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In this paper, we study transitivity of partially hyperbolic endomorphisms of the two torus whose action in the first homology group has two integer eigenvalues of moduli greater than one. We prove that if the Jacobian is everywhere greater than the modulus of the largest eigenvalue, then the map is robustly transitive. For this, we introduce Blichfedt’s theorem as a tool for extracting dynamical information from the action of a map in homology. We also treat the case of specially partially hyperbolic endomorphisms, for which we obtain a complete dichotomy: either the map is transitive and conjugated to its linear part, or its unstable foliation must contain an annulus which may either be wandering or periodic.

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... Notice that the work of Martin Andersson and Wagner Ranter [AR24] shows that, if we assume further than the assumptions of Problem 1 that det Df (x) > σ u , for every x ∈ T 2 , then f is locally eventually onto (for all U ⊆ M non-empty open set there is N ∈ N such that f N (U ) = M ), and in particular strongly transitive. Even under this stronger assumption, we do not know the answer to Problem 1. ...
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We prove that, for a C2C^2 partially hyperbolic endomorphism of the 2-torus which is strongly transitive, given an ergodic u-Gibbs measure that has positive center Lyapunov exponent and has full support, then either the map is special (has only one unstable direction per point), or the measure is the unique absolutely continuous invariant measure. We can apply this result in many settings, in particular obtaining uniqueness of u-Gibbs measures for every non-special perturbation of irreducible linear expanding maps of the torus with simple spectrum. This gives new open sets of partially hyperbolic systems displaying a unique u-Gibbs measure.
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We provide sufficient conditions for smooth conjugacy between two Anosov endomorphisms on the two-torus. From that, we also explore how the regularity of the stable and unstable foliations implies smooth conjugacy inside a class of endomorphisms including, for instance, the ones with constant Jacobian. As a consequence, we have in this class a characterisation of smooth conjugacy between special Anosov endomorphisms (defined as those having only one unstable direction for each point) and their linearisations.
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We show that in the absence of periodic centre annuli, a partially hyperbolic surface endomorphism is dynamically coherent and leaf conjugate to its linearisation. We proceed to characterise the dynamics in the presence of periodic centre annuli. This completes a classification of partially hyperbolic surface endomorphisms.
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We explicitly construct a dynamically incoherent partially hyperbolic endomorphisms of T2T2{{\,\mathrm{\mathbb {T}}\,}}^2 in the homotopy class of any linear expanding map with integer eigenvalues. These examples exhibit branching of centre curves along countably many circles, and thus exhibit a form of coherence that has not been observed for invertible systems.
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In this paper, we prove that every specially absolutely partially hyperbolic endomorphism f on is dynamically coherent. The key point is that we rule out Reeb components in the unstable foliation of f . Moreover, we exhibit a specially partially hyperbolic endomorphism on , which preserves a Reeb foliation as unstable foliation and is not dynamically coherent.
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We show that a non-wandering endomorphism of the torus with invertible linear part without invariant directions and for which the critical points are in some sense generic is transitive. This improves a result of Andersson by allowing critical points and improving the volume preserving assumption.
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It is shown that if a non-invertible area preserving local homeomorphism on T2\mathbb{T}^2 is homotopic to a linear expanding or hyperbolic endomorphism, then it must be transitive. This gives a complete characterization, in any smoothness category, of those homotopy classes of conservative endomorphisms that consist entirely of transitive maps.
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This thesis attempts to contribute to the study of differentiable dynamics both from a semi-local and global point of view. The center of study is differentiable dynamics in manifolds of dimension 3 where we are interested in the understanding of the existence and structure of attractors as well as dynamical and topological implications of the existence of a global partially hyperbolic splitting. The main contributions are new examples of dynamics without attractors where we get a quite complete description of the dynamics around some wild homoclinic classes and two results on dynamical coherence of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of \TT^3.
Let f f be a C 2 C^2 partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of T 3 \mathbb {T}^3 (not necessarily volume preserving or transitive) isotopic to a linear Anosov diffeomorphism A A with eigenvalues λ s > 1 > λ c > λ u . \begin{equation*} \lambda _{s}>1>\lambda _{c}>\lambda _{u}. \end{equation*} Under the assumption that the set { x : ∣ log ⁡ det ( T f ∣ E c u ( x ) ) ∣ ≤ log ⁡ λ u } \begin{equation*} \{x: \,\mid \log \det (Tf\mid _{E^{cu}(x)})\mid \leq \log \lambda _{u} \} \end{equation*} has zero volume inside any unstable leaf of f f where E c u = E c ⊕ E u E^{cu} = E^c\oplus E^u is the center unstable bundle, we prove that the stable foliation of f f is C 1 C^1 robustly minimal, i.e., the stable foliation of any diffeomorphism C 1 C^1 sufficiently close to f f is minimal. In particular, f f is robustly transitive. We build, with this criterion, a new example of a C 1 C^1 open set of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, for which the strong stable foliation and the strong unstable foliation are both minimal.
We show that, for every compact n-dimensional manifold, n ≥ 1, there is a residual subset of Diff1 (M) of diffeomorphisms for which the homoclinic class of any periodic saddle of f verifies one of the following two possibilities: Either it is contained in the closure of an infinite set of sinks or sources (Newhouse phenomenon), or it presents some weak form of hyperbolicity called dominated splitting (this is a generalization of a bidimensional result of Mañé [Ma3]). In particular, we show that any C1-robustly transitive diffeomorphism admits a dominated splitting.
About transitivity of surface endomorphisms admitting critical points
  • W Ranter
W. Ranter. About transitivity of surface endomorphisms admitting critical points. PhD Thesis, Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, 2017.
Introduction to the Geometry of Foliations
  • G Hector
  • U Hirsch
G. Hector and U. Hirsch. Introduction to the Geometry of Foliations, Part A: Foliations on Compact Surfaces, Fundamentals for Arbitrary Codimension, and Holonomy (Aspects of Mathematics, 1), 2nd edn. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1986.