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Response Mechanism of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community Characteristics in Different Wetland Types in Qinghai Lake


Abstract and Figures

Carbon-sequestering microorganisms play an important role in the carbon cycle of wetland ecosystems. However, the response mechanism of carbon-sequestering microbial communities to wetland type changes and their relationship with soil carbon remain unclear. To explore these differences and identify the main influencing factors, this study selected marsh wetlands, river wetlands and lakeside wetlands around Qinghai Lake as research subjects. High-throughput sequencing was employed to analyze the functional gene cbbM of carbon-sequestering microorganisms. The results revealed that the alpha diversity of cbbM carbon-sequestering microorganisms mirrored the trend in total carbon content, with the highest diversity observed in marsh wetlands and the lowest in lakeside wetlands. The dominant bacterial phylum was Proteobacteria, with prevalent genera including Thiothrix, Acidithiobacillus, and Thiodictyon. Acidithiobacillus served as a biomarker in lakeside wetlands, while two other genera were indicative of marsh wetlands. The hierarchical partitioning analysis indicated that the diversity of cbbM carbon-fixing microorganisms was primarily influenced by the total nitrogen content, while the community structure was significantly affected by the soil total carbon content. Moreover, an increased soil temperature and humidity were found to favor the carbon fixation processes of Thiomicrospira, Thiomonas, Polaromonas, and Acidithiobacillus. In summary, changes in wetland types seriously affected the characteristics of cbbM carbon sequestration in microbial communities, and a warm and humid climate may be conducive to wetland carbon sequestration.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Zhang, N.; Chen, K.; Wang,
X.; Ji, W.; Yang, Z.; Wang, X.; Li, J.
Response Mechanism of cbbM Carbon
Sequestration Microbial Community
Characteristics in Different Wetland
Types in Qinghai Lake. Biology 2024,
13, 333.
Academic Editors: Pabulo H.
Rampelotto and Juan Carlos
Received: 21 April 2024
Revised: 8 May 2024
Accepted: 9 May 2024
Published: 10 May 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
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Response Mechanism of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial
Community Characteristics in Different Wetland Types in
Qinghai Lake
Ni Zhang 1,2,3 , Kelong Chen 1,2,3,*, Xinye Wang 1,2,3, Wei Ji 1,2,3, Ziwei Yang 1,2,3, Xia Wang 1,2,3 and Junmin Li 4
1Qinghai Province Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Process, College of
Geographical Science, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China; (N.Z.); (X.W.); (W.J.); (Z.Y.); (X.W.)
2Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Land Surface Processes and Ecological Conservation (Ministry of
Education), Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China
3National Positioning Observation and Research Station of Qinghai Lake Wetland Ecosystem in Qinghai,
National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Haibei 812300, China
4School of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000,
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-139-0971-7813
Simple Summary: In this paper, the differences in carbon sequestration microbial communities
in different wetland types and their main influencing factors were investigated. It was found that
the alpha diversity of cbbM carbon-sequestering microorganisms was consistent with the change
trend in the total carbon content. Acidithiobacillus was used as a biomarker in lakeside wetlands,
and Thiothrix and Thiodictyon were used as biomarkers in marsh wetlands. The diversity of cbbM
carbon-fixing microorganisms was primarily influenced by the total nitrogen content, while the
community structure was significantly affected by the soil total carbon content. The increase in
soil temperature and humidity was conducive to the carbon-sequestering process of Thiomicrospira,
Thiomonas,Polaromonas and Acidithiobacillus. The changes in wetland types seriously affected the
characteristics of cbbM carbon sequestration in microbial communities, and a warm and humid
climate may be conducive to wetland carbon sequestration.
Abstract: Carbon-sequestering microorganisms play an important role in the carbon cycle of wetland
ecosystems. However, the response mechanism of carbon-sequestering microbial communities to
wetland type changes and their relationship with soil carbon remain unclear. To explore these differ-
ences and identify the main influencing factors, this study selected marsh wetlands, river wetlands
and lakeside wetlands around Qinghai Lake as research subjects. High-throughput sequencing
was employed to analyze the functional gene cbbM of carbon-sequestering microorganisms. The
results revealed that the alpha diversity of cbbM carbon-sequestering microorganisms mirrored
the trend in total carbon content, with the highest diversity observed in marsh wetlands and the
lowest in lakeside wetlands. The dominant bacterial phylum was Proteobacteria, with prevalent
genera including Thiothrix,Acidithiobacillus, and Thiodictyon.Acidithiobacillus served as a biomarker
in lakeside wetlands, while two other genera were indicative of marsh wetlands. The hierarchical
partitioning analysis indicated that the diversity of cbbM carbon-fixing microorganisms was pri-
marily influenced by the total nitrogen content, while the community structure was significantly
affected by the soil total carbon content. Moreover, an increased soil temperature and humidity
were found to favor the carbon fixation processes of Thiomicrospira,Thiomonas,Polaromonas, and
Acidithiobacillus. In summary, changes in wetland types seriously affected the characteristics of cbbM
carbon sequestration in microbial communities, and a warm and humid climate may be conducive to
wetland carbon sequestration.
Biology 2024,13, 333.
Biology 2024,13, 333 2 of 13
Keywords: Qinghai–Tibet Plateau; climate change; carbon cycle; carbon sequestration microorganisms;
carbon fixation
1. Introduction
Soil is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir, storing far more carbon than plants
and the atmosphere [
]. Wetland soil carbon storage accounts for 1/3 of the total soil
carbon storage on land and has great potential for regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentrations and mitigating climate change [
]. Therefore, wetlands are extremely
important in the regulation of the global carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems [
Maintaining a high carbon storage in wetland ecosystems also plays an important role in
mitigating climate warming caused by increasing carbon dioxide (CO
) concentrations [
However, climate change also affects the ability of wetlands to sequester carbon [
]. In
the foreseeable future, global temperatures will continue to rise [
], and the frequency and
intensity of biogeochemical cycles will further increase [
]. These changes may exacerbate
land degradation processes, have strong impacts on ecosystem functions and biological
interactions [
], and they may even significantly affect the carbon sequestration capacity
of wetlands. Previous studies have shown that different wetland types can lead to changes
in vegetation types and further lead to changes in the size of the organic carbon pool and its
chemical composition [
]. Currently, published carbon sequestration rates for various
wetlands range from 0.02 to 6 Mg SOC ha
, and this difference is also closely
related to the wetland type [
]. Therefore, it is necessary to study the carbon fixation
mechanism of different wetland types.
As the “engine of the biogeochemical cycle, microorganisms usually drive the carbon
cycle of wetland soil through catabolism and anabolism [
]. Carbon sequestration microor-
ganisms are critical to the conservation and restoration of the carbon sequestration potential
of wetland soils and soil functions, and they act by absorbing carbon dioxide and converting
atmospheric CO
into organic carbon [
]. Carbon sequestration microbial groups fix CO
through six main pathways [
]. The Calvin cycle is the most important CO
pathway for carbon sequestration microorganisms, and the key enzyme involved in this
cycle is 1,5-diphosphate ribulose carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) [
]. Two functional
genes, cbbL and cbbM, are highly conserved and encode large subunits of RubisCO forms I
and II, respectively, and they are commonly used as biomarkers to measure carbon seques-
tration in the environment [
]. However, Liu et al. [
] investigated the controlling factors
and driving microorganisms of dark carbon fixation in intertidal sediments and found that
cbbM-carrying bacteria were more responsible for carbon sequestration in ecosystems than
cbbL-carrying bacteria were, confirming the importance of cbbM functional genes.
With an average elevation of more than 4000 m, the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau has the
largest area of alpine wetlands in the world [
], and was also the first region affected
by climate change in China [
]. Global climate change has had a significant impact on
the carbon cycle of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau ecosystem [
]. Recent studies found that
climate warming will cause changes in various hydrological processes in the Qinghai–Tibet
Plateau water system, which may adversely affect its ecological structure, function and
resilience [
]. Therefore, in this study, the Qinghai Lake Basin in the northeastern
Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was selected as the research area, and the riverhead wetlands, lake-
side wetlands and swamp wetlands in the Qinghai Lake Basin were selected as research
objects. High-throughput sequencing technology was used to determine the microflora
of cbbM functional genes, and the biogeochemical properties of the soil were also deter-
mined. The objectives of this study were to (1) study the response patterns of cbbM carbon
sequestration microbial communities to different wetland types; (2) evaluate the effects of
soil properties driven by different wetland types on cbbM carbon sequestration microbial
communities; and (3) analyze the interaction between cbbM carbon sequestration microor-
ganisms and environmental factors in different wetland types in the Qinghai Lake Basin.
Biology 2024,13, 333 3 of 13
The results can not only provide basic data for the quantitative study of the carbon cycle
and transformation in the Qinghai Lake Basin but also provide a reference and guidance
for the study of the mechanism of carbon sources and sinks in alpine wetlands.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Overview of the Study Area
Wayan Mountain, situated between 37
and 37
N and 100
and 100
E, is
a characteristic riverhead wetland. It boasts an elevation ranging from 3720 to 3850 m, an
annual mean temperature of
C, and an average annual precipitation of 420.37 mm.
The vegetation here is primarily dominated by Kobresia humilis (C. A. Mey. ex Trautv.) Serg.
Xiaobo Lake, on the other hand, is a year-round flooded swamp wetland with coordinates
of 36
to 36
N and 100
to 100
E. It has an average elevation of 3228 m, an
annual mean temperature ranging from
0.8 to 1.1
C, and an average annual precipitation
of 324.5 to 412.8 mm. The wetland’s flora is primarily composed of Kobresia humilis (C. A.
Mey. ex Trautv.) Serg and Blysmus sinocompressus Tang et Wang. Bird Island, located between
and 37
N and 99
and 99
E, is a typical lakeside wetland. It has an
elevation of 3194 to 3226 m, an average annual temperature of
C, and an average
annual precipitation of 322.7 mm. The dominant species found in this wetland type are
Allium przewalskianum Regel,Astragalus adsurgens Pall, and Poa annua L [33].
2.2. Soil Sample Collection
In June 2020, during the early stage of plant growth, soil samples were collected. Each
plot was 1 m
1 m in size, and a five-point sampling method was used to collect soil from
the 0–10 cm surface layer using a soil auger with a diameter of 4.5 cm. The samples were
named according to the experimental station name as Wck (Wayan Mountain), Bck (Xiaobo
Lake), and Nck (Bird Island). Five replicates were collected at each sampling site, resulting
in a total of 15 soil samples. These samples were mixed and sieved through a 2 mm mesh
sieve. Some soil samples were preserved in liquid nitrogen tanks for soil DNA extraction,
while the remaining samples were stored in ice bags for rapid transportation back to the
laboratory for further analysis.
2.3. Determination of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties
A TDR-300 (produced by Spectrum Technologies in Plainfield, IL, USA) is utilized to
monitor soil moisture levels within a 0–10 cm depth. Meanwhile, the LI-8100 instrument
(manufactured by LI-COR in Lincoln, NE, USA) measured the soil temperature within the
same depth range. For pH measurements, a pH meter (model FE20-FiveEasy pH, from Mettler
Toledo in Gießen, Germany) was employed after mixing the soil with water at a ratio of 1:2.5.
To determine total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN) content, an Elemental Analysis System
(Vario EL III, Elemental Analysis System GmbH, Langenselbold, Germany) was used [34].
2.4. DNA Extraction and Illumina MiSeq Sequencing
Soil microbial DNA was extracted from 0.5 g of fresh soil using a PowerSoil DNA Isolation
Kit (Mio-bio, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Standard fixed carbon microbial amplification primers,
namely the forward primer (5
and the reverse primer (5
), were used to amplify
the cbbM gene fragment [
]. The Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform was utilized to
sequence the PCR products obtained. DNA extraction, quantification, and PCR procedures
were carried out following previously established and validated protocols [
]. This
approach ensured the accuracy and reproducibility of the sequencing results.
2.5. Statistical Analysis
Functional groups of microorganisms were predicted by FAPROTAX [
]. Using R
software (version 4.1.2), the p-value was calculated and plots were generated, referencing
specific R packages and functions from paper [34].
Biology 2024,13, 333 4 of 13
3. Results
3.1. Community Diversity of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microorganisms in Different Wetland Types
The sequencing results indicated that the partial dilution curve did not reach saturation
(Figure 1a); it rather approached saturation, suggesting a comprehensive representation
of the diversity of carbon-sequestering bacterial communities containing cbbM genes.
Additionally, based on the calculation of Good’s coverage index (ranging from 0.9749 to
0.9826), higher coverage indices of the samples corresponded to smaller proportions of
undetected species. According to Illumina MiSeq analysis, at a 3% sequence difference level
clustering, the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of cbbM carbon-sequestering
microorganisms in Qinghai Lake wetlands was 9930 (Figure 1b). The OTU counts of
marsh wetlands, lakefront wetlands and riverhead wetlands varied from 7812 to 8202,
with unique OTUs of 687, 405, and 720, respectively. Notably, the alpha diversity varied
among the different wetland types (Figure 1c). While the species richness and evenness
indices of riverhead wetlands fell between those of marsh and lakeside wetlands, with no
statistically significant differences, marsh wetlands exhibited significantly higher species
richness and evenness indices compared to lakeside wetlands, highlighting a notable
disparity between them. As shown in Figure 1d, a PCA based on the OTU levels illustrated
distinct differences among samples from the three wetland types. Generally, lakeside
wetlands exhibited minimal soil heterogeneity and similar community compositions of
carbon-sequestering microorganisms. Conversely, river source wetlands displayed the
greatest soil heterogeneity, with slightly larger differences in carbon sequestration microbial
community composition among samples.
Biology 2024, 13, 333 4 of 14
2.5. Statistical Analysis
Functional groups of microorganisms were predicted by FAPROTAX [36]. Using R
software (version 4.1.2), the p-value was calculated and plots were generated, referencing
specic R packages and functions from paper [34].
3. Results
3.1. Community Diversity of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microorganisms in Dierent
Wetland Types
The sequencing results indicated that the partial dilution curve did not reach satura-
tion (Figure 1a); it rather approached saturation, suggesting a comprehensive representa-
tion of the diversity of carbon-sequestering bacterial communities containing cbbM genes.
Additionally, based on the calculation of Good’s coverage index (ranging from 0.9749 to
0.9826), higher coverage indices of the samples corresponded to smaller proportions of
undetected species. According to Illumina MiSeq analysis, at a 3% sequence dierence
level clustering, the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of cbbM carbon-se-
questering microorganisms in Qinghai Lake wetlands was 9930 (Figure 1b). The OTU
counts of marsh wetlands, lakefront wetlands and riverhead wetlands varied from 7812
to 8202, with unique OTUs of 687, 405, and 720, respectively. Notably, the alpha diversity
varied among the dierent wetland types (Figure 1c). While the species richness and even-
ness indices of riverhead wetlands fell between those of marsh and lakeside wetlands,
with no statistically signicant dierences, marsh wetlands exhibited signicantly higher
species richness and evenness indices compared to lakeside wetlands, highlighting a no-
table disparity between them. As shown in Figure 1d, a PCA based on the OTU levels
illustrated distinct dierences among samples from the three wetland types. Generally,
lakeside wetlands exhibited minimal soil heterogeneity and similar community composi-
tions of carbon-sequestering microorganisms. Conversely, river source wetlands dis-
played the greatest soil heterogeneity, with slightly larger dierences in carbon seques-
tration microbial community composition among samples.
Figure 1. Illumina sequencing results and carbon sequestration microbial community diversity: (a)
sample dilution curve; (b) OTU distribution map; (c) cbbM microbial alpha diversity index; (d)
cbbM microbial principal component analysis. NS indicates p > 0.05, and ** indicates p < 0.01.
Figure 1. Illumina sequencing results and carbon sequestration microbial community diversity:
(a) sample dilution curve; (b) OTU distribution map; (c) cbbM microbial alpha diversity index;
(d) cbbM microbial principal component analysis. NS indicates p> 0.05, and ** indicates p< 0.01.
3.2. Composition of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Communities in Different Wetland Types
At the phylum level, proteobacteria emerged as the dominant bacterial group in the
wetland soil of Qinghai Lake, constituting a relative abundance exceeding 99.9%. Un-
classified genera accounted for 23.09% to 30.32% of bacterial relative abundance. Twelve
Biology 2024,13, 333 5 of 13
genera-level bacteria with relative abundances greater than 1% in the Qinghai Lake wet-
land were selected to construct a histogram of relative abundance percentages (Figure 2).
Thiothrix,Acidithiobacillus and Thiodictyon were the most abundant, all belonging to Pro-
teobacteria, with average relative abundances of 17.18%, 17.75% and 12.01%, respectively.
ANOVA analysis revealed that nine genera-level microflora (relative abundance > 1%) were
significantly influenced by wetland type (Figure 3). Distinct biomarkers were identified for
different wetland types. Acidithiobacillus,Ectothiorhodospira,Polaromonas,Thiomicrospira and
Thiomonas exhibited the highest relative abundances in lakeside wetlands. Dechloromonas
and Rhodoferax were most abundant in river source wetlands, while Thiodictyon and Thio-
thrix dominated in swamp wetlands.
Biology 2024, 13, 333 5 of 14
3.2. Composition of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Communities in Dierent
Wetland Types
At the phylum level, proteobacteria emerged as the dominant bacterial group in the
wetland soil of Qinghai Lake, constituting a relative abundance exceeding 99.9%. Unclas-
sied genera accounted for 23.09% to 30.32% of bacterial relative abundance. Twelve gen-
era-level bacteria with relative abundances greater than 1% in the Qinghai Lake wetland
were selected to construct a histogram of relative abundance percentages (Figure 2). Thio-
thrix, Acidithiobacillus and Thiodictyon were the most abundant, all belonging to Proteobac-
teria, with average relative abundances of 17.18%, 17.75% and 12.01%, respectively.
ANOVA analysis revealed that nine genera-level microora (relative abundance > 1%)
were signicantly inuenced by wetland type (Figure 3). Distinct biomarkers were iden-
tied for dierent wetland types. Acidithiobacillus, Ectothiorhodospira, Polaromonas, Thiomi-
crospira and Thiomonas exhibited the highest relative abundances in lakeside wetlands.
Dechloromonas and Rhodoferax were most abundant in river source wetlands, while Thiodic-
tyon and Thiothrix dominated in swamp wetlands.
Figure 2. Community composition of cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in Qinghai Lake
Figure 3. Genera-level dierence of microora of three wetland types in Qinghai Lake. abc indicates
signicance, the same leer indicates no signicant dierence between groups (p > 0.05), and dier-
ent leers indicate a signicant dierence between groups (p < 0.05).
Figure 2. Community composition of cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in Qinghai
Lake wetlands.
Biology 2024, 13, 333 5 of 14
3.2. Composition of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Communities in Dierent
Wetland Types
At the phylum level, proteobacteria emerged as the dominant bacterial group in the
wetland soil of Qinghai Lake, constituting a relative abundance exceeding 99.9%. Unclas-
sied genera accounted for 23.09% to 30.32% of bacterial relative abundance. Twelve gen-
era-level bacteria with relative abundances greater than 1% in the Qinghai Lake wetland
were selected to construct a histogram of relative abundance percentages (Figure 2). Thio-
thrix, Acidithiobacillus and Thiodictyon were the most abundant, all belonging to Proteobac-
teria, with average relative abundances of 17.18%, 17.75% and 12.01%, respectively.
ANOVA analysis revealed that nine genera-level microora (relative abundance > 1%)
were signicantly inuenced by wetland type (Figure 3). Distinct biomarkers were iden-
tied for dierent wetland types. Acidithiobacillus, Ectothiorhodospira, Polaromonas, Thiomi-
crospira and Thiomonas exhibited the highest relative abundances in lakeside wetlands.
Dechloromonas and Rhodoferax were most abundant in river source wetlands, while Thiodic-
tyon and Thiothrix dominated in swamp wetlands.
Figure 2. Community composition of cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in Qinghai Lake
Figure 3. Genera-level dierence of microora of three wetland types in Qinghai Lake. abc indicates
signicance, the same leer indicates no signicant dierence between groups (p > 0.05), and dier-
ent leers indicate a signicant dierence between groups (p < 0.05).
Figure 3. Genera-level difference of microflora of three wetland types in Qinghai Lake. abc indicates
significance, the same letter indicates no significant difference between groups (p> 0.05), and different
letters indicate a significant difference between groups (p< 0.05).
Biology 2024,13, 333 6 of 13
3.3. Functional Groups of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community in Qinghai Lake Wetlands
The FAPROTAX function annotation results of the carbon sequestration microbial
community in Qinghai Lake wetlands (Figure 4) revealed that the ecological functions of
the community could be categorized into 25 functional groups (with relative abundances
exceeding 1%). Among the microbial functions associated with cbbM (Top 10), the predom-
inant ones included dark_oxidation_of_odor_compounds (12.49%), phototrophy (8.71%),
anoxygenic_photoautotrophy (7.13%), photoautotrophy (7.13%), anoxygen_photoautotrophy_
S_oxidizing (7.13%), dark_oxidation (6.72%), dark_sulfide_oxidation (6.33%), dark_iron_
oxidation (5.96%), chemoheterotrophy (4.53%), and aerobic_chemoheterotrophy (4.52%).
The relative abundance of each was closely related to wetland type. The corresponding
microflora were reversed through the nine main functional groups of the C cycle (Figure 5),
and it was found that cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in the Qinghai Lake
wetland were in 30 genus-level microflora of four phyla, of which 25 genus-level microflora
belonged to Proteobacteria. The predominant functional groups among most bacteria were
phototrophs and photoautotrophs, while some bacteria also exhibited chemoheterotrophs
and aerobic chemoheterotrophs as primary functional groups.
Biology 2024, 13, 333 6 of 14
3.3. Functional Groups of cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community in
Qinghai Lake Wetlands
The FAPROTAX function annotation results of the carbon sequestration microbial
community in Qinghai Lake wetlands (Figure 4) revealed that the ecological functions of
the community could be categorized into 25 functional groups (with relative abundances
exceeding 1%). Among the microbial functions associated with cbbM (Top 10), the pre-
dominant ones included dark_oxidation_of_odor_compounds (12.49%), phototrophy
(8.71%), anoxygenic_photoautotrophy (7.13%), photoautotrophy (7.13%), anoxygen_pho-
toautotrophy_S_oxidizing (7.13%), dark_oxidation (6.72%), dark_sulde_oxidation
(6.33%), dark_iron_oxidation (5.96%), chemoheterotrophy (4.53%), and aerobic_chemo-
heterotrophy (4.52%). The relative abundance of each was closely related to wetland type.
The corresponding microora were reversed through the nine main functional groups of
the C cycle (Figure 5), and it was found that cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms
in the Qinghai Lake wetland were in 30 genus-level microora of four phyla, of which 25
genus-level microora belonged to Proteobacteria. The predominant functional groups
among most bacteria were phototrophs and photoautotrophs, while some bacteria also
exhibited chemoheterotrophs and aerobic chemoheterotrophs as primary functional
Figure 4. Main functional groups of cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in the Qinghai Lake
Figure 4. Main functional groups of cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in the Qinghai
Lake wetlands.
3.4. Correlations between the cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community and Soil
Environmental Factors in the Qinghai Lake Wetlands
The physical and chemical factors of the soil were significantly influenced by wetland
types, displaying notable spatial variations (p< 0.05) (Figure 6a). Regarding physical
factors, lakeside wetlands exhibited significantly higher temperatures and humidity levels
compared to marsh and riverhead wetlands. Although the soil moisture of the riverhead
wetland was higher than that of the marsh wetland, the soil temperature of the riverhead
wetlands was lower than that of the marsh wetlands. The pH values of the Qinghai Lake
wetlands followed a similar trend to soil temperature variations, while total carbon and
nitrogen contents were lowest in lakeside wetlands. Additionally, marsh wetlands dis-
played a higher total carbon content than river source wetlands, with the trend reversed
Biology 2024,13, 333 7 of 13
for total nitrogen content. Positive correlations were observed between soil temperature
and moisture, as well as between soil total carbon and nitrogen contents (p< 0.05). How-
ever, no significant correlations were found between pH and total carbon content or soil
(p> 0.05)
, while other physical and chemical factors exhibited significant negative
correlations (p< 0.05) (Figure 6b). At the phylum level, soil environmental factors did not
significantly influence the community of carbon-fixing microorganisms (p> 0.05). However,
at the genus level, microbial communities were closely correlated with soil temperature
and total carbon and nitrogen content (p< 0.05) (Figure 6b). A redundancy analysis of
the top 10 carbon sequestration microflora and soil environmental factors revealed that
different environmental factors had varying impacts on different microorganisms. The pH
exhibited minimal impact on carbon sequestration microbial communities. Further correla-
tion analyses demonstrated significant positive correlations between pH and Thiomicrospira
and Thiomonas, and significant negative correlation with Thiodictyon. Soil temperature and
humidity showed positive correlations with Thiomicrospira, Thiomonas,Polaromonas, and
Acidithiobacillus, while total carbon and nitrogen exhibited negative correlations with these
microflora. Moreover, the total carbon content displayed significant positive correlations
with Dechloromonas and Rhodoferax, potentially important markers of cbbM carbon se-
questration in Qinghai Lake wetlands. Hierarchical partitioning analysis indicated that the
wetland type, total carbon, and humidity explained the majority of variation in the commu-
nity structure of cbbM carbon-fixing microorganisms in Qinghai Lake wetlands (Figure 7).
The total carbon emerged as the most significant environmental factor, interacting with
other factors to influence the assembly of wetland carbon-fixing microbial communities
(Figure 7). While the alpha diversity of carbon-fixing microorganisms exhibited a less
pronounced response to wetland type, it was primarily influenced by soil physicochemical
properties, with total nitrogen being the primary driver, while temperature also played an
important role (Figure 8).
Biology 2024, 13, 333 7 of 14
Figure 5. The main functional groups of the C cycle and the corresponding generic level microora
in the Qinghai Lake wetlands.
3.4. Correlations between the cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community and Soil
Environmental Factors in the Qinghai Lake Wetlands
The physical and chemical factors of the soil were signicantly inuenced by wetland
types, displaying notable spatial variations (p < 0.05) (Figure 6a). Regarding physical fac-
tors, lakeside wetlands exhibited signicantly higher temperatures and humidity levels
compared to marsh and riverhead wetlands. Although the soil moisture of the riverhead
wetland was higher than that of the marsh wetland, the soil temperature of the riverhead
wetlands was lower than that of the marsh wetlands. The pH values of the Qinghai Lake
wetlands followed a similar trend to soil temperature variations, while total carbon and
nitrogen contents were lowest in lakeside wetlands. Additionally, marsh wetlands dis-
played a higher total carbon content than river source wetlands, with the trend reversed
for total nitrogen content. Positive correlations were observed between soil temperature
and moisture, as well as between soil total carbon and nitrogen contents (p < 0.05). How-
ever, no signicant correlations were found between pH and total carbon content or soil
moisture (p > 0.05), while other physical and chemical factors exhibited signicant nega-
tive correlations (p < 0.05) (Figure 6b). At the phylum level, soil environmental factors did
not signicantly inuence the community of carbon-xing microorganisms (p > 0.05).
However, at the genus level, microbial communities were closely correlated with soil tem-
perature and total carbon and nitrogen content (p < 0.05) (Figure 6b). A redundancy anal-
ysis of the top 10 carbon sequestration microora and soil environmental factors revealed
that dierent environmental factors had varying impacts on dierent microorganisms.
The pH exhibited minimal impact on carbon sequestration microbial communities. Fur-
ther correlation analyses demonstrated signicant positive correlations between pH and
Thiomicrospira and Thiomonas, and signicant negative correlation with Thiodictyon. Soil
temperature and humidity showed positive correlations with Thiomicrospira, Thiomonas,
Polaromonas, and Acidithiobacillus, while total carbon and nitrogen exhibited negative cor-
relations with these microora. Moreover, the total carbon content displayed signicant
positive correlations with Dechloromonas and Rhodoferax, potentially important markers
of cbbM carbon sequestration in Qinghai Lake wetlands. Hierarchical partitioning analy-
sis indicated that the wetland type, total carbon, and humidity explained the majority of
Figure 5. The main functional groups of the C cycle and the corresponding generic level microflora in
the Qinghai Lake wetlands.
Biology 2024,13, 333 8 of 13
Biology 2024, 13, 333 8 of 14
variation in the community structure of cbbM carbon-xing microorganisms in Qinghai
Lake wetlands (Figure 7). The total carbon emerged as the most signicant environmental
factor, interacting with other factors to inuence the assembly of wetland carbon-xing
microbial communities (Figure 7). While the alpha diversity of carbon-xing microorgan-
isms exhibited a less pronounced response to wetland type, it was primarily inuenced
by soil physicochemical properties, with total nitrogen being the primary driver, while
temperature also played an important role (Figure 8).
Figure 6. Correlation between soil environmental factors and carbon-sequestering microorganisms
in the Qinghai Lake wetlands: (a) changes in physicochemical factors in dierent types of wetlands;
(b) correlation network diagram between carbon-sequestering microbial community characteristics
and environmental factors; (c) redundancy analysis of environmental factors and genus-level mi-
croora (Top 10); (d) heatmap of correlation between environmental factors and genus-level micro-
ora (Top 10). abc indicates signicance, the same leer indicates no signicant dierence between
groups (p > 0.05), and dierent leers indicate a signicant dierence between groups (p < 0.05); *
indicates p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01, *** indicates p < 0.001.
Figure 6. Correlation between soil environmental factors and carbon-sequestering microorganisms in
the Qinghai Lake wetlands: (a) changes in physicochemical factors in different types of wetlands;
(b) correlation network diagram between carbon-sequestering microbial community characteris-
tics and environmental factors; (c) redundancy analysis of environmental factors and genus-level
microflora (Top 10); (d) heatmap of correlation between environmental factors and genus-level mi-
croflora (Top 10). abc indicates significance, the same letter indicates no significant difference between
groups (p> 0.05), and different letters indicate a significant difference between groups (p< 0.05);
* indicates p< 0.05, ** indicates p< 0.01, *** indicates p< 0.001.
Biology 2024, 13, 333 9 of 14
Figure 7. Hierarchical segmentation analysis of inuencing factors of community structure.
Figure 8. Hierarchical segmentation analysis of inuencing factors of Alpha diversity.
4. Discussion
4.1. Eects of Wetland Type Changes on cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial
Community Diversity
Richness and diversity serve as two crucial indicators of carbon sequestration micro-
bial community characteristics, and they are signicantly inuenced by the heterogeneity
of wetland types [37]. The richness and diversity of cbbM carbon sequestration microbial
communities in the Qinghai Lake wetlands responded to changes in wetland types to a
certain extent. The richness and diversity indices of the microbial community in marsh
wetlands were signicantly higher than those in lakeside wetlands. However, the dier-
ence between river source wetlands and the other two types of wetlands was not as
Figure 7. Hierarchical segmentation analysis of influencing factors of community structure.
Biology 2024,13, 333 9 of 13
Figure 8. Hierarchical segmentation analysis of influencing factors of Alpha diversity.
4. Discussion
4.1. Effects of Wetland Type Changes on cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community Diversity
Richness and diversity serve as two crucial indicators of carbon sequestration micro-
bial community characteristics, and they are significantly influenced by the heterogeneity
of wetland types [
]. The richness and diversity of cbbM carbon sequestration microbial
communities in the Qinghai Lake wetlands responded to changes in wetland types to a
certain extent. The richness and diversity indices of the microbial community in marsh
wetlands were significantly higher than those in lakeside wetlands. However, the dif-
ference between river source wetlands and the other two types of wetlands was not as
pronounced, possibly due to the high carbon and nitrogen contents in marsh wetlands,
which promote the activity of carbon-sequestering microorganisms [
]. The carbon
and nitrogen contents of lakeside wetlands were also significantly lower than those of
marsh wetlands, further supporting this view. Previous studies have indicated that the
diversity of carbon sequestration microbial communities on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau is
closely related to environmental factors. Soil moisture and pH are generally regarded as
key factors determining soil microbial diversity [
]. For instance, Hu [
] demonstrated
a significant correlation between microbial diversity and variations in soil moisture, with
the latter also exerting a notable influence on soil nutrient variations. Wang [
] conducted
a study examining the influence of environmental factors on microbial communities, re-
vealing that pH impacts these communities by modulating carbon and nitrogen content.
Additionally, Wang [
] investigated the factors affecting the carbon sequestration microbial
community under changes in precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau and found that the soil
temperature, humidity, and pH were the most important factors influencing the diversity of
the carbon sequestration microbial community. In Wang’s [
] research on the influencing
factors of carbon sequestration microbial communities in the Tibetan Plateau, changes in
total nitrogen content significantly affected carbon sequestration microorganisms. This
study also identified the total nitrogen content as the most influential factor on the alpha
diversity of carbon-fixing microbial communities in the Qinghai Lake wetlands, with the
soil temperature also playing a significant role. The significant differences in total nitrogen
content and temperature between lakeside wetlands and marsh wetlands also provide
Biology 2024,13, 333 10 of 13
support for these findings. However, their correlation with pH and humidity was relatively
weak, possibly due to small spatial scales and consistent land use practices [46,47].
4.2. Effects of Wetland Type Changes on cbbM Carbon Sequestration Microbial Community Structure
Proteobacteria were the dominant bacteria in the carbon sequestration microbial com-
munities of the three types of wetlands in Qinghai Lake, consistent with the research
findings of Wang et al. [
] on carbon sequestration microorganisms in karst wetlands.
Similarly, Gao et al. [
] investigated the community characteristics of carbon sequestration
microorganisms on the northern Tibetan Plateau and reached similar conclusions. However,
numerous studies have shown that the community composition of cbbM carbon sequestra-
tion microorganisms in wetland ecosystems is different at the genus level. Wang et al. [
investigated the abundance and diversity of carbon sequestration bacterial communities in
karst wetland soil ecosystems. The dominant bacterial genera of cbbM carbon-sequestering
microorganisms were Ferriphaselus,Halothiobacillus,Rhodopseudomona,Sinorhizobium and
Sulphitalea. Yousuf et al. [
] compared cbbM carbon-sequestering microbial communities
in saline soil and farmland soil and found that Rhodopseudomonas and Thiobacillus were the
dominant bacterial genera in farmland soil. In this study, the dominant bacterial genera of
cbbM carbon sequestration microorganisms in the Qinghai Lake wetlands were Thiothrix,
Acidithiobacillus and Thiodictyon, which differed from previous studies. Yang et al. [
investigated the dynamics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in coastal wetlands in eastern
China after Spartamina alterniflora invasion and found that the coastal salt marsh wetlands
were in a local state of hypoxia, and this unique environment produced a unique domi-
nant genus of carbon fixation microorganisms. Therefore, the differences in the dominant
bacterial genera of carbon-sequestering microorganisms in wetland ecosystems are closely
related to changes in the microenvironment. A correlation analysis between carbon-fixing
microorganisms and soil physicochemical factors in Qinghai Lake wetlands indicated that
the community structure of carbon-fixing microorganisms was primarily influenced by the
soil total carbon content. Wang et al. [
] also found that changes in soil carbon components
are the main factors influencing the structure of wetland soil carbon-fixing microbial com-
munities, which is consistent with the results of this study. In addition, soil temperature
and humidity were positively correlated with Thiomicrospira,Thiomonas,Polaromonas and
Acidithiobacillus, while total carbon and nitrogen were negatively correlated with these
four microbial communities, indicating that a higher soil temperature and humidity might
be more conducive to the carbon sequestration process of these microbial communities.
The dominant species of bacteria in the Qinghai Lake wetlands were significantly affected
by the wetland types, and the relative abundance of Acidithiobacillus in lakeside wetlands
was the highest, which may be due to the higher temperature in lakeside wetlands and the
thermophilic characteristics of the bacteria [
]. The relative abundances of Thiodictyon and
Thiothrix were the highest in swamp wetlands, which may be related to the high carbon
content in this wetland type.
5. Conclusions
This study compared the characteristics of cbbM carbon sequestration microbial com-
munities and their correlation with soil environmental factors in three types of wetlands in
Qinghai Lake. The alpha diversity of the carbon sequestration microbial community was
significantly different between marsh wetlands and lakeside wetlands, with the highest
diversity in marsh wetlands, followed by riverhead wetlands and then lakeside wetlands.
The dominant species composition of cbbM carbon-sequestering microorganisms in the
three wetland types was similar, with Proteobacteria as the dominant bacterial group at
the phylum level and Thiothrix,Acidithiobacillus and Thiodictyon as the dominant bacterial
groups at the genus level. However, Acidithiobacillus had the highest relative abundance in
lakeside wetlands, while Thiothrix and Thiodictyon had the highest relative abundance in
marsh wetlands. Total nitrogen was the most significant influencing factor on the alpha
diversity of soil carbon-fixing bacterial communities in Qinghai Lake wetlands, with the
Biology 2024,13, 333 11 of 13
soil total carbon content being the primary soil physicochemical factor affecting community
structure. The changes in wetland types result in variations in soil microenvironments and
environmental factors. Marsh wetlands are more conducive to the carbon sequestration
process in wetland ecosystems. This study provides a scientific basis and reference for soil
carbon sequestration and ecological protection of alpine wetland ecosystems.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.Z., K.C. and X.W. (Xinye Wang); Data curation, W.J.,
X.W. (Xia Wang) and J.L.; Investigation, X.W. (Xinye Wang), W.J. and Z.Y.; Software, Z.Y., X.W.
(Xia Wang) and J.L.; Writing—original draft, N.Z.; Writing—review and editing, N.Z. and K.C. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Second Comprehensive Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai–
Tibet Plateau (2019QZKK0405), the Qinghai Province key research and development and transforma-
tion plan (2022-QY-204), and the Qinghai Province science and technology plan (2023-ZJ-905T).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Raw data have been uploaded to NCBI, and Its BioProject is PR-
Conflicts of Interest: We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other
people or organizations that could inappropriately influence our work.
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... Taş et al. found in their study that microtopographic features of polygonal tundra that regulate the soil water distribution affect the structure and function of soil microbial communities [57]. This study also indicated that Proteobacteria were dominant in the carbon-fixing microbial communities within the plots, consistent with the findings of Zhang et al. in their study on carbon-fixing microorganisms in three wetland types around Qinghai Lake [58]. Proteobacteria play a critical role in the global carbon cycle and have significant impacts on soil nutrient cycling and broader biogeochemical processes [59]. ...
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The dramatic changes in precipitation patterns on the Tibetan Plateau affected the carbon-sequestering microbial communities within wetland ecosystems, which were closely related to the responses and adaptation mechanisms of alpine wetland ecosystems to climate change. This study focused on wetland soils subjected to different precipitation gradient treatments and employed high-throughput sequencing technology to analyze the soil cbbM carbon-sequestering microbial communities. The results indicated that Proteobacteria were the dominant microbial community responsible for carbon sequestration in the Wayan Mountain wetland. A 50% increase in precipitation significantly raised the soil moisture content, while a 50% reduction and a 25% increase in precipitation notably enhanced the total soil carbon content. The 25% reduction in precipitation increased the differences in microbial community composition, whereas both the 50% increase and the 50% reduction in precipitation decreased these differences. The soil pH and temperature had the most significant impact on the carbon-sequestering microbial communities. In conclusion, changes in precipitation affect the cbbM carbon sequestration characteristics of soil microbial communities, and a moderate reduction in water input benefited carbon sequestration in wetlands.
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Simple Summary Climate warming has caused the active layer of permafrost to thicken, leading to permafrost melting and surface collapse, forming thermokarst landforms. These changes significantly affect regional vegetation, soil properties, and water processes, thereby impacting regional carbon cycling. This study examined the relationships between soil respiration rate (Rs), soil temperature (T), and volumetric water content (VWC) in the thermokarst depression zones of Qinghai Lake’s headwater wetlands. The results showed a significant positive correlation between soil temperature and Rs, and a significant negative correlation between VWC and Rs. The inhibitory effect of VWC on Rs was stronger in thermokarst areas compared to natural conditions. Temperature had a greater influence on Rs, especially during the day, while VWC inhibited Rs more at night. The study highlights the combined impact of temperature and humidity on soil respiration, revealing that Rs in thermokarst areas is more sensitive to temperature changes at night. These findings improve our understanding of carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems and help predict wetland carbon emissions under climate change. Abstract As the climate warms, the thickening of the active layer of permafrost has led to permafrost melting and surface collapse, forming thermokarst landforms. These changes significantly impact regional vegetation, soil physicochemical properties, and hydrological processes, thereby exacerbating regional carbon cycling. This study analyzed the relationship between soil respiration rate (Rs), soil temperature (T), and volumetric water content (VWC) in the thermokarst depression zone of the headwater wetlands of Qinghai Lake, revealing their influence on these soil parameters. Results showed a significant positive correlation between soil temperature and Rs (p < 0.001), and a significant negative correlation between VWC and Rs (p < 0.001). The inhibitory effect of VWC on Rs in the thermokarst depression zone was stronger than under natural conditions (p < 0.05). Single-factor models indicated that the temperature-driven model had higher explanatory power for Rs variation in both the thermokarst depression zone (R² = 0.509) and under natural conditions (R² = 0.414), while the humidity-driven model had lower explanatory power. Dual-factor models further improved explanatory power, slightly more so in the thermokarst depression zone. This indicates that temperature and humidity jointly drive Rs. Additionally, during the daytime, temperature had a more significant impact on Rs under natural conditions, while increased VWC inhibited Rs. At night, the positive correlation between Rs and temperature in the thermokarst depression zone increased significantly. The temperature sensitivity (Q10) values of Rs were 3.32 and 1.80 for the thermokarst depression zone and natural conditions, respectively, indicating higher sensitivity to temperature changes at night in the thermokarst depression zone. This study highlights the complexity of soil respiration responses to temperature and humidity in the thermokarst depression zone of Qinghai Lake’s headwater wetlands, contributing to understanding carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems and predicting wetland carbon emissions under climate change.
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The soil carbon storage in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau wetlands is affected by microbiota and wetland types, but the response mechanisms of carbon sequestration microorganisms on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau to different wetland types are still poorly described. To explore the differences in carbon sequestration microbial communities in different wetlands and the main influencing factors, this study took a marsh wetland, river source wetland and lakeside wetland of Qinghai Lake as the research objects and used high-throughput sequencing to study the functional gene, cbbL, of carbon sequestration microorganisms. The results showed that the dominant bacterial group of carbon sequestration microorganisms in marsh and river source wetlands was Proteobacteria, and the dominant bacterial group in the lakeside wetland was Cyanobacteria. The alpha diversity, relative abundance of Proteobacteria and total carbon content were the highest in the marsh wetland, followed by the river source wetland, and they were the lowest in the lakeside wetland. In addition, the physical and chemical characteristics of the three wetland types were significantly different, and the soil temperature and moisture and total carbon content were the most important factors affecting the community structures of carbon-sequestering microorganisms. There was little difference in the total nitrogen contents between the marsh wetland and river source wetland. However, the total nitrogen content was also an important factor affecting the diversity of the carbon sequestration microbial community. In summary, the wetland type significantly affects the process of soil carbon sequestration. Compared with the riverhead and lakeside wetlands, the marsh wetland has the highest carbon storage.
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Soil microorganisms play an important role in biogeochemical cycling. The bacterial community functional community profiles across different land use types in the mountainous region of eastern Liaoning Province, China, such as natural secondary forest (Quercus mongolica (QM)), shrub wood (SW), coniferous planation (Larix gmelini (LG), and Pinus koraiensis (PK)), and agricultural land (Zea mays (ZM)) were evaluated using high-throughput sequencing of the bacterial 16S rDNA gene, and predicted based on the FaProTax database. Bacterial functional groups varied across samples under different land use patterns. A total of 53 functional groups were acquired using FaProTaxin accordance with the classification annotation results of 16S rDNA sequences. These functional groups contained 5809 OTUs, accounting for 66.25% of all OTUs. The dominant functions were chemoheterotrophs and aerobicchemoheterotrophy with average relative abundance of 21.69% and 21.01%, respectively. In addition, we detected 15 and 12 ecological function groups related to the carbon and nitrogen cycles, respectively. The bacterial functional groups of ZM were clearly separated from those of PK, LG, QM, and SW, indicating that functional groups of agriculture soil differed from those of forest soils. Furthermore, the bacterial functional groups of LG and PK were obviously separated from those of QM and SW, suggesting that functional groups of broad leaf forest differed from those of coniferous forests. Also, we analyzed the main factors that influence soil bacterial community functional groups under different land use patterns. It was found that soil environmental conditions, especially soil pH, NH4+-N, and NO3--N content,and strongly influenced the distribution of functional groups about carbon.
Comparison of microbial community diversity and composition of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in undisturbed regions could expand our understandings on the mechanisms of microbial community assembly and ecosystem responses to environmental change. This study investigated the spatial distribution of bacterial community diversity and composition in the lakeshore soils and lake sediments from one of the best preserved nature reserves, Hoh Xil on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and explored the corresponding environmental drivers. A total of 36 sediment and soil samples were collected from six alpine lakes and the corresponding shore zones, and their bacterial community structure was identified by high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. 4Significant difference (p < 0.05) in diversity and composition of bacterial communities between the soils and sediments was observed. Heterogeneous selection played a dominant role in shaping the spatial variations of bacterial communities between the soils and sediments. Results of canonical correspondence analysis showed that the difference in composition of bacterial communities at OTU level between the soils and sediments was mainly determined by the mean annual temperature, salinity, and contents of total organic carbon and total nitrogen. Structural equation modeling revealed the salinity played a significantly direct role in soil bacterial composition, while mean annual temperature indirectly affected the bacterial composition mainly through changing soil salinity. In contrast, the sediment bacterial composition was directly influenced primarily by the contents of total organic carbon and total nitrogen, while pH also had an important indirect effect on sediment bacterial composition. These results shed light on the distribution patterns of bacterial communities between lakeshore soils and lake sediments in high-altitude permafrost regions, and the major ecological processes and environmental drivers that shaped their bacterial communities, and provide insight on the mechanisms underlying microbial community assembly in such regions.
Dark carbon fixation (DCF) contributes approximately 0.77 Pg C y⁻¹ to oceanic primary production and the global carbon budget. It is estimated that nearly half of the DCF in marine sediments occurs in estuarine and coastal regions, but the environmental factors controlling DCF and the microorganisms responsible for its production remain under exploration. In this study, we investigated DCF rates and the active chemoautotrophic microorganisms in intertidal sediments of the Yangtze Estuary, using ¹⁴C-labeling and DNA-stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) techniques. The measured DCF rates ranged from 0.27 to 3.37 mmol C m⁻² day⁻¹ in intertidal surface sediments. The rates of DCF were closely related to sediment sulfide content, demonstrating that the availability of reductive substrates may be the dominant factor controlling DCF in the intertidal sediments. A significant positive correlation was also observed between the DCF rates and abundance of the cbbM gene. DNA-stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) results further confirmed that cbbM-harboring bacteria, rather than cbbL-harboring bacteria, played a dominant role in DCF in intertidal sediments. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the predominant cbbM-harboring bacteria were affiliated with Burkholderia, including Sulfuricella denitrificans, Sulfuriferula, Acidihalobacter, Thiobacillus, and Sulfurivermis fontis. Moreover, metagenome analyses indicated that most of the potential dark-carbon-fixing bacteria detected in intertidal sediments also harbor genes for sulfur oxidation, denitrification, or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), indicating that these chemoautotrophic microorganisms may play important roles in coupled carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles. These results shed light on the ecological importance and the underlying mechanisms of the DCF process driven by chemoautotrophic microorganisms in intertidal wetlands.
CO2 assimilation by autotrophic microbes in wetland sediments has substantial significance in global warming control. However, among wetland types in the lake basin, the differences in the carbon sequestration processes undertaken by autotrophic microorganisms remain unclear. We aimed to investigate these differences and compared the sediment CO2-fixation rates (CFRs) and the cbbL- and coxL-containing microbial communities in swamp, lake, and river wetlands in summer and autumn in Hulun Lake Basin, China, besides exploring the difference mechanism by considering the sediment physicochemical properties. We found that microbial CFRs and associated microbial communities varied significantly among wetland types. Specifically, CFRs in the static swamp and lake wetlands were significantly higher than those in the lotic swamp and river wetlands, and CFRs in the swamp wetlands with emergent plants were significantly higher than those in the river and lake wetlands without emergent plant in summer. Stochastic processes dominated the assembly of bacterial communities associated with CO2-fixation, and the assembly processes also differed among wetland types. The distance-decay model revealed that geographical distance and environmental differences both caused variations in the bacterial communities associated with CO2-fixation among wetland types. Further analysis showed that the high levels of total organic carbon in the wetlands with relatively static water flow and abundant emergent plants are conducive to the growth of facultative autotrophic CO2-fixation bacteria, resulting in the variations in CFRs and the associated microbial communities among wetland types. This study expands the understanding of spatial distribution of carbon sequestration driven by microbes in wetlands.
Coastal wetlands are carbon and nutrient sinks that capture large amounts of atmospheric CO2 and runoff of nutrients. ‘Blue carbon’ refers to carbon stored within resident vegetation (e.g. mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses) and soil of coastal wetlands. This study aimed to quantify the impact of vegetation type on soil carbon stocks (organic and inorganic) and nitrogen in the surface soils (0–10 cm) of mangroves and tidal marsh habitats within nine temperate coastal blue carbon wetlands in South Australia. Results showed differences in surface soil organic carbon stocks (18.4 Mg OC ha–1 for mangroves; 17.6 Mg OC ha–1 for tidal marshes), inorganic carbon (31.9 Mg IC ha–1 for mangroves; 35.1 Mg IC ha–1 for tidal marshes), and total nitrogen (1.8 Mg TN ha–1 for both) were not consistently driven by vegetation type. However, mangrove soils at two sites (Clinton and Port Augusta) and tidal marsh soils at one site (Torrens Island) had larger soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. These results highlighted site-specific differences in blue carbon stocks between the vegetation types and spatial variability within sites. Further, differences in spatial distribution of SOC within sites corresponded with variations in soil bulk density (BD). Results highlighted a link between SOC and BD in blue carbon soils. Understanding the drivers of carbon and nitrogen storage across different blue carbon environments and capturing its spatial variability will help improve predictions of the contribution these ecosystems to climate change mitigation.
Autotrophic carbon-fixing bacteria are the main drivers of carbon sequestration and elemental cycle in wetland ecosystems. Their relationship with environmental factors in karst soils such as soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions, which are affected by natural degradation and human disturbance, is key to understanding the biological mechanisms of karst wetland ecosystem deterioration and restoration. In this study, the abundances of the Calvin cycle functional genes cbbL and cbbM as well as the characteristics of carbon-fixing bacterial communities were compared in soil samples from a native wetland, naturally degraded wetland, and reclaimed farmland wetland in the Huixian karst wetland, Guilin, China. The abundances of the cbbL gene in the degraded wetland and reclaimed wetland soils varied significantly among the seasons (P < 0.05, summer > winter). The influence of the season on the abundances of the cbbL and cbbM genes was more significant than that of the wetland state. The structures of carbon-fixing bacterial communities were similar in the three states of karst wetland soils, mainly consisting of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria in the phylum Proteobacteria. However, the relative abundances of some dominant bacterial genera were significantly different. Thiomonas and Bradyrhizobium had a relatively high abundance in the native wetland soil and the degraded wetland soil, respectively, while Ferriphaselus and Sulfuricaulis were more abundant in the reclaimed farmland wetland soil. The main soil factors affecting the structure of the carbon-fixing bacterial communities were the SOC and its fractions dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and readily oxidizable organic carbon (ROC), as well as the soil temperature. Anthropogenic activities such as wetland transition to farmland have caused significant changes in karst soils and the characteristics of carbon-fixing bacterial community in this karst wetland soil ecosystem.
Root exudates could influence the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), provide nutrients for soil microorganisms, and affect PAH biodegradation. However, it remains unclear how a bacterial community and its PAH-degrading genes play crucial roles in PAH biodegradation and respond to root exudates. In this study, a 32-day soil microcosm study was conducted to explore the impacts of artificial and actual root exudates on PAH degradation, degrading genes, and bacterial community structure. The results showed that 10-100 mg DOC/kg artificial and actual root exudates promoted the degradation of naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene in soils, and their percent removal increased initially and then decreased with the increasing root exudates. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis and 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing suggested that the artificial root exudates significantly promoted the Nocardioides and Arthrobacter genera, which may harbor the nidA gene (the representative PAH-degrading gene from Gram-positive bacteria). In contrast, actual root exudates significantly stimulated the Pseudomonas genus that may harbor the nahAc gene (the representative PAH-degrading gene from Gram-negative bacteria). The correlation analysis further indicated that the absolute abundance of PAH degraders and degrading genes had strong correlations with PAH degradation efficiency. Therefore, these findings suggest that root exudates enhanced PAH biodegradation probably due to increases in abundance of both PAH-degraders and their degrading genes.
Synthetic responses of plant and soil microbial communities to grazing are indefinite in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Three paired fenced and free grazing sites (ASMWP: alpine steppe meadow for winter pasture; ASMSP: alpine steppe meadow for summer pasture; AMSP: alpine meadow for summer pasture) were used to compare how grazing season and grassland type affect responses of the α‐diversity and community composition of plant, soil bacteria and fungi to grazing. Cold‐season grazing reduced soil moisture by 12.10%, ammonium nitrogen (NH4+‐N) by 53.71%, ratio of available nitrogen to phosphorus by 64.11%, species richness (SR) by 31.4% and Shannon by 11.9% of plant community at the ASMWP. Warm‐season grazing reduced nitrate nitrogen by 30.45%, SR of soil bacterial community by 21.98% at the ASMSP, but increased soil NH4+‐N by 90.02% at the AMSP. Warm‐season grazing‐induced changes in plant community composition were mainly related to forb at the AMSP. Grazing‐induced changes in the community composition of soil bacteria were mainly related to Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Verrucomicrobia at the ASMWP, and Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi and TM7 at the ASMSP. Grazing‐induced changes in the community composition of soil fungi were mainly related to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota at the ASMWP, Basidiomycota at the ASMSP, and Ascomycota at the AMSP. Therefore, effects of grazing on plant and soil microbial communities may vary with grassland types and grazing seasons, which may be related to grazing‐induced changes in available nitrogen, ratio of available nitrogen to phosphorus and soil moisture.
Soil microorganisms play an important role in regulating the feedback of Alpine steppe ecosystems to future climate change. However, the interaction effect of warming and increasing precipitation on soil microorganisms remains unclear, in the face of an ongoing warmer and wetter climate on the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, we investigate the multi-factorial effects on soil microbial diversity, community structure, and microbial interactions in a three-year climate change experiment established in an Alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau, involving warming (+2 °C), +15% increasing precipitation and +30% increasing precipitation. Compared to warming, warming plus increasing precipitation alleviated the decrease in microbial diversity, and increased the dissimilarities in microbial community structures, largely influenced by water and substrate availability. We further observed differences in moisture increased the differences in microbial diversity and dissimilarities in microbial community structures across different precipitation levels under ambient temperature. Interestingly, warming plus increasing precipitation could create more ecological niches for microbial species to coexist but may lessen the strength of microbial interactions in contrast to increasing precipitation alone. Collectively, our findings indicate that microbial responses to future climate change in Alpine steppe soils will be more complex than those under single-climate-factor conditions.