We have constructed the sequence space
( Ξ ( ζ , t ) ) υ , where
ζ = ( ζ l ) is a strictly increasing sequence of positive reals tending to infinity and
t = ( t l ) is a sequence of positive reals with
1 ≤ t l < ∞ , by the domain of
( ζ l ) -Cesàro matrix in the Nakano sequence space $\ell
... [Show full abstract] _{(t_{l})}\upsilon (f)=\sum^{\infty }_{l=0} ( \frac{ \vert \sum^{l}_{z=0}f_{z}\Delta \zeta _{z} \vert }{\zeta _{l}} )^{t_{l}}f=(f_{z})\in \Xi (\zeta ,t)(\Xi (\zeta ,t) )_{\upsilon }$ ( Ξ ( ζ , t ) ) υ and s -numbers is presented. Finally, we explain our results by some illustrative examples and applications to the existence of solutions of nonlinear difference equations.