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Pamięć o przeszłości jako uzasadnienie decyzji kluczowych dla teraźniejszości. O zmaganiach Łotwy z Tatjaną Żdanok i Tatjany Żdanok z państwem łotewskim



The present article outlines the conflict between the representative of the pro-Kremlin part of the Russian minority in Latvia and the local political community. The case will be presented in the broader context of the problems that emerge due to the constitutionalisation of new democratic communities after the fall of communism, the issues of the rule of law together, with questions of its unlimited inclusiveness. By discussing the case of Tatiana Zhdanok in a broad socio-political and historical context, it will be possible to reflect on Central European dilemmas concerning the values considered to be leading within the political community.
Słowa kluczowe:
Keywords: 
© Autor, 2024.
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 
     
       
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           
        
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       
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           
           Theories of
Social Remembering
Wiek skrajności. Spojrzenie na krótkie XX stulecie
   
       
         
 
        
  
  
       
 Satversmes tiesa
       
        
       
 
 
          
             
           
             
   
        
         
             
    
Latvia From Eastern Bloc to European Union     
      
 
     
        
   
         
       
   
         
  
od krytyki        
        
   
   
 
   
Ždanoka v. Latvia
Why autocrats love constitutional identity and constitutional pluralism
Lessons from Hungary and Poland n 
  
 
pierestrojki  
    
    
 
        
   
     
    
     
           
State Continuity and Nationality: The Baltic States and Russia. Past, present
and future as dened by international law
Toward the West: Baltic realignment and Russia’s reply
 
   
  
      
de facto
    
        
         
     
        
         
        
         
        
        
 Ibidem
          
 
   
   
           
     
 
 
       
          
          
     Bloody Sunday: What did Gorbachev know about the January
1991 events in Vilnius and Riga?
          
           
    
   
Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European
IdentityAutorytet państwa. Legitymizacyjne
znaczenie prawa w państwowej transformacji ustrojowej
      O odnowieniu niepodległości Republiki
 
 
 
        
          
          
         
         
     
    
   
        
 
          
         
        
We Carried Out the People’s
 
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  
       
        
       
     
 
    
       
      
     
        
   
         
        
   
 
       
   
  
    
        
    
    
de facto
   
     
      Saeimy   
   
 
        
      
       
       
           
        
  
 
       
       
 
  
      
          
      
   
 
        
   
   
            
 
     
         
 
       
          
        
             
           
        
 
        
       
 
      
    
    
      
        
          
 
    
          
         Saeiemy 
 
   
      
        
        
       
         
      
Ždanoka vs. Latvia
   
         
  
        
       
            
          Ždanoka
v. Latvia
 
     
     
       
       
  
   
        
          
        lex specialis
       
     
    
        
   
de facto
  
    
    
            
 
         
        
        
      
   
     
   
militant democracy
 
Konstytucyjne ramy pamięci? Narracje pamięci w preambułach do konstytucji
państw postkomunistycznych  Nowy konstytucjonalizm. Polityczność, tożsamość, sfera
 
         
        
      
         
 
   
     
       
     
         
        
          
Jak społeczeństwa pamiętają
Kilka uwag o praktyce wykładni
 
   Zachód porwany albo tragedia Europy Środkowej  
 
cepcja militant democracy
      
      
    
         
    
 
          
    
       
        
      
      
         
 
    
        
    
   
       
      
       
    
        
Citizenship status and social exclusion in Estonia and Latvia
Toward the West: Baltic realignment and Russia’s reply   
Fragmentation, “lex specialis” and the tensions in the jurisprudence of the European
Court of Human Rights
Jak społeczeństwa pamiętają
Konstytucyjne ramy pamięci? Narracje pamięci w preambułach do konstytucji państw
postkomunistycznychNowy konstytucjonalizm. Polityczność, tożsamość, sfera publiczna
Wiek skrajności. Spojrzenie na krótkie XX stulecie
  Ždanoka  Latvia  European Court of Human Rights: The boundaries of the
right to be elected under Article 3 of the rst Protocol to the European Convention on Human
Rights. Judgment of 16 March 2006, Ždanoka v. Latvia 
Januar 1991 Barrikaden in Lettland
 
We Carried Out the People’s Will
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sons from Hungary and Poland
Checks and Balances in Latvian Nationality Policies: National Agendas and International
Zachód porwany albo tragedia Europy Środkowej
Bloody Sunday: What did Gorbachev know about the January 1991 events in Vilnius and
Kilka uwag o praktyce wykładni
LatviaFrom Eastern Bloc to European Union
Theories of Social Remembering
 Autorytet państwa. Legitymizacyjne znaczenie prawa w państwowej
transformacji ustrojowej
Under the Radar: Tracking Western Radio Listeners in the Soviet Union
Foreign precedents in the case-law of the Latvian Constitutional Court
Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity
Post-Soviet Latvia — a consolidated or defective democracy? The interaction between
domestic and European trajectories
Securing the only game in town: The EU’s political conditionality and democratic con-
solidation in post-Soviet Latvia
Ethnic proling: A rising challenge for European human rights law
State Continuity and Nationality: The Baltic States and Russia: Past, Present and Future
as Dened by International Law
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The state of democracy in post-communist Europe has been subject to some debate in recent years; but it needs to take account of longer-term trends. The focus here is on how far the EU's political conditionality has contributed to democratic consolidation using an in-depth case study of post-Soviet Latvia. The record of the impacts of conditionality up to EU entry is examined and then attention turns to whether post-accession tendencies have demonstrated any significant changes after the end of Brussels' monitoring. Using a comparative framework, this article shows that the outcome after four years of EU membership is mixed with both positive and negative results. It is concluded that there is no automatic locking-in effect of European integration; and that conditionality assists democratic consolidation more in structural than in attitudinal or behavioural terms.
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Recent developments in post-communist Europe and Latvia in particular have raised questions about political stability in new democracies there. This article argues for taking a long-term perspective on this problem in place of short-term judgments. In doing so, it makes special reference to the EU's political conditionality and its impacts on Latvia and then applies comparative lessons on democratic consolidation based on the concept of ‘partial regimes’. It becomes clear in this analysis that the consolidation process in Latvia has advanced over the past decade and more and, in this respect, the EU did have an important, though limited and rather specific, impact. Yet this process is still incomplete, with historical legacies being a major factor. The ethnic divide has also remained largely unresolved, party development problems have persisted and the public is still unconvinced by the actual democracy they see before them and is alienated by political elite behavior in particular. Hence, Latvia does not have a defective democracy as such, but further change is necessary before democratic consolidation may be achieved there.
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Ethnic profiling, defined as the use of racial, ethnic or religious background as a determining criterion for the adoption of law enforcement decisions, has been rising significantly in Europe, in particular in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. This article examines whether European human rights law is well equipped to deal with this challenge, and if not, how it should be reformed. Against the widely held assumption that personal data protection legislation is insufficiently protective of sensitive data relating to race or ethnicity, it explains instead why combating ethnic profiling has been made more difficult, rather than less, by an overly protective reading of the requirements of data protection laws. It then discusses the additional measures that European states could take to address more effectively the human rights concerns prompted by the development of ethnic profiling.
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This chapter attempts to radicalize arguments the author has presented in previous collections. He draws on his own experience of taking Kurdish (from 1994 to 1999) and then Chechen (from 2000 to the present) cases to the European Court of Human Rights. He employs materialist and historicized account of international law and human rights for which he contends. He argues that the lex specialis doctrine as developed in recent case-law of the International Court of Justice (the ICJ) contains a category error, insofar as it brings human rights law and humanitarian law into a relationship with each other; for example, that of ‘complementarity’. Chalk is being compared with, or even substituted by, cheese. He starts with an analysis of the confusion of the ICJ. He then turns to the concept of ‘fragmentation of international law’ as it impacts on the issue of the relationship between the two bodies of law, and then outlines what are for him the key differences between IHL and IHRL. Finally, he illustrates his position in contrast to a number of contemporary scholars: Schabas, Droege, Hampson, Abresch, Quenivet and Orakhelashvili. His conclusion is that the European Court of Human Rights has in this matter at least, consciously or not, chosen the correct path in dealing with cases that have come before it, especially the Chechen cases.
Findings from the Norbalt living conditions surveys in Estonia and Latvia are used to examine whether persons without Estonian and Latvian citizenship are at greater risk of social exclusion than citizens in these two countries. the level of integration into the labor market, participation in civil society and political life, degree of social isolation, and the level of economic resources among the two groups are analyzed. In Estonia non-citizens are more at risk of social exclusion compared to Estonian citizens, while in Latvia one finds no statistically significant difference between the groups. In both countries educational level is much more important than citizenship status in explaining social exclusion.
In January 1991 Soviet troops conducted several military operations in Vilnius and Riga aimed at subduing the renegade Baltic republics. In the aftermath of these events, nearly 20 civilians died and dozens were injured. To this day, Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union at that time, denies knowing or approving of these operations. This article reexamines his claims of innocence and finds convincing evidence to the contrary: most likely, he did not order the deaths of innocent people, but he embraced the solution that led to this outcome.
Konstytucyjne ramy pamięci? Narracje pamięci w preambułach do konstytucji państw postkomunistycznych
  • F Cyuńczyk
Cyuńczyk F., Konstytucyjne ramy pamięci? Narracje pamięci w preambułach do konstytucji państw postkomunistycznych, [w:] Nowy konstytucjonalizm. Polityczność, tożsamość, sfera publiczna, red. A. Czarnota, M. Paździora, M. Stambulski, Warszawa 2021.