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Ethnobotany, pharmacology and phytochemistry of medicinal plants used for management of Diabetes mellitus in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo


Abstract and Figures

For decades, patients in East Africa have used herbal medicine as an alternative and affordable therapeutic option for the treatment of diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus (DM). As a result, the primary objective of this research was to thoroughly investigate the plants employed for treating DM in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo and gather pertinent ethnopharmacological and ethnomedicinal knowledge that could be applied in the development of therapies for DM. The study is aimed at critically reviewing the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of medicinal plants used for treating diabetes in East African countries, including Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. A search for relevant articles was conducted on PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Open Theses, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus, and the identified articles were evaluated for quality, relevance, and taxonomical accuracy before undergoing review. The study identified 140 plant species used by local communities for the management of DM in East Africa, with decoction and infusion being the most common preparation methods. The leaves, root, and stem bark were the most frequently used parts. The in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated the antidiabetic effect of medicinal plants such as Kigelia Africana, Hagenia abyssinica (Rosaceae), Physalis peruviana among other plants used for herbal treatment elicited via stimulation of insulin release, and gluconeogenesis. Phytochemicals present were mainly flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and glycosides. The local communities in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo use herbal medicine for managing DM, but only a fraction of these species have scientific evidence. This necessitates additional research to establish the effectiveness, safety and potentially develop novel therapeutics for the management of DM.
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Discover Applied Sciences
Ethnobotany, pharmacology andphytochemistry ofmedicinal plants
used formanagement ofDiabetes mellitus inUganda, Kenya, Tanzania
andtheDemocratic Republic ofCongo
ReubenSamsonDangana1 · IbrahimBabangidaAbubakar1· TijjaniSalihuShinka1· PatrickMaduabuchiAja1·
Received: 28 January 2024 / Accepted: 16 May 2024
© The Author(s) 2024 OPEN
Ethnopharmacological relevance For decades, patients in East Africa have used herbal medicine as an alternative and
aordable therapeutic option for the treatment of diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus (DM). As a result, the primary objec-
tive of this research was to thoroughly investigate the plants employed for treating DM in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and
the Democratic Republic of Congo and gather pertinent ethnopharmacological and ethnomedicinal knowledge that
could be applied in the development of therapies for DM.
Aim of the study The study is aimed at critically reviewing the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of medici-
nal plants used for treating diabetes in East African countries, including Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, and the Democratic
Republic of Congo.
Method A search for relevant articles was conducted on PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Open Theses, Google Scholar,
Science Direct, and Scopus, and the identied articles were evaluated for quality, relevance, and taxonomical accuracy
before undergoing review.
Results The study identied 140 plant species used by local communities for the management of DM in East Africa, with
decoction and infusion being the most common preparation methods. The leaves, root, and stem bark were the most
frequently used parts. The invitro and invivo studies demonstrated the antidiabetic eect of medicinal plants such as
Kigelia Africana, Hagenia abyssinica (Rosaceae), Physalis peruviana among other plants used for herbal treatment elic-
ited via stimulation of insulin release, and gluconeogenesis. Phytochemicals present were mainly avonoids, alkaloids,
saponins, tannins, and glycosides.
Conclusion The local communities in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo use herbal medi-
cine for managing DM, but only a fraction of these species have scientic evidence. This necessitates additional research
to establish the eectiveness, safety and potentially develop novel therapeutics for the management of DM.
Article Highlights
A study aimed to review the ethnomedicinal uses, pharmacology and phytochemistry of medicinal plants used for
managing diabetes in East Africa.
The study found 140 plant species used for this purpose.
Decoction and infusion were the most common preparation methods.
* Reuben Samson Dangana, | 1Department ofBiochemistry, Kampala International University, Western
Campus, Ishaka,Bushenyi, Uganda.
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Asteraceae and Fabaceae are the families with the most species of plants locally used for diabetes management.
Phytochemicals present in these plants include avonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and glycosides.
Some plants were reported to have low toxicity on low and high dosage.
Further research is needed to fully evaluate the safety and eectiveness of these plants for managing diabetes.
Keywords Diabetes mellitus· East Africa· Herbal medicine· Phytochemistry· Pharmacology
DM Diabetes mellitus
IDF International diabetes federation
IL-1 Interleukin-1
LDL-c Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
LMICs Low- to middle-income countries
NCDs Non-communicable diseases
NF-kB Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
Nrf2 Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2
PI3K Phosphoinositide 3-kinase
PKC-β Protein kinase C β isoform
PPAR-α Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
PPAR-δ Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
PPG Postprandial glucose
PTP1B Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 B
SOD Superoxide dismutase
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
STZ Streptozotocin
T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus
TC Total cholesterol
TGs Triglycerides
TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor- α
VLDL-c Very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
WHO World health organization
1 Introduction
Traditional medicine has played a crucial role in healthcare for centuries, especially in developing regions [1]. However,
much of this ancestral knowledge is at risk of disappearing as it is often passed down orally and not documented. The
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends conducting ethnopharmacological studies to record this valuable folk
knowledge and scientically validate traditional medicinal claims [1]. This could lead to the development of improved
medications. Around 80% of the global population depends on traditional medicine, primarily derived from plants, for
their basic healthcare needs [2]. The use of medicinal plants as complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) presents
opportunities in both developed and developing societies for managing various illnesses. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been
a focus of research, with over 800 plant species displaying hypoglycemic activities, oering potential sources for discov-
ering new antidiabetic molecules [3]. Recent data indicates that about 1.7 million people in the Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC) suer from DM, ranking the country fourth in the top ten countries with diabetes cases in Africa [4]. Also,
it is estimated that 478,000 people in Kenya have diabetes, with a treatment cost of USD 61 per person [5]. According
to a recent STEP survey, Tanzania has the highest prevalence of DM in the East African region, with an estimated 9.1%
among adults aged 25–64years [6]. This represents a signicant increase from the estimated 2.5% in 1984 [7, 8]. In East
African member states of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2021 but South Sudan, there were a total of
128,048,100 adults, with a diabetes prevalence of 30.3% among them, resulting in a total of 6,850,500 cases of diabetes
in adults [5] (Table1). A study in 2022 by Sun etal. [5] reported the prevalence of diabetes among adults aged 20 to 79
over the world was estimated to reach 10.5% (536.6 million) in 2021 and 12.2% (783.2 million) in 2045. The cost of treating
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
diabetes-related illnesses worldwide was estimated at 966 billion USD in 2021 and is expected to rise to 1,054 billion
USD by 2045 [5]. There are 24 million diabetics in Africa and 537 million worldwide among the 48 nations that make up
the IDF African area. It is anticipated that these gures would rise even higher by 2045[5, 8].
The metabolic syndrome known as DM has several aetiologies and is characterised by persistently high blood sugar
levels with a perturbation of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism as a result of chronic and/ or relative insulin
caused by an acquired or inherited deciency in the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineectiveness of the
insulin synthesised [9]. The inability of the body to produce insulin is termed as Type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent
DM while Type 2 DM or insulin independent DM is characterised by non-respondent of cells to the insulin synthesized by
the pancreas. The increased blood sugar precipitate classical symptoms including polydipsia, polyphagia and polyuria.
Diabetes has resulted in severe morbidity and death due to microvascular (nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy)
and macrovascular (stroke, peripheral vascular and heart attack) complications [10, 11]. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are
both incurable and chronic illnesses that are still among the most feared diseases in the world today. Patients with DM
in public health facilities have a severe lack of therapy options, while their private counterparts have several expensive
options. Many people with DM in Africa choose to employ spiritual and alternative therapies instead of going to the
doctor because they believe in them [12]. Traditional remedies are employed as the major type of basic healthcare in sub-
Saharan Africa and include everyday foods and herbs. Herbal medicine is still widely used because it is aordable, easily
accessible, less expensive, culturally satisfying, and available in some regions where conventional treatment is not [9].
Despite the widespread use of herbal medicines, there is still a dearth of thorough documentation of these plants and
other traditional treatments. The anti-diabetic properties of several plant extracts have been conrmed in numerous
animal studies and randomised clinical trials across numerous nations. However, there is still need for documentation
and scientic validation. As a result, there still exists a signicant need to oer empirical data to legitimise local thera-
peutic usage. This review aims to investigate the plants utilized for the treatment and control of DM in some parts of
East Africa, encompassing pertinent ethnopharmacological and ethnomedicinal data that could oer valuable insights
for research on DM therapy.
2 Methods
2.1 Search strategy
From the start of the month of September until December 2022, various databases including PubMed, ISI Web of Sci-
ence, Open Theses, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus were searched for relevant articles using the appropri-
ate keywords. Several published papers that highlighted the historical use of plants to manage DM in Uganda, Kenya,
Tanzania and DRC were selected for this study. These papers oer valuable insights into the traditional use of plants for
treating DM. Whereas, experimental research carried out anywhere in the globe served as the foundation for the scien-
tic evidence to support such usage. The selection of these few East African countries in Africa were selected for study
given that they have rich biodiversity of a wide variety of medicinal plants with antidiabetic potentials, furthermore these
regions prevalence of DM is high as compared to their counterparts with several studies suggesting so [6, 10, 1317].
Based on the given criteria, the inclusion criteria for the study on antidiabetic plants include investigating plants tradi-
tionally used for treating diabetes, conducting various types of studies such as exvivo, invivo, invitro, and clinical trials,
and examining the antidiabetic potential of plant components and bioactive compounds with or without molecular
Table 1 East African Member
State of IDF DM Statistics 2021
(IDF, 2021)
S/No Country Total adult population % Prevalence of DM in
adults (%) Total cases of
DM in adults
1 Kenya 27,783,400 3 821,500
2 Uganda 20,127,600 3.6 716,000
3 Tanzania 28,027,100 10.3 2,884,000
4 Rwanda 6,631,200 4.5 297,000
5 Burundi 5,434,600 4.1 223,100
6 DRC 40,044,200 4.8 1,908,900
TOTAL 128,048,100 30.3 6,850,500
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
targets. The exclusion criteria involve excluding research on phytochemicals, extracts, and fractions lacking biological
activity, as well as computer simulations and thorough reviews of bioactive substances. Additionally, studies that did not
examine interesting plants or those with insuciently reported information are also excluded, along with invivo studies
not utilizing models of diabetes or prediabetes. Reference to Fig.1 for the selection and screening of articles for study.
3 Results
3.1 A synopsis oftheincluded research
Using the database, a total of 35 articles were found. These articles were checked for eligibility and evaluated for rel-
evance according to inclusion criteria set. Hence, 17 were ultimately added (Fig.1). The bulk of these papers (11 total)
were ethnobotanical survey studies of plant usage in diabetes control. The remaining six publications dealt with invivo
studies on plant extracts or fractions that were antidiabetic.
3.2 Exploring traditional herbal remedies fordiabetes
A total of 140 plants were reported to be used traditionally in the management of DM among the local communities of
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and DRC, (Table2). Among the reported plant 56.3% were from Kenya, 23.9% DRC, 15.49% and
4.2% from Tanzania. The 140-plant cut across fty-ve (55) dierent plant families, the most commonly reported fam-
ily are Asteraceae and Fabaceae with 30.9% each, this was followed closely by Solanaceae 18.18%, Lumiaceae 14.54%,
Apolynaceae 12.72%, Amaryllidaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Moraceae, Rutaceae and Urticaceae having 7.27% (Fig.2).
Fig. 1 Flow chart for selection
and screening of included and
excluded studies
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 East African traditional medicine for treating diabetic mellitus
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
1 Rosary
Fabaceae Abrus precatorius
subsp. precatorius
Kyuma Kyamditi
LKP 2010/028 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
phenols, saponins
fever, inammation, and
2 Scented
Fabaceae Vachellia nilotica (L.) Ngirũriti (Kikuyu) LNM14/16 Kenya/Nyeri
Bark, Root Decoction Tannins, avonoids, alkaloids,
and saponins
wounds, fever, and diar-
3 Goats’
Asteraceae Ageratum cony-
zoides L
Akaddo Kanamirembe NA Uganda/central Leaf Decoctions alkaloids, benzofurans, bioactiv-
ity, chromenes, avonoids and
antimicrobe, arthrosis,
headache, dyspnea,
pneumonia, analgesic,
anti-in ammatory,
antiasthmatic and
[23, 65]
4 Ajuga Lamiaceae Ajuga integrifolia
Wanjiru wa Rurii
LKP 2010/009 Kenya/Eastern
Decoction Flavonoids, phenolic acids, triter-
penes, iridoids
wounds, and as a sedative [64]
5 African
Fabaceae Albizia adianthifo-
nzovu (Bemba,
512 DRC/Lubum-
Leaf amd
Decoction Flavonoids:kaempferol,
quercetin, and rutin,
Triterpenes:lupeol, betulinic
acid, and oleanolic acid,
β-carboline, and serotonergic
Syphilis, aphrodisiac,
6 Albizia
Fabaceae Albiziachinen-
sis(Osbeck) Merr
Omugavu NA Uganda/central Leaf, bark
triterpenoids, saponins, diter-
penoids lignans and pyridine
rheumatism, stomach
ache, cough, diarrhoea,
wounds, anthelmintic
[23, 66]
7 Onion Amarylli-
Allium Cepa L Matungu (Swahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Bulb Maceration avonoids (quercetin), allicin,
coughs, colds, sore throats [67]
8 Garlic Amarylli-
Allium sativum L Kitunguua kinene LKP 2010/014 Kenya/Eastern
Bulb Hot infu-
sion of
Allicin, alliin, ajoene ntimicrobial, antifungal,
antiviral, antiparasitic,
9 Alovera Asphode-
Aloe vera var Ekigaji, Subiri (Kiswa-
FN/011 Uganda/central,
DRC/ Oriental
Leaf whole Leaf
avonoids, alkaloids, phenolic
acids, tannins, saponin glyco-
sides, anthraquinones, and
reducing sugars
malaria, blood cleansing,
stomach-ache, allergy,
yellow fever, worms,
fever, urinary tract
infections, wasting, and
scar removal
[23, 67, 68]
10 Graviola,
Anona muricate L Ekitafeli NA Uganda/central Fruit, bark,
root and
Fruit are
annonacin, annonamine,
infections with viruses or
parasites, rheumatism,
11 Jack fruit Moraceae Ar tocarpus hetero-
phyllus Lam
Ffene NA Uganda/central Seeds,
Fruit are
Flavonoids (quercetin and
kaempferol), carotenoids (beta-
carotene and lutein), Saponins,
Tannins, alkaloids (artocarpine
and isomucronulatol)
diarrhoea, skin diseases,
asthma, high blood
12 Aspilia Asteraceae Aspilia pluriseta Sch-
weinf. ex Engl
Muti/Wut (Kamba) LKP 2010/008 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Flavonoids, phenolic acids, tan-
nins, terpenoids, saponins
fever, headache, and as an
[2, 64]
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
13 African
Malvaceae Azanza garckeana
(F.Hom.) Exell
& Hillc
Muti ya makamashi
180 DRC/Lubum-
Leaf Decoction Tannins: ellagitannins, gallic acid,
and ellagic acid, Flavonoids:
quercetin and kaempferol,
Alkaloids: ammodendrine and
epilepsy, edema [2]
14 Neem tree Meliaceae Azardiracta indica
A. Juss
Mwarubaine (Kamba) LKP 2010/012 Kenya/Eastern
Stem bark/
Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids, tannins
Malaria,fever, cough, [64]
15 Abys-
Bersama abyssinica
Mukilyulu (Kamba) LKP 2010/017 Kenya/Eastern
Root bark Decoc tion Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids, tannins
malaria, fever [64]
16 African
Meliaceae Bersama abyssinica
var. ugandensis
(Sprague) Verdc
Mshomoro (Swahili) NA Tanzania root, stem-
bark and
Decoction phenolic acid, avonoids and
cardiovascular, cancer [34]
17 Bidens Asteraceae Bidens pilosa var.
alausensis (Kunth)
Kara (Luganda),
Mbaratuike (Kikuyu)
NA Kenya/Nyamira
tion and
Flavonoids, Phenolic acids, Ter-
penoids, Carotenoids, Tannins,
Steroids, Alkaloids
treat malaria, fever,
diarrhoea, stomach-
ache, and respiratory
18 Black-jack Asteraceae Bidens pilosa L Koko i limo
Koko ya limo
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction avonoids, alkaloids, and
malaria, diarrhoea, coughs,
and wounds
19 Mustard
Brassica juncea (L) Ndunda (Kisoko) NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction glucosinolates, Flavonoids,
respiratory infections and
digestive disorders
20 Wild Cab-
Brassica oleracea L Shu (Kiswahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction Vitamins & Minerals, Calcium,
stomach ulcers, gastro-
intestinal problems,
eczema, psoriasis, cough
21 Cactus Cactaceae Cactus L Matomoko (Kamba) NA Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Squeeze juice
from fresh
Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids
constipation, wounds, and
as a diuretic
22 Natal
plum” or
Carissa edulis Vahl Mũkawa(Kikuyu) LNM14/24 Kenya/Nyamira
county, Tan-
Fruit, root
Decoction Carissin, Quercetin, Betulinic acid,
Ursolic acid
rheumatism, gonorrhoea,
syphilis, rabies, herpes,
[26, 69]
23 Natal
Carissa L Amatungulu NA Uganda/central Fruit Fruit are
anthocyanins, naringenin
4-O-glucoside, quercetin
quercetin 3-O-rhamnosyl-
glucoside and ascorbic acid
Diarrhoea, scurvy, anae-
mia, anxiety, constipa-
tion, heart disease
[23, 70]
24 Cassia Fabaceae Cassia abbreviata
Malandesi (Kamba) LKP 2010/005 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf/pods Decoction Anthraquinones, avonoids, phe-
nolic acids, tannins, terpenoids
constipation, skin diseases,
and as a laxative
25 Ringworm
Fabaceae Cassia alata L Mapalata (Lingala),
Nkaya loto (Kiyombe),
Muharagwe (Swa-
hili), Mukaragwe
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction anthraquinones, saponins, tan-
nins, and avonoids
ringworm, eczema, fungal
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
26 coee
senna or
Fabaceae Cassia occidentalis L Lukunda bajanyi
mbaw (Kikongo)
1098 DRC/Lubum-
Root or
Decoction Anthraquinones: chrysophanol,
emodin, and rhein, Flavonoids:
such as quercetin, kaempferol,
and rutin, Alkaloids: sennosides
A and B, cassioccidentalin A
and B, and oocystidiine
treat fever, coughs, and
27 African
Fabaceae Cassia sieberiana DC Mugunga (Hemba)
nunsi (Bemba, Lamba)
172 DRC/Lubum-
Leaf Decoction Anthraquinones: chrysophanol,
emodin, and rhein, Flavonoids:
quercetin, kaempferol, and
rutin, Triterpenoids: lupeol,
ursolic acid, and betulinic acid
lactation induction,
28 Rose Peri-
minor (L.Bolus)
Mauwa (Kiswahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction alkaloids (vincristine and vinblas-
tine), avonoids, terpenoids,
and phenolic acids
malaria, high blood pres-
sure, and cancer
29 Lemon Rutaceae Citrus limon (L) Burm Mti wa ndimu kali
NA DRC/Oriental
Fruit Juice Limonoids, avonoids, carot-
enoids, coumarins
detoxication and diges-
30 Clematis Ranuncu-
Clematis hirsuta
Guill. & Perr
LNM14/10 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, roots Decoction Alkaloids and avonoids headaches, toothaches,
and joint pain
31 Blue glory
Lamiaceae Clerodendrum
myricoides R.Br. &
LKP 2010/011 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids, saponins
fever, pain, and as an anti-
inammatory agent
32 False
Lamiaceae Rotheca myricoides
var. discolor
(Klotzsch) Verdc
NA NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf, Roots Decoction alkaloids, tannins, avonoids,
saponins, and glycosides
coughs, fever, malaria,
stomach ache, dysen-
tery, and diarrhoea
33 Yellow top Asteraceae Crassocephalum
vitellinum Guinea
Ekilalaakuba NA Uganda/central Leaf Decotion Flavonoids (kaempferol
and quercetin), Alkaloids
(stigmasterol and sitosterol),
Terpenoids (β-caryophyllene
and α-humulene)
bronchitis, Wound
34 Ornate
Crinium ornatum
var. speciosum Herb
NA NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction alkaloids and phenolic fever, headache, and
stomach disorders
35 Croton Euphorbi-
Croton macrostach-
yus Del
LKP 2010/034 Kenya/Eastern
Root bark Decoc tion Diterpenoids, avonoids, tannins,
skin infections, wounds,
and malaria
36 African
Croton megalocar-
pus Hutch
LKP 2010/018 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Diterpenes, alkaloids, avonoids,
terpenoids, phenols, tannins,
malaria, wounds, and
fungal infections
37 African
or East
Croton macros-
tachyus Hochst. ex
Muvule (Luganda),
Mugumo (Kikuyu),
Mkonge (Swahili)
NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf, bark,
Alkaloids, Flavonoids,
Tannins,Terpenoids, Sterols,
Malaria, Stomach prob-
lems (such as diarrhoea
and dysentery), Wounds
and skin infections
(such as ringworm and
scabies), Respiratory
infections (such as
coughs and bronchitis),
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
38 Pumpkin Cucurbita-
Cucurbita maxima
Ensujjju NA Uganda/central Fruit Boil and
carotenoids, polyphenols
(avonols and phenolic acids),
tocopherols, vitamins (C, B1,
folates), minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Na,
Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn)
Constipation, arthritis,
prostatic hyperplasia
39 Lemon-
Poaceae Cymbopogon citra-
tus (DC.) Stapf
Mchaichai, Majani
tshai (Kiswahili)
NA Tanzania/
Region, DRC/
Leaf, Stem,
Decoction terpenes, alcohols, ketones,
aldehyde, avanoids, phenols,
citral, geraniol, limonene and
phenolic compounds
anti-spasmodic, jaundice
40 Yellow
Dioscorea praehen-
silis Benth
Amasoma MJM 3246 Tanzania/Kagera
Tubers The tubers
are eaten
as food
Alkaloids, saponins, tannins,
malaria, rheumatism [32]
41 Steudner’s
Dracaena steudneri
Ithare (Kikuyu) LNM14/11 Kenya/Nyeri
Bark, Root Decoction Steroids, alkaloids, phenolics,
malaria [26]
42 Abys-
Fabaceae Erythrina abyssinica
NA NA Uganda/Mpigi
Stem bark Decoction Alk aloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, saponins, terpenoids
anaemia, birth control,
brain disorders, dehy-
43 Ethiopian
Fabaceae Erythrina abyssinica
Kinsungu (Tabwa),
(Hemba), Katshiyit-
174 DRC/Lubum-
Root bark Decoc tion Alkaloids: er ythrabyssin II, eryth-
rabyssin IV, and erythrabyssin
N, Flavonoids: quercetin,
kaempferol, and myricetin,
Triterpenoids: oleanolic acid
and betulinic acid
hernia, sinusitis [2]
44 Eucalyp-
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus ter-
eticornis subsp.
Musanduku (Kamba) NA Kenya/Eastern
Stem bark Decoction Flavonoids, phenolic acids, tan-
nins, terpenoids, saponins
respiratory infections,
fever, and as an anal-
45 Diviner’s
Ebenaceae Euclea divinorum
LKP 2010/001 Kenya/Eastern
Root bark Decoc tion Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, tannins, terpenoids
cough, respiratory
infections, and as an
46 Natal
Ebenaceae Euclea natalensis
Mukinyei (Kamba) LKP 2010/029 Kenya/Eastern
Whole root Decoction Saponins, avonoids, alkaloids,
tannins, phenols
fever, malaria, and tooth-
47 Bush
Ebenaceae Euclea racemosa
Mukinyei (Kamba) LKP 2010/030 Kenya/Eastern
Decoction Saponins, tannins, alkaloids,
coughs, fever, and stom-
ach pains
48 Natal g Moraceae Ficus natalensis
LKP 2010/015 Kenya/Eastern
Fruit Cold infusion Flavonoids, phenolic acids, tan-
nins, terpenoids
diarrhoea, respiratory
infections, and as a
general tonic
49 Sandpa-
per Tree
Moraceae Ficus exasperata
Lukenga (Ban-
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, a-
vonoids, tannins, and saponins
fever, diarrhoea, and res-
piratory tract infections
50 Saussure
Moraceae Ficus saussureana
NA Uganda/Mpigi
Stem bark,
Decoction Flavonoids, tannins, phenolic
acids, terpenoids
fallopian tube blockage,
HIV/AIDS, infertility in
men, STIs
51 African
Meliaceae Fuerstia africana
Kalaku (Kamba) LKP 2010/007 Kenya/Eastern
Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids
malaria, fever, and as a
general tonic
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
52 Galinsoga Asteraceae Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav Mũng’ei (Kikuyu) LNM14/08 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, Roots Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, terpenoids,
fever and malaria [26]
53 African
Clusiaceae Garcinia buchananii
Mukanga (Kamba) LKP 2010/032 Kenya/Eastern
stem bark Decoction Xanthones, benzophenones,
skin infections, diarrhoea,
and coughs
54 Klatt’s
Iridaceae Gladiolus klattianus
Kitala (Bemba),
306 DRC/Lubum-
Bulb Decoction Saponins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids,
gonorrhea [2]
55 African
Gnetaceae Gnetum africanum
Fumbwa (Lingala) NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction avonoids, phenols, and tannins high blood pressure,and
stomach problems
56 Milkweed Apocyn-
fruticosus L
Mũkangarithi (Kikuyu) LNM14/14 Kenya/Nyeri
Decoction Cardiac glycosides, triterpenoids,
cancer [26]
57 Grewia Tiliaceae Grewia similis
LNM14/21 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Decoction Flavonoids, tannins, saponins diarrhoea, coughs, and
58 African
Rosaceae Hagenia abyssinica
(Bruce) J.F.Gmel
Enjani engashe
NA Tanzania/
and Leaf
Decoction kosin (a phloroglucinol), &
quercetin glucuronides
Helminthic infections,
Typhoid fever,
wound healing, epilepsy,
sexually transmitted
diseases, and symptomatic
59 Okra Malvaceae Hibiscus esculentus L Dongodongo (Lingala) NA DRC/Oriental
Fruit Decoction avonoids, tannins, and saponins urinary tract infections,
syphilis, and gastrointes-
tinal disorders
60 Hydnora Hydno-
Hydnora abyssinica
Mũthigira (Kikuyu) LNM14/17 Kenya/Nyeri
stem Decoction Tannins, alkaloids, and phenolic
asthma, epilepsy, and
61 Star ower
Hypoxis obtuse
Burch. ex Ker
Kifumbi NA Tanzania/ Kagera Corm Raw corm is
boiled and
avonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and
urinary tract infections,
stomach disorders, and
respiratory infections
62 Natal
Fabaceae Indigofera arrecta
Benth. ex Harv
Akabamba NA Uganda/central Leaf Decoctions phenols, tannins, avonoids,
terpenoids, carbohydrates and
gum infections, snake-
bites, gonorrhoea,
epilepsy and jaundice
63 none Convolvu-
Ipomoea mauritiana
Mivinje (Swahili),
Mugwabulu (Kikuyu)
NA DRC/Oriental
Tubercule Decoction avonoids, alkaloids, and
fever, headache, dysen-
tery, diarrhoea
64 Barbados
Jatropha curcas L Asangi (Bangubangu),
Mpuluka (Kikongo),
Mbarimbari (Swahili)
NA DRC/Oriental
Bark Decoction curcin, phorbol esters, diterpenes
alkaloids, avonoids, and
skin infections, purgative
or laxative, skin injuries
65 Sausage
Kigelia africana
Mkuyu (Swahili) NA Kenya, Embu Leaf Decoction Vitamin C,Vitamin B1,Vitamin
B3,Alkaloids,Total phenols,Tann
ungal infections, boils,
psoriasis and eczema,
leprosy, syphilis, and
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
66 Smooth
Asteraceae Lactuca inermis
Mũthũnga (Kikuyu) LNM14/01 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Chew the
Leaf or boil
the whole
Lactucin, lactucopicrin, avo-
noids, phenolics
fever and insomnia [26]
67 Wild let-
Asteraceae Launaea cornuta
NA BKM2010/005 Kenya Whole
Decoction avonoids, terpenoids, and
liver and digestive
68 Horned
Asteraceae Protea gaguedi
subsp. laetans
Mũthũnga (Kikuyu) LNM14/03 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Chew the
Leaf or boil
the whole
Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
fever and malaria [26]
69 Lion’s ear Lamiaceae Leonatis mollisima Ekifumufumu NA Uganda/central Leaf Decoctions Sederin,hydroxylucidenic acid Malaria, anti snake venom [23]
70 Harms/
Fabaceae Lonchocarpus erio-
calyx Harms
Mkindu (Swahili) BKM2010/002 kenya/Tanzania Stem bark Decoc tion avonoids and alkaloids Malaria, Fever [29]
71 Maerua Cappar-
Maerua decumbens
(Brongn.) DeWolf
Munatha (Kamba) M.U.H/
Kenya/Marakwet Roots Decoction alkaloids,glycosides,avono
ids, phenolic compounds,
saponins, steroids, tannins and
malaria, fever, and coughs [73]
72 Mango Anacardi-
Magnifera indica L Mti wa hembe
Nzete ya manga
BKM2010/001 Kenya/Nyamira
County, DRC/
Decoction Mangiferin, Gallic acid, Quercetin,
Beta-carotene, Lutein, Vitamin
C, Kaempferol, Chlorogenic
acid, Caeic acid, Ellagic acid,
Myricetin, Rutin, Catechins,
high blood pressure,
[29, 67, 69]
73 Bitter
Momordica foetida
Iphunzu (Kamba) LKP 2010/002 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, saponins, terpenoids
malaria, fever [64]
74 Bitter
Momordica breteleri
Iphunzu (Kamba) NA Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins malaria [64]
75 bitter
Momordica char-
antia L
mara kwamara
(Swahili), dooda
(Luganda), entula
NA Uganda/Tanza-
Fruit tea, juice, or
in cooking
alkaloids, avonoids, and
malaria, constipation, and
skin infections
76 White’s
Mondia whytei Omulondo NA Uganda/central Roots Decoction 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzalde-
hyde, isovanillin, steroids and
male infertility, aph-
rodisiac, gonorrhea, con-
stipation, bilharziasis,
stress and tension
[23, 75]
77 Brimstone
Rubiaceae Morinda lucida
(Bangubangu et
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf, bark
Alkaloids, iridoids, triterpenoids fever and malaria [67]
78 Morinda Rubiaceae Morinda morin-
doides (Baker)
Kongobololo (Kin-
yanzi) Mesokhama
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction Anthraquinones, iridoids, triter-
No information available [67]
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
79 Moringa;
Moringa oleifera
Mlonge NA Tanzania/
Region, Kenya/
Nyeri county
Roots Leaf
into pow-
der for mix-
ing, chew
Salicylic and ferulic acids,
Flavonoids (quercetin, kaemp-
ferol), alkaloids (moringine),
Phenolic acids (gallic acid,
chlorogenic acid), terpe-
noids (β-caryophyllene and
avonoids, phenolic acids, glu-
and isothiocanates, tannins and
hypertension, HIV/AIDS-
symptoms, stimulates
breastmilk production
80 African
Myrsine africana L M ũgaita (Kikuyu) LNM14/26 Kenya/Nyeri
Fruit Decoction Tannins, avonoids, alkaloids,
and saponins
coughs, stomachaches,
and skin conditions
81 Sweet
Lamiaceae Ocimum basilicum L Mutaa (Kamba) LKP 2010/021 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf cold
Phenols, avonoids, tannins,
gastrointestinal disorders,
inammation, and stress
82 Olive Oleaceae Olea europaea L Molialundi (Kamba) LKP 2010/033 Kenya/Eastern
stem bark/
Decoction Polyphenols, avonoids, triter-
high blood pressure,
inammation, and
digestive disorders
83 African
Oleaceae Olea africana Mill Mũtero (Kikuyu) LNM14/27 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, root Decoction Oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, and
malaria, fever, and respira-
tory problems
84 Ormosia Fabaceae Ormocarpum kirkii S.
Muthii (Kamba) LKP 2010/024 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Saponins, avonoids, tannins,
malaria, diarrhoea, and
85 Narrow-
Star of
tenuifolium F
Mũgwace (Kikuyu) LNM14/22 Kenya/Nyeri
Rhizome Decoc tion Anthocyanins, saponins, avo-
noids, alkaloids, glycosides,
skin diseases, inamma-
tion, fever, diarrhoea,
86 Oxygo-
Oxygonium sinu-
atum (Meisn.)
Song’e (Kamba) LKP 2010/020 Kenya/Eastern
Cold infu-
sion of
Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
phenols, saponins
gastrointestinal disorders,
fever, and inammation
87 Panda
Pandaceae Panda oleosa Pierre Okali (Lingala) NA DRC/Oriental
Bark Decoction No information available [67]
88 Passion
oaxacana (Killip)
Makundi (Kamba) NA Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids
anxiety, insomnia, and as a
89 Passion
Passiora subpeltata Makundi (Kamba) LKP 2010/025 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
phenols, saponins
anxiety, insomnia,
and gastrointestinal
90 Fruit red Menisper-
Penianthus longifo-
lius Miers
NA NA DRC/Oriental
Bark Maceration alkaloids and avonoids malaria, fever, stomach
91 Periploca Apocyn-
Periploca linearifolia
Quart.-Dill. &
LNM14/0 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, Stem Decoction Cardiac glycosides, triterpenoids,
snake bites and malaria [26]
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
92 Avacado Lauraceae Persea americana
Ovakedo, Avocado
NA Uganda/central,
DRC/ Oriental
Fruit and
Fruit are
Carotenoids, Polyphenols, Fatty
acids, vitamin C, vitamin E, vita-
min K, potassium, magnesium,
and copper
eczema, psoriasis, and
93 Wild Date
Arecaceae Phoenix reclinate
Empirivuma NA Uganda/central seeds Edible tanins, avonoids and saponins backpain, stomach ache,
toothache, headache,
arthritis, pain of but-
tocks, piles, nervous
94 Coleus for-
Lamiaceae Plectranthus barba-
tus var. barbatus
NA NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf consumed
as a tea,
forskolin, rosmarinic acid, and
respiratory disorders,
digestive problems, and
skin conditions
95 Red stink-
Rosaceae Prunus africana
Mũiri (Kikuyu) LNM14/20 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, bark Decoction Phytosterols, triterpenes, and
prostate problems and
96 Quinine
Rauvola cara Sond Mutalala (Bemba) 6046 DRC/Lubum-
Leaf and
tions and
Alkaloids: reserpine, yohim-
bine, and ajmalicine, Tannins,
malaria, tuberculosis,
97 Swahili
Rauvola vomitoria
NA DRC/Oriental
Root bark Decoc tion alkaloids (reserpine, rescin-
namine, and ajmaline),
avonoids, terpenoids, and
phenolic acids
fever, high blood pressure,
anxiety, and gastrointes-
tinal disorders
98 Buckthorn Rham-
Rhamnus prinoides
Mũkarakinga (Kikuyu) LNM14/18 Kenya/Nyeri
Roots, bark Decoction Anthraquinones, tannins, and
constipation, stomach-
aches, and skin condi-
99 Bush
Lamiaceae Rotheca myricoides
(Hochst.) Steane &
Munjugairia LNM14/09 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf, roots,
Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phe-
nolicege acids, terpenoids,
Athritis, typhoid, cough,
rheumatism, gonorrhea,
[26, 76]
100 Curious
Asteraceae Schkuhria pinnata
(Lam.) Cabrera
NA BKM2010/004 Kenya Whole
Decoction avonoids, terpenoids, and
sesquiterpene lactones
fever, inammation, and
respiratory infections
101 Cabbage
Oleaceae Schrebera alata
(Hochst.) Welw
Mutoma (Kamba) LKP 2010/031 Kenya/Eastern
Stem bark/
Cold infusion Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
malaria, stomach aches,
and snake bites
102 African
Fabaceae Senna didymobotrya
Muthaa/Ithaa (Kamba) LKP 2010/019 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Hot infusion Anthraquinones, saponins, avo-
noids, tannins
laxative and to treat snake-
bites and gastrointesti-
nal disorders
103 Senna Fabaceae Senna singueana
(Del.) Lock
Mukengeka (Kamba) LKP 2010/013 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Anthraquinones, saponins, avo-
noids, tannins
Laxative, treatment of skin
diseases and fever
104 bitter
Solanaceae Solanum incanum L Mukondu/Mutungu
LKP 2010/022 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Solanine, solasonine, Alkaloids,
avonoids, saponins, phenols,
fever, rheumatism, and
105 Rensch’s
Solanaceae Solanum renschii
Mukonda Kondu
LKP 2010/027 Kenya/Eastern
Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
phenols, saponins
gastrointestinal disorders
and inammation
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
106 Bitter
Solanaceae Solanum aethiopi-
cum L
Entula NA Uganda/central Fruit Decoctions Alkaloids (solanine, solasonine,
and solamargine), Flavonoids
(kaempferol, quercetin, and
rutin), sterols (stigmasterol and
beta-sitosterol) triterpenoids
(solamargine, solasonine, and
solasodine) and glycoalkaloids
(solanine, solasonine, and
Fever, constipation, diar-
rhoea, stomach ache,
cough, asthma, bronchi-
tis, acne, eczema, and
107 Gilo Solanaceae Solanum gilo Raddi Nyanya (Kiswahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Root Decoction Steroidal alkaloids, avonoids,
108 Bitter Ber-
Solanaceae Solanum indicum
Katunkuma NA Uganda/central Fruit Decoction skin problems, ulcers,
diculties breathing,
stomach aches, cough-
ing, and dyspepsia
109 Brihati or
Solanaceae Solanum indicum L Mnavu (Swahili) NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf, roots
Fruit are
alkaloids, avonoids, glycosides,
tannins, and saponins
Respiratory ailments,
Digestive issues, Joint
pain, Skin infections
110 Maué
Solanaceae Solanum mauense
NA NA Kenya/Nyamira
Decoction Not available [69]
111 Egg plant Solanaceae Solanum melon-
gena L
Bilinganya NA Uganda/central Fruit and
Fruit are
N-trans-Feruloyl tyramine,
tyramine, N-cis-p-Coumaroyl
tyramine, Ferul aldehyde,
rheumatism, beriberi, itch-
ing, toothache, bleed-
ing, asthma, bronchitis,
cholera, neuralgia and
[23, 40]
112 Black
Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L Makeke (Kiswahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Fruit Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolics,
skin diseases [67]
113 Prickly
Asteraceae Sonchus asper L Mũthũnga (Kikuyu) LNM14/05 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Chew the
Leaf or boil
the whole
Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
treat inammation [26]
114 Mediter-
Asteraceae Sonchus luxurian Mũthũnga (K ikuyu) LNM14/04 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Chew the
Leaf or boil
the whole
Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
115 Sowthistle Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus L Mũthũnga (Kikuyu) LNM14/02 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Chew the
Leaf or boil
the whole
Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
liver ailments [26]
116 Toothache
Asteraceae Spilanthes mauri-
tiana (A.Rich. ex
Gathariaita (Kikuyu) LNM14/30 Kenya/Nyeri
Decoction Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
malaria and fever [26]
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
117 Ethiopian
Apiaceae Steganotaenia arali-
acea Hoch
Muvuavui (Kamba) LKP 2010/023 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
respiratory ailments,
malaria, and fever
118 Henning’s
Strychnos hen-
ninggsii Gilg
Muteta (Kamba) LKP 2010/004 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids, saponins
malaria, fever [64]
119 spiny-fruit
Strychnos spinosa
Sansa (Bemba), Kison-
gole (Luba)
519 DRC/Lubum-
Root bark Decoc tion quinones, iridoids, triterpenoids,
alkaloids, avonoids, tannins,
and phenolic
Abdominal pain, dysen-
tery, gonorrhea
120 Java plum Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini (L.)
Jambula NA Uganda/central seeds and
Infusions and
anthocyanins, glucoside, ellagic
acid, isoquercetin, kaemferol
and myrecetin
sore throat, bronchitis,
asthma, thirst, bilious-
ness, dysentery and
[23, 77]
121 Malabar
Myrtaceae Syzygium cuminii (L.) Telezia (Kiswahili) NA DRC/Oriental
Fruit Decoction Eugenol, tannins, avonoids,
122 Tamarind Fabaceae Tamarindus indica
Kithumula (Kamba) LKP 2010/003 Kenya/Eastern
Root bark,
Decoction Flavonoids, phenolic acids, tan-
nins, terpenoids, alkaloids
constipation, diarrhoea,
123 Teclea Rutaceae Teclea simplicifolia
Mũnderendu (Kikuyu) LNM14/25 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, and
malaria, fever, and skin
124 Brown’s
Terminalia brownie
LKP 2010/016 Kenya/Eastern
Stem bark Decoction Triterpenoids, avonoids diarrhoea, wounds, and
125 Tropical
Terminalia catappa L Madame´ (Lin-
gala), Kalanga ya
(Kiswahili), Mung’ano
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction tannins, avonoids, and alkaloids treat diarrhoea, dysentery,
digestive disorders,
wounds, rashes, and
126 none Dilleni-
Tetracera poggei
NA NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction poggein, triterpenoids, avo-
noids, and alkaloids
fever, headache, diarrhoea
and dysentery
127 Forest
Thomandersia hensii
De wild
Ikoka (Turumbu)
Liowa (Topoke),
NA DRC/Oriental
Leaf Decoction alkaloids, avonoids, and
fever, malaria, and respira-
tory infections
128 African
Rutaceae Toddalia asiatica (L.)
NA NA Uganda/Mpigi
Leaf, bark Decoction Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids, coumarins
anaemia, aphrodisiac,
brain disorders,
diarrhoea, HIV/AIDS,
hypertension, menstrual
cramps, NA typhoid
fever, snake bite
129 Typha Typhaceae Typha domingensis
Ndothua (Kikuyu) LNM14/15 Kenya/Nyeri
Rhizome Decoc tion Flavonoids, phenols, tannins,
terpenoids, alkaloids
dysentery, diarrhoea, and
130 Stinging
Urticaceae Ultrica dioica L Muthakwa(Kikuyu),
Musawo (Luganda)
NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf, roots,
tea or tinc-
Flavonoids, Lectins, Lignans,
Triterpenoids, Sterols, Phenolic
allergies, arthritis, and
urinary tract infections
131 Massaica
Urticaceae Urtica massaica
Kinyeleelya (Kamba) LKP 2010/010 Kenya/Eastern
Leaf Decoction of
Flavonoids, phenolic acids, ster-
ols, triterpenes, tannins
anaemia, hypertension,
and as a diuretic
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Table 2 (continued)
Scientic name Local name Voucher No Country/Region Part Used Preparation
of fraction
Active compounds Other uses References
132 Small-
Bridelia micrantha
(Hochst.) Baill
Mshamako MJM 3166 Tanzania/Kenya Root Roots are
boiled with
water to
make decoc-
tion which
is drank
Flavonoids, phenolic acids, ster-
ols, triterpenes, tannins
yellow fever, malaria,
amenorrea and dysmenor-
133 Natalie Asteraceae Melanthera scandens
subsp. scandens
Ekarwe GH18-017 Kenya/Uganda shrub shade dry,
grind into
powder and
drink in
avonoids, alkaloids, and
arthritis, asthma, and
other respiratory condi-
134 Bitter Leaf Asteraceae Vernonia amygy-
dalina Del
Omululuza, Kiluluku-
nju (Kiswahili)
NA Uganda/central,
DRC/ Oriental
Leaf Decoction Vernoniosides, Steroidal sapo-
nins, Sesquiterpene lactones,
anti-helminth, anti-malar-
ial, laxative, digestive
tonic, appetizer, febri-
fuge and for the topical
treatment of wounds
[23, 67]
135 Ethiopian
Asteraceae Vernonia auriculifera
omubilizi (Luganda) NA Kenya/Nyamira
Leaf, roots,
Decoctions sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, alkaloids, phenolic acids,
chlorogenic acid, rutin, and
dysentery and stomach
136 Ironweed Asteraceae Vernonia lasiopus
Mũchatha (Kikuyu) LNM14/23 Kenya/Nyeri
Leaf Decoction Sesquiterpene lactones, avo-
noids, phenolics
malaria and fever [26]
137 African
Lamiaceae Vitex madiensis Oliv Mufutu (Luba), Mufute
1247 DRC/Lubum-
Leaf, roots infusion,
or tincture
iridoids, avonoids, terpenoids,
agnuside and essential oils
asthma, anaemia, diar-
rhoea, premenstrual
syndrome, malaria
138 East
Warburgia ungan-
densis subsp.
Abasi NA Kenya/Uganda bark and
Decoction essential oils, avonoids, alka-
loids, tannins, and coumarins
pneumonia, asthma,
malaria, candidiasis,
skin infections, human
immunodeciency virus
opportunistic infections,
diarrhoea, and measles
[69, 78]
139 Ashwa-
Solanaceae Withania somnifera
(L.) Dunal
Mwianzo (Kamba) LKP 2010/026 Kenya/Eastern
Whole root Cold infusion Alkaloids, steroidal lactones,
adaptogen, anti-inam-
matory, and to boost
immune function
140 Ironwood Rutaceae Zanthoxylum cha-
lybeum Engl
Mukenea (Kamba) LKP 2010/006 Kenya/Eastern
Stem bark Decoction/
hot infu-
Alkaloids, avonoids, phenolic
acids, terpenoids
fever, pain, and as an anti-
inammatory agent
NA not available
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
3.2.1 Plants utilized formanaging Diabetes mellitus inUganda
Uganda’s rich cultural heritage has a long-standing tradition of using medicinal plants to treat a range of health issues,
including DM. Among the 22 plants reported for DM management in Uganda from this study, notable species include
Ageratum conyzoides, Albizia chinensis, Aloe vera var, and Vernonia amygdalina [15, 18, 22, 23], among others (see Table2).
These indigenous plants have a well-established reputation for their ecacy in DM treatment, with deep roots in Ugan-
dan folklore and traditional healing practices. Traditional medicine in Uganda makes use of specic parts of these plants,
primarily focusing on the fruits, leaves, and roots [18]. Fruits are central to the traditional methods of managing DM
remedies in Uganda. Bitter melon, scientically known as Momordica charantia, is famed for its bitter fruits, attributed to
their potential blood sugar-lowering properties, it is consumed as tea, juice or in cooking. Some individuals in Uganda
juice bitter melon and consume it as a beverage, they usually combine it with other fruits or adding a bit of lemon to
help mask the bitterness [15, 19]. Many parts of Uganda serve it with a groundnut (peanut) sauce, which adds a creamy
and nutty avour to the dish serve, this serve alongside staples like posho (maize meal) or rice [19]. Anona muricata, is
another standout, with its fruits being a key component of DM remedies. The fresh soursop fruit is commonly consumed
by either scooping out the sweet, pleasantly avoured esh or by juicing it. Anona muricata leaf tea is another popular
approach, with dried leaves steeped in hot water to create herbal tea believed to oer antidiabetic benets when con-
sumed regularly [20, 21]. Some individuals opt for soursop leaf extracts or tinctures, which provide a more concentrated
form of the active compounds and can be diluted in water for controlled consumption. Additionally, Anona muricata
is incorporated into various traditional recipes, including smoothies, desserts, stews, and curries, as part of the local
approach to utilizing soursop for its potential antidiabetic properties [22]. Leaves are another vital plant part utilised
in traditional medicine. Aloe vera var, known for its succulent leaves, is processed into a gel for a variety of therapeutic
applications, including potential DM management, many Ugandans use it as dietary supplement, and its gel, extracted
from the inner leaf, is consumed in various ways, such as mixing it with water or other beverages [22]. Ageratum cony-
zoides, referred to locally as “billy goat weed,” is also prized for its leaves with anti-diabetic potential. People in Uganda
often used to create herbal infusions or teas by drying the leaves and steeping them in hot water, with the belief that this
herbal tea possesses medicinal properties for managing diabetes [22]. Additionally, the leaves are processed to extract
compounds that are thought to help regulate blood sugar levels, and these extracts are consumed in controlled amounts.
Fig. 2 Families of plant species investigated
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
Furthermore, Ageratum conyzoides leaves are incorporated into traditional recipes, such as soups and stews, aiming to
introduce their potential health benets into the local diet [23]. Vernonia amygdalina, known as “bitter leaf” is commonly
integrated into local cuisine and traditional remedies among the locals of Uganda. They frequently employed it in the
preparation of vegetable soups and stews, where the leaves are meticulously washed, nely chopped, and included in
these dishes, contributing to their avour and nutritional content. Additionally, some locals dried the leaves to produce
bitter leaf tea, an herbal infusion believed to oer potential health advantages, including potential antidiabetic eects.
Some individuals opt for bitter leaf extracts, derived from the leaves, which can be consumed in controlled quantities
due to the belief in their ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. Bitter leaf’s versatility also extends to its incorporation
into various traditional recipes, often combined with other locally available vegetables and ingredients, as an integral
component of local dishes[23, 24]. Additionally, the roots of Ficus saussureana are incorporated into traditional formula-
tions, attributed to their anti-diabetic eects [18, 22]. In Uganda, medicinal herbs are traditionally prepared using two
primary methods decoction and infusion [25]. These plants oer a diverse array of options for those seeking alternative
remedies for diabetes. The choice of specic plant parts and traditional preparation methods reects the accumulated
knowledge and experience of Ugandan traditional healers over generations. The integration of this traditional knowl-
edge with modern scientic research holds promise for advancing diabetes treatment options, oering the potential
for eective, evidence-based therapies.
3.2.2 Plants utilized formanaging Diabetes mellitus inKenya
In Kenya, a substantial repertoire of seventy-nine (79) locally employed plant species has been documented for the treat-
ment of DM Table2. These plants are sourced for their fruits, roots, leaves, and stems, signifying a diverse range of plant
parts utilised in traditional remedies. Some notable species include Acacia nilotica, Allium sativum (Garlic), Azadirachta
indica (Neem), and Bidens pilosa, among others. In various regions of Kenya, Acacia nilotica, is traditionally utilized as a
potential antidiabetic remedy. Its various parts, including the bark, leaves, and pods, are employed in distinct ways. The
bark is dried and steeped in hot water to create herbal infusions or teas, believed to have antidiabetic properties [14, 26].
The leaves are dried, crushed, and used in the preparation of teas or extracts for potential medicinal benets. Addition-
ally, the pods are processed and consumed in various forms, such as boiling, grinding into powder, or integration into
traditional recipes, all depending on local customs and practices. Allium sativum, is a versatile and widely used plant
with both culinary and potential medicinal applications. As a staple ingredient in Kenyan cuisine, garlic adds avour and
enhances the taste of a diverse array of dishes, spanning from soups and stews to vegetable and meat-based meals [27].
Beyond its culinary role, garlic features prominently in traditional herbal remedies, where it is believed to oer potential
antidiabetic and cardiovascular benets [28]. In these remedies, some individuals either consume garlic cloves directly
or incorporate it into herbal preparations. Furthermore, garlic is used to create garlic-infused oils or vinegars, which not
only enhance culinary creations but are also consumed as health tonics. Azadirachta indica is employed for potential
antidiabetic purposes through various methods in Kenya. Neem leaves are widely used in Kenyan traditional remedies
and are either chewed or prepared as a tea or infusion, with neem leaf tea believed to possess antidiabetic properties
and often consumed regularly [16, 27]. Neem extracts, encompassing neem leaf extracts and neem oil, are harnessed
for their potential medicinal benets and consumed in controlled amounts. Neem bark and twigs nd application in
some traditional practices, notably for dental hygiene, a signicant consideration given the impact of diabetes on oral
health. In Kenya, Bidens pilosa, is employed in various forms for potential antidiabetic purposes. Herbal infusions serve
as the most common method of preparation which are commonly made by drying the leaves and steeping them in hot
water to create an herbal tea, believed to oer potential antidiabetic benets and consumed regularly [14, 29]. Most of
the herbal preparations include the leaves, stems, or the entire plant often in the form of decoctions or tinctures, are
consumed. Additionally, Bidens pilosa is incorporated into traditional Kenyan recipes and local dishes example Sukuma
wiki, where it is cooked and forms part of the traditional diet. The comprehensive list also encompasses plant species like
Kigelia africana, Olea europaea and Prunus africana, illustrating the varied plant-based approaches to DM treatment in
Kenyan traditional medicine [14]. In Kenya, the traditional use of medicinal plants for managing DM is deeply ingrained
in the country’s cultural heritage. The extensive variety of plant species and plant parts employed for DM treatment
reects the rich indigenous knowledge of the local communities. The use of decoction and infusion as primary prepara-
tion methods underlines the versatility and adaptability of traditional remedies to suit the unique characteristics of each
plant species [30]. As modern medicine explores the potential benets of these plants, their integration with scientic
research oers a promising avenue for advancing DM treatment options, harnessing the power of nature to tackle a
growing global health concern.
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3.2.3 Plants utilized formanaging Diabetes mellitus inTanzania
Tanzania, like its East African counterparts, has a rich tradition of utilising medicinal plants for various health applica-
tions, including the management of DM. A selection of plant species has garnered signicant attention and study in
the realm of traditional medicine, with some of them being extensively researched. In this study 10 of these plants
were mentioned notable among these are Bersama abyssinica, Dioscorea praehensilis Benth, Hagenia abyssinica, Hypoxis
obtusa, and Moringa oleifera Table2. In Tanzania, Dioscorea praehensilis, particularly its roots and tubers, is esteemed for
its potential antidiabetic properties and is incorporated into Tanzanian culinary and traditional practices in various ways.
The tubers of Dioscorea praehensilis are commonly cooked or boiled and integrated into Tanzanian meals, oering a deli-
cious and nutritious addition while being believed to possess potential antidiabetic benets [31]. Furthermore, herbal
infusions or teas are crafted from tubers or other parts of the plant, esteemed for their perceived medicinal properties
and their consumption for potential antidiabetic eects. Moreover, Dioscorea praehensilis nds its place in traditional
Tanzanian recipes, where it becomes an integral ingredient in soups, stews, or side dishes, often harmoniously combined
with other components to form a “Mboga na Mtori wa Boga”a local Tanzanian dish. These practices reect local beliefs
in the antidiabetic potential of Dioscorea praehensilis [6, 17]. In traditional Tanzanian antidiabetic management, Moringa
oleifera, often referred to as the drumstick tree or horseradish tree, plays a signicant role through various preparations
and administration methods. Moringa leaf powder, derived from drying and nely grinding the leaves, is frequently
used as a dietary supplement and is incorporated into a variety of dishes, such as soups, stews, and smoothies [32]. It is
esteemed for its nutritional support and potential in regulating blood sugar levels. Herbal infusions made from dried
Moringa leaves are another common practice, where steeping these leaves in hot water yields an herbal tea believed
to possess antidiabetic properties. Additionally, Moringa oil, typically recognized for its skincare benets, is occasion-
ally utilized in culinary preparations or as part of the diet, contributing to overall health. Moringa seeds are consumed
directly or included in recipes, believed to oer potential health advantages, including their role in diabetes manage-
ment [33]. Similarly, in Tanzanian traditional medicine, various parts of Bersama abyssinica, including the bark and leaves,
have been utilized for their potential antidiabetic properties [34]. Preparations are done by making herbal infusions or
teas this is achieved through drying the bark and steeping it in hot water, resulting in an herbal tea believed to possess
antidiabetic benets and consumed regularly. Additionally, the leaves of the tree are prepared by decoctions or tinctures
and consumed in controlled amounts in management of DM [17, 32]. Moreover, Bersama abyssinica may be integrated
into various recipes and preparations, often combined with other locally available herbs and plants, as part of traditional
practices aimed at managing DM. These plants, among others, have been explored for their potential anti-diabetic
properties. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the scientic validation of the antidiabetic properties of
these traditional remedies. A study conducted by Zekeya etal. [34] provided conrmation of the antidiabetic properties
of Bersama abyssinica. This research adds a layer of credibility to the traditional knowledge held by Tanzanian communi-
ties. It underscores the potential of traditional herbs to contribute to the management of diabetes and highlights the
importance of integrating traditional practices with modern scientic research. Decoction and infusion have established
themselves as the most commonly employed methods among Tanzanian communities.
3.2.4 Plants utilized formanaging Diabetes mellitus inDRC
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is home to a diverse array of medicinal plants with potential antidiabetic
properties. In this study 38 of these plants were mentioned, these plants, including Allium cepa L. (Onion), Azanza garck-
eana, Bidens pilosa L., Brassica juncea (L) and Cassia occidentalis L. (Table2), represent a rich pharmacopoeia deeply rooted
in the traditional healing practices of the region [2, 10]. Alongside these, species like Bersama abyssinica (Meliathacea),
Ficus exasperata Vahl, and Vernonia amygdalina [3436] have been explored for their antidiabetic potential. While the
study by Zekeya etal. [34] supports the antidiabetic properties of Bersama abyssinica, further scientic research is needed
to fully comprehend the ecacy and safety of these plants in diabetes management. The preparation of remedies
commonly involves traditional methods such as decoction and infusion, which play a vital role in extracting bioactive
compounds from plant parts, making these plants valuable assets in the ght against diabetes in DRC. For example,
in DRC, traditional practices involving Allium cepa L. as a potential antidiabetic remedy take various forms. Raw onion
consumption is a common method, with raw onions frequently featured in salads and various dishes, as it is believed to
contribute to the regulation of blood sugar levels [13]. Additionally, onion tea, created by steeping slices or small pieces
of onion in hot water, is a popular choice. This aromatic infusion is enjoyed as a beverage and is thought to harbour
potential antidiabetic eects. Furthermore, herbal extracts are crafted from onions through the process of maceration
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
or crushing of fresh onion pieces, followed by soaking them in a solvent, usually water. These herbal extracts are admin-
istered in controlled amounts and are believed to harness antidiabetic properties, reecting the rich tradition of using
natural remedies like onions in the management of diabetes in the region [2]. Furthermore, in DRC, Azanza garckeana,
known as the “African Ordeal Tree” or “Mbugu,” is traditionally administered in various ways to harness its potential anti-
diabetic benets. One method involves the consumption of Azanza garckeana fruit, which is incorporated into dishes in
raw form or as an ingredient. This practice is rooted in the belief in the fruit’s potential to aid in diabetes management
[10]. Additionally, Azanza garckeana leaves and other plant parts are used to create herbal infusions and teas, achieved
by drying the plant material and steeping it in hot water. The resulting tea is enjoyed as a beverage, with the hope of
delivering antidiabetic eects. Herbal extracts from Azanza garckeana are also crafted by macerating or crushing plant
material and soaking it in water, oering a controlled means of consumption and further reinforcing the plant’s reputa-
tion for its perceived antidiabetic properties [2].
Dierent plant parts were reported to be used in the preparation of herbal extract with leaf forming (50.7%) as the
most commonly used part, followed by roots (9.15%) and stem bark (7.74%). The other plant parts used are fruits, whole
plants, seeds, tubers, tubules, corm, aerial parts, bulbs and cloves. The decoction was the most desired conventional
dosage form, based on the information that was provided. The basic method of preparing the dose was hot water mac-
eration or decoction. For the duration of therapy, a quantity of medicine necessary for a daily dose is typically made each
day. Other methods of preparation include eating the whole plant part, infusion, tea or tincture, grinding into powder
form and poultice (Table2). It’s interesting to note that plants used to treat traditional methods of managing DM have
also been found to be eective in treating other health issues, including erectile dysfunction, allergies, yellow fever,
worms, infertility, urinary tract infections, hypertension, stomach-aches, ulcers, malaria, blood purication, stroke, and
eye problems [6, 15, 30]. There are several complications of DM that also include many of these illnesses.
3.3 Authentication
3.3.1 In vivo studies ofmedicinal plants
Of the 17 articles retrieved from data base 8 articles reported invivo investigation using animal models. Analysis indicated
high-fat diet and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) was the most preferred substance for induction of DM in animals. Dif-
ferent routes of administration and doses were used. Other models used include Alloxan monohydride, glucose-loaded,
STZ-nicotinamide [37]. Investigations showed that the plant extract has distinct mechanisms of action for managing
DM and reducing blood glucose levels. Some of these mechanisms include, but are not limited to: decreasing total cho-
lesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and very-low density lipoprotein cholesterol
(VLDL-c), stimulating glycogenesis in the liver and/or inhibition of glucagon secretion, promoting the regeneration of
b-cells of the islets of Langerhans, ameliorating oxidative stress, and facilitating glucose-induced insulin release [9, 13,
38]. Furthermore, dierent extracts were used for the preparation of doses of which ethanolic extract was the most used,
other extract used include ethyl acetate, methanolic extract, aqueous and crude extract. All the plants investigated had a
glucose-lowering eect at dierent doses of extracts and fractions. The eight (8) plant species traditionally used for DM in
Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and DRC as per this study are; Kigelia africana, Hagenia abyssinica (Rosaceae), Physalis peruviana,
Chenopodium ambrosioides, Mangifera indica L. Lonchocarpus eriocalyx, Urtica massaica Mildr. Schkuhria pinnata, Launaea
cornuta, Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.), Maerua decumbens (Brongn.) [1, 3840, 44, 52] which have been reported to have
invivo antidiabetic eect (Table3). For instance, Kigelia africana fruit extract caused signicant improvements in blood
glucose levels, haematological parameters, and kidney and liver health, suggesting its potential protective eect against
diabetes-related complications [1]. Similarly, Hagenia abyssinica leaf extract induced hypoglycaemic, antihyperglycemic,
and anti-dyslipidaemic eects in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic mice, contributing to the lowering of blood glucose
levels and improvement of dyslipidaemia [38]. Additionally, the leaf extract of Physalis peruviana L. eectively lowered
blood glucose levels without causing toxicity in mice [39]. Chenopodium ambrosioides, on the other hand, exhibited a
signicant hypoglycaemic eect in mice [40]. Lonchocarpus eriocalyx extracts displayed signicant anti-inammatory, anti-
nociceptive, and antioxidant eects without acute oral toxicity, highlighting their potential as safe and eective natural
alternatives for treating inammatory and oxidative stress-related diseases [41]. The ethyl acetate extract of Launaea
cornuta showed hypoglycaemic ecacy in diabetic mice, while the aqueous extract had adverse eects on body weight
and haematological parameters, indicating the potential of the ethyl acetate extract as a safe and eective option for
managing diabetes [42]. Freeze-dried extracts of Rotheca myricoides exhibited hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic, and hypo
insulinemic eects in a rat model of type 2 diabetes, suggesting the potential as a natural treatment for diabetes and
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
Table 3 Phytotherapeutic potentials of plants commonly utilized in East Africa for managing diabetes invivo
STZ Streptozotocin, TG Triglycerides, TC total cholesterol, LDL low-density lipoprotein, VLDL very low-density lipoprotein, i.p intraperitoneal, o.p oral administration
Scientic name Model /Sample size Mechanism of action Extract/Fraction Reference
Kigelia africana Alloxan (186.9mg/kg) i.p: Male Swissalbino
mice n = 5 Inhibition of intestinal absorption of glucose,
Facilitation of glucose-induced insulin release,
Enhancement of peripheral glucose uptake,
Promotion of the regeneration of b-cell of
islets of Langerhans and amelioration of
oxidative stress
Aqueous and ethyl acetate leaves extract;
doses 1.25, 2.5, 5, and 7mg/kg (i.p/p.o)
and insulin 1IU/kg i.p or
glibenclamide 3mg/kg p.o once
[58, 72]
Hagenia abyssinica (Rosaceae) STZ (50mg/kg, i.p)
Male Swiss albino mice n = 6 stimulating insulin release from pancreatic
inhibiting glucose absorption in the gut
stimulating glycogenesis in the liver and/or
increasing glucose utilization
inhibition of glucagon secretion
decrease TC, TG, LDL, and VLDL
Crude extract, aqueous, ethyl acetate and
chloroform leaves extract;
doses 100, 200 and 400mg/kg (p.o)
glibenclamide 5mg/kg p.o once
Physalis peruviana glucose-loaded i.p n = 5
Wistar rats stimulation of the residual pancreatic,
increased peripheral utilization of glucose,
converted glucose to glycogen, and
promoted glycogen storage in the liver and
skeletal muscles
Aqueous and methanolic leaves extract;
doses 100, 200 and 400mg/kg (o.p)
glibenclamide 5mg/kg p.o
Chenopodium ambrosioides glucose -loaded n = 5 i.p
Wistar rats stimulation of the residual pancreatic,
increased peripheral utilization of glucose,
converted glucose to glycogen, and
promoted glycogen storage in the liver and
skeletal muscles
Aqueous and methanolic leaves extract;
doses 100, 200 and 400mg/kg (o.p)
glibenclamide 5mg/kg p.o
Mangifera indica L high-fat and high-fructose diet Wistar rats Reduce TG Aqueous and ethanolic shoot extract; dose
100g/kg o.p [29]
Lonchocarpus eriocalyx high-fat and high-fructose diet Wistar rats Reduce TG Aqueous and Ethanolic bark extract; dose
100g/kg o.p [29]
Urtica massaica Mildr high-fat and high-fructose diet Wistar rats Reduce TG Aqueous and Ethanolic extract leaf & stalk;
dose 100g/kg o.p [29]
Schkuhria pinnata high-fat and high-fructose diet Wistar rats Reduce TG Aqueous and ethanolic whole plant extract;
dose 100g/kg o.p [29]
Launaea cornuta high-fat and high-fructose diet Wistar rats Reduce TG Aqueous and Ethanolic whole plant extract;
dose 100g/kg o.p [29]
Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.) High fat- high fructose diet and
STZ (30mg/kg) i.p enhanced glucose uptake by adipose tissue
upregulation of GLUT-4 transporters expres-
inhibition of hepatic glucose production and
increased insulin secretion
freeze- dried extracts
50mg/kg RME 100mg/kg RME
Pioglitazone 20mg/kg o.p
Maerua decumbens (Brongn.) STZ = 50mg stimulating insulin release from pancreatic
ß-cells Methanolic root extract; 100mg/kg and
400mg/kg [73]
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
the ability to modulate peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma receptor and reduce hepatic triglycerides [43]. Maerua
decumbens methanolic root extract demonstrated antidiabetic activity without signs of toxicity, including decreased
fasting blood glucose levels, reduced liver malondialdehyde levels, and cytoprotective eects on the liver and pancreas
in diabetic rats [9]. The assessment of Mangifera indica leaves extract, both alone and in combination with gliclazide, in
diabetic rats showed signicant reductions in fasting blood glucose levels [44]. The collective ndings of these studies
highlight the promising eects of various plant extracts on dierent aspects of diabetes, including blood glucose levels
and associated complications.
3.3.2 Phytochemicals identified
A number of phytochemicals were identied to be present in all the plants reported to possess antidiabetic activities.
The most commonly reported phytochemicals from this review include; tannins, avonoids, saponin glycosides, phenolic
acids, alkaloids, anthraquinones, alkaloids sterols triterpenoids and glycoalkaloids (Table2). Fagbohon etal. [1] reported
some phytochemicals (Table4) from the n-hexane fruit extract of K. africana to possess antidiabetic potentials, they iden-
tied phytochemicals were docked against AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and mitochondrial glycerophosphate
dehydrogenase (mGPDH) with metformin a reference standard. Benzene-1,2,3,5-tetramethyl- was reported to have a
higher binding anity of 6.4kcal/mol and can activate mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase better than
Table 4 Some GC–MS
Compounds from Selected
Plants with antidiabetic
S/No Plants Phytochemicals (GC–MS) References
1Kigelia africana Heptadecane-2,6,10,15-tetramethyl-
Oxalic acid-4-chlorophenyl nonyl ester
Benzene propanoic acid-3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-
2Physalis peruviana - (E)-2-Decenal
- (Z)-8-Methyl-9-tetradecenoic acid
- 1-Hexadecyn-3-ol, 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-
- 2-Hexadecanol
- 2-Undecanone, 6,10-dimethyl-
- Dihydroactinidiolide
- Phytol
- Tetradecanoic acid, 5,9,13-trimethyl-, methyl ester
3Mangifera indica Fatty acids and ester
-Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
-Dibutyl phthalate
-Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
-N-2,5 dimethoxy-phenyl,
Fumaric acid heptyl ester
]amino] phenyl, methylene
4Dysphania ambrosioides L -phytol
-4, 8, 12,16-tetramethyl-heptadecan-4-olide
-phytol, acetate
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Review Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 |
metformin with binding anity of − 6.3kcal/mol. Several studies have shown that certain phytochemicals can help in the
management of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity, reducing inammation, and lowering blood glucose levels [3,
4548]. For example, avonoids, such as quercetin and kaempferol, have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and
reduce inammation, which can help in the management of diabetes [49]. Other phytochemicals, such as resveratrol
and curcumin, have been shown to improve glucose metabolism and reduce blood glucose levels [50]. GC–MS analysis
of some selected plants reveal some compounds having antidiabetic potentials (Table4).
3.3.3 In vitro studies
Several studies conducted on extracts derived from Kigelia africana, Hagenia abyssinica, Physalis peruviana, Chenopo-
dium ambrosioides, Mangifera indica L., Lonchocarpus eriocalyx, Urtica massaica Mildr., Schkuhria pinnata, Launaea cornuta,
Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.), and Maerua decumbens (Brongn.) have provided further evidence supporting their ecacy
in managing diabetes [38, 39, 51]. For instance, Fagbohun etal., [1] identied new compounds in fruit extracts of Kigelia
africana and found that the hexane and ethyl acetate fractions showed the highest antioxidant activities. The hexane
fraction also exhibited the lowest IC50 value against α-amylase. The methanol extract and its fractions of Chenopodium
ambrosioides showed moderate inhibitory activity on α-glucosidase, an enzyme involved in carbohydrate digestion [52,
53]. Mangifera Indica leaf (MIL) extract demonstrated an inhibitory eect on alpha-amylase activity, reducing it by 51.4%
at a concentration of 200µg/mL. This suggests the extract can potentially slow down the breakdown of complex carbo-
hydrates by inhibiting amylase, leading to a slower release of glucose [54]. The antioxidant activity of the aqueous root
extract of Launaea cornuta using the ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-2-pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
radical scavenging test methods demonstrated signicant antioxidant eects, as evidenced by its ability to scavenge
DPPH radicals and its FRAP activity [55]. This suggests that the extract has the potential to protect cells from oxidative
damage caused by free radicals, which are known to contribute to various health conditions, including DM, inamma-
tion and other chronic diseases. The ndings of these studies suggest that the identied plant extracts possess various
mechanisms of action that contribute to their antidiabetic properties. One such mechanism involves the inhibition of
alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase enzymes. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of complex
carbohydrates into simpler sugars, while alpha-glucosidase aids in the nal digestion of carbohydrates by breaking down
disaccharides into absorbable monosaccharides. Inhibiting the activity of these enzymes can help reduce the rate of
carbohydrate breakdown and subsequent glucose absorption, leading to improved glycemic control [56]. Moreover,
the investigated plant extracts have demonstrated the ability to stimulate insulin secretion. Insulin plays a crucial role
in regulating blood glucose levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells and promoting its storage as glycogen
[40]. The stimulation of insulin secretion by these extracts suggests a potential therapeutic benet in individuals with
impaired insulin production or function.
Furthermore, the studies have revealed that the examined plant extracts exhibit the capacity to reduce blood glucose
levels. Hyperglycaemia, or high blood glucose levels, is a hallmark characteristic of diabetes and is associated with vari-
ous complications [57]. The ability of these extracts to lower blood glucose levels indicates their potential in managing
this metabolic disorder. It is important to note that these invitro studies provide valuable preliminary evidence of the
antidiabetic eects of the identied plant extracts. However, further research is necessary to validate these ndings and
elucidate the underlying mechanisms in invivo models and, eventually, human trials. The invitro studies conducted on
the extracts have demonstrated promising antidiabetic eects. The inhibition of alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase
enzymes, stimulation of insulin secretion, and reduction of blood glucose levels suggest the potential of these plant
extracts in managing diabetes. Further research is warranted to validate these ndings, explore the underlying mecha-
nisms, and identify the bioactive components responsible for these benecial eects.
3.3.4 Toxicological studies
Toxicological studies on the listed plants have been limited, and most of the available studies have focused on acute
toxicity in animal models. These studies have generally shown that these plants have low toxicity and are relatively safe
when consumed in moderate doses. However, it is essential to note that these ndings may not necessarily translate to
human consumption and further toxicological studies, including chronic toxicity and genotoxicity, are needed.
For instance, in a study on Kigelia africana, the aqueous and methanol extracts were found to have no observable toxic
eects in rats at doses of up to 5000mg/kg [58]. Kasali etal. [39] investigated the acute and subchronic toxicities of Kigelia
africana bark extract in rats. The study reported that the extract did not induce signicant acute toxicity or adverse eects
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Discover Applied Sciences (2024) 6:312 | Review
in the treated animals. However, more comprehensive toxicological studies are necessary to evaluate its chronic toxicity
and long-term eects. Similarly, a study on Hagenia abyssinica showed no signicant acute toxicity in mice at doses up to
5000mg/kg [38]. In another study on Mangifera indica, the ethanol extract was found to be safe in rats at doses of up to
2000mg/kg [59]. Similarly, Kie etal. [38] examined the acute and subchronic toxicities of Hagenia abyssinica leaf extracts in
mice did not show toxicity at a dose of 2g/kg in mice. Therefore, the LD50 of the extract is greater than 2g/kg. The ndings
revealed no signs of acute toxicity, but the subchronic toxicity study indicated mild haematological alterations in the treated
animals. Regarding Physalis peruviana, Kasali etal., [39] conducted an acute oral toxicity study on the methanol extract of the
plant’s leaves with an LD50 of 2000mg/kg. The results suggested that the extract had a high safety margin, as no mortality
or signicant adverse eects were observed in the treated animals.
In contrast, some studies have reported potential toxicity concerns with some of these plants. For instance, a study on
Chenopodium ambrosioides found that the essential oil from this plant had acute toxic eects on mice at doses higher
than 2000mg/kg [52]. Similarly, a study on Lonchocarpus eriocalyx found that the aqueous extract had toxic eects on
rats at doses of 4000mg/kg and above [41]. While some of the listed plants have shown low toxicity in animal studies,
further toxicological studies are needed to determine their safety prole, particularly with long-term exposure and in
human consumption.
4 Discussion
In the pursuit of alternative remedies for managing diabetes mellitus, traditional medicinal plants have exhibited prom-
ise. Our research ndings unveil that local communities in Uganda, Kenya, DRC, and Tanzania employ a minimum of
140 dierent plant species to handle DM. While some of these species have undergone extensive investigation of their
phytochemicals for DM management with encouraging results, other species necessitate additional scientic validation.
This revelation may open avenues for discovering valuable drug lead compounds by concentrating research eorts on
traditionally utilized plant species.
In vitro studies demonstrate that the investigated species exert their eects on multiple cellular and molecular tar-
gets in the liver, skeletal muscles, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and adipocytes. These plants inhibit enzymes such
as α-amylase, α-glucosidase, sucrase, and maltase, regenerate pancreatic β-cells, and diminish fat accumulation in adi-
pocytes by activating signalling pathways like PPAR-α and PPAR-δ [60]. Additional molecular actions involve inhibiting
the nuclear inammatory signalling pathway through the modulation of nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor Nrf2/
NFκB signalling and suppressing pro-inammatory cytokines such as IL-1a, IL-1b, and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α
[33, 61, 62].
In recent years, it has been acknowledged that the pathophysiology of DM involves multiple cellular and molecular
abnormalities. Consequently, drugs with the potential to target multiple sites have become the focal point for eec-
tive DM management [46]. Nevertheless, while invitro studies on plant preparations have reported dose ranges up to
1000μg/mL and much higher doses up to 1500mg/kg, there is no standardized cut-o dose for either extract in either
invitro or invivo studies [3, 47]. Recognizing that the tested dose should be sucient to yield a meaningful pharmaco-
logical response and realistically convertible to a clinical dose, the large doses tested may pose challenges in translating
them to human equivalent doses.
For the pharmacological assessment of herbal products, Heinrich etal. [63] proposed a plant extract dosage ranging
from 100 to 200mg/kg, signicantly lower for its pure constituent. Despite the potential benets of these traditional
medicinal herbs, numerous methodological aws have been identied in research analyses. Notably, certain studies
documented considerable variation in eect size between standard medication and test substances. Methodological
issues such as insucient dosage optimization, improper preparation techniques, and inadequate ethnomedical data,
including a lack of a comprehensive description of the identication process and voucher specimen, have been noted. Our
study underscores the substantial potential of traditional medicinal herbs as complementary treatments for DM manage-
ment. However, to suciently arm the safety and ecacy of these plants, additional scientic evidence is imperative.
5 Conclusion
In conclusion, the traditional use of 140 plant species by local communities in Uganda, Kenya, DRC, and Tanzania for
the management of DM is a valuable source of knowledge that deserves further exploration. While some of these plant
species have been investigated scientically, many have not, highlighting the need for additional research in this area.
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Despite the lack of scientic evidence for some of these plants, toxicological studies have shown that many of them are
safe for human consumption at both low and high doses. Therefore, it is essential to conduct more invitro, invivo, and
phytochemical investigations to fully understand the therapeutic potential of these plant species for DM management.
Such research could help identify novel and eective plant-derived therapies that could be incorporated into existing
diabetes management strategies. Furthermore, engaging with local communities to better understand their traditional
knowledge could help in the discovery of new plant species with promising anti-diabetic properties.
Overall, bridging the gap between traditional knowledge and modern scientic investigation is crucial to improving
diabetes management in these regions and beyond. The potential of these plant species as a source of new anti-diabetic
drugs cannot be overstated, and future research in this area should be a priority.
Acknowledgements This work is part of a Ph.D. thesis of Reuben Samson Dangana. Kampala International University (KIU) supported the Ph.D.
training under the sta development scholarship scheme. The authors wish to thank the management of KIU for the scholarship.
Author contributions Reuben Samson Dangana: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Investigation, Visualization, Data analysis. Ibra-
him Babangida Abubakar: Writing – original draft, Supervision, Writing– review & editing. Tijjani Salihu Shinka: Writing – review & editing,
Validation, Supervision. Patrick Maduabuchi Aja: Writing – review & editing, Supervision. SarahOnyenibeNwozo:Writing–review&edit-
ing,Supervision. All data were generated in-house, and no paper mill was used. All authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of work
ensuring integrity and accuracy.
Funding No specic grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-prot sectors was received for the work.
Data availability The data that support the ndings of this study are available from the corresponding author, RSD, upon reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate Ethical approval is not required for the work.
Competing interest No conict of interest from the authors.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
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80. Sharaibi OJ, Omolokun KT, Oluwa OK, Ogbe AA, Adebayo AO. Comparative studies of chemical compositions and antioxidant poten-
tials of Dysphania ambrosioides L (Amaranthaceae) and Hybanthus enneaspermus (L) F. Muell (Violaceae). J Pharmacogn Phytochem.
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Background Information ABSTRACT Background Information ; Diabetes is a serious global health issue that is particularly common in East Africa. Lifestyle factors influence the incidence, mortality, and morbidity of diabetes. Medicinal plants have phytochemicals with anti-diabetic properties. Purpose ; This systematic review assesses the efficacy, efficiency, safety, and feasibility of phytotherapy in the treatment of diabetes in the East African Community (EAC). Methods ; we conducted a comprehensive literature search using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. We limited our search to peer-reviewed English articles, preclinical models, and intervention studies reporting the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of diabetes, particularly in EAC. This article follows the Guidelines for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020. Two reviewers independently performed data collection and quality assessment. We retrieved 465 articles from the database and reviewed eight articles that met the inclusion criteria for this study. Results ; we identified eight medicinal plants: Maerua decumbens, Rotheca myricoides (Hochst), Piper capence, Berberis holstii, Polyscias fulva (Hiern) Harms, Lippia javanica, Caesalpina bonducella, and Securinega virosa. We extracted and analyzed information from the literature and showed that seven medicinal plants reduce blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity through their mechanism of action. Conclusion ; The phytochemical properties of these medicinal plants, mainly containing alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids, may contribute to their hypoglycemic effects. Caesalpinia bonducella seed extract is less effective in controlling high blood sugar. More preclinical studies are needed to investigate the potential of phytotherapy in the management of diabetes in EAC.
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Nigeria and Africa are good repositories of great diversity of therapeutic plants which are traditionally used to treat myriads of ailments and diseases. Dysphania ambrosioides is one of the valuable medicinal plants in African folk medicine known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-diarrhoea, anti-diabetic, and purgative properties. Hybanthus enneaspermus is an annual herb or shrub plant that contains a variety of phytoconstituents for the treatment of various acute or chronic disorders. Recent research has revealed that these plants are extensively used for therapeutic purposes in the Badagry community of Lagos State, and more research on their phytochemistry and antioxidant potentials is generally required. Thus, this present study aimed at comparing the quantities of phytochemicals and antioxidant activities of Dysphania ambrosioides L and Hybanthus enneaspermus (L) F. Muell. Different fractions of H. enneaspermus and D. ambrosioides were screened for their phytochemicals including total phenolic content, tannins content, total flavonoid content, alkaloids content and total saponins content. Also, in vitro antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH radical scavenging, reducing power and nitric oxide assays. Other phytoconstituents were evaluated through GC-MS determination. Results showed that the ethanol fraction was found to have high levels of alkaloids (189.43 mg/g) and flavonoids (135.07 mg/g) content in both D. Ambrosioides and H. Enneaspermus respectively. At 25μg/mL and 50μg/mL, the extracts of H. Enneaspermus exhibited higher antioxidant activities than D. Ambrosioides while at 75 μg/mL and 100 μg/mL, D. Ambrosioides exhibited higher antioxidant than H. Enneaspermus. Significant phytoconstituents were discovered in both plants through GCMS determination.
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem owing to its high prevalence and increased morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of DM and impaired glucose tolerance in Uganda is approximately 4.1% and 6.6%, respectively. Medicinal plants are commonly used for the management of DM, especially in developing countries, such as Uganda . According to several ethnobotanical surveys conducted in Uganda, various medicinal plants are used in DM management. Meanwhile, ethnopharmacological studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic efficacy of various plants and plant-derived formulations from Uganda. However, these information remain highly fragmented without a single repository for plants used in the management and treatment of DM in Uganda, hindering further investigations. Therefore, this study aimed to comprehensively explore plants used for DM treatment in Uganda and retrieve relevant ethnopharmacological and ethnomedicinal information that can be used for DM therapy development. English peer-reviewed articles and books were searched in scientific databases, especially PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Science Direct, SciFinder, and Medline, to retrieve information on medicinal plants used for DM treatment and management in Uganda. The databases were searched to obtain published literature on the anti-diabetic activities and safety of plants among the identified plants. The family name, plant parts used, anti-diabetic activities, dosage, and mechanisms of action of plant extracts were captured. In total, 46 species belonging to 26 families are used to treat DM in Uganda. Most species belonged to the Fabaceae (20%), Asteraceae (13%), and Solanaceae (7%) families. Anti-diabetic activities of 27 (59%) species have been scientifically investigated, whereas the rest have not been evaluated. This review indicated that various medicinal plants are used in the traditional treatment and management of DM across different regions in Uganda. Scientific investigations have revealed the anti-diabetic potential and safety of several of these plants. However, there is a need to validate the anti-diabetic potential of other unstudied plants. Additionally, isolating and characterizing active principles and elucidating the anti-diabetic mechanism of these plants and performing preclinical and clinical studies in the future could aid in the formulation of an effective and safe treatment for DM.
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i>Chenopodium ambrosioides is widely used in traditional medicines to manage several health conditions. This study aimed to investigate the chemical composition of the n -hexane fraction and the in vitro antidiabetic and antioxidant properties of C. ambrosioides L. The chemical composition was determined using Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. In vitro evaluations were assessed by evaluating the inhibitory potentials on the activities of α-glucosidase and antioxidants. A total of 58 phytochemicals were identified belonging to 11 classes of substances, of which aliphatic hydrocarbons (38.25%), diterpenes (20.54%), esters (16.33%), triterpenes (11.91%), diverse functional groups (3.74%), aromatic hydrocarbons (2.64%), sesquiterpenes (2.31%), alcohols (1.41%), ketones (0.29%), monoterpenes (0.16%), and fatty acids (0.14%). The major compounds were heptacosane (30.48%) ( 46 ), phytol (20.94) ( 35 ), and squalene (11.07%) ( 56 ). The methanol extract and its fractions showed moderate α-glucosidase activity, but their IC50 values were lower than the positive control 1-deoxynojirimycin. However, the methanol and methanol-water fractions exhibited more scavenging activity on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl with IC50 values similar to butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The plant is rich in various phytoconstituents, and its α-glucosidase and antioxidant status may justify its use in traditional medicine, especially for preventing complications of diabetes.
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Insulin resistance (IR) is a condition of impaired response of cells towards insulin. It is marked by excessive blood glucose, dysregulated insulin signalling, altered pathways, damaged pancreatic β-cells, metabolic disorders, etc. Chronic hyperglycemic conditions leads to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) which causes excess generation of highly reactive free radicals, causing oxidative stress, further leading to development and progression of complications like vascular dysfunction, damaged cellular proteins, and DNA. One of the causes for IR is dysregulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). Advancements in drug therapeutics have helped people manage IR by regulating PTP1B, however have been reported to cause side effects. Therefore, there is a growing interest on usage of phytochemical constituents having IR therapeutic properties and aiding to minimize these complications. Medicinal plants have not been utilized to their full potential as a therapeutic drug due to lack of knowledge of their active and effective chemical constituents, mode of action, regulation of IR parameters, and dosage of administration. This review highlights phytochemical constituents present in medicinal plants or spices, their potential effectiveness on proteins (PTP1B) regulating IR, and reported possible mechanism of action studied on in vitro models. The study gives current knowledge and future recommendations on the above aspects and is expected to be beneficial in developing herbal drug using these phytochemical constituents, either alone or in combination, for medication of IR and diabetes. Graphical Abstract
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Background Physalis peruviana L. (Solanaceae) is a plant widely used in traditional medicine systems to manage various diseases, including diabetes mellitus, which remains a global health problem in developing and developed countries. This study aimed to scientifically evaluate its antidiabetic bioactivity and short-term toxicity in rats. Methods We prepared various doses (100, 200, 400 mg/kg) of aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts for the antidiabetic study, and a dose of 2000 mg/Kg was prepared for the acute toxicity test. The first group that evaluated the hypoglycemic effect consisted of forty normoglycemic Wistar rats aged 7–8 months old with a weighted average of 265.8 ± 24.6 g. The second group consisted of intraperitoneal glucose-loaded male animals to evaluate the antihyperglycemic effect. The third group contained two groups of normoglycemic female rats (n = 3), aged 3 and 4 months old (weight average: 187.45 ± 14.82 g), treated for 14 days with aqueous and methanolic extracts (2 g/kg b.w) to assess mortality and toxic effects. Blood samples were taken at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min post-treatment in hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic evaluations. Glibenclamide (5 mg/kg) was used as a reference drug. The control animals in each group did not receive the extracts. Results In hypoglycemic rats, 100 mg/kg of aqueous and methanolic extracts significantly lowered the fasting blood glucose level by 13.92% (p < 0.0001) and 21.95% (p < 0.01), respectively, compared to the control group. In glucose tolerance test group, methanolic extracts significantly reduced hyperglycemia by 54.55% (p < 0.0001), 46.50% (p < 0.0001), 39.78% (p < 0.0001) at 400, 200 and 100 mg/kg b.w, respectively, compared to control; aqueous extract 400 mg/kg reduced hyperglycemia by 39.44% (p < 0.05). At the 2000 mg/kg dose, leaf aqueous and methanolic extracts did not show any signs of intoxication and mortality. Conclusion Crude aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts of P. peruviana ambrosioides appeared safe at 2000 mg/kg and have bioactivity in controlling the blood glucose levels, supporting their use in treating diabetes.
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Chronic diseases including cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer persist for a long time in the course of treatment affecting health and are currently the cause of many deaths. In most cases, the treatment of chronic infectious diseases especially Tuberculosis relies on conventional drugs which are currently becoming fruitless due to drug resistance and unpredicted complications in course of treatment. However, herbal medicines have for a long time been used in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases including asthma and heart diseases in Africa. In this study, we extracted metabolites and screened for active compounds with potential free radical scavenging and pharmacological activities from Bersama abyssinica, the plant commonly used in traditional medicine in Tanzania. B. abyssinica root, stembark and leaf were air dried, sequentially extracted in various solvents including petroleum ether, dichloromethane, ethylacetate and methanol to yield extracts and fractions. The extracts and fractions were tested for the presence of several metabolites and antioxidant activity. The analysis of chemical compounds from resultant extracts was done by GC–MS for non-polar factions and LC-MS/MC for moderate polar extracts.High amount of phenolic acid, flavonoids and tannin were identified in ethylacetate fraction compared to ethanol, dichloromethane and petroleum ether. The GC–MS analysis of petroleum ether extract of B. abyssinica stem back yielded twelve (12) compounds with varying composition. The most abundant compounds were 2-Butenoic acid, 3-methyl-, ethyl ester comprising 33.8%, n-Hexadecanoic acid comprising 16.7% and Ethanolpentamethyl- yielded in 16.7%.The LC-MS/MS analysis of Ethyl acetate fractions yielded 20 compounds including; Mangiferin and Isoquercitin were abundant in leaves, stembark and roots. Lastly, ethyl vanillate was identified in both roots and leaves whereas Quercitrin and 7,8-Dimethoxycoumarin were found in stembark and root.These findings indicated that B. abyssinica is rich in phenolic compounds ranging from phenolic acids, flavonoids and coumarin that possess high antioxidant and pharmacological properties potential for treatment of chronic diseases.
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Physalis peruviana L. is widely used in folk medicines to manage diabetes. This study aimed to identify new chemical constituents and explore in vitro antioxidant ability and alpha-glucosidase inhibition activity to explain its antidiabetic mechanism. Methanolic extracts and hexane fractions were prepared and analyzed by CG-FID and GC-MS. In vitro antidiabetic activity was assessed on α-glucosidase inhibition and DPPH models. The phytochemical analysis detected 29 constituents, manly heptacosane (25) and hexadecanoic acid methyl ester (14). Aliphatic hydrocarbons and esters were identified as the main classes of secondary metabolites. Compared to the standard, the methanol-water fraction was the most potent fraction on α-glucosidase inhibition (IC50 32.5 ± 0.27 μg/mL). The antioxidant values (IC50) of two fractions, and the reference were quite close (44.5 ± 0.54; 49.5 ± 0.87; 44.2 ± 0.77 μg/mL). Almost 82.75% are recognized for the first time in the leaf hexane fractions of this plant. The observed antioxidant activity was found to be significantly notable.
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Background Several local communities in Central, Western, Eastern, and Northern regions of Uganda have been using the whole leaf extracts of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (Asphodelaceae) in the treatment of various ailments. Also, several commercial companies sell A. vera as soft drinks in Uganda. However, there are inadequate reports on the toxicities of such preparations. This paper reports the acute and sub-acute oral toxicity of aqueous extracts of whole leaf and green rind of A. vera in Wistar rats. Methods Acute oral toxicity test was carried out in female Wistar rats at doses of 175, 550, 1750, and 5000 mg/kg, p.o. The animals were observed for signs of toxicity for 14 days. Similarly, a sub-acute oral toxicity test was performed in both sexes of rats at doses of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg, p.o. daily for 28 days. All the groups of animals were monitored for behavioral, morphological, biochemical, and physiological changes, including mortality and compared with respective controls. Body weights were measured weekly while the animals’ relative organ weights, hematological, biochemical, gross, and microscopic pathology were examined on day 29. Results There was no mortality or apparent behavioral changes at the doses tested in acute and sub-acute oral toxicity tests. Thus, the Median Lethal Dose (LD50) of green rind and whole leaf aqueous extracts was above 5000 mg/kg. Gross anatomy revealed that the rats’ relative spleen weight in green rind extract at 200 mg/kg significantly decreased compared to the control group. The creatinine levels in female rats that received green rind extract and the chloride ion levels in male rats administered whole leaf extract were significantly elevated. Conversely, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) levels significantly decreased at lower doses of the green rind extract compared to the control. Histopathology of the kidney revealed the renal interstitium’s inflammation at doses of 200 and 800 mg/kg of the whole leaf extract. Conclusion The findings demonstrated that A. vera green rind and whole leaf extracts are non-toxic at relatively high doses when used for a short duration. Prolonged use of the aqueous whole leaf extract might be associated with kidney toxicity.
Purpose: Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an established model for studying various metabolic diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of resveratrol as a natural polyphenol on reducing inflammation caused by hyperglycemia (diabetes) and its effect on digestive tissue as well as TNF-α, IFN-γ, and INL1β genes in zebrafish. Methods: Within a 20-day period, the research was performed on 120 adult zebrafish, which were randomly classified into eight groups: two experimental treatments (induced glucose = +G) and (without glucose = -G), where each main group was as follows: CTRL = control and RSV resveratrol with doses 10, 20, and 30 μmol/L. At the end of the period, the blood glucose level was measured using glucose test strip, staining of intestinal tissue was done by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and expression of INF-γ, IL1-β, and TNF-α genes extracted from the intestinal was measured via internal method RT-PCR. Data analysis in this study was performed using SPSS software version 21. One-way ANOVA and mean comparison of treatments by Duncan test were used for data analysis. All statistical analyses were performed at a significant level (P < 0.5) where the mean data were presented with standard deviation. Results: According to the results, the lowest blood sugar level at the end of the experiment belonged to the group (G-RSV20) where no significant difference was observed between treatments (P > 0.05). The highest expression of IL1-β gene belonged to the (G + CTRL) group (P < 0.05), while the (G + RSV20) group showed the lowest expression of the INF-γ gene and had a significant difference with other groups (P < 0.05). In (G + RSV10) treatment, the lowest expression of TNF-α gene was observed and there was no significant difference with other treatments (P > 0.05). Resveratrol would improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tissue by increasing the number of goblet cells as well as the width and height of the villi. Conclusion: Collectively, this study indicated that treatment with resveratrol could improve metabolic-mediated performances by reducing blood glucose, increasing food absorption in the intestine tissue, and reducing the expression of inflammatory genes in type 2 diabetic zebrafish model.