
Logistics IT support solutions in Zala County

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Industry 4.0 solutions such as the use of AI are becoming increasingly visible in everyday logistics processes. Many publications have already dealt with what technological innovations could be introduced to improve the flow of materials, but relatively few have dealt with the extent to which these theoretical solutions are also present in practice. In connection with this gap, the current research aims to examine the effectiveness and impact of AI use in the logistics field. This paper is a follow-up study on the topic as the logistics AI use was already analyzed in Pest County in the framework of this study direction. Since this study is still the second step of the already commenced research work, the very study does not try to draw conclusions leading to generalization but rather aims to draw causal conclusions of a pilot nature. In the research tools, the paper uses the qualitative design from the previous study (applied in another geographical territory-Zala County) but at the same time examines other analyzing methods like SEM modelling as a potential tool to be integrated.

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Background: Despite the fact that some results can be found for the logistics simulation in the literature, there is a lack of an experiment based on inner company data. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the potential need for this kind of solution by Zala County enterprises. Methods: As a first step, the paper presents the existing literature with the help of a literature review. Afterwards, questionnaire sampling was conducted among local enterprises. The paper applies several statistical methods (e.g., descriptive statistics, SPSS, exploratory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling) to the sample for the validation of the reorganization demand. Results: The study obtained a total of 147 complete responses from the 1022 invitations. An overwhelming majority of the respondents indicated regular and significant delays in their logistics processes, as well as the need for a new simulation method. Based on the SEM model, it has been observed that IT solutions are being utilized in an inefficient manner, resulting in logistical system issues and operational damages. Conclusion: The paper successfully identified a research gap, the research of which can have not only theoretical but also many practical benefits. Hopefully, the results will generate other academic research in this field.
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Smart Logistics (SL) offers a competitive advantage for e-commerce by utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as IoT, AI, Blockchain, Cloud computing, 5G, etc. This technology automates, optimizes, and enables real-time tracking and monitoring of shipments, predicts, and prevents delays, and optimizes delivery routes and schedules. It also provides greater visibility and control, allowing e-commerce businesses to react quickly and efficiently to changes in demand or supply. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of digitalization on trade logistics in e-commerce, emphasizing the significance of smart logistics for the e-commerce industry. We reviewed 288 articles published in the last decade in the Scopus database to assess the maturity of research in this area. For researchers, this study provides a better understanding of smart e-commerce logistics and identifies research gaps in the literature. For e-commerce professionals, it can help them adopt the latest technological trends in their logistics. Through a systematic literature review and network analysis approach, the study has contributed by identifying 5 clusters related to ICT application fields in e-commerce and 5 clusters related to important ICT enablers in smart logistics. We also identified several research gaps and areas for future study, including the underutilization of computer vision technology and the need for further research on product quality inspection and accessibility for people with disabilities. Additionally, we suggest exploring the power of deep learning to solve Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) and optimizing sensing data volume for minimizing costs associated with data storage and transfer. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in smart logistics for e-commerce and serves as a guide for future research in this field.
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The growing complexity of the logistics chain, the need to take on an ever longer and distributed logistic chain, which in some cases even reaches the final stages of the production of the same goods, highlights the problem of managing the post-production phases of products and goods, but also of the personnel who work on these activities, charged to the companies that deal with logistics. We present in this paper the Integrated Logistic Platform (ILP 4.0), a software architectural model, whose purpose is to lead warehouse logistics to new levels of efficiency, not reachable as the sum of the operational functions within a single logistic company, but reachable only through a unique and cross-functional system, which surpasses the usual fragmented vision and consequent approaches, in favor a strategic coordination of all activities. In this paper it is described the general architecture of the realized platform, with its research contributions and innovations, in particular related to some typical problems of warehouse environments, solved with the help of machine learning and computer vision approaches, but also with the integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices. The aim of the integration of these technologies in the project is the definition of a “smart” warehouse model environment, capable of mitigate problems of warehouse logistics such as: automation of the inventory process (through an UAV), control of warehouse movements, and management of logical / physical security of the premises. Based on the experiences made on the project, and focusing the attention on the safety and security aspects in logistics, that the platform covers, we discuss further a possible federated learning approach in order to mitigate the lack of data in order to solve some security and safety problems in the logistic area.
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The growing demand for fresher and better quality food products has led various researchers to propose solutions in this field. Besides the increase in food production, the efficiency of food logistics must be improved to reduce waste. An efficient food supply chain also reduces the final cost of products, increases producers’ incomes, mitigates the environmental impacts, and allows transportation of fresher, healthier foods. Collection and analysis of information on product tracking and stakeholder demands can improve supply chain efficiency, providing important insights to managers. Technological solutions, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Twin (DT), and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), have been proposed for monitoring and tracking products and analyzing data collected while supporting decision-making. However, there are still few studies about the integration of these technologies, especially DTs, intelligent models, and DLTs. Thus, this work presents a review of the application of these technologies for food logistics, identifying the main requirements and summarizing how they can be applied in each logistics stage. Related surveys are discussed to find gaps in the literature and six research questions are defined and answered, aiming to argue about how the chosen technologies can be applied and combined to attempt the identified requirements. Lastly, this work discusses research opportunities in the fresh food supply chain, presenting some open challenges for adoption while integrating these technologies.
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Our research strives to examine how simulation models of logistics systems can be produced automatically from verbal descriptions in natural language and how human experts and artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems can collaborate in the domain of simulation modelling. We demonstrate that a framework constructed upon the refined GPT-3 Codex is capable of generating functionally valid simulations for queuing and inventory management systems when provided with a verbal explanation. As a result, the language model could produce simulation models for inventory and process control. These results, along with the rapid improvement of language models, enable a significant simplification of simulation model development. Our study offers guidelines and a design of a natural language processing-based framework on how to build simulation models of logistics systems automatically, given the verbal description. In generalised terms, our work offers a technological underpinning of human-AI collaboration for the development of simulation models.
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This survey paper discusses opportunities and threats of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the manufacturing sector with consideration for offensive and defensive uses of such technology. It starts with an introduction of Industry 4.0 concept and an understanding of AI use in this context. Then provides elements of security principles and detection techniques applied to operational technology (OT) which forms the main attack surface of manufacturing systems. As some intrusion detection systems (IDS) already involve some AI-based techniques, we focus on existing machine-learning and data-mining based techniques in use for intrusion detection. This article presents the major strengths and weaknesses of the main techniques in use. We also discuss an assessment of their relevance for application to OT, from the manufacturer point of view. Another part of the paper introduces the essential drivers and principles of Industry 4.0, providing insights on the advent of AI in manufacturing systems as well as an understanding of the new set of challenges it implies. AI-based techniques for production monitoring, optimisation and control are proposed with insights on several application cases. The related technical, operational and security challenges are discussed and an understanding of the impact of such transition on current security practices is then provided in more details. The final part of the report further develops a vision of security challenges for Industry 4.0. It addresses aspects of orchestration of distributed detection techniques, introduces an approach to adversarial/robust AI development and concludes with human–machine behaviour monitoring requirements.
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The advent of the Industry 4.0 initiative has made it so that manufacturing environments are becoming more and more dynamic, connected but also inherently more complex, with additional inter-dependencies, uncertainties and large volumes of data being generated. Recent advances in Industrial Artificial Intelligence have showcased the potential of this technology to assist manufacturers in tackling the challenges associated with this digital transformation of Cyber-Physical Systems, through its data-driven predictive analytics and capacity to assist decision-making in highly complex, non-linear and often multistage environments. However, the industrial adoption of such solutions is still relatively low beyond the experimental pilot stage, as real environments provide unique and difficult challenges for which organizations are still unprepared. The aim of this paper is thus two-fold. First, a systematic review of current Industrial Artificial Intelligence literature is presented, focusing on its application in real manufacturing environments to identify the main enabling technologies and core design principles. Then, a set of key challenges and opportunities to be addressed by future research efforts are formulated along with a conceptual framework to bridge the gap between research in this field and the manufacturing industry, with the goal of promoting industrial adoption through a successful transition towards a digitized and data-driven company-wide culture. This paper is among the first to provide a clear definition and holistic view of Industrial Artificial Intelligence in the Industry 4.0 landscape, identifying and analysing its fundamental building blocks and ongoing trends. Its findings are expected to assist and empower researchers and manufacturers alike to better understand the requirements and steps necessary for a successful transition into Industry 4.0 supported by AI, as well as the challenges that may arise during this process.
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Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies ensure the ongoing development of micro-and macroeconomic entities by focusing on the principles of interconnectivity, digitalization, and automation. In this context, artificial intelligence is seen as one of the major enablers for Smart Logistics and Smart Production initiatives. This paper systematically analyzes the scientific literature on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning in the context of Smart Logistics management in industrial enterprises. Furthermore, based on the results of the systematic literature review, the authors present a conceptual framework, which provides fruitful implications based on recent research findings and insights to be used for directing and starting future research initiatives in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) in Smart Logistics.
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Enterprises are confronted with new customer requirements and challenged by global competition leading to fundamental changes of today’s industry. Against this background, at present Industry 4.0 is the main concept of dealing with these challenges in manufacturing. Lacking a comparable covering concept in logistics, this study aims to stringently unify diverse approaches in research to a Logistics 4.0-framework in order to generate a new picture of the state of logistics research. In this article, a comprehensive framework of Logistics 4.0 is developed. First, the term Logistics 4.0 is defined, and then a systematic literature review of 114 articles on Logistics 4.0 is performed. The resulting framework combines external triggers, main technological innovations, impacts of human interactions and logistics tasks. Existing solutions that support Logistics 4.0 are summarised according to the technologies: internet of things, cyber-physical systems, Big Data, cloud computing, mobile-based systems, social media-based systems and further technologies. Managerial implications are outlined and open research issues are examined. For researchers, this review offers the possibility to unify and expand existing solutions and to identify links and interfaces that are still needed. As for managerial implications, this framework can be used to identify future strategies and technologies to fulfil certain logistics tasks, but also to develop new technological solutions for current and future demands.
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The recent White House report on Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Lee, 2016) highlights the significance of AI and the necessity of a clear roadmap and strategic investment in this area. As AI emerges from science fiction to become the frontier of world-changing technologies, there is an urgent need for systematic development and implementation of AI to see its real impact in the next generation of industrial systems, namely Industry 4.0. Within the 5C architecture previously proposed in Lee et al. (2015), this paper provides an insight into the current state of AI technologies and the eco-system required to harness the power of AI in industrial applications.
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Ez a könyv azoknak készült, akik úgy érzik, egy-egy kutatási problémára kvalitatív szemszögből is rá lehet tekinteni, és hogy a mélyinterjún és a fókuszcsoporton kívül más (számos esetben alternatívnak tekinthető) kvalitatív technikák is léteznek. Azoknak, akik úgy gondolják, hogy be vannak szorítva a mainstream által meghatározott játéktérbe, és keresik a kifelé vezető utat. Azoknak, akiket valamilyen kutatási probléma elé sodort az élet, és szeretnék azt újszerű, az eddigiektől eltérő módon megoldani. Azoknak, akik hisznek a kvalitatív kutatások létjogosultságában, és azoknak is, akik szkeptikusak iránta. A kutatásmódszertan könyv elsősorban gyakorló kutatóknak, PhD- és mesterszakos hallgatóknak íródott, de haszonnal forgathatják olyanok is, akiket bármilyen szempontból érdekel a kvalitatív kutatások világa. A könyvben a kvalitatív kutatás filozófiája, valamint a kvalitatív kutatási terv alapos áttekintése után a következő technikákkal találkozhatunk: grounded theory, esettanulmány, netnográfia, videográfia, narratív technika, értelmező (interpretatív) fotóinterjú, kutatói önmegfigyelés, projektív technikák, metaforák használata, kollázstechnika.
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Folyóiratunk ezen számának kettős célja van. Egyrészt olyan módszertani írásokat tartalmaz, amelyek segítséget nyújthatnak olyan graduális vagy posztgraduális hallgatóknak, akik úgy döntenek, hogy egy új, a megszokott társadalomkutatási módszerektől eltérő módszert használnak kutatásaikhoz. Másrészt a szám kifejezetten olyan írásoknak kíván helyet biztosítani, amelyeket bizonyos értelemben módszertani innovációnak tekinthetünk. Persze ezen a ponton azonnal felmerül a kérdés, hogy mit is tekinthetünk módszertani innovációnak a kvalitatív „térfélen”.
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In most cases, the project management is dealing with the "intelligent" reuse of know-how from previous projects and its adaptation to a similar, new project. Until now, purely quantitative and "hard" project management techniques like the critical path method and the project evaluation and review technique have been dominant. With this main stream approach, only simply structured logistics projects can normally be managed. In this paper, we present an ontology- driven case-based reasoning system (SCM Project Recom- mender) that can measure the similarity between knowledge collections, which are written in natural language. The application is implemented by using the open source case-based reasoning development framework jCOLIBRI.
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Hello everyone. The publishers have given me permission to upload chapter four and the contents pages. Unfortunately, I am unable to share any other chapters for copyright reasons. There is however a large amount of material on my YouTube channel marksaundersonresearchmethods. Mark
As part of TIV's DHW on Vehicle 5.0, this letter introduces a novel concept, Logistics 5.0, to address high complexities in logistics Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS). Building upon the theory of parallel intelligence and leveraging advanced technologies and methods such as blockchain, scenarios engineering, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and Operations (DAOs), Logistics 5.0 promises to accelerate the paradigm shift towards intelligent and sustainable logistics. First, the parallel logistics framework is proposed, and the logistics ecosystem is discussed. Then, the human-oriented operating systems (HOOS) are suggested to providing intelligent Logistics 5.0 solutions. Logistics 5.0 serves as a critical catalyst in realizing the “6S” objectives, i.e. Safety, Security, Sustainability, Sensitivity, Service, and Smartness, within the logistics industry.
Manapság a mesterséges intelligenciával ellátott rendszerek körbevesznek minket, mégis vannak olyan területek, ahol nem, vagy csak elvétve használják őket. Ezen területek egyike a logisztika. Bár az önvezető járművek már régen megjelentek, a teljesen autonóm járművek pedig rohamosan terjednek, ezen kívül nem hallani más részterületéről a logisztikának, ahol a mesterséges intelligencia betöltene bármilyen szerepet. Jelen cikkben feltárásra kerülnek a mesterséges intelligencia formái és ezek hasznosíthatósága a logisztika, azon belül is elsősorban a belső logisztika területén. Meghatározásra kerülnek még olyan adatok és paraméterek, amelyeket érdemes gyűjteni és előkészíteni egy MI számára, hogy később ezekből hasznos információt, előrejelzéseket és folyamatok közötti váratlan kapcsolatokat lehessen feltárni.
Nowadays, Industry 4.0 can be considered a reality, a paradigm integrating modern technologies and innvoations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be considered the leading component of the industrial transformation enabling intelligent machines to execute tasks autonomously like self-monitoring, interpretation, diagnosis, and analysis. AI-based methodologies (especially Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) support manufacturers and industries in predicting their maintenance needs and reducing downtime. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) studies and designs approaches, algorithms and tools producing human-understandable explanations of AI-based systems information and decisions. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of AI and XAI-based methods adopted in the Industry 4.0 scenario. First, we briefly discuss different technologies enabling Industry 4.0. Then, we present an in-depth investigation of the main methods used in literature: we also provide the details of what, how, why, and where these methods have been applied for Industry 4.0. Further, we illustrate the opportunities and challenges that elicit future research directions towards responsible or human-centric AI and XAI systems, essential for adopting high-stakes industry applications.
The increasing need for economic, safe, and sustainable smart manufacturing combined with novel technological enablers has paved the way for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data in industries. This implies a substantial integration of AI, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Robotics, big data, Blockchain, and 5G communications in support of smart manufacturing and the dynamical processes in modern industry. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of different aspects of AI and big data in Industry 4.0 with a particular focus on key applications, techniques, the concepts involved, key enabling technologies, challenges, and research perspective towards deployment of Industry 5.0. In detail, we highlight and analyze how the duo of AI and big data is helping in different applications of Industry 4.0. We also highlight key challenges in a successful deployment of AI and big data solutions in smart industrial applications with a particular emphasis on data-related issues, such as availability, bias, auditing, management, interpretability, communication, and different adversarial attacks and security issues. Finally, we explore the significance of AI and big data towards Industry 4.0 applications through panoramic reviews and discussions. This work is expected to provide a baseline for future research in the domain.
Artificial intelligence (AI) contributes to the recent developments in Industry 4.0. Industries are focusing on improving product consistency, productivity and reducing operating costs, and they want to achieve this with the collaborative partnership between robotics and people. In smart industries, hyperconnected manufacturing processes depend on different machines that interact using AI automation systems by capturing and interpreting all data types. Smart platforms of automation can play a decisive role in transforming modern production. AI provides appropriate information to take decision-making and alert people of possible malfunctions. Industries will use AI to process data transmitted from the Internet of things (IoT) devices and connected machines based on their desire to integrate them into their equipment. It provides companies with the ability to track their entire end-to-end activities and processes fully. This literature review-based paper aims to brief the vital role of AI in successfully implementing Industry 4.0. Accordingly, the research objectives are crafted to facilitate researchers, practitioners, students and industry professionals in this paper. First, it discusses the significant technological features and traits of AI, critical for Industry 4.0. Second, this paper identifies the significant advancements and various challenges enabling the implementation of AI for Industry 4.0. Finally, the paper identifies and discusses significant applications of AI for Industry 4.0. With an extensive review-based exploration, we see that the advantages of AI are widespread and the need for stakeholders in understanding the kind of automation platform they require in the new manufacturing order. Furthermore, this technology seeks correlations to avoid errors and eventually to anticipate them. Thus, AI technology is gradually accomplishing various goals of Industry 4.0.
This article reviews the history of artificial intelligence and introduces the reader to major events that prompted interest in the field, as well as pitfalls and challenges that have slowed its development. The purpose of this article is to provide a high-level historical perspective on the development of the field over the past decades, highlighting the potential of the field for transforming health care, but also the importance of setting realistic expectations for artificial intelligence applications to avoid repeating historical cyclical trends and a third "artificial intelligence winter."
Mesterséges Intelligencia a logisztikában -Magyarországi helyzetkép elemzés és készletezés
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