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Abstract and Figures

Irregular menstrual cycles, affecting approximately 30% of women in their reproductive years, are often overlooked in research, limiting our insights into the broader spectrum of hormonal interactions. Understanding the relationship between endogenous hormone fluctuations and brain function across the menstrual cycle, particularly beyond regular menstrual cycles, is essential for comprehending mental disorders prevalent in women. To this aim, a healthy female with an irregular menstrual cycle underwent dense sampling for 5 consecutive weeks, primarily covering the follicular phase and ovulation. Blood draws provided measurements of estradiol, estrone, and progesterone. T 1-weighted MRI scans assessed bilateral hippocampal volumes. Positive and negative affect were collected at each session. Statistical analyses included cubic regression curves, Spearman correlations, and mediation regression models to explore hormonal associations with hippocampal morphology and affect. Significant fluctuations in hormonal concentrations, hippocampal volume, and affect were observed across the 25 testing days. Estradiol and estrone significantly correlated with hippocampal volume, while progesterone showed no significant association. Increasing concentrations of estrogens were linked to decreasing positive affect, mediated by hippocampal volume fluctuations. Increasing concentrations of estrogens were further associated with increasing negative affect, however, independently of hippocampal changes. Our findings suggest potential roles of estrogens in affect regulation and brain function in a participant with an irregular menstrual cycle. This research serves as a blueprint for future investigations into the complex interplay between sex hormones and structural brain dynamics beyond regular menstrual cycles and establishes a fundamental framework for the advancement of sex-specific precision medicine.
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npj | women's health Article
Hippocampal volume and affect in
response to uctuating estrogens in
menstrual cycle irregularity: a longitudinal
single-subject study
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Carina Heller1,2,3,4,5 , Daniel Güllmar6, Carina J. Koeppel1,7, Philine Rojczyk5,8, Heidemarie Stein1,
Caitlin M. Taylor9, Emily G. Jacobs9,10, Birgit Derntl11,12,13,ZoraKikinis
5, Martin Walter2,3,4 & Ilona Croy1,3,4
Irregular menstrual cycles, affecting approximately 30% of women in their reproductive years, are
often overlooked in research, limiting our insights into the broader spectrum of hormonal interactions.
Understanding the relationship between endogenous hormone uctuations and brain function across
the menstrual cycle, particularly beyond regular menstrual cycles, is essential for comprehending
mental disorders prevalent in women. To this aim, a healthy female with an irregular menstrual cycle
underwent dense sampling for 5 consecutive weeks, primarily covering the follicular phase and
ovulation. Blood draws provided measurements of estradiol, estrone, and progesterone.
-weighted MRI scans assessed bilateral hippocampal volumes. Positive and negative affect were
collected at each session. Statistical analyses included cubic regression curves, Spearman
correlations, and mediation regression models to explore hormonal associations with hippocampal
morphology and affect. Signicant uctuations in hormonal concentrations, hippocampal volume,
and affect were observed across the 25 testing days. Estradiol and estrone signican tly correlated with
hippocampal volume, while progesterone showed no signicant association. Increasing
concentrations of estrogens were linked to decreasing positive affect, mediated by hippocampal
volume uctuations. Increasing concentrations of estrogens were further associated with increasing
negative affect, however, independently of hippocampal changes. Our ndings suggest potential roles
of estrogens in affect regulation and brain function in a participant with an irregular menstrual cycle.
This research serves as a blueprint for future investigations into the complex interplay between sex
hormones and structural brain dynamics beyond regular menstrual cycles and establishes a
fundamental framework for the advancement of sex-specic precision medicine.
1Department of Clinical Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany. 2Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Jena University Hospital,
Jena, Germany. 3German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), Partner Site Jena-Magdeburg-Halle, Jena, Germany. 4Center for Intervention and Research on adaptive
and maladaptive brain Circuits underlying mental health (C-I-R-C), Jena-Magdeburg-Halle, Jena, Germany. 5Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of
Psychiatry, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 6Medical Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany. 7Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 8cBRAIN, Department of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. 9Department of Psychological and Brain Sci-
ences, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. 10Neuroscience Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. 11Department of Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy, Innovative Neuroimaging, Tübingen Center for Mental Health (TüCMH), University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. 12Lead Graduate School,
University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. 13German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), Partner Site Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 1
The regular menstrual cycle is an important indicator for womensrepro-
ductive, physical, as well as mental health, serving as an independent proxy
36% of women are affected by irregular menstrual cycles, depending on age,
country of residence, or occupation2. These irregularities in the menstrual
cycle can be attributed to various underlying causes, such as a dysfunction of
the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, which inuences the pro-
duction of estradiol. Research ndings suggest that prolonged and irregular
cycle length are associated with decreased exposure to estradiol3.Itshouldbe
noted that 69% of the variance in total menstrual cycle length is due to the
variance of the follicular phase length when estradiol is the dominating
Estrogens, including estradiol, estrone, and estriol, in conjunction with
progesterone represent a major class of neuromodulatory sex steroid hor-
mones with the brain serving as an important target for their actions6,7.
Estradiol is the most biologically active estrogen in humans8. It is approxi-
mately 10 times more active than estrone and 80 times more active than
estriol9. Both estrone and estriol are a precursors and metabolites of
estradiol10,11. While cells in many brain regions express estrogen and pro-
gesterone receptors, an increased presence of receptors is found in the
hippocampus ex vivo in humans12 and in rodents13. It is well known that the
hippocampus plays a major role in memory and control of attention.
Investigating the effect of endogenous estrogens and progesterone on hip-
pocampal neuroplasticity in humans in vivo is a relatively recent scientic
effort. Traditionally, data collection relies predominantly on cross-sectional
designs that involve simultaneous data collection from multiple individuals,
followed by mean comparisons to establish hormone-brain connections
based on this aggregated data (e.g.1418). Nevertheless, this cross-sectional
methodology tends to disregard the rhythmic nature of hormone produc-
tion in the human body. Recent years have marked a transformation in
neuroimaging studies, embracing an alternative approach that entails the
longitudinal monitoring of individuals over extended periods spanning
weeks and months19,20. Following this, a series of recent neuroimaging
studies have densely sampled women across the full menstrual cycle2128 to
enrich our understanding of hormone action in the human brain. Barth
et al.21 showed in a longitudinal study of a natural cycling single woman21 a
positive association between endogenous estrogen concentrations and
bilateral white matter hippocampal fractional anisotropy, an indicator of the
microstructural properties in white matter29. The interplay between regional
brain volume and hormonal levels was also demonstrated in another
longitudinal study of one woman, demonstrating no effect of estradiol, but a
relation between endogenous progesterone concentrations and gray matter
volume in the hippocampal subelds of CA2/3 and paralimbic structures of
the parahippocampal gyrus, perirhinal and entorhinal cortex. Subsequent
pharmacological suppression of progesterone eliminated these effects22.
However, these studies were performed in women with a regular menstrual
cycle, and it is unknown whether the relationship is present in those with
irregular menstrual cycles.
The hippocampus is implicated in mental health disorders such as
depression30. Women are approximately twice as likely to be diagnosed with
major depressive disorder (MDD) compared to men31,andthereisa
recognized connection between uctuations in ovarian hormones and
depression susceptibility in women32,33. Particularly noteworthy is the
association between menstrual cycle irregularities and mental disorders,
including depression34,35. While the majority of individuals with regular
menstrual cycles are unlikely to undergo impairing changes in affect asso-
ciated with cycling hormones, a minority of individuals experience such
changes36,37. An example of those who experience changes in affect with
cycling hormones are individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
(PMDD), a severe type of premenstrual syndrome, which is observed in 2 to
8% of women in their reproductive years. PMDD is characterized by cyclic
mood alterations leading to clinically marked distress and functional
impairment38,39. There is a growing body of literature showing that hor-
monal uctuations, rather than stable hormone levels, impact affect4042,
identifying mood sensitivity to uctuating hormones4345. Notably, current
literature excludes individuals with irregular menstrual cycles. Despite
progress in assessing menstrual cycles, there remains a dearth of approaches
specically tailored to study irregular cycles, pointing to a critical gap in the
existing literature. Since menstrual cycle length varies between individuals
(the average is between 21 and 37 days) and within individuals cycle-to-
cycle4648, self-report assessments of menstrual cycle stages are often mis-
leading. Further, saliva-based assessments are subpar49. Recognizing the
menstrual cycle as a within-person process, repeated measure designs,
which are considered the state-of-the-art approach5, can capture a com-
prehensive picture of menstrual cycle irregularities. However, within-
subject designs are challenging in terms of the demands placed on the
participant. Therefore, these dense-sampling studies, as described above, are
still scarce.
This study seeks to narrow the gap in the current literature by focusing
on menstrual cycle irregularities, aiming to further our understanding of the
complex interplay between hormone uctuations, hippocampal morphol-
ogy, and effects beyond the regular menstrual cycle pattern. In a dense-
sampling study of one female participant with an irregular menstrual cycle,
we explored whether endogenous uctuations in sex hormone concentra-
tions impact hippocampal morphology and affect. First, we investigated
associations of endogenous concentrations of estradiol, estrone, and pro-
gesterone with hippocampal morphology across ve consecutive weeks
(n= 25 testing days), covering mostly the follicular phase and ovulation.
Second, we determined the association between the concentrations of cir-
culating hormones, hippocampal morphology, and affect. This investigation
aims to provide insights into brain-hormones-behavior interactions which
are usually studied in regular menstrual cycles but often overlooked in cases
of menstrual cycle irregularities.
A healthy female (30 years of age) participated in this dense-sampling,
longitudinal study. The participant underwent testing mostly from Monday
to Friday for ve consecutive weeks (August 2ndSeptember 2nd, 2022)
while freely cycling, resulting in n= 25 test sessions. The female participant
was free from hormonal medication for 55 months (mean menstrual cycle
length = 38.3 days, SD = 6.68 days during that time) before the assessment.
Thefemaleparticipanthadnohistoryof psychiatric, neurological, and
endocrine diagnoses, breastfeeding or pregnancy, and no history of smok-
ing, alcohol, or drug abuse. The participant gave written informed consent,
and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena Ethics Committee approved
the study.
Image acquisition and postprocessing
The imaging data were acquired on a 3T Siemens PrismaFit scanner
(Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with a 64-channel head
coil. Structural MRI were acquired with T
-weighted (T1w) MPRAGE
sequence with GRAPPA acceleration. Scan parameters were: echo time
(TE) = 2.22 ms, repetition time (TR) = 2400 ms, inversion time
(TI) = 1000 ms, matrix size = 320 × 320, eld of view (FOV) = 256 mm, ip
angle = 8°, scan orientation = sagittal, phase encoding direction = A >> P,
bandwidth = 220 Hz/pixel, number of slices = 208, slice thickness =
0.80 mm, voxel size = 0.80 × 0.80 × 0.80 mm. Scans were collected every day
at 7.30 am local time. The parameters used to acquire the images (e.g., sizes,
space directions, space origin), and the quality of the images (e.g., motion
artifacts, ringing, ghosting of the skull or eyeballs, cut-offs, signal drops, and
other artifacts) were visually checked. Sequence Adaptive Multimodal
SEGmentation (SAMSEG)50 was used to segment both hemispherestotal
hippocampal volumes. Initially, a subject-specic template was created by
spatially co-registering all 3D T1w MRPAGE volumes through an iterative
process51. The co-registered 3D volumes were then employed to implement
longitudinal SAMSEG52.Thenal segmentations were visually quality
checked and then used to extract the volume of the hippocampus structure
directly for each measurement day. The numerical values of the left and right
hippocampal volumes were demeaned by subtracting the hemisphere mean Article
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 2
from each individual value, for both hemispheres respectively. Demeaning
the hippocampal volume serves to center it around zero, allowing us to focus
on variations around the average, which is crucial for identifying patterns in
the data related to the actual variation attributed to the day of the menstrual
cycle. This preprocessing step is essential for isolating variations associated
with hormonal uctuations while removing potential sources of systematic
bias or shift. It helps eliminate variations caused by external factors or
measurement errors. By removing these sources of variation, we can focus
more precisely on changes in hippocampal volumes linked to hormonal
uctuations. As a result, this process enhances the sensitivity and specicity
of our measurements. The demeaned hippocampal volumes were then
added and divided by two to obtain an average demeaned hippocampal
Endocrine procedure
The blood was drawn at 9.00 am. One 7.5 ml blood sample was collected in a
S-Monovette®Serum-GEL (Sarstedt) with clotting activator/gel each test
session. The sample clotted at room temperature and was stored at
Celsius until centrifugated (2500 x g for 10 minutes). Estradiol (pg/ml),
progesterone (ng/ml), and luteinizing hormone (LH) serum concentrations
(IU/l) were determined at the Bioscientia Laboratory in Jena, Germany.
Estrone serum concentrations (pg/ml) were determined at the Bioscientia
Laboratory in Ingelheim, Germany. Estradiol was assessed with the elec-
trochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) Elecsys®Estradiol III Assay.
Assay antibodies, measuring ranges (dened by the limit of detection and
the maximum of the master curve), and intra-assay coefcients of variation
for estradiol were the following: antibodies, two biotinylated monoclonal
anti-estradiol antibodies (rabbit), 2.5 ng/ml and4.5 ng/ml; measuring range,
18.411,010 pmol/l (53000 pg/ml), < 5% relative SD. Radioimmunoassay
(RIA) was used to determine concentrations of estrone.
Progesterone was assessed with the ECLIA Elecsys®Progesterone III
Assay. Assay antibodies, measuring ranges, and intra-assay coefcients of
variation for progesterone were the following: antibodies, biotinylated
monoclonal anti-progesterone antibody (recombinant sheep), 30 ng/ml;
measuring range, 0.159191 nmol/l (0.0560 ng/ml), <5% relative SD.
Ovulation was conrmed through ovulation tests and LH blood con-
centrations. LH was assessed with the ECLIA Elecsys®LH Assay. Assay
antibodies, measuring ranges, and intra-assay coefcients of variation for
LH were the following: antibodies, biotinylated monoclonal anti-LH anti-
body (mouse), 2.0 mg/l; measuring range, 0.3200 mIU/ml (0.3200 IU/l);
intra-assay precision, 2.2% variation coefcient.
All assays were determined on the cobas®e 801 analyzer (Roche
Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) and were used according to the
manufacturers instructions.
To evaluate hormonal uctuations over the ve-week testing period,
we used a centering approach for absolute hormonal concentrations of
estradiol, estrone, and progesterone. This involved subtracting the overall
mean hormonal concentration from each individual hormonal value (e.g.
hormonal concentration on test day 1 minus the mean overall hormonal
concentration). This method allows us to account for hormonal uctuations
relative to the average hormonal level across the ve-week duration.
Psychological measures
Positive and negative affect was assessed for each test session separately
using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)53.Itisawidely
used and well-established instrument for assessing affective states which can
be employed in daily assessments. The PANAS is a 20 item self-reporting
questionnaire assessing positive emotions such as joy, interest, and alertness,
and negative emotions such as sadness, distress, and irritability. Each item
on the PANAS is rated on a 5-point scale, ranging between 1 and 5, with 1
indicating low agreement to the specicitem(notatall)and5indicatinga
high agreement (very much). The positive affect score was calculated as the
average of the 10 positive items. The negative affect score was calculated as
the average of the 10 negative items. Hence, positive and negative affect
scores can range from 1 to 5. Lower scores represent lower levels of positive
and negative affect, whereas higher scores represent higher levels of positive
and negative affect, respectively.
Statistical approach
Statistical analyses were performed using R software (https://www., Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27,
and GraphPad Prism 8. First, cubic regression curve estimations were used
as the data followed a cubic curve to checkwhether hormones, hippocampal
volume, and affect changed signicantly across the 25 testing sessions.
Second, Shapiro-Wilks test was used to check for the normal dis-
tribution of the variables. As hormonal concentrations were not normally
distributed, Spearman correlations were performed between hippocampal
volumes, hormones, and positive and negative affect. False Discovery Rate
(FDR) correction was used to correct for multiple comparisons in all
Third, in case of a signicant correlation, we used post-hoc mediation
regression analyses to investigate whether changes in positive and negative
affect were a direct effect of uctuations in hormonal concentrations across
the 25 test sessions or an indirect effect mediated by uctuations in left and
right hippocampal volume. Post-hoc mediation regression analyses were
only performed in case prior Spearman correlations were signicant,
ensuring a more targeted exploration of the relationship between variables.
Mediation regression models were calculated with positive and negative
affect as dependent variables and hormonal levels as independent variables.
Hippocampal volumes were added as a mediator variable to the model. Due
to high multicollinearity among the independent variables the analyses were
conducted separately for each hormone, hippocampal hemisphere, and
positive and negative affect. In our mediation regression models, path ais
the linear effect of the hormonal levels (independent variable) on hippo-
campal volume. Path bis the effect of hippocampal volume (mediator) on
positive and negative affect (outcome variables). The indirect effect a*b
measures the amount of mediation, and the direct effect cis the effect of the
hormonal levels on positive and negative affect after controlling for hip-
pocampal volume. The total effect cis the sum of direct and indirect effects.
Results were based on 5000 bootstrapped samples. Residuals of the
regressions were normally distributed.
Analysis I: Fluctuations across the 25 test sessions
Absolute hormonal concentrations (estradiol: F(3,21) = 6.698, p= 0.002;
estrone: F(3,21) = 14.728, p< 0.001; progesterone: F(3,21) = 46.306,
p< 0.001), hippocampal volume (F(3,21) = 5.574, p= 0.006), and affect
(positive affect: F(3,21) = 17.604, p< 0.001; negative affect: F(3,21) = 13.986,
p< 0.001) changed signicantly across the 25 testing days covering mainly
the follicular phase and ovulation using cubic regression curve estimations
(see Fig. 1).Themenstrualcycleatthetimeofthescanlasted53days,which
represented a longer irregular menstrual cycle than usual (M=38.3 days,
SD = 6.36 days during the 55 hormone-medication-free months prior to the
study). Ovulation occurred on testing days 21 and 22, representing men-
strual cycle days 37 and 38. Following this, the study covered 20 days of the
follicular phase, 2 days of ovulation, and 3 days of the luteal phase. The luteal
phase of this menstrual cycle covered 15 to 16 days in total.
Analysis II: Fluctuating hormonal concentrations in association
with hippocampal volume and affect
Next, we tested whether uctuations in hormonal concentrations, derived
from the ve-week period average, were associated with both hippocampal
volume and affect using Spearman correlations. Bilateral hippocampal
volume correlated signicantly with uctuating estradiol (r= 0.637,
p= 0.001, p
= 0.002) and uctuating estrone (r= 0.745, p< 0.001,
< 0.001) but not with uctuating progesterone (r=0.036, p= 0.863,
= 0.919). Both uctuating estradiol and estrone correlated signicantly
with positive (estradiol: r=0.469, p= 0.018, p
= 0.026; estrone:
r=0.427, p= 0.033, p
= 0.040) as well as negative affect (estradiol:
r= 0.773, p< 0.001, p
< 0.001; estrone: r= 0.661, p< 0.001, Article
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 3
< 0.001), suggesting that increasing concentrations of estrogens were
associated with decreasing positive but with increasing negative affect.
Fluctuating progesterone correlated signicantly with positive (r= 0.464,
p= 0.019, p
= 0.026) but not with negative affect (r=0.021, p= 0.919,
= 0.919), suggesting that increasing progesterone concentrations were
associated with increasing positive affect.
Furthermore, positive affect was signicantly inversely associated with
bilateral hippocampal volume (r=0.681, p< 0.001, p
whereas negative affect was signicantly associated with bilateral hippo-
campal volume (r= 0.485, p= 0.014, p
Analysis III:Estrogens are linked to negative affect, hippocampal
volume is linked to positive affect
We used post-hoc mediation regression analyses to investigate whether
positive and negative effects were a direct effect of hormonal concentrations
across the 25 test sessions, or an indirect effect mediated by uctuations in
hippocampal volume. These analyses were selectively performed in case
prior Spearman correlations were signicant, ensuring a focused explora-
tion of the relationship between variables. Consequently, post-hoc media-
tion regression analyses were specically applied to uctuations in estradiol
and estrone across the ve-week duration.
For the outcome variable positive affect, model 1.a included estradiol as
the independent variable and hippocampal volume as mediator. For model
1.b, estradiol was replaced by estrone as independent variable. Neither
estradiol nor estrone were identied as signicant predictors since total
effects cand direct effects cwere insignicant. The indirect effect a*bfor
hippocampal volume was signicant in both models, suggesting that
bilateral hippocampal volumes were related to positive affect rather than
estrogens. Figure 2shows the detailed results for mediation analysis model
1.a and 1.b.
For negative affect, models 2.a included estradiol as the independent
variable and hippocampal volume as mediators. Since total effects cand
direct effects cwere signicant, estradiol was identied as a signicant
predictor for negative affect. Model 2.b included estrone as the independent
variable, negative affect as the outcome variable, and hippocampal volume
as mediator. Similar to estradiol, the total effects cand direct effects cof
estrone predicted negative affect. The indirect effect a*bfor hippocampal
volume was not signicant in both models, suggesting that negative affect
was directly related to uctuating concentrations of estrogens and was not
mediated by bilateral hippocampal volumes. Figure 3shows the detailed
results for mediation analysis 2.a and 2.b.
In our series of dense-sampling venipuncture and brain imaging, uctuating
concentrations of estrogens were positively associated with bilateral hip-
pocampal volume during a prolonged follicular phase. The results are
consistent with Barth et al.21 reporting increased volumetric fractional
anisotropy (FA) in the bilateral hippocampus associated with increased
estradiol across the full menstrual cycle21. Moreover, our results are con-
sistent with cross-sectional data reporting lower hippocampal volumes in
the early follicular phase and increased hippocampal volume during the late
follicular phase of the menstrual cycle55,56. As was the case for our study,
Barth et al.21 did not report hippocampal volume associations with
progesterone21. This is inconsistent with the reported results of associations
between hippocampal volume and progesterone by Taylor et al.22.One
explanation for the missing associations between progesterone and hippo-
campal volume in our study could be that the 25 test sessions in the current
study only covered three days of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle when
progesterone concentrations are dominant. The majority of test sessions
covered the follicular phase as well as ovulation when progesterone is,
overall, low. Another explanation would be that additional brain regions
than the hippocampus may underly relationships with hormones and affect.
Taylor et al.22 performed correlations between progesterone concentrations
and volumes of hippocampal subelds, such as CA1, CA2/3, dentate gyrus,
and the medial temporal gyrus. The hippocampus has been investigated in
more details by Barth et al.21 who performed whole-volume hippocampal
correlations20. The dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation is one of the
few brain areas that may exhibit adult neurogenesis. Therefore, the back-
ground of the observed structural changes in the hippocampal formation
might be linked to alterations in dendritic branching or neuronal cell
growth57. The underlying mechanisms by which sex hormones and hip-
pocampal morphology are linked still need to be elaborated. Published
results to date indicate that hormonal uctuations across the menstrual
cycle as well as during an irregular prolonged follicular phase impact hip-
pocampal morphology. While regular menstrual cycles of ~28 days are
associated with an increased estradiol exposure, longer irregular menstrual
cycles are associated with an decreased estradiol exposure as estradiol
concentrations remain lower for a longer period of time3. In the context of
Fig. 1 | Hormonal concentrations, hippocampal volume, positive and negative
affect across 25 testing days. Estradiol, estrone, and progesterone concentrations are
displayed across the 25-day experiment. Changesin hippocampal volume, positive and
negativeaffect acrossthe experiment aredisplayed. Notethat Test Day 1refers to cycle
day 10. Ovulation occurred on testing days 21 and 22 which refer to cycle days 37 and
38. Hormone icon pictogram, source: iStock. Licensed under the standard license. Article
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 4
the current study, this implies that decreased hippocampal volumes are
associated with prolonged irregular cycles.
In addition to variations in hormonal patterns and bilateral hippo-
campal volumes, we report signicant uctuations in positive and negative
affect across the 25 test sessions. Both positive and negative affect were
signicantly associated with estrogen levels and hippocampal volume.
Decreasing positive emotions were signicantly associated with increasing
concentrations of estrogens, suggesting that positive emotions were low
during phases when estrogens were high, such as during the late follicular
phase and ovulation. However, the mediation analysis revealed that hip-
pocampal volume indirectly inuenced this relationship, suggesting that
positive affect uctuations are more closely tied to hippocampal morphol-
ogy than directly to estrogen levels. On the other hand, increased negative
emotions, such as sadness and irritability, were associated with increasing
concentrations of estrogens, indicating elevated negative affect during
estrogen peaks. Unlike positive affect, the association between increased
negative affect and estrogens was not mediated by hippocampal volume.
The ndings suggest that uctuations in negative emotions were better
explained by estrogens than by uctuations in hippocampal morphology. It
should be noted that, in our study, negative affect scores were non-
pathological and generally low, given the healthy participant involved.
Contrary to common assumptions that negative affect is more
prevalent during the premenstrual phase and positive affect is more
common around ovulation5861, our results may suggest an opposing
mechanism. Furthermore, there is also evidence that ovarian hor-
mones make little or no contribution to daily mood and affective
variability in naturally cycling women6266. However, the peripubertal
phase and the onset of menopause, characterized by irregular men-
strual cycles, appear to be a time of mood sensitivity to hormone
changes, indicating an increased susceptibility to mood variations43 45.
Specically, the mood sensitivity to estradiol predicts risk to perime-
nopausal depression, particularly in women who are otherwise con-
sidered at low risk45. Additionally, irregular menstrual cycle variability
before pregnancy was reported to be associated with depression during
pregnancy67. Focusing on menstrual cycle irregularities in an otherwise
healthy individual, our study may provide insight into the endocrine
factors that underlie increased susceptibility and prevalence of
depression in women32,33. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed
with depression compared to men31 and this increased susceptibility is
seen only during the reproductive years while the prevalence of
depression in prepuberty and after the age of 55 is almost the same in
men68. The menstrual cycle serves as an important indicator for
reproductive, general, and mental well-being in women69.Notably,it
plays a pivotal role in ensuring fertility and functioning of the female
reproductive system70. Additionally, the hormonal uctuations of
estrogens and progesterone during the menstrual cycle inuence var-
ious bodily functions beyond reproduction, impacting aspects such as
bone health71,72 and cardiovascular function73,74,withimplicationsthat
extend into later stages of life. Menstrual cycle irregularities have been
associated with a greater risk of premature mortality1and mental
health conditions34.Thendings of our study highlight the role of
estradiol and estrone in affect sensitivity in an irregular menstrual
cycle. Moreover, the results suggest that short-term changes in hip-
pocampal volume within 25 test sessions inuence the perception of
less positive emotions. Prior research has linked a decrease in positive
affect with depression75,aswellaschangesinhippocampalvolume
with depressive symptoms57. We cannot provide conclusive inter-
pretations for these associations given that our ndings are based on
Fig. 2 | Mediation analysis of hormonal levels,
positive affect, and hippocampal volumes. Path a
is the linear effect of the hormonal levels (indepen-
dent variable) on hippocampal volume. Path bis the
effect of hippocampal volume (mediator) on posi-
tive affect (outcome variable). The indirect effect a*b
measures the amount of mediation, and the direct
effect cis the effect of the hormonal levels on
positive affect after controlling for hippocampal
volume. The total effect cis the sum of direct and
indirect effects. All pathsestimates are depicted as
regression coefcients, respective p-values and 95%
condence interval (95%CI). Signicant results are
indicated in bold. n.s. = non-signicant. Hormone
icon pictogram, source: iStock. Licensed under the
standard license. Article
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 5
one healthy participant with menstrual cycle irregularities. However,
the question arises as to what function these short-term changes serve
across the menstrual cycle and whether uctuations in estrogens and
hippocampal volume act as a protective factor or risk factor for
developing depressive disorders in some women. The results of this
study suggest that we need to continue to investigate the inuence of
irregular menstrual cycles on the brain and mental health.
It should be noted that estrone is a precursor to estradiol. Our results
indicate its potential role, besides estradiol, on affect during the (irregular)
menstrual cycle. It remains unclear whether the role of estrone in hippo-
campal morphology and affect is uniquely in women with an irregular cycle
or whether it has the same impact in women with a regular menstrual cycle
of ~28 days.
Several limitations to our study must be noted. First, although no
endocrine condition or diagnosis was known before scanning, the partici-
pant had a 53-day menstrual cycle during the 25 testing sessions. A local
gynecologist ruled out a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Further
hormonal analyses, ordered by the gynecologist, revealed increased pro-
lactin levels of unknown origin after scanning. Hyperprolactinemia is the
most common pituitary hormone hypersecretion syndrome, which most
commonly affects women between the ages of 25 and 3476,withwomen
often reporting irregular menstrual cycles77. Given that stress inuences
prolactin secretion in humans78, it is possible that prolactin serum con-
centrations were elevated due to the stressful procedures of daily MRI scans
and blood draw. Following this, the results could also be explained by
increased or uctuating prolactin concentration, which was not assessed
during this study. It is, furthermore, noteworthy to consider potential
interactions with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA
axis regulates cortisol release in response to stress and hormonal variations.
Hormonal uctuations, particularly estradiol and estrone, can inuence the
sensitivity of the HPA axis79, potentially impacting cortisol levels80.Our
ndings, which include associations between affective states and hormonal
changes, align with the complex relationship between the HPA axis, emo-
tional well-being, and stress-related conditions, including depression80.
While our study did not measure the HPA axis or cortisol, these results
highlight the importance of their inclusion in future research.
Second, due to a longer menstrual cycle of overall 53 days during the
scanning sessions, we were not able to scan the participant across a complete
(irregular) menstrual cycle which usually consists of menses, follicular
phase, ovulation, and luteal phase. Future studies should continue dense-
sampling studies with complete menstrual cycles. However, when con-
ducting in vivo research with humans, unexpected events like a prolonged
menstrual cycle are not always predictable or avoidable. Despite striking
differences in cycle length between densely-sampling participants, the
consistency of our ndings with previous reports underscores the robust-
ness of these associations.
Third, one of the authors was the participant in this study and it was not
possible to conduct a blinded study. As a result, responses to the questions
on the positive and negative affect scores may have been inuenced by the
knowledge that individuals, for example, might experience premenstrual
symptoms such as stress anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, or
depression shortly before the end of the menstrual cycle81. However, this is
unlikely given that the participant experienced an irregular menstrual cycle
with a total length of 53 days at the time of scanning. Therefore, the parti-
cipant was not fully aware of which phase she was in, since hormonal levels
were not revealed until after completion of the test sessions.
Fourth, we made rigorous efforts to minimize systematic bias or shift
in the neuroimaging data. This was accomplished by consistently using
Fig. 3 | Mediation analysis of hormonal levels,
negative affect, and hippocampal volumes. Path a
is the linear effect of the hormonal levels (indepen-
dent variable) on hippocampal volume. Path bis the
effect of hippocampal volume (mediator) on nega-
tive affect (outcome variable). The indirect effect a*b
measures the amount of mediation, and the direct
effect cis the effect of the hormonal levels on
negative affect after controlling for hippocampal
volume. The total effect cis the sum of direct and
indirect effects. All pathsestimates are depicted as
regression coefcients, respective p-values and 95%
condence interval (95%CI). Signicant results are
indicated in bold. n.s. = non-signicant. Hormone
icon pictogram, source: iStock. Licensed under the
standard license. Article
npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 6
the same scanner at the same time of the day for all scans, using above-
standard spatial resolution, employing a longitudinal segmentation
pipeline, and applying volume normalization techniques, resulting in a
highly sensitive measurement. The observed hippocampal volume
changes, which are approximately 1%, reect a sufcient level of bias
reduction. It is worth noting that due to the high sensitivity of the mea-
surement, even small variations can be meaningful. In contrast, a cross-
sectional study reported a test-retestreliability of hippocampal volumes at
a magnitude of 3% in both men and women not controlling for the
menstrual cycle phase82.
Lastly, since this study is a longitudinal study with a dense single-
subject design, interpretations and explanations of the reported relations
should be made with caution as no causal effects can be generalized to
larger populations. Given that our study is the rst to report the interplay
of estrogen uctuations with hippocampal volumes and positive and
negative affect across a dense-sampling study of ve weeks in an irregular
menstrual cycle, further studies are needed to replicate and extend these
results. Furthermore, scores on positive and negative affect were non-
pathological since the study was conducted with a healthy participant
without a history of mental health diagnoses. Future studies could include
female participants diagnosed with MDD to clarify whether the inuence
of the menstrual cycle and its hormonal uctuations is different in indi-
viduals with and without clinical depression.
The strength of this study was its dense daily measurement time reso-
lution over a total of ve weeks to investigate macrostructural changes in
hippocampal volume in the brain under the inuenceofhormonesofthe
female menstrual cycle (irregularities). Compared to this study, Barth et al.21
acquired MRI scans every second or third day in two separate scanning
sessions covering two full menstrual cycles. Because our study revealed
changes in the hippocampus across female menstrual cycle irregularities and
Taylor et al.22 reported changes across a regular menstrual cycle, it would be
benecial to examine male participants over ve weeks and determine sex
hormones, such as estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone,to clarify whether
ticipants with a diagnosis of MDD would shed light on whether uctuating
hormones and hippocampal volumes are associated with an increased sus-
ceptibility to depressive symptoms in women. Lastly, while our study focused
on general affect, future investigations could benet from a more nuanced
examination using instruments like the Daily Record of Severity of Problems
(DRSP)83, which may provide a more detailed understanding of specicand
more severe affective disturbances associated with the menstrual cycle.
In conclusion, this dense-sampling study provides valuable insights
into the complex interplay between endogenous hormone uctuations,
hippocampal morphology, and affect in a participant with an irregular
menstrual cycle. The ndings highlight the signicant associations of
estradiol and estrone with bilateral hippocampal volume, suggesting
potential hormonal contributions to brain structure. Moreover, uctuating
concentrations of estrogens were linked to affect, revealing their role in
inuencing positive and negative emotions. The studys focus on an irre-
gular menstrual cycle emphasizes the importance of investigating hormone-
brain relationships beyond regular cycles, shedding light on potential
implications for mental health disorders prevalent in women. However,
these results are based on a single participant, warranting caution in gen-
eralizing ndings to the broader population. Further research with larger
and diverse samples is necessary to validate and expand these ndings,
elucidating the mechanisms underlying hormonal inuences on brain
health and affect regulation in women.
Data availability
The dataset generated and analyzed during the current study is available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Received: 22 August 2023; Accepted: 11 May 2024;
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This work was supported by theFriedrich Schiller University Jena (IMPULSE
Project) to CH.The funder played norole in study design,data collection,
analysis and interpretation of data, or the writing of this manuscript. We
thank Gregor Anslinger,MD, for his skilled blood sample collection,
enhancing the precision of our studys biological data.
Author contributions
C.H. was responsible for the study concept and des ign, acquired the MRI
data, blood samples, and psychological questionnaires, processed and
analyzed the data, performed the statistical analysis, and wrote the
manuscript. D.G. acquired, processed and analyzed the MRI data,
supervised the inspection of the anatomical data, and wasinvolved in the
critical revision of the nal manuscript. C.J.K. and H.S. collected the
blood samples and were involved in the critical revision of the nal
manuscript. P.R., C.M.T., E.G.J., and B.D. assisted with the
interpretation of the ndings and were involved in the critical revision of
the nal manuscript. Z.K., M.W., and I.C. assisted with thestudy concept
and design and were involved in the critical revision of the nal
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains
supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials shouldbe addressed to
Carina Heller.
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npj Women's Health | (2024) 2:19 9
... The future success of HC neuroscience will require integrating the nuances of HC use into studies while simultaneously harnessing the latest methodological and technical approaches. For example, newer neuroimaging studies aim to go beyond cross-sectional designs by implementing a dense-sampling methodology and in doing so, build upon a deep-phenotyping approach that tracks individuals over extended periods ranging from days to months (Poldrack et al., 2015;Barth et al., 2016;Gordon et al., 2017;Pritschet et al., 2020Pritschet et al., , 2021Taylor et al., 2020;Grotzinger et al., 2024;Heller et al., 2024). This approach has been applied in recent work by Heller et al. in which a participant underwent extensive brain scans and blood draws for five consecutive weeks on three separate assessment periods within one year, resulting in a total of 75 scans and blood draws. ...
Hormonal contraceptives (HCs) are one of the most highly prescribed classes of drugs in the world used for both contraceptive and noncontraceptive purposes. Despite their prevalent use, the impact of HCs on the brain remains inadequately explored. This review synthesizes recent findings on the neuroscience of HCs, with a focus on human structural neuroimaging as well as translational, nonhuman animal studies investigating the cellular, molecular, and behavioral effects of HCs. Additionally, we consider data linking HCs to mood disorders and dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and stress response as a potential mediator. The review also addresses the unique sensitivity of the adolescent brain to HCs, noting significant changes in brain structure and function when HCs are used during this developmental period. Finally, we discuss potential effects of HCs in combination with smoking-derived nicotine on outcomes of ischemic brain damage. Methodological challenges, such as the variability in HC formulations and user-specific factors, are acknowledged, emphasizing the need for precise and individualized research approaches. Overall, this review underscores the necessity for continued interdisciplinary research to elucidate the neurobiological mechanisms of HCs, aiming to optimize their use and improve women's health.
Full-text available
Background: Menstrual cycle regularity is an important marker of reproductive health and associated with physiological and psychological illnesses, as well as experiencing stress. We hypothesized that individuals with irregular menstrual cycles report higher depressive symptom severity, after controlling for stress occurrence. Methods: The hypothesis was examined through two measurement approaches: a cross-sectional and a prospective, longitudinal study. In the cross-sectional study, participants (n = 394) reported depressive symptoms and their overall menstrual cycle regularity. In the longitudinal study, participants (n = 77) completed questionnaires on depressive symptoms and stress during the mid-follicular and periovulatory phase of one menstrual cycle. Depressive symptoms were compared between participants with regular and irregular cycles through a Welch t test and an ANCOVA. Results: Participants with irregular menstrual cycles reported more depressive symptoms in the cross-sectional analysis. Similarly, in the longitudinal analysis, the group with a current irregular menstrual cycle reported more depressive symptoms after controlling for stress occurrence. When including only complete data sets without multiple imputation (n = 52), the direction of the effects remained but did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: The results indicate an association between depressive symptoms and menstrual cycle irregularity. Limitations were that although we investigated the menstrual cycle prospectively, it would have been more precise to include two or more cycles and daily sex hormone measurements. Further limitations were the suboptimal statistical power and the data collection during the COVID pandemic. We give recommendations on how to incorporate the association of depressive symptoms and cycle irregularity in future study designs on women's mental health.
Full-text available
Ovarian hormones have substantial effects on the brain, and early menopause has been associated with increased risk of accelerated brain aging and dementia later in life. However, the impact of ovarian hormone fluctuations on brain structure earlier in life is less understood. Here we show that ovarian hormone fluctuations shape structural brain plasticity during the reproductive years. We use longitudinal ultra-high field neuroimaging across the menstrual cycle to map the morphology of medial temporal lobe subregions in 27 participants. Controlling for water content and blood flow, our findings reveal positive associations between estradiol and parahippocampal cortex volume, progesterone and subiculum and perirhinal area 35 volumes, and an estradiol*progesterone interaction with CA1 volume. This research offers a blueprint for future studies on the shared dynamics of the brain and ovarian function and a fundamental stepping stone towards developing sex-specific strategies to improve brain health and mental health.
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Background Female reproductive factors are gaining prominence as factors that enhance cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk; nonetheless, menstrual cycle characteristics are under-recognized as a factor associated with CVD. Additionally, there is limited data from the UK pertaining to menstrual cycle characteristics and CVD risk. Methods A UK retrospective cohort study (1995–2021) using data from a nationwide database (The Health Improvement Network). Women aged 18–40 years at index date were included. 252,325 women with history of abnormal menstruation were matched with up to two controls. Two exposures were examined: regularity and frequency of menstrual cycles; participants were assigned accordingly to one of two separate cohorts. The primary outcome was composite cardiovascular disease (CVD). Secondary outcomes were ischemic heart disease (IHD), cerebrovascular disease, heart failure (HF), hypertension, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to derive adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) of cardiometabolic outcomes in women in the exposed groups compared matched controls. Results During 26 years of follow-up, 20,605 cardiometabolic events occurred in 704,743 patients. Compared to women with regular menstrual cycles, the aHRs (95% CI) for cardiometabolic outcomes in women with irregular menstrual cycles were as follows: composite CVD 1.08 (95% CI 1.00–1.19), IHD 1.18 (1.01–1.37), cerebrovascular disease 1.04 (0.92–1.17), HF 1.30 (1.02–1.65), hypertension 1.07 (1.03–1.11), T2DM 1.37 (1.29–1.45). The aHR comparing frequent or infrequent menstrual cycles to menstrual cycles of normal frequency were as follows: composite CVD 1.24 (1.02–1.52), IHD 1.13 (0.81–1.57), cerebrovascular disease 1.43 (1.10–1.87), HF 0.99 (0.57–1.75), hypertension 1.31 (1.21–1.43), T2DM 1.74 (1.52–1.98). Conclusions History of either menstrual cycle irregularity or frequent or infrequent cycles were associated with an increased risk of cardiometabolic outcomes in later life. Menstrual history may be a useful tool in identifying women eligible for periodic assessment of their cardiometabolic health.
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Many studies have shown that the human endocrine system modulates brain function, reporting associations between fluctuations in hormone concentrations and brain connectivity. However, how hormonal fluctuations impact fast changes in brain network organization over short timescales remains unknown. Here, we leverage a recently proposed framework for modeling co-fluctuations between the activity of pairs of brain regions at a framewise timescale. In previous studies we showed that timepoints corresponding to high-amplitude co-fluctuations disproportionately contributed to time-averaged functional connectivity pattern and that these co-fluctuation patterns could be clustered into a low-dimensional set of recurring “states”. Here, we assessed the relationship between these network states and quotidian variation in hormone concentrations. Specifically, we were interested in whether the frequency with which network states occurred was related to hormone concentration. We addressed this question using a dense-sampling dataset (N = 1 brain). In this dataset, a single individual was sampled over the course of two endocrine states: a natural menstrual cycle and while the subject underwent selective progesterone suppression via oral hormonal contraceptives. During each cycle, the subject underwent 30 daily resting-state fMRI scans and blood draws. Our analysis of the imaging data revealed two repeating network states. We found that the frequency with which state 1 occurred in scan sessions was significantly correlated with follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone concentrations. We also constructed representative networks for each scan session using only “event frames” – those time points when an event was determined to have occurred. We found that the weights of specific subsets of functional connections were robustly correlated with fluctuations in the concentration of not only luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, but also progesterone and estradiol.
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Clinically oriented studies of mood as a function of the menstrual cycle mainly address the negative moods in the premenstrual phase of the cycle. However, a periovulatory increase in positive emotions and motivations related to reproduction has also been noted. Thus, it has been suggested that the drop in mood during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle might be a byproduct of elevated positive moods occurring mid-cycle. The aim of this prospective study was to compare both the positive and negative dimensions of mood across the menstrual cycle. A group of 60 healthy, normally cycling women assessed their mood throughout three phases of their menstrual cycles: the early follicular (low estradiol and progesterone), the late follicular (fertile phase; high estradiol, low progesterone) and the mid-luteal phase (high levels of both estradiol and progesterone). Repeated MANOVA evaluations showed a significant increase in positive (friendly, cheerful, focused, active) and a significant decrease in negative (anxious, depressed, fatigued, hostile) dimensions of mood mid-cycle, i.e., during the late follicular phase (η2 = 0.072–0.174, p < 0.05). Contrary to the widespread belief that negative moods are characteristic of the luteal phase (preceding the onset of the next cycle), the post hoc Bonferroni tests showed that none of the mood dimensions differed between the mid-luteal and early follicular phases of the cycle. The results held when controlling for relationship status and order of testing. This pattern of fluctuations is in accordance with the ovulatory-shift hypothesis, i.e., the notion that the emotions of attraction rise during a short window during which the conception is likely.
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Salivary steroid immunoassays are widely used in psychoneuroendocrinological studies of menstrual cycle phase, puberty, and menopause. Though manufacturers advertise their assays as suitable, they have not been rigorously validated for these purposes. We collated data from eight menstrual cycle studies across >1,200 female participants and >9,500 time points. Seven studies collected saliva and one collected serum. All assayed estradiol and progesterone and had an independent measure of cycle phase (LH-surge, menstrual onset). In serum, cycle phase measures strongly predicted steroid concentrations. In saliva, cycle phase poorly predicted estradiol values, which showed an upward bias compared to expectations from serum. For salivary progesterone, predictability from cycle phase was mixed, low for enzyme-linked assays and moderate for tandem mass spectrometry. Imputing the population-average serum steroid changes from cycle phase may yield more valid values of hormonal changes for an independent person than directly assessing their hormone levels using salivary immunoassays.
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Women are at twice the risk for anxiety and depression disorders as men are, although the underlying biological factors and mechanisms are largely unknown. In this review, we address this sex disparity at both the etiological and mechanistic level. We dissect the role of fluctuating sex hormones as a critical biological factor contributing to the increased depression and anxiety risk in women. We provide parallel evidence in humans and rodents that brain structure and function vary with naturally-cycling ovarian hormones. This female-unique brain plasticity and associated vulnerability are primarily driven by estrogen level changes. For the first time, we provide a sex hormone-driven molecular mechanism, namely chromatin organizational changes, that regulates neuronal gene expression and brain plasticity but may also prime the (epi)genome for psychopathology. Finally, we map out future directions including experimental and clinical studies that will facilitate novel sex- and gender-informed approaches to treat depression and anxiety disorders.
The menstrual cycle is characterized by various hormonal alterations and associations with mental and physical conditions have been postulated. Among endocrine factors, the androgen system has been a target of major interest in males and to a lesser extent in females and may influence emotion, cognition, behavior and somatic factors. Only few studies investigated alterations of these parameters throughout the menstrual cycle and there is a lack of studies exploring a link towards epigenetic and genetic regulation. This multisite longitudinal study examines behavioral parameters including affectivity, stress perception and various diary parameters of mental and physical well-being in conjunction with testosterone and LH plasma levels, as well as Cysteine-Adenenine-Guanin (CAG) repeat length and methylation of the androgen receptor gene collected at four time points across two cycles comprising the menstrual, pre-ovulatory, mid-luteal and premenstrual phase in 87 menstruating women. There was a significant increase of LH and testosterone plasma levels during the pre-ovulatory phase as well as a decrease of methylation of the androgen receptor at mid-luteal phase. Subjective ratings of physical condition and sexual interest peaked during the pre-ovulatory phase and the former correlated negatively with the androgen receptor gene methylation level. This longitudinal study shows alterations of the androgen system including epigenetic measurements throughout the menstrual cycle. While a link between peripheral testosterone and sexual activity and between increased physical condition and an upregulation of testosterone receptor protein expression can be assumed, the majority of parameters remained unchanged. These initial findings need validation by subsequent studies.
Particular phases of the menstrual cycle may exacerbate affective symptoms for females with a diagnosed mental health disorder. However, there are mixed findings regarding whether affective symptoms change across the menstrual cycle in females without a clinical diagnosis. The window of vulnerability model proposes that natural increases in ovarian hormones in the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle lead to systematic changes in brain networks associated with affective processing. Consequently, the model posits that females may experience stress more intensely and remember negative events more readily in the mid-luteal phase, increasing their risk for higher affective symptoms. Using a 35-day longitudinal study design, we tested the window of vulnerability model in a non-clinical sample. We tracked naturally cycling females’ daily stress and three types of affective symptoms: anxious apprehension, anxious arousal, and anhedonic depression. Using multilevel modeling, we simultaneously modeled within- and between-person associations among stress and menstrual phase for each affective symptom. We found increased anhedonic depression in the mid-luteal phase but not anxious apprehension or anxious arousal. Moreover, we detected a positive association between within- and between-person stress and anxious apprehension and anhedonic depression, but not anxious arousal. These associations were not stronger in the mid-luteal phase. Overall, we provide weak evidence for a window of vulnerability for affective symptoms in the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Our findings suggest that stress is a better predictor of fluctuations in affective symptoms than the menstrual cycle. Moreover, our findings highlight the importance of measuring multiple negative affective symptoms because they may be differentially related to stress and the menstrual cycle.
Peripubertal females are at elevated risk for developing affective illness compared to males, yet biological mechanisms underlying this sex-disparity are poorly understood. Female risk for depression remains elevated across a woman’s reproductive lifespan, implicating reproductive hormones. A sensitivity to normal hormone variability during reproductive transition events (e.g., perimenopause) precipitates affective disturbances in susceptible women; however, the extent of hormone variability during the female pubertal transition and whether vulnerability to peripubertal hormone flux impacts affective state change in peripubertal females has not been studied. 52 healthy peripubertal females (ages 11-14) provided 8 weekly salivary samples and mood ratings. 10 salivary ovarian and adrenal hormones (e.g., estrone, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)) were analyzed weekly for 8 weeks using an ultrasensitive assay to characterize the female peripubertal hormone environment and its association with affective state. Hormone variability indices, including standard deviation, mean squared and absolute successive differences of the 8 weekly measurements were analyzed by menarche status. Within-person partial correlations were computed to determine the strength of the relationship between weekly change in hormone level and corresponding mood rating for each participant. As expected, results indicated that hormone variability was greater for post- relative to pre-menarchal females and with advancing pubertal development, yet pregnenolone-sulfate and aldosterone did not differ by menarche status. Mood sensitivity to changes in estrone was exhibited by 57% of participants, whereas 37% were sensitive to testosterone and 6% were sensitive to DHEA changes. The present results offer novel evidence that a substantial proportion of peripubertal females appear to be mood-sensitive to hormone changes and may inform future investigations on the biological mechanisms underlying hormone-induced affect dysregulation in peripubertal females.