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PAM: Predictive Attention Mechanism for Neural Decoding of Visual Perception

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Abstract and Figures

Attention mechanisms enhance deep learning models by focusing on the most relevant parts of the input data. We introduce predictive attention mechanisms (PAMs) -- a novel approach that dynamically derives queries during training which is beneficial when predefined queries are unavailable. We applied PAMs to neural decoding, a field challenged by the inherent complexity of neural data that prevents access to queries. Concretely, we designed a PAM to reconstruct perceived images from brain activity via the latent space of a generative adversarial network (GAN). We processed stimulus-evoked brain activity from various visual areas with separate attention heads, transforming it into a latent vector which was then fed to the GAN's generator to reconstruct the visual stimulus. Driven by prediction-target discrepancies during training, PAMs optimized their queries to identify and prioritize the most relevant neural patterns that required focused attention. We validated our PAM with two datasets: the first dataset (B2G) with GAN-synthesized images, their original latents and multi-unit activity data; the second dataset (GOD) with real photographs, their inverted latents and functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Our findings demonstrate state-of-the-art reconstructions of perception and show that attention weights increasingly favor downstream visual areas. Moreover, visualizing the values from different brain areas enhanced interpretability in terms of their contribution to the final image reconstruction. Interestingly, the values from downstream areas (IT for B2G; LOC for GOD) appeared visually distinct from the stimuli despite receiving the most attention. This suggests that these values help guide the model to important latent regions, integrating information necessary for high-quality reconstructions. Taken together, this work advances visual neuroscience and sets a new standard for machine learning applications in interpreting complex data.
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PAM: Predictive Attention Mechanism for
Neural Decoding of Visual Perception
Thirza Dado, Lynn Le, Marcel van Gerven, Ya˘
gmur Güçlütürk, Umut Güçlü
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Attention mechanisms enhance deep learning models by focusing on the most
relevant parts of the input data. We introduce predictive attention mechanisms
(PAMs) a novel approach that dynamically derives queries during training which
is beneficial when predefined queries are unavailable. We applied PAMs to neural
decoding, a field challenged by the inherent complexity of neural data that prevents
access to queries. Concretely, we designed a PAM to reconstruct perceived images
from brain activity via the latent space of a generative adversarial network (GAN).
We processed stimulus-evoked brain activity from various visual areas with sepa-
rate attention heads, transforming it into a latent vector which was then fed to the
GAN’s generator to reconstruct the visual stimulus. Driven by prediction-target
discrepancies during training, PAMs optimized their queries to identify and priori-
tize the most relevant neural patterns that required focused attention. We validated
our PAM with two datasets: the first dataset (B2G) with GAN-synthesized images,
their original latents and multi-unit activity data; the second dataset (GOD) with
real photographs, their inverted latents and functional magnetic resonance imaging
data. Our findings demonstrate state-of-the-art reconstructions of perception and
show that attention weights increasingly favor downstream visual areas. Moreover,
visualizing the values from different brain areas enhanced interpretability in terms
of their contribution to the final image reconstruction. Interestingly, the values
from downstream areas (IT for B2G; LOC for GOD) appeared visually distinct
from the stimuli despite receiving the most attention. This suggests that these
values help guide the model to important latent regions, integrating information
necessary for high-quality reconstructions. Taken together, this work advances
visual neuroscience and sets a new standard for machine learning applications in
interpreting complex data.
1 Introduction
Attention mechanisms in deep learning draw inspiration from the cognitive ability to selectively
focus on specific aspects of the environment while neglecting others Kastner and Ungerleider (2000).
These computational models dynamically weigh the importance of different input data segments to
prioritize the most relevant information for the task at hand Bahdanau et al. (2014); Vaswani et al.
(2017) just like humans focus their attention on key details for understanding a scene or addressing
a problem. In brief, an attention model derives three components from the input data: queries, keys
and values. A query acts like a spotlight, shaped by a specific objective, to identify which parts
of the input data are most pertinent (e.g., in a language translation model, the query could be the
representation of a word in a sentence for which the model seeks the best equivalent in the target
language). Keys are representations of the input data that embed contextual information (e.g., in
Preprint. Under review.
Figure 1: Neural decoding. This inverse problem seeks to infer the underlying stimulus that triggered
the observed neural activity. It is common to divide this process into two stages: a “decoding”
transformation that maps neural responses to an intermediate feature representation, and a more
complex “synthesis” transformation that converts these features into an actual image.
a language translation model, a key associated with a particular word would also capture aspects
of the surrounding words) so that the model can understand how each data segment fits into the
larger picture. Keys are designed to be matched against queries to evaluate their relevance and their
compatibility results in the corresponding attention weight. Values carry the actual output information
and are aggregated according to the attention weights (e.g., in a language translation model, values
could be potential translations for words or phrases). Through this mechanism, a model dynamically
prioritizes the most relevant parts of the input by calculating an attention-weighted sum of the values.
Next, neural decoding involves the inverse problem of translating neural activity back into the features
of a perceived stimulus that the brain was responding to (Figure 1). As such, this process seeks to
find how the characteristics of a phenomenon are represented in the brain by classification Haxby
et al. (2001); Kamitani and Tong (2005); Stansbury et al. (2013); Huth et al. (2016); Horikawa and
Kamitani (2017), identification Mitchell et al. (2008); Kay et al. (2008); Güçlü and van Gerven
(2017a,b) or reconstruction Thirion et al. (2006); Miyawaki et al. (2008); Naselaris et al. (2009); van
Gerven et al. (2010); Nishimoto et al. (2011); Schoenmakers et al. (2013); Güçlü and van Gerven
(2013); Cowen et al. (2014); Du et al. (2017); Güçlütürk et al. (2017); Shen et al. (2019); VanRullen
and Reddy (2019); Dado et al. (2022, 2023).
Here, we focus on the visual reconstruction task, entailing the re-generation of a visual representation
of a stimulus from brain data alone. To this end, we make use of generative adversarial networks
(GANs) Goodfellow et al. (2014). This approach has been demonstrated to be highly effective for
neural reconstruction tasks, as evidenced by previous research Dado et al. (2022, 2023). In brief, a
decoder is trained to map neural responses to GAN latent vectors, which are then fed to the GAN’s
generator to reconstruct the corresponding images. The GAN latents of the training set can be
acquired either through (1) the use of images already generated by the GAN so that the latents are
accessible a priori or (ii) optimizing a latent vector such that its corresponding image matches the
training stimulus in terms of perceptual similarity.
In this work, we have integrated an attention mechanism into neural decoding, enhancing predictive
accuracy and shedding light on the relevance of specific brain regions in visual processing. Con-
ventionally, queries in attention models are derived from the embedded input data. However, the
opaque nature of neural data complicates this approach, as the potentially relevant neural features
are not directly observable. To address this challenge, we introduce predictive attention mechanisms
(PAMs), which employ learnable queries (Figure 2). This allows the model to dynamically discover
and prioritize the features of the neural data most relevant to the specific task. Consequently, this in-
novative architecture significantly improves our ability to interpret and analyze brain activity through
attention-based models.
2 Methods
2.1 Neural decoding with predictive attention mechanisms
The PAM architecture (Figure 2) is specifically designed to handle neural data as their relevant neural
features are not directly observable (unlike, for instance, in text or image data). The input data,
Y={y1, y2, . . . , yc}
, comprises neural data from
regions of interest (i.e., the number of attention
Figure 2: Predictive attention mechanism (PAM). The input data,
Y={y1, y2, . . . , yc}
neural data from
regions of interest (i.e., the number of attention heads) and the output
the decoded
latent features of the stimulus. First, Y is transformed via
blocks, where each block consists of
a linear layer, batch normalization, and ReLU activation to produce an embedded representation
E={e1, e2, . . . , ec}
. Keys
K={k1, k2, . . . , kc}
and values
V={v1, v2, . . . , vc}
are derived
using separate linear transformations. Note that each attention head has its own embedding-,
key-, and value transformation. Unlike
, the queries
are learned during training. These
queries interact with the keys through matrix multiplication, scaling and a softmax operation to
compute attention weights,
A={a1, a2, . . . , ac}
. Finally, the attention-weighted sum of
in the predicted stimulus features, z.
heads), and the output
represents the decoded latent features of the stimulus. In our specific case,
the model outputs are latent representations of a GAN which can be fed to the (pretrained) generator
to synthesize corresponding images. We utilized StyleGAN-XL Sauer et al. (2022), trained on the
ImageNet dataset Deng et al. (2009), to generate
512 ×512
pixel images from 512-dimensional
feature-disentangled w-latents (rather than the z-latents).
First, the model embeds the neural data via multiple attention heads, where each head corresponds
to the input from a specific brain area. This embedding process involves transforming
blocks, each consisting of a linear layer, batch normalization, and ReLU activation to produce an
embedded representation,
E={e1, e2, . . . , ec}
. Formally, for each region
, this transformation can
be represented as:
K={k1, k2, . . . , kc}
and values
V={v1, v2, . . . , vc}
are derived from
using separate
linear transformations:
Each attention head has its own embedding, key, and value transformation. Unlike
, the
are not predefined but learned during training by minimizing the error between the predicted
and target outputs. This allows the PAM to identify and emphasize the most salient neural features
indicative of the perceived images based on the interactions between queries and transformed versions
of the input. The keys then interact with these queries to determine the focus of attention through
matrix multiplication, scaling, and a softmax operation (i.e., the scaled dot product) to compute
attention weights, A={a1, a2, . . . , ac}:
ai=softmax q·kT
is the dimension of the key vectors, and the softmax function ensures that the attention
weights sum to one.
The final output is computed as the weighted sum of the value vectors and the attention weights. This
process allows the PAM to dynamically identify and emphasize the neural signatures most indicative
of the perceived images. The attention-weighted sum of
results in the predicted stimulus features,
The training objective was to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between the predicted and
target latents:
L=MSE(zpredicted, ztarget )
We employed the Adam optimizer with default parameters. Model weights were initialized using
Xavier uniform initialization to ensure stable gradient flow. We used a batch size of 32 and continued
training the model until convergence was achieved.
2.2 Neural datasets
To decode perceived images from brain data, we utilized two datasets comprising naturalistic images
and corresponding brain responses. The first dataset, “B2G”, includes synthetic images generated
by StyleGAN-XL with their associated latent vectors readily available, offering a controlled setup
for evaluating the decoding process. This dataset features multi-unit activity (MUA) recordings
from visual areas V1, V4 and IT in one macaque, as detailed in Dado et al. (2023). In total, B2G
consists of 4000 and 200 training (1 repetition) and test (20 repetitions) examples, respectively. The
preprocessed MUA data was taken from Figshare at DOI 25637856. The second dataset, “GOD”,
contains natural images from ImageNet paired with fMRI responses from seven visual areas (V1-V4,
FFA, LOC, PPA) in three human participants, as detailed in Shen et al. (2019). GOD consists of 1200
and 50 training (5 repetitions) and test (24 repetitions) examples, respectively. The preprocessed
fMRI data (GOD) was taken from Figshare at DOI: 7033577/13.
2.2.1 Preprocessing steps
fMRI recordings of the GOD dataset were hyperaligned per brain area to map the subject-specific
responses to a shared common functional space Haxby et al. (2020). Hyperalignment adjusts for
individual differences in brain anatomy and functional topology such that, after transforming each
participant’s data into this common space, the average response across the three participants could
be computed which reflects the typical response pattern while eliminating the variability between
subjects. By doing so, we enhanced the reliability of subsequent analyses. Next, we z-scored these
averaged training and test responses based on the training set statistics.
For voxel selection, we fit a ridge regression model with cross-validation to predict voxel responses
from the latent vectors of the training examples, using 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate the model.
Figure 3: Latent inversion from real photographs. Ten arbitrary visual stimuli (top) from the
GOD training set and their corresponding reconstructions from the inverted latents (bottom), with the
LPIPS distance indicating the level of dissimilarity between them.
Table 1: Voxel Selection. The number of voxels pre- and post-FDR thresholding, which is used to
eliminate less reliable responses. The voxels that remain post-FDR are considered more likely to
be truly responsive to the visual stimuli. Notably, the voxel count in the PPA was reduced to zero
following FDR adjustment, suggesting a lower reliability in the initial responses from this area.
before FDR after FDR
V1 2521 1643
V2 2687 1860
V3 2058 1451
V4 1283 968
LOC 2724 2134
FFA 2100 1210
PPA 900 0
Total 14273 9266
To optimize regularization, we explored a range of lambda values for the ridge parameter derived
using singular value decomposition of the input matrix. Specifically, we filtered for non-zero singular
values from the decomposition and used these to generate a set of lambda values. The range was
determined by the square of the maximum and minimum non-zero singular values, generating five
lambda values logarithmically spaced between these bounds. Based on the Pearson correlation
between the predicted and target responses from the training set, we selected voxels using a false
discovery rate (FDR) thresholding approach (
α= 0.05
) per visual area to control the expected
proportion of “false discoveries” (erroneously rejected null hypotheses) in multiple hypothesis testing
(see Table 1).
Finally, for each training image, we optimized an input latent such that its corresponding image
matched the stimulus in terms of VGG16 features by minimizing their learned perceptual image patch
similarity (LPIPS) distance. Due to variability in approximation quality based on initial conditions,
we repeated this ten times with a different seed and selected the latent that resulted in the lowest
LPIPS distance with its corresponding image, ensuring the best match in perceptual similarity (see
Figure 3).
2.3 Evaluation
To quantify the alignment between the original stimuli and their reconstructions, decoding perfor-
mance was evaluated using three metrics, each based on cosine similarity, namely, learned perceptual
image patch similarity, perceptual similarity and latent similarity. For LPIPS, we extracted feature
representations from multiple layers of VGG16 pretrained for object recognition. For perceptual
similarity, we also used feature representations of VGG16, but from five distinct levels following max
pooling. As such, this resulted in five independent metrics that each reflected a different complexity
level, with lower layers capturing more low-level image features and higher layers representing
increasingly complex characteristics. Latent similarity measured the cosine similarity between the
latent vectors of the original and reconstructed images.
2.4 Implementation details
All analyses were conducted using Python 3.10.4 on a cloud-based virtual machine equipped with
an AMD EPYC 7F72 24-Core Processor (2.5 GHz - 3.2 GHz) and 96 cores, running a Linux
kernel version 4.18.0-372.80.1.el8_6 on an x86_64 architecture. We employed the original PyTorch
implementation of StyleGAN-XL and used VGG16 for object recognition to measure perceptual
similarity during evaluation. The code to reproduce the main experimental results can be found on
our anonymous GitHub repository.
3 Results
We trained two decoder models with PAM, tailored to the specific characteristics of the B2G and
GOD datasets. For B2G, the embedding transformation consisted of five blocks to capture complex
transformations from high-resolution MUA data to latent vectors. This contributed significantly to
the superior performance of PAM over the baseline linear decoder, as evidenced by state-of-the-art
Figure 4: Reconstruction results. The upper and lower block show ten arbitrary yet representative
examples from the B2G dataset (GAN-synthesized stimuli) and GOD dataset (natural stimuli), re-
spectively. The top rows display the originally-perceived stimuli, the middle rows the reconstructions
by PAM (P) and the bottom rows the reconstructions by the linear decoder baseline (L).
reconstructions (Figure 4) and quantitatively higher metrics (Table 2). Conversely, for GOD, which
involves noisier, lower-resolution fMRI data and a smaller set of images, we limited the embedding
layer to a single block to prevent overfitting and maintain model efficiency. While qualitative
assessments suggest improved image reconstructions with PAM, the quantitative metrics indicate only
marginal differences between PAM and the linear baseline. This is primarily due to the simpler model
architecture used in the PAM for this particular dataset. Specifically, the embedding transformation
in PAM consists of only one linear layer, just like the linear model. Consequently, both models are
limited to extracting the same linear features from the data. Despite their similar performance, PAM
Table 2: Reconstruction performance. Results show reconstruction performance (mean
error) across the B2G and GOD datasets, measured using seven metrics, including LPIPS, perceptual
similarity at different levels of complexity (VGG 2/16, 4/16, 7/16, 10/16, 13/16) assessed through
feature representations extracted from the VGG16 network, and latent similarity (Lat sim), which
measures the cosine similarity between the original and predicted latent vectors. Note that the latent
representations for the GOD dataset’s real-world photographs are unavailable, so we could not include
this as a metric. Results are shown for both PAM (P) and a baseline linear decoder (L). The last row
in each block shows the
-values obtained from paired t-tests, indicating the statistical significance of
the performance differences between PAM and the linear decoder: for B2G, PAM is significantly
better than the linear decoder, but not for GOD, where the predictions were very similar.
LPIPS sim VGG 2/16 VGG 4/16 VGG 7/16 VGG 10/16 VGG 13/16 Lat sim
P0.36 ±0.007 0.43 ±0.006 0.35 ±0.004 0.29 ±0.005 0.28 ±0.009 0.36 ±0.013 0.84 ±0.006
L0.32 ±0.005 0.41 ±0.005 0.33 ±0.004 0.26 ±0.003 0.22 ±0.004 0.25 ±0.007 0.77 ±0.003
p0.0001 p0.0001 p0.0001 p0.0001 p0.0001 p0.0001 p0.0001
P0.26 ±0.009 0.38 ±0.009 0.30 ±0.006 0.23 ±0.004 0.18 ±0.005 0.17 ±0.008 -
L0.25 ±0.008 0.38 ±0.009 0.30 ±0.007 0.22 ±0.005 0.18 ±0.005 0.17 ±0.007 -
p= 0.0546 p= 0.6709 p= 0.6600 p= 0.0678 p= 0.3340 p= 0.6634 -
Figure 5: Distribution of the attention weights. The left panel illustrates the box plots of attention
weights for the B2G dataset, derived from intracranial MUA recordings, across three regions of
interest: V1, V4, and IT. The right panel displays the distribution of attention weights for the GOD
dataset, obtained from fMRI recordings, across six ROIs: V1, V2, V3, V4, LOC and FFA. Each
box plot shows the median (orange line), interquartile range (box), and the range excluding outliers
denoted by circles. Notably, for B2G, V4 received the lowest and IT the highest attention. This trend
contrasts with the GOD dataset, where attention is more evenly distributed across the areas, with
slight peaks in regions specialized for higher-order processing such as LOC and FFA.
Figure 6: Attention-weighted values by PAM. The graphs visualize the distribution of 512-
dimensional attention weights across the visual areas (V1, V4 and IT for B2G; V1, V2, V3, V4, LOC,
and FFA for GOD) for two stimulus examples (‘stim’; on the right of the graph). The black lineplot
denotes the mean attention per neural area. We can notice a gradual increase of attention from up- to
downstream visual areas (more subtle for GOD). Below each label in the graph (
-axis), we visualized
the visual information from the corresponding values by feeding them to the generator of the GAN.
We then took a weighted combination of the values and the attention weights to obtain the final latent
corresponding to the final reconstruction (‘recon’; displayed on the right, below the stimulus). For
this example from B2G, particularly V4’s visualized value seems to resemble the stimulus. And
also for the example from GOD, the warm colors and the dotted pattern from the panther seem to be
reflected in the reconstructed value of V4 but not necessarily in the final reconstruction itself.
still has significant interpretive advantages: it allows for the visualization of how attention is allocated
across different brain areas but also provides insights into the specific contributions of these areas to
the reconstructed images. As such, the distribution of attention weights across different visual areas
revealed that more downstream areas (IT in the B2G dataset and LOC in the GOD dataset) generally
received higher attention (Figure 5). This observation aligns with the existing finding that
of StyleGAN-XL mainly capture high-level visual features relevant to high-level neural activity Dado
et al. (2023).
Figure 6 shows how PAM is utilized to decode and reconstruct individual images from brain activity
for the B2G and GOD datasets. The attention mechanism weighs the extracted values from the neural
Figure 7: Reconstructed values. We visualized the information about the stimulus from each neural
area by feeding their corresponding value to the generator of the GAN. For B2G, the reconstructed
values from V1 seem to match the stimulus in basic outline, from V4 in color information and from
IT in faces although the other reconstructions from this area seem rather meaningless despite the
high assigned attention. Note that these stimuli are computer-generated such that the people in the
third column do not really exist. For GOD, the reconstructed values from V1-2 seem to match the
stimulus basic outlines as well, and V3 and V4 in shape and color information, respectively. The
reconstructions from LOC and FFA seem to match the stimulus in terms of faces and contextual
data which carry information about the visual stimuli. We reconstructed these area-specific values to
see what specific stimulus properties each brain area is processing (Figures 6 and 7). For B2G, the
reconstructed values from V1 seem mostly similar to stimuli in terms of basic outlines, those from
V4 capture the color information, and those from IT, while generally not revealing clear, meaningful
features, notably include reconstructions of faces and animal faces (e.g., the diver in Figure 7A).
However, the weighted sum of values and attention weights clearly resulted in a latent vector that
integrated these region-specific contributions holistically as the final reconstructions resembled the
original stimuli very closely. For GOD, the distribution of the attention weights across the neural
areas seemed more uniform but still showed a slight increase in attention from early areas like V1
to V4, LOC, with a noticeable dip at FFA. The visualized values below the graphs show that areas
V1-2 predominantly capture basic outlines. V3 captures more defined shapes while V4 captures color
and textural information. The higher-order areas LOC and FFA seemed to capture more contextual
information. As in the B2G dataset, the integration of values and attention weights into a single latent
vector produced reconstructions that, while not as high-quality as those from MUA data, resemble
the stimuli in their specific characteristics.
4 Discussion
In this work, we introduced PAMs as a powerful tool for handling complex input data where
predefined queries are inaccessible. By applying PAMs to neural decoding of perceived images, we
leveraged attention mechanisms to dynamically prioritize the most informative features of neural data.
This approach not only achieved state-of-the-art reconstructions but also enhanced interpretability
through the analysis of attention weights and values for each stimulus. The insights from this work
hold promise for advancing brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neuroprosthetics, particularly for
individuals with sensory impairments. By identifying the relevant brain areas for specific stimuli, we
can refine BCIs for improved sensory processing. Furthermore, analyzing how attention is distributed
could help to customize clinical interventions (e.g., improved treatments for visual disorders through
targeted neural stimulation or improved neurofeedback paradigms for neurotherapeutics).
The reconstructions from the B2G dataset, which utilizes MUA data, appear superior to those from
the GOD dataset. MUA data captures rapid and localized neural activity with high temporal and
spatial resolution, providing clear, detailed signals with a high signal-to-noise ratio. This allows for
the presentation of many images in one session, resulting in a larger dataset and subsequently for
training a more complex model architecture (the embedding layer consisted of five blocks) without
overfitting. Together with the fact that the latents underlying the images were readily available to
train a decoder model (the images were generated from these latents by StyleGAN-XL), this dataset
represents the optimal scenario for achieving the best possible reconstructions. In contrast, the
GOD dataset used fMRI data, which measures slower hemodynamic responses that indirectly reflect
neural activity, offering broader, less detailed information with lower temporal resolution and greater
susceptibility to noise. Additionally, this dataset consists of real-world images without pre-existing
latent representations, requiring us to post-hoc approximate these latents from the training stimuli
to train our model. This lack of access to the precise latents further compromises reconstruction
accuracy. This scenario presents a less optimal condition, reflecting the more challenging end of what
can be achieved when using non-invasive fMRI data and real photographs. So, while MUA’s invasive
nature limits its use, fMRI’s non-invasiveness sacrifices some precision and detail in neural activity,
which compromises reconstruction quality.
Our results demonstrated a consistent trend where more downstream areas received increasingly more
attention. There still was some variability in the allocation of attention across individual examples,
which demonstrates that a PAM dynamically adapts to the unique characteristics of the neural data
associated with each stimulus based on their match with the learned queries. Specifically, for GOD,
attention increased progressively across higher-order visual areas but dipped again at the FFA (still
receiving more attention than early areas like V1-V3). This could be attributed to the nature of the
stimuli: the dataset included various animal faces (e.g., a panther and an owl) and human figures
engaged in activities (e.g., a person playing the harp and two people in a canoe) but lacked prominent
close-up human faces that are typical triggers for strong FFA activation. The absence of these specific
face stimuli likely explains the reduced focus on FFA. Note that while PAMs enhance interpretability
in some respects, the reasons why certain weights are assigned can still be opaque, which can, in turn,
make it challenging to fully understand the underlying mechanisms guiding its performance.
Visualizing the values associated with each brain region adds insight into the model’s decoding
process: V2 and V3 capture basic outlines and shapes, while V4 captures colors and textures. Earlier
visual regions correlate with low-level features (e.g., shape, color), whereas downstream areas encode
higher-level attributes (e.g., object identities, contextual relationships) that integrate basic sensory
features. Interestingly, while more downstream areas received higher attention from PAM, their
reconstructed values often showed less visual similarity to the original stimuli than those from other
areas (e.g., area V4). However, the final reconstructions are remarkably accurate when all values
are integrated with the attention weights. This suggests that the values from deeper areas might not
necessarily represent static features but rather act as directional vectors in latent space that guide
the model toward specific regions necessary for reconstructing the overall perceptual quality of a
stimulus. Therefore, these regions are considered very relevant to the model despite the disparity
between their reconstructed values and the visual stimuli. As such, we believe that assigning greater
weight to the more complex features leverages the richer semantic and contextual representations
processed by higher-order regions of the brain’s visual hierarchy.
The potential of PAMs extends far beyond their current application in neural decoding. Future
studies should explore this further by integrating them across various domains and with other
complex modalities where the queries cannot be predefined. Such research could revolutionize our
understanding of how complex information is processed and interpreted.
Broader Impact
This research advances neural decoding and brain-computer interfaces, with significant potential to
improve neuroprosthetics and sensory impairment therapies. While promising for clinical applications,
it also raises concerns about mental privacy and the potential misuse of technology. Note that our
models are trained specifically on the neural datasets used, which rely on full and constant subject
cooperation, and cannot be reliably applied to data from other subjects. Further, these models can
only reconstruct images that were externally perceived but not imagery or dreams. We are committed
to transparency and reproducibility by providing open access to our code under appropriate licenses.
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A challenging goal of neural coding is to characterize the neural representations underlying visual perception. To this end, multi-unit activity (MUA) of macaque visual cortex was recorded in a passive fixation task upon presentation of faces and natural images. We analyzed the relationship between MUA and latent representations of state-of-the-art deep generative models, including the conventional and feature-disentangled representations of generative adversarial networks (GANs) (i.e., z- and w-latents of StyleGAN, respectively) and language-contrastive representations of latent diffusion networks (i.e., CLIP-latents of Stable Diffusion). A mass univariate neural encoding analysis of the latent representations showed that feature-disentangled w representations outperform both z and CLIP representations in explaining neural responses. Further, w-latent features were found to be positioned at the higher end of the complexity gradient which indicates that they capture visual information relevant to high-level neural activity. Subsequently, a multivariate neural decoding analysis of the feature-disentangled representations resulted in state-of-the-art spatiotemporal reconstructions of visual perception. Taken together, our results not only highlight the important role of feature-disentanglement in shaping high-level neural representations underlying visual perception but also serve as an important benchmark for the future of neural coding.
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Although distinct categories are reliably decoded from fMRI brain responses, it has proved more difficult to distinguish visually similar inputs, such as different faces. Here, we apply a recently developed deep learning system to reconstruct face images from human fMRI. We trained a variational auto-encoder (VAE) neural network using a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) unsupervised procedure over a large data set of celebrity faces. The auto-encoder latent space provides a meaningful, topologically organized 1024-dimensional description of each image. We then presented several thousand faces to human subjects, and learned a simple linear mapping between the multi-voxel fMRI activation patterns and the 1024 latent dimensions. Finally, we applied this mapping to novel test images, translating fMRI patterns into VAE latent codes, and codes into face reconstructions. The system not only performed robust pairwise decoding (>95% correct), but also accurate gender classification, and even decoded which face was imagined, rather than seen.
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The mental contents of perception and imagery are thought to be encoded in hierarchical representations in the brain, but previous attempts to visualize perceptual contents have failed to capitalize on multiple levels of the hierarchy, leaving it challenging to reconstruct internal imagery. Recent work showed that visual cortical activity measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be decoded (translated) into the hierarchical features of a pre-trained deep neural network (DNN) for the same input image, providing a way to make use of the information from hierarchical visual features. Here, we present a novel image reconstruction method, in which the pixel values of an image are optimized to make its DNN features similar to those decoded from human brain activity at multiple layers. We found that our method was able to reliably produce reconstructions that resembled the viewed natural images. A natural image prior introduced by a deep generator neural network effectively rendered semantically meaningful details to the reconstructions. Human judgment of the reconstructions supported the effectiveness of combining multiple DNN layers to enhance the visual quality of generated images. While our model was solely trained with natural images, it successfully generalized to artificial shapes, indicating that our model was not simply matching to exemplars. The same analysis applied to mental imagery demonstrated rudimentary reconstructions of the subjective content. Our results suggest that our method can effectively combine hierarchical neural representations to reconstruct perceptual and subjective images, providing a new window into the internal contents of the brain.
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One crucial test for any quantitative model of the brain is to show that the model can be used to accurately decode information from evoked brain activity. Several recent neuroimaging studies have decoded the structure or semantic content of static visual images from human brain activity. Here we present a decoding algorithm that makes it possible to decode detailed information about the object and action categories present in natural movies from human brain activity signals measured by functional MRI. Decoding is accomplished using a hierarchical logistic regression (HLR) model that is based on labels that were manually assigned from the WordNet semantic taxonomy. This model makes it possible to simultaneously decode information about both specific and general categories, while respecting the relationships between them. Our results show that we can decode the presence of many object and action categories from averaged blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses with a high degree of accuracy (area under the ROC curve > 0.9). Furthermore, we used this framework to test whether semantic relationships defined in the WordNet taxonomy are represented the same way in the human brain. This analysis showed that hierarchical relationships between general categories and atypical examples, such as organism and plant, did not seem to be reflected in representations measured by BOLD fMRI.
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Encoding models are used for predicting brain activity in response to sensory stimuli with the objective of elucidating how sensory information is represented in the brain. Encoding models typically comprise a nonlinear transformation of stimuli to features (feature model) and a linear transformation of features to responses (response model). While there has been extensive work on developing better feature models, the work on developing better response models has been rather limited. Here, we investigate the extent to which recurrent neural network models can use their internal memories for nonlinear processing of arbitrary feature sequences to predict feature-evoked response sequences as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging. We show that the proposed recurrent neural network models can significantly outperform established response models by accurately estimating long-term dependencies that drive hemodynamic responses. The results open a new window into modeling the dynamics of brain activity in response to sensory stimuli.
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Object recognition is a key function in both human and machine vision. While recent studies have achieved fMRI decoding of seen and imagined contents, the prediction is limited to training examples. We present a decoding approach for arbitrary objects, using the machine vision principle that an object category is represented by a set of features rendered invariant through hierarchical processing. We show that visual features including those from a convolutional neural network can be predicted from fMRI patterns and that greater accuracy is achieved for low/high-level features with lower/higher-level visual areas, respectively. Predicted features are used to identify the target object (extending beyond decoder training) from a set of computed features for numerous objects. Furthermore, we demonstrate the identification of imagined objects, suggesting the recruitment of intermediate image representations in top-down processing. Our results demonstrate a tight link between human and machine vision and its utility for brain-based information retrieval.
We propose a new framework for estimating generative models via an adversarial process, in which we simultaneously train two models: a generative model G that captures the data distribution, and a discriminative model D that estimates the probability that a sample came from the training data rather than G. The training procedure for G is to maximize the probability of D making a mistake. This framework corresponds to a minimax two-player game. In the space of arbitrary functions G and D, a unique solution exists, with G recovering the training data distribution and D equal to 1/2 everywhere. In the case where G and D are defined by multilayer perceptrons, the entire system can be trained with backpropagation. There is no need for any Markov chains or unrolled approximate inference networks during either training or generation of samples. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the framework through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the generated samples.
Recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to provide accurate predictions of neural responses across the ventral visual pathway. We here explore whether they also provide accurate predictions of neural responses across the dorsal visual pathway, which is thought to be devoted to motion processing and action recognition. This is achieved by training deep neural networks to recognize actions in videos and subsequently using them to predict neural responses while subjects are watching natural movies. Moreover, we explore whether dorsal stream representations are shared between subjects. In order to address this question, we examine if individual subject predictions can be made in a common representational space estimated via hyperalignment. Results show that a DNN trained for action recognition can be used to accurately predict how dorsal stream responds to natural movies, revealing a correspondence in representations of DNN layers and dorsal stream areas. It is also demonstrated that models operating in a common representational space can generalize to responses of multiple or even unseen individual subjects to novel spatio-temporal stimuli in both encoding and decoding settings, suggesting that a common representational space underlies dorsal stream responses across multiple subjects.