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Full-text of this article is available at This paper reviews research evidence relating to the strength training advice offered by Arthur Jones, founder and retired Chairman of Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries and MedX Corporation. Jones advocated that those interested in improving their muscular size, strength, power and/or endurance should perform one set of each exercise to muscular failure (volitional fatigue), train each muscle group no more than once (or, in some cases, twice) per week, perform each exercise in a slow, controlled manner and perform a moderate number of repetitions (for most people, ~8-12). This advice is very different to the strength training guidelines offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the American College of Sports Medicine and most exercise physiology textbooks. However, in contrast to the lack of scientific support for most of the recommendations made by such bodies and in such books, Jones’ training advice is strongly supported by the peer-reviewed scientific literature, a statement that has recently been supported by a review of American College of Sports Medicine resistance training guidelines. Therefore, we strongly recommend Jones’ methods to athletes and coaches, as they are time-efficient and optimally efficacious, and note that, given his considerable contribution to the field of strength training, academic recognition of this contribution is long overdue.
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Strength Training and Arthur Jones
Journal of Exercise Physiology online
Official Journal of the American
Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP)
ISSN 1097-9751
An International Electronic Journal
Volume 7 Number 6 December 2004
University College Chester, University of Liverpool
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 52
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………….… 53
REVIEW OF RESEARCH …………………………………………………………………………...… 54
Single versus multiple sets ……………………………………………………………………… 54
Optimal Training Frequency …………………………………………………………………... 57
Speed of Movement During Exercise …………………………………………………………59
Optimal Repetition Ranges For Increasing Muscular Strength And Endurance ……………62
CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………… 63
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64
JEPonline. 2004;7(6):52-68. This paper reviews research evidence relating to the strength training advice
offered by Arthur Jones, founder and retired Chairman of Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries and MedX
Corporation. Jones advocated that those interested in improving their muscular size, strength, power and/or
endurance should perform one set of each exercise to muscular failure (volitional fatigue), train each muscle
group no more than once (or, in some cases, twice) per week, perform each exercise in a slow, controlled
manner and perform a moderate number of repetitions (for most people, ~8-12). This advice is very different
to the strength training guidelines offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the
American College of Sports Medicine and most exercise physiology textbooks. However, in contrast to the
lack of scientific support for most of the recommendations made by such bodies and in such books, Jones’
training advice is strongly supported by the peer-reviewed scientific literature, a statement that has recently
been supported by a review of American College of Sports Medicine resistance training guidelines.
Therefore, we strongly recommend Jones’ methods to athletes and coaches, as they are time-efficient and
optimally efficacious, and note that, given his considerable contribution to the field of strength training,
academic recognition of this contribution is long overdue.
Key Words: Weight training, Bodybuilding, Power, Muscular endurance, Nautilus, MedX
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
During the past thirty or so years, the popularity of weight training has increased enormously.
Simultaneously, the number of popular books and articles devoted to this topic has also increased, and those
interested in improving their muscular size and strength are confronted by a rather bewildering array of
information sources, many of which appear to contradict one another. Issues such as how many sets and
repetitions individuals should perform, the movement cadence individuals should adopt, frequency of
training, and how to specifically target increased power or muscular endurance are discussed regularly in
popular weight training magazines and books, with little in the way of agreement between the individuals
writing in such publications.
In contrast, an examination of recent exercise physiology textbooks (1-3), most specialist strength and
conditioning textbooks (4-10) and of the guidelines produced by certification organisations such as the
National Strength and Conditioning Association (11) and the American College of Sports Medicine (12)
reveals an apparent academic consensus as to how individuals should perform weight training for optimal
results. The guidelines issued by such sources state that experienced trainees should perform –
1. multiple sets of each exercise for best results,
2. low-repetition sets to increase strength and high-repetition sets to increase muscular endurance, and
3. repetitions explosively (i.e. with a relatively fast cadence) for optimal power development.
Also, they argue that for experienced trainees, very frequent, high-volume training up to 4-5 days/week
twice/day, for a total of around 21 hours of training/week (12) will produce best results.
However, this consensus on optimal strength training methods is not shared by everyone in this field (13-
20). A recent article has, for instance, criticised the ACSM resistance training guidelines for their lack of
empirical support (13), and another paper (14) has pointed out that despite claims to the contrary, the
available evidence does not favour the multiple-set approach advocated by the ACSM and NSCA. Such
criticisms are, however, not new. One individual, who has been offering advice directly contradicting all of
the above recommendations for over thirty years, is Arthur Jones, founder and retired Chairman of Nautilus
Sports/Medical Industries and MedX Corporation. In the early 1970s, when Jones first developed his
Nautilus exercise equipment, he began to publish advice as to how to use this equipment for best results.
However, the advice he gave can be (and was intended to be) utilised by those using any kind of weight
training equipment. This advice was published in over 100 articles within various fitness magazines and
technical journals, and in several books, between 1970 and 1998. Jones’ recommendations (15-20), aimed at
anyone wishing to increase muscular strength, hypertrophy, power and endurance, can be summarised as
1. Perform one set of each exercise to muscular failure. Additional sets will not provide better results.
2. Train each muscle group no more than twice/week, and many individuals will produce optimal
results from training each muscle group no more than once/week.
3. Move slowly and deliberately during each exercise. Such exercise form will produce optimal
increases in strength and power.
4. For most individuals, best results will be achieved by performing a moderate number of repetitions
(around 8 to 12) rather than very high or low repetitions. This will produce optimal increases in muscle
strength and endurance, which are related in that increases in strength will be accompanied by increases
in muscular endurance.
Therefore, in summary, Jones’ recommendations are to train hard (to muscular failure) but relatively briefly
and infrequently to optimise muscular strength, hypertrophy, power and endurance. In contrast to the
recommendations of many exercise physiologists, who advocate strength training programs that can
consume upwards of twenty hours/week (8,11), Jones recommends training for a maximum of about 90
min/week. It is important to note here that Jones’ work has never been published in peer-reviewed scientific
journals. Some physiologists have pointed this out in an attempt to discredit Jones’ theories (21,22).
However, the aim of this article is to point out that his hypotheses have mostly been strongly supported by
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
the peer-reviewed scientific literature. This is in great contrast to the recommendations made in many
exercise physiology textbooks and by some prominent exercise certification organisations, which appear to
have very little scientific support, and which a great deal of scientific evidence clearly contradicts. The
following sections examine the scientific literature relating to each of Jones’ training recommendations.
Single Versus Multiple Sets
From his earliest writings (15) to his final ones (20), Jones argued that optimal increases in muscular
strength and hypertrophy can be produced from one set carried to a point of momentary muscular failure
(muscular failure), and that further sets are therefore unnecessary. For example, in his book The lumbar
spine, the cervical spine and the knee: testing and rehabilitation (18, p. 44), he stated:
How many sets of the exercise? One. Additional sets usually serve no purpose and may produce a
state of overtraining with some subjects…The exercise should be stopped when the subject is no longer
capable of completing a full-range movement without jerking
In contrast, the most recent editions of many popular textbooks (1,4,6,8), and the guidelines of both the
NSCA (11) and ACSM (12), advocate the performance of multiple sets of each exercise for best results. For
example, Watson (3) suggests that although single sets are useful for beginners “...the superiority of the
multiple-set system has been demonstrated, and this method of training is appropriate for experienced
strength trained athletes” (p. 97). Fleck and Kraemer (8) claim, “…a single-set system may not promote the
cellular adaptations required to support long-term gains in strength and power” (p. 119). In examining this
literature, we have been unable to find a single general exercise physiology textbook that recommends
single-set training although Wilmore and Costill (7) and Powers and Howley (23) suggest there is ambiguity
within the literature regarding single versus multiple-set training. However, some strength training textbooks
(24-27) do recommend single sets.
This general bias in favour of multiple sets is very interesting, given that the great preponderance of
scientific studies show that single sets produce results at least as good as those produced by multiple sets,
both in previously trained and untrained subjects. For example, Starkey et al. (28) observed there were no
significant differences when knee extension and knee flexion were examined with groups that either
undertook training 3 days/week utilising either high volume (3 sets) or low volume (1 set). Peak isometric
knee extension torque increased by 15.1 % and 14.8 %, and knee flexion by 13.9 % and 16.2 %, using 1 and
3 sets, respectively. In addition, Starkey et al. also reported significant increases in muscle thickness, with
no significant between-group differences. Vincent et al. (29) found that a single-set group increased the
weight used on the MedX knee extension by 25.6 %, with an increase in peak isometric torque of 35.4 %,
whereas a three-set group increased weight used by only 14.7 %, with an increase in torque of 32.1 %.
Again, none of these differences were significant.
This was also true of Ostrowski et al. (30) whose subjects used a 1, 2 or 4 set protocol for 10 weeks. There
were significant increases in strength for all groups for 1 RM squat (7.5, 5.5 and 11.6 %), 1 RM bench press
(4.0, 4.7 and 1.9 %) and bench press power (2.3, 2.3 and 3.1%) for the 1, 2 and 4 set groups respectively.
There were no significant differences between the 3 groups. In addition, there were also significant increases
in tricep brachia thickness (2.3, 4.7 and 4.8 %), rectus femoris hypertrophy (6.8, 5.0 and 13.1 %), rectus
femoris circumference (3.0, 1.5 and 6.3 %) and body mass (2.0, 2.6 and 2.2 %) for the 1, 2 and 4 set groups
respectively, although there were no significant differences between the groups.
Pollock et al. (31) showed that single-set training produced very large increases in lumbar extension
strength. After a 10-week training program their subjects showed at 0o (full extension) and 72o (full flexion)
an increase in strength of 102 % and 42 % respectively when compared to the non-exercising control group.
Further work by Pollock et al. (32) showed that a single-set training programme is all that is required in
order to obtain an increase in cervical extension strength. The relative percent increases in cervical extension
strength observed when subjects trained using 1 set of dynamic exercise either once or twice a week were
35% and 40.9% respectively. This is supported by the findings of Tucci et al. (33) who also observed
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
significant increases in lumbar extension strength following 10 or 12 weeks training when using single-set
training. Tucci et al. also observed that this increase in strength can be maintained for an additional 12
weeks by reducing the training frequency to either once every 2 weeks or once every 4 weeks, compared to a
55 % reduction in lumbar strength in subjects who stopped training altogether.
Haas et al. (34) examined the effects of two different strength-training protocols (either 1 or 3 sets of nine
exercises, performed three times/week for 13 weeks) on experienced weight trainers who had been training
for an average of 6.2 years. Both groups increased isometric knee extension and knee flexion torque, lean
body mass and chest and biceps circumference, with no between-group differences on any of these
In a review published in 1998, Carpinelli and Otto (35) concluded that the research to date strongly supports
the idea that single sets can produce optimal results. This was the case in 33 out of the 35 studies they
reviewed. Carpinelli (36) pointed out that many exercise physiology textbooks cite a 1962 study by Berger
(37) as supporting multiple-set training. This study found a small advantage from performing multiple sets
on bench press one-repetition maximum (1 RM; 22.3 % increase from 1 set versus a 25.5 % increase from 3
sets, a 3 % difference in strength from 300 % more training). Carpinelli revealed that the subjects in this
study were performing other weight training exercises during the study, and Berger did not control the
number of sets and repetitions performed on these exercises. Rest times and movement speed were also not
controlled. Also, there was no control for exercise intensity: subjects simply performed a designated number
of repetitions. All these confounding variables call Berger’s conclusions regarding the supposed superiority
of multiple sets into question. Therefore, in contrast to Arthur Jones, whose views have been empirically
validated by a great deal of peer-reviewed research, many exercise physiologists appear to be making
recommendations based on one forty-two-year-old study with numerous confounding variables.
Many of the references cited in books and articles supporting multiple-set training are themselves books and
not research studies, and therefore amount to personal opinion rather than scientific evidence. For example,
Wathen (38) supports the use of multiple sets using references that are books as opposed to research studies
(for example, 39-42). Finally, other studies that have been cited (12,43) as supporting multiple sets are those
of Kraemer (44), Kraemer et al., (45), Kramer et al. (46) and Marx et al. (47). However, the results of these
studies all have something interesting in common. That is, the results produced by single-set training seem
remarkably poor compared to most of the findings in the literature noted above. For example, in Kramer et
al.’s 1997 study, the average increase in subjects’ 1 RM squat following a 14-week training program was
less than 12 %. Contrast this with the findings of Pollock et al. (29), where the lumbar extension strength of
subjects more than doubled in the fully flexed position from one set to muscular failure performed
once/week for 10 weeks. Hurley et al. (48) demonstrated a 50 % increase in lower body strength and a 33 %
increase in upper body strength from a 16-week training regime consisting of a single-set of each exercise to
muscular failure. From a similar training regime, this time lasting just 10 weeks, Messier and Dill (49)
showed a 30 % and 46 % increase in upper body and lower body strength respectively. In contrast, in the
Kraemer et al. (45) study no strength increases occurred after the fourth month of a nine-month training
programme. Marx et al. (47) found no strength increases after the 12th week of a 24-week program. One
strength coach experienced in single-set programs has commented that such poor results from single-set
training make such data rather suspect: that the subjects may not have been supervised adequately (50). One
of the authors of the present paper is a former strength coach who has personally trained many athletes and
has never experienced strength increases as poor with any one individual as the averages reported in these
several studies. In one case (44) there is clear evidence of researcher bias. That is, with one important
dependent variable reported by the author, 1 RM hang clean, the multiple-set group practiced this exercise as
part of their training protocol but the single-set group did not. Also, two other exercises (leg press and bench
press) were performed in 33 % more workouts by the multiple-set group than by the single-set group.
Finally, the single-set group performed sets of 8-12 repetitions throughout the study whereas the multiple-set
group performed some sets with 3-5 repetitions, again potentially biasing the results of the 1 RM tests. That
is, the multiple-set group may well have performed better in the 1 RM tests because the multiple-set subjects
were more used to performing low-repetition sets. It appears that this author, whose opposition to single-set
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
training is very clear from the tone of this paper, has allowed his personal preference to influence his
research design.
The Marx et al. (47) study also contained numerous confounding variables. In this experiment, untrained
females were allocated to either a single-set or multiple-set group for a six-month training programme. The
single-set group performed one set of 8-12 repetitions on each of ten machine exercises three times/week,
whereas the multiple-set group performed 2-4 sets of free weight and machine exercises four times/week,
with varying repetition ranges (8-10 reps twice/week, and a mix of 3-5 reps, 8-10 reps and 12-15 reps
twice/week). The multiple-set group showed a significantly greater increase in strength than the single-set
group on the I RM leg press and bench press, and a significant increase in lean body mass, which the single-
set group failed to demonstrate. However, there are several serious design flaws in this study. First, the
multiple-set group practiced both exercises that were used as dependent variables during the study, whereas
the single-set group only practiced one of these exercises. Also, as in the Kraemer (44) study, the low-
repetition sets practiced by the multiple-set group may have given that group an advantage in the 1 RM
strength tests. Finally, the differing training modalities used by the two groups (i.e. free weights and
machines versus machines only) may also have confounded the results.
To ensure a valid test of the hypothesis that single and multiple sets will produce differing physiological
effects, the only variable that should differ between groups is the number of sets: where this requirement has
been met, single sets have almost always been shown to be at least as effective as multiple sets (26-28,32).
The only exception is a study by Borst et al. (51), who found that a three times/week training program
produced significantly greater strength increases when three sets of each of the seven exercises were
performed compared to one set. However, neither group significantly increased body mass or changed body
composition, suggesting that though the greater practice gained by the three set group facilitated greater
improvement in the performance of the exercises, neither protocol was effective in producing myogenic
effects. Therefore, an appropriate conclusion from this would seem to be that the three times/week regimen
used was not very effective regardless of whether three sets or one set of each exercise were performed.
The authors of two recent meta-analyses (52,53) claim that their findings support the superiority of multiple
sets. Both meta-analyses claim to include all relevant published studies. In the 2002 paper (52), the authors
analyse 16 studies that have examined the effects of weight training programmes comprising one and three
sets per exercise respectively. The 2003 paper (53) compares the results of 140 studies that have examined
the effects of strength training interventions, in an attempt to determine how many sets per muscle group are
best. The two meta-analyses in question compare many studies loaded with potentially confounding
variables. These include varying numbers of repetitions, different exercises and training modalities, different
training intensities (i.e. some studies specify training to muscular failure and others don’t), different strength
measures, different subject populations (healthy and diseased, sedentary and athletic, young and old), and
different dietary constraints. The idea that one can meaningfully compare studies with so many differences
is clearly questionable. It is also important to point out that the great majority of the studies in the 2003
meta-analysis were not designed to compare the effects of single and multiple-set weight training: they were
actually designed to examine such widely differing topics as the effects of various nutritional supplements,
the effects of weight training in different age groups, changes in cardiovascular function as a response to
weight training, specificity of training, effect of weight training on bone mineral density, balance, walking
speed and many other variables. We contend that comparing such a hodgepodge of studies will simply not
provide meaningful results: the idea that the differences between the studies will somehow magically even
themselves out to produce a balanced comparison of different training volumes appears very naïve. Indeed,
researchers have previously criticised this sort of abuse of meta-analysis (‘comparing apples and oranges’;
The confounding variables mentioned above make these meta-analyses a questionable exercise at best, even
if the studies included were well-designed and controlled, and represented all such published studies.
However, neither of these conditions is met. Firstly, the paper includes the Berger (37), Kraemer (44),
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
Kraemer et al. (45) and Kramer et al. (46) studies, the numerous shortcomings of which have been discussed
Of even greater concern is the fact that many studies are missing from the analyses of Rhea and colleagues.
In the 2002 study, supposedly all English-language studies, including abstracts, published by 2000 and
comparing one versus three sets/exercise programs were included. However, this is not the case. At least six
studies published prior to 2000 that examined this topic are not included in their meta-analysis. Interestingly,
none of these studies found any advantage in performing multiple sets. It is a remarkable coincidence that all
these studies ignored by Rhea et al. do not support their conclusions. For example, the Vincent et al. study
noted previously is missing from the analysis, as are studies by Terbizan and Bartels (56), Stowers et al.
(57), Westcott et al. (58), Welsch et al. (59) and Stadler et al. (60).
Given that only 16 studies were included in the analysis, it is likely that the inclusion of these six studies
would have had a major impact on the findings. A similar phenomenon has occurred in their 2003 analysis.
That is, a number of studies showing very large strength increases from single-set training are absent. These
include the six studies noted above, but also a number of others that again are likely to have impacted upon
the results of the meta-analysis. These include the studies by Pollock et al. (31,32), Tucci et al. (33), Graves
et al. (61) and Carpenter et al. (62) mentioned elsewhere in this paper, and other studies by Risch et al. (63),
Highland et al. (64), Peterson (65), Holmes et al. (66), Ryan et al. (67), Koffler et al. (68), Rubin et al. (69),
Capen (70) and Westcott (71). It appears very suspicious that all these studies that have not been included in
the meta-analysis have found single-set training to be very effective. It is also remarkable that three studies
that were included in the 2002 analysis (72-74) are absent from the 2003 one. In total, therefore, 23 studies,
all of which found single-set training to be very effective, are missing from the 2003 analysis. We do not
wish to speculate on the possible reasons for these omissions, but simply note that such omissions, in
conjunction with the methodological problems noted above, render the authors’ conclusions invalid.
Another important point regarding the 2003 analysis is that the study compared single versus multiple sets
per muscle group, not per exercise. It is important to note that those advocating one set per exercise,
including Jones, do not usually hypothesise that one set for every muscle group would lead to optimal
muscle gains. Also, in a well-balanced training program it would be almost impossible to only perform one
set/muscle group, as many exercises work more than one muscle. Therefore, these researchers have
constructed a ‘straw man’ (one set/muscle group) to knock down, presumably knowing that most single-set
trainees, although performing one set/exercise, perform more than one set/muscle.
Overall, it is clear that the great majority of well-controlled, peer-reviewed studies support Jones’ (15,16,18-
20) contention that one set per exercise is all that is necessary to stimulate optimal increases in muscle
strength and hypertrophy. Though there are exceptions in the research literature, these are few and most
suffer from confounding variables and, in some cases, blatant experimenter bias.
Optimal Training Frequency
It is often suggested in the exercise physiology literature that novices train two to three times/week, but that
more experienced trainees should engage in more frequent training. For example, the ACSM (12)
recommend that advanced bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters should perform a “split” routine
(training different muscle groups on different days) involving training four-six days/week, two or three
times/day. In a NSCA publication, Binkley (75) also argues that, in the off-season, athletes should perform
weight training four-six days/week. Fleck and Kraemer (8) state that in order to increase strength, maximal
voluntary muscular actions should be undertaken on a daily basis. They also state that more frequent training
sessions result in greater increases in strength. These recommendations contrast vividly with the views of
Jones, who in his early work (14,15) advocated training the whole body three times/week, later amended to
training each muscle group only once or, at most, twice/week (20). “How many weekly workouts? Not more
than two, and some people will produce better results from only one weekly workout. More is not always
better, and in the case of exercise is usually worse” (p. 559).
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
Given the very time-consuming nature of the training methods advocated by the NSCA and others, it seems
reasonable to assume that strong scientific proof must have been found to justify their adoption of such
methods. At least, the preponderance of scientific evidence must have shown that this high frequency of
training produces significantly better results than the lower frequency advocated by Jones. However, a
search of the scientific literature will clearly disappoint those who expect bodies such as the NSCA to base
their training practices on objective scientific evidence rather than subjective personal preference. For both
novice and experienced trainees, there appears to be very little support for the notion that training each
muscle group more than once (or in some cases twice)/week provides any additional benefits. For example,
Graves et al. (61) examined the effects of 12 weeks of resistance training on the lumbar extension strength
of untrained subjects, who performed one set of lumbar extensions either once, twice or three times/week, or
once every two weeks. All groups increased significantly in peak isometric torque at all seven joint angles
tested, and there were no significant between-group differences in isometric strength increases. These
findings were replicated by Carpenter et al. (62). Interestingly, one of the subjects in the three times/week
group in the Graves et al. study actually produced large losses in strength from overuse atrophy. This subject
was repeatedly forced to reduce the level of resistance to enable her to perform the required repetitions. This
illustrates the large inter-individual responses that can occur in exercise tolerance, and the importance of
cautiously regulating the frequency of strength training exercise according to the individual’s tolerance.
However, this issue is not discussed in the NSCA (11) or ACSM (12) guidelines, and NSCA publications
(75) offer ‘canned’ training program with no attention given to the importance of individualising such
programs based on the tolerance for exercise which, as the above example shows, can vary dramatically
between individuals. Thus, such programs may produce good results for some individuals and very poor
results for others. It is also worth noting that Binkley (75), who makes a number of points directly
contradicted by the research discussed in this paper, makes no reference to any peer-reviewed scientific
research, referencing only four books, all of which were authored by other NSCA advocates.
Similarly to Graves et al. (61) and Carpenter et al. (62), Pollock et al. (32) examined the effects of one set of
cervical extensions performed either weekly or twice-weekly, and again found that both protocols
significantly increased isometric cervical extension strength, with no significant difference in strength
increases at seven of the eight joint angles tested. Of course, it could be argued that such findings may only
be applicable to the lumbar and cervical spine muscles. However, when Taafe et al. (76) examined the
relative effectiveness of training the whole body once, twice or three times/week for 24 weeks, they found
no significant differences in strength increases generated by the three protocols on any of the five upper
body and three lower body exercises performed.
For some subjects, it appears that training twice/week produces better results than training three times/week.
Carroll et al. (77) compared the effects of training twice/week and three times/week for a total of 18 sessions
(i.e. the twice/week group trained for nine weeks and the three times/week group trained for six weeks).
Although both groups gained significantly in 1 RM squat, with no significant between-group difference,
only the twice/week group increased significantly in isometric and isokinetic knee extension strength; the
three times/week group did not increase on either measure.
Optimal training frequency may also differ between muscle groups. DeMichele et al. (78) examined the
effect of one set of MedX torso-rotation exercise, performed either once, twice or three times/week for 12
weeks, on isometric torso rotation strength. No significant differences in strength gains were found between
the twice and three times/week groups, but both increased to a significantly greater degree than the one
time/week group.
What of training frequencies of greater than three times/week? Rozier and Schafer (79) examined the effects
of training three and five times/week respectively on the knee extension strength of previously untrained
females. In this study, the three times/week group showed greater increases in both isometric and isokinetic
torque than the five times/week group, though these differences were not statistically significant. In contrast,
in a study that has been discussed previously in the single versus multiple sets section, Marx et al. (47)
found that a four times/week training regimen produced significantly greater gains than a three times/week
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
regimen. However, the confounding variables in this study, which were discussed earlier in this paper, call
into question the usefulness of the findings.
The studies cited above were all conducted with untrained subjects. As noted above, it has been argued
(8,12) that more frequent training will benefit experienced trainees. However, the scientific evidence does
not support this claim. McLester et al. (80) examined the effects of a whole-body training program,
consisting of nine exercises performed either one or three times/week, on the strength of experienced weight
trainers. Subjects had an average of 5.7 years experience in weight training. No significant between-group
differences were found in the post-test on eight out of the nine strength measures, leaving McLester et al. to
conclude that training once/week is equally as effective as training three times/week.
The only other study to have examined the effects of differing training frequencies on strength in
experienced trainees was that of Hoffman et al. (81). This study recruited Division 1 American football
players who self-selected a training frequency of three, four, five or six days/week. This lack of randomised
allocation of subjects to groups, as well as a great imbalance in group size (for example, there were less than
half the number of subjects in the three times/week group than in the five times/week group), calls into
question the usefulness of this study. On the basis that the five times/week group was the only group to
significantly improve 1 RM bench press (by 3.2 %), Hoffman et al. concluded that the five times/week
protocol was best. However, there are some concerns worthy of note here. First, the magnitude of strength
increases in this study (i.e. a highest increase of 4.0 % in the bench press and 7.5 % in the squat) appear very
low, suggesting either that all the protocols used in this study were rather poorly chosen, or that supervision
of the subjects may have been inadequate. Most importantly, all groups improved significantly in nine of the
testing variables, contradicting the claim of Hoffman et al. that the five times/week group improved on more
variables than the other groups.
Overall, therefore, Jones’ claim that optimal training results can be achieved from exercising the whole body
twice/week (and, for some muscle groups and some individuals, once/week) is supported by the research
literature. Several studies have found no differences between results gained from training once, twice or
three times/week (61,62,76,80), one study found training either twice or three times/week to be better than
training once/week (78), one study found training twice/week better than training three times/week (77), and
another study found training three times/week better than training five times/week (79). The only study that
has found high-frequency (i.e. greater than three times/week) training to be more effective is Marx et al.
(47), a study loaded with confounding variables. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that for most
individuals, training each muscle at the most twice/week (and, in many instances not more than once/week)
will provide optimal results.
Speed Of Movement During Exercise
It is commonly suggested by various weight-training authorities (8-12) that to optimally increase muscle
strength and (particularly) power, weight-training exercises be performed explosively (i.e. with a relatively
fast speed of movement). This, such sources suggest, will lead to greater increases in muscle strength and
power than if exercises are performed using a relatively slow, controlled cadence. However, Jones (17,18)
advocated a relatively slow lifting speed to reduce momentum and increase muscle tension. He stated (18),
At the start of the first repetition, muscular contraction should be produced gradually, and should be
slowly increased until the start of movement is produced. Once movement at a slow speed has started, the
level of effort should remain just high enough to continue slow movement. Do not increase the speed as
movement continues” (p. 44). In practical terms, according to Jones’ former Director of Research, Ellington
Darden (24), on most exercises such advice translates into duration of at least two seconds for the lifting of
the weight and four seconds for the lowering of the weight. Jones (17) argued that such a training style
would lead to optimal increases in strength, power and muscle size, and should be coupled with much
practice of the specific skill to be performed to optimise sports performance.
A study by Mikesky et al. (82) provided strong support for Jones’ viewpoint. Mikesky and colleagues
examined the effects of a wrist flexion exercise on the forelimb strength and size of 62 cats. The cats were
operantly conditioned to perform the exercise using a food reward, and weights were increased as the cats
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
progressed. When a cat failed to make progress for a certain period of time, the muscles of the forelimbs
were removed and weighed. The cats that trained with the heaviest weights showed greater muscle mass
increases compared to those training with lighter weights. Also, those using slower lifting speeds showed
significantly greater increases in muscle mass than those using faster lifting speeds. Mikesky et al.
concluded that slow lifting speeds lead to greater strength increases and hypertrophy than faster lifting
Although research on humans has not proved as conclusive as the animal research of Mikesky et al., it
certainly does not appear to support the idea that faster lifting speeds are more effective for strength
development. LaChance and Hortobagyi (83) compared the effects of repetition cadence on the number of
push-ups and pull-ups subjects were able to complete. They found that subjects could complete more
repetitions when performing fast, self-paced repetitions than when performing two-second concentric and
two-second eccentric muscle actions, and that subjects could complete still fewer repetitions when
performing two-second concentric and four-second eccentric contractions. Therefore, the difficulty of the
exercise decreased as repetition cadence decreased. This suggests that faster repetitions involve less muscle
tension, making it difficult to see how a faster speed of movement could be more productive. This view is
supported by the findings of Hay et al. (84) who measured joint torque in three males while performing
biceps curls. Hay et al. found that with short duration lifts (< 2 s) very little joint torque was required to
move the weight through most of the range of motion (ROM), as after the beginning of the movement the
weight continued to move under its own momentum. Again, this shows that fast movements do not provide
as much muscle tension as slow movements through most of the ROM, suggesting that faster repetitions
may not produce optimal strength increases through a muscle’s full ROM. This appears to be strongly
supported by a study by Westcott et al. (85), in which 147 previously untrained subjects were assigned to
either a ‘super-slow’ condition (4-6 repetitions/set, 10 s concentric contraction, 4 s eccentric) or a
‘traditional’ (8-12 repetitions/set, 2 s concentric, 1 s isometric and 4 s eccentric) condition. Both groups
performed 1 set of 13 exercises 2-3 times/week for 8-10 weeks. The super-slow group increased their
strength to a significantly greater degree than the traditional group, suggesting that not only are faster
repetitions no more effective, but also that even slower movements than Jones advocated may be best. Better
results from slower repetitions were also found by Jones et al. (86), who found significantly greater
increases in 1 RM squat resulting from slower repetitions than from faster ones (though precise movement
cadence was not reported in this study).
In contrast, Keeler et al. (87) found greater increases in strength on some exercises from the ‘traditional’
exercise speed noted above than from the ‘super-slow’ speed, with an average strength gain of 39 % in the
traditional group and only 15 % in the super-slow group after 10 weeks of training. However, as the subjects
were novices their strength gains from super-slow seem very low. This may be because, in contrast to the
Westcott et al. study, all subjects in this study performed 8-12 repetitions/set. Therefore, in this study the
different time under load in the two conditions was a major confounding variable. As super-slow repetitions
are more difficult than traditional repetitions, requiring lighter resistance, 8-12 repetitions may require the
use of a resistance that is too light to stress the muscle sufficiently. Indeed, this is why super-slow advocates
(24) often recommend a range of 4-6 repetitions. Thus, alternative interpretations of Keeler et al’s findings
are that either the use of very light weights, or the employment of a time under load of between 112 s and
168 s, is not an effective strategy for increasing muscle strength. The study design simply does not permit a
conclusion regarding the effectiveness of differently paced repetitions.
A number of studies have found no significant difference between slow and fast-paced repetitions in
increasing strength development. For example, Berger and Harris (88) compared the effects of fast (1.8 s),
intermediate (2.8 s) and slow (6.3 s) repetitions on bench press performance, with one set of the exercise
being performed three times per week for 8 weeks by each group. All groups significantly increased
strength, with no significant between-group differences. More recently, Young and Bilby (89) compared the
effect of slow versus explosive repetitions on performance of barbell squats. Again, both methods
significantly increased 1 RM, as well as isometric peak force, vertical jump, thigh circumference and muscle
thickness, with no significant between-group differences. Palmieri (90) split subjects into three groups based
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
on repetition cadence (fast cadence, slow cadence and a combination of both) and examined the effects of a
10-week training program, consisting of squats and machine exercises, in each group. The slow cadence
group performed the concentric part of each repetition in 2 s or more, the fast cadence group performed it in
0.75 s or less, and the combination group spent the first 6 weeks performing fast cadence repetitions and the
last 6 on slow cadence repetitions. Overall, all groups improved significantly and there were no significant
between-group differences. Interestingly, however, when the combination group switched to the fast
cadence condition they failed to produce any further increases in the dependent measures, 1 RM squat and
lower body power.
Palmieri’s findings on lower body power are particularly interesting given the insistence by some authorities
that “explosive” training exercises are better for improving muscle power than traditional, slow weight
training. For example, in a NSCA publication, Cissik (91) claimed, “If an exercise is performed at slow
speeds, then we become stronger at slow speeds. However, there is little transfer to faster speeds. If
exercises are performed at faster speeds, then we become stronger at faster speeds” (p. 3). Similar
statements can be found in many exercise physiology textbooks and coaching-related books and internet
sites, but, as in the case of Cissik, such claims are always made with no supporting scientific evidence,
which is not surprising as these views are simply not supported by the peer-reviewed scientific evidence. For
example, Liow and Hopkins (92) investigated the effect of slow and explosive weight training on kayak
sprint performance. The two programs differed only by the time it took to undertake the concentric action of
the movement (slow – 1.7 seconds and explosive - < 0.85 seconds). Both training types showed an increase
in performance (mean sprint time over the 15 meters increased by 3.4 % [slow training] and 2.3 %
[explosive training]) although there were no significant between-group differences. Blazevich and Jenkins
(93) examined varying movement velocities in hip flexion and extension, knee extension and flexion and the
squat. They reported that there were no significant differences in torque measurements for hip extension and
flexion, or 1 RM for the squat or sprint performance between the slow and explosive training groups.
In addition, Wilson et al. (94) compared the effects of traditional resistance training (3-6 sets of 6-10 RM
squats), plyometric training and explosive training (loaded jump squats), performed twice/week for 10
weeks with experienced trainees. Both the traditional and explosive groups significantly improved peak
power on a 6 s cycle test, with no significant between-group difference. Both groups also increased
significantly on vertical and counter-movement jump, with the explosive group increasing to a greater
degree. However, this is hardly surprising given that the explosive group had been practicing jumping and
the traditional group had not. Only the traditional group increased significantly on maximal knee-extension
force. In a follow-up study, Wilson et al. (95) compared the effects of traditional weight training (squats and
bench presses) with plyometric training (depth jumps and medicine ball throws). The experimenters tested
the effects of these programs on 14 variables related to strength and power, and the traditional group
increased significantly on seven variables whereas the plyometric group increased only on three. Also, both
groups increased significantly on counter-movement jump, with no significant between-group difference.
Similar findings were reported by Holcomb et al. (96), who compared the effects of resistance training and
plyometric-style training involving various types of depth jump. No significant between-group differences
were found in increases in jump height or power performance, and the authors concluded that plyometric
training was no more effective for increasing power than traditional resistance training.
Some research even suggests that some methods of explosive training may be less effective than slow
weight training for increasing power. Newton and McEvoy (97) compared the effect of slow, controlled
resistance training and explosive medicine ball throws in Australian baseball players. Only the resistance-
training group significantly increased throwing velocity, and this group also increased 6 RM bench press to
a significantly greater degree than either the explosive group or control group. Interestingly, there was no
significant difference between these latter two groups.
Possibly the most interesting study to compare the effects of resistance training and plyometric-style (depth
jumping) exercises was performed by Clutch et al. (98). In this study, half the subjects were members of a
weight training class and the other half were volleyball players. Subjects were divided into four groups: a
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
resistance training only group, a resistance training and depth jumping group, a volleyball playing and
resistance training group, and a volleyball playing, resistance training and depth jumping group. All groups
significantly increased vertical jump after 16 weeks of training, with the exception of the group that only did
resistance training. There were no significant differences among the other three groups. The authors
concluded that depth jumping provided no additional benefit to performing resistance training and practicing
the specific skills involved in volleyball. Therefore, it appears that the only training necessary to optimise
performance of a specific skill is the performance of that skill and separate resistance training.
Jones (18) provided an interesting practical example of the efficacy of slow weight training for those
involved in ‘explosive’ sports. In 1973, an Olympic weightlifting team was formed at DeLand High School,
Florida. The team trained with only slow (mostly eccentric-only) weight training. Starting in 1973, and with
no previous experience in weightlifting, the team established what is probably a world sporting record: the
team was undefeated and untied for seven years, winning over 100 consecutive weightlifting competitions.
Clearly, the experience of these weightlifters is very much at odds with the view of Cissek (91) and others
that slow weight training is not effective in enhancing in enhancing muscle performance at fast speeds.
Overall, therefore, it appears that Jones’ (17,18) recommendation that slow, controlled weight training is all
that is necessary to enhance both muscle strength and power is correct. Studies have tended to suggest that
either slow training is superior to explosive training in enhancing these factors, or that there is no difference
between slow and fast speeds. Despite claims made in some strength training textbooks (8,9) and by some
exercise certification organisations (11,12) there is no scientific evidence to support the view that resistance
exercise performed at very fast speeds is superior for enhancing any aspect of muscle function.
Not only is ‘explosive’ weight training unnecessary for increasing muscle power, but also such training
poses considerable injury risks. For example, Kulund (99) noted that injuries to the wrist, elbow and
shoulder were commonplace when individuals performed fast, Olympic-style lifting. Hall (100) found that
fast lifting speeds greatly increased shear forces in the lumbar region. Also explosive lifting can apparently
lead to spondylolysis (101,102). For example, Kotani et al. (101) found that 30.7% of a sample of
weightlifters, all of who performed explosive lifts, suffered from this problem. Therefore, we contend that as
well as being unnecessary to enhance performance, advocating explosive lifting is questionable from an
ethical standpoint as such training may cause injury. The NSCA and ACSM guidelines are rather ironic in
this respect, given that one of the main benefits of strength training is (or at least should be) a reduction in
injury risk (103).
Optimal Repetition Ranges For Increasing Muscular Strength And Endurance
It has been claimed (4,6,8,12) that a low number of repetitions per set (< 6) is best for increasing muscular
strength, and a high number of repetitions per set (> 20) is best for increasing muscular endurance. In
contrast to this common belief, Jones (18) argued that optimal increases in both strength and endurance
would result from performance of a moderate number of repetitions (~8-12). Several studies have examined
the effect of different repetition ranges on both strength and endurance, and the results strongly support
Jones’ hypothesis.
As regards the idea that low repetition sets are better for increasing strength, a study by Chesnut and
Docherty (104) illustrates that this is not the case. These authors examined the effects of 10 weeks of 4 RM
and 10 RM training programs on elbow flexor and extensor strength and arm circumference and cross-
sectional area. Strength and muscle size increased significantly in both groups, with no significant between-
group differences. In a study of geriatric females, Pruitt et al. (105) examined the effects of training with 7
repetitions at 80 % 1 RM and 14 repetitions at 40 % 1 RM on various exercises three times per week for a
year. Both groups significantly improved on all seven dependent variables (1 RM strength measures), with
no significant differences between the groups on six of these. The only significant difference was a greater
increase in arm strength in the 14 RM group. Graves et al. (106), in a study of identical twins, found that
both a 7-10 RM group and a 15-20 RM group significantly increased quadriceps strength from one set of
knee extensions performed twice/week for 10 weeks. Again, however, there was no significant difference
between the strength increases achieved by the two groups. Several other studies (107-111) have shown
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
similar results, i.e. no significant difference between strength and/or hypertrophy responses to low and
moderate repetition ranges. Despite the claims noted above, no study has demonstrated that very low
repetitions are superior to a moderate number of repetitions for increasing strength.
Few studies have examined the claim that higher repetition sets are more effective than lower repetition sets
for increasing absolute muscular endurance. Anderson and Kearney (110) examined the effects of three
different combinations of sets and repetitions on muscular endurance (measured by the number of bench
press repetitions subjects could perform with 27.23 kg). Subjects were divided into low repetition (3 sets of
6-8 RM), medium repetition (2 sets of 30-40 RM) and high repetition (1 set of 100-150 RM) groups, and
each subject trained three times/week for nine weeks. No significant between-group differences in increases
in muscular endurance were found. Stone and Coulter (111) examined the effects of three training protocols
(3x6-8 RM, 2x15-20 RM, and 1x30-40 RM) on the muscular endurance of untrained females, each of whom
trained three times/week for nine weeks Again, no significant between-group differences in muscular
endurance increases were found.
The weight of scientific evidence, therefore, does not support the idea that different numbers of repetitions
have differential effects on muscular strength and endurance. A low to moderate number of repetitions has
been shown to produce optimal increases in muscular strength and size, with no specific repetition range
proving superior. Increases in muscular strength are accompanied by increases in absolute muscular
endurance, with no advantage accruing in this regard from the use of a high number of repetitions. Given
these research findings, and also given that performing a very low number of repetitions may lead to a
greater injury risk due to the heavier weight and thus greater forces imposed on muscle, joints and
connective tissues, it appears that Jones’ recommendation of a moderate repetition range (~8-12) is
efficacious and prudent.
In his writings over a 30-year period, Arthur Jones provided a series of weight training guidelines that have
stood the test of time and have been strongly supported by scientific research. Specifically, Jones’
recommendations to perform one set of each exercise to muscular failure, to train each muscle group no
more than twice/week (and in most cases once/week), to perform weight training exercises with a relatively
slow, controlled cadence and to perform a moderate range of repetitions to increase muscular strength, size,
endurance and power, have all been validated by a great deal of peer-reviewed research. The same cannot be
said of the high-volume, explosive training protocols that are currently in vogue amongst many exercise
physiologists and strength-training professionals.
We note that previous articles advocating evidence-based training protocols (35,36) have met with the
objection that NSCA-style, high-volume training is much more popular than Jones’ approach among the
athletic fraternity (21,112). We anticipate similar reactions to this paper, and therefore would like to make a
couple of points regarding the argument that the popularity of the training methods advocated by the NSCA
and others indicate that such methods are more efficacious than those of Jones and colleagues. Essentially,
such individuals have argued that because the majority of athletes train in a particular manner, this must be
the best way to train. This begs the question, why bother to perform scientific research at all? If such an
argument is carried to its logical conclusion, rather than performing research to determine optimal training
protocols, the time and money would be better spent conducting a poll of trainees to determine which
method is most popular. This would then be the one that scientists should advocate. We contend that such
individuals resort to such arguments purely because the scientific research does not support their position.
It is also interesting to note that Jones has had a major influence on the training methods of many
accomplished individual athletes, sports teams and organisations, though these are still in the minority. For
example, organisations such as the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the
sport teams at Princeton University, Penn State University, Rutgers University and many other educational
establishments, and many teams in the US National Football League, have used Jones’ methods extensively.
Strength Training and Arthur Jones
The list of bodybuilders who have been heavily influenced by Jones reads like a Who’s Who of the sport.
Dorian Yates (six times Mr Olympia), Sergio Oliva (twice Mr Olympia), Mike Mentzer (Mr Universe), Ray
Mentzer (Mr America) and Casey Viator (Mr America) are among the professional bodybuilders who have
cited Jones as a major influence on their training. Thus, despite the efforts of the NSCA (11), ACSM (12)
and others (8,44,45) to discredit Jones’ ideas, many athletes, from novice to collegiate and professional
level, have applied Jones’ principles with considerable success. We strongly recommend that other athletes
follow their example and apply Jones’ training advice. Individuals should also take the time to examine the
relevant scientific research at first hand rather than relying on the interpretations and recommendations of
prominent exercise physiologists which are based on personal bias rather than scientific evidence.
Specifically, we would strongly dissuade athletes and coaches from following the recommendations of the
ACSM and NSCA, and instead suggest that they follow the research-based guidelines that are presented in
Table 1, together with references to supporting research.
Table 1. Summary of research-based strength training recommendations.
Variable Recommendation Rationale Exceptions References* Supporting
Number of
One set to
muscular failure
All well-controlled studies
show no advantage in
performing multiple sets
None 15,16,18, 19,
Frequency of
Once/week for
most muscles
Great majority of studies show
training each muscle
once/week to produce optimal
The muscles that
rotate the torso
appear to benefit
more from
20 32,61,62,76, 78,
Speed of
Slow, non-
Explosive repetitions involve
more momentum and less
muscle force, do not produce
greater increases in power and
may involve greater injury risk
None 17,18,24 82,83,84,85,86,
94,95,96,97, 99,
100, 101, 102
Number of
~8-12 Varying the number of
repetitions higher or lower
does not produce differing
effects on strength or muscular
None 18 104,105,106,
*Original references published by Arthur Jones
The reference numbers in the Table refer to the corresponding numbers in this paper’s reference list.
Address for correspondence: Dave Smith, Ph.D., Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University
College Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 4BJ, UK; Phone: 44 1244 375444 x3449; FAX: 44 1244
392889; Email:
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... Disagreement remains regarding the need to perform additional sets for increasing muscular strength. Published critical reviews (Smith and Bruce-Low, 2004;Winett, 2004;Otto and Carpinelli, 2006;Carpinelli, 2012;Fisher, 2012), have examined the validity of published meta-analyses on setvolume, concluding that reported data do not fully support a dose-response relationship between the additional number of sets and strength gains. These reviews identified confounding factors including the presence of low-quality studies, variations in subject characteristics and inconsistencies in experimental designs that generate spurious inferences regarding muscular strength increases. ...
... Present recommendations for ST consist of one-to-three-sets per exercises for untrained individuals and MS used with variations in RT volume and intensity over a period for trained individuals [American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand (ACSM), 2009]. These recommendations on terrestrial RT set-volume have been subject to strong criticism due to reported methodological constraints within the included meta-analyses (Smith and Bruce-Low, 2004;Winett, 2004;Otto and Carpinelli, 2006;Carpinelli, 2012;Fisher, 2012). For example, the meta-analysis by Rhea et al. (2003) presented data that may have nullified the mean ES and spuriously affected the results. ...
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Background: Recommendations on resistance training (RT) set-volume protocols in preparation for spaceflight muscular strength conditioning remains equivocal. A meta-analysis was performed on the effects of single-set (S), or three-set (M3) RT on muscular strength per exercise for different body segments and joint types (multi-joint and single-joint). Methods: Computerized searches were performed on PubMed, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus TM. Twelve studies were considered appropriate according to pre-set eligibility criteria. Outcomes analyzed were pre-to-post-muscular strength change on; multi-joint and single-joint combined; upper body only; lower body only; multi-joint exercises only; single-joint exercises only. Results: Upper body exercise analysis on combined subjects and untrained subjects only reported greater but not significant strength gains with M3 (ES 0.37; 95% CI 0.09-0.82; P = 0.11 and ES 0.35; 95% CI−0.49 to 1.19; P = 0.42). Trained only subjects reported superior strength gains with M3 (ES 0.63; 95% CI 0.34-0.92; P = <0.0001). Lower body exercise on combined subjects and untrained subjects only reported superior strength gains with M3 (ES 0.35; 95% CI 0.10-0.60; P = 0.006 and ES 0.49; 95% CI 0.14-0.83; P = 0.005). Trained subjects only observed greater but not significant strength gains with M3 (ES 0.18; 95% CI −0.23 to 0.58; P = 0.39). Multi-joint exercise on combined subjects reported greater strength gains with M3 (ES 0.83; 95% CI 0.14-1.51; P = 0.02). Trained only subjects reported greater strength gains with M3 (ES 0.52; 95% CI 0.10-0.94; P = 0.02). Single-joint exercise on combined subjects and untrained only observed greater strength gains for M3 (ES 0.49; 95% CI 0.26-0.72; P = <0.0001 and ES 0.56; 95% CI 0.21-0.91; P = 0.002). Trained only subjects reported greater but not significant strength gains with M3 (ES 0.37; 95% CI −0.01 to 0.75; P = 0.06). Ralston et al. 1-vs. 3-Sets on Strength: A Meta-Analysis Conclusion: For astronauts in space-flight preparation, the findings suggest that M3 training appears to be preferable over S for developing muscular strength. Nevertheless, depending on the physical conditioning of the crew member or tight pre-flight scheduling, S is still able to provide a positive strength training stimulus.
... Thus, scientifically sound approaches that advocate for less, but more targeted exercise do not proliferate within professional athletics (Smith, D., & Bruce-Low, S. 2004;Fisher, J., Steele, J., Bruce-Low, S., & Smith, D. 2011;Steele, J. 2022). And approaches that are wholly unscientific proliferate with ease (Steele, J., Fisher, J., Loenneke, J., & Buckner, S. 2023). ...
... 54 Historically, performing repetitions until muscular failure was considered to be a requirement for maximising muscle hypertrophy and enhancing maximal strength. 81 However, based upon recent research, resistance training protocols that are not performed to repetition failure have been reported to result in greater maximal strength gains, 37,45 muscle hypertrophy, 6 and improvements in performance tasks, 7,45 with less exerciseinduced fatigue. 17,19,59,70 when compared with resistance training performed to failure. ...
Altering the configuration of a training set can add a unique training variation to a resistance training programme. Cluster sets can be used by strength and conditioning (S&C) professionals to modify the internal and external training loads that impact the training adaptations that result from resistance training. The purpose of this review is to provide the theoretical foundation for the use of cluster sets within resistance training programmes and to offer practical examples of how to implement cluster sets as part of a periodised training plan.
... Siguiendo con la articulación de la rodilla y el tobillo, existen diversos estudios que concluyen que tener un alto grado de propiocepción es un aspecto de gran relevancia en la prevención de lesiones (Junge, Rösch, Peterson, Graf-Baumann & Dvorak, 2002;Olsen, Myklebust, Engebretsen, Holme & Bahr, 2005;Sixto, 2013). Analizando los diferentes programas, todos trabajan la propiocepción de forma aislada, sin transferencia real al juego, lo que reduce la eficacia de este trabajo (Smith & Bruce-Low, 2004), al realizar una combinación entre pliometría y propiocepción, la transferencia es positiva y parece ser que se reducen las lesiones derivadas, como en el presente protocolo. ...
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El fútbol es un deporte altamente lesivo debido a diversos factores. La lesión disminuye el rendimiento no solo del jugador sino también del equipo, lo que crea la necesidad de establecer programas preventivos para paliar, en la medida de lo posible, la tasa lesional. El objetivo del presente estudio fue diseñar un programa preventivo contextualizado y analizar la reducción lesional derivada de su implementación en jóvenes futbolistas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 20 futbolistas de la categoría juvenil del Fútbol Club Cartagena, con una media de 6 horas de entrenamiento semanal. Tras una breve valoración inicial, llevaron a cabo un nuevo protocolo de prevención con diferentes ejercicios agrupados en 2 niveles de dificultad. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de cada una de las variables cuantitativas. Los resultados muestran una disminución del 65% del número total lesiones, entre temporadas, y en gran medida de las graves. La tasa de reducción lesiva obtenida está por encima de diferentes estudios que analizan la eficacia en diversos programas preventivos. Un programa de entrenamiento preventivo basado en la contextualización de los participantes ha resultado en una reducción de la tasa lesiva. Los entrenadores y profesionales del deporte disponen de una herramienta para disminuir el riesgo de lesión.
... In addition to presenting different metabolic, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular responses [14], this training configuration is in disagreement with the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine for trained men, which predict repetitions until concentric failure for a maximal strength percentage or repetition zones between 8 and 12 [15]. The use of performance sets to volitional failure (VF) during strength training sessions was popularized by the theory of achieving better results in muscle strength compared with submaximal training [16]. However, no difference was observed between conditions for increased strength compared with submaximal exercise [17]. ...
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Purpose The purposes of this study were: (a) to compare the sensation of pleasure, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and pain in different volumes (volitional failure [VF] vs. fixed repetitions [FR]), equalizing the intensity; and (b) to compare the sensation of pleasure, RPE, and pain in different intensities (40%, 60%, and 80%) of one-repetition maximum (1RM), with equalization of training volume. Methods A total of 12 trained men (aged 24.9 ± 4.3 years) performed 3 sets of seated row, leg press 180°, and chest press at 3 different intensities (40%, 60%, and 80% 1RM) for both training strategies (VF vs. FR). Results There was a decrease in pleasure and an increase in RPE and pain in VF training sessions at intensities of 40% and 60% 1RM compared with FR. However, no difference was observed for the intensity of 80% 1RM for pleasure. A doseresponse effect was revealed in the comparison of intensities for pain and RPE. In turn, no effect was found for pleasure. Conclusions VF training sessions decreased responses regarding pleasure, as well as increased RPE and perceived pain for the intensities of 40% and 60% 1RM when compared with the same intensity in FR among trained men. Different intensities were not able to change the sensation of pleasure.
... Power in the lower extremities has been heavily researched in the past and has become more and more popular, looking at both jumping and sprinting performance in variety of sports (Smith and Bruce-Low 2004). However, most of the literature is looking at adults' performers and not children therefore, this project will examine youth performers. ...
Power it vital in football as it is utilized for the main movement patterns of the sport, which include sprinting and jumping, where these two happen very frequently and improvements in both can influence the overall performance. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the influence of resistance training on power development in the lower extremity in relation to enhancing countermovement jump height as well as improving 10 and 20m sprint performance. Male youth elite football players (n=15, age =14.5±1.5, height =164±16.3, body mass =51±14.9) participated in this study over 8 weeks, attending 2 hourly sessions a week. Each session included a dynamic warm up, several resistance training exercises including, back squat, front squat, trap bar deadlift, behind neck push press, clean pull, jump squats, Nordics, lunges with dumbbells and Bulgarian split squat as well as stretches and conditioning work such as balance and trunk. Participants were tested through countermovement jump height for lateral and bi-lateral, as well as 10- and 20-meter sprint times prior, mid and after the training programme. There was a significant improvement in the countermovement jump height for both lateral and bi-lateral. Bi-lateral performance resulted in a significant improvement over the course of 8 weeks (CMJ - Pre. 24.5±3.99cm, Mid. 26.9±4.82cm, and Post. 28.4±4.56cm) (p = 0.05). There was also a significant improvement in the lateral for both left and right legged countermovement jump. ((Left) Pre = 15.64±2.62cm, mid = 16.9±2.24cm and post = 17.7±2.10cm (p = 0.025)) ((Right) Pre =14.5±2.82cm, mid =15.5±2.6cm and post =17±2.27cm (p =0.013)). However, there was no significant difference in both 10 and 20m sprints. (10m Pre =2.036±0.091s and post = 2.030667±0.098s (p = 0.620)) and 20m (pre =3.562±0.2s and post =3.5293±0.21s (p= 0.928)). Therefore, the conclusion for this study is that 8 weeks twice a week resistance training program has a significant improvement in jumping performance for both unilateral and bi-lateral however, not the sprinting performance including 10 and 20m.
... R esistance training performed to momentary failure is thought to be a necessary practice for maximizing muscular strength and hypertrophy (24). However, data from a recent meta-analysis conducted by Davies et al. (7) revealed no difference in muscular strength gains achieved when performing sets to failure compared with nonfailure. ...
The primary aim of this study was to assess the accuracy in estimation of repetitions to failure (ERF) during resistance exercise. Further, this investigation examined whether the accuracy in ERF was affected by training status, sex, or exercise type. Eighty-one adults (males, n = 53 and females, n = 28) with broad range of resistance training experience participated in this study. Subjects performed up to 10 sets of 10 repetitions at 70% 1RM and 80% 1RM for the chest press and leg press respectively. At the completion of each set, subjects reported their ERF and then continued repetitions to failure to determine actual repetitions to failure (ARF). The accuracy (amount of error) of ERF was determined over an ARF 0-10. Significant differences were found for error of ERF among ARF (p < 0.001), with the error of ERF ∼ 1 repetition at ARF 0-5 compared to > 2 repetitions at ARF 7-10. Greater accuracy was found for the chest press compared to leg press, with the error of ERF ≤ 1 repetition for ARF 0-5 and ARF 0-3 respectively (p = 0.012). Males were found to be more accurate than females at specific ARFs for the leg press (p = 0.008), while no interaction was found for the chest press. Resistance training experience did not affect the accuracy in ERF. These results suggest resistance trainers can accurately estimate repetitions to failure when close to failure and that ERF could importantly be practically used for prescription and monitoring of resistance exercise.
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Background & purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of selected strength training programs on some physiological characteristics of male student soccer players.Methodology: In this study, 28 football players of Payame Noor University of Mazandaran team randomly selected as study sample divided into two experimental groups (n =14) with the (mean age of 22.5 ± 2.76 years, height 178.64 ±5.25 cm, weight 72.71 ± 7.08 kg and BMI 22.80 ± 2.32 kg.m
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Kurzzusammenfassung Ziel: Es soll herausgefunden werden, ob in einem multidisziplinären ambulanten Rehabilitationsprogramm für die Wirbelsäule zwischen zwei Gruppen mit unterschiedlichem Kraftausgangsniveau (< oder ≥ −50 % der Normabweichung) ein Unterschied beim Kraftzuwachs der Rückenextensoren besteht. Weiters wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Kraftzuwachs und Gewichtssteigerung oder Schmerzintensität geprüft. Methoden: Dafür wurde eine retrospektive Analyse der Daten von 78 RehabilitandInnen mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen aus dem Kalenderjahr 2017 durchgeführt. Verglichen werden die Krafttest-Ergebnisse (Nm) der Lumbar Extension Machine (kurz LEM) der Firma MedX, die Trainingsgewichte (lbs) und die Schmerzintensität (VAS) zu Beginn, in der Mitte und am Ende der 39 Krafttrainingseinheiten. Ergebnisse: In beiden Gruppen finden ein signifikanter Kraftzuwachs und eine signifikante Gewichtssteigerung vom Beginn bis zur Zwischenuntersuchung statt. Der Kraftzuwachs in der zweiten Rehabilitationshälfte ist nicht signifikant. Das Kraftniveau der beiden Gruppen ist zu allen Zeitpunkten signifikant unterschiedlich. Zu Beginn hat die schwächere Gruppe ein signifikant höheres Schmerzlevel, dieser Unterschied ist am Ende nicht mehr nachweisbar. Es kann kein oder allenfalls ein schwacher Zusammenhang zwischen dem Kraftzuwachs und der Gewichtssteigerung hergestellt werden (G1 R 2 = 0,01; G2 R 2 = 0,24) und kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Kraftzuwachs und der Schmerzintensität (G1 R 2 = 0,001; G2 R 2 = 0,03). Diskussion: Der starke Kraftzuwachs in der ersten Hälfte kann neben dem tatsächlichen Kraftzuwachs u. a. auf psychische Faktoren und die gehemmte Aktivierung und Koordination der untrainierten Rückenmuskulatur zurückgeführt werden. Für eine klare Aussage über den Umgang beim Training mit der LEM bei unterschiedlichen Kraftausgangsniveaus sollte weitere aktive Forschung betrieben werden. Abstract Purpose: The aim of this work is to find out if there is a difference in the increase of strength of the back extensors in a multidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation program for the spine between two groups with different power output levels (< or ≥-50% deviation of the norm). Furthermore, the connection between power gain and weight gain or pain intensity is examined. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the data of 78 rehabilitants with chronic low back pain from the calendar year 2017 was carried out. The strength test results (Nm) of the Lumbar Extension Machine (short LEM) from the company MedX, training weights (lbs) and the pain intensity (VAS) at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the 39 strength training sessions are compared. Results: There is a significant increase in strength and increase in weight from the beginning to the halfway examination in both groups. The increase in strength from the second to the last measuring time is not significant. The strength level of the two groups is at all times significantly different. At the beginning, the weaker group has a significantly higher pain level, this difference is no longer detectable at the end. There is no or at most a weak correlation between the increase in strength and the weight increase (G1 R 2 = 0.01, G2 R 2 = 0.24) and no correlation between the increase in strength and the pain intensity (G1 R 2 = 0.001, G2 R 2 = 0.03). Discussion: The strong increase in strength in the first half, in addition to the actual increase in strength, can be attributed, among other things, to psychological factors and the inhibited activation and coordination of untrained back muscles. For a clear statement about the handling of the LEM with different starting levels during training further active research be conducted.
Purpose: Our goal was to determine the effects resistance training on circulating IGF-I and on two of its major binding proteins, IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3. Additional goals were to compare the time course of hormonal changes with the time course of strength changes and to determine the effect of training volume on the extent of hormonal changes, Methods: Thirty-one men and women (mean age = 37 +/- 7 yr) completed a 25-wk, 3 d . wk(-1) program in which they performed single-set resistance training (I-SET, N = 11), multiple-set resistance training (3-SET, N = 11), or no exercise (Control, N = 9). Before training, and after 13 and 25 wk of training, blood hormones were analyzed and strength was assessed as the sum of one-repetition maximum (I-RM) far leg extension and chest press exercises. Results: During the first 13 wk of resistance training, circulating IGF-I increased by approximately 20% in both the I-SET and 3-SET groups (P = 0.041). No further increases occurred between 13 and 25 wk. In the 3-SET group, IGFBP-3 decreased 20% between 13 and 25 wk (P = 0.008). Training did not alter IGFBP-1. Increases in 1-RM strength occurred mainly during the first 13 wk of training and were significantly higher with 3-SET training compared to 1-SET. Conclusions: These findings indicate that increased circulating IGF-I may, at least in part, mediate increases in strength that result from resistance training.
Fifty college women were randomly assigned to one of three resistance training protocols that employed progressive resistance with high resistance/low repetitions (HRLR), medium resistance/medium repetitions (MRMR), and low resistance/high repetitions (LRHR). The three groups trained on the same resistance exercises for 9 weeks at 3 sets of 6 to 8 RM, 2 sets of 15 to 20 RM, and 1 set of 30 to 40 RM, respectively. Training included free weights and multistation equipment. The 1-RM technique was used for strength testing, and muscular endurance tests consisted of maximum repetitions either at a designated resistance or at a percentage of 1-RM. There were significant pre/post strength increases in both upper and lower body tests, but no significant posttreatment difference in muscular strength among the three protocols. Absolute muscular endurance increased significantly on 4 of 6 pre/post comparisons, while relative endurance increased significantly on only 4 of 12 comparisons. HRLR training yielded greater strength gains. LRHR training generally produced greater muscular endurance gains, and the percentage increase in absolute endurance was approximately twice the increase in strength for all groups. Lower body gains in both strength and endurance were greater than upper body gains.
The first principle deals with designing a training program so you get the kind of gains you want, because nothing happens by accident. The second principle deals with making sure that you continue to make the gains you want from one workout to the next. The final principle makes sure that you continue to make gains over a life-time of training without becoming injured or burned out. The Principle of Specificity of Training The principle of specificity is deceptively simple and it drives all the gains that one makes from a strength train-ing program. Specificity states that the body makes gains from exercise according to how the body exercises. This principle is important because applying it cor-rectly will allow one to have a focused, effi-cient, effective pro-gram that will lead to the d e s i r e d gains.
The purpose of the study was to determine the optimum number of repetitions with which to train for quickest strength improvement. Nine groups, consisting of a total of 199 male college students, were tested before and after 12 weeks of progressive resistance exercise. Each group trained differently in repetitions per set. Resistances employed were 2 RM, 4 RM, 6 RM, 8 RM, 10 RM, and 12 RM for one set. The optimum number of repetitions was found to be between 3 and 9.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a Nautilus circuit weight training program on muscular strength and maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O 2 max) by comparing these effects to those produced by adhering to either a free weight (FW) strength training program or a running (R) program. Male college students who voluntarily enrolled in either a FW training class (n = 11), a Nautilus (N) circuit weight training class (n= 12), or a R conditioning class (n= 13) were subjects for this investigation. All groups participated in their respective programs 3 days per week for 10 weeks. Strength was assessed using a Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer set at an angular velocity of 60° · s −1 and a damping of 2. The FW group served as the control group for the assessment of [Vdot]O 2 max changes, while the R group served as controls for the assessment of strength differences. ANCOVA revealed that the N and R groups experienced significant (p < .01) increases in [Vdot]O 2 max expressed in L · min −1 (10.9 and 11.4%), ml · kg −1 · min −1 (10.8 and 11.7%), and ml · kgLBW −1 · min −1 (7.1 and 7.5%) when compared to the FW group. There were no significant differences between the N and R groups. There were no significant differences among groups in final peak torque values (after covariance), and torque at the beginning and end of the range of motion for the knee extensors, knee flexors, elbow extensors, and elbow flexors. In general, isokinetic strength values elicited by the N group compared favorably to those generated by the FW group. It was concluded that for a training period of short duration, Nautilus circuit weight training appears to be an equally effective alternative to standard free weight (strength) and aerobic (endurance) training programs for untrained individuals.