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Abstract and Figures

Integrated information systems in sports have the potential to improve the efficiency of data management and support the managers’ decision-making. However, this implementation faces challenges such as inefficiency, data duplicity, and time demands. This study represents a comparative analysis of sports information systems’ implementation in four countries—Slovakia, Czech Republic, England, and Denmark. The originality of this study stems from the fact that there is currently no research background examining this issue to the same extent. This study’s methodology focuses on the identification of the benefits and challenges occurring while implementing sports information systems and performing data management and analysis. This study also focuses on the potential of these systems to support managerial decision-making in this area. Data were collected from national sports databases and other relevant sources. Verification of the hypotheses showed that the implementation of sports information systems in Slovakia is inefficient in terms of costs and technology. Nevertheless, the systems that were implemented support managerial decision-making and their success is comparable to other EU countries within the aspects studied. Following the results, the main recommendation is to ensure transparency, automation, and strategic planning in the implementation of sports information systems. Future research directions include ethical and legal issues related to the utilization of technology in sports and the improvement of the user experience.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Varmus, M.; Kubina, M.;
Miˇciak, M.; Šarlák, M. Integrated
Sports Information Systems:
Enhancing Data Processing and
Information Provision for Sports in
Slovakia. Systems 2024,12, 198.
Academic Editor: Oz Sahin
Received: 11 April 2024
Revised: 14 May 2024
Accepted: 3 June 2024
Published: 7 June 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Integrated Sports Information Systems: Enhancing Data
Processing and Information Provision for Sports in Slovakia
Michal Varmus , Milan Kubina , Martin Miˇciak and Michal Šarlák *
Department of Management Theories, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Žilina,
010 26 Žilina, Slovakia; (M.V.); (M.K.); (M.M.)
Abstract: Integrated information systems in sports have the potential to improve the efficiency
of data management and support the managers’ decision-making. However, this implementation
faces challenges such as inefficiency, data duplicity, and time demands. This study represents a
comparative analysis of sports information systems’ implementation in four countries—Slovakia,
Czech Republic, England, and Denmark. The originality of this study stems from the fact that there is
currently no research background examining this issue to the same extent. This study’s methodology
focuses on the identification of the benefits and challenges occurring while implementing sports
information systems and performing data management and analysis. This study also focuses on the
potential of these systems to support managerial decision-making in this area. Data were collected
from national sports databases and other relevant sources. Verification of the hypotheses showed
that the implementation of sports information systems in Slovakia is inefficient in terms of costs and
technology. Nevertheless, the systems that were implemented support managerial decision-making
and their success is comparable to other EU countries within the aspects studied. Following the
results, the main recommendation is to ensure transparency, automation, and strategic planning in the
implementation of sports information systems. Future research directions include ethical and legal
issues related to the utilization of technology in sports and the improvement of the user experience.
Keywords: information system; sports information system; sports; sports management; efficiency
1. Introduction
Sports managers’ decision-making is currently being strongly influenced by all the
information that is instantly available and generated by advances in information and
communication technologies (ICTs) [
]. These technologies enable the collection of diverse
data and have become an essential part of management in commercial businesses and
other types of organizations [
]. The introduction of ICTs into sports has significantly
changed the way sports are approached. ICTs enable better use of learning resources,
enhance various functionalities, and promote overall innovation in sports [
]. Additionally,
technologies improve training and monitoring of athletes’ performance, leading to its
higher levels. Finally, ICTs help with the identification of talent and create better conditions
for the development of future sports stars [1,4].
The functionality of knowledge and information management in information systems
(ISs) is connected to the development and maintenance of effective computer databases. A
database, as an organized collection of records, allows information to be retrieved, accessed,
and modified as needed [
]. In sports, managers often use relational databases that
store data in tables and allow data from different sources to be compared and analyzed.
This makes them more comprehensive information and knowledge management tools [
ISs have a significant role in achieving effectiveness because they integrate components
that combine to form knowledge. These components include hardware, software, data,
processes, and people [8].
Systems 2024,12, 198.
Systems 2024,12, 198 2 of 26
In sports management, the integration of ISs has become a key force that is swiftly
changing the way data are processed and information is delivered. Sports science indi-
cates that sports organizations need to integrate data from different sources to provide
customized information to the users [
]. The strategy to ensure the success of sports orga-
nizations is based on the systematic collection of information, its analysis, and effective
utilization. This approach provides organizations with the opportunity to systematically
satisfy all stakeholders, creating a competitive advantage. An important aspect of this
strategy is a deep understanding of the contextual and qualitative factors that influence the
sports environment [10].
For ISs to function properly, they need to be actively managed and updated. Database
management systems (DBMSs) are often used for this purpose [
]. These systems allow
users to create tables with defined columns and relationships among them; add, update,
and delete data in the cells; and retrieve information from the database using standard
database language (SQL) [
]. Due to the increasing emphasis among businesses on big
data processing and analysis, knowledge of SQL programming languages has become an
important asset for software developers worldwide. This is spreading into the field of sports
and their management. Database management skills are considered highly desirable and
essential for the effective manipulation and use of data within various environments [
The most popular DBMSs worldwide include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and
PostgreSQL [
]. An example of their utilization was the World Cup in 1994 and 1998, which
used the SQL Server for the database system. As a result, data dating back to 1930 were
accessible [
]. Another example are the Major League Soccer teams that started using SQL
Server to structure and read data. This helps them to set their training processes and team
recovery [
]. In the last example, Oracle provided the American yachting team with
the necessary data to plan courses and game schedules, increasing competitiveness [
The effective utilization of databases in sports management raises the need to apply
the evidence-based approach in decision-making. It does not imply complete elimination
of intuition, but rather the inclusion of valuable data in the decision-making process. If the
information obtained from the databases does not correspond with intuitive assumptions,
such a decision may be considered flawed. However, the existence of facts supporting
the decision provides justification [
]. Therefore, it can be argued that the successful
management of sports organizations and the achievement of their goals is only possible
with understanding of the internal structure of the system, its components, and their
operation. ISs in sports are used to apply the evaluation criteria and the indicators with the
aim of increasing the efficiency and achieving specific goals of sports organizations [19].
The motivation for this study is based on the fact that the authors’ research focuses on
sports management in Slovakia as a whole. The focus on ICTs and ISs helps in identifying
crucial pieces of information that can properly direct future steps in this research. This is
mainly because this is a sector that is nowadays an inherent part of the entire operation of
the sports industry. Therefore, a lack of research results in this area would negatively affect
other research activities.
The aim of this study is to conduct a detailed comparative analysis of the utilization
of ISs in sports in the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, England, and Denmark. In the
case of the Slovak Republic, this study also focuses on the history of the development of
these systems, especially because it is a very significant cause of the issue addressed in the
hypotheses’ verification. Additionally, a part of the aim is to examine the impact of ICTs on
managers’ decision-making in the sports environment.
The research gap stems from the fact that this is an original study whose focus has not
previously appeared in comparable form in any of the available literature sources. This
focus is a combination of a comparative analysis of sports ISs in four deliberately chosen
countries and a historical context of the current sports IS in Slovakia. This is combined with
a precisely defined approach for the evaluation of sports ISs’ efficiency. Therefore, this study
can help domestic and foreign researchers understand the situation of ISs’ management
Systems 2024,12, 198 3 of 26
in sports in selected countries and help other researchers follow the results with further
research in this area.
2. Materials and Methods
This chapter discusses the systematic approach applied to achieve the study’s aim. It
provides a framework for the whole research process, including the research aim, hypothe-
ses, research questions, data sources, and methods applied to analyze the data. Each aspect
is delineated in detail, enhancing understanding of the methodology and procedures used.
This ensures the results’ reliability and validity.
2.1. Research Aim
The aim of this article is to examine the impact of ICTs on managers’ decision-making
today and its implementation in sports management. The knowledge and information
management functionality of these systems is based on databases that enable information
to be retrieved, processed, and analyzed. In sports management, the integration of ISs is a
key force changing the way data are processed and information is delivered. The study
therefore focuses on a comparative analysis of the utilization of ISs in Slovak Republic,
Czech Republic, England, and Denmark, with the emphasis on the historical development
of these systems in Slovakia. The research should contribute to better understanding of the
management of ISs in sports. This study is also addressed to those responsible for setting
policies in the field of sports.
2.2. Research Hypotheses
Based on previous research conducted by the authors of [
], it was identified that
there is a need for research focusing on certain topics. These research areas mainly include
the efficiency and implementation of ICTs and ISs, as these areas have been evaluated as the
key ones in the past research projects. The hypotheses are linked to the relevant research
areas, specifying the selected topic. These areas are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Relevant research areas.
Description of the Research Area
A Effectiveness of past implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia
B Current state of data management in sports organizations in Slovakia
C Impact of implementation of integrated ISs on managerial decision-making
D Effectiveness of the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in different EU countries
These areas are a prerequisite that the research results will be achieved and cover all
essential areas of data collection and processing and the overall process of ISs’ operation in
sports. These areas are described in a more detailed way as follows:
Effectiveness of past implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia: The
first relevant area focuses on the analysis of historical cases of implementation of inte-
grated ISs in sports organizations in Slovakia and the evaluation of their effectiveness
and efficiency. This area further specifies the effectiveness in terms of the cost-economy
of the governing bodies and in terms of the efficiency of the systems’ operation. The
operation is further described by the implemented legislative requirements within ISs
in sports.
Current state of data management in sports organizations in Slovakia: The sec-
ond area involves the current data management practices in sports organizations in
Slovakia and identification of problems and shortcomings. The main indicators of
this area are the current databases with critical data, the current cost-economy of
the governing bodies, and the functionality of the associated integrated information
management systems.
Systems 2024,12, 198 4 of 26
Impact of the implementation of integrated ISs on analytical decision-making: The
third area is closely linked to the second one. It studies how integrated ISs in sports in
Slovakia affect the ability to analyze data and make informed managerial decisions.
This perspective can be classified as critical, especially from a managerial aspect.
Effectiveness of the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in different EU
countries: The last area involves a comparison of the practices and results of the
implementation of integrated ISs in sports among Slovakia and other EU countries,
namely England, Denmark, and the Czech Republic. The justification for selecting
these countries is specified in Section 2.4.
Each of these areas can be examined based on predetermined indicators, which we
listed in Table 2. The selection of indicators was mainly based on a case study from
Germany, which focused on the effective implementation of ISs [
]. Additionally, the
selection of indicators considered the points mentioned by Slovakia and the Czech Republic
in their government programs for the implementation and improvement of ISs [35,36].
Table 2. Indicators and sources of verification for the research activities.
Description Indicators Sources of Verification
Main aim: to identify the impact of ICTs on managers’ decision-making and its implementation in sports
Relevant research areas
A: Effectiveness of past
implementation of integrated
ISs in sports in Slovakia
IA1: Level of automation and process
integration in sports organizations
IA2: The security level and data protection
in the systems
IA3: Improved access to information and
effective communication among different
managing authorities
Statistical and historical context of
implementation and utilization of
integrated ISs in sports organizations in
Comparison of the performance of
sports organizations before and after the
implementation of new ISs
B: Current state of data
management in sports
organizations in Slovakia
IB1: Availability and accuracy of data in
various areas of administration (finance,
athletes’ records, marketing data, etc.)
IB2: Level of automation of data collection,
processing, and analysis
IB3: Efficiency of data utilization for
strategic decision-making
Audit of existing databases and data
management systems in sports
Analysis of sports management and
results reports obtained from existing
C: Impact of implementation of
integrated ISs on managerial
IC1: Improving the quality and speed of
data analysis
IC2: Increase in the accuracy and reliability
of data-driven decisions
: Enhanced ability to anticipate and plan
based on analytical results
Comparison of the time required to
perform analytical tasks before and after
the implementation of new systems
Evaluation of the accuracy of forecasts
and recommendations generated from
new ISs
Assessment of the feedback and
attitudes of employees qualified for
decision-making based on new
analytical tools
D: Effectiveness of the
implementation of integrated
ISs in sports in different EU
: Level of progress in the implementation
of new technologies in the sports sector
ID2:Comparison of the level of
digitalization and automation of processes
in sports organizations
ID3: Evaluation of the utilization and
acceptance of new information technologies
by managers and employees
Statistics and surveys on the progress
and trends in the implementation of ISs
in sports organizations in different EU
Comparison of practices and level of
digitalization of sports organizations in
different countries
Systems 2024,12, 198 5 of 26
Based on the relevant areas and indicators, the following hypotheses were defined.
They are described in terms of their connection to the indicators of the relevant areas and
the way of their verification.
.The implementation of integrated ISs in sports was not efficient in the past and therefore there
is no efficient data management in Slovakia today.
Hypothesis H
claims that the past implementation of integrated ISs in sports in
Slovakia was not efficient, resulting in the absence of efficient data management at present.
This lack has a negative impact on the level of automation and integration of processes
performed in sports organizations (I
; I
) and the availability and accuracy of data in
different areas of administration (I
). Additionally, data security (I
) and overall efficiency
in strategic decision-making (I
) and communication among different governing bodies
(IA3) can be discussed.
Method of verification of hypothesis H1
The verification of this hypothesis is based on the assessment of historical data on the
implementation of ISs in the sports sector in Slovakia and the analysis of the efficiency of
this implementation’s results. As a supporting aspect, current approaches and results of
data management are compared with the standards and best practices in other countries.
.Implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia supports analytical and managerial
Hypothesis H
claims that the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia
supports analytical and managerial decision-making. This process has a positive impact on
the level of automation of data collection and processing and the analytical processes (I
and the effectiveness of data utilization for the strategic decision-making (I
). However, it
also has an impact on the quality and speed of data analysis (IC1), increasing the accuracy
and reliability of data-driven decisions (I
), and enhancing the ability to predict and plan
based on analytical results (IC3).
Method of verification of hypothesis H2
To verify this hypothesis, data and results of analytical processes in sports organiza-
tions before and after the implementation of integrated ISs were analyzed. Additionally,
secondary data collected are used to present the opinions of managers and other stakehold-
ers on how their ability to make decisions at different managerial levels has changed after
the implementation of such systems.
.Implementation of integrated ISs in sports is significantly more efficient in selected EU
countries than in Slovakia.
Hypothesis H
claims that the implementation of integrated ISs in sports is signifi-
cantly more effective in selected EU countries than in Slovakia. This difference could be
caused by different approaches, resources, and priorities of the countries. The assessment
of this hypothesis corresponds to the level of progress in the implementation of new tech-
nologies in sports (I
). On the other hand, this process may also indicate the level of
digitalization and automation of processes in top sports organizations (I
) or even the
assessment of the utilization and adoption of new information technologies by managers
and employees themselves (ID3).
Method of verification of hypothesis H3
Verification of the last hypothesis is based on the analysis of data on the implementa-
tion of ISs in sports in various EU countries and the comparison of the current results and
the level of overall effectiveness of these systems with the one in Slovakia.
2.3. Research Questions
The research questions are supposed to assist in setting the overall direction of the
research. A total of six research questions were defined this way. They are linked to the
Systems 2024,12, 198 6 of 26
hypotheses listed above. As with the hypotheses, the individual research questions are
described in more detail in this section.
RQ1:What are the main advantages and challenges in the implementation of integrated ISs in the
sports sector in Slovakia?
Research question RQ
deals with the identification of the main advantages and
challenges in the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia. The main directions
of the question include improving the efficiency of management and data management,
automatization of processes, increasing the accuracy of decision-making, and supporting
strategic planning. The main challenges include high implementation costs, complexity
of integration of existing systems, staff resistance to the change, and issues related to data
security and protection.
:What are the best practices for data collection, management, and analysis in integrated ISs for
sports in Slovakia?
The second research question focuses on the best practices for data collection, manage-
ment, and analysis in integrated ISs for sports in Slovakia. This includes the identification
of optimal processes and technologies enabling efficient management and interpretation of
large amounts of data.
:What is the potential of integrated ISs for decision support and planning in sports in Slovakia?
The third research question mainly analyzes the potential of integrated ISs for decision
support and planning in sports in Slovakia. This includes the possibilities of using ana-
lytical and management tools to improve decision-making and planning processes being
performed in sports organizations.
:What are the best approaches to ensure trustworthiness and data security in integrated sports
ISs in Slovakia?
The fourth research question focuses on the best approaches for ensuring trustwor-
thiness and data security in integrated ISs for sports in Slovakia. The main objective is
to identify measures to protect data from cyber threats and to ensure data privacy and
:What specific factors influence the success of the implementation of integrated ISs in sports
organizations in Slovakia?
This research question focuses on the identification of factors having an impact on the
success of the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia.
:What specific factors contribute to more efficient implementation of ISs in sports in selected
EU countries compared to Slovakia?
The last research question focuses on the identification of factors that influence the
success of the implementation of integrated ISs in sports in specific EU countries. It
compares these factors with the situation in Slovakia. It also links the answers from the
previous research question, extending the issue to the European area.
The overall research apparatus, i.e., hypotheses, research questions, and the indicators,
are all interlinked in Table 3.
Table 3. Research apparatus interconnections.
Hypotheses Research Questions Indicators
H1RQ1; RQ4IA1–3; IB1–3
H2RQ3; RQ5IB2–3; IC1–3
H3RQ2; RQ6ID1–3
Systems 2024,12, 198 7 of 26
2.4. Research Data
The research data were collected primarily to build on the authors previous research
that included activities in statistics on sports funding at different levels of
governance [2027]
Additionally, the authors focused on describing factors influencing the sports environment,
such as marketing, sports popularity, sustainability of sports organization management,
etc. [
]. The importance of technology in this cycle is underlined by the authors’
publication identifying technology as one of the specifics of sports management, which
often determines the success or failure of a particular sports organization [37].
The main data sources for this study were national databases dedicated to sports,
namely for Denmark it was Statistics Denmark—Research, technology and culture, Busi-
ness Statistics [
]; for England it was Sport England [
]; for the Czech Republic it
was the Sports register (“Rejstˇrík sportu”) under the administration of the National Sports
Agency [
]; and for Slovakia it was the Slovak Sports Portal, which is under the ad-
ministration of the National Sports Centre [
]. Besides these sources, various other
scholarly publications and research reports were also included to serve as expert support
for this research.
2.5. Data Processing and Analysis
Another important feature is that this study does not represent a random selection
of the counties from which the data were drawn. The study links the results to the re-
search projects conducted earlier. This maximizes the effectiveness of the scientific efforts.
Therefore, the selection of the Czech Republic, Denmark, and England for the process
of comparison was not random. The authors’ experience with research focused on these
countries produced valuable results. Additionally, the country selection process refers to
the variability of this study. This is represented by the fact that these are four countries
with different models of sports policies [
]. Despite this fundamental difference, the
selection of the Czech Republic is also conditioned based on cultural and social associations
linking it to Slovakia [
]. Denmark represents a country with a similar demographic
situation to Slovakia, but more importantly, it is one of the most innovative countries for
2023, accompanied by the UK (specifically, England) [
]. This is clearly reflected in their
technological provision of integrated ISs in sports. England also represents a country that
is widely considered a benchmark for how sports should operate.
In terms of data processing and research activities, it is also important to define the
term efficiency in this study. Efficiency can be seen in multiple dimensions such as cost
efficiency (minimization of costs and resources needed), time efficiency (optimization
of activity duration), process efficiency (elimination of unnecessary steps and increase
in productivity), organizational efficiency (increased coordination and communication
among the stakeholders), and technological efficiency (optimization of technological means,
automation of processes, and minimization of errors). A summary of these dimensions is
captured in Figure 1, which is linked to the research apparatus (Table 3).
The verification of efficiency from the perspective of the research apparatus is particu-
larly important because it shows what needs to be addressed in the future research. The
resulting model and the state of verification of this research are included in the Section 3.5.
The processed data from each country were transformed into tables, which are pre-
sented at the end of each subchapter correspondingly. These summary tables contain data
on the basic functionalities of the ISs. Within this basic setup, functions were observed
within the registration module, the evidence module, the module containing information
on socio-economic benefits, the sports infrastructure module, the module containing geo-
graphic information of the sports infrastructure, the module containing the database for
science, and the module containing the sports funding.
Systems 2024,12, 198 8 of 26
Systems 2024, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 27
Agency [41]; and for Slovakia it was the Slovak Sports Portal, which is under the admin-
istration of the National Sports Centre [42–44]. Besides these sources, various other schol-
arly publications and research reports were also included to serve as expert support for
this research.
2.5. Data Processing and Analysis
Another important feature is that this study does not represent a random selection of
the counties from which the data were drawn. The study links the results to the research
projects conducted earlier. This maximizes the eectiveness of the scientic eorts. There-
fore, the selection of the Czech Republic, Denmark, and England for the process of com-
parison was not random. The authors’ experience with research focused on these coun-
tries produced valuable results. Additionally, the country selection process refers to the
variability of this study. This is represented by the fact that these are four countries with
dierent models of sports policies [4548]. Despite this fundamental dierence, the selec-
tion of the Czech Republic is also conditioned based on cultural and social associations
linking it to Slovakia [49–51]. Denmark represents a country with a similar demographic
situation to Slovakia, but more importantly, it is one of the most innovative countries for
2023, accompanied by the UK (specically, England) [52]. This is clearly reected in their
technological provision of integrated ISs in sports. England also represents a country that
is widely considered a benchmark for how sports should operate.
In terms of data processing and research activities, it is also important to dene the
term eciency in this study. Eciency can be seen in multiple dimensions such as cost
eciency (minimization of costs and resources needed), time eciency (optimization of
activity duration), process eciency (elimination of unnecessary steps and increase in
productivity), organizational eciency (increased coordination and communication
among the stakeholders), and technological eciency (optimization of technological
means, automation of processes, and minimization of errors). A summary of these dimen-
sions is captured in Figure 1, which is linked to the research apparatus (Table 3).
Figure 1. Perceptions of eciency within this study.
The verication of eciency from the perspective of the research apparatus is partic-
ularly important because it shows what needs to be addressed in the future research. The
resulting model and the state of verication of this research are included in the Section
The processed data from each country were transformed into tables, which are pre-
sented at the end of each subchapter correspondingly. These summary tables contain data
on the basic functionalities of the ISs. Within this basic setup, functions were observed
within the registration module, the evidence module, the module containing information
Figure 1. Perceptions of efficiency within this study.
3. Results
The results are divided into four sub-chapters according to the country approached.
Within the subchapter on Slovakia, there is a section on the history of the development of
ISs in sports, as well as a section defining other partial ISs in sports in this country. The
difference between these systems is that the national IS of sports is usually the top-level
system to which the other, lower level, ISs in sports should be directly linked. The results
chapter concludes with a verification of the research apparatus.
3.1. Slovakia
The IS of sports in Slovakia has been conceived and operated as a means of public
administration in accordance with the current legal framework of the Slovak Republic (SR).
The operator of the IS of sports was the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
of the SR, specifically its section responsible for sports. The administration of this informa-
tion and communication system was carried out by the National Sports Centre (NSC), a
legal entity with legal subjectivity, which operates within the organizational competence of
the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR [
]. However, this status
should be changed, and the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of
the SR should be replaced by the newly emerging Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the SR,
which will take over the role of the system’s operator [54,55].
The IS of sports was created to provide centralized data collection. Its primary purpose
is to simplify the administrative processes resulting from the Sports Act and increase
transparency in funds reporting [
]. It is also intended to provide statistics on athletes,
sports professionals, sports organizations, and events. The system facilitates sports public’s
access to published information. In its development, emphasis was put on simplicity, clarity,
and sufficient users’ comfort for efficient collection and provision of information [57].
The IS of sports provides access to the following services:
Sports application portal;
Register of legal persons in sports;
Register of natural persons in sports;
Register of sponsorship contracts in sports;
Register of medal awards [57,58] (p. 1500).
3.1.1. History of Sports ISs in Slovakia
The National Sports Centre was established on 1 January 2004 by merging the National
Institute of Sports and the Centre of Academic Sports, in accordance with the Act of the
National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 288/1997 Coll. on Physical Culture, as
amended, with the addition of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No.
Systems 2024,12, 198 9 of 26
455/1991 Coll. on Trade licensing, as amended [
]. At that time, the center performed
the function of an integrated, service and coordination center for sports and care for the
sports representation of the Slovak Republic [
]. Its budget was set at 37 million Slovak
crowns (EUR 1.23 million) [60].
The IS of sports in Slovakia started to be created in 2004, with the participation of a
working group around the then director of the National Sports Centre Miroslav Haviar.
This group was based on the conviction that there was no athletes’ registration system that
would control the transparency and accuracy of data, which was very important at that time
since the number of athletes determined the funds allocated to sports associations [
The initial version of the IS of sports was based on the registration of athletes, associations,
and clubs. This task was assigned to DITEC through a tender process, but the company
delivered an unsatisfactory solution. This was running on an old platform with high
maintenance costs. It led to the termination of the contract with this company and the
launch of another tender. This was won by M7. According to Miroslav Haviar and the
annual reports of the NSC, the company managed to complete the functionality of the
IS of sports, between 2005 and 2007, to a half of what was required. The costs were SKK
1.9 million (EUR 63 thousand) [
]. The subsequent dismissal of the director of the
National Sports Centre caused the cancelation of the contract with M7. Between 2007 and
2010 the IS of sports was not being developed at all [
]. This conclusion is supported by
several arguments. One of them is that although the development of the IS of sports was
one of the priorities of the then government, more specifically the Ministry of Education,
the Government of the Slovak Republic did not even introduce with a unified proposal
addressing the functionality of such a system legislatively [
]. Instead, they delivered two
completely different proposals, which in one case addressed the IS of sports only marginally
and in the other not at all [
]. The second argument was added by the director of StengL,
Andrej Petrovaj, who in 2010 won the third, and so far the last, tender for the development
of the IS of sports in the Slovak Republic. According to him, work on the IS of sports started
completely from scratch and did not build on the previous work in any way. This caused
the result that the entire system was officially launched in 2012. At this stage, the IS of
sports worked on a basic technical level and was not improved in any fundamental way
until 2015. Then, the module for security at sporting events and the module for managing
the contribution to the sports representative were added [62]. More fundamental changes
were introduced around 2016, when a new Act on sports was passed, bringing the need
for a technological upgrade to the IS of sports. This included a modern and transparent
display of registers of legal and natural persons or sponsorship contracts [
]. However,
there was still a need to add other functions. These focused on the following areas:
Funding of sports:
- The granting of an allowance to a recognized sport;
- The provision of subsidies;
- The contribution to a national sports project;
- A module for reporting on the utilization of allocated funds.
A list of the most successful athletes;
Records of sports infrastructure;
A list of providers of state budget funds for sports activities;
A list of public funds recipients;
The area of control exercised by the Auditor General for Sports;
Electronic elections;
The obligations of the National Sports Federation
The activities of the Anti-Doping Agency;
Sports voucher allowance;
Contractual relations in sports;
Nationwide physical fitness testing of pupils in the first and third years of primary
Systems 2024,12, 198 10 of 26
Training of sports experts [67].
By 2019, no major progress had been made in these areas, despite a total investment
of EUR 1.63 million in the IS of sports between 2010 and 2019 [
]. The necessary change
was initiated by the then State Secretary for the Sports Section of the Ministry of Education,
Jozef Gönci. He argued that the IS of sports was not completed and did not comply with the
Sports Act [
]. The response to this issue was the announcement of a new program named
Data Management of Public Administration Institutions, under the Operational Program
Integrated Infrastructure 2014–2020. This program should have brought compliance with
the Sports Act and filled the information gap in the Slovak sports environment. The current
version of the system meets 127 legislative requirements (78.39%). The overall functions of
the IS of sports in Slovakia are listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Functions included in the IS of sports in Slovakia.
Feature Status
Registration module Implemented
Evidence module Implemented
Information with socio-economic benefits Not implemented
Sports infrastructure module Partially implemented
Geographical information Not implemented
Database for science Not implemented
Sports funding Implemented
According to the latest reports, the new IS of sports called ISŠ 2024+ should meet 161
(99.38%) of the total 162 legislative requirements. The only requirement that is not currently
met is the computerization of the electoral system. Thus, the IS of sports should be able to
display the register of sport support projects, the register of decisions, the register of sports
infrastructure, and others [
]. Another important element is that the system currently
covers a total of 8018 legal entities, 395,185 natural persons, 1243 sponsorship agreements,
and 6180 sports clubs [
]. These figures are particularly important for the comparison with
selected countries in the following subchapters [
]. Changes in the total costs spent on
the implementation of IS of sports in Slovakia during subsequent periods are presented in
Figure 2.
Systems 2024, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 27
environment. The current version of the system meets 127 legislative requirements
(78.39%). The overall functions of the IS of sports in Slovakia are listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Functions included in the IS of sports in Slovakia.
Feature Status
Registration module Implemented
Evidence module Implemented
Information with socio-economic benets Not implemented
Sports infrastructure module Partially implemented
Geographical information Not implemented
Database for science Not implemented
Sports funding Implemented
According to the latest reports, the new IS of sports called ISŠ 2024+ should meet 161
(99.38%) of the total 162 legislative requirements. The only requirement that is not cur-
rently met is the computerization of the electoral system. Thus, the IS of sports should be
able to display the register of sport support projects, the register of decisions, the register
of sports infrastructure, and others [69–71]. Another important element is that the system
currently covers a total of 8018 legal entities, 395,185 natural persons, 1243 sponsorship
agreements, and 6180 sports clubs [72]. These gures are particularly important for the
comparison with selected countries in the following subchapters [4244]. Changes in the
total costs spent on the implementation of IS of sports in Slovakia during subsequent pe-
riods are presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Changes in the total costs spent on the implementation of IS of sports in Slovakia during
subsequent periods.
3.1.2. Other Integrated Sports ISs in Slovakia
This chapter covers ISs in soccer, ice hockey, and skiing. These sports were selected
based on their high popularity in Slovakia [73–75] and the membership base [43].
The IS in soccer started in Slovakia after 2011. The Slovak Soccer Association (SFZ),
as the top governing body, wanted to ensure coordination among all governing parties
within Slovak soccer. It suered from a lack of coherent organization as the governing
bodies operated separately, without higher control, and managed their activities under
the coordination of the SFZ. Each governing body maintained its own records, rules, and
processes, which led to data gaps and duplicity, ambiguity, inconsistency, and a lack of
transparency. Additionally, the absence of a unied database of clubs and athletes
Figure 2. Changes in the total costs spent on the implementation of IS of sports in Slovakia during
subsequent periods.
3.1.2. Other Integrated Sports ISs in Slovakia
This chapter covers ISs in soccer, ice hockey, and skiing. These sports were selected
based on their high popularity in Slovakia [7375] and the membership base [43].
Systems 2024,12, 198 11 of 26
The IS in soccer started in Slovakia after 2011. The Slovak Soccer Association (SFZ),
as the top governing body, wanted to ensure coordination among all governing parties
within Slovak soccer. It suffered from a lack of coherent organization as the governing
bodies operated separately, without higher control, and managed their activities under
the coordination of the SFZ. Each governing body maintained its own records, rules, and
processes, which led to data gaps and duplicity, ambiguity, inconsistency, and a lack of
transparency. Additionally, the absence of a unified database of clubs and athletes severely
limited traceability and management of members. Although a certain level of record-
keeping was achieved in the existing system, it was inconsistent, with missing data and
limited user access. The organization’s processes were lengthy, being performed manually,
which decreased efficiency and compliance with modern standards [76].
The project for the implementation of the IS in soccer was operated by TEMPEST, a.s.
The development of this system costed a total of more than EUR one million (13 years of
development) and its operation costs around EUR four thousand annually [
]. The overall
functionality provides the following services for defined user groups:
Electronic registrations, personal accounts, and ID cards for:
- Athletes;
- Sports experts;
- Other stakeholders with assigned competences.
Competition management, commissions, standards controlling, delegates, and fair
play services for:
Clubs: electronic team entries for competitions, player nominations for passports,
submissions to commissions and notifications of resolutions from commissions;
Commissions: competition fixtures, automatic summaries and tables, decisions
and resolutions from commissions, notifications, and disciplinary measures;
Yellow and red cards: reports, statistics and competitions concerning clubs and
- Delegates: electronic entry forms and fair play;
- Players and clubs: player transfers and guest appearances.
Economics, financial controlling, payments, and central invoicing for:
Clubs: fees and fines generated for clubs after the service has been performed and
included as invoice items;
Monthly collection invoicing: service provided by the SFZ to clubs and other
associations; in 2015, EUR 5,145,830 (with 142,316 items) was invoiced under the
control of the SFZ;
Payment of fees and fines controlled centrally via invoicing: payment compliance
over 98%;
Ell fees and fines of other associations processed via the SFZ accounting and bank
account with central controlling;
Match delegates’ remuneration: calculation of delegates’ and referees’ salaries [
The implementation of the IS means that the paper agenda in soccer in Slovakia has
become rare. The system is used by a total of 45 associations (all those active in soccer)
and more than 1700 clubs. According to the top officials involved, there are no objections
to the system, either from the associations, the clubs, or the athletes themselves [
Moreover, the system is based on high integrity with modern technology and experienced
human capital to ensure security and integrity with the top Slovak IS of sports [73].
A secondary output of this project is also the creation of a service-result portal Fut-, which is directly connected to the IS of soccer. This portal represents a form of
visualization of soccer data, intended mainly for the public [
]. At the highest intensity,
unique site visits are in the range of 7 to 10 thousand [77].
Ice hockey
Systems 2024,12, 198 12 of 26
Similarly to soccer, ice hockey in Slovakia has one top body, which is the Slovak Ice
Hockey Federation (SIHF). The main objective of the implementation of the Ice Hockey IS
was to create a centralized platform providing functions for the collection and processing
of data on individuals, clubs, and competitions. Emphasis was also put on the comput-
erization of the federation’s processes to minimize the administrative burden [
]. The
system’s development began in 2012. Its total cost is not disclosed. However, based on the
SIHF budget for 2024, the amount allocated for the material and technical provision and
development of the IS amounts to EUR 100 thousand [81].
As a result, a system was created that covers more than 90 active clubs and more than
11.5 thousand members (the number of active players) [
]. The system also ensures the
operation of the following modules:
Registration system for:
- Players;
- Clubs;
- Coaches;
- Referees;
- Doctors;
- Officials.
Electronic registry for:
- Issuance of registration cards;
- Managing and controlling the processes of transfers and guest players.
- Registration of sports venues,
- Overview of all league structures, tournaments, and matches;
- Overview of statistics;
- Clear match reports;
- Notifications with match results.
Current matches:
- Overview of LIVE and upcoming matches including their statistics.
Management of referees, delegating them to individual matches, tracking their
performance and statistics;
- Keeping track of apologies;
- Sending notifications;
- Management of delegation letters.
Match reports:
- Overview of the evaluations for each match.
Disciplinary committee:
- Records of the assessment of athletes’ activities, fines, and penalties imposed.
Content management:
Content management system (CMS) for the management of articles, news, and
other content on the SIHF public portal.
System administration:
- Key system settings, dials, and user accounts and permissions [8082].
The system is fully interconnected and integrated to ensure the link to the IS of
sports [
]. A secondary outcome was that the collected and processed data and statistics
were further presented to the public via the SIHF public portal, which provides clear
information on players, hockey clubs, and all games played within the individual hockey
Systems 2024,12, 198 13 of 26
leagues [
]. Additionally, an interesting output is the pre-connection of the IS to training
systems, which ensure efficient management of the training process, player development
plans, player and coach education, and scouting [85].
The management of this winter sport is the responsibility of the Slovak Ski Association.
In 2022, the association allocated EUR 29,784 for the implementation of a new IS for this
association [
]. The role of this system was to optimize the processes related to the admin-
istration of the members, the management of competitions, the support of the processes for
the nomination and remuneration of referees, the disciplinary committee, and other key
activities [87,88]. The outcome was the creation of an IS with the following modules:
Registration module:
- Racers;
- Officials;
- Referees;
- Coaches;
- Volunteers;
- Sports clubs.
Evidence module:
- Recording of membership payments;
- Registration of applications for registration;
- Registration of transfers.
Sports events module:
- Creation of new events;
- Management of the application process for events [88].
In total, the system contains data on 203 clubs and 3086 athletes. A part of the
implementation is the transfer of data on members and clubs of the Slovak Ski Association
and their connection to the Slovak IS of sports [89].
3.2. Czech Republic
The National Sports Information System in the Czech Republic is directly adminis-
tered by a single top body, the National Sports Agency (NSA). It contains information
on the list of sports organizations, athletes, coaches, and sports venues. It also contains
a registration module, which is the basis of such systems as identified in the chapter on
Slovakia [
]. The system shows a lack of correlation and clarity of data, as duplicity or
incompleteness of key data are common. This was also the subject of our studies presented
in the methodological approach.
Therefore, in 2020, the Czech Republic decided to digitize and modernize the NSA
services, including those related to the IS of sports. The first wave created a great potential
for improvement, but the authority was not able to fully meet the expectations. Insufficient
capacity in the execution of the agenda severely limited its effectiveness. ISs showed
large gaps in functionality, integration, and connectivity to e-government. Subsidies also
complicated the process of digitalization of financial support delivery, which was not
sufficiently IT-enabled for NSA staff, hindering timely access to the necessary data. The
NSA assessed its current ISs as not integrated, and their separate use caused inconsistent
data transfers. This made the entire process inefficient, time-consuming, and exposed it to
a high risk of error [36,90].
The second wave should directly create the prerequisites for the sports IS to be mod-
ernized, transparent, sufficiently protected, but most importantly, efficient. In total, the
NSA has allocated EUR 1.45 million and the system should be ready by 2027. The aim
is mainly the total automation of the system and the integration with other ISs that are
not interconnected yet [
]. The NSA has decided for close cooperation with the newly
emerging Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Slovak Republic, for the purpose of joint
Systems 2024,12, 198 14 of 26
sharing of know-how and procedures. This also affects the topic of ISs of sports [
]. The
overall functions of the ISs of sports of the Czech Republic are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Functions contained in the IS of sports of the Czech Republic.
Feature Status
Registration module Implemented
Evidence module Implemented
Information with socio-economic benefits Not implemented
Sports infrastructure module Partially implemented
Geographical information Not implemented
Database for science Not implemented
Sports funding Partially implemented
This IS of sports contains data on 4,136,958 athletes [
], 11,192 sports venues [
], and
14,602 sports clubs [94].
3.3. Denmark
A specific example of a functional and cost-effective IS of sports is offered by Denmark.
Although the direct control of the IS of sports (Central Association Register) is with The
Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF), the information is mainly processed by Statistics
Denmark. This institution provides data on the sports economy and employment in sports,
participation in sports, and data on sports clubs and sports infrastructure [
]. Nevertheless,
it is also possible to identify inefficient ways of integrating individual systems, as data
processing involves coding, tabulation, checking, and fine-tuning the extracts from registers.
Systems integration is therefore still inefficient. At the same time, verification of the results
against previous years is performed, or the staff communicate directly with the associations
concerned. This is a necessary control function, but is now considered automatable [
The fact that the datasets available on the statistical portal contain specific filtering functions
is a plus. In data analysis, this feature is crucial, as it allows researchers to use data more
efficiently. Additionally, the depth of the datasets is great as these data contain unique
factors such as cultural habits [
] and socio-economic status of the sports participants [
All these statistics are pivotal elements in sports, and their utilization is not effective as it is
only based on rough estimates, like they are in Slovakia. The primary aim is for Denmark
to become the most active nation in the world. The sub-concept supports the aim that by
2025, 75% of the population will participate in sports/exercise and 50% will be active in
sports organizations [
]. This is not just a theoretical concept. It can be properly verified
and monitored over time due to advanced datasets. The functions of the Denmark’s IS of
sports are listed in Table 6.
Table 6. Functions included in Denmark’s IS of sports.
Feature Status
Registration module Implemented
Evidence module Implemented
Information with socio-economic benefits Implemented
Sports infrastructure module Implemented
Geographical information Not implemented
Database for science Implemented
Sports funding Partially implemented
This IS of sports covers data on 2,640,850 athletes [
], 11,896 sports venues [
], and
11,396 sports clubs [
]. The amount allocated to this IS is not clear, as it is not publicly
communicated. Nevertheless, a study from Germany found that the system’s operation
costs Denmark around EUR 80 thousand every year [34].
Systems 2024,12, 198 15 of 26
3.4. England
The last country compared, England, is a complex example of how the IS of sports
should work. However, on the other hand, it shows some elements to be avoided. Paradox-
ically, the system contains data that cannot be found directly on a representative website in
either of the previous countries. Examples are offered by case studies talking about how the
data should be used to the benefit of the sports community [
]. The IS of sports here is
managed by Sport England, which takes pride in ensuring that sports and physical activity
play a key role in improving the physical and mental health of the nation, boosting the
economy, and bringing communities together [
]. Therefore, the IS of sports is based on
data designed for research into population activity and sports infrastructure. Population
activity is divided into three main categories: data on the adult population (aged 16 and
over), data on the activity of children and young people (aged 5 years to 16 years), and
data on the behavior of children and young people. The [
] sports infrastructure module
is based on a relational database containing all critical information (administrative data,
contact details, ownership data, etc.) [38,106].
However, the downside is that the system is not clear enough and the information it
provides is difficult to find. The whole system could therefore be assessed as very poorly
user-oriented. The functions of this system are listed in Table 7.
Table 7. Functions included in England’s IS of sports.
Feature Status
Registration module Implemented
Evidence module Implemented
Information with socio-economic benefits Implemented
Sports infrastructure module Implemented
Geographical information Implemented
Database for science Implemented
Sports funding Partially implemented
The system contains information on 39,559,300 athletes [107], 122,195 sports venues [108],
and more than 150,000 sports clubs [
]. According to a research project from Germany,
the system’s operation costs around EUR 1 million every year [34].
3.5. Verification of the Research Apparatus
The last chapter within the results summarizes the findings and creates a synthesis
of the verification of the whole research apparatus. Successively, hypotheses H
to H
verified, based on the corresponding research questions and indicators.
H1 verification: The implementation of integrated ISs in sports was not efficient in the past and
therefore there is no efficient data management in Slovakia today.
The first hypothesis perceives efficiency in terms of cost, time, and technology. Regard-
ing time, it can be argued that the implementation was not efficient. The implementation
time represents a very long period (20 years—from 2004 to 2024). This is highlighted by the
fact that the IS of sports implementation project in Slovakia has already changed a total of
three contractors, who always started almost from scratch. Following these findings and
cost perceptions of efficiency, the project cannot be seen as effective in this regard either.
The final factor includes the technological tools or modules that the system contained,
contains, or will contain. This aspect of efficiency can be assessed as more than satisfactory,
but only if we look at the future operation of the system, which is not implemented yet
; I
). The problem with the current operation is mainly the duplicity of data and the
unavailable functions required by the Sports Act in Slovakia (I
; I
). This problem has
been present since the initial attempts. Therefore, it is clear that efficiency is not ensured in
this respect.
Systems 2024,12, 198 16 of 26
On the other hand, the history also shows that today, due to these systems, we can
process data more efficiently and generate important information. This was included in
the manual agenda in the past (I
). Thus, automation belongs to the effective elements
that can be seen as positive, despite its long-term unsustainability (I
; I
). Similarly,
security is at a very high level due to highly qualified staff and modern elements (I
The interconnection of the individual systems is assured, creating a synergistic effect of
information exchange among them as a key element of effective data management (IB2).
Evaluating all these facts together confirms that the implementation of integrated ISs
in sports has not been efficient in the past, and therefore there is no efficient data manage-
ment in Slovakia today. This is despite partial successes, such as system interconnection,
automation, or security.
H2 verification: Implementation of integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia supports analytical and
managerial decision-making.
The second hypothesis is related to some of the parts used in the verification of
the first hypothesis. These factors are represented by the level of automation of data
collection, processing, and analytical processes, but also by the efficiency of data utilization
for strategic decision-making (I
; I
). Within this hypothesis, efficiency is perceived in
terms of time and processes.
The current setup and utilization of ISs show that these systems help solve problems,
especially in the administrative processes. However, administration is closely linked to the
analytical and managerial perspective of the operation of any sports entity. The potential of
these ISs is commonly utilized in training processes, which are more complex and purpose-
ful due to efficient and accurate data analysis. The connectivity and functionality of the
systems extends to other elements as well, as demonstrated by the modules of the systems
dealing with controlling, record keeping, registration schemes, event planning, competi-
tion management, management of referees and various delegates, content management,
or standards management. All these modules help sports teams and their stakeholders
properly coordinate their activities and procedures (IC1; IC2; IC3).
The interconnectedness of the systems, their partial self-maintenance (I
), and the
use of data for strategic decision-making (I
) are good examples of elements making the
system more effective in terms of managing the overall integration in Slovakia. However,
communication and consensus with all stakeholders is also important, as documented
by the cases of selected sports federations in Slovakia (I
; I
; I
). Summarizing these
findings, the second hypothesis is confirmed.
H3 verification: Implementation of integrated ISs in sports is significantly more efficient in
selected EU countries than in Slovakia.
The last hypothesis focuses on the efficiency in terms of time. However, it is also seen
in terms of organizational and technological sustainability. In terms of time efficiency, it is
difficult to assess the databases of England and Denmark, as for these two countries it is not
stated when they started to implement such systems. However, it is possible to assess that
working with these databases is demanding in terms of time management. The English
database is not user-friendly. On the other hand, the Danish database is relatively easy to
work with but, as the governing bodies declare, the data that go into it are not subject to
advanced automation and are therefore not processed time-efficiently. Among the countries
compared, the Czech Republic can be perceived as a country close to the standards of
Slovakia regarding their IS management. Not only is it a country experiencing the same
problems, but it has also been working on its elimination and effective management for
a considerable period, which declares the absence of time sustainability of the systems
(ID1; ID2).
Organizationally, it is questionable why the selected countries do not cooperate more
on covering source compatibility among integrated ISs. All systems contain huge amounts
Systems 2024,12, 198 17 of 26
of data (Table 8) not being effectively managed, without interconnection and automation.
The costs of running these databases are significant. Therefore, maximizing their efficiency
and functionality should be the primary pre-implementation consideration. On the other
hand, the examples of Denmark and England can be seen as positive in terms of building ISs
for the needs of the scientific community. Both countries cooperate directly on studies based
on the databases in these ISs. The Czech Republic can be considered a negative example,
which must be seen critically in terms of the operation of integrated ISs in comparison with
Slovakia (ID3).
Table 8. Costs of individual databases in selected EU countries.
Country Average Annual
Costs (EUR)
Number of
Athletes in the
Number of
Sports Facilities
in the Database
Number of
Sports Clubs
in the Database
Denmark 80,000 2,640,850 11,896 11,396
Czech Republic 289,695 4,136,958 11,192 14,602
England 1,000,000 39,559,300 122,195 151,000 *
Slovakia 128,186 395,185 4553 6180
* Estimated value based on the research of the Club Management Association of Europe.
The last logical element to observe is the technological aspect of the ISs of sports. Data
updating is being accomplished best in England, where the ISs are being updated monthly.
The functionality of this IS is also at a high level and it is comparable to the system in
Denmark. Compared to the IS of sports in Slovakia, the datasets of these systems contain
unique data important for the scientific community. These datapoints are scarce in Slovakia,
which complicates the work of Slovak scientists and researchers focusing on this field. A
significant leap of these systems, in the selected countries, could not be observed, especially
if we focus on the future functions of the IS of sports in Slovakia (ISŠ 2024+) (I
; I
). A
comparison of the ISs functions in all observed countries is captured in Table 9.
Table 9. Functions included in the IS of sports in the selected countries.
Feature Status/Country
Slovakia Czech Republic Denmark England
Registration module Implemented Implemented Implemented Implemented
Evidence module Implemented Implemented Implemented Implemented
Information with
socio-economic benefits
Not implemented Not implemented Implemented Implemented
Sports infrastructure
module Partially implemented Partially implemented Implemented Implemented
information Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented Implemented
Database for science Not implemented Not implemented Implemented Implemented
Sports Implemented Partially implemented Partially implemented Partially implemented
From observation and comparison of the selected functional modules of the data-base
systems in the selected countries, it can be concluded that England is the only country
that has implemented a geographic module for sports infrastructures. This module is very
challenging to implement because it is necessary to have a fully functional module in place
describing the sports infrastructure in the country. Slovakia and the Czech Republic must
first implement new versions of these systems to consider such a module. A question with
no clear answer is why a country like Denmark has not implemented such a module yet. A
possible answer could be the financial and qualitative efficiency needed for such a module,
as reported in a study from Germany [34].
Systems 2024,12, 198 18 of 26
Furthermore, the country comparison showed that Slovakia and the Czech Republic do
not currently foresee the implementation of a database module for science. We believe that
this fact is mainly because sports and research in these countries are not highly connected.
The connection could be even perceived as marginal.
A vivid example of a modern system is the sports funding module, which works well,
especially from the Slovak perspective. Slovakia is the only country providing information
on sponsorship contracts, allowing users to look at complete financial data on a national
level. Other countries have also implemented this module, but in most of them there is
no register of contracts or funding amounts from individual ministries or other national
In the process of this comparison, it was identified that neither Denmark nor England,
unlike Slovakia and the Czech Republic, have a vision of the implementation of ISs, so it
was difficult to compare these countries in this regard.
The outcome is that it cannot be unequivocally stated that the implementation of
integrated ISs in sports is significantly more efficient in the selected EU countries than in
Slovakia. Therefore, hypothesis H3 is not considered confirmed.
The overall evaluation of the research apparatus’s verification is captured in Figure 3.
Systems 2024, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 27
that this fact is mainly because sports and research in these countries are not highly con-
nected. The connection could be even perceived as marginal.
A vivid example of a modern system is the sports funding module, which works well,
especially from the Slovak perspective. Slovakia is the only country providing information
on sponsorship contracts, allowing users to look at complete nancial data on a national
level. Other countries have also implemented this module, but in most of them there is no
register of contracts or funding amounts from individual ministries or other national bod-
In the process of this comparison, it was identied that neither Denmark nor Eng-
land, unlike Slovakia and the Czech Republic, have a vision of the implementation of ISs,
so it was dicult to compare these countries in this regard.
The outcome is that it cannot be unequivocally stated that the implementation of in-
tegrated ISs in sports is signicantly more ecient in the selected EU countries than in
Slovakia. Therefore, hypothesis H3 is not considered conrmed.
The overall evaluation of the research apparatus’s verication is captured in Figure
Figure 3. Final verication of the research apparatus.
Verication of the research apparatus shows that Slovakia does not have eective
management of integrated ISs. Cost, time, and technological eciency remain the prob-
lematic areas. All these problems are caused by the long-term ineective management at
the top level related to the IS of sports in Slovakia. On the other hand, process and organ-
izational eciency are set at a high level, which partly ensures the eciency of the top IS
of sports. Table 10 answers all the research questions set.
Table 10. Answers to the research questions.
Research Question Findings Providing the Answer
: What are the main advantages
and challenges in the implementation
of integrated ISs in the sports sector
in Slovakia?
Automation and systematization
of processes
Improved data management compared
to manual agendas
Ensured data security
Long-term implementation ineciencies
Figure 3. Final verification of the research apparatus.
Verification of the research apparatus shows that Slovakia does not have effective man-
agement of integrated ISs. Cost, time, and technological efficiency remain the problematic
areas. All these problems are caused by the long-term ineffective management at the top
level related to the IS of sports in Slovakia. On the other hand, process and organizational
efficiency are set at a high level, which partly ensures the efficiency of the top IS of sports.
Table 10 answers all the research questions set.
As it was revealed, ISs of sports are a highly efficient tools for data processing, analysis,
and management. However, for these systems to function consistently and to be effective,
several requirements need to be met and broader research needs to be applied to take the
use of these systems to the next level. These issues are further addressed in the discussion
and the conclusion of this study.
Systems 2024,12, 198 19 of 26
Table 10. Answers to the research questions.
Research Question Findings Providing the Answer
RQ1: What are the main advantages and challenges in the
implementation of integrated ISs in the sports sector in
Automation and systematization of processes
Improved data management compared to manual agendas
Ensured data security
Long-term implementation inefficiencies
Duplicity of data and incomplete functionalities
Time-consuming implementation and contractor changes
RQ2: What are the best practices for data collection,
management, and analysis in integrated ISs of sports in
Automated data collection
Accurate data analysis
Integration of modules for controlling, planning, and
: What is the potential of integrated ISs for decision support
and planning in sports in Slovakia?
Administrative processes
Analytical and managerial decision-making
Coordination and management of time and process efficiency
RQ4: What are the best approaches to ensure trustworthiness
and data security in integrated sports ISs in Slovakia?
Highly qualified staff
Modern security elements
Interconnection of systems to create a synergistic effect of
information exchange
RQ5: What specific factors influence the success of the
implementation of integrated ISs in sports organizations in
Long-term implementation inefficiencies
Technological deficiencies and duplicity of data
Communication and consensus with the stakeholders
RQ6: What specific factors contribute to more effective
implementation of integrated ISs in the field of sports in
selected EU countries?
Improved trust and data security
Improved time efficiency in updating and processing data
Improved collaboration between sports clubs and top IS
providers in the development and utilization of ISs
4. Discussion
An important part of the research is that it builds on previous research [
]. This
connection points to our effort to create an in-depth analysis of the operation of sports
in Slovakia, with a focus on capturing the economic, informatics, managerial, marketing,
and procedural–legal elements of this environment. Linking the overall research with the
individual parts of the discussion creates a synergistic effect.
The limitations of this study are primarily present due to the complexities involved
in individualized data acquisition and subsequent analysis. Unfortunately, the range
of available data across the spectrum remains somewhat limited, making some of the
conclusions susceptible to subjective judgement. An example pointing to this is the lack
of documentation on the implementation of ISs in England or Denmark. In addition,
comprehensive documentation of all the external variables that potentially influence re-
search outcomes proves difficult to obtain. As a result, the interpretive framework of the
study must acknowledge these inherent limitations when striving for methodological rigor,
thereby promoting a nuanced understanding of its findings within scientific discourse.
The benefits of this study include its connection to our previous research efforts, giving
it a solid background, enabling a deeper analysis of the studied sports management aspects.
Another benefit is a balanced multiple-case comparison where some of the countries have a
closer connection (Slovakia, Czech Republic) enabling a fast transfer of knowledge and best
practice and the others represent more advanced, complex solutions in the sports ISs area.
However, via the comprehensive and precisely defined approach to the IS efficiency applied
in this study, deficiencies in the sports ISs of Denmark and England could be detected as
well. This is the last substantial benefit of our research approach.
The results can be seen in the context of an analysis of the overall IS setting of sports in
the selected countries. Such an approach is currently still considered unique. However, it is
Systems 2024,12, 198 20 of 26
supported by a study from South Africa, which focused on examining the whole-sports sys-
tem, with the technology setup aspect covering just the area of sports IS functionality [
This study argues that the importance of understanding the national contexts of elite sports
systems provides relevant input that should be used in achieving sport success. However,
an important part is that the systems in question are effective and provide the necessary
level of transparency. It should be noted that it is questionable why the ISs of sports in
England and Denmark do not provide access to public contracts describing, e.g., the costs
of running these systems. The transformation of the sports industry literally requires this
kind of concept to be applied in practice. This is evidenced by statements clearly showing
that in the context of new information technologies, a high quality and transparent analysis
of all challenges and opportunities is necessary. In addition to transparency and quality,
the integration of an IS of sports is critically important [111].
The utilization of an effective IS of sports can be seen in other dimensions. Probably
the most important is the perspective of efficiency and data utilization in the case of
athletes and sports clubs. Recently, it has become an essential part of the operation of an
organization to have decision-making sufficiently supported via the analysis of available
data. As an example, in the USA, up to 77% of organizations have data-driven decision-
making. Germany and the UK are at the level of 69% [
]. For sports organizations, these
data are a source of athletes’ progress, allowing their development to be accurately tracked
and compared over time [
]. Additionally, modern ISs of sports record factors such
as weather, geographical data of the sport infra-structure, or the general condition of the
sports field. Based this, research has emerged looking in depth at how the influence of
an athlete’s confidence can enhance their performance [
]. Today, these data play an
essential role in monitoring medical or training processes. It is proven that the proper
handling of data obtained from ISs of sports can positively influence the psychological
and physical adjustment of individuals [
]. However, the data can also be applied to the
historical context of the analyses and be linked to individual sports clubs. Thus, one can
ascertain how a club has fared and compile, analyze, and evaluate these factors. This was
also the content of the study focused on teams from the English Football League [116].
Other studies emphasize the need for a comprehensive IS of sports for the proper
organization of sports events. Modern ISs of sports can predict and reveal potential
weaknesses of sports events [
]. Another feature is the effectiveness in the overall
management of sports events and visits. This factor is one of the main forces that predict
the success of a sports entity [
]. However, the latter depends on the setting of the
competition in which the club operates. Changes in competitions, especially the negative
ones, can influence attendance in stadiums significantly. This is evidenced by the change in
the basketball Euroleague [
] and the change in the qualification for the 2020 European
Championship [
]. The effectiveness of such ISs reflects the level of competition as
such [121].
The importance of correct operation and overall efficiency of ISs of sports is underlined
by the scientific importance of ISs themselves. This can be seen in being able to use the data
retrospectively, e.g., in the analysis of sponsorship [
] or the impact of manager turnover
on the performance of a business or other organization [123].
Often overlooked in these systems is the importance of integrating them into lower
levels of sports governance, such as regions or local governments. It is quite common for
these two levels to offer services that are neither automated nor systematic, resulting in a
reduction in the dynamics of communication among the stakeholders [
]. On the other
hand, all these systems must be provided by highly qualified personnel. These human
resources ensure critical security and efficiency in terms of the ISs’ sustainability. Therefore,
it is necessary that in the future such systems are implemented with a link to e-recruitment,
which is a trend in ISs in terms of technology and its application [125,126].
Finally, it is also important to mention the managerial implications stemming from
the introduction of high-performance, modern, and efficient ISs. These implications are,
e.g., that it is important for systems to be interactive or interoperable, on the basis that
Systems 2024,12, 198 21 of 26
this creates models that are highly valued, in terms of managing human capital [
Therefore, managers should prioritize the integration of ISs to support decision-making
processes across various aspects of sports management, from athlete development to event
organization. Managers should also be facilitators of cooperation, which is what is needed
in such systems to ensure transparency and credibility. ISs play a crucial role in this as
they create the space for this co-operation and make the whole process faster and more
efficient [128,129].
5. Conclusions
This article examines the impact of ICTs on the decision-making of sports managers.
Its main aim has been fulfilled via a comparative analysis based on four selected countries:
Slovakia, Czech Republic, England, and Denmark. This was mainly based on the findings
of what each IS of sports contains and is capable of in each country. However, the main
purpose of the research is built on revealing the actual situation in Slovakia. An important
finding is that the administration of these higher ISs of sports in Slovakia is with the NSC,
which is in direct contact with the new Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak
Republic. This means is that the findings can help in building the strategic agenda of the
Ministry in the direction of sustainable ICT governance. This is where the findings meet
the policymakers responsible for future changes leading to more efficient implementation
and operation of sports IS in Slovakia.
In this regard, as another key finding, the research revealed that the implementation of
integrated ISs in sports in Slovakia has not been efficient in terms of costs, time, and technol-
ogy. Although the systems have brought partial successes such as automation and security,
there is no effective data management. These systems support managerial decision-making,
and their functionality is comparable to systems in other EU countries. Additionally, the
new version of the IS of sports in Slovakia will be technologically upgraded and should
come closer to the selected countries compared. On the other hand, it must be emphasized
that even if the technological aspect will be enhanced, the cost and time efficiency of the
system will remain problematic. It is therefore necessary to consider a more comprehensive
integration and better management of these systems in Slovakia. These key findings are
connected to the following recommendations focused on all the entities responsible for the
setting and operation of integrated sports ISs.
A general recommendation to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the ISs of
sports is that all sub-systems are made transparent, automated, and strategically planned,
both in terms of implementation and maintenance. Slovakia is a country with a transparent
implementation and maintenance of a top-level IS of sports but with a lack of long-term
strategic planning. This is demonstrated by this study’s results. The opposite side of
the spectrum of sports ISs is seen in Denmark and England. These systems are highly
efficient but do not have transparent funding that can be easily monitored. Another
recommendation for Slovak policymakers is to implement support for research in a similar
way to Denmark or England. Such a feature promotes the efficiency and is the source of
unique data of high value in the sports industry. It is also recommended that sports ISs are
made more interoperable and interactive. As shown in the case of Denmark, the top-level
IS of sports is highly efficient, but it does not have the necessary interoperability, which
is reflected in a lower degree of automation and prolonged data processing and analysis.
Finally, the outputs from the ISs of sports need to be easy to use and intuitive for the users
themselves—sports managers and policymakers. Thus, there is a need to address the user
interface and usability of integrated ISs. The simpler and more intuitive the systems are for
users, the more likely they will be used correctly and effectively.
This research can be used in multiple ways by the scientific community. It may set a
precedent for comparing other countries and their ISs of sports. Additionally, this article
can have applications in ISs or ICTs in sports research. This is because it presents a unique
perspective on how selected ISs of sports operate. The limitations should be seen mainly in
terms of the complexity of the individual data collected and analyzed. These data are not
Systems 2024,12, 198 22 of 26
currently well available, which makes some conclusions potentially subjective. It is also
not possible to consider all external factors that could influence the results.
Future research can focus on the overall context of sports management research in
Slovakia and other EU countries. The increasing dependence on technology and data
in sports highlights the importance of exploring ethical and legal issues such as privacy,
fairness, and data handling. Further research could explore how integrated ISs affect fans’
interaction with sports, including the possibilities to improve the fan experience. The trend
of artificial intelligence could be further explored to create advanced systems for predicting
outcomes or preparing personalized training programs.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.V., M.K., M.M. and M.Š.; methodology, M.Š. and M.M.;
software, M.Š. and M.M.; validation, M.V. and M.K.; formal analysis, M.Š., M.V. and M.M.; investiga-
tion, M.Š.; resources, M.Š. and M.M.; data curation, M.Š.; writing—original draft preparation, M.Š.,
M.K., M.M. and M.V.; writing—review and editing, M.Š. and M.M.; visualization, M.Š.; supervision,
M.V.; project administration, M.K.; funding acquisition, M.V. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the
project Sustainability strategy of a sports organization in the conditions of the Slovak Republic,
Data Availability Statement: The data are available on demand from the authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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