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In vitro Antioxidant Activity from Leaves of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant


Abstract and Figures

Free radical scavenging potential of the different extracts of leaves of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent.(Bignoniaceae), one of the widely used medicinal plant, was evaluated in vitro by using diphenyl-picryl-hydrazyl(DPPH) assay. In this method the antioxidants present in the plant extracts reacted with DPPH, which is a stablefree radical and converted it to 1,1-diphenyl-1,2-picryl, hydrazine. The scavenging effect of plant extracts and standard(L-ascorbic acid) on the DPPH radical decreases in the following order: L-ascorbic acid > Ethyl acetate (I) >Methanol(II) > Water (III) and it was found to be 97.4%, 61.4%, 40.8% and 29.2% at concentration of 100 mg/mL, respectively.The results were expressed as IC50. Ascorbic acid which was used as a standard showed an IC50 of 24.0 mg/mL,whereas, the crude ethyl acetate (I), methanolic (II) and water (III) extracts of leaves of O. indicum showedantioxidant activity with IC50 values of 49.0, 55.0 and 42.5 respectively at 100 mg/mL concentration. None of theextracts were found to be more active than the standard i.e. ascorbic acid. But still, free radical scavenging activityof water (III) and ethyl acetate (I) extracts of leaves of O. indicum (L.) was confirmed in the present investigation.In the present study, different extracts of O. indicum leaves showed concentration dependent free radical scavengingactivity. Significant results were recorded first time in the given estimated parameters from different extracts ofleaves of O. indicum, a North Indian highly threatened and vulnerable medicinal plant.
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Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
In vitro Antioxidant Activity from Leaves of Oroxylum
indicum (L.) Vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened
and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant
Raghbir C. Gupta1 *, Vivek Sharma1, Nisha Sharma1, Neeraj Kumar2, Bikram Singh2
1Botany Department, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab) India.
2N.P.P. Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, CSIR, Palampur-176061
(Himachal Pradesh) India.
For correspondence: Raghbir C. Gupta Professor & Head,Department of Botany, Punjabi University,Patiala-
147002 (Punjab) India.
Received on: 08-06-2008; Accepted on :16-07-2008
Free radical scavenging potential of the different extracts of leaves of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent.
(Bignoniaceae), one of the widely used medicinal plant, was evaluated in vitro by using diphenyl-picryl-hydrazyl
(DPPH) assay. In this method the antioxidants present in the plant extracts reacted with DPPH, which is a stable
free radical and converted it to 1,1-diphenyl-1,2-picryl, hydrazine. The scavenging effect of plant extracts and standard
(L-ascorbic acid) on the DPPH radical decreases in the following order: L-ascorbic acid > Ethyl acetate (I) >Methanol
(II) > Water (III) and it was found to be 97.4%, 61.4%, 40.8% and 29.2% at concentration of 100 µg/mL, respectively.
The results were expressed as IC50. Ascorbic acid which was used as a standard showed an IC50 of 24.0 µg/mL,
whereas, the crude ethyl acetate (I), methanolic (II) and water (III) extracts of leaves of O. indicum showed
antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 49.0, 55.0 and 42.5 respectively at 100 µg/mL concentration. None of the
extracts were found to be more active than the standard i.e. ascorbic acid. But still, free radical scavenging activity
of water (III) and ethyl acetate (I) extracts of leaves of O. indicum (L.) was confirmed in the present investigation.
In the present study, different extracts of O. indicum leaves showed concentration dependent free radical scavenging
activity. Significant results were recorded first time in the given estimated parameters from different extracts of
leaves of O. indicum, a North Indian highly threatened and vulnerable medicinal plant.
Key words: Oroxylum indicum, antioxidant activity, extracts, DPPH assay.
Research Article
Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. (Bignoniaceae)
is a medicinally important, medium sized, deciduous tree
distributed in India, Srilanka, China, Thailand, Philippines
and Indonesia. In India it is distributed in Eastern and
Western Ghats and North-East regions. The existence
of O. indicum in natural population is highly threatened
and it has been categorized as vulnerable medicinal plant
by the government of India [1]. Many flavones and
traces of alkaloids are present in pods, seeds, stem and
root bark [2]. Various parts of this plant are utilized to
cure many diseases. In India roots are used in Ayurvedic
preparation called “Dasamoola” i.e. used as an astringent,
anti-inflammatory, anti-helminthic, anti-bronchitic, anti-
leucodermatic, anti-rheumatic, anti-anorexic and for
treatment of leprosy and tuberculosis [3,4]. Decoction
of root bark is also effective to cure nasopharyngeal
cancer[5]. Leaves are emollient, that contain
anthraquinone and aloe-emodin [6]. According to
scientific observations, fruits are used in treating
bronchitis, leucoderma and helminthosis [7]. Seed
extract exhibits anti-microbial, analgesic, anti-tussive and
anti-inflammatory properties [8].
Oxidation is one of the most important
processes, which produce free radicals in food,
chemicals and even in living systems. Free radicals have
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
an important role in the processes of food spoilage,
chemical materials degradation and also contribute to
more than hundred disorders in human beings [9]. Active
oxygen and in particular, free radicals are considered to
induce oxidative damage in biomolecules and to play an
important role in aging, cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
and inflammatory diseases [10]. On the other hand,
antioxidants are now known to be protective or
therapeutic agents. The applications of antioxidants are
industrially widespread in order to prevent polymers
oxidative degradation, auto-oxidation of fats, synthetic
and natural pigments discoloration, etc. There is an
increased interest of using antioxidants for medical
purposes in the recent years, particularly in those
intended to prevent the presumed deleterious effects of
free radicals in the human body, and to prevent the
deterioration of fats and other constituents of foodstuffs
[11]. In the past few years, there is an increased
preference for antioxidants from natural sources rather
than from synthetic sources because of the health risks
and toxicity of synthetic antioxidants [12]. Plants are
being utilized frequently as sources of natural
antioxidants, and some of the compounds present in
plants have significant antioxidative properties and health
benefits [13]. The potential of the antioxidant constituents
of plant materials for the maintenance of health and
protection from coronary heart disease and cancer is
also raising interest among scientists and food
manufacturers as consumers move toward functional
foods with specific health effects [14]. At present, most
of the natural antioxidants such as traditional nutrients,
polyphenols, and flavonoids are obtained from plants.
Although many plant species have been investigated in
the search for novel antioxidants [15-16] but there is
still a demand to find more information concerning the
antioxidant potential of medicinal plant species.
However, there is not even a single report of
antioxidant activity for the leaves of this highly threatened
and vulnerable medicinal plant from North Indian
Himalayan region. Therefore, the chief objective of this
present study is to assess the antioxidant activity for first
time from different extracts of leaves of O. indicum by
the use of stable free radical diphenyl picryl hydrazyl
(DPPH) assay and to further check the “IC50” Inhibition
Concentration values.
Plant Material
Leaves of O. indicum were collected from
Dhameta, (Himachal Pradesh) in the month of November,
2006, which come under the foot hills of North-Indian
Himalayan region. The specimens were authenticated
by Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala
(Punjab) India and were deposited in Departmental
Preparation of Crude Plant Extracts
The air dried 500g leaves of O. indicum were
ground into powder and extracted for three days with
1000mL of 80% (v/v) methanol; extract was then filtered
with Whatman’s filter paper No.1. The filtrate was
collected and solvent was evaporated under reduced
pressure with the help of vacuum evaporator. After
removal of the solvent, 120g of dry crude extract was
obtained. Again, dry crude extract was re-extracted three
times with 500mL of each ethyl acetate, methanol and
water. Further, these three extracts were filtered and
evaporated with the help of vacuum evaporator. After
re-extraction, quantity of ethyl acetate (I), methanol (II)
and water (III) extracts were 35g, 28g and 32g
respectively and stored in air tight tubes under low
temperature i.e. 4oC till further analysis (Flow chart 1).
Finally, 2mg of each extract i.e. ethyl acetate (I), methanol
(II) and water (III) were dissolved in 10mL of methanol
and different concentrations of each extract were
prepared for the free radical scavenging activity.
Preparation of Chemical Solutions
For antioxidant activity, chemical solution of L-
ascorbic acid was used as a control and prepared by
dissolving 2mg of L-ascorbic acid in 10ml of methanol.
For Diphenyl-picryl-hydrazyl assay, 0.1mM stock
solution of DPPH in methanol was prepared. All the
chemicals, including solvents, were of analytical grade
from E. Merck, India and Sigma (New Delhi, India).
Reaction Time
In the original method a reaction time of 30min
was recommended [17]. There were so many different
views for reaction time, given by workers all over the
world. Shorter time had also been used for the reaction,
Raghbir et al. In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Oroxylum indicum (L.) vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
such as 10min [18]. However, in view of the fact that the
rate of reaction varies widely among substrates, the best
practice seems to be to follow the reaction until it had
gone to completion. In present attempt of research work,
30min reaction time was followed, to check the antioxidant
Absorbance Measurements - Wavelength and
Instrument Used
During evaluation of antioxidant activity of the
three extracts (I, II, III), we followed the methodology
given by Blois in 1958 [19]. Absorbance was measured
at 517nm by using XP 2001 Explorer
spectrophotometer. The working wavelength of
maximum absorbance, to be used for the absorbance
measurements, were given variously as 515nm by Brand-
Williams, 516nm by Schwarz, 517nm by Blois and
518nm by Leitao [20].
Free Radical Scavenging Activity (Diphenyl-picryl-
hydrazyl assay)
The free-radical scavenging capacity of different
extracts (I, II, III) of leaves of O. indicum were
evaluated with the DPPH stable radical, by the
methodology described by Blois in 1958. Briefly, 0.1mM
alcoholic solution of DPPH in methanol was prepared
and 2mL of this solution was added to 0.3mL of different
extract concentrations (1-100 µg/mL) and allowed to
react at room temperature. After 30min, the absorbance
values were measured at 517nm against the blank, which
did not contain the extract. L-ascorbic acid was used
as control. The radical scavenging activity (percent
inhibition) was expressed as percentage of DPPH radical
elimination calculated according to the following
Percentage Inhibition (%) = (Acontrol-Asample/Acontrol) ×
Where Acontrol is the absorbance of the control (L-
ascorbic acid) and Asample is the absorbance of reaction
mixture (in the presence of sample). All tests were run in
triplicates (n = 3), and the average values were
IC50 Value
Inhibition Concentration (IC50 ) was introduced
by Brand-Williams and his colleagues [21] for the
interpretation of the results from DPPH method. The
discoloration of sample was plotted against the sample
concentration in order to calculate the IC50 value. It is
defined as the amount of sample necessary to decrease
the absorbance of DPPH by 50%.
Like other medicinal plants, different extracts
from leaves of O. indicum showed antioxidative effect
which is expected mainly due to phenolic components,
such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, and phenolic
diterpenes [22]. These phenolic components possess
many hydroxyl groups including o-dihydroxy group
which have very strong radical scavenging effect and
antioxidant power. In the DPPH assay, the antioxidant
was able to reduce the stable radical DPPH to the yellow
colored 1, 1-diphenyl-1, 2-picryl hydrazine. The
molecule of 1, 1-diphenyl-1, 2-picryl hydrazine is
characterised as a stable free radical by virtue of the
delocalisation of the spare electron over the molecule
as a whole. The delocalisation also gives rise to the deep
violet colour, characterised by an absorption band in
methanol solution centred at 517 nm. The observed
scavenging effect of plant extracts and standard on the
DPPH radical decreases in the following order: L-
ascorbic acid > Ethyl acetate (I) >Methanol (II) > Water
(III), it was 97.4%, 61.4%, 40.8% and 29.2% at
concentration of 100 µg/mL, respectively (Table 1). The
potential of L-ascorbic acid to scavenge DPPH radical
became almost stable after 70 or 80 µg/mL (Figure 1).
From the experimental data which obtained from all three
extracts, it is clear that ethyl acetate extract (I) showed
maximum percentage of inhibition effect i.e. 61.4% at
100 µg/mL of concentration. Among these three extracts
and standard tested for the vitro antioxidant activity, using
the DPPH method, the crude ethyl acetate (I), methanolic
(II) and water (III) extracts of leaves of O. indicum
showed antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 49.0,
55.0 and 42.5 respectively at 100 µg/mL concentration
(Table 2). Eventhough their IC50 values found to be
higher however, none of the extracts were found to be
more active than the standard i.e. (L-ascorbic acid with
IC50 value of 24.0 at 100 µg/mL). Free radical
scavenging activity of water (III) and ethyl acetate (I)
extracts was confirmed in the present investigation
(Figure 2). Thus it is clear that polyphenolic antioxidants
in leaves of O. indicum play an important role as
bioactive principles. However, polyphenolic constituents
present in these extracts, which are responsible for this
activity, need to be investigated in O. indicum.
Raghbir et al. In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Oroxylum indicum (L.) vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
Leaves Powder (500g)
Extracted with 1000mL of 80% (v/v) Methanol
Crude Extract (120 g) Residue
Re-extracted with 500mL of Ethyl acetate, Methanol and water
Ethyl acetate Extract (35g) Methanol Extract (28g) Water Extract (32g)
Flow Chart 1: Extraction/Fractionation procedure applied on leaves powder of O. indicum.
Raghbir et al. In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Oroxylum indicum (L.) vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.1.Issue 1. July-September 2008
The authors are grateful to the SAP-II DRS
(UGC), Head Department of Botany, Punjabi Univer-
sity, Patiala (Punjab) and Dr. P.S. Ahuja, Director, IHBT
(CSIR), Palampur (H.P) India for providing necessary
laboratory facilities and support.
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Raghbir et al. In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Oroxylum indicum (L.) vent. -A North Indian Highly Threatened and Vulnerable Medicinal Plant
... All the extracts showed greater reducing power than that of the standard .In vitro antioxidant testing of the extracts of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr in different solvents like petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, aqueous and HCl was performed and found that mainly antioxidants were extracted in petroleum ether and had shown maximum reducing power [54][55][56][57] . ...
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The present study deals with analyse the antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of A. indicum extract by using different solvents such as aqueous, actone and ethanol extracts were prepared to study the total phenolic, flavonoid and tannin content. All these chemicals were not extractable in one solvent. In A. indicum, Alkaloid, steroid, terpenoid and phlobatannins only present in Aqueous extract In Acetone extracts tannin, flavonoid, steroid, Alkaloid and quinine were present rest of all the components were absent. For ethanol, Tannins, Phlobatannins, Flavonoids, Steroids, Quinone, Coumarin, Terpenoids and Glycosides were present; Not a single solvent showing a complete result. The maximum phytochemicals was found in ethanolic extract of experimental plant. The dose response curve of DPPH radical scavenging activity of crude extracts of plant was observed, Antioxidant activity in the form of IC50 values of different extracts were calculated. Highest antioxidant activity was given by A. indicum extract at the concentration of 170μg/ml among all the ethanolic leafs which is found to be more than standard. The FT-IR results interprets that, so many aromatic, aliphatic, ring compounds were present in the experimental samples.
... The antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharide was investigated based on DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity [28,29]. The 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ascorbic acid were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Co., Germany. ...
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Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are bioactive metabolites with high molecular weight and are produced by several microorganisms such as endophytic fungi. Thus, the aim of the present study was designed to explore the biosynthesis and characteristics of EPS by the endophytic fungus Neopestalotiopsis clavispora AUMC15969 and then investigate some environmental and nutritional factors that affect their production. Moreover, we estimated an additional value, namely the production of biodiesel. Maximum production of EPS was 7.86 g/L when N. clavispora was grown on lactose as the sole carbon source and peptone as the nitrogen source, respectively, and pH 7 at 35 °Cfor 10 days. The produced EPS had a total sugar content of 0.93 g/g where protein content was 0.076 g/g. It revealed a strong antioxidant activity that improved with increasing sample concentration, with the optimum concentration of 10 mg/mL producing 83.1% DPPH radical scavenging activity with an IC50 equal to 3.89 mg/mL. The extracted lipid from the fungal mycelia at the end of the fermentation process was 31.76% w/w. The biodiesel produced from the transesterification of lipids was 87.4% total fatty acid methyl esters. The present study demonstrated the potential production of EPS and lipid biopolymers in one-pot fermentation which could use as a resource for industrial technologies. Graphical Abstract
... The fruits are beneficial in gynecological disorder and even in case of childhood disorder. In most case dried seed powder is used by women to in- Gupta et al., 2008;Upaganlawar et al., 2007;Kumar et al. 2011;Mishra et al., 2010;Kalaivani et al., 2009Mishra et al., 2010. Mishra et al., 2010. ...
... . Premkaisorn suggested that phenolic antioxidant capacity (PAC) contributes to about 94% and the 6% of the activity may come from other natural antioxidant compounds such as volatile oils, vitamins or ß-carotene13 . The present study is supported by Oke and Hamburger 14 , Gupta et al.15 Naznin Ara and Hasan Nur 16 , Anita Murali et al. 17 and Sonawane et al 18 . They stated that most of the medicinal plants possess antioxidant activity. ...
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The antioxidant potential of methanolic extracts of the leaves of Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd., Flacourtia cataphracta Rox., Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz., Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr., Persea macrophylla (Blume) and tubers of Gloriosa superba L. was studied. The antioxidant potential of different plant extracts were investigated by using phosphomolybdenum antioxidant assay and free radical scavenging assay (DPPH). The total phenolic content was also determined and expressed by gallic acid equivalent. A positive correlation was seen between the phenolic content and total antioxidant activity of the different plant extracts having correlation coefficient value (R2) value of 0.696. All the extracts showed potent antioxidant activity, of which the methanolic extract of tubers Gloriosa superba L. showed the strongest antioxidant activity and its scavenging activity (%) was 91.58±3.70%. The other extracts of plants also showed significant antioxidant activity.
... such as Dasamula, Amartarista, Dantyadyarista, Narayana Taila, Dhanawantara Ghrita, Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanaprasa Awaleha, etc. (Balkrishna, 2005;Kumar et al., 2009;Anonymous, 1998). In the composition of drug chavanprasha and mentat (mental drug) different parts of Oroxylum indicum are used (Laupattarakasem et al., 2003;Gupta et al., 2008). Plant materials are also used as wood, tannins and dyestuffs. ...
... Different extracts of different parts of Costus speciosus was evaluated by using DPPH, ABTS and Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity methods, for antioxidant potential (Vijayalakshmi and Sarada, 2008) and in the result methanol extracts was found to exhibited strongest free radical and hydroxyl scavenging activity. Gupta et al., (2008) investigated in vitro antioxidant activity of different extracts of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. leaves by using DPPH radical scavenging method and found that the ethyl acetate extract of leaves exhibited best scavenging effect than other solvents. ...
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In this paper, literature regarding antioxidant activity (in vitro) of Indian medicinal plants was reviewed. Paper also gives an account of family, places of collection, part used, solvent, standards and methods used to define antioxidant potential of most of the Indian medicinal plants, which have been analyzed for free radical scavenging property.
... The reducing power assay further confirmed that the ethanol leaf extract of Sonapatha was more powerful than the other extracts [59]. Similarly, leaves of Sonapatha extracted in ethyl acetate, methanol, and water scavenged DPPH radical depending on their concentration, and the ethyl acetate extract was most potent followed by methanol and water extracts [60]. The hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and water extracts of stem bark of Sonapatha showed a concentration-dependent inhibition of DPPH radicals, and the ethyl acetate extract was more effective than the other three extracts [61]. ...
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Oroxylum indicum, Sonapatha is traditionally used to treat asthma, biliousness, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, fevers, vomiting, inflammation, leukoderma, skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, wound injury, and deworm intestine. This review has been written by collecting the relevant information from published material on various ethnomedicinal and pharmacological aspects of Sonapatha by making an internet, PubMed, SciFinder, Science direct, and Google Scholar search. Various experimental studies have shown that Sonapatha scavenges different free radicals and possesses alkaloids, flavonoids, cardio glycosides, tannins, sterols, phenols, saponins, and other phytochemicals. Numerous active principles including oroxylin A, chrysin, scutellarin, baicalein, and many more have been isolated from the different parts of Sonapatha. Sonapatha acts against microbial infection, cancer, hepatic, gastrointestinal, cardiac, and diabetic disorders. It is useful in the treatment of obesity and wound healing in in vitro and in vivo preclinical models. Sonapatha elevates glutathione, glutathione-s-transferase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase levels and reduces aspartate transaminase alanine aminotransaminase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and lipid peroxidation levels in various tissues. Sonapatha activates the expression of p53, pRb, Fas, FasL, IL-12, and caspases and inhibited nuclear factor kappa (NF-κB), cyclooxygenase (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor (TNFα), interleukin (IL6), P38 activated mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), fatty acid synthetase (FAS), sterol regulatory element-binding proteins 1c (SREBP-1c), proliferator-activated receptor γ2 (PPARγ2), glucose transporter (GLUT4), leptin, and HPV18 oncoproteins E6 and E7 at the molecular level, which may be responsible for its medicinal properties. The phytoconstituents of Sonapatha including oroxylin A, chrysin, and baicalein inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in in vitro and in vivo experimental models, indicating its potential to contain COVID-19 infection in humans. The experimental studies in various preclinical models validate the use of Sonapatha in ethnomedicine and Ayurveda.
This book is a comprehensive review of secondary metabolite production from plant tissue culture. The editors have compiled 12 meticulously organized chapters that provide the relevant theoretical and practical frameworks in this subject using empirical research findings. The goal of the book is to explain the rationale behind in vitro production of secondary metabolites from some important medicinal plants. Biotechnological strategies like metabolic engineering and the biosynthesis, transport and modulation of important secondary metabolites are explained along with research studies on specific plants. In addition to the benefits of secondary metabolites, the book also aims to highlight the commercial value of medicinal plants for pharmaceutical and healthcare ventures. Topics covered in this part include: 1. In vitro propagation and tissue culture for several plants including Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, Aloe vera, Oroxylum indicum (L) Kurz, Ocimum basilicum L, Rhubarb, Tea, and many others (including plants in Northern India). 2. Genetic Improvement of Pelargonium 3. Bioactive Components in Senna alata L. Roxb 4. Plant tissue culture techniques The book caters to a wide readership. It primarily prepares graduate students, researchers, biotechnologists, giving them a grasp of the key methodologies in the secondary metabolite production. It is a secondary reference for support executives, industry professionals, and policymakers at corporate and government levels to understand the importance of plant tissue culture and maximizing its impact in the herbal industry.
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Oroxylum indicum, commonl known as Tetu and belong to Bignoniaceae family. Itis used to treat several human ailments since ancienttimes. It is use to treat the various diseases such as; urticaria, jaundice, asthma, sore throat, laryngitis, hoarseness, gastralgia, diarrhea, dysentery, infantile, erythema measle, etc. It is also having potential to treat against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection in humans. Studies also report that species having the various functional properties like; antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-arthritic etc. In this review, it has been an attempt to explore the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and therapeutical potential of this medicinally important tree.
Several vegetables were selected to study their flavonoid contents and antioxidant activities. The results showed that both green and purple leaves of sweet potatoes (185.01 and 426.82 mg kg(-1) respectively) and the outer leaves of onion (264.03 mg kg(-1)) possessed higher amounts of flavonoids, and more than 85% of free radical scavenging activities were evaluated by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. In addition, green leaves of sweet potatoes and the outer leaves of onion showed higher reducing power and higher antioxidant activity in a Linoleic acid system as compared to cabbage, spinach, potato and crown daisy. Blanching of green leaves of sweet potatoes for 30-60 s retained more flavonoids and higher free radical scavenging activities as compared to more than 1 min of blanching. The storage test showed that green leaves of sweet potatoes stored at 4-10 degrees C maintained better quality than those stored at room temperature. (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.
Cauvery 100, an ayurvedic formulation was used to treat indomethacin induced ulcers in rats. The levels of hexosamine and sialic acid showed marked increase in ulcer while hexose and fucose did not show any change. However, on treatment with Cauvery 100 for 15 days, the hexosamine and sialic acid levels were brought back to normal. A similar resort was observed in the activity of the enzyme pepsin. The hormone gastrin was increased in ulcer and was brought back to near normal levels on Cauvery 100 treatment. The tritiated thymidine uptake after 48 hrs of injection showed decreased levels in ulcer, while Cauvery 100 treatment had a similar uptake as that of the controls. From these results it is evident !hat Cauvery 100 is a promising antiulcer agent.
The important role of dietary antioxidants in maintaining the integrity of living organisms is gaining ever-increasing recognition.New data are constantly gathered to show the role of oxidative stress and the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in the pathogenesis of degenerative diseases. These diseases are associated with a disturbance in the necessary balance between oxidation and reduction status in blood and tissues, leading to oxidation of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Such oxidative damage is accompanied by changes in macromolcules structure and function and by the manifestation of clinical disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Hence, widespread research is being conducted aiming to investigate the possible effects and mechanisms of action of dietary antioxidants in these diseases.The present review focuses on the types of the various natural antioxidants, their tissue distribution, bio-availability, mechanisms of actions and therapeutical applications. Antioxidants may exert their effect on biological systems by different mechanisms including electron donation (as reducing agents), metal ion chelation (thereby eliminating potential free radicals), sparing of antioxidants (co-antioxidants) or by genes expression regulation. The various methods currently in use for determination of antioxidant activities and the role of antioxidants in the management of human diseases are discussed.
METHODS for measuring antioxidants and appraising antioxidant activity appear to be of two general types. If the chemical nature of the antioxidant is known, one may strive for a test specific for the compound or group of interest; for example, the nitroprusside test for sulphydryl groups. Alternatively one may observe the inhibition of some natural oxidative process such as the β-oxidation of fats, as a function of the added antioxidant.
The antioxidative activities of six plant extracts (catnip, hyssop, lemon balm, oregano, sage and thyme) were evaluated in sunflower oil and its 20% oil-in-water emulsion in the dark at 60°C. The oxidation process was followed by measuring the formation of primary (conjugated diene hydroperoxides) and secondary (volatile compounds) oxidation products. Sage extracts (600 and 1200 ppm) effectively inhibited the formation of conjugated dienes and volatile compounds (hexanal and pentanal) in oil and emulsion and showed the highest antioxidative activity compared with 300 ppm BHT. Thyme and lemon balm extracts inhibited hexanal generation more than formation of conjugated dienes in both oil and emulsion. Oregano extract was more active in oil than in emulsion. Catnip and hyssop extracts (600 ppm) showed prooxidative action to sunflower oil at 60°C. These two extracts increased the formation of conjugated dienes compared with the control oil. In emulsions, catnip extract (600 ppm) was active and significantly inhibited the formation of conjugated dienes more than BHT (300 ppm) during additional incubation.