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Legal Regulation of The Debtor’s Obligation To Submit An Insolvency Application- Comparative Study Between Jordanian and French Legislations



This research addressed the issue of the legal obligation imposed on the debtor to submit legal action to declare his insolvency when its conditions are met in accordance with Jordanian legislation, as well as the sanction resulting from the debtor’s failure to carry out this obligation in accordance with the same legislation. The study included multiple problems raised by the legal regulation of the application for declaration of insolvency and the sanction resulting from the non-observation of such an obligation. The most important of these problems are the legal regulation of the necessary conditions for submitting the application within a certain period, the legal characterization of that period, the authority of the court to impose the sanction resulting from failure to comply with the obligation, and the extent of its susceptibility to appeal. To address the problem of the study, a descriptive analytical approach was followed, while resorting to the topical comparative approach. In fact, the relevant legal texts were analyzed and topical comparison was conducted – when needed - with French legislation. The study reached several results, the most important of which are that the debtor is not exempted from his obligation to submit an application for the seek of insolvency declaration, even if this application is submitted by one of the creditors or the general controller of companies, as long as its conditions are met, and the possibility of appealing the decision issued by the court to impose a sanction on the debtor for not submitting an insolvency declaration application, which takes place when appealing the court’s decision issued regarding the insolvency declaration application. The study also came up with several recommendations, the most important of which are: it is necessary to stipulate explicitly that the debtor is not required to submit an application for declaration of imminent insolvency, and it is necessary to state explicitly that submitting an application for declaration of actual insolvency without its legally required attachments or failure to complete those attachments within the specified period of time does not make the debtor immune from the imposition of the legal sanction provided for not submitting an insolvency declaration application.
Legal Regulation of The Debtor’s Obligation To Submit
An Insolvency Application- Comparative Study
Between Jordanian and French Legislations
Assistant Professor Doctor Assistant ProfessorDoctor
Ismaeel Nayef Alhadidi Mohammad Ahmad Rahamneh
The University of Jordan- The University of Jordan-
School of Law School of Law
Receipt Date:31/3/2024, Accepted Date:27/5/2024, Publication Date: 15/6/2024.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License
This research addressed the issue of the legal obligation
imposed on the debtor to submit legal action to declare his
insolvency when its conditions are met in accordance with Jordanian
legislation, as well as the sanction resulting from the debtor’s failure
to carry out this obligation in accordance with the same legislation.
The study included multiple problems raised by the legal
regulation of the application for declaration of insolvency and the
sanction resulting from the non-observation of such an obligation.
The most important of these problems are the legal regulation of the
necessary conditions for submitting the application within a certain
period, the legal characterization of that period, the authority of the
court to impose the sanction resulting from failure to comply with
the obligation, and the extent of its susceptibility to appeal.
To address the problem of the study, a descriptive analytical
approach was followed, while resorting to the topical comparative
approach. In fact, the relevant legal texts were analyzed and topical
comparison was conducted when needed - with French legislation.
The study reached several results, the most important of
which are that the debtor is not exempted from his obligation to
submit an application for the seek of insolvency declaration, even if
this application is submitted by one of the creditors or the general
controller of companies, as long as its conditions are met, and the
possibility of appealing the decision issued by the court to impose a
sanction on the debtor for not submitting an insolvency declaration
application, which takes place when appealing the court’s decision
issued regarding the insolvency declaration application.
The study also came up with several recommendations, the
most important of which are: it is necessary to stipulate explicitly
that the debtor is not required to submit an application for
declaration of imminent insolvency, and it is necessary to state
explicitly that submitting an application for declaration of actual
insolvency without its legally required attachments or failure to
complete those attachments within the specified period of time does
not make the debtor immune from the imposition of the legal
sanction provided for not submitting an insolvency declaration
Keywords: Declaration of Insolvency, Debtor, Business Manager,
Economic Activity, Sorts of Sanction.
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The First Topic
 The Subjective and Objective Scope of the Debtor's
Obligation to File an Application for Declaration of
    
   
        
 
 
    
The First Requirement
Personal Scope (Submission of an Application for Declaration of
Insolvency by the Debtor or Its Administrators)
    
              
   
   
 
   
           
            
 
 
             
     
   
           
          
    
             
           
 
 
          
   
          
           
            
           
  
             
     
  
      
           
          
           
             
      
 
      
     
    
The Second Requirement
Conditions of Applying For Insolvency Declaration
             
The First Branch
Verification of Insolvency Occurring
  
   
  
     
       
        
  
 
 
          
 
 
  
 
             
             
The Second Branch 
The Awareness of Insolvency State
 
   
  
          
 
   
   
     
   
 
             
        
 
 
  
 
 
 
            
             
             
            
L. 631-6
       
L. 631-3-1
       
  
The Third Branch 
Submitting the Application within a Certain Period            
   
 
  
   
   
  
       
 
   
 
             
   
        
    
    
       
         
 
    
     
             
 
  
 
            
  
              
 
    
 
          
          
          
  
           
    
   
   
      
  
     
           
            
   
   
    
     
               
     
            
The Fourth Branch
Attaching the Specified Documents with the Insolvency
Declaration Application
           
 
       
          
   
           
            
          
           
    
             
          
     
        
        
 
             
  
   
 
    
            
  
  
    
 
            
 
           
 
            
             
The Second Topic
The Sanction for the Debtor’s Failure to Submit an
Insolvency Declaration Application
        
The First Requirement
The sanction for the debtor’s failure to submit an application for
declaration of insolvency in the Jordanian legislation
The First Branch
Sorts of sanction
             
 ."  
           
       
 
             
           
The Second Branch
Scope of imposing the sanction
     
   
   
 
 
  
  
  
              
  
        
    
 
           
   
        
 
 
  
       
      
   
           
         
            
     
         
    
 
 
 
  
            
           
     
    
          
    
       
 
      
          
 
The Second Requirement
The Sanction for the Debtor’s Failure to Submit an Application
for Declaration of Insolvency in the French Legislation
   
    
The First Branch
Arising of the obligation to open a collective procedure
 
      
 
 L. 631-4 
             
    
L. 640-4
L. 225-56
L.225-66) 
 
           
        
  
R. 631-1
        
R. 640-1
R. 631-1
R. 640-1
 
           
        
    
 L. 631-1
           
L. 631-2L. 631-3
   
 
      
     
    
            
  
          
     
            
             
   
 
   
The Second Branch
The Discretionary Power of the Court in Imposing the Sanction
          
           
    
        
L. 653-5        
L. 653-1
      
    
    
            
       
    L. 653-8     
L. 653-3L. 653-6
        
    
  
L. 653-1
 
   
       
L. 651-2
          
             
       
   
       
 
        
   
  
       
   
 
  
     
      
  
            
 
            
            
 
 
 
  
 
 
          
 
 
 
 
 
   
  
       
       
   
  
  .                   
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             
   
     
  
     
 
       
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         
    
    
  
 
 (6372/2020) 
 
      
       
        
           
       
 .
   
 
      
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        
   
     
       
        
Site officiel d'information administrative pour les entreprises,
DARY (Joan), L'obligation de demander l'ouverture d'une procédure
collective incombant au débiteur,
Le Canuu (Paul) et Robine (David), Droit des entreprises en difficulte , 8ed. ,
Dalloz, 2020, p.252.
Cour de Cassation, Chambre commerciale, du 6 mai 1986, 84-14.430, Bull.
1986 IV N° 77 p. 67.
Cour de cassation, chambre commerciale, 26 juin 2007, n° 05-20.569.
Le Canuu (Paul) et Robine (David), Droit des entreprises en difficulte , 8ed. ,
Dalloz, 2020, p.252.
Mercadal, (Barthélémy), Mémento Pratique Droit commercial, Francis
Lefebvre, 2021, n° 61500.
DARY (Joan), L'obligation de demander l'ouverture d'une procédure
collective incombant au débiteur,
DARY (Joan), L'obligation de demander l'ouverture d'une procédure
collective incombant au débiteur,
 
             
L. 620-1
L'Article L611-4 du code de commerce prevoit que " Il est institué, devant le
tribunal de commerce, une procédure de conciliation dont peuvent bénéficier
les débiteurs exerçant une activité commerciale ou artisanale qui éprouvent
une difficulté juridique, économique ou financière, avérée ou prévisible, et ne
se trouvent pas en cessation des paiements depuis plus de quarante-cinq
jours": Modifié par Ordonnance n°2010-1512 du 9 décembre 2010 - art. 2.
DARY (Joan), L'obligation de demander l'ouverture d'une procédure
collective incombant au débiteur,
Le Canuu (Paul) et Robine (David), Droit des entreprises en difficulte , 8ed. ,
Dalloz, 2020, p.252.
CA Versailles, 20 fev. 2018, n 16/09049 : BJS, 2018 , 532 note L. Camensuli-
Feuillard. Citee par: Le Canuu (Paul) et Robine (David), Droit des entreprises
en difficulte , 8ed. , Dalloz, 2020, p.252.
DARY (Joan), L'obligation de demander l'ouverture d'une procédure
collective incombant au débiteur,
1- 
2- 
3- 
 
 
           
             
 
            
      
L. 653-8
4-         
°L. 653-1
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Mémento Pratique Droit commercial
  • Mercadal
Mercadal, (Barthélémy), Mémento Pratique Droit commercial, Francis Lefebvre, 2021, n° 61500.