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When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention



Speech Delayin children is a developmental problem that often raises concerns for parents and health professionals. This research aims to identify the causes, diagnostic methods and effective interventions for treating speech delays in children. The causes of speech delays can vary, including genetics, environment, hearing loss, and medical and neurological conditions such as autism and language spectrum disorders. A diagnosis of speech delay requires a comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team that includes a pediatrician, speech pathologist, psychologist, and audiology specialist. Assessment tools such as language development tests and clinical observations are often used to assess a child's speech and language abilities. Effective interventions include speech therapy, language stimulation programs, as well as active involvement of parents in therapy. In addition, early intervention is highly recommended to maximize a child's speech development potential. This research emphasizes the importance of early detection and appropriate intervention to overcome speech delays and support optimal communication development in children.
Volume 3 No 1 (2024) Pages 61-68
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research (IJECER)
ISSN: 2963-6760 (Online) 2962-1364 (Print)
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3 (1),2024 |61
When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
Choirul Maromi1, Pamuji2
Pascasarjana PAUD, Universitas Negeri Surabaya1,2
DOI: 10.31958/ijecer.v3i1.12476
Article info
Article History
Speech Delayin children is a developmental problem that often raises concerns
for parents and health professionals. This research aims to identify the causes,
diagnostic methods and effective interventions for treating speech delays in
children. The causes of speech delays can vary, including genetics, environment,
hearing loss, and medical and neurological conditions such as autism and
language spectrum disorders. A diagnosis of speech delay requires a
comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team that includes a
pediatrician, speech pathologist, psychologist, and audiology specialist.
Assessment tools such as language development tests and clinical observations
are often used to assess a child's speech and language abilities. Effective
interventions include speech therapy, language stimulation programs, as well as
active involvement of parents in therapy. In addition, early intervention is highly
recommended to maximize a child's speech development potential. This research
emphasizes the importance of early detection and appropriate intervention to
overcome speech delays and support optimal communication development in
Keywords: : Diagnosis, Intervention, Causes, Speech Delay.
Keterlambatan bicara pada anak merupakan masalah perkembangan yang sering
memicu kekhawatiran orang tua dan profesional kesehatan. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab, metode diagnosa, dan intervensi yang
efektif untuk menangani keterlambatan bicara pada anak. Penyebab
keterlambatan bicara dapat beragam, termasuk faktor genetik, lingkungan,
gangguan pendengaran, serta kondisi medis dan neurologis seperti autisme dan
gangguan spektrum bahasa. Diagnosa keterlambatan bicara memerlukan evaluasi
komprehensif oleh tim multidisiplin yang mencakup dokter anak, ahli patologi
wicara, psikolog, dan spesialis audiologi. Alat penilaian seperti tes perkembangan
bahasa dan observasi klinis sering digunakan untuk menilai kemampuan bicara
dan bahasa anak. Intervensi yang efektif meliputi terapi wicara, program stimulasi
bahasa, serta pelibatan aktif orang tua dalam terapi. Selain itu, intervensi dini
sangat dianjurkan untuk memaksimalkan potensi perkembangan bicara anak.
Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya deteksi dini dan intervensi tepat guna
untuk mengatasi keterlambatan bicara dan mendukung perkembangan komunikasi
yang optimal pada anak.
Kata Kunci: Diagnosa, Intervensi, Penyebab, Terlambat Bicara.
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When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
DOI: 10.31958/ijecer.v3i1.12476
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 2024 |62
Delay in talking to children is one of the main concerns for parents and
educators (Allport et al., 2018; Budiarti et al., 2023; Widiyaningrum et al., 2024).
Language and communication development is a crucial aspect of a child's development,
influencing their social, emotional and academic skills (Bisma et al., 2023; Fadillah et
al., 2023; Nurqodriah et al., 2023; Oktaviana et al., 2021). This article will discuss in
depth the causes of speech delays, the diagnosis process required, and interventions that
can be done to overcome this problem. Speech delays in children are a significant
developmental problem and affect approximately 10-15% of the pre-school population
worldwide (Hestiyana et al., 2021).
This phenomenon not only disrupts children's communication skills, but also
impacts their social, emotional and academic development. Identifying the causes of
speech delays, understanding appropriate diagnostic methods, and determining effective
interventions are key to helping these children reach their full potential (Misykah,
2022). There are several factors that cause delays in speaking in children: (1) Biological
and genetic factors. One of the main causes of delays in speaking is biological and
genetic factors. Children with a family history of language disorders or developmental
delays are often more susceptible to similar problems (Habsad et al., 2024).
According to research by Hermawati & Sugito, (2021), there is a significant
genetic component in language development, where children from families with a
history of speech delays have a higher risk of experiencing this condition. In addition,
medical conditions such as hearing loss, autism, and cerebral palsy can also affect
speech development. The study by Abidarda & Ridhani, (2022) showed that children
with hearing loss have significant speech delays due to limitations in receiving auditory
language input. (2) Environmental Factors: In this case the environment also plays an
important role in children's language development. Children who grow up in an
environment that does not support language development, such as a lack of verbal
interaction with adults or the absence of adequate linguistic stimulation, tend to
experience speech delays (Rullyanti et al., 2022).
Aisyah & Suryana (2021) found speech delays can also be caused by specific
developmental disorders such as Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Children with
SLI have difficulty acquiring language even in the absence of obvious medical or
environmental factors. According to Habsad et al., (2024), SLI affects approximately
7% of the child population and is one of the main causes of speech delays that is not
related to other external factors.
There are several ways that can be used to diagnose Speech Delay in children,
(1) Initial Observation and Screening: The process of diagnosing speech delay begins
with initial observation and screening. Parents and educators are usually the first to
identify signs of speech delay. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association Tabroni et al., (2024), signs of speech delays in children include absence of
first words by 15 months, lack of two-word phrases by 2 years, and difficulty following
When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
DOI: 10.31958/ijecer.v3i1.12476
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 2024 |63
simple commands. (2) Professional Evaluation: If there are indications of speech delay,
further evaluation by a professional, such as a speech-language pathologist, is
necessary. This evaluation involves various tests and observations to assess the child's
speech and language abilities.
According to research by (2017), standard tests such as the Preschool Language
Scale (PLS) and Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF) are often used
to assess children's language development. (3) Hearing Examination: Hearing
examination is also an important part of diagnosing speech delay. Many cases of delays
speech caused by undiagnosed hearing loss. The study by Anne et al., (2017) showed
that early detection of hearing loss and appropriate intervention can significantly
improve language development outcomes in children with hearing loss. (4)
Psychological and Medical Evaluation: Psychological and medical evaluations are also
necessary to identify medical conditions or developmental disorders that may underlie
speech delays. According to Hestiyana et al., (2021), this evaluation may include
cognitive development assessments, genetic tests, and neurological examinations to
ensure that speech delays are not a symptom of a more serious medical condition.
Interventions for Speech Delays that we can give to children include (1) Speech
and Language Therapy: Speech and language therapy is the main intervention for
children with speech delays. This therapy is usually carried out by a speech and
language pathologist who works with the child to improve his or her speech and
language skills. According to research by Moriarty & Gillon, (2006), phonological
therapy that focuses on sound pronunciation and word structure can help children with
articulation disorders. (2) Early Intervention: Early intervention is very important in
treating speech delay.
Despite the significant findings by Abidah & Yunitasari (2024), which highlight
the positive impact of early intervention on children's language skills, there is a
noticeable gap in longitudinal studies that examine the long-term outcomes of such
interventions. Further research is needed to track the sustained impact of early
interventions over several years. Additionally, while Chen & Chan, (2019)
demonstrated the effectiveness of parent training programs in improving children's
language skills, there is a lack of recent studies evaluating the best practices for
implementing these programs across diverse socioeconomic contexts. Moreover, there
is limited information on how cultural differences influence the outcomes of family-
based approaches. In the realm of technology, the study by C. A. Johnson et al., (2004)
showed the benefits of AAC devices, but the rapid advancement of technology over the
past two decades necessitates updated research. There is a pressing need to evaluate the
effectiveness of contemporary educational apps, virtual reality, and AI-driven speech
therapy tools in supporting children with speech delays.
This research will offer a novel contribution to the field by providing a
comprehensive analysis of the long-term effects of early intervention programs on
children with speech delays, addressing the gap in longitudinal data. Additionally, it
When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
DOI: 10.31958/ijecer.v3i1.12476
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 2024 |64
will explore the adaptation of family-based speech delay interventions to various
cultural contexts, offering a fresh perspective on customizing these programs to better
suit diverse populations. Furthermore, by investigating the impact of the latest
technological advancements and assistive devices in speech therapy, this study will
provide up-to-date insights into the most effective tools and methods for aiding children
with speech delays.
The primary objectives of this research are threefold. First, it aims to assess the
long-term effectiveness of early intervention programs on language development in
children with speech delays, determining whether the improvements seen with early
intervention are sustained over time. Second, it seeks to evaluate the impact of family-
based interventions across different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, with the
goal of understanding how to best implement and adapt these approaches to maximize
their effectiveness in diverse settings. Third, the research aims to analyze the efficacy of
modern technological tools and assistive devices in enhancing the language skills of
children with speech delays, focusing on comparing various contemporary technologies
and identifying the most beneficial tools for speech therapy.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method.
This approach allows researchers to obtain an in-depth picture of individual experiences
and contexts that influence speech delays in children. The research population was
children aged 2-5 years who were diagnosed with speech delays, who were in the Al-
Ikhsan Islamic Playgroup and Kindergarten. Samples were taken by purposive
sampling, with inclusion criteria for children who had received a diagnosis from a
health professional and exclusion criteria for children with other developmental
disorders such as severe hearing loss.
Data Collection Techniques and Instrument Development: Data were collected
through in-depth interviews with parents, educators, as well as direct observation of
children, as well as analysis of medical and educational documentation. The research
instruments included a semi-structured interview guide, observation checklist, and a
validated child language development assessment form. (4) Data Analysis Technique:
Data was analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. This process involves coding
data, identifying major themes, and interpreting findings within a specified theoretical
context. Data validity and reliability were maintained through triangulation of data
sources and peer debriefing.
Answering the Problem Formulation and Research Questions. Causes of Speech
Delays, research results show that the causes of speech delays in children can be divided
into several main categories: biological, environmental and social factors. Biological
factors include neurological disorders, genetic disorders, and hearing problems.
When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
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Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 2024 |65
Environmental factors include a lack of language stimulation at home and minimal
verbal interaction with parents. Social factors involve aspects such as family stress and
low socioeconomic status. Diagnostic Process, an effective diagnostic method involves
a comprehensive assessment that includes medical, audiological evaluation, and
language development assessment by a speech and language pathologist. Interviews
with parents and direct observation are also important components in diagnosis.
Diagnostic tools such as the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories
(CDIs) and the Preschool Language Scale (PLS) are often used in these evaluations.
Effective Interventions interventions that have been shown to be effective
include speech and language therapy, home-based interventions, and the use of assistive
technology. Speech therapy conducted by trained professionals shows significant results
in improving a child's speech abilities. Home-based interventions that involve parents in
the therapy process have also shown positive impacts. School-based intervention
involving educators and education staff at Al-Ikhsan Islamic Kindergarten. Assistive
technologies such as mobile applications for language practice and augmentative and
alternative communication (AAC) devices are increasingly becoming useful tools in
speech delay intervention. Interpretation of Findings: These findings indicate that
speech delays in children are the result of complex interactions between biological,
environmental and social factors. The importance of comprehensive diagnosis and
intervention tailored to the child's individual needs is emphasized. The use of a
multidisciplinary approach involving physicians, speech and language pathologists,
psychologists, and teachers can increase the effectiveness of interventions.
Linking Research Findings to Established Knowledge Structures. The findings
of this research are in line with interactionist theory which states that language
development is influenced by social interaction and the environment. However, these
findings also emphasize the importance of biological and genetic factors as proposed by
nativist theory. Thus, a holistic approach that integrates various theories of language
development is key in understanding and overcoming speech delays in children.
Providing New Theories or Modifying Existing Theories, this research proposes
modifications to the interactionist theory by adding the variable family stress as an
important factor that influences children's language development. In addition, this
theory also expands the concept of social interaction by including the role of technology
as a mediator in speech delay intervention.
Causes of Delayed Speech: Delayed speech in children can be caused by various
factors, including hearing problems, developmental delays, and certain medical
conditions. According to Johnson and Smith, (2004)"genetic and environmental factors
also play important roles in children's speech development". Speech Delay Diagnosis:
“The process of diagnosing speech delay involves a variety of tests and evaluations
performed by medical professionals and therapists” (Yasin et al., 2017). This evaluation
includes an audiological assessment, behavioral observation, and analysis of the child's
communication skills.
When a Child is Speech Delay: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention
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Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 3(1), 2024 |66
Speech Therapy Intervention: "Early intervention is key to helping children with
speech delays achieve optimal development" (Lieu, 2004). Intervention programs may
include speech therapy, special education, and family support. Explanation: The first
quote refers to the book by Johnson & Smith (M. Johnson & Smith, 2018), which
discusses genetic and environmental factors in children's speech development. The
second quote refers to a book by Tesalonika et al., (2023), which explains the process
of diagnosing speech delays. Gillis et al., 2022 (2022) which emphasizes the importance
of early intervention in talk therapy.
This research identifies three main categories causing speech delays in children:
biological factors (neurological and genetic disorders, hearing problems), environmental
factors (lack of language stimulation and minimal verbal interaction), and social factors
(family stress, low socioeconomic status). Effective diagnosis requires a comprehensive
assessment, including medical and audiological evaluations, language development
assessments, parent interviews, and direct observation. Diagnostic tools like the
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs) and the Preschool
Language Scale (PLS) are commonly used. Effective interventions include professional
speech and language therapy, home-based parental involvement, assistive technology,
and school-based programs. Findings suggest that speech delays result from complex
interactions among biological, environmental, and social factors, necessitating a
multidisciplinary approach for tailored intervention. This research supports
interactionist and nativist theories of language development and proposes modifying
interactionist theory to include family stress and the role of technology in intervention.
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Perkembangan bahasa pada setiap anak pastilah berbeda. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh stimulus yang diberikan oleh orang terdekat yang ada disekelilingnya. Pada anak usia dini berusia 5-6 tahun, tahapan perkembangan bahasanya dapat kita amati dari kelancaran saat anak berbicara, apakah anak sudah bisa berbicara secara lancar atau belum, serta saat berkomunikasi secara lisan kata kata yang disampaikan juga sudah lebih kompleks, akan tetapi bagi anak dengan keterlambatan bericara dibutuhkan kekhususan dalam melakukan stimulasi, penanganan khusus tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara salah satunya adalah dengan melalui media bercerita sebagaimana yang dilakukan PAUD Aditya Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun sumber data penelitian adalah siswa speech delay, guru, orang tua siswa serta ahli terapis wicara. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di PAUD Aditya Karawang terdapat siswa yang memiliki gangguan keterlambatan bicara jenis Speech Delay. Siswa tersebut berusia 4-6 tahun. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan berbicara antara lain kecerdasan, penggunaan bahasa kedua, gaya berbicara yang ditirukan oleh anak, kesehatan serta keharmonisan didalam keluarga. Semua faktor tersebut saling berkaitan dan berpengaruh kepada perkembangan bahasa anak. Kami berharap dengan memberikan atau menggunakan metode bercerita kepada anak, anak dapat terlatih untuk menggunakan bahasa yang benar saat berkomunikasi secara lisan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di PAUD Aditya Karawang terdapat siswa yang memiliki gangguan keterlambatan bicara jenis Speech Delay. Siswa tersebut berusia 4-6 tahun. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan berbicara antara lain kecerdasan, penggunaan bahasa kedua, gaya berbicara yang ditirukan oleh anak, kesehatan serta keharmonisan didalam keluarga. Semua faktor tersebut saling berkaitan dan berpengaruh kepada perkembangan bahasa anak. Kami berharap dengan memberikan atau menggunakan metode bercerita kepada anak, anak dapat terlatih untuk menggunakan bahasa yang benar saat berkomunikasi secara lisan.
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Children who experience speech delay or what is more commonly called speech delay are children with special needs. Children with special needs are children who differ in several ways from other normal people. That difference is physically, psychologically, cognitively, or socially late in reaching the maximum. The problems of children with special needs can be seen including hearing, visual, speech, mental and emotional disorders. Children who experience speech and language disorders are at risk of experiencing learning difficulties, difficulty reading and writing and will lead to less overall academic achievement, this can continue into young adulthood. The purpose of this research is to produce a product, namely a counseling program for children who experience speech delay. The methodology used is research and development research and development, which is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products, in which in this study researchers only reached the product development stage. As for the data analysis technique used to analyze the problems that have been formulated previously, an interactive analysis model was used, which was developed by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are the formulation of a counseling program for children who experience speech delay based on empirical and theoretical studies.
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Perkembangan literasi merupakan salah satu substansi penting bagi perkembangan bahasa anak karena perkembangan bahasa merupakan kemampuan untuk menggunakan semua keterampilan berbahasa manusia yang mencakup kemampuan berbicara, menulis, membaca, dan menyimak sebagai bentuk ekspresi dan memaknai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam menyediakan Home Literacy Environment (HLE) pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah 10 orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 3-6 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan dan sosial ekonomi berbeda di Klaten. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Peran orang tua dalam menyediakan HLE pada anak usia dini adalah sebagai sumber literasi (guru atau pendamping literasi bagi anak), fasilitator literasi (menyediakan ruang baca, buku atau bahan bacaan, dan APE literasi untuk anak), dan sebagai pengatur terlaksananya program literasi. Sedangkan, peran anak adalah sebagai sasaran utama orang tua dalam menerapkan HLE.
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Purpose – This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using Big Book media on early reading skills in children aged 5-6 years old.Design/methods/approach – This study used a quantitative approach which was carried out in an experimental method with a pre-post-test design. The sampling technique uses a simple random technique with 30 children. Data collection technique is by means of tests. The analysis technique for testing the hypothesis uses the difference test (t-test).Findings – The results showed that children in the experimental group who used Big Book media had a higher average score when compared to children in the control group who used magazine media. Based on the t-test calculation, findings indicate that there was a significant difference between the two groups. Thus, it can be concluded that the Big Book media is effective on early reading skills in children aged 5-6 years old.Research implications/limitations – This study was limited to one location, Mutiara Al-Madani Kindergarten, Jambi Indonesia, and with a small sample size, so the generalizability of the findings was also limited. It is necessary for future researchers to conduct studies with a wider scope and a more diverse population.Practical implications – The use of Big Book media can be an alternative learning media that can attract children's interests and can actively involve children in gaining rich literacy experiences in improving early reading skills.Originality/value – This study contributes to understanding of teacher's reference material in using learning media for early reading skills in children aged 5-6 years old. Paper type Research paper
Perkembangan sosial emosional anak tergantung pada individu anak dan peran orangtua. Serta lingkungan dalam keluarganya pun menjadi pengaruh terhadap perkembangan sosial emosional pada diri anak. Orangtua perlu memberikan rangsangan dan stimulus yang tepat agar perkembangannya tercapai dengan optimal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui ragam perkembangan sosial pada anaka. Penelitian ini dilaksakan dirumah orangtua. Penelitian menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif yang berbasis studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui tahapan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.
Perkembangan bicara anak pada masa awal kehidupan dipengaruhi oleh faktor dari anak itu sendiri, seperti bakat, minat dan lingkungan terdekatnya terutama lingkungan keluarga Keterlambatan bicara atau yang biasa disebut dengan speech delay merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering terdapat pada anak-anak. Speech delay adalah kondisi dimana anak usia dini mengalami keterlambatan proses berbicara dibandingkan dengan proses bicara anak seusianya. Fokus penelitian ini diarahkan pada implementasi teknik pijat saraf bagi perkembangan bicara anak dengan speech delay, bagaimana perkembangan awal bicara anak dengan speech delay, bagaimana teknik pijat saraf diterapkan, serta bagaimana perkembangan bicara anak dengan speech delay melalui teknik pijat syaraf. Secara umum tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan teknik pijat saraf untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bicara anak dengan speech delay. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk memperoleh informasi secara menyeluruh. Subjek dari peneltian ini adalah anak dengan speech delay berusia enam tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa implementasi teknik pijat saraf dapat meningkatkan keterampilan bicara anak dengan speech delay.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kosa kata anak usia dini pada anak taman kanak-kanak Aisyah 3 Sidoarjo dengan penggunaan media visual. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan jumlah 11 siswa. Pada peneitian ini untuk teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan tes. Teknik analisis data dengan hasil pengamatan serta hasil tes siswa secara individu. Penelitian ini dilakukan 3 siklus, siklus I diperoleh rata-rata guru sejumlah 2,75 dengan jumlah persentase 68,75%, pada siklus II memperoleh rata-rata 3,7 dengan jumlah persentase 92% dan pada siklus III meningkat dengan memperoleh rata-rata 4 dengan jumlah persentase 100%. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I jumlah rata-rata yang diperoleh sebesar 2,7 dengan jumlah persentase 66%, pada siklus II diperoleh rata-rata 3,2 dengan jumlah persentase sebesar 79% dan meningkat pada siklus III dengan perolehan rata-rata 4 dan jumlah presentase 100%. Sedangkan hasil tes lisan rata-rata siswa memperoleh 2,77 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 69,25%, pada siklus II sebesar sebesar 3,10 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 77,5%. Dan meningkat pada siklus III perolehan rata-rata siswa 3,63 dan perolehan presentase sebesar 90,75%.Dapat disimpulkan dari hasil diatas, bahwa dengan penggunaan media video dapat meningkatkan kosa kata anak usia dini.
Manusia adalah salah satu ciptaan Tuhan yang paling sempurna. Anak juga adalah anugerah dari Tuhan yang diberikan kepada setiap orang tua. Anak dapat terlahir dalam kondisi yang normal maupun berkebutuhan khusus, salah satunya adalah “Speech Delay”. Setiap anak memiliki hak yang sama dalam mendapatkan pendidikan. Speech delay merupakan suatu gangguan kesulitan bicara pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Board Game sebagai media edukasi bicara untuk anak Speech delay. Metode deskriptif, pendekatan kualitatif, pengimplementasian Single Subject Research (SSR) dan dengan strategi linear digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa anak Speech Delay, mendapatkan stimulus dengan baik dari media Board Game, sehingga Board Game yang dirancang untuk media edukasi bicara dinilai sangat efektif dan menyenangkan.
We investigated the impact of hearing loss on the neural processing of speech. Using a forward modeling approach, we compared the neural responses to continuous speech of 14 adults with sensorineural hearing loss with those of age‐matched normal‐hearing peers. Compared to their normal‐hearing peers, hearing‐impaired listeners had increased neural tracking and delayed neural responses to continuous speech in quiet. The latency also increased with the degree of hearing loss. As speech understanding decreased, neural tracking decreased in both populations; however, a significantly different trend was observed for the latency of the neural responses. For normal‐hearing listeners, the latency increased with increasing background noise level. However, for hearing‐impaired listeners, this increase was not observed. Our results support the idea that the neural response latency indicates the efficiency of neural speech processing: more or different brain regions are involved in processing speech, which causes longer communication pathways in the brain. These longer communication pathways hamper the information integration among these brain regions, reflected in longer processing times. Altogether, this suggests decreased neural speech processing efficiency in HI listeners as more time and more or different brain regions are required to process speech. Our results suggest that this reduction in neural speech processing efficiency occurs gradually as hearing deteriorates. From our results, it is apparent that sound amplification does not solve hearing loss. Even when listening to speech in silence at a comfortable loudness, hearing‐impaired listeners process speech less efficiently.