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El estudio y aplicación del videojuego, como producto audiovisual con fines más allá del ocio,da lugar a la aparición de diversas corrientes de desarrollo de productos videolúdicos caracterizadosen la unión de entretenimiento y formación, que aprovechan el poder de persuasión de este mediointeractivo. En este contexto nacen los serious games y, dentro de estos, el videojuego prosocial comoherramienta educativa para la formación en valores. Estos artefactos culturales han de ser capaces depromover el diálogo, y servir como instrumento de mediación de conflictos y fomento de la paz. Conel objetivo de crear un marco de estudio del videojuego prosocial, procedemos a revisar la bibliografíaexistente y las producciones audiovisuales de ocio para pantalla que proponen inducir conductasprosociales en el jugador. Identificamos un auge de este tipo de productos interactivos durante la últimadécada, y en concreto sobre el conflicto colombiano, promovidos por diferentes instituciones así comopor el mismo gobierno de Colombia. En este sentido se lleva a cabo un estudio de caso del videojuegoReconstrucción (Pathos Audiovisual, ViveLab, GIZ, 2017), aplicando dos modelos de análisis.Exponemos los resultados obtenidos del primer modelo de análisis, que aborda la narrativa de losvideojuegos, además de los obtenidos gracias al segundo modelo, que parte de la identificación de loscomponentes del diseño del videojuego según el marco MDA. Concluimos el presente estudio apuntando las características principales que posibilitan un diseño efectivo de videojuego prosocial,en el que resulta fundamental la generación de dinámicas de juego que promuevan la toma dedecisiones, vinculadas a ofrecer algún tipo de ayuda.

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... Los videojuegos son comúnmente usados por los jóvenes. Por ello, se han popularizado los juegos serios y se han aprovechado para abordar diferentes problemas sociales como la prevención de la violencia en general (Costa et al., 2021;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019), violencia de género (Gonzalez et al., 2022;Manzano-Zambruno y Paredes-Otero, 2021), y equidad de género (Barrera et al., 2020), por ejemplo. En el contexto de sostenibilidad ambiental, algunos autores han mostrado que estos son prometedores para generar en los usuarios un sentido de compromiso para con el cambio climático y les permiten adoptar roles de empoderamiento para frenar el efecto invernadero y mitigar los impactos en el ambiente (Fernández et al., 2022). ...
... Adicionalmente, se hizo una descripción de su diseño por medio del análisis MDA (por sus siglas en inglés para Mechanics/Mecánicas, Dynamics/Dinámicas y Aesthetics/Estéticas) siguiendo los parámetros de (Hunicke et al., 2004). Se esperaba que este conocimiento del juego fuera útil para una mejor comprensión de las respuestas de los Bitácora Jornal 2023, 2(5), 38-72 entrevistados, como se ha hecho en estudios similares con otros juegos serios (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;Perdomo et al., 2024). ...
... Si bien mencionaron que el juego tiende más a motivar a tomar acciones que a enseñar, no niegan haber aprendido más sobre el cambio climático al jugar, como se halló en Josep et al. (2021) con respecto a videojuegos en general y en Perdomo et al. (2024) en videojuegos sobre violencia de género. Este hallazgo es consistente con las conclusiones de (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019), quienes confirmaron que el impacto que un videojuego tiene sobre su público objetivo le convierte en un medio favorable para la educación que conlleve al pensamiento crítico y cambio social. mostrando tener muy poca información sobre el cambio climático (Torrres-Slimming et al., 2021). ...
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Los videojuegos han demostrado utilidad para abordar problemas ambientales como el cambio climático. En 2020 la ONU desarrolló Mission 1.5º, un videojuego que busca concientizar sobre el cambio climático promoviendo la participación a nivel global. Nuestro propósito fue conocer la percepción de los jóvenes acerca de las características y objetivos del videojuego. Realizamos entrevistas a jóvenes universitarios que jugaron previamente a Mission 1.5º para conocer su opinión de este y conocer si cumple su objetivo o falla en el intento. Principalmente se encontró que sí cumple con ciertos puntos, los estudiantes se mostraron a favor del videojuego y mencionaron haber reflexionado después de jugarlo; junto a ello dieron varias recomendaciones como: mejorar la manera en que se transmite información, proponer soluciones en la escala de un ciudadano común, etc. Esta retroalimentación es fundamental para mejorar Mission 1.5º y así obtener un juego más contundente a la hora de concientizar a los jóvenes acerca del cambio climático
... Educational video games can expose players to new experiences where they can interact with other contexts and social groups, which can promote tolerance and reduce prejudice (Breves, 2020). The video game can be a powerful ludic tool that encourages prosocial behavior and dialogue and serve as a peace-building tool (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). Prosocial behavior is referred to a broad category of intentional behaviors that benefit others and favor the development of social relationships that promote coexistence and wellbeing in healthier social contexts (Cuadrado & Tabernero, 2015), as for example altruism, helping, cooperation, volunteering, and solidarity (Penner et al., 2005). ...
... In the field of video games, prosocial behavior does not have a real cost for the helping person. However, people evaluate, the virtual cost depending on the social reality of the video game configured through elements such as social norms, costbenefit, decision processes, learning, emotion (empathy), and consistency between attitudes and behaviors (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). As in the video game Reconstruction (Pathos Audiovisual et al., 2017), dynamics for promoting prosocial behavior can be generated, by involving the player in situations in which a dichotomy between helping or not is created to generate reflection with the aim of increasing these positive behaviors toward others (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). ...
... However, people evaluate, the virtual cost depending on the social reality of the video game configured through elements such as social norms, costbenefit, decision processes, learning, emotion (empathy), and consistency between attitudes and behaviors (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). As in the video game Reconstruction (Pathos Audiovisual et al., 2017), dynamics for promoting prosocial behavior can be generated, by involving the player in situations in which a dichotomy between helping or not is created to generate reflection with the aim of increasing these positive behaviors toward others (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). ...
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The development and consumption of video games have experienced a significant boom in recent decades. Recently, attention has been paid to the impact they can have on young people and how extremist and radical groups are using them to recruit and reinforce hateful ideas and behaviors. It would be innovative to use this powerful tool to prevent and educate on values and rights, thereby reducing prejudices toward the out-group. Therefore, the present systematic review aims to gather and systematize existing knowledge on video game-based interventions to reduce and prevent extremism and violent radicalization in young people, following the PRISMA method, analyzing a total of six articles. The results indicate that such interventions can reduce prejudiced behaviors toward outgroup individuals and increase resilience, empathy, and prosocial interactions. However, further exploration in this field is necessary to better understand the mechanisms involved and improve video game designs for preventive purposes.
... This potential has been harnessed, for example, to modify behaviors associated with health in general (Burrows & Blanton, 2018) and patients with systemic and chronic diseases (de Brito et al., 2021;de la Hera, 2018). Also, several authors have studied video games and have tested their potential to promote positive behaviors to eradicate violent behaviors in different contexts (Costa et al., 2021;Gonzalez et al., 2022;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;Martínez-Oña & Muñoz-Muñoz, 2021;Schrier, 2017). ...
... They pursue an educative purpose (a change in behavior) as a primary goal rather than entertainment (van der Lubbe et al., 2021). Some authors have studied their potential for educative purposes regarding different social issues like health (Burrows & Blanton, 2018;de Brito et al., 2021;de la Hera, 2018;Gertrudis-Casado et al., 2022;Ndulue & Orji, 2021;Pisco et al., 2018), vulnerability in different social scenarios (van der Lubbe et al., 2021), gender equity (Barrera et al., 2020;Heritage, 2020), peace (Costa et al., 2021;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;Sánchez, 2018;Schrier, 2017) and GBV (Díez, 2009;Gonzalez et al., 2022;Manzano-Zambruno & Paredes-Otero, 2021;Pisco et al., 2018). ...
... According to this design, the results of one step are useful to move forward to the next analysis for further and deeper explanation. Hence, the study included the qualitative analysis of the game as proposed in previous studies (Hunicke et al., 2004;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). Then, to assess and understand its impact on students' perception, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. ...
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The study aimed to assess the impact of a student-created videogame on university students’ perceptions of the risk of sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) against women. It was based on two research questions: (1) to what extent the game ‘Un día a la vez’ (UDALV) impacts students’ perceptions of SGBV? (2) How do students perceive the game’s efficiency to change their perception of SGBV? This mixed study included the qualitative analysis of the game and, quantitative and qualitative techniques to assess and understand its impact on students’ perception. The sample consisted of 51 students aged between 17 and 24. The game showed easygoing narrative and mechanics with varied dynamics. Quantitative results indicated a positive effect of UDALV on all students’ perceptions of the risks of SGBV with a statistically significant difference between the pretest and posttest for the overall sample: t (50) = 9.050 (p = .000; d = .497). However, no differences were observed for the impact between males and females: t (47) = .581 (p = .564; d = .167). The interviews indicated that students find the game effective. In the context of this research, the results seem to be beneficial for gender-equity education programs addressed to young people. Keywords: serious games; university students; higher education; gender-equity education; students’ perception
... This potential has been harnessed, for example, to modify behaviors associated with health in general (Burrows & Blanton, 2018) and patients with systemic and chronic diseases (de Brito et al., 2021;de la Hera, 2018). Also, several authors have studied video games and have tested their potential to promote positive behaviors to eradicate violent behaviors in different contexts (Costa et al., 2021;Gonzalez et al., 2022;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;Martínez-Oña & Muñoz-Muñoz, 2021;Schrier, 2017). ...
... They pursue an educative purpose (a change in behavior) as a primary goal rather than entertainment (van der Lubbe et al., 2021). Some authors have studied their potential for educative purposes regarding different social issues like health (Burrows & Blanton, 2018;de Brito et al., 2021;de la Hera, 2018;Gertrudis-Casado et al., 2022;Ndulue & Orji, 2021;Pisco et al., 2018), vulnerability in different social scenarios (van der Lubbe et al., 2021), gender equity (Barrera et al., 2020;Heritage, 2020), peace (Costa et al., 2021;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;Sánchez, 2018;Schrier, 2017) and GBV (Díez, 2009;Gonzalez et al., 2022;Manzano-Zambruno & Paredes-Otero, 2021;Pisco et al., 2018). ...
... According to this design, the results of one step are useful to move forward to the next analysis for further and deeper explanation. Hence, the study included the qualitative analysis of the game as proposed in previous studies (Hunicke et al., 2004;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). Then, to assess and understand its impact on students' perception, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. ...
... En los juegos sociales online ( JSO) se adquieren habilidades cognitivas y destrezas valiosas para la vida, como la comprensión lectora y la toma de decisiones, al tiempo que se comparten conocimientos y valores con otros (Del Moral Pérez y Guzmán Duque, 2016). Se promueven también conductas prosociales con una eciencia mayor a la de los medios de comunicación de masas (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). Esto es posible porque el juego posee un carácter intersubjetivo, al ser compartido por un colectivo de personas que se ven involucradas en un mismo evento narrativo (Ruiz Collantes, 2013). ...
... Se considera importante la elección del tipo de juego ( JSO) y del caso especial de Fortnite. Los JSO están cobrando relevancia entre los usuarios de videojuegos por sus características novedosas y especícas (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Heide Smith y Pajares, 2008;López y Jeréz, 2011;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;O'Connor et al., 2013;Willett, 2016): ...
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Durante la última década, los juegos sociales online (JSO) se han popularizado e integrado a nuestra vida cotidiana, generándose posturas contrapuestas sobre sus posibles efectos en las personas y sus vínculos. Considerando que niños y jóvenes son usuarios activos de estas plataformas, las dinámicas familiares se han visto afectadas por su irrupción en el hogar. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio de casos que exploró las dinámicas familiares generadas en torno al uso de Fortnite. La investigación se desarrolló en el año 2019, en dos países —Argentina y Chile—, donde se realizaron 82 entrevistas semiestructuradas para profundizar en la realidad de las familias en las que uno o más integrantes juegan Fortnite. Un abordaje cualitativo temático permitió concluir que el uso de este JSO complejiza las dinámicas familiares, siendo una de las problemáticas más comunes la preocupación de los padres por la calidad de la mediación ejercida.
... MOVs use may encourage prosocial behaviours and social transformation (Martínez-Cano et al., 2019). Hence, MOVs convey social practices, ranging from playing online to generating content and tutorials, that empower players to interact through collaborative dynamics. ...
... This situation leads us to hypothesize that adults may dismiss the socialization taking place within Fortnite. On one side, the interactions generated in the game signify regular activities for the children (Johnson et al, 2013;Martínez-Cano et al., 2019;O'Connor et al., 2015). However, parents tend to see the emotions produced in their children as a matter of concern. ...
The popularity of multiplayer online videogames (MOVs) in the lives of young people has become a recurrent area of interest for parents and researchers. The use of these platforms has generated concerns regarding the potential negative effects on children’s personal and social development. Additionally, the ways in which players socialize through these games has raised questions concerning what are regarded as the most effective approaches to promote a constructive articulation of virtual and physical worlds. Fortnite, was created by Epic Games in 2017. It can be characterized as a social survival gaming experience and has the most remarkable use on a worldwide scale. The study reported here is a qualitative case study that explores the social dimension of the use of Fortnite and how it impacts on children’s and their parents’ perceptions regarding its use. A total of 82 in-depth interviews were conducted in 2019 with Argentinian and Chilean children between 9 and 18 years of age and their parents. Findings reveal that parents and children have diverging perspectives regarding the social dimension of the game’s immersive experience. The topic developed in this article is of particular relevance to parents and researchers given the current events and widescale use of online platforms due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Introducción: Un “seriousgame” es una aplicación lúdica, con un fin pedagógico, informativo, de comunicación o de entrenamiento, inspirada en los videojuegos. Las imágenes digitales y los juegos incluidos en los dispositivos de mediación son capaces de dar sentido a la comunicación organizacional Objetivos: Este terreno de la comunicación de los seriousgames tiene un gran potencial para el análisis de las prácticas de comunicación de las empresas y la relación corporal con el juego. Metodología: En lo que se refiere a la sociología de los usos y a la antropología visual, hay entrevistas sobre la apropiación del juego y sus efectos dentro de la organización, para una investigación empírica sobre los usos de un seriousgame de entrenamiento en la entrevista de evaluación realizada por los ejecutivos de salud de un hospital. Conclusiones: Aún si la percepción de inmersión en el seriousgame no fue lo suficientemente determinante. Los ejecutivos han podido aplicar las situaciones durante entrevistas reales.
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Resumen. Con estos aportes pretendemos dar a conocer los recursos virtuales más conocidos para poder iniciar una investigación de orden cualitativo usando como materia prima la narrativa de/sobre los videojuegos.
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We relate different self-reported measures of computer use to individuals' propensity to cooperate in the Prisoner's dilemma. The average cooperation rate is positively related to the self-reported amount participants spend playing computer games. None of the other computer time use variables (including time spent on social media, browsing internet, working etc.) are significantly related to cooperation rates.
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Research suggests that video games are becoming a social activity. Previous research has neglected the complicated social context in which people now play video games. However, a growing body of literature suggests that playing violent video games cooperatively with others can attenuate their aggression-facilitating effects and increase prosocial behaviors between players. To better understand which types of social game play can foster helping behaviors between players and which players may be engaging in these helping behaviors during game play, the current study administered a survey to 252 students who self-identified as video game players. The results suggest that participants who reported playing cooperatively/competitively with other players were more likely to report engaging in helping behaviors during game play. Additionally, participants who reported being motivated to play specialized roles in group game play and have an altruistic personality were more likely to report engaging in helping behaviors during game play. The results are discussed in terms of the theory of Bounded Generalized Reciprocity.
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Video games are a ubiquitous part of almost all children's and adolescents' lives, with 97% playing for at least one hour per day in the United States. The vast majority of research by psychologists on the effects of "gaming" has been on its negative impact: the potential harm related to violence, addiction, and depression. We recognize the value of that research; however, we argue that a more balanced perspective is needed, one that considers not only the possible negative effects but also the benefits of playing these games. Considering these potential benefits is important, in part, because the nature of these games has changed dramatically in the last decade, becoming increasingly complex, diverse, realistic, and social in nature. A small but significant body of research has begun to emerge, mostly in the last five years, documenting these benefits. In this article, we summarize the research on the positive effects of playing video games, focusing on four main domains: cognitive, motivational, emotional, and social. By integrating insights from developmental, positive, and social psychology, as well as media psychology, we propose some candidate mechanisms by which playing video games may foster real-world psychosocial benefits. Our aim is to provide strong enough evidence and a theoretical rationale to inspire new programs of research on the largely unexplored mental health benefits of gaming. Finally, we end with a call to intervention researchers and practitioners to test the positive uses of video games, and we suggest several promising directions for doing so. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved).
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Although neglected in traditional education, spatial thinking plays a critical role in achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. We review this relationship and investigate the malleability of spatial thinking. Can spatial thinking be improved with training, life experience, or educational interventions? Can improving spatial thinking improve STEM achievement? Research indicates that the answer is “yes” to both questions. A recent quantitative synthesis of 206 spatial training studies found an average training improvement of 0.47 standard deviations. Training effects lasted for months in studies examining durability and transferred to tasks that differed at least moderately from training tasks. A few studies indicate that spatial training can improve STEM learning, although more research needs to be done on this issue. We argue that including spatial thinking in STEM curricula could substantially increase the number of Americans with the requisite cognitive skills to enter STEM careers.
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In this paper we present the MDA framework (standing for Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics), developed and taught as part of the Game Design and Tuning Workshop at the Game Developers Conference, San Jose 2001-2004. MDA is a formal approach to understanding games – one which attempts to bridge the gap between game design and development, game criticism, and technical game research. We believe this methodology will clarify and strengthen the iterative processes of developers, scholars and researchers alike, making it easier for all parties to decompose, study and design a broad class of game designs and game artifacts.
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Having good spatial skills strongly predicts achievement and attainment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (e.g., Shea, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2001; Wai, Lubinski, & Benbow, 2009). Improving spatial skills is therefore of both theoretical and practical importance. To determine whether and to what extent training and experience can improve these skills, we meta-analyzed 217 research studies investigating the magnitude, moderators, durability, and generalizability of training on spatial skills. After eliminating outliers, the average effect size (Hedges's g) for training relative to control was 0.47 (SE = 0.04). Training effects were stable and were not affected by delays between training and posttesting. Training also transferred to other spatial tasks that were not directly trained. We analyzed the effects of several moderators, including the presence and type of control groups, sex, age, and type of training. Additionally, we included a theoretically motivated typology of spatial skills that emphasizes 2 dimensions: intrinsic versus extrinsic and static versus dynamic (Newcombe & Shipley, in press). Finally, we consider the potential educational and policy implications of directly training spatial skills. Considered together, the results suggest that spatially enriched education could pay substantial dividends in increasing participation in mathematics, science, and engineering. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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Desde los años ochenta, el paradigma cognitivista domina la teoría y el examen empírico de los efectos de los contenidos mediáticos violentos sobre las actitudes y las conductas agresivas. No obstante, los enfoques basados en la psicología conductista, y más en concreto su énfasis en los principios de condicionamiento y aprendizaje, siguen vigentes en muchas escuelas científico-sociales y en la investigación aplicada. En este artículo se discuten los avances que trae consigo la observación y el análisis de los comportamientos asociados al uso de videojuegos violentos a raíz de la incorporación de sus hallazgos a la literatura efectista.
¿Qué son los serious games? ¿Quién utiliza estos juegos? ¿Cuáles son sus objetivos? Este libro pretende servir de introducción a los juegos en cuanto formas de comunicación que, si bien se orientan a la información y la persuasión, no olvidan la clave de su éxito: el entretenimiento. Además de abordar los principales géneros de los serious games, se analizan, entre otros, los siguientes casos: •Videojuegos empleados por los ejércitos de diferentes países para el entrenamiento, reclutamiento y creación de una imagen pública. •Videojuegos persuasivos de concienciación solidaria para la divulgación de las crisis humanitarias, sensibilización de la población y la educación para el desarrollo. •Newsgames como juegos que participan de la actualidad informativa y el debate ciudadano por parte de usuarios y medios como el New York Times. •Y videojuegos orientados al tratamiento y comprensión de enfermedades, así como a la rehabilitación y mejora de las capacidades físicas y mentales. Por primera vez un libro ofrece, en español, una introducción completa al novedoso campo de los serious games.
Research examining the issue of video game violence influences on aggression continues to be debated within the scientific community. Thus far, no consensus has been reached regarding the influence of such games. This study adds to the prior literature by examining how violent video games may promote prosocial or aggressive behavior when played either cooperatively or alone. Results indicated that violent content in video games had no influence on prosocial behavior, aggressive behavior, or self-perceptions of empathy. Playing cooperatively was associated with less aggressive behavior, whether games were violent or not.
One of the main concerns that has constantly been raised against video games is that most of the games feature aggressive elements. This has led many people to assert that this may have a detrimental effect on individuals who play such games. Despite continuing controversy for over 15 years, there has been little in the way of systematic research. This article reviews the empirical studies in this area, including research methodologies such as the observation of free play, self-report methods, and experimental studies. The article argues that all the published studies on video game violence have methodological problems and that they only include possible short-term measures of aggressive consequences. The one consistent finding is that the majority of the studies on very young children—as opposed to those in their teens upwards—tend to show that children do become more aggressive after either playing or watching a violent video game. However, all of these come from the use of one particular research methodology (i.e., observation of children’s free play).
As computer game playing is a popular activity among adolescents, a questionnaire study was undertaken with 387 adolescents (12-16 years of age) to establish their "dependence" using a scale adapted from the DSM-III-R criteria for pathological gambling. Analysis indicated that one in five adolescents were currently "dependent" upon computer games. Boys played significantly more regularly than girls and were more likely to be classified as "dependent." The earlier children began playing computer games it appeared the more likely they were to be playing at "dependent" levels. These and other results are discussed in relation to research on other gaming dependencies.
The videogame as a prosocial tool: implications and applications for reconstruction in colombia
  • C G Sandoval Forero
  • Á Triana Sánchez
Cambiar jugando: la apuesta de los serious games en la educación por la igualdad entre los y las jóvenes
  • Gómez García
Los videojuegos que se inventaron las AUC: reclutar matando guerrilleros
  • S Kapkin
Rules of play: game design fundamentals
  • K Salen
  • E Zimmerman
Los “juegos” del conflicto colombiano. UN Periódico
  • C G Sandoval
Introduction to social psychology
  • D J Schneider