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Lennart Hardell* and Mona Nilsson
Summary of seven Swedish case reports on the
microwave syndrome associated with 5G
radiofrequency radiation
Received February 9, 2024; accepted March 26, 2024;
published online June 19, 2024
Abstract: The fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communi-
cation is currently deployed in Sweden since 2019/2020, as
well as in many other countries. We have previously pub-
lished seven case reports that include a total of 16 persons
aged between 4 and 83 years that developed the microwave
syndrome within short time after being exposed to 5G base
stations close to their dwellings. In all cases high radio-
frequency (RF) radiation from 4G/5G was measured with a
broadband meter. RF radiation reached >2,500,000 to
>3,180,000 μW/m2in peak maximum value in three of the
studies. In total 41 different health issues were assessed for
each person graded 0 (no complaint) to 10 (worst symptoms).
Most prevalent and severe were sleeping difficultly
(insomnia, waking night time, early wake-up), headache,
fatique, irritability, concentration problems, loss of imme-
diate memory, emotional distress, depression tendency,
anxiety/panic, dysesthesia (unusual touched based sensa-
tions), burning and lancinating skin, cardiovascular symp-
toms (transitory high or irregular pulse), dyspnea, and pain
in muscles and joints. Balance disorder and tinnitus were
less prevalent. All these symptoms are included in the mi-
crowave syndrome. In most cases the symptoms declined
and disappeared within a short time period after the studied
persons had moved to a place with no 5G. These case his-
tories are classical examples of provocation studies. They
reinforce the urgency to inhibit the deployment of 5G until
more safety studies have been performed.
Keywords: base station; 5G; radiofrequency radiation; elec-
tromagnetic sensitivity; microwave syndrome; health
The fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication has been
implemented in Sweden as well as in many other countries
since 2019/2020. 5G antennas emit radiofrequency (RF) radia-
tion and so far the 3.5 GHz frequency has been used as carrier
wave for 5G in city environments. When 5G is installed, pre-
vious generations such as 2G and 3G are dismantled (https://
om-avveckling-av-2g–och-3g-nat/; in Swedish). 5G uses MIMO
technique, multiple-input and multiple-output, with the use of
multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver. 5G is so
far broadcasted in combination with 4G+,andwillsenddata
up to 100 times faster than previous technology (https://
projectgoliat.eu/emf-5g/). According to preliminary pilot in-
vestigations in France, 5G exposure varies considerably
with number of users in the vicinity of the base station and
the size of data transfers (https://www.anfr.fr/fileadmin/
Concerns were raised by many scientists before the roll-
out that 5G would lead to a massive increase in the general
public’s exposure to RF radiation (www.5Gappeal.eu). It was
noted that RF radiation was already proven to be harmful to
human health at levels encountered in the environment
before the deployment of 5G. These concerns also highlighted
that there was no previous research on the effects on humans
and the environment from the new 5G RF radiation exposure,
including new higher frequencies, modulations, intense fast
pulsing and perhaps most importantly the expected much
higher RF radiation exposure. In addition, in a report to the
European Parliament in 2019 it was noted that 5G exposure
will be more complex than previous systems: “Although fields
are highly focused by beams, they vary rapidly with time and
movement and so are unpredictable, as the signal levels and
patterns interact as a closed loop system.”(https://5gfree.org/
Several appeals have requested better protection
against harmful effects from RF radiation due to known risks
for human beings and the environment. The 5G appeal asked
*Corresponding author: Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Professor (retired),
The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Örebro, Sweden,
E-mail: lennart_hardell@environmentandcancer.com
Mona Nilsson, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Adelsö, Sweden
Rev Environ Health 2024; aop
Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
for a moratorium of 5G deployment already in 2017 (www.
5gappeal.eu), see also (www.emfcall.org, www.emfscientist.
org). These appeals are to date largely ignored by the
responsible governmental agencies, politicians and the tel-
ecom industry. The progress of this technique continues at
its own pace, apparently driven by considerable economic
interests within the telecom industry.
It is clear from measurements made so far that the
implementation of 5G has indeed caused a massive increase
in human and environmental exposure to pulse-modulated
RF radiation [1–8].
Limits for maximum exposure
Most countries use extremely high and outdated guidelines by
the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pro-
tection (ICNIRP) for maximum allowed exposure to RF radia-
tion. The first guidelines were published in 1998 [9], and were
updated in 2020 [10]. The US Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC) has adopted similar maximum limits set by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (https://
ICNIRP is a private organization based in Germany. New
members are elected by existing members and most of them
have historically had both economic and/or personal ties to
the telecom industry [11, 12]. ICNIRP’s limits are based only on
heating (thermal) effects from RF radiation that appear when
the RF radiation is so intense that it causes acute thermal
effects within an hour. For chronic full body exposure to 5G at
3.5 GHz the ICNIRP limit is 10,000,000 μW/m2averaged over
6 min [9], or 30 min [10]. The ICNIRP thermal-based limits do
not protect against any effect caused by non-thermal acute or
chronic exposure in spite of growing evidence for such effects.
Therefore the ICNIRP and the FCC limits are criticized for
their inability to protect against a long range of known health
effects based on substantial and increasing scientific evidence
[13–15]. In fact, RF radiation was already in 2011 evaluated by
the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at
WHO to be a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B [16, 17]. In
spite of further evidence of the carcinogenicity indicating that
RF radiation now may be classified as a human carcinogen
Group 1 [18], a new evaluation has not been made by IARC.
The ICNIRP approach appears to be of large importance
for the telecommunication industry since these guidelines
for exposure to RF radiation allow them to deploy 5G ac-
cording to their plans. A major example is that 5G roll out
would be “difficult or impossible”if the limits were lowered 100
times according to a leading 5G infrastructure provider (https://
uments/S3_Christer_Tornevik.pdf). Yet another example of the
importance of these limits to the industry is a promotional
brochure about the ICNIRP 2020 limits from the telecom-
munication operator’s organization GSMA (https://www.
The microwave syndrome
Microwaves are frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz
within the radiofrequency spectrum and it is within the
microwave frequency range that the 5G and previous gen-
erations of mobile phone technology carrier waves operate.
Evidence of negative health effects from RF/microwave ra-
diation were published already in the 1960s and 1970s in
Eastern European countries in studies of exposed workers
[19–21]. Common symptoms were headache, fatigue, con-
centration difficulty, insomnia, emotional distress, irrita-
bility, dysesthesia, skin lesions including burning sensation,
cardiac and lung symptoms. These are included in the mi-
crowave syndrome or illness that comprises a variety of
clinical and physical symptoms. It was observed that in
general women appeared to be more sensitive than men and
that the individual sensitivity varied.
A review of these studies, as well as studies on animals,
concludedthat “a surprisingly widevariety of neurologicaland
physiological reactions are to be expected”because of expo-
sure to non-thermal levels of RF/microwave radiation [19].
Other term for the illness was radiofrequency sickness
syndrome [22]. The non-thermal effects depend primarily on
the modulation and/or pulsation of the signal and also on the
peak and average intensity. Pulsed signals and simultaneous
exposure to several frequencies caused more effects and
were thus considered more hazardous. The observed effects
increased with longer time of exposure [20]. Today the
population is exposed simultaneously to a multitude of fre-
quencies from various wireless technologies. The signals are
pulsed and modulated and the exposure is chronic.
It was also observed that, in general, the symptoms
declined after the exposure had ceased. According to Marha
et al. (see page 31) “at a certain time after exposure had ended
(sometimes as long as several weeks or more), the organism
usually returns to its original physiological state and all
subjective and objective complaints vanish”[21].
The results of these early observations have been
confirmed during the last two decades in investigations on
health effects among inhabitants near mobile phone masts
or base stations. Some of these recent studies have investi-
gated prevalence of symptoms identified within the micro-
wave syndrome, others have investigated other outcomes
such as cancer or effects on biochemical parameters, for
2Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness
instance hormones or indications of genetic damage [23].
One study from France has studied frequency of ALS [24].
According to a review in 2022 of most of these studies, 17 of 23
studies showed evidence for radiofrequency sickness or the
microwave syndrome, 10 of 13 reported increased cancer
risks and six of eight studies found changes in biochemical
markers among people living in the vicinity of masts or base
stations [23].
5G studies so far
The literature is sparse on health effects caused by exposure
to 5G radiation. So far, according to our knowledge, no long-
term effects have been studied and there are only a few short
term animal studies and one human laboratory study. None
of the laboratory studies have used exposure corresponding
to real life 5G exposure [25–29].
There were at the start of the roll-out of 5G no studies
available on biological effects on humans from exposure to
the 5G frequencies around 3.5 GHz.
Thus, no study had investigated exposure similar to that
encountered by millions of people now exposed to radiation
from 5G antennas in combination with 4G technology.
A few animal studies have investigated effects on animals
after exposure to 3.5 GHz RF radiation at levels below the
ICNIRP limits. Studies exposing animals to the 3.5 GHz fre-
quency (not real-life 5G signals) have found negative effects
such as oxidative stress in the liver, kidneys, the plasma,
degenerated neurons in the brain as well as oxidative stress in
muscles and negative effects on bone strength. Further, modi-
fied behavior after fetal exposure has been reported [25–28].
Human laboratory studies
A study published in September 2023, investigating effects on
human brain waves, exposed 34 healthy young volunteers to
GSM pulse-modulated 3.5 GHz at a mean level between 1.5 and
2 V/m or up to 10,610 μW/m2during only 26 min. The estimated
peak power density (PD) was calculated to 680,000μW/m2.
The authors reported “an overall non-significant difference in
beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain oscillations relative to 5G
exposure. However, a few electrodes in the baseline-corrected
exposure and post-exposure periods exhibited significant
modulation corresponding to the eye condition only in the
alpha, theta, and delta rhythms, which did not survive the
posterior statistical correction.”[29].
Some changes in human brain waves were thus observed.
However the signal was GSM modulated and consequently not
representative of real 5G exposure. The exposure lasted only
26 min and was thus not representative for effects of chronic
real life exposure. In addition, real life exposure includes
simultaneous exposure to several other signals, for instance
to 4G.
Case studies of human real life 5G exposure
We have previously published seven case reports on health
effects in humans exposed to 5G RF radiation [1–7]. The
studies were performed during 2021–2023 and investigated
health effects previously described to be associated with
exposure to RF radiation among a total of 16 persons. Mea-
surements of RF radiation were also made.
Aim of this study
The aim of this study was to make a summary of our seven
case reports [1–7]. One purpose was to investigate the
severity and any pattern of different diseases/symptoms
based on the total material.
Materials and methods
All seven case studies were initiated after contact from
persons who developed symptoms identified within the
microwave syndrome shortly after installation of 5G an-
tennas close to their dwellings. The participating persons
were asked to answer questions on the prevalence of
different symptoms related to the microwave syndrome. The
structured questionnaire was adapted after Belpomme et al.
[30]. A 10-grade scale for severity was used, grade 0=no
symptoms, grade 10=unbearable pain and/or discomfort.
The questionnaire included in total 41 symptoms/health is-
sues. No clinical examinations were performed. The studies
also included measurements of RF radiation exposure.
We did an aggregation of all the results from these indi-
vidual seven case studies. Five groups of symptoms were used
based on anatomical site including diseases of the nervous
system and sense organs (n=18), Table 1, diseases of the car-
diovascular and respiratory system (n=9), Table 2, diseases of
the skin and musculoskeletal organs (n=6), Table 3, diseases of
the digestive and urinary system (n=4), Table 4, and diseases
of the ear and vestibular system (n=4), Table 5.
The sum of the reported grade of severity for each dis-
ease/symptom was calculated for all study subjects. Mini-
mum and maximum grade for each item is reported as well,
and the calculated mean and median grades for the total
Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness 3
In most studies the device Safe and Sound Pro II
broadband RF meter was used for measurement of RF
radiation [1–5, 7]. The true response detection range is
between 400 MHz and 7.2 GHz. It was calibrated by the
manufacturer and has an accuracy of ±6 dB. Peak levels or RF
radiation were recorded (https://safelivingtechnologies.com/
products/safe-and-sound-pro-ii-rf-meter.html). A detailed
description of the methods can be found in all publications. In
one of the seven studies [6] the GigaHerz Solution HF 59B was
used for measuring the frequency range 0.7–3.3 GHz, and
Table :Diseases/symptoms of the nervous system and sense organs
grades –. Grade =no symptoms, =unbearable pain and/or
discomfort. Total number of replies was based on persons or otherwise
given (n). Number of persons reporting minimum grade , or maximum
grade e.g. are given within parentheses. Number of persons reporting
other grade than the maximum (e.g. to ) are not displayed in the table.
Nervous system and sense
Min Mean Median Max Total
Sleeping difficulty
–Waking night time (n=12) (). ()
–Early wake-up (n=14) (). ()
–Insomnia (). ()
Fatigue (). ()
Headache (). ()
Irritability (n=)(). ()
Emotional (n=)(). ()
(). ()
Loss of immediate memory (). ()
Dysesthesia (unusual touched
based sensation)
(). ()
Dizziness (). ()
Depression tendency (). ()
Anxiety/panic (). ()
Global body dysthermia (). ()
Occular deficiency (). ()
Light sensitivity (n=)(). ()
Confusion (). ()
Suicidal ideation ()()
Table :Diseases/symptoms of the cardiovascular and respiratory sys-
tem grades –. Grade =no symptoms, =unbearable pain and/or
discomfort. Total number of replies was based on persons or otherwise
given (n). Number of persons reporting minimum grade , or maximum
grade e.g. are given within parentheses. Number of persons reporting
other grade than the maximum (e.g. to ) are not displayed in the table.
Cardiovascular system Min Mean Median Max Total
–Irregular pulse (). ()
–Transitory high pulse (). ()
–Slow pulse ()()
Blood pressure high/low (n=)(). ()
Nose bleeding (). ()
Respiratory system
Dyspnoea (). ()
Cough (). ()
Chest squeeze (n=)(). ()
Chest pain (n=)(). ()
Table :Diseases/symptoms of the skin and musculosceletal organs
grades –. Grade =no symptoms, =unbearable pain and/or
discomfort. Total number of replies was based on persons. Number of
persons reporting minimum grade , or maximum grade e.g. are given
within parentheses. Number of persons reporting other grade than the
maximum (e.g. to ) are not displayed in the table.
Skin Min Mean Median Max Total
–Face, arms, legs (). ()
–Burning, lancinating skin
on hands and arms
(). ()
–Bruises, hemorrhages (). ()
Hair loss (). ()
Musculosceletal organs
Arthralgia (). ()
Myalgia (). ()
Table :Diseases/symptoms of the digestive and urinary systems grades
–. Grade =no symptoms, =unbearable pain and/or discomfort.
Total number of replies was based on persons or otherwise given (n).
Number of persons reporting minimum grade , or maximum grade e.g.
are given within parentheses. Number of persons reporting other
grade than the maximum (e.g. to ) are not displayed in the table.
Digestive system Min Mean Median Max Total
Diarrehea (involuntary) (). ()
Abdominal pain (n=)(). ()
Nausea (n=)(). ()
Urinary system urgency (n=)(). ()
Table :Diseases/symptoms of the ear, vestibular system. Clinical
symptoms grades –. Grade =no symptoms, =unbearable pain and/
or discomfort. Total number of replies was based on persons. Number
of persons reporting minimum grade , or maximum grade e.g. are
given within parentheses. Number of persons reporting other grade than
the maximum (e.g. to ) are not displayed in the table.
Ear and vestibular system Min Mean Median Max Total
Balance disorder (). ()
Ear heat/otalgia (). ()
Hyperacousis (noise sensitivity) (). ()
Tinnitus (). ()
4Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness
the GigaHerz Solution HFW 59D for the frequency range
2.4–10 GHz.
The Narda broadband field meter NBM-550, with the
probe EF-1891, measuring frequencies between 3 MHz and 18
GHz, was also used in one study [5] in addition to the Safe and
Sound Pro II broadband RF meter. This latter meter as well
as the GigaHerz Solution meter show peak levels of RF ra-
diation whereas the Narda meter shows results in root mean
square (RMS) for minimum, maximum, and average.
The 5G case studies
In the following a summary is given of our seven case
Study [1]: two previously healthy persons, a man aged 63
years and a woman aged 62 years, developed symptoms of
the microwave syndrome after installation of a 5G base
station for wireless communication on the roof above their
apartment. A base station for previous telecommunication
generation technology (3G/4G) was present at the same spot
since several years. Very high RF radiation with maximum
(highest measured peak value) levels of 354,000, 1,690,000,
and >2,500,000 μW/m2were measured at three occasions in
the bedroom located only 5 m below the new 5G base station.
Maximum (peak) level of 9,000 μW/m2was measured prior
to the 5G deployment. The rapidly emerging symptoms after
the start of 5G were typical for the microwave syndrome:
fatigue, sleeping difficulty, emotional distress, nose bleeds,
tinnitus, dizziness, skin disorders, concentration problems,
balance disorder, impaired short-term memory, confusion,
heart and lung symptoms (palpitations, feeling of heaviness
in the chest) and a feeling of warmth in the body. The
symptoms were more pronounced in the woman. Due to the
severity of symptoms, the couple left their dwelling and
moved to a small office room with maximum (peak) RF ra-
diation of 3,500 μW/m2. Within a couple of days, most of their
symptoms alleviated or disappeared completely.
Study [2]: in this case study we describe two men, case 1
and case 2, working in three office rooms close to base sta-
tions situated on the roof above their office. After the
deployment of 5G, both men developed symptoms typical for
the microwave syndrome, e.g., fatigue, headache, tinnitus,
dizziness, concentration and attention deficiency, and bal-
ance disorder. RF radiation after the 5G deployment was
measured in the three offices. In office one, only 3 m below
the nearest 5G base station, maximum (peak) RF radiation
during 1 min varied from 463 to 1,800,000 μW/m2,inoffice
two from 6,230 to 501,000 μW/m2, and in office three, from
13,700 to 61,000 μW/m2. The symptoms disappeared in both
men within a couple of weeks (case 1) or immediately (case 2)
after leaving the office for other offices and living spaces
with much lower maximum peak RF radiation emissions,
maximum for case 1=16 μW/m2, and for case 2=2,920 μW/m2.
The clinical pictures in both men were clearly related to the
Study [3]: in this case report we presented a woman aged
52 years who developed health problems consistent with the
microwave syndrome after installation of a 5G base station
facing her apartment at 60 m distance. These symptoms
consisted of e.g., headache, dizziness, concentration diffi-
culties, fatigue, arrhythmia, skin burning and nose bleeding.
High RF radiation levels were measured in her apartment
especially in the part closest to the base station. At the
window in her living room peak levels of RF radiation from
17,500 to 758,000 μW/m2were obtained during 10 measure-
ments, each over 1 min. By the sofa in the living room peak
levels from 36,800 to 222,000 μW/m2were measured. Very
high radiation was measured at the balcony facing the base
station where all 10 measurements yielded within 10–15 s
peak levels >2,500,000 μW/m2. After temporally leaving the
apartment for another dwelling with much lower RF radia-
tion, 96–2,810 μW/m2peak levels, almost all symptoms dis-
appeared within a short time. After moving back to her own
apartment the symptoms reappeared.
Study [4]: in this study we examined a family of three
persons living at distances to two 5G base stations of about 50
and 70 m, respectively. The base stationsare located on the top
of two 6-floor buildings and theantennas are directedtowards
the family’s apartment on the fourth floor on the opposite side
of the street. Measurements in the apartment were made 10
times at every place, each measurement during 1 min. Highest
levels were measured close to the two windows in the master
bed room varying from 320,000 to 1,200,000 μW/m2. High
levels were also found at the window of the son’sroom,
121,000 to 490,000 μW/m2, and the daughter’s room 34,800 to
166,000 μW/m2. Somewhat lower levels were found at the
place of the pillow in the bed for all family members. The
family members reported symptoms included in the micro-
wave syndrome to varying self-estimated degrees. The
daughter had the most severe health issues, for example
sleeping problems, headache, concentration and memory
problems, skin disorders, irregular heartbeat, light sensitivity,
anxiety and panic attacks.
Study [5]: in this case report a 49-year old previously
healthy man was described. After a 5G base station was
installed 20 m from his apartment, he rather immediately
developed a variety of symptoms that are part of the mi-
crowave syndrome. Most severe were headache, dysesthesia
(abnormal sensation), loss of immediate memory, high and
irregular pulse, chest squeeze, burning and lancinating skin.
Very high RF radiation was measured in his apartment. The
Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness 5
levels measured with the Safe and Sound Pro II meter
reached the maximum peak measureable level of the used
Safe and Sound Pro meter, >3,180,000 μW/m2, within 10–15 s
for each of the 10 measurements made during 1 min in the
living room. In the man’s bedroom, measured levels at pil-
low in the bed ranged from 105,000 to 240,000 μW/m2.
Follow-up measurements were also made with a Narda-550
broadband meter showing results in root mean square
(RMS) for both maximum and average values. The highest
maximum RMS level in the apartment was 1,368,021 μW/m2.
Highest maximum RMS level in the living room was
571,624 μW/m2. After moving to another apartment with low
RF radiation the symptoms decreased or disappeared within
a short time period but they reappear whenever he returns
to his apartment with high 5G RF radiation.
Study [6]: this study included a woman aged 82 years
with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) since almost
four decades. After deployment of two 5G base stations, 528
and 489 m from her house respectively, she developed worse
symptoms with e.g., fatigue, dysesthesia, dizziness, balance
disorder, light sensitivity, and skin disorders that all are
included in the microwave syndrome. Also her 83 years old
husband was affected, although to a minor extent. The Gig-
aHerz Solution HF 59B and the GigaHerz Solution HFW 59D
were used for the measurements. High levels of maximum
peak RF radiation levels were measured in the kitchen
166,700 μW/m2and in the living room, 147,100 μW/m2.
Study [7]: in this case report a previously healthy family
including a man, a woman and their three children was
studied. The family members rapidly developed symptoms
of the microwave syndrome after arriving at a summer
cottage located at 125 m distance from a 24m high mobile
phone towerwith 5G antennas. The most severe symptomsfor
the adults were sleeping problems, headache, tiredness, and
irregular heartbeat. The children got sleeping problems,
diarrhea, stomach pain, skin rashes, headache, and emotional
symptoms. All symptoms disappeared and health was
restored when the family returned to their own house at
another place with no 5G base stations in the vicinity. No
measurements were available inside the cottage during the
time the family stayed near the mast. Later measurement
showed that the radiation level varied from 9,000 to
43,400 μW/m2outside the cottage on the 5G base station side,
compared with 2,500 μW/m2at most within their regular
home without a 5G base station nearby. It can be reasonably
assumed that the RF levels were considerably higher at the
time the family stayed at the cottage during high vacation
season when the nearby camping area was full of people. The
area was nearly empty when the measurements were per-
formed. The number of users and size of data transfers
influence the RF radiation emitted from 5G base stations.
Diseases/symptoms of the nervous system and sense organs:
most prevalent were sleeping problems, Table 1. Thus of the
16 included subjects all but three reported insomnia. All
three children aged 8, 6 and 4 years suffered insomnia grade
10, which is the worst category. All but one of the 12
responding persons reported waking night-time and 11 of 14
included had early wake-up. These symptoms were most
severe in the children.
Other severe symptoms were headache, emotional
distress, and irritability. Fatigue was prevalent, but may also
be associated with the sleeping problems. Suicidal ideation
was the only symptom that was not reported by any partici-
pating person.
Diseases/symptoms of the cardiovascular and respira-
tory system: transitory high pulse was reported by one man
(grade 10) and three women (grades 5, 9, and 10, respec-
tively), Table 2. One man (grade 10) and three women (grades
9, 8, and 10, respectively) reported irregular pulse. No person
reported slow pulse. Blood pressure variability was reported
by two men (grades 5 and 3, respectively) and one woman
(grade 5).
Nose bleeding was reported by two men (both grade 5)
and three women (grades 5, 10, and 3 respectively). Five out
of 10 male cases reported dyspnea (grades 1 to 9) as well as
three of six women (grades 4 to 9). Also chest squeeze, chest
pain and cough were reported although to a minor extent.
Diseases/symptoms of the skin and musculoskeletal or-
gans: among the most prevalent symptoms were those
affecting face, arms and legs, Table 3. Thus this was reported
by five men (grades 1 to 8) and three women (grades 6 to 10).
Also burning and/or lancinating skin on hands and arms was
common among in total four men (grades 3 to 10) and four
women (grades 2 to 10). Hair loss was reported to a minor
extent; three men (grades 1 to 3), but no woman.
Three men andfour women reported myalgia (grades 3 to
8, and grades 2 to 10, respectively). Arthralgia occurred among
four men (grades 5 to 10) and three women (grade 2 to 6).
Diseases/symptoms of the digestive and urinary system:
among six men two reported nausea (grades 3 and 1,
respectively), Table 4. The corresponding results for women
was two of three respondents (grades 10 and 3, respectively).
Six persons reported no abdominal pain. No man had uri-
nary urgency compared with two of five women (grades 10
and 1, respectively).
Diseases/symptoms of the ear and/or vestibular system:
one man noted ear heat and/or otalgia (ear pain; grade 5)
compared with two women (grades 1 and 2, respectively),
Table 5. Tinnitus was reported by three men (grades 6, 5,
and 1, respectively) and three women (grades 6, 2, and 2,
6Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness
respectively). Only one man noted noise sensitivity (hyper-
acousis) compared to three women (grades 2, 1, and 4,
Balance disorder was reported by three men (grades 2, 1,
and 3 respectively) and four women (grades 7, 10, 2, and 7,
RF radiation
Measurements of RF radiation peak maximum levels are
displayed in Table 6. Measurements were made only in one
of our studies in the studied apartment before the deploy-
ment of the 5G base station [1]. In that case study a base
station for 3G/4G was located at the same spot since several
years. The radiation increased from 9,000 μW/m2with 3G/
4G to >2,500,000 μW/m2with 5G (peak maximum). The
couple had lived in the same apartment for many years
without health issues associated with the 3G/4G base sta-
tion. However, 5G caused severe symptoms within a couple
of days. The study persons had to leave the apartment
In two of our other studies very high RF radiation was
also measured that reached over 2 million μW/m2(on bal-
cony) [3] or 3 million μW/m2[5]. In these cases the study
persons also quickly developed severe symptoms of the mi-
crowave syndrome within a few days that became so intol-
erable that the persons could not stay in their respective
In study [7] unfortunately no measurements were made
during the days the studied family of five persons (two adults
and three minor children) spent a long week-end at the
house near a 5G mast. Also in this case study the studied
persons developed severe symptoms within a few days that
vanished when the family returned to their home with much
lower RF radiation exposure.
The measured levels in all these case studies were
considerably lower than the ICNIRP guidelines for RF radi-
ation, but at the same time also considerably higher than the
recommendations from other experts, as shown in Table 7.
In one of our studies [5], measurements were also made with
Narda-550 broadband meter with results in RMS averaged
over 2 min that are more comparable with ICNIRP limits
averaged over 6 or 30 min. In that study, a man aged 49,
developed within a week very severe symptoms that he
considered life threatening (symptoms from the heart). He
therefore left the apartment definitely. The RF-radiation in
the living room averaged over 2 min was 135,983 μW/m2
(Narda-550 broadband meter), which is considerably lower
than the ICNIRP limits of 10,000,000 μW/m2averaged over 6 or
30 min. The maximum peak level measured with another
meter (Safe and Sound Pro II) was >3,180,000 μW/m2, which
is extremely much higher than the maximum levels rec-
ommended by EuropaEM EMF guidelines of 100 μW/m2[31].
All the measurements of 5G radiation in all case studies
showed levels very much higher than the levels recom-
mended by EuropaEM EMF guidelines and also by the Bio-
Initiative Group 2012 [31, 32].
Table :Levels of measured RF radiation in the seven case studies.
Highest measured
RF radiation in
Highest measured
RF radiation
in μW/m
Meters to G
base station
Placement of G base station Place of max
measured levels
[]>,,a>,,aAbove on roof Bedroom
,,aAbove on roof Office for work
[]a>,,a On roof of opposite building,
slightly higher height
,,b and On roof of two opposite buildings,
slightly higher height
By window in
sleeping room
On roof of building opposite side
of street, same height
Living room
[],d,d and One mast ( m) and one base
station on roof of building ( m)
[] Not measured ,e On a mast m high Outer side of
aSafe and Sound Pro II meter with max ,, μW/m;bSafe and Sound Pro II meter with max ,, μW/m;cNarda m, max value in RMS;
dGigahertz Solution HFW D; eSafe and Sound Pro II. Measurements made two months after the family’s holiday at the house; fNarda m, average value
in RMS (over min).
Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness 7
The microwave syndrome is a set of symptoms identified
since 50–60 years as effects of exposure to RF radiation or
microwaves at so called “low levels”or non-thermal levels
[33]. Non-thermal levels are below the ICNIRP limits (FCC
limits in the USA) that do not cause heating effects. Conse-
quently, the microwave syndrome is known to appear below
the ICNIRP and FCC limits [13, 31]. A majority of the countries
over the world have nevertheless adopted those very high
limits that are increasingly criticized for being insufficient
for health protection [11–13]. However they are important
for the telecom industry and in particular for the roll out of
5G. These limits based on thermal effects are not only pro-
moted by the industry itself but also by the WHO since 1998.
The WHO has previously received funding for this work
from telecom organizations such as GSM Association and
Mobile Manufacturer’s Forum [34].
In repeated previous studies on health in people living
near mobile phone masts and base stations, the prevalence of
symptoms identified within the early studies on the micro-
wave syndrome or the radiofrequency illness has been
explored. Several of these studies have found that symptoms
such as sleeping problems, headache, dizziness, fatigue and
cardiovascular problems were more prevalent near the base
stations compared to prevalence among people with less
exposure or larger distance to the base stations [23]. These
studies have investigated effects on the earlier generations of
mobile phone generations, such as 2G and 3G. Our seven case
studies are so far, to our knowledge, the first to have explored
the health effects on people living near 5G base stations.
In our seven case studies [1–7] we found that persons
who got 5G base stations or masts at various distances
ranging from 3 to 538 m from their dwellings, Table 6,
developed a range of symptoms known as the microwave
syndrome or radiofrequency sickness. In all seven case
studies, antennas for 3G/4G were active before the change to
5G and most study persons appeared to have tolerated the
radiation from these previous generations. However, after
the deployment of 5G most of the study persons rapidly
developed severe symptoms of the microwave syndrome,
which indicates that 5G is more harmful than previous
generations of telecommunication. In cases [1, 3, 5] the
symptoms were so severe that the persons left their apart-
ment within a week. In case [7], the symptoms became se-
vere within a few days, but the persons had only rented the
house for a short vacation. In this latter case, after that the
two adults and the three children returned to their home
with no 5G base stations within sight, their health was
restored. In all cases except cases [4, 6], the symptoms dis-
appeared when the persons left the apartment, house or
office for a dwelling with considerably lower RF radiation.
Cases [4, 6] did not move from their dwellings. Thus, short-
term health effects often occur within days of 5G RF radia-
tion exposure and may disappear after a short time when
exposure from 5G antennas has been avoided or substan-
tially reduced.
The observations from these case studies confirm early
reports from Eastern Europe when studies on occupational
exposure concluded that after exposure has ended the
health is restored, although for some individuals it may take
some time, sometimes as long as several weeks or more [21].
The most prevalent symptoms in these early studies were
also, like in our case studies, symptoms related to the central
nervous system. It was noted that the effects on nerve
functions from low-intensity exposure to RF radiation were
characterized by an exhaustion syndrome (asthenia) [19, 21].
Fatigue was one of the symptoms that got the highest score in
our present study, see Figure 1.
In our seven case studies [1–7], comprising 16 in-
dividuals of various ages from 4 to 83 years, sleeping
problems, fatigue, headache, increased emotional symp-
toms, irritability, and concentration/attention deficiency
were the most common early effects from exposure to 5G RF
radiation. In fact most subjects reported some grade of
these symptoms, Table 1, see also Figure 1. Cardiovascular
and respiratory system diseases/symptoms were reported
Table :Measured levels of RF radiation in μW/min the seven case
studies compared with recommended maximum limits from EuropaEM
EMF Guidelines [] and ICNIRP [] and [].
measured RF
radiation in
RF radiation
EMF guide-
[] Not measured ,e.–g,,h
aSafe and Sound Pro II meter with max ,, μW/m;bSafe and Sound
Pro II meter with max ,, μW/m;cNarda m, max value in RMS;
dGigahertz solution HFW D; eSafe and Sound Pro II. Measurements made
two months after the family’s holiday at the house; fNarda m, average
value in RMS (over min); gMaximum levels (not averaged); hAveraged over
[]or [] minutes.
8Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness
by ≥50 % of the study persons, Table 2. About 50 % of the
persons reported some skin problem, Table 3. Less common
were diseases/symptoms of the digestive or urinary tract,
Table 4, and ear or vestibular system, Table 5. It is note-
worthy that most subjects did not report tinnitus.
It would have been interesting to analyze if there was a
correlation between highest exposure and symptoms.
However, the total number of study persons is very limited.
Furthermore, there appears to be a large variation of
sensitivity [33] between different individuals which makes
the result of a correlation analysis uncertain. It should also
be noted that the reporting of symptoms and their severity is
self-assessed, and the evaluation of the severity is subjective
with individual variation.
There seemed to be a somewhat higher mean grade for
symptoms from the nervous system and sense organs, car-
diovascular and respiratory systems among the subjects
with highest exposure. However, due to low numbers this
must be interpreted with caution (data not in table). A larger
study group would be necessary.
In a review of all epidemiological studies on health effects
in people living near mobile phone base stations of previous
generations [23] similar symptoms as in this study were also
common among the subjects. However, the measured RF ra-
diation was inthose previous studies on earlier generations of
telecommunications technologies such as GSM, very much
lower than in our 5G case studies. For instance, measure-
ments in 2001 of RF radiation in the bedrooms of 94 persons
living close to GSM base stationsin Spain found a maximum of
4,420.28 μW/m2. The median value was 31.57 μW/m2[35]. In
2006 a study from Austria reported highest maximum RF
radiation of 4,100 μW/m2in the bedrooms of 336 persons [36].
A German study obtained in 2009 an average value of
3,631 μW/m2(1.17 V/m) at the homes of 82 persons livingwithin
200 m from GSM base stations [37].
Our seven case studies, comprising 16 persons, on health
effects from real 5G RF radiation exposure, showed that
the study persons developed the microwave syndrome
after installation of 5G base stations in the neighborhood
of their dwellings. Most prevalent were symptoms of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Suic idal idea on
Light sensi vy (n = 11)
Ocul ar deficien cy
Global body dysthermia
Loss immediate memory
Concentra on/A en on def.
Emo onal ( n=15)
Irritability (n = 15)
Early wake up
Head ache
Waking night me
Fa gue
Figure 1: Total grade for clinical symptoms in the nervous system and sense organs among 16 persons or otherwise given (n). Grade 0 to 10 for each
symptom was reported by the different individuals.
Hardell and Nilsson: 5G, microwave illness 9
the nervous system: sleeping problems, headache, fa-
tigue, irritability, emotional symptoms and concentra-
tion/attention deficiency. Very high RF radiation levels,
although much lower than limits recommended by
ICNIRP and the FCC, were measured with the broad band
meter. Some of the studied persons developed severe
symptoms. Most persons could move to another settle-
ment without 5G, whereby the microwave syndrome
alleviated and disappeared within short.
Research ethics: Not applicable.
Informed consent: Not applicable.
Author contributions: Both authors participated in the
conception, design and writing of the manuscript, and have
read and approved the final version.
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no
competing interests.
Research funding: No funding was received.
Availability of data and materials: The information gener-
ated and analyzed during the current study is available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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