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Are women more risk-Averse than men regarding investment decision?


Abstract and Figures

This paper emphasizes the significance of how gender influences the decision of an individual while taking investment decisions. It investigates the possible impact of gender on investment behavior, risk tolerance, and preferred investment avenues. Prior research has investigated of female investors having lower risk tolerance than men and tends to steer clear of high-risk investment options. The study made an effort to highlight the disparities between men's and women's investing options and risk tolerance. Differential gender-based investing patterns have been shaped by cultural expectations and traditional gender stereotypes. In several past literatures women have always been underestimated by researchers in the magnitude of investment decision making as several past papers have shown they have encountered various social stigma and that are the possible reasons which have a greater impact on their investment choices. According to research, women frequently have more risk-averse attitudes than men do when it comes to their financial activities. In our present research paper we clearly get a striking disparity in the investment options and a remarkably distinct tolerance level for risk aptitude for male and female investors.
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Journal of Management Research and Analysis 2024;11(2):118–122
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Original Research Article
Are women more risk-Averse than men regarding investment decision?
Sanhati Sengupta1*, Sarbani Mitra2
1Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
2Dept. of MBA-HRM, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Article history:
Received 15-03-2024
Accepted 22-04-2024
Available online 29-05-2024
Investment Decisions
Risk Tolerance
Investment Avenues
This paper emphasizes the significance of how gender influences the decision of an individual while
taking investment decisions. It investigates the possible impact of gender on investment behavior, risk
tolerance, and preferred investment avenues. Prior research has investigated of female investors having
lower risk tolerance than men and tends to steer clear of high-risk investment options. The study made
an effort to highlight the disparities between men’s and women’s investing options and risk tolerance.
Differential gender-based investing patterns have been shaped by cultural expectations and traditional
gender stereotypes. In several past literatures women have always been underestimated by researchers
in the magnitude of investment decision making as several past papers have shown they have encountered
various social stigma and that are the possible reasons which have a greater impact on their investment
choices. According to research, women frequently have more risk-averse attitudes than men do when it
comes to their financial activities. In our present research paper we clearly get a striking disparity in the
investment options and a remarkably distinct tolerance level for risk aptitude for male and female investors.
This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon
the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
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1. Introduction
Risk is associated with most of the economic exchanges.
So, it is not unexpected that a significant number of
researches had been conducted in this field to understand
how investors take their final decision regarding investment
while considering the factor risk. The popular theory of
risk-averse decision-making, expected utility, offers some
verifiable empirical predictions. Expected utility, however,
leaves the agent’s actual amount of risk-taking behaviour
as a free parameter, accounting for individual variances. To
understand it in the broader perspective let us consider the
prospect theory, which are more behaviourally oriented. The
widespread belief that female investors are not ready to take
risk rather they prefer less risky assets than men; this belief
is significant since it may help to explain certain significant
* Corresponding author.
E-mail (S. Sengupta).
economic events. According to several empirical research
conducted to analyse how risk taking behaviour changes
with gender, it is evident that women prefer less risky assets
than men (Eckel and Grossman, 2008; Croson and Gneezy,
Recently, an increased focus on understanding the ways
that gender influences several socioeconomic domains,
including finance and investing. Traditional theories
about the role of gender and also the preconceived
notions have influenced society’s expectations a lot,
which has resulted in differences in decision-making
and economic prospects. The pursuit of greater gender
equality has made it imperative to consider the influence
of gender on investment choices and its potential
impact on economic outcomes. Making complicated and
multidimensional decisions regarding investments requires
analysing opportunities, determining risks, and allocating
2394-2762/© 2024 Author(s), Published by Innovative Publication. 118
Sengupta and Mitra / Journal of Management Research and Analysis 2024;11(2):118–122 119
assets. These choices will have a big impact on people’s
lives, homes, and the economy as a whole. Gaining insight
into the ways in which gender may impact investing
decisions and results can help to clarify the fundamental
mechanisms at workplaces and promote more equitable
and inclusive financial systems. According to a survey
conducted by Gneezy and Potters (1997) where they have
created a scenario in which, the decision-maker is given $X
and asked to determine which amount of it, $x, she wants
to keep and how much to invest in a riskier option. With
probability p, the invested amount provides a dividend of
$kx (k > 1), and with probability 1 p, it is lost. The
investor keeps the money that was not invested $(X x).
Next, $(X x + kx) with probability p and $(X x) with
1p are the payoffs. Since p and k are always selected so
that p ×k > 1, investing has a higher expected value than not
investing; so, someone who is risk-neutral or risk-seeking
should invest $X, whereas someone who is risk-averse may
invest less. According to Charness and Gneezy (2012) in
the previous experiment, the participants simply make the
decision to choose x. They presented data from every study
that tests risk aversion with this approach. Men chose a
higher x than women do, which is a persistent gender
difference reported despite the significant environmental
variables throughout the sets of tests. This is a stunning and
consistent conclusion.1–8
It is observed that their lies a sharp gender discrepancies
in the investment behaviour, according to multiple research
investigations. Several researchers have pointed out men
and women approach investing decisions in different
ways, displaying differing levels of financial knowledge,
investment methods, and risk preferences. The biological,
psychological, interpersonal, and cultural factors that
influence people’s attitudes and ideas around money
could be the reason for these variations. Women’s non-
willingness to bear risk may stem from several factors,
including not trusting the financial concerns, a reduced
exposure to investment options, or a stern wish to
protect wealth rather than pursue larger returns. However,
males tend to be bigger risk-takers, which mean that
they tend to use more aggressive investing tactics which
may lead to produce higher rewards or may result in
higher losses. Gender differences also go beyond risk
choices. Accessing financial resources, getting investment
advice, and overcoming conventional gender barriers in
the investing industry create barriers for women. Women’s
engagement in the investing markets might be restricted
by unequal access to opportunities and knowledge, which
can hinder their capacity to accumulate money and
become financially independent. Policymakers, financial
institutions, and researchers are putting more efforts to
encourage gender diversity and inclusion in investment
decision-making thus addressing these gender inequities.
A constant effort is made to bridge the gender gap in
financial education, increase women’s access to investment
resources, and create a welcoming climate for women
pursuing professions in finance. By creating more inclusive
institutions, we can maximize the potential of diverse
perspectives and enhance overall financial outcomes for
individuals and society as a whole.9–14
2. Literature Review
A report published at The Economic Times (2024) a joint
poll conducted by DBS Bank and ratings company Crisil,
women earners in the metro areas are generally risk-averse,
with 51% of their investments held in fixed deposits (FD)
and savings accounts, followed by 16% in gold, 15% in
mutual funds, 10% in real estate, and just 7% in stock. The
data from DBS Bank India’s customer insights indicates that
a proportion of 10% of female customers have an active
fixed deposit, whereas only 5% of male customers who have
opened an FD.
According to Jain (2021) women investors are still only
prepared to make investments in the financial sectors that
are regarded as safe. More investigation revealed that family
investing culture or trend is a major factor while making
investment-related decisions. The most popular traditional
investment options are gold and bank deposits, but the most
favourable are the mutual fund investment as they are well-
liked among financial investment options.15–18
As per Joseph (2020) women who are employed
rarely purchase shares and mutual funds. They invest in
banks by means of the conventional methods, such as fixed
deposits and savings accounts. A small portion of them
make investments based on their husbands’ opinions. While
selecting different investment modalities women investors
are much more concerned than male investors.
Ajabnoor and Faisal (2023) illustrate the investing
habits of a broad set of women participants with varying
professional backgrounds and a modest propensity for risk-
taking. While emotional reasons and market conditions
can also influence investment decisions, participants also
typically rely on a combination of independent decision-
making and advice from others.
Numerous scholarly investigations have explored
whether women truly exhibit risk aversion while making
investing decisions. According to Powell and Ansic
(1997), regardless of familiarity, framing, expenses, or
ambiguity, unlike men women have a hostile tendency
towards risk taking. In a similar vein, some researchers
discover that women in professional finance roles behave
more cautiously. Moreover, Niessen and Ruenzi (2007)
study of professional mutual fund managers in the United
States demonstrates that female managers are more risk
adverse investors. According to Johnson and Powell (1994),
the stereotype depends on the basis of discrimination
against women. Because companies have this confirmation
regarding women that they are not as risk-takers as men are,
120 Sengupta and Mitra / Journal of Management Research and Analysis 2024;11(2):118–122
they give them fewer opportunities to advance than they do
According to Chen (2008) Clarity brought about by a
lack of information may make the perceived risk higher.
Additionally, due to limited accessibility to information
technology, women are at a disadvantage when it comes to
acquiring information. As greater uncertainty arises, this can
discourage women from taking risks. Every investor in the
financial markets also faces pressure. Recent empirical data
indicates that when making investment decision under stress
women tends to get much more aware regarding taking
Alemany (2020) While, choosing stocks, investing
in venture capital, and making acquisitions, women take
fewer chances. As described in previous research and
conventional wisdom tend to indicate that women really like
to take very less risk compared to men.
Hibbert (2008) contends both are uniformly risk-
averse when people have the same educational background
and financial literacy. They have discovered factors, such as
age, wealth, income, marital status, race or ethnicity, and
the total number of child under the age of 18 living in the
household, influence the relationship between gender and
risk aversion.
Watson and McNaughton (2007) implied that women
pick more conservative investing strategies than do males,
the crucial reason why women’s predicted retirement
benefits are lower is because they make less money, which
has an impact on the amount they set aside for their
superannuation plans.
Croson and Gneezy (2009) explored the differences in
risk appetites between genders, which are an important
consideration when making financial decisions. They
examined how both the genders differ from one another in
terms of their willingness to take on financial risks and finds
that, women are mostly less risk-tolerant than men. The
results imply that risk preferences vary by gender and may
have an impact on investing decisions, with women possibly
being more cautious investors.
Barber and Odean (2001) Assessed how gender
stereotypes and overconfidence affect investment decisions.
The study found that men seem to have an excessive
amount of confidence in their abilities to invest, which
leads to more trading and fewer investment gains than
women. The findings suggest that variations in risk-taking
and confidence between genders may have an impact on
investing performance.
Terjesen and Singh (2008) evaluated how gender
diversity influences the investment decision of the corporate
boards. The findings indicate a correlation between gender
diversity within a company and positive investment
outcomes, implying that more women on boards could lead
to more deliberate and long-term investment decisions. The
research highlights how significant gender diversity is in
governing bodies for enhancing investment strategies.
Barber and Odean (2000) monitored the trading patterns
and financial results of specific investors. They pointed
out men typically trade more often and use speculative
investment tactics, which reduce investment returns. And
women get better returns when they invest in a more
conservative manner. They also analysed in the study,
behavioural biases are distinct for male and female investors
and it can heavily affect investing decisions and results.
3. Research Objectives
The prime objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To analyse if there is any significant difference in
investment avenues selected by male and female
2. To envisaged the extent of relationship between gender
and financial risk taking capability.
3.1. Research hypothesis
1. There is no significant difference between gender and
the choice of investment avenues.
2. There is a significant difference between gender and
the choice of investment avenues.
3. There is no significant difference between gender and
risk tolerance level.
4. There is a significant difference between gender and
risk tolerance level.
4. Research Methodology
For the said study the primary data was collected using a
survey questionnaire. For the purpose of data collection, the
questionnaire was distributed among stock market investors
of Kolkata. The questionnaire asked a number of statements
about the concerned demographic. The questionnaire was
distributed in both offline and online modes to stock
market investors who made investments. A number of
survey questions were incorporated to assess the pertinent
elements. The internal consistency of the data indicates that
the total Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is.908. Conversely,
the item-wised Cronbach’s alpha values, which are also at
an appropriate level, show that all the variables in question
display internal consistency. After gathering all relevant
data, the following stage is to analyse the information to
identify a solution and address the research questions.
4.1. Data collection
The primary data was collected from September 2023 to
December 2023. A total of 200 respondents returned the
questionnaire, for an overall response rate of 80%. The
questionnaire was distributed to 250 respondents with the
intention of reviewing the results.
Sengupta and Mitra / Journal of Management Research and Analysis 2024;11(2):118–122 121
Table 1: Respondents categorised by demographic variables
Gender Age Marital Status Educational Level
Male Female 18-33 34-49 50-65 Above
Married Single Widow Diploma Under
108 92 82 64 38 16 79 110 11 55 70 61 14
Table 2: Descriptive statistics
Group Statistics Gender N Mean Standard
Standard Mean
Males 108 3.0918 0.56317 .07187
Females 92 2.38576 0.96133 .12968
Financial Risk
Males 108 3.1708 1.11519 .16274
Females 92 2.3457 1.15097 .17368
Table 3: Independent sample t Test
Independent Samples
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variance t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
24.745 .000 4.857 198 .000 .74536 .15075 .45767 1.03292
variances not
4.856 79 .857 .000 .74536 . 15760 .42232 1.07608
of Risk
.018 .900 3.260 198 .002 .73147 .22054 .28724 1.17026
variances not
3.210 85 .259 .002 .73147 .22103 .25463 1.27189
4.2. Analysis of data and research findings
Using SPSS 23.0; the primary phases of the analysis were
carried out, including data screening and parametric tests
such as t-tests. Table 1 shows the demographic distribution
of the collected samples.
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics for gender
differences in investment pattern the results shows a
difference in mean and standard deviation for investment
avenues between male (M= 3.09, SD = 0.56) and females
(M = 2.38, SD = 0.96) and financial risk tolerance level
between males (M = 3.17, SD = 1.11) and females (M =
2.34, SD = 1.15).
From the results of the independent sample t-test which
was conducted to compare the investment decision making
scores for males and females displayed in Table 3 we reject
the null hypothesis as it is clear that there is a significant
difference in selection of investment avenues between male
and female investors. The results also indicate the difference
in the level of risk tolerance between the male and female
investor of the city of Kolkata so, the null hypothesis
is rejected that there is no significant difference between
gender and risk tolerance level. For both of our above
mentioned hypothesis the null is rejected.
5. Conclusion
The study reveals that male and female stock market
investors in Kolkata make different financial decisions.
According to the study, there lie the sharp indifferences
between the risk taking capacities of both the genders.
While men seek higher returns and are willing to take on
risk in order to reach their financial objectives, women
speculates more when it comes to investing options and
prefer risk-free alternatives. The study’s findings support
previous studies which all pointed out that while taking
financial decisions, women are more risk-averse than men.
6. Recommendations
The present study mainly focuses on things classified
by gender; researchers who intend to carry out further
research are urged to choose objects based on other
demographic criteria such as income, age, and occupation
as the major emphasis of the object. As several research
studies have pointed out that female investors seek for a
122 Sengupta and Mitra / Journal of Management Research and Analysis 2024;11(2):118–122
different kind of interaction with financial professionals
than do male investors, the investment industry has recently
acknowledged the validity of targeting female investors as a
distinct market niche.
7. Source of Funding
8. Conflict of Interest
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Author biography
Sanhati Sengupta, Ph.D. Scholar
Sarbani Mitra, Professor and Head
Cite this article: Sengupta S, Mitra S. Are women more risk-Averse
than men regarding investment decision?. J Manag Res Anal
... Individuals with greater financial literacy are inclined to make investments. Women prioritize stability and security over risk-taking and trade less frequently than males (Bradley et al., 2021;Yarasheva & Alikperova, 2020;Sengupta & Mitra, 2024). Males are more prone to focus on building wealth and taking chances (Yarasheva & Alikperova, 2020). ...
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Finance is an essential aspect of existence. Handling it is reflected in one's financial behavior. Poor financial decisions have consequences, therefore it's critical for people of both genders, men and women, to be financially informed in making financial decisions. A synthesis of the differences in financial behavior between men and women is the aim of this systematic literature review. Twenty-seven papers (27) published papers between 2014 and 2024 were extracted from the database using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA) framework. The findings showed that, in comparison to women, men are more financially knowledgeable; they have a greater risk appetite than women, which allows then to take advantage of financial products and services. Contrarily, females with their risk aversion attitude, leaves them financially susceptible because it prevents them from taking advantage of financial products and services like optimizing the potential for money growth. In terms of spending, women are more conservative, and are price sensitive than men. The findings also indicates that women are more vulnerable to financial misconduct; yet, financial literacy will mitigate this risk. Therefore, programs for gender-sensitive financial education should be taken into consideration to close the gap in financial literacy and give women more power in making financial decisions. With this, it would promote financial inclusion and aid in the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5 and 10 or Gender Equality and Reduce inequalities respectively. Future studies may focus on how financial technology affects gendered financial behavior to promote more equal economic outcomes.
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Are men more willing to take financial risks than women? The answer to this question has immediate relevance for many economic issues. We assemble the data from 15 sets of experiments with one simple underlying investment game. Most of these experiments were not designed to investigate gender differences and were conducted by different researchers in different countries, with different instructions, durations, payments, subject pools, etc. The fact that all data come from the same basic investment game allows us to test the robustness of the findings. We find a very consistent result that women invest less, and thus appear to be more financially risk averse than men.
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Women are generally considered more risk averse than men. Controlling for age, income, and education, this study examined the impact of gender on the superannuation (retirement) fund risk preferences of staff in the Australian university sector. The findings suggest that women choose more conservative investment strategies than men and that lower income (which affects the amount members contribute to their superannuation funds) is the primary contributor to the lower projected retirement benefits of women. Providing members with a choice among risk levels in their retirement investments should significantly benefit male and female retirees.
Behavioral factors play a significant role in influencing investment decisions, and it is no different for women who have experienced significant changes in their roles and economic standing in recent years. As women have become increasingly independent and involved in various facets of society, they have also started actively investing their surplus funds. However, several factors impact their investment decisions, including their risk tolerance, influence from family and friends, and availability of investment options. The results of the study revealed that several factors significantly impact investment decisions among Indian working women. Attachment to the investment, the source of information, risk tolerance, quality of life, and independent decision-making were identified as the most crucial factors. The study found that women who felt a strong emotional attachment to their investments were more likely to invest, whereas those who relied only on their family and friends for investment advice were less likely to invest. Risk tolerance also emerged as a crucial factor, with women who were willing to take risks being more likely to invest. The study also revealed that women who had a better quality of life were more likely to invest, indicating that financial stability and security are crucial for investment decisions. Additionally, women who made independent decisions about investments were more likely to invest, as they felt more in control of their finances.
This chapter reviews the results from experimental measures of risk aversion for evidence of systematic differences in the behavior of men and women. In most studies, women are found to be more averse to risk than men. Studies with contextual frames show less consistent results. Whether men and women systematically differ in their responses to risk is an important economic question. If women are more sensitive to risk than men, this will be reflected in all aspects of their decision making, including choice of profession (and so earnings), investment decisions, and what products to buy. Several recent studies investigate this difference directly. Most experiments that investigate preferences over risky choices deal with the question of whether people make choices that are consistent with expected utility maximization.
This paper shows that gender di®erences exist in a professional setting where man-agers have a similar educational background and work experience. Using data from the U.S. mutual fund industry we find that female managers are more risk averse, follow less extreme and more consistent investment styles and trade less than male managers. Although female and male managers do not differ in average performance, female man-agers receive significantly lower inflows. This suggests that they might be stereotyped as less skilled. Furthermore, they mainly work in companies that are large, well established and that are located in less conservative states of the U.S. --
This paper explores differences in the nature of decisions taken by males and females. Women are playing an increasingly important role in business management and managers are ultimately tested and evaluated in terms of their success in making decisions. Consequently any difference in the character and quality of decisions taken by male and female managers will have important implications for organizations. This paper reviews the literature, and reports two pieces of empirical work which investigate the connections between gender and decision making. The decision-making characteristics of males and females in a ‘non-managerial’ population in which the majority of individuals have not undergone formal management education are contrasted with a ‘managerial’ population of potential and actual managers who have undertaken such education. It is argued that women are often excluded from managerial positions of authority and leadership due to stereotypes, which have been constructed by observing ‘non-managerial’ populations at large. The paper concludes, however, that these stereotypes may not apply to managers as in the ‘managerial’ sub-population males and females display similar risk propensity and make decisions of equal quality.
This paper reviews the literature on gender differences in economic experiments. In the three main sections, we identify robust differences in risk preferences, social (other-regarding) preferences, and competitive preferences. We also speculate on the source of these differences, as well as on their implications. Our hope is that this article will serve as a resource for those seeking to understand gender differences and to use as a starting point to illuminate the debate on gender-specific outcomes in the labor and goods markets.