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P-ISSN: 2618-0723 NAAS Rating: 5.04
E-ISSN: 2618-0731
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
Volume 7; Issue 6; June 2024; Page No. 01-05
Received: 01-03-2024 Indexed Journal
Accepted: 10-04-2024 Peer Reviewed Journal
Navigating challenges in finger millet adoption and marketing
1Beera Anusha, 2Akkamahadevi Naik, 3Ashok Kumar and 4Idemakanti Chandrakanth Reddy
1PG Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, M. S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM,
Paralakhemundi, Odisha, India
2, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, M. S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM,
Paralakhemundi, Odisha, India
4Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, M. S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM,
Paralakhemundi, Odisha, India
Corresponding Author: Akkamahadevi Naik
The study was conducted in the year 2023-24 in the North Costal Region of Andhra Pradesh. The adoption of Finger Millet management
practices by farmers is hindered by various constraints. The primary goals of the research included evaluating the future prospects and
potential of millet, identifying farming challenges, and formulating effective strategies to address these issues through comprehensive
analysis of data and existing literature. Key challenges include limited access to market information, inadequate knowledge about best
practices, and insufficient institutional support. Farmers often struggle to obtain accurate and timely information regarding market demand,
pricing trends, and potential buyers, impacting their decision-making processes. Additionally, a lack of awareness about effective cultivation
techniques and pest management strategies further complicates the adoption of Finger Millet practices. The major (96.67%) constraint in
production was Pest and Disease infestation and the major (96.67%) constraint in Marketing of Finger Millet was Discrepancy between MSP
and actual purchase price. Addressing these constraints requires concerted efforts to improve market information dissemination, enhance
farmer education and training, and strengthen institutional support systems. By overcoming these barriers, farmers can better adopt and
implement Finger Millet management practices, thereby enhancing productivity and promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Finger
Millet farming regions.
Keywords: Adoption, constraints, finger millet, marketing, production
India is one amongst the leading producers of millets in the
world (Singh et al., 2024) [10]. The Central Government of
India designated 2018 as the Year of Millets, highlighting
the significance of these grains. Building upon this
initiative, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
plans to observe 2023 as the International Year of Millets, a
proposal initially put forth by India. This global recognition
underscores the growing importance of millets in addressing
food security and nutrition challenges worldwide (Prasanth
and Murugan, 2021) [7]. Millets are in one of the
multifunctionality groups of dual-purpose crops within the
agricultural sector (Babele et al., 2022) [1]. The term "Millet"
is used to refer to a variety of various small-grained cereal
grasses (Hrideek and Nampoothiri, 2017) [4]. Millet is part of
a category of secondary crops contributing a smaller
proportion of the nation's food energy (Gyawali, 2021) [3].
Growing knowledge of the nutritional worth and potential
health advantages of traditional and indigenous food
systems has led to a resurgence of interest in them in recent
years. Small-seeded grains known as millets have been
farmed for thousands of years and are essential to both
agriculture and human sustenance (Singh and Bano, 2024)
[10]. Between all the grains and millets, Finger Millet has the
uppermost nutrients and health benefits.
Finger millet, scientifically known as Eleusine coracana.L,
is an ancient cereal that is nutritious which belongs to the
grass family Poaceae, and is known for its small, finger-like
grains (Gupta et al., 2017) [2]. Finger Millet comes under the
category of minor Millets, due to its ease of cultivation and
versatility as a food; it is becoming more and more popular
all over the World (Das, 2023) [11]. And also, it can be stored
safely for several years without being infested by insects or
other pests and is also known as the Poor man's crop.
(Rathore et al., 2019) [8]. Between all the grains and millets,
Finger Millet has the uppermost concentrations of calcium
(344 mg/ 100g), potassium (408 mg/ 100g), magnesium
(137 mg/100 g), sodium (11 mg/ 100 g), and phenolic
compounds (0.3–3%) (Shobana et al., 2013 and Paschapur
et al., 2021) [9, 5]. Incorporating whole grain finger millet and
its derivatives into your regular diet can serve as a
protective measure against cardiovascular diseases,
contributing to improved heart health (Pradhan, 2022) [6].
While finger millet producers benefit from increased
production and profitability due to nutrient management,
there are certain reasons that prevent farmers from using
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
recommended nutrient management measures. Therefore,
it's essential to ascertain the obstacles farmers experience
while implementing nutrient management techniques.
Analysis of constraints is becoming one of the crucial
elements of technology transfer in agriculture.
Disseminating the technologies across the farming
community is impossible without first analyzing the limits.
Therefore, an effort was made to learn about the obstacles
farmers faced when implementing nutrient management
techniques in the growth of finger millet.
Conducting a cost and returns analysis holds significant
economic importance as it enables farmers to make
informed decisions at the farm level by accurately
estimating product costs (Vennila et al., 2022) [12]. This
helps to know and understanding the cost of cultivation is
crucial for farmers as it provides insights into the financial
aspects of their agricultural practices. By comprehensively
assessing expenses related to inputs like seeds, fertilizers,
labor, and machinery, farmers can effectively budget,
optimize resource allocation, and make informed decisions
to maximize profitability and sustainability on their farms.
The study was conducted based on Ex-post facto research
design. Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatanam
district of North Costal region of Andhra Pradesh was
purposively selected for the study based on the criteria of
highest area and production of finger millet in the state. In
the Srikakula district, Polaki and Narasannapeta blocks, in
Vizianagaram district Therlam and Gurla blocks and from
visakhapatanam district Padmanabham and Anandapuram
were selected. A total of 120 finger millet growers were
selected from the three districts in which 40 from the each
district and 20 from the each block. The literature review
and conversations with extension agents, scientists, and
Progressive farmers resulted in the preparation of a list of
potential barriers to the adoption of Finger millet
management techniques. A pilot study was done in the non-
research area. Personal interviews were used to gather data
from the respondents using a pre-tested and well-structured
interview schedule. The constraints were applied using a
two-point continuum with scores of 2 and 1, respectively,
for "yes" and "no." The relevant descriptive statistical
analysis methods were used to tabulate and analysis the
acquired data. In this research, the limitations were ranked
and explained based on the percentage analysis.
Results and Discussion
Table 1: Distribution of respondents according to their Production constraints in adoption of Finger millet management practices,
Production constraints
Sl. no
Production constraints
Frequency (n=120)
Small size of land holding
Lack of irrigation facilities
Low productivity
Credit unavailability
Weed infestation
Unavailability of HYV
Pest and disease infestation
Fig 1: Production Constraints
Table 2: Distribution of respondents according to their Marketing constraints in adoption of Finger millet management practices. Marketing
Sl. no
Marketing constraints
Frequency (n=120)
Lack of transportation facility
Lack of storage facilities
Inadequate market information
Discrepancy between MSP and actual purchase price
High cost of transportation
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
Fig 2: Marketing constraints
Constraints with respect to Production
Analysis of Table 1 and Figure 1 from the study indicates
that pest and disease infestation emerged as the predominant
challenge in the research findings in Finger Millet
production, with a significant majority of respondents,
constituting 96.67% of the total, identifying it as such. Stem
borer was singled out as the major pest affecting Finger
Millet crops, while blast emerged as the predominant
disease. Additionally, weed infestation was cited by 95% of
respondents, underlining its substantial impact on
cultivation. Low productivity was reported as a leading
issue, primarily attributed to the challenges posed by pest,
disease, and weed infestation. Stem borer infestation was
particularly concerning due to its adverse effects on crop
yield, while blast disease was noted for its widespread
occurrence and damaging effects on Finger Millet plants.
Weed infestation further compounded the challenges faced
by farmers, hindering crop growth and yield potential. The
collective findings underscored the urgent need for effective
pest, disease, and weed management strategies to enhance
productivity and ensure the sustainability of Finger Millet
farming in the region.
Constraints with respect to Marketing
Analysis of Table 2 and Figure 2 from the study indicates
that the majority of respondents, totaling 96.67% from the
three districts, highlighted a significant disparity between
the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and the actual purchase
price received by producers. The MSP, set by the
Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, stood at
Rs. 3846 per quintal. However, farmers typically received
prices ranging from Rs. 2900 to Rs. 3200 per quintal
through intermediaries, largely due to their lack of
awareness regarding the MSP. To address this issue, the
government should take initiative by establishing
procurement centers in village centers or at Rythu Bharosa
Kendrams (RBK), thereby ensuring that farmers benefit
directly from these measures. And the second major
constraint is inadequate market information i.e. 94.17 per
cent in the North Coastal Region of Andhra Pradesh, Finger
Millet farmers face inadequate market information due to a
lack of tailored research and rural infrastructure challenges.
Limited access to reliable data on demand, pricing, and
buyers hinders farmers' decision-making processes.
Moreover, the niche nature of the Finger Millet market often
results in neglect from government initiatives focused on
mainstream crops. Addressing this challenge requires
targeted efforts to enhance market research, improve rural
infrastructure, and provide tailored market information
services to empower Finger Millet farmers and enhance
their livelihoods.
Table 3: Suggestions of the finger millet growers for adoption of recommended cultivation practices
Sl. No
Frequency (n=120)
Inputs may be supplied at affordable prices
New methods of cultivation practices
Improved varieties of Finger Millet seeds should be readily assessable at the village level
Training for installation of processing units of Finger Millet may be given
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
Fig 3: Suggestions given by the Finger Millet growers for adoption of recommended cultivation practices.
It is concluded from Table 3 and fig 3 that Majority
(74.16%) of the respondents suggested that the inputs may
be supplied at affordable prices followed by New methods
of cultivation practices (68.33%), Improved varieties of
Finger Millet seeds should be readily assessable at the
village level (60.00%) while, 50.00 per cent of the
respondents suggested that training for installation of
processing units of Finger Millet may be given.
Table 4: Suggestions of the finger millet growers for marketing of Finger Millet
Sl. No
Frequency (n=120)
Providing good marketing facilities
Providing good storage facilities
Bringing awareness about the new marketing prices
Fig 4: Suggestions given by the finger millet growers for marketing of Finger Millet.
According to Table 4, most respondents (75.83%)
recommended improving marketing facilities, followed by
enhancing storage facilities (72.5%), and raising awareness
about updated market prices (70.83%). These were the key
suggestions voiced by farmers regarding Finger Millet
marketing strategies.
The study indicates that finger millet growers encounter
significant constraints, notably the lack of awareness
regarding the Minimum Support Price (MSP) provided by
the government and challenges related to pest and disease
infestation during production. To address these issues
effectively, the state department of agriculture must
undertake proactive measures. Firstly, creating awareness
among farmers about the MSP set by the government is
crucial, ensuring they receive fair compensation for their
produce. Additionally, educating farmers about production
technologies recommended by Krishi Vigyan Kendras
(KVKs) and State Agriculture Universities can empower
them to adopt efficient farming practices. This educational
outreach could encompass methods for pest and disease
management, enhancing crop resilience and yield.
Furthermore, establishing channels for continuous
communication and information dissemination can help
bridge the gap between farmers and relevant agricultural
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development
authorities. Ultimately, by addressing these constraints and
promoting informed decision-making and adoption of
modern agricultural practices, the state can support the
sustainable growth and prosperity of finger millet growers.
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