayment of capital: say US$100/t opex.
This expense limitation is exacerbated because - in the case of tailings, where the target mineral
might typically be <1% of the tailings mass, instead of >40% - most of the reagent consumption will
be lost to the leaching of non-value-producing pyrite, rather than extraction of valuable metals.
While it might be feasible for some tailings to roast the pyrite to form hematite particularly as the
sulphuric acid produced from the necessary capture of the resulting SO2 gas could be reused for the
cobalt leaching this is impractical when the tailings are also contaminated with arsenic.
Understandably, few hydrometallurgical technologies seek to leach highly-refractory pyrite.
Generally, leaching of pyrite only represents a cost to a given process via the consumption of oxidant,
with no economic return.
Further, even if a given process only oxidises the sulphur to its elemental form rather than sulphate,
and thereby only requires two electrons per sulphur atom rather than eight, every tonne of pyrite could
equate to a wasted tonne of reagent. For most hydrometallurgical processes, this would require either
highly-oxidising reagents or an oxygen plant.
There are many papers which discuss the use of chlorine (Cl2), hypochlorous acid (HClO) or
perchloric acid (HClO4) to leach chalcopyrite, which is among the most refractory forms of copper
mineral. Few of these papers mention the ability to leach pyrite.
Halide leaching could potentially provide the solution.
Experimental work Novel Leach Approach
Loop Hydrometallurgy conducted initial testwork that confirmed that the pyrite would leach in the
presence of a mixed halide electrolyte using hypochlorous acid as a reagent. As expected, the
reagent consumption rates were excessive, and therefore unlikely to be economic.
This provided an opportunity to consider a new technology concept that Loop Hydrometallurgy had
been developing at the time. A prototype was constructed of a novel leaching apparatus.
Scouting leach / extraction tests were conducted at 70°C and using a ‘standard’ Halion LoopTM lixiviant
of ~6M NaCl + NaBr at 70°C, at pH <2 to 10. These tests were conducted from 3 hours to 20 hours
with varying slurry densities of tailings.
The tests showed immediate and significant colour-conversion of the tailings from the original greyish
colour to a very distinctive rusty brown that is characteristic of the hematite that is formed in
conventional Halion LoopTM application from the hydrolysis of leached Fe3+.
2Fe3+ + 3H2O Fe2O3 + 6H+ (1)
XRD analysis from the early tests barely showed the evolution of the observed hematite phase, most
likely because the hematite particle size in short batch tests (3-6 hours) was too small to detect. A
detailed study(7) of the precipitation of iron phases from comparable mixed halide systems has
previously shown that short batch tests of this system may variously precipitate hematite or goethite,
but that the latter is a metastable state.
During routine continuous closed loop halide hydrometallurgical processing, small particles of iron
oxide that pass through the leach filter are recycled to the beginning of the leach, and ensure hematite
formation via a combination of particle aging and seeding effects. This growth of larger hematite
crystals also aids in settling and filtration.
Accordingly, future batch tests may use hematite seeding to better enable hematite particle detection
by XRD, with some support to filtration.
All of the successful scouting tests were conducted under highly oxidising conditions, as would be
expected to be required for pyrite leaching: typically >800mV (vs Ag/AgCl).
Under these conditions, gold, silver and PGMs would also be expected to leach from any typical
copper, nickel or other base metal concentrate. This is standard’ behaviour for materials being
leached in the Halion LoopTM. Furthermore, under such conditions, most of the sulphur leached from
the minerals would form elemental sulphur, with only a minority (typically <5%) oxidising through to
In this application, the data suggests that the sulphur leached from the pyrite was mostly oxidised to
sulphate. As example, a 20 hour leach test was conducted on a larger quantity of leach residue, to
allow for periodic sampling and analysis. XRF assay of the residues and ICP analysis of filtrate
samples show good mass balance closure for sulphur (2.7g difference).
These data suggested that 61% of the sulphur in the original solid (entirely present as pyrite) was
leached into solution (presumably as sulphate).
Figure 2: Change in Sulphur Content of Solids/Residues
The mineral / sulphur leaching is based on redox reactions. Indicatively, the leach half-cell reactions
may include some combination of:
FeS2 Fe3+ + 2S0 + 3e- (2)
Cl2Br- + 2e- ➔ 2Cl- + Br- (3)
S0 + 4H2O + 6e- SO42- + 8H+ (4)
Based on the testing to date, it would appear that the atypically high levels of oxidation of sulphur
through to sulphate are an intrinsic property of either the pyrite mineral or the conditions required to
achieve pyrite oxidation. While this higher oxidant requirement is not ideal, it does have the advantage
that the resulting residues will contain no species that are vulnerable to acid mine drainage. The costs
of tailings management should, therefore, be commensurately lower.
For one of the alkaline test residues, a test was then conducted on the leached residue to determine
the effect of reducing pH after leaching. In this test, 70% of the mass dissolved in an acid brine matrix,
leaving mostly a grey-white residue of needle-like crystals, possibly gypsum or an oxidised
aluminosilicate precipitate such as orthoclase or alunite.
In principle, once the pyrite host matrix is broken down, the contained metal should be liberated.
Collective extraction of cobalt in this test was 64%, which corresponds to the pyrite destruction noted
in the test shown in Figure 2. Similar results were obtained in testing at different pH levels.
Accordingly, it is hypothesised that as the conditions and settings of the prototype are optimised for
maximum pyrite leaching, then cobalt extraction should be proportionally increased.
It is notable that throughout the entire test sequence using the prototype equipment, no chemical
oxidant addition was required. While these results are not yet definitive, all indications from the
scouter testing are that the new HalionTM prototype is prospective for effective and efficient leaching
of pyritic tailings without the need for substantial reagent addition.
This, in turn, is prospective for a cost-effective process for cobalt extraction from the tailings. An
updated prototype for the novel leaching approach has been designed for further testing.
Cobalt Recovery
The two oxidation states of cobalt (Co2+ and Co3+) precipitate at different pH levels, just as the differing
Fe2+ and Fe3+ states do. This might offer an opportunity for separation of the iron and cobalt.
Under the conditions of operation in the HalionTM liquor, gold and platinum are both known to leach,
particularly in the presence of excess chloride as shown in reactions (5) to (8). Due to the
concentrated salts and complex multi-element chemistry of a typical Halion LoopTM mineral leach,
thermodynamic and electrochemical theoretical data has limited application. They can be used as a
guide, but not absolute predictors. Using standard reduction potentials, it is not highly likely that
cobaltate might form (9) under Halion LoopTM redox conditions. The standard oxidation potential for
reaction (9) is more negative than that of gold or platinum:
Au(s) ➔ Au3+ + 3e- E0 = -1.52V (5)
Au(s) + 4Cl- ➔ AuCl4- + 3e- E0 = -1.00V (6)
Pt(s) ➔ Pt2+ + 2e- E0 = -1.2V (7)
Pt(s) + 4Cl- ➔ PtCl42- + 2e- E0 = -0.73V (8)
Co2+ ➔ Co3+ + e- E0 = -1.92V (9)
Separation via ion exchange might be an option, and it is conceivable that cobalt metal could be
produced using the HalionTM electrowinning cell. Either of these alternatives would be subject to
Additionally, it is entirely possible that the pyrite matrix could be broken down in such a fashion as to
leave the cobalt entirely in the hematite residue. After filtration, the hematite residue might be re-
acidified in a sulphuric acid solution to create cobalt sulphate as a product which might be recovered
by simple crystallisation. (As noted below, elemental sulphur can be extracted from the residue to
make inexpensive acid directly at site, if needed for cobalt sulphate production).
All of these options should be considered during further testwork.
Loop Hydrometallurgy’s second 2024 study concerned a use-case application of the Halion LoopTM
to a stranded polymetallic copper resource.
Previous feasibility studies have found that the processing of this ore to prepare a conventional
smelter-grade copper concentrate with silver and gold credits (for export) is uneconomic, because
the resources is low-grade, polymetallic and contaminated with arsenic.
The mill capital and operating costs to separate lead, zinc and arsenic from the copper concentrate
had proved uneconomic in previous studies. The current study examined two cases of Halion LoopTM
concentrate processing:
a ‘base case’ processing the smelter-grade copper concentrate (inclusive of by-product zinc,
lead, silver and gold, with low penalty arsenic) to copper metal and other products; and
an ‘enhanced case’ processing a bulk copper-lead-zinc concentrate (inclusive of by-product
silver and gold, with high arsenic) into copper, lead and zinc metal and other products.
Basic parameters of the two study cases are shown in Table 2. Across both cases, the mineralogy
was primarily enargite and tennantite, with chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, covellite, sphalerite and
galena, with substantial pyrite and non-sulphur gangue phases. Of these, the enargite is known to be
a particularly refractory copper mineral, but has been previously proven to be highly amenable to
halide leaching.
Table 2: Study Parameters
Base Case
Enhanced Case
- Tonnage
- Cu
- Pb
- Zn
- As
- Cu
Metal (99.99%)
Metal (99.99%)
- Ag
- Au
- Pb
Pb/Zn concentrate
Metal (98%)
- Zn
Pb/Zn concentrate
Metal: (99%)
Prime Western Grade
- S
Not recovered /
(Optional recovery)
Not recovered /
(Optional recovery)
- As
Stabilised for disposal
Stabilised for disposal
Process flowsheets were laid out for both cases, mass and energy balances, equipment lists, capital
cost and operating cost estimates. Cost assumptions were based primarily on independent modelling
performed on Halion LoopTM copper processing for the Think & Act Differently (‘TAD’) Ingenious
Extraction Challenge in 2021 and data supplied by the project proponent.
The key outcomes of the modelling are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Table 3: Summary of Comparative Opex Data
US$/lb Cu
Mine & Mill
Halion LoopTM
Less by-product credit
Total Cost
Table 4: Profit & Loss Comparison
Total revenue
Total operating costs
Existing technology offered no economic solution for the ore. The application of the Halion LoopTM to
this stranded resource is transformative to the site economics. Processing just a conventional copper
concentrate, the Halion LoopTM offers the production of high purity copper metal on site for a total
mine-to-metal production cost of less than US$1 per pound of copper, an IRR of 76% and payback
period of less than 2 years.
Leveraging the advantages of the Halion LoopTM for the processing of a low-grade, polymetallic bulk
concentrate alternative improves the project revenues by over US$100 million per annum, reducing
operating cost to just US$0.31/lb from mine to metal.
There are many equivalent opportunities at projects in Australia and beyond. Loop Hydrometallurgy
is actively investigating opportunities to unlock value from such stranded assets.
The Halion LoopTM has closed the loop on a clean, versatile and economic approach to the extraction
and recovery of copper and a broad range of co-product metals.
The use of halide hydrometallurgy for leaching and purification is thoroughly established, proven and
ready for implementation at commercial scale. The HalionTM electrowinning cell provides the final
and critical unit operation to make the process completely cyclic.
The Halion LoopTM now offers the possibility of creating a paradigm shift in copper metal production,
unlocking value from a range of stranded resources and greatly extending the ability to more
thoroughly utilise the existing resources even as global ore grades continue to drop.
This capability can be extended to other critical and strategic metals notably including cobalt, nickel
and REEs and to tailings and other secondary materials.
The authors would like to thank the staff and management of the Macquarie University DeepTech
Incubator for supporting Loop Hydrometallurgy in its technology commercialisation programme,
Brisbane Metallurgical Laboratory for its generous collaboration in the first case study, and the teams
at Unearthed and BHP for the Think & Act Differently program.
1. Harris, G.B., 2014, Making Use of Chloride Chemistry for Improved Metals Extraction
Processes, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy (Hydro 2014),
v1. pp.171-184.
2. Watling, H.R., 2014, Chalcopyrite Hydrometallurgy at Atmospheric Pressure: 2. Review of
Acidic Chloride Process Options, Hydrometallurgy 146, 96-110.
3. Lu, J. and Dreisinger, D., 2013, Copper Leaching from Chalcopyrite Concentrate in Cu(II)/Fe(III)
Chloride System, Minerals Engineering 45, 185-190.
4. Intec Ltd., 2008. The Intec Copper Process.
5. Sammut, D., The Halion Loop: Copper Made Green, 2023, Alta 2023.
6. Holley et al, Cobalt mineralogy at the Iron Creek deposit, Idaho cobalt belt, USA: Implications
for domestic critical mineral production,
7. Sammut, D. and Welham, N.J., The Intec Copper Process: A Detailed Environmental Analysis,
Green Processing Conference 2002, 115-123.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Halide hydrometallurgy is widely recognised as offering superior economic and environmental outcomes for the leaching of a wide range of mineral concentrates: copper, nickel, rare earths, lead, zinc, silver, gold, PGMs and more. Halide leaching is significantly faster than sulphate. Extremely high extraction can be achieved without the need for high pressures, high temperatures, or complicated bacterial processes. The smaller, faster, more efficient leach processes therefore offer capital and operating costs that are only a fraction of conventional sulphate leaching or smelting. With significantly stronger chelating power, halides can effectively leach a broader range of (more refractory) minerals. Halides can be used for direct extraction of gold, PGMs and other valuable by-products. They are also ideally suited to polymetallic or low-grade concentrates, as well as those that are contaminated with elements such as arsenic. Metso-Outotec, JX Nippon Mining & Metals and Intec have collectively spent over $100 million demonstrating fast and effective halide leaching processes for copper and other minerals. It can be fairly described as established technology. However, halide leaching has until now been limited to very niche commercial applications because of difficulties in the direct recovery of the target metals via electrowinning. Unlike sulphate systems, halide electrolytes produce dendritic copper crystals rather than flat plates, and this has hampered E/W cell designs. Accordingly, most proponents of halide leaching have sought to use solvent extraction to allow conventional sulphate electrowinning, but the significant compromises required to make that possible have impeded commercialisation. Loop Hydrometallurgy has developed a revolutionary new electrowinning cell design that makes practical the direct production of high purity copper from purified halide leachate. Starting from the Cu(I) state and operating at over 1,000A/m 2 , this cell uses less than half the power required for conventional E/W. The anolyte is then fully recycled to the leach, which aids in the direct extraction of gold and PGMs. Leveraging the extensive prior demonstration of halide leaching and more than 50 years of combined experience in the field, Loop Hydrometallurgy's E/W cell is now poised to bring to market the first commercially viable complete cyclic process for the production of high-grade copper from concentrates: at the bottom decile of the industry cost curve; at site; at atmospheric pressure, <100°C; with no noxious gas emissions or liquid effluents, and producing an environmentally stable hematite residue for on-site disposal. This paper will discuss breakthrough technology for copper processing, and the opportunities to unlock value from Australian and international resources.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
It has long been appreciated that chloride chemistry has a number of advantages over the more traditional sulphate route for both extracting and separating metals. Modern materials of construction, coupled with the development of a more cost-effective and efficient hydrochloric acid regeneration technology mean that chloride-based processes are now more competitive and attractive. Such processing routes are able to recover more of the contained metal values in a feed, including iron in a benign and/or marketable form, and particularly the so-called rare and rare-earth elements which are increasing in demand in our electronic age. These factors, therefore, add appreciably both to the overall economics of a project, but also offer a much more sustainable approach to our dwindling natural resources. Additionally, chloride-based flowsheets can be much more environmentally-friendly, offering practical alternatives to two of the biggest headaches faced by the industry, namely cyanide usage and the generation of red muds. This paper presents a brief theoretical background, focusing on the latest developments of ferrous iron oxidation and the low-temperature, selective hydrochloric acid regeneration process, which is the key unit operation for any chloride flowsheet, and discusses in general the advantages of the chloride approach. Several recently-developed flowsheets, which have been tested at the miniplant level, are presented for gold, base metals, titaniferous magnetites and lead-silver ores wherein the advantages of considering a chloride approach are highlighted.
Conference Paper
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The Intec Copper Process is an environmentally advantageous hydrometallurgical process for the production of high purity copper and associated precious metals from copper sulphide concentrates. The process uses a mixed chloride-bromide lixiviant in an elegant cyclic circuit to leach the copper into solution, rejecting the iron as stable hematite rather than as unstable jarosite. After purification of the pregnant liquor, copper is electrowon at London Metal Exchange Grade A purity, while the anodic energy of the cell is stored as the soluble species, HalexTM, for recycle as the regenerated lixiviant to the leach circuit. Both gold and silver are leached and recovered directly from this cyclic process without resorting to cyanide leaching of the residue. No liquid emissions result from the Intec Copper Process, whilst spent air and water vapour from the leach are released to the atmosphere. The sulphur in the minerals reports to the solids residue in elemental form, without the need for expensive handling of voluminous gaseous sulphur dioxide streams found in smelters. A significant difference to competing smelting and hydrometallurgical processes is that any mercury entering the process from the sulphide concentrate feed is recovered rather than reporting directly to waste or polluting the environment. Outside the process circuit itself, the Intec Copper Process has several notable environmental advantages over competing technologies: 1. Flexibility of scale with low capital and operating costs allow operation directly at the mill head at production rates as low as 15 000 tpa, significantly reducing environmental impacts from concentrates transport. 2. The ability to handle low-grade and dirty concentrates often allows greater recoveries in the mill, improving both the economics and environmental acceptability of a mine by reducing metal losses to tailings. 3. A comparison of the total energy requirements of the Intec Copper Process with those of competing technologies shows that the Intec Copper Process has the lowest energy consumption of any of the known hydrometallurgical processes, as well as improving upon pyrometallurgy under appropriate conditions.
This study was conducted to develop a novel process for copper recovery from chalcopyrite by chloride leaching, simultaneous cuprous oxidation and cupric solvent extraction to transfer copper to a conventional sulfate electrowinning circuit, and hematite precipitation to reject iron. Copper leaching from chalcopyrite concentrate in ferric and cupric chloride system was investigated using a two-stage countercurrent leach circuit under a nitrogen atmosphere at 97 degrees C to minimize the concentrations of cupric and ferric ions in pregnant leach solution for subsequent copper solvent extraction while maintaining a maximum copper extraction. A high calcium chloride concentration (110-165 g/L) was used to maintain a high cuprous solubility and enhance copper leaching. With 3-4 h of leaching time for each stage, the copper extraction reached 99% or higher while that of iron was around 90%. With decreasing concentrate particle size from p80 of 26 to 15 mu m, the copper extraction increased by about 0.2% while the iron extraction increased by about 2.0%. The concentration of Cu(II) + Fe(III) in the pregnant leach solution was able to be reduced to 0.04 M. When the cupric concentration fell below the above limiting value, the elemental sulfur present was reduced by cuprous ions to form copper sulfide, eventually stopping the leaching of copper. Under this condition, only iron was leached. A very small amount of sulfur (1.2-1.4%) was oxidized to sulfate, resulting in an increase from 3 to 9 g/L in HCl concentration. The extractions of trace metals (Cr, Pb, Ni, Ag and Zn) were 96-100%. Crown Copyright
Hydrometallurgical process developments for the extraction of copper from chalcopyrite tend to target complex concentrates, dirty concentrates that would incur penalties if smelted or low-grade ores that are thus far an uneconomic source of copper. Perceived advantages of chloride systems are the higher solubilities of copper and iron, the ease of ferrous ion oxidation and faster leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite compared with ferric sulfate systems, and the generation of sulfur rather than sulfate as the product of sulfide oxidation. Process developments for concentrates employ acidic, oxidising leach media containing sodium or other chloride salts and temperatures up to the boiling points of the high-concentration solutions. In those processes, chloride ion is thought to be an active agent in the dissolution mechanism. Leaching conditions fall into two groups, those targeting Cu(II) and those targeting Cu(I) in pregnant leach solutions. For low grade ores, usually processed in heaps, the use of seawater or other naturally saline water in leaching operations may be an ‘economic’ choice to overcome the scarcity and / or cost of freshwater. Few studies have been published describing the advantages and disadvantages of seawater substitution for freshwater in leaching processes but, from the sparse information available, seawater appears to be as efficient a solvent and carrier of acid and oxidant as freshwater. The recent descriptions of some iron(II)- and sulfur-oxidising, salt-tolerant acidophilic microorganisms indicate that a diverse group of microorganisms that could function in sulfide heaps irrigated with seawater await discovery. With regard to processing using seawater instead of freshwater, the salt content in seawater would impact directly on solution transport costs to and round a mine (through increased solution viscosity and specific gravity) and could adversely affect product and by-product purity.
The Intec Copper Process
  • Intec Ltd
Intec Ltd., 2008. The Intec Copper Process.
USA: Implications for domestic critical mineral production
  • Holley
Holley et al, Cobalt mineralogy at the Iron Creek deposit, Idaho cobalt belt, USA: Implications for domestic critical mineral production,