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Educational Administration: Theory and Practice
2024, 30(5), 10088-10091
ISSN: 2148-2403
https://kuey.net/ Research Article
Role Of Hotel Industry In Tourism Development
S. S. Deepthi1*, Dr. Sayeeda Jabeen Shariff2
1*Ph. D Research Scholar, Department Of Commerce, Vistas, Pallavaram, Chennai
2Assistant Professor& Research Supervisor, Department Of Commerce, Vistas, Pallavaram, Chennai
Citation: S. S. Deepthi, et. al (2024), Role Of Hotel Industry In Tourism Development, Educational Administration: Theory And
Practice, 30(5), 10088-10091, Doi 10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4347
Tourism sector has a very definite and the global industry, such as the tourism
and travel industry, is the main contributor to the service industry in worldwide.
But last few years onwards there is very unconditional situation which effect on
our GDP. The main purpose of this study is to Find the people perception
towards the influencing factors in Hotel Industry for tourism and to analyse the
impact of Hotel Industry for tourism development. Tourist people are admired
by the Hotel Industry services such as Equipped bedrooms, Cleanliness, Bars &
lounges, High class decorations, sports & Exercise facilities, Excellent Cuisine,
Luxurious premises. Above all the Tourist people are most preferred by Excellent
Cuisine and Cleanliness.This leads to the great impact on Tourism development
and they prefer the same places to visit again for the above reasons.
Keywords: Tourism, Hotel Industry, Cuisine
Tourism is one of the world’s major industries, and people have been travelling for pleasure since the dawn of
time. It has become one of the fastest expanding sectors of the global economy in recent years. Tourism arose
as a result of modernisation and contributed significantly to shaping the experience of modernity.
Tourism industry in India is growing and it has vast potential for generating employment and earning large
amount of foreign exchange besides giving an impetus to the country’s overall economic and social
development. It has become the fastest growing service industry in the country with great potentials for its
further diversification. It is generally presumed that developing countries such as India are going through a
delayed transition in migration patterns, where urbanization has contributed to falling income levels and
fewer job opportunities in rural areas, thus contributing to ongoing rural to urban migration. Therefore it is
essential for the Indian government to identify and strengthen local resources (cultural heritage, local
traditions, art and crafts) and empower communities in rural areas through management of endogenous
tourism with a view to influencing the patterns of migration.
The country's medical and health care community is another beneficiary of tourism. People from all over the
world have discovered they can get the same quality of medical services in India at a lower cost than in other
countries. . The tourism sector is an important social phenomenon in almost every society due to the basic
human tendency to have new and memorable experiences concerning adventurous activities, learning, and
amusement. Besides, there are several factors which motivate tourism such as socio-cultural, religious, and
business activities. The basic human urge to know about unreached parts of the globe is an important factor
which fosters tourism.
Tourism sector has a very definite and the global industry, such as the tourism and travel industry, is the
main contributor to the service industry in worldwide. But last few years onwards there is very unconditional
situation which effect on our GDP. The relationship and the factorial phenomena that regulates of the Indian
tourism industry and the economics growth has decline which rationally impact on the national income and
the development of the Indian country. Last three years Indian tourism drastically decline due to COVID-19
which affects on the employment and increase huge unemployment about 65 % of people had lost their job
from the tourism sector
Indian hotel industry has witnessed tremendous boom in recent years. It is inextricably linked to the tourism
industry and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fuelled the growth of Indian hotel industry. The
thriving economy and increased business opportunities in India have acted as a boon for Indian hotel
industry. The arrival of low cost airlines and the associated price wars have given domestic tourists a host of
10089 S. S. Deepthi, et. al / Kuey, 30(5), 4347
options. The 'Incredible India' destination campaign and the recently launched 'AtithiDevoBhavah' (ADB)
campaign have also helped in the growth of domestic and international tourism and thus the hotel industry.
Khatik (2012) Role of Tourism Industry In Economic Development of India . IJMBA, 2012; Vol 2 (3): July
2012 (044 – 051) This paper attempts to evaluate role of tourism as one of the service industry in India and
its impact on the overall economic development of the country. The main objectives of this paper is to study
the role of Tourism in development of multiple-use infrastructure that benefits the host community,
including various means of transports, health care facilities, and sports centers, in addition to the hotels and
high-end restaurants that cater to foreign visitors. The development of infrastructure has in turn induced the
development of other directly productive activities. However, there are pros and cons involved with the
development of tourism industry in the country. This paper makes an attempt to provide an in-depth analysis
about the significant development as well as the negative and positive impacts of tourism industry in India.
Juan Gabriel Brida (2014) Residents’ Perceptions Of Tourism Impacts And Attitudes Towards Tourism
Policies. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism Volume 9, Number 1, Spring
2014, pp. 37-71. This study presents the results of a quantitative survey among residing families of a small
mountain community located in the North-East of Italy. The findings reveal that residents perceptions on
economic, environmental and sociocultural impacts affect their support to local tourism policies. Residents
who perceive positively tourism impacts are more willing to support future tourism development policies.
The analysis has also demonstrated that native-born residents generally perceive negatively tourism impacts
and are less willing to support any increase in the overall number of tourists, supporting the well know social
exchange theory. Some implications for the tourism planning and management of the destination are also
discussed. Keywords: residents’ perceptions, tourism development.
Larry (2015) Tourism recreation research. It is the leading industry in many countries, as well as a substantial
source of job creation worldwide. In recent years, three tools of analysis have become available to inform
tourism policy-making by destination managers and planners: the Tourism and Travel Competitiveness
Index, Tourism Satellite Accounts, and Computable General Equilibrium models. These tools perform
different functions which together provide insights into the competitive strengths and weaknesses of a
destination, the economic contribution of tourism to the economy, and the economy-wide impacts of changes
in tourism demand. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that destinations most in need of the benefits that
such tools can provide have employed them in policy formulation. At the same time, tourism researchers have
not always appreciated the different uses to which such tools can be put.
Kavitha M (2019) A Study on Service Quality Dimensions on Green Marketing. International Journal of
Management, IT and Engineering. Volume 09 Issue 3(2) March 2019. To find the influence of service quality
dimensions on green marketing. The result shows that there is positive relationship between service quality
dimensions and green marketing
Chathuni (2022) Tourism and economic growth: A global study on Granger causality and wavelet coherence.
National library of medicine.This paper empirically investigates the relationship between tourism and
economic growth by using a panel data co integration test, Granger causality test and Wavelet coherence
analysis at the global level. The findings indicates that in most regions, tourism contributes signifi cantly to
economic growth and vice versa. Developing trade across most of the regions appears to be a major influencer
in the study, as a bidirectional association exists between trade openness and economic growth. Additionally,
all regions other than the American region showed a one-way association between gross capital formation
and economic growth.
Sanjiv Sarkar(2022) Impact Of Tourism On Economic Development In India. JETIR August 2022, Volume 9,
Issue 8.Tourism is travel for pleasure; also the theory and practice of touring, the business of attracting,
accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and the business of operating toursTourism not as it were
including to the country’s GDP, but too creates a part of business and makes a difference seeing the citizens
living mirthfully. Subsequently, tourism division can be instrumental for the economic advancement of
national riches. In this paper we discuss about tourism industry as well as tourism impact of economy in
India because tourism contribution in GDP 9.2% (2022) and it help to developing country and tourism has
both positive and negative distant coming to effect on financial, social, political and environment confront of
Intend of the study
1. To Find the people perception towards the influencing factors in Hotel Industry for tourism
2. To analyse the impact of Hotel Industry for tourism development
Hypotheses of the study
1. There is no adequate influencing factors in Hotel Industry for tourism
2. There is no adequate impact of Hotel Industry for tourism development
10090 7434Kuey, 30(5),
et. al ,S. S. Deepthi
Influencing factors in hotel industry for tourism
It is the focal point in those countries where tourism is the major export industry.The hospitality is the main
sources foreign exchange earnings and also become the largest providers of employment opportunities. The
Indian hotel industry has been actively contributing to the nation's economic growth. This trend is expected
to grow gradually and in turn boost or add meaning to the tourism of any place. Hotels and its Industry are
clearly helping the domestic economy towards improving the domestic travel volume.
The factor analysis like principle component methods is applied are seven variables of hotel Industry services
and the following research are obtained. The researcher appropriately applied Factor Analysis by principal
component method to find the variables into predominant factor. The application of Factor Analysis brought
the following results:
Table - 1 KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
Approx. Chi-Square
Source-computed data
From the above table is formed by the KMO measure the sampling adequacy is 0. 884. Bartlett’s test of
sphericity with approximate chi-square value =2597.426are statistically significant at 5%. This leads to
verification of interrelationship among the variables in the following communalities scale.
Table - 2 Communalities
Equipped bedrooms
Bars & lounges
High class decorations
Sports & Exercise facilities
Excellent cuisine
Luxurious premises
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Source-computed data
From the above table it is formed that the seven variables possess the variance ranging above 0.75. The
following total variance table indicates the total variance executed by these variables
Table - 3 Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
% of Variance
Cumulative %
% of Variance
Cumulative %
Bars &
High class
Sports &
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Source-computed data
From the above table it is formed that the seven variables with cumulative variance 67.080%, which is
statistically significant and gives the existence of 7 meaningful factors. The factors are enumerated as follows.
10091 S. S. Deepthi, et. al / Kuey, 30(5), 4347
Table - 4 Component Matrixa
Equipped bedrooms
Bars & lounges
High class decorations
Sports & Exercise facilities
Excellent cuisine
Luxurious premises
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.
Source-computed data
The above table shows that Tourist people are admired by the above Hotel Industry services such as
Equipped bedrooms, Cleanliness, Bars & lounges, High class decorations, sports & Exercise facilities,
Excellent Cuisine, Luxurious premises. Above all the Tourist people are most preferred by Excellent Cuisine
and Cleanliness.
This leads to the great impact on Tourism development and they prefer the same places to visit again for the
above reasons.
The World Travel & Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated 8.31 lakh crores (US$120 billion) or
6.3% of the nation's GDP in 2015 and supported 37.315 million jobs, 8.7% of its total employment. The sector
is predicted to grow at an average annual rate of 7.5% to 13% or 18.36 lakh crores (US$270 billion) by 2025
(7.2% of GDP). Hotel Industry is one of the main of the main factor to the development of Tourism. Tourist
people are admired by the Hotel Industry services such as Equipped bedrooms, Cleanliness, Bars & lounges,
High class decorations, sports & Exercise facilities, Excellent Cuisine, Luxurious premises. Above all the
Tourist people are most preferred by Excellent Cuisine and Cleanliness.This leads to the great impact on
Tourism development and they prefer the same places to visit again for the above reasons.
1. Khatik (2012) Role of Tourism Industry In Economic Development of India . IJMBA, 2012; Vol 2 (3): July
2012 (044 – 051)
2. Juan Gabriel Brida (2014) Residents’ Perceptions Of Tourism Impacts And Attitudes Towards Tourism
Policies. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism Volume 9, Number 1, Spring
2014, pp. 37-71.
3. Larry (2015) Tourism recreation research. It is the leading industry in many countries, as well as a
substantial source of job creation worldwide.
4. Kavitha M (2019) A Study on Service Quality Dimensions on Green Marketing. International Journal of
Management, IT and Engineering. Volume 09 Issue 3(2) March 2019.
5. Chathuni (2022) Tourism and economic growth: A global study on Granger causality and wavelet coherence.
National library of medicine.
6. Sanjiv Sarkar(2022) Impact Of Tourism On Economic Development In India. JETIR August 2022,
Volume 9, Issue 8.