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Heritability of digit ratio (2D:4D) in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)



The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is a putative biomarker for prenatal androgen effects, which has been widely employed to study androgenic-programming effects on shaping sex-linked traits and behaviours in humans. This approach is now increasingly applied to non-human species. Heritability studies of 2D:4D in both humans and zebra finches indicate substantial genetic contributions to the expression of this trait. This study examines the heritability of 2D:4D in rhesus macaques, based on the resemblance of mother-infant dyads, to see how these compare with human values. Results suggest that familial resemblance in 2D:4D is also strong in rhesus monkeys. Heritability estimates were within the range of estimates from human studies. These preliminary results suggest that the strength of heritability of 2D:4D may generalize across taxa.
Heritability of digit ratio (2D:4D) in rhesus macaques
(Macaca mulatta)
Emma Nelson Martin Voracek
Received: 3 September 2009 / Accepted: 1 October 2009
ÓJapan Monkey Centre and Springer 2009
Abstract The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is a
putative biomarker for prenatal androgen effects, which has
been widely employed to study androgenic-programming
effects on shaping sex-linked traits and behaviours in
humans. This approach is now increasingly applied to non-
human species. Heritability studies of 2D:4D in both humans
and zebra finches indicate substantial genetic contributions
to the expression of this trait. This study examines the her-
itability of 2D:4D in rhesus macaques, based on the resem-
blance of mother–infant dyads, to see how these compare
with human values. Results suggest that familial resem-
blance in 2D:4D is also strong in rhesus monkeys. Herita-
bility estimates were within the range of estimates from
human studies. These preliminary results suggest that the
strength of heritability of 2D:4D may generalize across taxa.
Keywords Digit ratio (2D:4D) Prenatal testosterone
Sex differences Mother–offspring resemblance
Rhesus macaques
In humans the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is a
putative biomarker for prenatal androgen effects (Manning
2002). Although there is substantial overlap between the
sexes, 2D:4D tends to be lower in males than females, and
sex differences are quite stable through growth (Manning
et al. 2004). Although the aetiology of the sex effect in
2D:4D is not yet clear, it is commonly believed to be un-
derpinned by HOX genes shared between the distal limb
buds (digits) and the genital bud (Manning 2002;Za
et al. 1997).
2D:4D has been linked to various conditions associated
with the prenatal androgen milieu. For example, a high
testosterone-to-estradiol ratio in the amniotic fluid is
associated with lower (masculinized) 2D:4D in children
(Lutchmaya et al. 2004); women with congenital adrenal
hyperplasia (i.e., who were exposed to high prenatal
androgen levels) have masculinized 2D:4D (O
¨kten et al.
2002); and low 2D:4D in men is associated with higher
genetically-based sensitivity to testosterone (Manning et al.
2003). These, and other convergent lines of evidence, have
led to 2D:4D being widely employed to study androgenic-
programming effects on shaping human sex-linked traits
and behaviours (Voracek and Loibl 2009). The biomarker
is now increasingly implemented in animal studies (Lom-
bardo and Thorpe 2008).
One line of 2D:4D research is concerned with teasing
apart genetic and non-genetic influences on digit ratios in
an attempt to understand how 2D:4D is inherited across
generations. This is quantified by calculating heritability
) estimates for the trait from genetically informative
studies. For humans, twin studies present the best non-
molecular model for investigating the genetic inheritance
of traits. Therein, heritabilities are calculated from the
differential resemblance of identical (monozygotic) twins
(genetically identical and experiencing the same environ-
ment) versus fraternal (dizygotic) twins (also experiencing
the same environment, but, like siblings, sharing only 50%
E. Nelson (&)
School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology,
University of Liverpool, Hartley Building,
Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GS, UK
M. Voracek
Department of Basic Psychological Research,
School of Psychology, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
Primates (2010) 51:1–5
DOI 10.1007/s10329-009-0173-y
of their genes). This way, genetic factors can be separated
from environmental influences on the trait.
In contrast, studies based on familial relationships (i.e.,
parent–offspring or sibling–sibling dyads) cannot disen-
tangle these two sources. However, four human twin
studies of 2D:4D (Paul et al. 2006; Voracek and Dressler
2007; Gobrogge et al. 2008; Medland and Loehlin 2008)
have concordantly found high heritabilities for the trait
=50–80%) and shared postnatal environmental influ-
ences on 2D:4D to be negligible or nil. Hence, family
studies can be used to estimate the heritability of 2D:4D
because, through the lack of influences of the shared
environment, the family-based heritability estimates will
not be inflated (see Marshall 2000; Manning et al. 2001;
Voracek and Dressler 2009). Of note, two further reports
(Forstmeier 2005; Forstmeier et al. 2008) have also indi-
cated high heritability (h
=70–80%) of 2D:4D in zebra
To understand whether heritability levels of 2D:4D
generalise across taxa, a comparative framework is needed.
Given that the main body of 2D:4D research is in humans,
a framework considering species closely related to humans
would be the most informative. Haplorrhine primates
undoubtedly offer the best model, as they reside within the
same suborder and will therefore have more similar bio-
logical profiles to humans than more distantly related taxa,
such as birds or reptiles. Hence, the aims of this small case
study were primarily to use a family-resemblance approach
to estimate the heritability of 2D:4D in mother–offspring
dyads of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to see how
this compares with human evidence and, secondarily, to
provoke further research in this field.
Study population and study group
Data were collected during trapping season (early in 2008)
on Cayo Santiago, a small island (15.2 ha) located 1 km
off Puerto Rico’s south-eastern coast. The free-ranging
rhesus macaque colony is managed by the Caribbean Pri-
mate Research Center (CPRC) and was established
70 years ago. The present-day population (about 900
individuals) is directly descended from the founder group,
originating from the Indian subcontinent (Rawlings and
Kessler 1986). Genetic and behavioural analyses indicate
no significant inbreeding effects (McMillan and Duggleby
1981; Mason and Perry 1993; Charpentier et al. 2007),
although female dispersal patterns may potentially reduce
genetic diversity (Chepko-Sade and Sade 1979). The study
sample was obtained within a larger, long-term study
investigating ageing in rhesus monkeys (unrelated to this
study), for which animals had to be anaesthetised. Our
sample size was therefore restricted to those individuals
being sedated for the larger study. Sampled were 25 mature
females and their 25 infants (eight females, 17 males).
Adult females were aged between 4 and 23 years (birth
dates were known to the day), and infants (all from the
same birth season, 2007/2008) between 1 and 4 months.
Measuring procedure
Monkeys were trapped between 08:30 and 12:00 inside
feeding corrals, where they receive food throughout the
year. The trained staff of the CPRC captured the monkeys
in nets or by hand and immediately transferred them to
cages. Females and their infants were held in the same
cages overnight. Individuals had access to water and
monkey chow during this period. The following morning,
females and their infants were kept together and anaes-
thetised with ketamine (approximately 10 mg/kg IM
injection). About 10 min after ketamine injection, mor-
phometric measures were taken. Data were collected from
25 mother–infant pairs. While the individuals were fully
immobilised, the lengths of the second and fourth digits
of each hand were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm,
using a digital vernier calliper, from the crease at the base
of the digit proximal to the palm to the tip of the
extended digit (Manning 2002). Then, the same observer
repeated the digit measurements. Subsequently, trained
veterinary staff monitored the monkeys every 10 min
until they fully recovered from the procedure. Once fully
alert, monkeys were offered water and monkey chow and
were then released back into their social groups. All
animals made uneventful recoveries and behaved nor-
mally afterwards.
Data analysis
Right-hand and left-hand digit ratio (R2D:4D and L2D:4D)
was calculated by dividing the mean of the first and second
measurements of the second digit (2D) by the mean of the
first and second measurements of the fourth digit (4D).
Intraobserver measurement repeatabilities were quantified
with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), according to
a two-way mixed-effects model with absolute-agreement
definition (Voracek et al. 2007b). The ICC values were
0.69 and 0.65 for mother and infant R2D:4D, and 0.91 and
0.78 for mother and infant L2D:4D (all Ps\0.02). Inde-
pendent groups and paired ttests were used for group and
right-left comparisons of 2D:4D. Following standard
practice of family studies (Voracek and Dressler 2009),
heritability estimates were obtained by doubling the Pear-
son correlation coefficients (r) quantifying the mother–
offspring resemblance.
2 Primates (2010) 51:1–5
Between-group comparisons of 2D:4D
Male infants had lower R2D:4D than female infants [mean
and standard deviation (SD): 0.808 and ±0.028 vs. 0.816
and ±0.034], although this difference was not nominally
significant with the available sample size (t=0.58,
df =23, two-tailed P=0.57, Cohen d=-0.27). Similar
results were obtained for L2D:4D (mean and SD of male vs.
female infants: 0.820 and ±0.025 vs. 0.833 and ±0.037;
t=1.09, df =23, P=0.29, d=-0.45). Infants’ R2D:4D
(mean and SD: 0.811 and ±0.030) and L2D:4D (0.824 and
±0.029) were weakly positively related (r=0.30,
P=0.15), and infants’ R2D:4D was somewhat, but not
significantly, lower than their L2D:4D (paired ttest:
t=1.91, df =24, P=0.07). Mothers’ R2D:4D (mean and
SD: 0.825 and ±0.026) and L2D:4D (0.822 and ±0.045)
were significantly positively related (r=0.50, P=0.01),
and mothers’ R2D:4D was commensurate with their
L2D:4D (paired ttest: t=-0.40, df =24, P=0.69).
Mothers’ R2D:4D significantly increased with age
(r=0.41, P=0.02) but not their L2D:4D (r=0.20,
P=0.34). Infants’ digit ratios exhibited no age effects.
Heritability of 2D:4D
With both sexes of infants combined for analysis, mother–
infant resemblance (based on 25 dyads) was strong and
significant for R2D:4D (r=0.58, P=0.002), whilst
somewhat less strongly and not nominally significant for
L2D:4D (r=0.31, P=0.13). Hence, the heritability
estimate was h
=62% for L2D:4D, whilst off the upper
boundary (i.e. h
[100%) for R2D:4D (Fig. 1).
With one exception (see below), these findings generally
held true in separate analyses, accounting for offspring sex.
Mother–son resemblance (based on 17 dyads) for R2D:4D
was r=0.62 (P=0.008) and r=0.42 (P=0.09) for
L2D:4D, whereas mother–daughter resemblance (based on
eight dyads), in above order, was r=0.53 (P=0.18) and
r=-0.12 (P=0.78), respectively.
This is the first study to compare 2D:4D in infant rhesus
monkeys and to estimate the heritability of 2D:4D in a non-
human primate. Heritability estimates, based on this small
sample of mother–infant dyads, were found to be within the
range of human twin and family studies of 2D:4D. This
suggests that genetic contributions to the expression of
2D:4D generally are substantial and that this pattern might
generalise across higher taxonomic groups.
Among infant monkeys, males had slightly lower 2D:4D
than females. Thus, sex differences were in the expected
direction, representing small-to-medium-sized effects
(ds=-0.27 and -0.45). Among adult females, R2D:4D
increased with age. Similar age effects have been found for
adult female chimpanzees (McIntyre et al. 2009), whereas
in humans, 2D:4D increases slightly during childhood
(McIntyre et al. 2005) but appears to remain stable in
adulthood (Manning 2002). Age effects were not observed
in infant monkeys, which might be attributable to this
group’s narrow age range.
Heritability of 2D:4D in rhesus monkeys was significant
for mother–son dyads, but with a limited sample size, not
for mother–daughter dyads. Heritability was higher in the
right hand compared with the left. These results accord
with a recent large study of familial resemblance of 2D:4D
in humans (Voracek and Dressler 2009). Thus, genetic
effects appear to have less influence on L2D:4D, which
might suggest that environmental factors may be exerting
stronger influences on the left hand. For example, it has
been shown that human males and females infected with
Toxoplasma gondii (a protozoan parasite) have low
L2D:4D compared with the R2D:4D (Flegr et al. 2008).
This study design ensured that heritability estimates
were derived from mothers with very young infants, thus
minimising postnatal environmental influences on 2D:4D.
Conversely, it might have allowed heritability to be exag-
gerated by the exclusion of possible non-shared environ-
mental effects on 2D:4D occurring later in life, such as
age-related changes in adulthood. Additionally, and
importantly, the small sample size of this study makes
these results preliminary, although it is predicted that the
Fig. 1 Relationships between mother and infant digit ratios. Right-
hand second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) has higher heritability
[100%) than left-hand 2D:4D (h
Primates (2010) 51:1–5 3
estimates quoted here, particularly the slightly negative
correlation for L2D:4D (based on only eight mother–
daughter dyads) and the high h
estimates for R2D:4D in
general (which were off the upper boundary) conceivably
should stabilise in larger samples.
Because of the conformity of h
estimates for 2D:4D
from several human twin and family studies, two parent–
offspring studies of zebra finches, and the current mother
offspring study of rhesus macaques, it may be conjectured
that high heritability levels of 2D:4D generalise across
higher taxonomic groups. A possible test of this hypothesis
would be a twin study of captive callitrichids, the only
family of primates consistently producing twins (Goldizen
2003). However, any study comparing across species must
control for phylogenetic effects (Felsenstein 1985).
Although these results are preliminary and with a small
sample size they allude to the possibility that 2D:4D may
be as useful to behavioural research in non-human primates
as it has been in human studies (see Voracek and Loibl
2009). We therefore urge researchers to extend this
research trajectory. Future studies of heritability should
aim for much larger samples, which include multigenera-
tional pedigree relationships (see Kruuk 2004), and, when
possible, address influences of assortative mating (see
Voracek et al. 2007a), consanguinity, founder effects (see
Chepko-Sade and Sade 1979) and other potentially relevant
developmental factors.
Acknowledgments Thanks are extended to Melissa Gerald, Christy
Hoffman, and the Caribbean Primate Research Center staff. All
procedures in this study adhered to US laws governing animal
research and were therefore in accordance with the National Institutes
of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The
study protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee of the University of Puerto Rico (PR, USA) and the
School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology’s Research Com-
mittee (University of Liverpool, UK).This publication complied with
animal care regulations and national laws and was made possible by
Grant P40RR003640 from the National Center for Research
Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). Its contents are solely the authors’ responsibility and do not
necessarily represent official views of NCRR or NIH. Funding sup-
port was provided by the University of Liverpool, the British Acad-
emy Centenary Project Fund and the British Association of Biological
Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology.
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Primates (2010) 51:1–5 5
... As discussed above, in one study, administering prenatal androgens increased female rhesus monkeys' right-hand 2D:4D ratio (Abbott et al., 2012), suggesting that high 2D:4D ratio indicates high levels of PAE in this species. It should be noted that this study, as well as another study of untreated free-ranging rhesus monkeys, found no naturally-occurring sex differences in 2D:4D ratio between untreated females and males (Nelson and Voracek, 2010;Abbott et al., 2012). However, the small sample sizes of these studies 1 may have led to inadequate statistical power to detect sex differences in 2D:4D ratio. ...
... It should be noted that three studies of Old World species failed to find any sex differences in 2D:4D ratio. However, two of these studies, which investigated rhesus monkeys (Nelson and Voracek, 2010;Abbott et al., 2012), may have been underpowered to detect sex differences in 2D:4D ratio (see footnote 1). The third study did not find a significant sex difference in 2D:D ratio, despite investigating a large sample 3 of Hamadryas baboons (Huber et al., 2017). ...
... Abbott et al. (2012) compared 19 untreated laboratory-living adult females to nine adult males;Nelson and Voracek (2010) compared eight untreated free-ranging infant females to 17 infant males.2 investigated 242 female rhesus monkeys and 53 male rhesus monkeys from five institutions. ...
Full-text available
Prenatal androgen exposure (PAE) plays a pivotal role in masculinizing the developing body and brain, and extreme exposure may contribute to autism, anxiety disorder and schizophrenia. One commonly used biomarker for PAE is the pointer-to-ring-finger digit length (2D:4D) ratio. Although this biomarker is widely used in human studies, relatively few studies have investigated 2D:4D ratio in nonhuman primates, particularly rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), one of the most commonly used animals in biomedical research. Thus far, data suggest that sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D ratio may be in the opposite direction in some monkey species, when compared to the pattern exhibited by humans and great apes. Using a large sample size, we investigated whether rhesus monkeys’ 2D:4D ratio shows the same sex-differentiated pattern present in other Old World monkey species. We also investigated whether individual differences in 2D:4D ratio are associated with the social dominance rank of subjects’ mothers during pregnancy, and the social dominance rank the subjects attained as adults. Subjects were 335 rhesus monkeys between 3 years and 24 years of age (M = 6.6). Maternal dominance rank during pregnancy and subjects’ adult dominance rank were categorized into tertiles (high, middle and low). Results showed that, across both hands, male rhesus monkeys exhibited higher 2D:4D ratio than females, a pattern consistent with other monkey species and a reversal from the pattern typically observed in humans and apes. This sex difference was modulated by maternal dominance rank, with female offspring of high-ranking and middle-ranking mothers exhibiting masculinized 2D:4D ratio, indicating that maternal dominance rank during pregnancy may influence levels of PAE. There was no association between subjects’ 2D:4D ratio and the social dominance rank they attained as adults. These findings show a consistent sex difference in Old World monkeys’ 2D:4D ratio that diverges from the pattern observed in apes and humans, and suggest maternal social dominance rank modulates PAE in rhesus monkeys.
... Our results revealed the existence of a clear familial aggregation of 2D:4D ratio variations in the Chuvashian pedigrees, which cannot be explained only by common environmental effects. Our familial correlation results are in accord with a previous familial study (Richards, Bellin, & Davies, 2017), twin studies (Hiraishi, Sasaki, Shikishima, & Ando, 2012;Paul, Kato, Cherkas, Andrew, & Spector, 2006;Voracek & Dressler, 2007), a population-based study (Voracek & Dressler, 2009), and even a study of rhesus macaques (Nelson & Voracek, 2010). ...
... Similar results were found in twin studies of Gobrogge, Breedlove, and Klump (2008) and Medland and Loehlin (2008). Even in a study of rhesus macaques (Nelson & Voracek, 2010), the authors found H 2 = 62% for the right and H 2 = 42% for the left hand, suggesting that the strength of heritability of 2D:4D may generalize across taxa. Two other reports (Forstmeier, 2005;Forstmeier, Rochester, & Millam, 2008) found a high heritability (H 2 = 70-80%) of 2D:4D in zebra finches. ...
A Chuvashian population-based sample included 802 males and 738 females (mean age 46.98±17.10 and 48.65±16.62 years, correspondingly). Age, basic demographics, anthropometric data, reproductive indices, and x-rays of both hands were collected. Results and discussion. Familial correlations of FLR traits showed no significant correlation for spouses, however, parent-offspring (0.15-0.28, p<0.001) and sibling correlations (0.13-0.38, p<0.009) were found significant. Heritability (H2) of visual classification of FLR was 0.36 for the left and 0.28 for the right hand; finger ratio was 0.55 and 0.66, respectively; the ray ratio was 0.49 and 0.59, respectively, thus indicating the existence of a clear familial aggregation of FLR variation in the Chuvashian pedigrees, which cannot be explained by pure common environmental effects. Conclusion. Results of our study suggest the familial aggregations of finger ratio variation (for all traits) in Chuvashian pedigrees. Further research should focus on the biological mechanisms of the relationship between FLR and aging.
... Similar to some studies with human infants Knickmeyer et al., 2011;Lutchmaya et al., 2004) and primate infants (Frye, Rapaport, Melber, Sears, & Tardif, 2019;Nelson & Voracek, 2010), this study failed to find any sex differences in 2D:4D ratios in the first month of rhesus macaque infants' life. One possibility for this negative finding is a potential lack of power in this study. ...
... In conclusion, the question of the mechanism underpinning prenatal androgen exposure, 2D:4D ratios, and behavioral outcomes remains a priority for future investigations, which is likely to involve a combination of genetic (e.g., Gobrogge, Breedlove, & Klump, 2008;Nelson & Voracek, 2010) and other developmental factors (Voracek F I G U R E 1 Average 2D4D ratios for mother-reared infants (a) and nurseryreared infants (b). Bars depict ratios at age 14 days (D14) and age 30 days (D30) from infants' left (L) and right (R) hands. ...
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2D:4D ratios are typically lower in adult human males than females and are linked to numerous sex‐differentiated behaviors. 2D:4D ratios are considered an indicator of prenatal androgen exposure; if so, children's 2D:4D ratios would arguably be even better indicators of prenatal androgen exposure since children have experienced fewer postnatal influences than adults. However, sex differences in 2D:4D ratios as well as associations between 2D:4D ratios and sex‐typed behaviors in children have been inconsistent. Several studies also report sex differences and behavioral correlates of 2D:4D ratios in adult non‐human primates, but little is known about 2D:4D ratios in infant non‐human primates. This study examined sex differences in 2D:4D ratios over the first month of life, and associations with behavioral outcomes at 12–24 weeks of age, in N = 304 infant rhesus macaques. An increase in 2D:4D ratios over the first month of life was found, as well as associations with aggression and play behaviors, but no sex differences in 2D:4D ratios were observed. These results highlight the need for future developmental studies of 2D:4D ratios in order to determine not only their stability and predictive value, but also to discern the mechanism connecting prenatal androgen exposure, 2D:4D ratios, and behavioral outcomes.
... Our results revealed the existence of a clear familial aggregation of 2D:4D ratio variations in the Chuvashian pedigrees, which cannot be explained only by common environmental effects. Our familial correlation results are in accord with a previous familial study (Richards, Bellin, & Davies, 2017), twin studies (Hiraishi, Sasaki, Shikishima, & Ando, 2012;Paul, Kato, Cherkas, Andrew, & Spector, 2006;Voracek & Dressler, 2007), a population-based study (Voracek & Dressler, 2009), and even a study of rhesus macaques (Nelson & Voracek, 2010). ...
... Similar results were found in twin studies of Gobrogge, Breedlove, and Klump (2008) and Medland and Loehlin (2008). Even in a study of rhesus macaques (Nelson & Voracek, 2010), the authors found H 2 = 62% for the right and H 2 = 42% for the left hand, suggesting that the strength of heritability of 2D:4D may generalize across taxa. Two other reports (Forstmeier, 2005;Forstmeier, Rochester, & Millam, 2008) found a high heritability (H 2 = 70-80%) of 2D:4D in zebra finches. ...
Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the familial correlations and heritability of 2D:4D ratio traits using a large population‐based sample of ethnically homogeneous pedigrees from Chuvasha and Bashkortostan Autonomies of the Russian Federation. Methods We calculated the familial correlations and performed a heritability analysis of 2D:4D ratio traits in a sample of 1541 subjects (803 men and 738 women, mean age 47.78 ± 16.89 years, range 18‐90 years). Results Familial correlations of 2D:4D ratio traits showed no significant correlation for spouses; however, parent‐offspring (0.15‐0.28, P < .001) and sibling correlations (0.13‐0.38, P < .009) were found to be significant. Heritability (H²) of visual classification of 2D:4D ratio was 0.36 for the left and 0.28 for the right hand; finger ratio was 0.55 and 0.66, respectively; the ray ratio was 0.49 and 0.59, respectively, thus indicating the existence of a clear familial aggregation of 2D:4D ratio variation in the Chuvashian pedigrees, which cannot be explained only by common environmental effects. Discussion Results of our study suggest familial aggregations of finger ratio variation (for all traits) in Chuvashian pedigrees. No evidence of assortative mating was found.
... These studies also contribute to the current debate due to some conflicting results [22], but a recent meta-analysis has shown that 2D:4D is lower (denoting greater exposure to testosterone) in CAH populations compared to sex-matched controls [17]. Finally, many correlational and experimental studies indicate a relationship between 2D:4D and prenatal hormone levels in amphibians [41][42][43], reptiles [44][45][46][47][48], birds [49][50][51][52][53][54][55], Artiodactyls [56], rodents [57][58][59][60][61][62][63] (but see [64]) and monkeys [65][66][67][68][69][70][71], although the direction of the difference between the sexes is not always the same observed in humans (lower 2D:4D in males). ...
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In the last few years, several studies have questioned the value of the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) as a measure of exposure to sex hormones before birth. Controversy has also extended to the 2D:4D association with individual features previously related to this exposure such as handedness and sexual orientation. Given that it has been argued that sex differences in 2D:4D could be a consequence of body-size differences, we have tested in a large sample the allometric relationship between finger lengths and body size. Our results show that the association is either allometric or isometric, depending on the analyses performed. In any case, the deviation from isometry is not large enough to explain the typically observed sex difference in this trait. We have also tested the association between sexual orientation and 2D:4D, finding a relationship between 2D:4D and sexual orientation in men but not in women. We attribute this discordance with previously published meta-analysis to differences in genetic background, a variable that has gained relevance in recent years in studies involving 2D:4D. Finally, we did not find any relationship between 2D:4D and handedness, evaluated through self-reported preference and hand performance. Our main conclusion is that 2D:4D shows differences between sexes beyond their disparity in body size. In our opinion, 2D:4D can be used cautiously as an indicator of intrauterine exposure to sex hormones taking into account some considerations, such as analysing a very large sample and taking careful measurements of the ethnicity of the sample.
... A major assumption of research focusing on sexual dimorphism in digit ratios is that the presence of sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D digit ratios would be an ancestral and evolutionary conserved state likely widespread in the Tetrapoda Forstmeier, 2010;Beaty et al., 2016;Manning & Fink, 2017). Studies focusing on non-human species often assume that the ratio 2D:4D might be sexually dimorphic, without presuming that other digit ratios may also be sexually dimorphic and possibly modulated by steroid levels during embryo development (see McIntyre et al., 2009;Nelson & Voracek, 2010;Direnzo & Stynoski, 2012;Howlett et al., 2015;Kaczmarski et al., 2015;Beaty et al., 2016). When sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D is detected, most studies disregard the identity of the digit that is sexually dimorphic (e.g. ...
Sexual dimorphism in digit lengths reflects phenotypic evolution mediated by developmental steroids. Differences in the identity of the sexually-dimorphic digit may evolve if the concentrations of sex-steroid receptors in the digit are easily modified and the initial changes have low impact on fitness. Accordingly, sexual dimorphism in digit lengths might initially originate under neutral selective regimes, being subsequently co-opted by embryonic hormonal effects on sensitive traits that are more likely to be targeted by selection. Correlated variation among sexually-dimorphic traits might therefore reflect pleiotropic hormonal modulation during development. Moreover, the identity and trend of the sexually-dimorphic digit might be evolutionarily labile even among closely-related species. We evaluated this model by assessing the identity of sexually-dimorphic digits among 11 Tropiduridae lizard species and inferring evolutionary patterns of sexual dimorphism. Assuming that digit lengths can be used as a proxy for hormonal modulation of steroid-sensitive traits during development, we tested for evolutionary associations among sexual dimorphism of digit lengths, body size and other traits that may be direct targets of sexual selection in the Tropiduridae. Sexual dimorphism in digit lengths is evolutionarily labile in the Tropiduridae, and diversity, instead of conservatism, seems to rule developmental mechanisms underlying the evolution of sexual dimorphism in digit ratios. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: developmental steroids-digit length-sexual dimorphism-Squamata-Tropiduridae.
... Three qualified staff performed this process in cooperation: one undertook anesthesia and hand-position adjustment, one operated the machine to acquire finger length, and one recorded the data and was blind to the experiment. Ketamine (10 mL / kg) anesthetic was administered intramuscularly (I.M.) in the distal hind limb at 0900 h (Nelson & Voracek, 2010). Approximately 10 min after ketamine injection, the finger length ratio was measured at an accuracy of 0.01 mm using X-ray imaging (Choi et al., 2011) (Figure 2). ...
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This research aimed to provide evidence of a relationship between digit ratio and depression status in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). In stable cynomolgus monkey social groups, we selected 15 depressed monkeys based on depressive-like behavioral criteria and 16 normal control monkeys. All animals were video recorded for two weeks, with the duration and frequency of the core depressive behaviors and 58 other behaviors in 12 behavioral categories then evaluated via behavioral analysis. Finger lengths from the right and left forelimb hands of both groups were measured by X-ray imaging. Finger length and digit ratio comparisons between the two groups were conducted using Student's t-test. In terms of the duration of each behavior, significant differences emerged in "Huddling" and five other behavioral categories, including Ingestive, Amicable, Parental, Locomotive, and Resting. In addition to the above five behavioral categories, we found that depressed monkeys spent less time in parental and rubbing back and forth behaviors than the control group. Furthermore, the 4th fingers were significantly longer in the left and right hands in the control group relative to the depressed monkeys. The second-to-fourth (2D:4D) digit ratio in the left and right forelimb hands was significantly lower in the control group than that in the depressed group. Our findings revealed significant differences in finger lengths and digit ratios between depressed monkeys and healthy controls, which concords with our view that relatively high fetal testosterone exposure may be a protective factor against developing depressive symptoms (or that low fetal testosterone exposure is a risk factor).
... Results suggest that, once the sensitivity of a given digit to hormonal levels is established, changes on the magnitude of sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D ratios likely represent conspicuous examples of phenotypic integration modulated by hormonal pleiotropy [8,9,[11][12][13]. In addition to humans, an extensive record of correlations between differences in male and female 2D:4D ratios and other sexually dimorphic traits became available for mammals [8][9][10][27][28][29][30][31], birds [10,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38] and lizards [10,[39][40][41][42]. Interestingly, whereas in some species the 2D:4D ratio is larger in females than males (2D:4D female-biased, identified in salamanders, lizards, rodents and some primates, including the chacm baboons, gorillas and some populations of chimpanzees), in other lineages the males exhibit the largest 2D:4D values (2D:4D male-biased, observed in anurans, birds and also some primates, including the guinea baboons and the rhesus macaque [10,41,43]), a variation that suggests some evolutionary lability at the level of digit tissue responses to sex steroids during development ( [41,43]; see also Fig. 1). ...
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Background Developmental associations often explain phenotypic integration. The intersected hormonal regulation of ontogenetic processes fosters predictions of steroid-mediated phenotypic integration among sexually dimorphic traits, a statement defied by associations between classical dimorphism predictors (e.g. body size) and traits that apparently lack sex-specific functions (e.g. ratios between the lengths of Digits II and IV - 2D:4D). Developmental bases of female-biased 2D:4D have been identified, but these remain unclear for taxa presenting male-biased 2D:4D (e.g. anura). Here we propose two alternative hypotheses to investigate evolution of male-biased 2D:4D associated with sexually dimorphic body size using Leptodactylus frogs: I)‘hypothesis of sex-specific digit responses’ - Digit IV would be reactive to testosterone but exhibit responses in the opposite direction of those observed in female-biased 2D:4D lineages, so that Digit IV turns shorter in males; II) ‘hypothesis of identity of the dimorphic digit’- Digit II would be the dimorphic digit. Results We compiled the following databases using Leptodactylus frogs: 1) adults of two species from natural populations and 2) testosterone-treated L. fuscus at post-metamorphic stage. Studied traits seem monomorphic in L. fuscus; L. podicipinus exhibits male-biased 2D:4D. When present, 2D:4D dimorphism was male-biased and associated with dimorphic body size; sex differences resided on Digit II instead of IV, corroborating our ‘hypothesis of identity of the dimorphic digit’. Developmental steroid roles were validated: testosterone-treated L. fuscus frogs were smaller and exhibited masculinized 2D:4D, and Digit II was the digit that responded to testosterone. Conclusion We propose a model where evolution of sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D first originates from the advent, in a given digit, of increased tissue sensitivity to steroids. Phenotypic integration with other sexually dimorphic traits would then occur through multi-trait hormonal effects during development. Such process of phenotypic integration seems fitness-independent in its origin and might explain several cases of steroid-mediated integration among sexually dimorphic traits. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12862-017-1021-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... This includes CAH, which is related to high prenatal androgen and low 2D:4D (38,39), androgen insensitivity, which is related to high 2D:4D (40) and Klinefelter's syndrome, which is associated with low levels of prenatal testosterone and high 2D:4D (41)(42)(43). Individual differences in digit ratio are hereditary (44,45). Although there are differences between ethnic populations, sexual dimorphism in digit ratio is universal (46,47). ...
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Prenatal sex steroids play a vital role in the development of the whole organism, and therefore also the brain. Exposure of the fetus to testosterone seems to be of special importance both for typical development and pathology. The key factor impacting offspring development (including prenatal androgen levels) appears to be diet, both in terms of shortage and excessive intake of certain food products. Prenatal steroid levels are measured using the ratio of the lengths of the second and fourth fingers (2D:4D). So far, the digit ratio (2D:4D) has been shown to correlate negatively with prenatal testosterone and positively with prenatal estrogen. Numerous correlational studies found relationships between the 2D:4D phenotype and differences in magnitude of many psychological traits. Certain social and demographic variables also correlate with the digit ratio. The present paper offers a preliminary analysis of correlations between diet, prenatal hormones’ levels (established based on the digit ratio), and selected social variables. One of the findings is that countries with high meat consumption present the so-called masculine digit ratio, while countries with plant-based diets – a feminine digit ratio.
The second‐to‐fourth digit (2D:4D) ratio is a sexually‐dimorphic biomarker for prenatal sex hormone exposure. We investigated whether titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus) exhibit sexually‐dimorphic 2D:4D ratio, and whether variation in 2D:4D ratio correlates with maternal testosterone and estrogen levels during early pregnancy. Subjects were 61 adult titi monkeys (32 males, 29 females). For 26 subjects, maternal urine samples were collected approximately 15–20 weeks before birth and assayed for testosterone and estrone conjugate (E1C). Titi monkeys exhibited a human‐like pattern of sexual dimorphism in right‐hand 2D:4D ratio, with females exhibiting higher 2D:4D ratio than males (β = −0.29, p = 0.023). For left‐hand 2D:4D ratio, high levels of maternal E1C predicted low offspring 2D:4D ratio (β = −0.48, p = 0.009). For right‐hand 2D:4D ratio, high levels of testosterone (β = −0.53, p = 0.005) and testosterone‐to‐E1C ratio (β = −0.41, p = 0.028) predicted low offspring 2D:4D ratio. For 2D:4D ratio asymmetry (right‐hand – left‐hand), high levels of testosterone (β = −0.43, p = 0.03) and testosterone‐to‐E1C ratio (β = −0.53, p = 0.003) predicted low (right‐biased) asymmetry. This is the first report of sexually‐dimorphic 2D:4D ratio in New World monkeys, and the results support a growing literature suggesting prenatal sex hormones may modulate offspring 2D:4D ratio.
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The proper development of digits, in tetrapods, requires the activity of several genes of the HoxA and HoxD homeobox gene complexes. By using a variety of loss-of-function alleles involving the five Hox genes that have been described to affect digit patterning, we report here that the group 11, 12, and 13 genes control both the size and number of murine digits in a dose-dependent fashion, rather than through a Hox code involving differential qualitative functions. A similar dose-response is observed in the morphogenesis of the penian bone, the baculum, which further suggests that digits and external genitalia share this genetic control mechanism. A progressive reduction in the dose of Hox gene products led first to ectrodactyly, then to olygodactyly and adactyly. Interestingly, this transition between the pentadactyl to the adactyl formula went through a step of polydactyly. We propose that in the distal appendage of polydactylous short-digited ancestral tetrapods, such as Acanthostega, the HoxA complex was predominantly active. Subsequent recruitment of the HoxD complex contributed to both reductions in digit number and increase in digit length. Thus, transition through a polydactylous limb before reaching and stabilizing the pentadactyl pattern may have relied, at least in part, on asynchronous and independent changes in the regulation of HoxA and HoxD gene complexes.
992VA Times Cited:19 Cited References Count:23 , ISI:000233910900012
Relative finger lengths, especially the second-to-fourth finger length ratio, have been proposed as useful markers for prenatal testosterone action. This claim partly depends on an association of relative finger lengths in adults with related sex differences in children and infants. This paper reports the results of a study using serial radiographs to test for both sex differences in the fingers of infants and children and for a relationship between sex differences in the children and infant finger and adult finger length ratios. This is the first study using long-term serial data to evaluate the validity of finger length ratios as markers. We found not only that sex differences in finger length ratios arise prior to puberty, but that sex differences in the fingers of children are highly correlated with adult finger length ratios. Our results strongly encourage the further use of finger length ratios as markers of perinatal testosterone action.
The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is sexually dimorphic, with lower mean values in males compared to females. It has been suggested that the sex difference in 2D:4D is determined prenatally, 2D:4D is negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively to prenatal oestrogen, and that 2D:4D is a marker for levels of sex steroids during brain organisation. There is growing evidence that many sex-dependent behaviours are correlated with 2D:4D. However, there is no direct evidence for an effect of prenatal sex steroids on the digit ratio. The response to prenatal testosterone is dependent on the amount produced and the foetal sensitivity to the hormone. Variation in the X-linked androgen receptor gene (AR) determines sensitivity to testosterone. Alleles of AR with low numbers of CAG triplets respond to testosterone with high transactivational activity, while high numbers of CAG's are associated with increased insensitivity to testosterone. We show in a sample of 50 men (49 Caucasian subjects, 1 Caucasian/Chinese subject) that 2D:4D is a phenotypic correlate of AR structure. Right-hand 2D:4D was positively correlated with CAG number and individuals with low 2D:4D in their right hand compared to left hand had AR alleles with low CAG numbers. We discuss the implications of our findings for our understanding of the aetiology of 2D:4D, its relationships with sex-dependent behaviours, and the evolutionary implications of variation in 2D:4D and AR.
An analysis was done of the patterning of genetic distances between female lineages of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago. The distances (Nei, 1972) were calculated pairwise between all lineages using data from the G, H, I, J, K, L, P and Q blood group systems. Distances between lineages were found to be greater in 1972 than in 1976. Partial correlation coefficients were computed between genetic distances and troop boundaries, controlling for the combined size of the lineages being paired. None of the variance in genetic distances was explained by whether paired lineages were in the same or in different troops. A hypothesis of lineage-specific mating is offered as one explanation of the continued genetic differentiation between lineages within each troop.
It has been suggested that autism may arise as the result of exposure to high concentrations of prenatal testosterone. There is evidence that the ratio of the lengths of the 2nd and 4th digit (2D:4D) may be negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone. We measured 2D:4D in 95 families recruited via the National Autistic Society, UK. The sample comprised a total 72 children with autism (62 males, 10 females; age range 2 to 14 years), including 23 children (20 males, three females) with Asperger syndrome(AS), 34 siblings, 88 fathers, 88 mothers and sex- and age-matched control participants. We found that the 2D:4D ratios of children with autism, their siblings, fathers and mothers were lower than population normative values. Children with AS, who share the social and communicative symptoms of autism but have normal or even high IQ, had higher 2D:4D ratios than children with autism but lower ratios than population normative values. There were positive associations between 2D:4D ratios of children with autism and the ratios of their relatives. Children with autism had lower than expected 2D:4D ratios and children with AS higher ratios than expected in relation to their fathers’2D:4D ratio. It was concluded that 2D:4D ratio may be a possible marker for autism which could implicate prenatal testosterone in its aetiology.
1. When social groups of free-ranging rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, undergo fission, they usually divide between genealogies. 2. If a genealogy divides, it is usually between an eldest daughter with her family and the rest of the genealogy. 3. The separation of the eldest daughter from her genealogy is the extreme case of peripheralization of low-ranking females among rhesus monkeys. 4. The founders of new groups that disperse from the former home range are likely to be subordinate individuals in the parent group, as predicted by Christian (1970). 5. The dispersal of families as units is likely to lead to lineal effects (Neel and Salzano, 1967) in the genetical substructure of the population.
The ratio of the second-to-fourth finger lengths (2D:4D) has been proposed as an indicator of prenatal sex differentiation. However, 2D:4D has not been studied in the closest living human relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus). We report the results from 79 chimpanzees and 39 bonobos of both sexes, including infants, juveniles, and adults. We observed the expected sex difference in 2D:4D, and substantially higher, more human-like, 2D:4D in bonobos than chimpanzees. Previous research indicates that sex differences in 2D:4D result from differences in prenatal sex hormone levels. We hypothesize that the species difference in 2D:4D between bonobos and chimpanzees suggests a possible role for early exposure to sex hormones in the development of behavioral differences between the two species.
Comparative studies of the relationship between 2 phenotypes, or between a phenotype and an environment, are frequently carried out by invalid statistical methods. Most regression, correlation, and contingency table methods, including nonparametric methods, assume that the points are drawn independently from a common distribution. When species are taken from a branching phylogeny, they are manifestly nonindependent. Use of a statistical method that assumes independence will cause overstatement of the significance in hypothesis tests. Some illustrative examples of these phenomena are given, and limitations of previous proposals of ways to correct for the nonindependence discussed. A method of correcting for the phylogeny is proposed. It requires that we know both the tree topology and the branch lengths, and that we be willing to allow the characters to be modeled by Brownian motion on a linear scale. Given these conditions, the phylogeny specifies a set of contrasts among species, contrasts that are statistically independent and can be used in regression or correlation studies. -from Author