... But if information is powerful, it is also socially stratified. Less advantaged students and parents secure less information and poorer information about colleges, majors, and attendance modalities than do more advantaged students (Deutschlander, 2017;Grodsky & Jones, 2007;Horn, Chen, & Chapman, 2003;Kelly & Schneider, 2011;Kirst & Venezia, 2004;Lareau, 2015;Lareau & Cox, 2011;Lavecchia, Liu, & Oreopoulos, 2014;Luna de la Rosa, 2006;McDonough, 1997McDonough, , 2005aMcDonough, , 2005bPerna & Titus, 2005;Rosenbaum, Ahearn, & Rosenbaum, 2017;Rosenbaum, Deil-Amen, & Person, 2006;Tornatzky, Cutler, & Lee, 2002;Velez & Horn, 2018; see also Ball et al., 2002;Hutchings, 2003). ...