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The Effect of Adding Avocados (Persea americana) on Microbiological and Chemical Qualities in Yoghurt Drinks


Abstract and Figures

Yoghurt is one of the fermented products from cow's milk and skim milk as a source of protein to cover nutritional needs. With the development of innovation and the creation of food products, yogurt has many flavors from various fruits and vegetables. Yogurt food product innovations can also be made from skim milk combined with the addition of avocados. Avocado is a fruit that contains fiber, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamin B6, magnesium, glutathione, and unsaturated fatty acids. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of the concentration of avocados (Persea americana) on the quality of microbiology (total LAB) and chemistry (pH, fat content, and protein content) in yogurt drinks. The research used laboratory experimental methods, and data analysis was done descriptively. The treatment of adding avocados is 0%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The results of the study obtained the effect of the concentration value of adding avocados (Persea americana) with the results of the study: the total value of LAB increased from 4.1x109±0.20 CFU/mL (10%) to 4.4x109±0.07 CFU/mL (15%), the pH value decreased from 4.30±0.02 (0%) to 3.89±0.01 (20%), The fat content value increased from 0.05±0.007 % w/b (0%) to 0.57±0.005 % w/b (20%), the protein content value decreased from 3.46±0.02% w/b (0%) to 2.94b±0.00 % w/b (20%). The conclusion of this study is the effect of adding avocados (Persea americana) on the quality of microbiology (total LAB) and chemistry (pH, fat content, and protein content) in yogurt drinks.
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Jurnal Pijar MIPA
ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)
How to Cite:
Fatimah, S. A., & Agustini, R. (2024). The Effect of Adding Avocados (Persea americana) on Microbiological and Chemical Qualities in Yoghurt
Drinks . Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 19(3), 493498.
The Effect of Adding Avocados (Persea americana) on Microbiological and Chemical
Qualities in Yoghurt Drinks
Siti Alihatus Fatimah, Rudiana Agustini*
Chemistry Department, State University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Received: February 28, 2024. Accepted: April 30, 2024. Published: May 25, 2024
Abstract: Yoghurt is one of the fermented products from cow's milk and skim milk as a source of protein to cover nutritional
needs. With the development of innovation and the creation of food products, yogurt has many flavors from various fruits
and vegetables. Yogurt food product innovations can also be made from skim milk combined with the addition of avocados.
Avocado is a fruit that contains fiber, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamin B6, magnesium, glutathione,
and unsaturated fatty acids. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of the concentration of avocados (Persea
americana) on the quality of microbiology (total LAB) and chemistry (pH, fat content, and protein content) in yogurt drinks.
The research used laboratory experimental methods, and data analysis was done descriptively. The treatment of adding
avocados is 0%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. The results of the study obtained the effect of the concentration value of adding
avocados (Persea americana) with the results of the study: the total value of LAB increased from 4.1x109±0.20 CFU/mL
(10%) to 4.4x109±0.07 CFU/mL (15%), the pH value decreased from 4.30±0.02 (0%) to 3.89±0.01 (20%), The fat content
value increased from 0.05±0.007 % w/b (0%) to 0.57±0.005 % w/b (20%), the protein content value decreased from
3.46±0.02% w/b (0%) to 2.94b±0.00 % w/b (20%). The conclusion of this study is the effect of adding avocados (Persea
americana) on the quality of microbiology (total LAB) and chemistry (pH, fat content, and protein content) in yogurt drinks.
Keywords: Avocado; Fat Content; Protein Content; Total LAB; pH; Yohgurt.
Yogurt is a probiotic drink. Yogurt is a processed
fermented milk product made from lactic acid bacteria
(LAB) starter [1]. Yogurt made from skim milk can increase
the nutritional value of yoghurt and provide test results with
better consistency and shape [2]. Avocados (Persea
americana) tend to quickly deteriorate and rot if not handled
carefully after peeling. Combining it with a yoghurt drink is
the best solution to prolong its freshness. Avocado (Persea
americana) is a fruit that contains fiber, riboflavin (B2),
niacin (B3), vitamins A, C, E, and K, vitamin B6,
magnesium, glutathione, and unsaturated fatty acids. One of
the preparations is to make avocado (Persea americana) in
the form of yogurt [3].
The most important factor that makes avocado
(Persea americana) suitable as an additional ingredient in
yogurt is that it can reduce the risk of heart disease. This can
be supported by clinical research published in the Journal of
the American Heart Association; consuming avocado
(Persea americana) (≥ 2x servings per week) is associated
with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and the
incidence of coronary heart disease [4]. Based on the Global
Burden of Disease and Institute for Health Metrics and
Evaluation (IHME) 2014 2019, heart disease is the highest
cause of death in Indonesia. Basic Health Research
(Riskesdas) data for 2013 and 2018 shows an increasing
trend in heart disease from 0.5% in 2013 to 1.5% in 2018 [5].
Several factors cause an increase in heart disease,
including cholesterol. Cholesterol is also the main cause of
the development of various diseases in the body [6].
Avocado (Persea americana) is a food that contains
unsaturated fat, which can increase high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) [7]. Avocado (Persea americana) contains several
active ingredients that are thought to reduce blood
cholesterol levels, namely niacin (vitamin B3), -sitosterol,
vitamin C, pantothenic acid, oleic acid, Monounsaturated
Fatty Acid (MUFA), folic acid, selenium, amino acids, and
fiber [8]. One type of MUFA often found in nature is omega-
9 (Oleate). Omega-9 fatty acids are found in many nuts,
avocados, and olive oil [9].
Avocado (Persea americana) is suitable as an
addition to yogurt drinks because it contains Omega-9.
Yogurt drinks contain factors that inhibit cholesterol
synthesis, so they can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent
blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis), which causes
coronary heart disease [10]. To meet your fat needs,
especially essential fats, you can use skim milk when making
yogurt drinks and add avocado (Persea americana) to it,
which contains oleic-rich oil with a low saturated fat content
and makes avocado oil suitable for direct consumption and
has nutritional support, which is very good and overcomes
cardiovascular disease [11].
This study aimed to describe the effect of increasing
the concentration of avocado (Persea americana) on
microbiological quality (total LAB) using total plate count
(TPC) and chemistry (pH using a digital pH meter, fat
content using Roese-Gottlieb and protein content using
Kjeldahl) yogurt drink. Based on this description, this
research was carried out by making yogurt with adding
avocado (Persea americana) with varying concentrations of
0%, 10%; 15%; and 20%. According to [12], the results of
Jurnal Pijar MIPA
May 2024, Volume 19 No. 3: 493-498
his research showed that the combination of adding soursop
fruit with treatment concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20%
had the best effect on yogurt, the best impact on adding
soursop fruit juice at a concentration of 10% and a
fermentation time of 12 hours.
Research Methods
Tools and Materials
The tools to be used are glassware, pH meter
(Krisbow-10206579), Infrared Moisture Determination
Balance (FD-610), laminar airflow (Thermo Scientific 1300
Series A2), analytical balance (Denver S1-234),
micropipette (Eppendorf Research Plus), incubator
(Temperature Controller XH-W3001), autoclave (Hirayama
HVE-50), stirrer (DLAB MS7-H550-Pro), centrifugator
(Hrttich EBA 20), vortex (Tab-Net S0200), vortex mixer
(Faithful Xh-D), electric stove (Maspion), fume hood,
pumpkin kjeldahl, measuring flask, condenser, three-neck
flask, stative, clamps, biuret, stopcock, drip pipette,
erlenmeyer, spirtus burner, lighter, spray bottle, knife,
cutting board, blender, strainer, tube rack, petri dish dish,
centrifuge tube, spatula, sterile glass bottle, watch glass,
stirrer magnet.
The materials needed are skim milk (Greenfield),
avocado fruit (Persia americana), Sugar, Starter (Biokul
plain), water, MRSA (Merck), NaCl for analysis (Merck),
Alcohol 70%, CaCO3, pH indicator.
Research Procedure
Avocado Fruit Intake
Taking avocados 3 avocados then cleaned with
running water. Next, separate the avocado from the skin and
seeds, weigh it, and then mash it. Avocado mashed with a
ratio of avocado to water 1:2 using a blender ±3 minutes.
After blending, it is then filtered and placed into a container.
Yoghurt Making
Making yogurt begins with skim milk and is
measured at as much as 400 ml. Skimmed milk is heated at
a pasteurization temperature of ±80ºC. After that, turn off the
stove and wait for the nails to warm. Pasteurized milk is
added with 15% Biokul Plain starter, 8% sugar, and 0%,
10%, 15%, and 20% avocado variations. Then, put it into a
sealed bottle that has been labeled. After that, the
fermentation process is started and put into the incubator at
37°C for 12 hours.
Total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)
Total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were analyzed using
the Total Plate Count (TPC) methodpreparation of 100 ml
NaCl solution, as much as 0.85 grams of NaCl. Then, the
manufacturer of 200 ml MRS A media, as much as 13.4
grams of MRS A, added 1% CaCO3 as much as 1 gram. A
petridish dish is prepared as much as needed, then sprayed
with 96% alcohol. All preparations are put in plastic and an
autoclave for ±3 hours until the temperature drops to 50ºC.
Then, it was incubated in the reverse position for 48 hours at
37ºC with the position of the petridish dish turned upside
down. Growing colonies can be calculated in units of CFU
(Colony Forming Unit)/mL.
Acidity (pH)
Acidity (pH) is analyzed using the digital pH meter
method. The pH meter is calibrated first with pH 4 and pH 7
buffers according to the pH range of yogurt. The
measurement is done by dipping the pH meter electrode
indicator into the sample.
Fat Content
Fat levels were analyzed using the Roese-Gottlieb
method. Weighing 5 grams of sample, wetted with NH4OH,
then shaken with Polyethylene solvent. The fatty extract in
Polyethylene is collected in a saucer, and the solvent
Polyethylene is evaporated. Then, the extracted fat is
weighed. The calculation of crude fat content can use the
following formula:
Fat Content (% b/b) = 󰇛󰇜
 
W1: Sample weight
W2: Tube weight + fat
W3: Tube weight after fat removal
W4 : Weight of residual fat in blanks
Protein Levels
Protein levels were analyzed using the Kjeldahl
method. The destruction stage is carried out by weighing 5
grams and then inserted into a 100 ml Kjeldahl tube, which
is then added with concentrated H2SO4 without samples.
Then, it is destroyed at a temperature of 200 250ºC for 2
3 hours (until the color is clear green). The destruction tube
is cooled, and the volume is adjusted with aquades to 50 ml.
A total of 20 ml is taken and put into a distillation flask, and
then 20 ml of NaOH is added. PP indicator (Phenolphthalein)
is added drop by drop. Samples and blanks were distilled
using 0.2 M HCl solution. The titration process is ended until
the color of the solution in the Erlenmeyer changes from
clear green to clear purple, indicating that all N elements
react with Cl. The calculation of crude protein content can
use the following formula:
Protein Levels (% b/b) =
󰇛 󰇜
Description :
Va: ml HCl sample
Vb: ml HCl titration stamp
N: Normality of standard HCl used
14.007: Atomic weight of nitrogen
6.25: Fruit protein conversion factor
W: Sample weight
Results and Discussion
The Effect of Adding Avocados To Lactic Acid Bacteria
Total LAB testing was conducted to determine the
effect of adding avocados on the growth of lactic acid
bacteria in yogurt drinks. This test uses the Total Plate Count
(TPC) method to see the total amount of BAL that can grow.
The media used is de Man Rogose and Sharpe (MRS) Agar
with the addition of CaCO3 and NaCl solvent. The principle
of the Total Plate Count (TPC) method is to grow microbial
Jurnal Pijar MIPA
May 2024, Volume 19 No. 3: 493-498
cells that are still alive on a medium so that the microbial
cells multiply to form colonies that can be seen directly by
the eye. Colonies that create a clear zone in the media react
between lactic acid produced by LAB and CaCO3 during
incubation and produce Ca-lactate. The reaction occurs as
C3H6O3 + CaCO3 Ca(C3H6O3) + H2O + CO2
Figure 1. Growing LAB Colonies
Figure 1. indicates that white spherical colonies are
formed on MRS Agar and CACO3 media. In addition, a clear
zone formed around the colony caused by the reaction
between the acid produced by LAB with CaCO3 and the
solvent NaCl. The total LAB calculation results are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1. The Effect Of Adding Avocados on Lactic Acid
Bacteria (LAB) Yoghurt Drinks
Addition of Avocados
Total LAB
(log CFU/mL)
9.3x108a ±0.04
Description: values followed by different letters show a
significant difference (p<0.05).
The statistical analysis results using One Way Anova
showed a significant value of p<0.05, indicating the effect of
adding avocados on LAB growth. Furthermore, Duncan's
Post Hoc analysis was carried out to identify significant
differences in each treatment. Statistical results showed a
significant difference at concentrations of 10 15%, but at
concentrations of 0%, 10%, and 20%, there was no
noticeable difference. The addition of avocados affects the
growth of LAB yogurt drinks, with optimal growth of LAB
found at a concentration of 15% from 4.1x109a CFU/mL to
4.4x109b CFU/mL.
According to the Indonesian National Standard
(INS), the total LAB in yogurt is at least 107 CFU/mL. An
increase in LAB at a concentration of 15% indicates the peak
of the exponential phase of LAB growth. LAB can grow
rapidly in the exponential phase because it can utilize
nutrients in the growing medium [13].
This follows [14], which states that lactic acid
bacterial cells can grow and divide exponentially to the
maximum number affected by environmental conditions and
nutrients in the media. LAB growth in food is closely related
to the growing medium available. The development of LAB
through the fermentation process can improve the quality of
fermented materials because LAB can produce enzymes that
can degrade fiber [15].
The process of making yogurt is done by
fermentation. Fermentation is a chemical change in food
caused by enzymes. Enzymes that play a role can be
produced by microorganisms or enzymes that already exist
in food [16]. Therefore, adding avocados to yogurt drinks
can increase LAB and lower pH. According to research [17],
the lower the pH and the higher the LAB, the more LAB
utilizes fiber for cell metabolism, hydrolyzes it into simpler
compounds, and ferments it through glycolysis to acids. In
addition, the fermentation process that breaks down milk
lactose into lactic acid can increase acidity, decreasing pH.
The Effect of Adding Avocados on pH
pH testing is carried out to determine the degree of
acidity in the sample using the digital pH meter method. The
data obtained was normal, so a statistical analysis of One
Way ANOVA was carried out. The results showed a
significance value of p<0.05, indicating the effect of adding
avocados to the pH value. Next, Duncan's Post Hoc test was
carried out to see the difference between treatments. The pH
test results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. The Effect of Adding Avocados on The pH of
Yoghurt Drinks
Addition of Avocados
4.30a ±0.02
Description: values followed by different letters show a
significant difference (p<0.05).
The results showed a significant difference in the 0 -
20% concentration when adding avocados. The addition of
avocados affects the lowering of the pH value in yogurt
drinks, as seen in table 2. The pH continued to decrease with
each treatment, reaching 3.89 at a concentration of 20%
compared to the initial pH at a 0% concentration of 4.31.
This is due to the age of the starter and the bacteria in it
reaching the logarithmic phase, thus lowering the pH of
avocado yogurt. According to INS, yogurt quality
requirements range from 3.8 4.4 pH yoghurt. The decrease
in pH is one of the consequences of the fermentation process
due to the production of lactic acid derived from LAB. This
is in accordance with [18] that the acidity and pH values are
closely related to the increase in metabolism so that lactic
acid production increases while the pH value decreases.
The Effect of Adding Avocados on Fat Content
Fat content testing is carried out to determine the
crude fat content in the sample using the Roese-Gottlieb
method. Fat content is a very important percentage of
nutrients because it is a source of energy to improve texture
and taste and a source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. The
principle of the Roese-Gottlieb method is to extract samples
with diethyl ether and petroleum ether. The fat content test
results are shown in Table 3.
Jurnal Pijar MIPA
May 2024, Volume 19 No. 3: 493-498
Table 3. The Effect of Adding Avocados on The Fat
Content of Yoghurt Drinks
Addition of Avocados
Fat Content
(% b/b)
0.05a ±0.007
Description: values followed by different letters show a
significant difference (p<0.05).
The data obtained was normal, so a statistical analysis
of One Way ANOVA was carried out. The results showed a
significance value of p<0.05, indicating the effect of adding
avocados on protein levels. Furthermore, Duncan's Post Hoc
test was carried out to see the significant difference in each
treatment. Statistical results show a significant difference in
concentrations of 0 20%. Adding avocados is known to
influence the fat content of yogurt drinks, characterized by
increased concentration. The concentration at the beginning
of adding avocados is 0.05%, which gradually increases to
0.57% after 20%.
Increased fat levels occurred in each treatment with
an average value of 0.05 0.57%, according to SNI 01-2981-
1992 [19]. The fat content in yogurt that meets the quality
requirements must have a maximum fat content of 3.8%. The
results showed that the fat content met the INS yoghurt
quality requirements. According to [20], Yogurt fat can be
distinguished from full-fat yogurt (>3%), half-fat yoghurt
(0.5% - 3%), and low-fat yoghurt (<0.5%). Avocado yogurt
is low-fat because avocados have a relatively low-fat content
of 14.66 grams. According to [21], Lactic acid bacteria have
secondary lipolytic activity, meaning lipolytic activity
occurs after other microorganisms break down milk fat into
simpler compounds. During fermentation, the lipase enzyme
hydrolyses fats into simpler compounds, producing fatty
acids and glycerol. The activity of the lipase enzyme reflects
the amount of fat broken down into simpler, more digestible
compounds. Low-fat content goes hand in hand with [22].
Lipotic activity is controlled by lipase enzymes produced by
lactic acid bacteria, and decreasing pH and lipase will free
fatty acids from fat molecules. In addition, fermentation
bacteria also have strong reducing properties. Under active
fermentation conditions, media containing sugar and other
compounds will reduce aldehydes to alcohol, affecting the
increase in fat [23].
The Effect of Adding Avocados on Protein Levels
Protein content testing is done to determine the crude
protein levels in the sample using the Kjeldahl method.
Protein content is the percentage of protein content in a
product, and nasal protein content is the remaining protein
not used by starter bacteria during storage. The principle of
the Kjeldahl method is that nitrogen in proteins is released as
ammonia through a digestion process using concentrated
H2SO4 by heating. Next, ammonia is bound by concentrated
H2SO4 to ammonium sulfate. The results of the protein
content test are shown in Table 4.
The data obtained was normal, so One Way Anova
statistical analysis was conducted. The study's results
showed a significant value of p<0.05, which indicates the
influence of adding avocado on the protein content value.
According to [24], the more concentration of klenceng honey
(Trigona sp) is added, the more yogurt protein levels will
increase. Furthermore, Duncan's Post Hoc test was carried
out to see the significant difference in each treatment.
Statistical results showed a significant difference at
concentrations of 0 10%, but there was no significant
difference at concentrations of 10 20%. The addition of
avocados has an effect on reducing the protein levels of
yogurt drinks, where protein levels at an initial concentration
of 3.46% decreased to 2.94% at a concentration of 20%.
Table 4. The Effect of Adding Avocados on The Protein
Content of Yoghurt Drinks
Addition of Avocados
Protein Levels (% b/b)
3.46a ±0.02
Description: values followed by different letters show a
significant difference (p<0.05).
Figure 2. Bale Growth, pH Decrease, and Fat Levels
Increase in Yogurt Based on the Addition of Avocados.
Increased fat levels are also correlated with decreased
protein levels. The decrease in protein levels occurred at a
concentration of 0% from 3.46% to 3.03%; according to the
Indonesian National Standard (INS), good yoghurt has a
minimum protein content of 2.7%. Adding avocados causes
a decrease in protein levels due to increased bacterial
division activity, requiring more amino acids as an energy
source. This follows [25] that optimal BAL formulation and
fermentation time will produce the highest levels of latured
protein. The process of making yogurt using the same lactic
acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus
thermophilus). Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria are better
because they ferment glucose and lactose and can grow at 45
- 50 °C temperatures. Lactobacillus bulgaricus is more
tolerant of high acidity [26]. Streptococcus thermophilus is a
spherical type of bacteria [27] with an optimal growth
temperature of 40 - 45 ° C and an acidity tolerance of 0.85 -
According to [28], fat content decreases after
fermentation because Lactobacillus bulgaricus can reduce
fat content by being absorbed as a source for growth. The
4,1 4,4
4,31 4,23 4,19 3,89
0,05 0,33 0,48 0,57
3,46 3,03 2,98 2,94
0% 10% 15% 20%
Percentage Extract (%)
Total BAL (CFU/mL) pH
Fat level (% b/b) Protein level (% b/b)
Jurnal Pijar MIPA
May 2024, Volume 19 No. 3: 493-498
optimum temperature for the development of Lactobacillus
bulgaricus is 44ºC. These lactic acid bacteria will produce
lipase enzymes, decomposing fat into fatty acids. Then, these
fatty acids will be broken down into compounds with a
distinctive yogurt aroma.
According to [29], the number of living bacterial cells
influences protein levels, and an increase in the number of
living bacterial cells will increase the number of enzymes,
including protein-breaking enzymes (proteases), which are
used to break down proteins (proteolytic activity) and
increase protein synthesis. Proteins will be broken down into
peptides and further hydrolyzed into amino acids. These
breakdown results serve as precursors for enzymatic and
chemical reactions to form flavors.
Based on data obtained in research regarding the
effect of adding avocado (Persea americana) on the
microbiological and chemical quality of yoghurt drinks with
the addition of avocado (Persea americana) concentrations
of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%. The addition of avocado (Persea
americana) affected the microbiological quality in that the
total BAL value increased from 4.1x109±0.20 CFU/mL
(10%) to 4.4x109±0.07 CFU/mL (15%) so that Avocado
yoghurt drink (Persea americana) is one of the products that
influences LAB growth and reaches optimal levels due to
enzyme activity. The addition of avocado (Persea
americana) affects the chemical quality as the pH value
decreases from 4.30 ± 0.02 (0%) to 3.89 ± 0.01 (20%) so that
the avocado (Persea americana) yoghurt drink. It meets the
quality requirements for the acidity level of yoghurt. The
addition of avocado (Persea americana) affects chemical
quality in that the fat content value increases from
0.05±0.007 % w/w (0%) to 0.57±0.005 % w/w (20%), so it
meets the requirements quality low-fat yoghurt. The addition
of avocado (Persea americana) affects chemical quality. The
protein content value decreases from 3.46 ± 0.02% w/w (0%)
to 2.94 ± 0.00 % w/w (20%), so it is not recommended as
high in protein.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi sari buah naga merah terhadap total padatan terlarut, kadar alkohol, viskositas, dan sensori dari kefir susu sapi. Variasi konsentrasi sari buah naga merah yang digunakan yaitu T0=0%, T1=5%, T2=10%, T3=15%, dan T4=20%. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali pengulangan. Data total Bakteri asam laktat, total padatan terlarut, dan kadar alkohol dianalisis variansi, sedangkan data kesukaan dilakukan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi sari buah naga merah berpengaruh terhadap total padatan terlarut dan kadar alkohol dimana rerata hasil mengalami peningkatan seiring bertambahnya konsentrasi sari buah naga dengan total padatan terlarut tertinggi 4,40 °Brix dan kadar alkohol tertinggi 0,57%. Formulasi terbaik dan paling disukai panelis yaitu T4 dengan penambahan sari buah naga merah sebanyak 20%.
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Background Epidemiologic studies on the relationship between avocado intake and long‐term cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk are lacking. Methods and Results This study included 68 786 women from the NHS (Nurses’ Health Study) and 41 701 men from the HPFS (Health Professionals Follow‐up Study; 1986–2016) who were free of cancer, coronary heart disease, and stroke at baseline. Diet was assessed using validated food frequency questionnaires at baseline and then every 4 years. Cox proportional hazards regressions were used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% CIs. A total of 14 274 incident cases of CVD (9185 coronary heart disease events and 5290 strokes) were documented over 30 years of follow‐up. After adjusting for lifestyle and other dietary factors, compared with nonconsumers, those with analysis‐specific higher avocado intake (≥2 servings/week) had a 16% lower risk of CVD (pooled hazard ratio, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.75–0.95) and a 21% lower risk of coronary heart disease (pooled hazard ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.68–0.91). No significant associations were observed for stroke. Per each half serving/day increase in avocado intake, the pooled hazard ratio for CVD was 0.80 (95% CI, 0.71–0.91). Replacing half a serving/day of margarine, butter, egg, yogurt, cheese, or processed meats with the equivalent amount of avocado was associated with a 16% to 22% lower risk of CVD. Conclusions Higher avocado intake was associated with lower risk of CVD and coronary heart disease in 2 large prospective cohorts of US men and women. The replacement of certain fat‐containing foods with avocado could lead to lower risk of CVD.
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Mayonnaise merupakan produk pangan emulsi yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi salah satu pangan fungsional melalui modifikasi dalam proses pengolahannya. Salah satunya dengan cara menambahkan berbagai konsentrasi bakteri asam laktat dalam mayonnaise sehingga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Bakteri asam laktat yang dapat digunakan yaitu Lactobacillus plantarum dan Lactobacillus casei. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi bakteri asam laktat terbaik terhadap sifat mikrobiologi (jumlah bakteri total dan jumlah bakteri asam laktat) dan sifat kimia (pH dan kadar asam laktat) mayonnaise probiotik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan, yaitu 5% L. plantarum(P1), 5% L.casei (P2), 10% L. plantarum (P3), 10% L.casei (P4), 15% L. plantarum (P5), dan 15% L.casei (P6) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Analisis sidik ragam digunakan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi bakteri asam lakat terhadap sifat mikrobiologi dan sifat kimia mayonnaise dan selanjutnya dilanjutkan Uji Tukey untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi 15% bakteri asam laktat menghasilkan jumlah bakteri total masing-masing sebesar 1,89 x 109 cfu/g (L.plamtarum), 1,60 x 109 cfu/g (L.casei) dan jumlah BAL sebesar 2,34 x 109 cfu/g (L.plamtarum), 2,14 x 109 cfu/g (L.casei) tertinggi dengan pH sebesar 4,42 (L.plamtarum), 4,37 (L.casei) dan kadar asam laktat sebesar 0,48% (L.plamtarum), 0,55% (L.casei).
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Dry matter, oil content and fatty acid composition of avocado fruit (Persea americana, cv. Fuerte and Hass) were examined with respect to the harvesting and post-harvest ripening period. Fruits were harvested in November, December, and January at one-month intervals. Samples were kept for 8 days under ambient conditions to ripen. Dry matter and oil content of both cultivars increased significantly (p < 0.05) according to the length of time that the fruits remained on the tree. However, significant (P < 0.05) changes in the amount of dry matter and oil content of avocado were determined during the post-harvest ripening period. There were significant (p < 0.05) differences in the fatty acid compositions of Fuerte and Hass in each sampling time. Although oleic acid significantly (p < 0.05) increased with late harvest, other fatty acids decreased. In particular, palmitic acid notably underwent a 46.5% decrease from November to January. There were statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences in the fatty acid compositions during the post-harvest ripening period: however, these were too small numerically to be of significance, either biologically or nutritionally.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kualitas selai alpukat yang dibuat dengan perlakuan 3 jenis pemanis alami berbeda ditinjau dari aspek kadar air, nilai aw, total sugar, total mikroba, total padatan terlarut, dan uji hedonik. Parameter penelitian meliputi kadar air, nilai aw, total sugar, total mikroba, total padatan terlarut dan kesukaan selai alpukat dengan perlakuan pemberian jenis pemanis T1=gula aren, T2=gula pasir, T3=madu. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan dan tujuh kali pengulangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan ANOVA untuk parameter kadar air, nilai aw, total sugar, total mikroba, total padatan terlarut. Sedangkan untuk parameter kesukaan menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemberian jenis pemanis alami berbeda terhadap kualitas kadar air, nilai aw, total sugar, dan total padatan terlarut selai alpukat. Selai dengan pemberian pemanis gula aren merupakan perlakuan pemberian pemanis dengan kualitas terbaik yang menghasilkan selai alpukat dengan kadar air = 14,73%, nilai aw 0,832, total sugar 39,509%, total mikroba 5,3.103 CFU/g dan total padatan terlarut 81,9%. Dari segi kesukaan, selai dengan pemberian pemanis gula pasir paling disukai baik secara warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan overall.
ABSTRAK Masa remaja mengalami perkembangan fisiologis, psikososial, kognitif, moral dan perkembangan seksual. Perubahan fisiologis pada masa remaja merupakan hasil aktivitas hormonal dibawah pengaruh sistem saraf pusat. Menarche pada umumnya menjadi masalah bagi remaja, hal ini terjadi karena remaja masih belum tahu tentang apa itu menstruasi dan bagaimana menanganinya, sehingga kebersihan daerah genetalia tidak terjaga dan dapat menimbulkan terjadinya keputihan (Soetjiningsih, 2007). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan flour albus pada remaja putri kelas X di SMA AL-Fatimah Bojonegoro tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yaitu penelitian expose facto (mengungkap fakta) dengan pendekatan pengukuran secara langsung dengan menggunakan data primer. Subjek penelitian semua remaja putri kelas X yang mengalami keputihan di MA AL- Fatimah Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2016 yang berjumlah 30 responden. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan sebanyak 25 responden remaja putri sudah bisa melaksanakan penatalaksanaan pada flour albus. Kata Kunci : flour albus, remaja putri
span class="fontstyle0">Minuman laktat adalah minuman fermentasi yang dibuat dengan menggunakan starter bakteri asam laktat. Faktor penting yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam pembuatan minuman laktat ini adalah konsentrasi starter dan waktu fermentasi. Masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah belum diketahui konsentrasi stater yang tepat dan waktu fermentasi untuk menghasilkan minuman laktat dari bengkoang yang sesuai dengan standar produk minuman laktat dan dengan karakteristik terbaik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh konsentrasi starter dan waktu fermentasi yang dapat menghasilkan minuman laktat yang sesuai dengan standar produk minuman laktat dan dengan karakteristik terbaik. Percobaan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas dua faktor dan tiga kali ulangan. Faktor utama yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi starter dan faktor kedua adalah waktu fermentasi pada proses pembuatan minuman laktat dari bengkoang. Perlakuan konsentrasi starter (S) terdiri atas tga tahap yaitu 5%, 10% dan 15% (v/v) dan waktu fermentasi (F) yang terdiri atas tiga tahap yaitu 18 jam, 20 jam dan 22 jam. Satu eksperimen menggunakan volume 150 ml. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah peningkatan konsentrasi starter dan waktu fermentasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan total bakteri asam laktat dan penerimaan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik dicapai pada perlakuan dengan konsentrasi starter 10% dan waktu fermentasi 22 jam dengan total asam laktat 1,95%, pH 3,8, total bakteri asam laktat 9,67 log koloni/ml dan memiliki skor rasa 3,00 (agak suka).</span
Previous editions of Yoghurt: Science and Technology established the text as an essential reference underpinning the production of yoghurt of consistently high quality. The book has been completely revised and updated to produce this third edition, which combines coverage of recent developments in scientific understanding with information about established methods of best practice to achieve a comprehensive treatment of the subject. General acceptance of a more liberal definition by the dairy industry of the term yoghurt has also warranted coverage in the new edition of a larger variety of gelled or viscous fermented milk products, containing a wider range of cultures. Developments in the scientific aspects of yoghurt covered in this new edition include polysaccharide production by starter culture bacteria and its effects on gel structure, acid gel formation and advances in the analysis of yoghurt in terms of its chemistry, rheology and microbiology. Significant advances in technology are also outlined, for example automation and mechanisation. There has also been progress in understanding the nutritional profile of yoghurt and details of clinical trials involving yoghurts are described. This book is a unique and essential reference to students, researchers and manufacturers in the dairy industry.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pembuatan minuman fermentasi berbahan dasar biji durian dan analisis kimianya. Minuman fermentasi ini dibuat dengan memvariasikan lamanya waktu fermentasi (20 jam, 30 jam, dan 40 jam) dan konsentrasi campuran serbuk biji durian dengan air (perbandingan biji durian:air adalah 1:16, 1:18 dan 1:20). Komposisi lengkap dari tiap-tiap yoghurt adalah sebagai berikut: Yoghurt A (5% w/w susu skim, 5% w/w gula pasir, 10% starter bakteri asam laktat, dan 80% biji durian + air (perbandingan biji durian:air = 1:16)), Yoghurt B (5% w/w susu skim, 5% w/w gula pasir, 10% starter bakteri asam laktat, dan 80% biji durian + air (perbandingan biji durian:air = 1:18)), Yoghurt C (5% w/w susu skim, 5% w/w gula pasir, 10% starter bakteri asam laktat, dan 80% biji durian + air (perbandingan biji durian:air = 1:20)), dan Blangko (5% w/w susu skim, 5% w/w gula pasir, 10% starter bakteri asam laktat, dan 80% air). Tiap-tiap campuran tersebut dibagi tiga dan dimasukkan ke tiga botol steril yang diberi label 20 jam (Yoghurt A20, Yoghurt B20 dan Yoghurt C20), 30 jam (Yoghurt A30, Yoghurt B30 dan Yoghurt C30) dan 40 jam (Yoghurt A40, Yoghurt B40 dan Yoghurt C40). Selanjutnya botol diinkubasi pada suhu ruang (28-30oC) berdasarkan waktu yang tertera di masingmasing botol tersebut. Setelah selesai diinkubasi, tiap-tiap botol didinginkan didalam refrigerator sampai dilakukan analisis kimianya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penampilan fisik dari minuman fermentasi biji durian adalah berupa larutan kental atau semipadat yang berwarna krem dan berbau tajam khas produk fermentasi bakteri asam laktat. Selain itu, waktu fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap kandungan kimia dari minuman fermentasi biji durian. Minuman fermentasi biji durian yang memiliki keasaman paling tinggi (0,855 setiap 100mg asam laktat/g sampel) dan kadar gula pereduksi yang paling tinggi (2,641 mg/mL) adalah minuman fermentasi dengan perbandingan biji durian:air = 1:16 pada waktu fermentasi 30 jam. Sementara itu, minuman fermentasi biji durian yang memiliki kandungan protein yang paling tinggi (8,717 mg/mL) adalah minuman fermentasi dengan perbandingan biji durian:air = 1:20 pada waktu fermentasi 30 jam. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah biji durian dapat digunakan sebagai media fermentasi bagi bakteri asam laktat. Penelitian selanjutnya adalah uji organoleptik (uji penerimaan konsumen), karakteristik kimiawi, fisika, dan biologis seperti kadar lemak, kadar abu, cemaran mikroba, dan jenis-jenis asam atau senyawa volatil yang terkandung dalam yoghurt biji durian agar dapat memenuhi standar yoghurt yang sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Kata Kunci: bakteri asam laktat, biji durian, minuman fermentasi, gula pereduksi, keasaman, Peptida
Twenty six strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from Thai fermented meat products, including 7 samples of Nham (fermented pork), 7 Sai-krog-prieo (fermented sausage) and one Mum (fermented beef). The isolates were identified as Lactobacillus pentosus (5 isolates), Lactobacillus sp. (11 isolates), Pediococcus pentosaceus (5 isolates) and each isolate of Pediococcus lolii, Leuconostoc fallax, Weissella thailandensis, W. cibaria, and W. paramesenteroides based on their phenotypic characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities (99.8-100 %). The isolates were primary screened for their lipolytic activity on agar plates. The rodshaped isolates showed 0.031±0.030-0.938±0.127 U/ml of lipase activity in broth supplemented with Tween 20, Tween 40, Tween 60 or Tween 80. The isolate SS50-1 identified as Lactobacillus pentosus showed the highest activity in Tween 80 (0.938±0.127 U/ml). The coccal isolates showed lipase activity ranged from 0.029±0.006- 1.090±0.033 U/ml when Tween 20, Tween 40, Tween 60 or Tween 80 was used as a substrate. The isolate SS48-4 identified as Pediococcus lolii showed the highest activity in Tween 80 (1.090±0.033 U/ml).