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The red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) is the dominant predator of lizard models in a semi‐arid landscape, and predation risk is reduced by vegetation cover

  • Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions


Vegetation structure affects predation risk in ecosystems around the world. Spinifex ( Triodia spp.) is a foundation species in fire‐prone grasslands and woodlands that cover more than a third of Australia's land surface. Spinifex habitats are known for their high reptile diversity, and it has long been hypothesized that the spiky structure of spinifex dissuades predators, thereby providing a haven for prey. We investigated predation risk to small lizards in semi‐arid Australia by identifying teeth marks on replica model plasticine lizards, in combination with remote camera surveillance, to quantify and verify predation risk across several microhabitats, including spinifex. The introduced red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) was identified as the main predator of lizard models, constituting 43.9% of all predation attempts. Lizard models placed at the base of spinifex plants ( Triodia scariosa ) were significantly less likely to be attacked than all other microhabitat types (bare ground, leaf litter, burrows), confirming the hypothesis that spinifex reduces predation risk. Our results support recent work that has highlighted foxes as a significant predator of Australian reptiles. Given that fire is a driver of spinifex cover in arid ecosystems, our findings have implications for interactions between fire and invasive predators in Australian ecosystems.
Austral Ecology. 2024;49 :e13530.
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Vegetation structures play a critical role in mediating predation risk in
ecosystems worldwide (Janssen et al., 2007). Spinifex grass (Triodia
sp.), characterized by its tough, spiky texture, dominates more than a
third of Australia's immense arid and semi- arid interior. Spinifex is an
essential habitat for various small vertebrates due to its comparatively
cooler microclimate, rich invertebrate composition, and spiky structure
that provides protection from predators (Bell etal.,2021; Pianka,1989).
However, spinifex is highly flammable, rendering the associated vegeta-
tion communities susceptible to fire. As such, the abundance and cover
of spinifex in a given location often reflects the area's fire history (Haslem
etal., 2 0 11), which in turn influences animal species whose abundance
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the dominant predator of
lizard models in a semi- arid landscape, and predation risk
is reduced by vegetation cover
ShannonBraun1,2 | Euan G.Ritchie1 | Tim S.Doherty3 | Dale G.Nimmo4
Received: 6 July 2023
Revised: 25 A pril 2024
Accepted: 28 April 2024
DO I: 1 0.1111 /a ec.13 5 30
This is an open acces s artic le under th e terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2024 The Authors. Austral Ecology published by John Wiley & S ons Austra lia, Ltd on be half of Ecol ogical S ociety of Australi a.
1School of Li fe and Environmental
Scienc es, Deakin University, Burwood,
Victoria, Australia
2Department of Ecology Evolution and
Environme nt, La Trobe Univer sity,
Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
3School of Life and Environmental
Scienc es, The University of Sydney,
Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia
4Gulbali Institute, Charles Sturt University,
Albury, NSW, Australia
Dale G. Nimmo, Gulbali Institute, Charles
Sturt University, Thurgoona, NSW 2640,
Present address
Tim S. Doherty, Biodiversity and
Conservation Science, Department
of Biodiversity, Conservation and
Attractions, Woodvale, WA, Australia
Funding information
Department of Energy, Environment and
Climate Action
Vegetation structure affects predation risk in ecosystems around the world.
Spinifex (Triodia spp.) is a foundation species in fire- prone grasslands and wood-
lands that cover more than a third of Australia's land surface. Spinifex habitats
are known for their high reptile diversity, and it has long been hypothesized that
the spiky structure of spinifex dissuades predators, thereby providing a haven
for prey. We investigated predation risk to small lizards in semi- arid Australia
by identifying teeth marks on replica model plasticine lizards, in combination
with remote camera surveillance, to quantify and verify predation risk across
several microhabitats, including spinifex. The introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
was identified as the main predator of lizard models, constituting 43.9% of all
predation attempts. Lizard models placed at the base of spinifex plants (Triodia
scariosa) were significantly less likely to be attacked than all other microhabitat
types (bare ground, leaf litter, burrows), confirming the hypothesis that spinifex
reduces predation risk. Our results support recent work that has highlighted
foxes as a significant predator of Australian reptiles. Given that fire is a driver of
spinifex cover in arid ecosystems, our findings have implications for interactions
between fire and invasive predators in Australian ecosystems.
hunting, mammalian predators, microhabitat, squamate, vegetation cover, wildfire
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BRAUN etal.
varies in response to changes in spinifex structure, such as cover or
height (Verdon etal.,2020).
Invasive predators are a major driver of global biodiversity loss
(Doherty et al., 2016). Often, native species are naïve to the risks
posed by invasive predators, leading to increased mortality rates (Sih
et al., 2010). As a result, invasive predators tend to exert a stronger
suppressive effect on native prey compared with native predators (Salo
etal.,2007). Recent studies have emphasized the predatory pressure
exerted by invasive predators on Australian reptiles. For instance, red
foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cats (Felis catus) are known to prey on
263 and 108 reptile species, respectively, including 15 and 20 threat-
ened species (Stobo- Wilson etal.,2021). However, beyond theirdietary
habits, little is known about the fine- scale behaviours of foxes and cats
when hunting reptiles, including what triggers their detection of prey and
decisions on whether or not to launch an attack.
We conducted a field experiment using model plasticine lizards to
assess which predators most frequently attack lizards, and to test the
influence of spinifex on attack rates. Plasticine models provide a sur-
rogate measure of predation pressure on stationary prey in instances
where studying real animals is not feasible or ethically permissible.
Their use allows for an approximation of predation risk, but does not in-
corporate some important elements of real predator–prey encounters;
namely, prey in real encounters have the option to flee an approach-
ing predator. Nonetheless, plasticine models have been successfully
used to study lizard predation in a variety of contexts, including driv-
ers of niche divergence (Daly et al.,2008), the influence of colour on
predation risk (Stuart- Fox etal.,2003), and the impact of vegetation
structure on predation rates (Bradley et al., 2022; Sato etal., 2014).
We were particularly interested in predation pressure exerted by the
red fox (Vulpes vulpes), after a previous study revealed it to be the
most widespread invasive predator within the study region (Payne
etal.,2014). We conducted this study in the semi- arid mallee region of
Victoria, Australia, which is home to many reptile species closely asso-
ciated with spinifex grass (Bell etal.,2021; Cogger,1989). We hypoth-
esized that red foxes would be frequent predators of the model lizards.
Additionally, we predicted that the model lizards situated in areas with
simpler vegetation structures would be more susceptible to predation
compared with those positioned within densely vegetated areas, like
those containing spinifex grass.
Study area
We conducted this study in Murray- Sunset National Park in the semi- arid
northwest region of Victoria, Australia (coordinates: 34.81° S, 141.64°
E). The research focused on the predominant vegetation type in the
park, known as ‘triodia mallee’. This vegetation is characterized by a
canopy of multi- stemmed Eucalyptus dumosa and E. socialis, under-
lain by spinifex grass (Triodia scariosa) and interspersed with shrubs
(Haslem et al., 2010). The area is vulnerable to wildfires, which typi-
cally result in the consumption of most vegetation biomass at a site,
including the vast majority of spinifex. As the time elapsed since the last
fire increases, vegetation, including spinifex, progressively regenerates
(Haslem etal.,2011).
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Study design
Replica lizard models
We hand- crafted 280 plasticine lizards (Rainbow modelling clay, S & S
Wholesale Pty Ltd, Thornleigh, New South Wales, Australia; see Daly
etal.,2008). Each model had an approximate 80 mm snout- vent length, a
tail of equal length, and weighed around 90 g. They were painted to match
the mallee dragon's (Ctenophorus fordi) colour—an agamid lizard (i.e.,
Family Agamidae) that is locally abundant and influenced by fire and veg-
etation structure (Nimmo et al.,2 012)— using colour- matching scanners
(Bunnings Warehouse Pty Ltd, Thomastown, Victoria, Australia) from a
photograph of a mallee dragon. To simulate movement and attract preda-
tors, we attached each model to a platform connected to a spring, allowing
them to sway in the wind.
Experimental design
The lizard replicas were spread across 40 sites that were 20 × 20 m in
size and separated by at least 300 m. Within each plot, seven plasticine
lizard models were arranged (280 models total). In each of the 40 sites,
six lizard models were placed in the three dominant microhabitats: (1) bare
ground, (2) leaf litter, and (3) spinifex, with allocation to each microhabitat
being relative to proportional coverage, which was visually estimated by SB
using a Braun- Blanquet cover scale. Additionally, a seventh lizard model
was situated within a small hole in the sandy substrate, simulating a lizard
emerging from its burrow. Models set in spinifex were positioned so that
they were partially emerging from the base of the spinifex clump, which imi-
tates the behaviour of spinifex specialist lizards that use this anti- predator
tactic during the initial stages of basking (Cogger,19 74). At each site, a
motion- sensing camera (ScoutGuard 550) was installed 1 m in front of one
of the lizard models placed on bare ground at a height of 50 cm to monitor
for any predation events.
Monitoring predation events
Models were deployed for 47 days in summer (December 2012 to January
2013) when reptile activity in the region is at its highest. Following retrieval,
models were inspected for bite marks to identify instances of predation
and the likely predator involved (e.g., fox, varanid lizard, other lizards, bird,
cat, or unknown). This approach has been successfully employed in previ-
ous studies to both recognize predators and to measure predation rates
(Bateman etal.,2017; Daly etal.,2008). To ensure the accuracy of preda-
tor identification based on bite marks, the data were corroborated using
known predation events captured by the remote cameras. The relatively
long period between deployment and retrieval means that predators may
have learned that lizard models were not real prey during the deployment
period, but we are unable to verify this with our data.
Statistical analysis
We employed generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) with a bino-
mial error distribution using the lme4 package in R (Bates et al.,2015).
We included ‘site’ as a random effect because the models were spatially
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BRAUN etal.
clustered within sites. The response variable in our analysis was a binary
variable with 0 indicating no predation on a model and 1 indicating any
predation. Total predation was chosen over predation by specific predators
due to the relatively low sample size of predation events for each group.
To evaluate whether the cameras' presence influenced the likelihood of
predation, we first constructed a GLMM to compare the lizard models that
were positioned in front of cameras with those situated in the same micro-
habitat (i.e., bare ground) but not in front of cameras. Next, we modelled
the probability of predation in relation to the type of microhabitat, which
was treated as a single predictor variable with four categories. ‘Spinifex’
was designated as the reference category, and it was compared against
‘bare ground’, ‘leaf litter’, and ‘burrow’. GLMMs were used to calculate odds
ratios which measure the odds that a predation event will occur under one
treatment in relation to the reference category.
During the 47- day sampling period, attacks were recorded on 57 of the
280 lizard models (20.4% of all models). Foxes were the primary preda-
tors, accounting for the largest number of predation attempts (25 instances,
or 43.9% of the attacks) (Figure1). They were followed by birds (12 in-
stances; 21.1%), other reptiles (10 instances; 17.5%), unidentified predators
(9 instances; 15.7%), and lastly, a single predation event by a feral cat (1
instance; 1.8%). The footage from the motion- sensing cameras captured
foxes exhibiting strong behavioural responses indicative of predation at-
tempts. They were seen carefully approaching the models and then chew-
ing and pulling at them for several seconds, leaving behind characteristic
stretching on the devices and chew marks on the models (Figure2). In
most cases, the evidence for identifying the predators was clear, as distin-
guishable teeth marks were left on the models. Moreover, tracks and scat
found near the models often aided in predator identification. Out of the
25 instances involving foxes, cameras recorded 28%, with each recording
confirming the correct field identification of fox predation. The placement of
models in front of cameras did not have an impact on the overall predation
rates (GLMM coefficient = −0.50, S.E. = ±0.86).
The microhabitat where a lizard model was positioned significantly im-
pacted the likelihood of predation overall (Figure3, Table1). In terms of
total predation, models placed on bare ground, in leaf litter, and in burrows
were 3.58, 3.44, and 6.03 times respectively more likely to be preyed upon
compared with those placed in spinifex (Figure3, Table1). Microhabitat
accounted for ~10% of the variation in the data (Table1).
Our study has demonstrated that foxes are a dominant predator of liz-
ards in the study region, accounting for more than 40% of all recorded
attacks. It is increasingly evident that red foxes play a significant role as
predators of reptiles, particularly lizards, in Australian ecosystems. Stobo-
Wilson etal.(2022) estimated that foxes are responsible for the predation
of ~88 million reptiles annually across Australia, including 95 squamate
(i.e., lizards and snakes) species. Fleming etal.(2021) noted that reptiles
are frequently found in the scats and stomachs of foxes, especially in arid
and semi- arid regions. Our study corroborates this by demonstrating that
foxes were the dominant predator of lizards during the summer months in a
semi- arid region. More generally, our findings are consistent with previous
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studies of plasticine model reptiles that have found mammals to be domi-
nant predators (Duchesne etal.,2022; Purger etal.,2017 ).
Stobo- Wilson et al. (2022) observed that reptiles are more frequently
found in the diets of foxes in areas with sparse vegetation and higher tem-
peratures. This finding is complemented by other research underscor-
ing the role of vegetation structure in moderating reptile predation risk
(Duchesne etal.,2022; Hansen etal.,2019; Sato etal. 2014). Our research
FIGURE 1 The proportion of predator attacks made by foxes, birds, and reptiles out of 280 lizard models placed throughout mallee
habitats in south- eastern Australia. The total number of attacks by each predator type is provided in parenthesis.
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BRAUN etal.
contributes to this discussion, revealing that lizards placed near the base of
spinifex clumps are less likely to fall prey, indicating that denser vegetation
like spinifex serves as a refuge for small vertebrates. The protective role
of spinifex can be attributed to two primary factors: its physical protection
and its impact on prey detection by predators. Spinifex's dense and spiky
nature provides a physical barrier that would likely be uncomfortable for
predators to penetrate during hunting (Cogger,1974; Pianka,1989). This
deterrent may discourage predators from pursuing prey within spinifex
clumps. Additionally, our positioning of lizard models—designed to imi-
tate lizards partially covered by spinifex while basking at the base of the
clump—could obscure predators' visual detection from behind or above.
Therefore, the lower predation rates on lizard models under spinifex may
also be due to reduced prey visibility to predators. We believe that these
two factors, protection and reduced detection, jointly contribute to the ob-
served decrease in predation rates on our lizard models, and real lizards.
Spinifex is a crucial resource for numerous lizards throughout much of
arid and semi- arid Australia, and its cover and structure significantly influ-
ence the presence of spinifex specialist species (Nimmo etal.,2014; Verdon
etal.,2020). Besides offering refuge from predators, spinifex also provides
shelter from temperature extremes by moderating the microclimate (Bell
et al., 2021; Cogger, 19 74) and supports termite populations, which are
essential prey for many spinifex specialists (Morton & James,1988). Our
study suggests that protection from predation is likely to account for at least
part of the association between reptiles and spinifex (Pianka,1989).
The pace of spinifex recovery after a fire is closely tied to the rate at
which fauna dependent on spinifex can re- colonize burnt landscapes. In
our study system, spinifex is very rare in the years after fire, comprising
about 2% of ground cover immediately after fire, and taking ~30 years to
reach peak cover of ~20% (Haslem etal.,2011). Fire regimes that result in
large amounts of recently burnt vegetation are likely to heighten predation
risk for a variety of spinifex- dependent species by removing the protection
from predation that is afforded by spinifex. This predation pressure could be
FIGURE 2 Screen shots of predation at tempts on lizard models. Top row: red foxes (Vulpes vulpes); bottom row: red fox, white winged
chough (Corcorax melanorphamphos) and central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps).
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magnified if red foxes and cats are drawn into recently burnt areas, which
has recently been demonstrated in the Murray mallee (Senior etal.,2023).
Retaining patches of unburnt spinifex within the fire boundary could be
one way of maintaining reptile species diversity during prescribed burning.
In support of this, Senior etal.(2023) found three species of reptile and
reptile richness was higher in areas near large unburnt refuges following a
prescribed fire in the mallee.
Our study does have limitations. First, employing a more realistic model,
perhaps created from 3D prints of scanned lizards and equipped with life-
like movements, might yield more ecologically meaningful predation rates
FIGURE 3 Predictions from generalized linear mixed models of the probability of a model being attacked by any predator over the
47 days deployment period according to the microhabitat within which the lizard model was placed. Error bars represent 95% confidence
intervals. The number above each error bar represents the total count of models attacked, while the number below indicates the count of
models not attacked, within each microhabitat type.
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BRAUN etal.
compared with what was observed in the current study. Second, introduc-
ing novel objects into the environment, even if they are designed to re-
semble real animals, might prompt predators to investigate the objects for
reasons other than predation. Some studies have employed control models
constructed from the same materials as the animal replicas but without
mimicking the shape of an animal (e.g., Bell etal.,2021). Although rela-
tively few studies deploy such controls, this approach can be instrumental
in distinguishing genuine predation from other behaviours that might be
misconstrued as predation events (e.g., predators investigating or attempt-
ing to remove the unfamiliar object). It can also help differentiate the cues
that predators rely on to locate prey (i.e., visual versus olfactory) (Bateman
etal.,2017). It would be beneficial for future studies to compare predation
rates in other types of low vegetation, such as small shrubs that lack spiky
features, to better differentiate between the protection and detection fac-
tors mentioned earlier. Future research could also examine how varying
environmental conditions affect predation rates. Our study was conducted
after 2 years of very high rainfall (2010–2011) relative to the long- term av-
erage, which likely inflated predator populations through increased prey
abundance. In contrast, Bell etal. (2021) conducted a similar experiment
during a drought, but recorded almost no predator attacks on their lizard
Our study has confirmed that spinifex protects prey animals from pre-
dation by an invasive predator, the red fox. Fire management should seek
to maintain unburnt patches of spinifex during prescribed burning to create
predator refuges that facilitate the persistence and recovery of prey ani-
mals following fire.
Shannon Braun: Conceptualization (equal); formal analysis (equal); inves-
tigation (equal); methodology (equal). Euan G. Ritchie: Conceptualization
(lead); funding acquisition (equal); investigation (equal); methodology
(equal); project administration (equal); resources (equal); supervision
(equal); writing – review and editing (equal). Tim S. Doherty: Formal
analysis (equal); writing – review and editing (equal). Dale G. Nimmo:
Conceptualization (lead); formal analysis (lead); funding acquisition (equal);
methodology (equal); project administration (equal); resources (equal); su-
pervision (equal); visualization (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).
Thanks to Andrew Bennett and Mike Clarke for agreeing that this study was
worth doing, and facilitating its support. Thanks to Christopher Gordon for
his helpful insights into the joys of model plasticine lizard- making. Many
thanks to Mackenzie Kwak, Nathan Litjens, Ryan Davis, David De Angelis,
TAB LE 1 Generalized linear mixed model results depicting the odds of replica lizard
models being attacked in different microhabitats, with ‘Spinifex’ as the reference category.
Predictors Odds ratios CI p
Intercept (Spinifex) 0.08 0.03– 0.20 <0.001
Bare ground 3.58 1.3 0 9.85 0.013
Burrow 6.03 1.92–18.95 0.002
Leaf Litter 3.44 1.0 7–11.0 3 0.038
Observations 280
Marginal R2/conditional R20.096/0.137
Note: The table presents the odds ratios, confidence intervals (CI), and p- values for each predictor
(Bare ground, Burrow, Leaf Litter). Rand om effects, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), and R-
squared values (Marginal R2 and Conditional R2) are also displ ayed.
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Connie Warren, Megan Ouyang, and Bronwyn who were all valuable field
volunteers. Finally, thanks to Jessica Hodgson and Luke O'Loughlin for
helpful comments that improved this manuscript. Funding was supplied
by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action under the
Mallee Hawkeye project. Open access publishing facilitated by Charles
Sturt University, as part of the Wiley - Charles Sturt University agreement
via the Council of Australian University Librarians.
Data available on request from the authors.
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How to cite this article:
Braun, S., Ritchie, E.G.,
Doherty, T.S. & Nimmo, D.G.
(2024) The red fox (Vulpes
vulpes) is the dominant
predator of lizard models in a
semi- arid landscape, and
predation risk is reduced by
vegetation cover. Austral
Ecology, 49, e13530. Available
from: h t tp s : // d o i .o r g / 10 .1111/
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The fluctuating environment of arid lands drives spatial and temporal variation in resource availability and habitat suitability for animals. Patches of vegetative growth may create refuges that allow populations to persist when resources are scarce. Yet the links between fine-scale spatial variation and animal abundance are not well known. Here, we examine whether spatial variation in habitat and microhabitat create spatial mosaics in animal abundance. We surveyed ground-dwelling vertebrates and invertebrates in two adjacent habitats in semiarid Australia (cracking clay floodplains and rocky gibber), and across variation in microhabitat (vegetation cover). There was considerable variation in vegetation cover, creating fine-scale spatial mosaics of microhabitats. However, animal community composition did not vary significantly across the two main habitats. At the microhabitat level, numbers of spiders and reptiles were positively associated with woody vegetation cover. Vegetation cover did not significantly impact other taxonomic groups or overall community composition. The results show that response to microhabitats by animal populations is taxon-specific. Woody shrubs may provide a more reliable or more detectable microhabitat refuge compared to grasses for particular taxa. Informed wildlife conservation in arid lands requires investigating taxon-specific habitat and microhabitat associations, as well as the scale and persistence of these associations.
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Planned burning generates different types of pyrodiversity, however, experimental tests of how alternative spatial patterns of burning influence animal communities remain rare. Field tests are needed to understand the mechanisms through which spatial variation in planned fire affects fauna, and how fire can be applied to benefit biodiversity. We tested five hypotheses of how fire‐driven variation in habitat composition and configuration affects fauna at fine scales. Small mammal, reptile and invasive predator activity was monitored at 12 burnt and eight unburnt sites through the year following a large, planned burn in semi‐arid ‘mallee’ woodlands of southern Australia. We explored measures of burnt or unburnt habitat (‘habitat status’); amount of unburnt vegetation (‘habitat amount’); interspersion of burnt and unburnt patches (‘habitat complementation’); distance to external or internal unburnt vegetation (‘habitat connectivity’); and unburnt patch size and local vegetation cover (‘habitat refuge’). Generalized linear models were used to test the influence of each variable on capture rates of three small mammal and 11 reptile species; activity of the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes); and species richness of native animals. We found strong support for the habitat status hypothesis and moderate support for four hypotheses relating to spatial patterns of fire. Reptile assemblages varied between burnt and unburnt sites, and relationships were identified between abundance of one or more reptile species and each measure of spatial variation. Reptile species richness was higher at unburnt sites and at sites with more unburnt vegetation in the surrounding area. Sites that were less connected to unburnt vegetation had fewer reptile species. Mammals did not have clear relationships with fine‐scale fire patterns. Synthesis and applications. Application of planned fire to promote biodiversity is globally important. We show that retaining unburnt areas and well‐connected habitat refuges is important for reptile diversity. We also found that several species of small mammals and reptiles appear resilient to the fine‐scale patterns of planned fire experienced in this study, despite activity of introduced predators. The diversity of animals can remain relatively high in areas subject to planned fire, provided that internal and external habitat refuges are retained.
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Aim Introduced predators negatively impact biodiversity globally, with insular fauna often most severely affected. Here, we assess spatial variation in the number of terrestrial vertebrates (excluding amphibians) killed by two mammalian mesopredators introduced to Australia, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cat (Felis catus). We aim to identify prey groups that suffer especially high rates of predation, and regions where losses to foxes and/or cats are most substantial. Location Australia. Methods We draw information on the spatial variation in tallies of reptiles, birds and mammals killed by cats in Australia from published studies. We derive tallies for fox predation by (i) modelling continental‐scale spatial variation in fox density, (ii) modelling spatial variation in the frequency of occurrence of prey groups in fox diet, (iii) analysing the number of prey individuals within dietary samples and (iv) discounting animals taken as carrion. We derive point estimates of the numbers of individuals killed annually by foxes and by cats and map spatial variation in these tallies. Results Foxes kill more reptiles, birds and mammals (peaking at 1071 km⁻² year⁻¹) than cats (55 km⁻² year⁻¹) across most of the unmodified temperate and forested areas of mainland Australia, reflecting the generally higher density of foxes than cats in these environments. However, across most of the continent – mainly the arid central and tropical northern regions (and on most Australian islands) – cats kill more animals than foxes. We estimate that foxes and cats together kill 697 million reptiles annually in Australia, 510 million birds and 1435 million mammals. Main conclusions This continental‐scale analysis demonstrates that predation by two introduced species takes a substantial and ongoing toll on Australian reptiles, birds and mammals. Continuing population declines and potential extinctions of some of these species threatens to further compound Australia's poor contemporary conservation record.
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Context Invasive species are a major cause of biodiversity loss across much of the world, and a key threat to Australia’s diverse reptile fauna. There has been no previous comprehensive analysis of the potential impact of the introduced European red fox, Vulpes vulpes, on Australian reptiles. Aims We seek to provide an inventory of all Australian reptile species known to be consumed by the fox, and identify characteristics of squamate species associated with such predation. We also compare these tallies and characteristics with reptile species known to be consumed by the domestic cat, Felis catus, to examine whether predation by these two introduced species is compounded (i.e. affecting much the same set of species) or complementary (affecting different groups of species). Methods We collated records of Australian reptiles consumed by foxes in Australia, with most records deriving from fox dietary studies (tallying >35 000 samples). We modelled presence or absence of fox predation records against a set of biological and other traits, and population trends, for squamate species. Key results In total, 108 reptile species (~11% of Australia’s terrestrial reptile fauna) have been recorded as consumed by foxes, fewer than that reported for cats (263 species). Eighty-six species have been reported to be eaten by both predators. More Australian turtle species have been reported as consumed by foxes than by cats, including many that suffer high levels of predation on egg clutches. Twenty threatened reptile species have been reported as consumed by foxes, and 15 by cats. Squamate species consumed by foxes are more likely to be undergoing population decline than those not known to be consumed by foxes. The likelihood of predation by foxes increased with squamate species’ adult body mass, in contrast to the relationship for predation by cats, which peaked at ~217 g. Foxes, but not cats, were also less likely to consume venomous snakes. Conclusions The two introduced, and now widespread, predators have both compounding and complementary impacts on the Australian reptile fauna. Implications Enhanced and integrated management of the two introduced predators is likely to provide substantial conservation benefits to much of the Australian reptile fauna.
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The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has been its broad, opportunistic diet. The fox was introduced to Australia about 150 years ago, and within 30 years of its introduction was already recognised as a threat to livestock and native wildlife. We reviewed 85 fox diet studies (totalling 31693 samples) from throughout the species’ geographic range within Australia. Mammals were a major component of fox diet, being present in 70 ± 19% of samples across n = 160 locations. Invertebrates (38 ± 26% n = 130) and plant material (26 ± 25% n = 123) were also both staple foods and often the dominant food category recorded. Birds (13 ± 11% n = 137) and reptiles (10 ± 15% n = 132) were also commonly reported, while frogs were scarcely represented (1.6 ± 3.6% n = 111) in fox diet studies. Biogeographical differences reveal factors that likely determine prey availability. Diet composition varied with ecosystem, level of vegetation clearing and condition, and climate zone. Sample type (i.e. stomach versus scat samples) also significantly influenced reporting of diet composition. Livestock and frogs were underrepresented in records based on analysis of scats, whereas small mammals (native rodents, dasyurid marsupials, and bats) were more likely to be recorded in studies of scats than in studies of stomach contents. Diet varied seasonally, reflecting activity patterns of prey species and food availability. This synthesis also captures temporal shifts in fox diet over 70 years (1951–2020), as foxes have switched to consuming more native species in the wake of successful broadscale biological control of the invasive European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . Diet analyses, such as those summarised in this review, capture the evidence required to motivate for greater control of foxes in Australia. This synthesis also highlights the importance of integrated pest species management to meet biodiversity conservation outcomes.
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Foundation species interact strongly with other species to profoundly influence communities, such as by providing food, refuge from predators or beneficial microclimates. We tested relative support for these mechanisms using spinifex grass ( Triodia spp.), which is a foundation species of arid Australia that provides habitat for diverse lizard communities. We first compared the attributes of live and dead spinifex, bare ground and a structurally similar plant ( Lomandra effusa ), and then tested the relative strength of association of two spinifex specialist lizard species ( Ctenophorus spinodomus and Ctenotus atlas ) with spinifex using a mesocosm experiment. Temperatures were coolest within spinifex compared to bare ground and Lomandra. Invertebrate abundance and the threat of predation were indistinguishable between treatments, suggesting temperature attenuation may be a more important driver. Overall, the dragon C. spinodomus preferred live over dead spinifex, while the skink C. atlas preferred dead spinifex, particularly at warmer air temperatures. However, both species displayed individual variability in their use of available microhabitats, with some individuals rarely using spinifex. Our results provide an example of temperature attenuation by a foundation species driving niche use by ectothermic animals.
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Preventing biodiversity loss in fragmented agricultural landscapes is a global problem. The persistence of biodiversity within remnant vegetation can be influenced by an animal's ability to move through the farmland matrix between habitat patches. Yet, many of the mechanisms driving species occurrence within these landscapes are poorly understood, particularly for reptiles. We used scented and unscented plasticine lizard models and wildlife cameras to (a) estimate predation risk of reptiles in four farmland types (crop field, pasture paddock, restoration tree planting and areas with applied woody mulch) relative to the patch edge and remnant vegetation, and (b) examine how predation risk was influenced by temporal change in the matrix (crop harvesting). Birds (55.1%), mammals (41.1%), reptiles (3.4%), and invertebrates (0.5%) attacked models, of which 87% were native species. Mammalian predators were 60.2% more likely to attack scented models then unscented models. Bird predators were not influenced by scent. We found predator attacks on models were highest at edges (49%, irrespective of adjacent farmland type, with a reduced risk within farmland (29%) and remnant patches (33%) (p < 0.01). Both mammal and bird predators contributed to high numbers of predation attempts at edges. Removal of crops did not increase predation attempts in crop fields or other farmland types, although predation attempts were significantly lower along the crop transect after harvesting, compared to the woody debris transect. However, numbers of predation attempts were higher in edge habitats, particularly prior to harvesting. Synthesis and applications. Reptiles are at risk of predation by birds and mammals in both remnant patches and the farmland matrix, particularly in edge habitat. Our results demonstrate that edge habitats are potentially riskier for lizards than the farmland. Vulnerability to predation may be increased by a lack of shelter within edge habitats such as by increasing visibility of reptiles to predators. Therefore, to benefit reptiles, land managers could provide shelter (rocks, logs, and grasses), particularly between remnants and linear plantings which could improve landscape connectivity.
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The potential influence of predators on lacertid lizards has been studied by using models made of plasticine which shows the attack marks of predators and as such allows their identification and estimation of predation pressure. The general aim was to study predation on plasticine models of lizards and to improve methods, since the results depend on the number of plasticine models used, their spatial pattern and the duration of experiments. We estimated the density of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis population on stone walls of a vineyard in the city of Pécs (Hungary) in August 2015 in order to imitate the real density in our experiment with plasticine models. The density of common wall lizards was 8.2 ind. /100 m2 and accordingly we placed 25 scentless plasticine lizards on the stone walls on the first transect with 10 m distance between them, which imitates the real pattern. In the second transect 25 lizard models were placed more sparsely, the distance between them being 20 m. During four weeks the predation rate was 24% in densely spaced plasticine lizards and 40% in sparsely spaced plasticine lizards, but the difference was not significant. The daily survival rate of densely spaced lizards was 0.99 (=99.1%) and that of sparsely spaced lizard models was 0.98 (=98.25%), but this difference was not significant either. On the basis of marks left on plasticine lizards, mammal predators (e.g. beech marten) dominated, while the impact of bird predators was smaller than expected. Predators attacked the head of plasticine lizards more frequently than their trunk, tail or limbs, but a significant preference of body parts was not detected. From our experience it is important to study the distribution and density of real animals, to imitate their real pattern, instead of an arbitrarily designed experiment with models. The typical scent of plasticine also could influence the results, which can be avoided by using scentless plasticine models coated with liquid rubber. We suggest the calculation of daily survival rates in order to produce results that allow the comparison of different studies.
In Western Europe, omnipresent human activities have considerable impacts on habitats at several spatial scales resulting in direct shifts in habitat characteristics. These modifications in habitat features can disrupt biotic interactions such as predation. Surprisingly, although snake species are facing a worldwide decline, relationships between habitat characteristics and predation pressure in snakes remain poorly understood. The main goal of this study was to assess predation pressure on a snake species (the common adder; Vipera berus) in relation to two habitat characteristics: fine-scale (microhabitat) vegetation complexity and habitat structure (linear/non-linear). Using 2400 artificial plasticine models of adder as lures in 12 sites in Wallonia (Belgium), we quantified and compared the relative predation risk with respect to these two habitat features. We showed that, all predators combined (mammals and birds), increasing vegetation complexity had a positive impact by decreasing predation pressure, while habitat linearity increased attack risk on adders. However, for mammalian predators, increasing structural complexity reduced predation risk in non-linear habitats while this risk remained constant and substantial in linear habitats. This suggests that the abiotic benefits of linear strips or edges may be balanced by high predation risks. For bird predators, habitat linearity had no effect on attack rates while an increase in structural complexity reduced attack probabilities. In the light of these results, we suggest applying management practices that ensure a high degree of structural complexity in semi-natural habitats concerned with snake conservation. Moreover, we recommend creating non-linear, highly structured habitat elements to hamper predation pressure by mammals.
Patchy resource distribution can cluster predator activity around areas of the highest productivity in ecosystems. For the endangered Western Spiny‐tailed Skink (Egernia stokesii badia) in Western Australia, the log piles that they permanently inhabit in an otherwise patchy, arid landscape, represent a potentially reliable, high abundance food source for predators. Not only are encounter rates by potential predators of E. s. badia likely to be influenced by vegetation structure at the microhabitat scale but also E. s. badia occurs in a region where mine sites and associated infrastructure, such as landfill sites, likely concentrate generalist predators (e.g. Feral Cats and corvids). We assessed the influence of the presence of coarse woody debris (CWD) and distance to the landfill on predator behaviour towards E. s. badia through plasticine model experiments, unbounded point count bird surveys and camera trapping. We found that CWD inhabited by E. s. badia attracted a greater relative activity of corvids compared with uninhabited CWD, or control sites without CWD. The relative activity of corvids and predatory birds combined increased with decreasing distance from the landfill. Preferential hunting by corvids at CWD inhabited by E. s. badia compared to both uninhabited CWD and open sites suggests that inhabited CWD may be targeted by generalist predators in the region, and that adaptive management may be required for species conservation around active mining areas.
Foundation species are species that play important roles in structuring ecological communities. Therefore, conservation managers often aim to promote foundation species. However, it can be unclear which features of foundation species ought to be the focus of management. We studied hummock‐forming grasses in the genus Triodia. Triodia grasses are considered foundation species because they create complex structures used by many fauna species. Although conservation managers often aim to promote extent cover of Triodia, this is only likely to be optimal for species most strongly associated with extent cover or other structural features strongly correlated with extent cover. We tested (i) whether ‘extent cover’ is the most appropriate way to characterise Triodia as habitat and (ii) whether fauna are associated with any non‐Triodia structures. We studied the Triodia structure associations of one mammal, two birds and five reptiles associated with Triodia scariosa at 524 sites in the Murray‐Mallee, Australia (Ningaui yvonneae, Amytornis striatus, Stipiturus mallee, Ctenophorus fordi, Ctenotus atlas, Ctenotus inornatus, Delma australis and Delma butleri). We used site‐level presence–absence data and vegetation structure data to compare parsimony of models built using four Triodia structural features: extent cover, mean height, mean width and mean volume. We also included non‐Triodia vegetation structures in the model selection: extent cover of leaf litter, shrubs and trees. We divided structural features related to extent cover into categories according to their heights. One species was most closely associated with mean Triodia height; one species with mean Triodia width and six species with extent cover of Triodia, although here, Triodia height categories differed between species. Five species were also associated with shrubs or trees. Extent cover of Triodia was generally an appropriate measure of Triodia structure. Nevertheless, we found variation between species. When characterising the structure of foundation species, we recommend testing faunal associations with multiple structural features.