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Distribuon, diversity and abundance
of invasive plant species within
Ngorongoro rangelands
Technical Book
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Distribuon, diversity and abundance of invasive
plant species within Ngorongoro rangelands
Technical Book
Tanzania Wildlife Research Instute
Execuve Summary
Rangelands within the Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (NCA) was assessed to determine
the distribuon, abundance and diversity of invasive and non-invasive plant species.
also, to idenfy suitable plant species for biomass briquee producon and explain
exisng paerns of forage use by wild herbivores. The study fullls the objecve 1
of the project whose targets is to determine available raw material for producon of
biomass briques.
Intensive transect sampling was carried out whereby line transects were established both
inside and outside the crater area. Transects crossed dierent ecological habitats and
administrave wards. Data was systemacally collected from 1m2 quadrants established
3 km apart. The types and frequency of occurrence of both invasive and non-invasive
plants were recorded. Invasive plants suitable as raw materias for producon of biomass
briquee were idened. Addionally, presence of large herbivores in sampling points
were recorded based on indirect and direct observaons.
A total of six (6) invasive plant species (IPS) were recorded inside the crater while 34
species were reported in rangelands outside the crater area. The coverage of IPS within
the crater oor ranged from 17% to 23%, with Bidens schimperi and Lippia Javanica
being the most dominant species. On the contrary, invasion of the rangelands outside
the crater was 30%–40%. Notably, eleven invasive (11) plant species were recognized
as the most notorious outside the crater area. A larger number of invasive plant species
suitable for briquee producon were found outside the crater (n = 7) compared to
inside (n = 2), but the dierence in their abundance was not signicant (W = 10614,
P-value > 0.05).
Herbivore abundance and diversity on non-invaded plots far exceeded those on invaded
plots. The populaons of Gutenbergia cordifollia and L. javanica increased inversely with
the populaon of herbivores, while the trend of other IPS was posively correlated. This
implies that the response of herbivore biodiversity and rangeland quality was variable
across dierent IPS species during the dry season in NCA.
Moreover, rangelands in NCA habors high abundance and diversity of IPS, some of them
very suitable rich in wooden content. This implies that rangelands in NCA can oer a
huge supply of raw materials for biomass briquees producon. Therefore, the study
recommend establishment of a small- size factory for briquee producon within the
This technical book has been produced through
collaboraon between the Tanzania Wildlife
Research Instute (TAWIRI) and the Ngorongoro
Conservaon Area Authority (NCAA). The work is
parally supported by the Tanzania Commission
for Science and Technolgy (COSTECH) through
the MAKISATU Iniave.
Jerome Kimaro, Hillary Mushi, Richard Lyamuya
Peter Nyanswi and Victoria Shayo; Distribuon,
diversity and abundance of invasive plants
species in Ngorongoro rangelands (2023).
Publisher informaon:
Tanzania Wildlife Research Instute
Box 661, Arusha Tanzania
ISBN 978 9976 5378 14
All rights reserved, no part of this publicaon
may be produced without a prior permission
Execuve summary
1.0 Introducon
1.1 Purpose of study
1.2 Specic objecves
2.0 Materials and Methods
2.1 Study area
2.2 Data collecon
3.0 Key results
3.1 Within crater area
3.2 Outside crater area
4.0 Conservaon implicaons of ndings
5.0 Recommendaons and conclusion
6.0 References
1.0 Introducon
The rapid increase of invasive plant species (IPS) is currently a crical conservaon
challenge in Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (NCA) (Bukombe et al., 2021). Owing to
that, rangelands ecosystem oen fail to maintain various biophysical funcons like
decreasing quanty and quality of feed and water which are important resources for
herbivores metabolism. Moreover, loss of nutrive value or exncon of palatable
forage in rangelands inuence herbivores to extend their range, somemes beyond
protected area protected areas boundaries. This escalates human-wildlife conucts
(DeFries et al., 2007).
Given that high populaons of IPS are sll persistent in NCA, a serious lbiodiversity and
decline in tourism acvies will be noced in the near future. Nonetheless, invesment
in sustainable management of controling IPS is not well advanced yet in NCA to contain
afromenoned challenges. Much eorts including mechanical mowing by tractors
and manual uproong has been has aempted in the crater area and few villages like
Erkapus and Nainokanoka.
To ll the gap in sustainable management of IPS in NCA, collecve eorts are required to
promote more aordable, parycipatory and reliable approaches. In turn, such eorts
should reward increasing market value of rangelands resources, enhance biodiversity
conservaon, and create employment among local people. Given that consideraon,
the Tanzania Wildlife Research Instute (TAWIRI) in collaboraon with the Ngorongoro
Conservaon Area Authority (NCAA), seek to exploit IPS in NCA as raw materials for
producon of biomass briquees.
1.1 Purpose of study
This study was conducted to determine the distribuon, diversity and abundance of
invasive plant species in wildlife rangelands within the NCA. The study forms the baseline
informaon for objecve one of this project, which focuses on the quancaon and
characterizaon of available stock for biomass briquee producon.
1.2 Specic objecves
• Determine the spaal variaon in distribuon, abundance, richness and diversity of
dierent IPS within the rangelands.
• Idenfy IPS that can be used as a suitable raw material for biomass briquee
• Establish a relaonship between herbivore distribuon and the spread of IPS within
the rangelands.
The main outputs of the study:
• Variaon in distribuon, abundance and diversity of IPS across dierent habitats and
administrave wards in NCA established.
• Variaon in coverage of invasive plants within rangelands in NCA established
• Suitable species as raw materials for biomass briquee producon idened
• Relaonship between herbivore distribuon and the spread of IPS within rangelands
in NCA established
2.0 Material and Method
2.1 Study area
The Ngorongoro Conservaon Area (NCA) is located in Northern Tanzania (Figure 1). It
is a mulple land-use area where Maasai pastoralists co-exist with wildlife. One of its
prominent features is Ngorongoro Crater, which covers an area nearly 260 km2, and it is
recognized as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Man and Biosphere Reserve,
and one of the African Seven Wonders (Masao et al., 2015). Major vegetaon types
in the NCA include grassland, forest, bush land, shrubs, and swamp patches (Foxcro
et al., 2006). NCA is home to various large mammal species like African elephants
(Loxodonta africana), wildebeests (Connochaetes taurinus), zebras (Equus quagga),
common elands (Taurotragus oryx), African bualos (Syncerus caer), Grant’s (Nanger
gran), Thomson’s gazelles (Eudorcas thomsonii), spoed hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) and
lions (Panthera leo). The climate is characterized by wet and dry seasons with diurnal
temperatures ranging from 7.4 °C–14.5 °C and from 10.6 °C–19.6 °C, respecvely and an
annual rainfall ranging from 300 to 630 (Foxcro et al., 2006).
The study was conducted in rangelands located both inside and outside the Ngorongoro
crater (Fig. 1) during the dry season (September–October 2022) and completed
in February 2023. The study area comprises six wards, namely: Enduleni, Kakesio,
Nainokanoka, Misigyo, Ngorongoro and Olbalbal. Also, ve major habitats characterize
the foraging area of rangelands: grassland, woodland, wooded grassland, wetlands and
Figure 1: Study area
2.2 Data collecon and sampling design
A total of 40 transect lines were systemacally established across the enre study area.
Out of these, 10 transects were inside the crater, while 30 transects were laid outside
the crater. Along each transect, sampling points were established aer each 3 km (Fig.
2). Sampling plots were replicated three mes (0 m, 25 m and 50 m) in an alternang
right-le direcon. Both transects and sampling points were mapped using Google
Earth-Pro soware and veried by ground truthing. During data collecon, transects
were tracked using GPS. At each sampling point, a quadrant (1m by 1m) was used.
Figure2 : Transect lines and sampling plots in the crater area
Figure 4: Project team collecng data from sampling plots
Figure 3: Sampling design
2.2.1 Vegetaon data
Within a quadrant, the research team collected informaon on types of both invasive
and non-invasive plant species and idened them to species level. Addionally, their
frequency and coverage were assessed and documented (Fig. 5).
2.2.2 Wildlife data
Aer obtaining vegetaon informaon, direct observaon was conducted within a
15-meter radius from the center of the quadrant to count all wild animals and birds that
were present at the sampling site. Visual signs like dung, tracks, feathers and nests were
also idened and recorded (Fig. 6).
Figure 6: Dungs from dierent wild animals species
Figure 5: Dungs from dierent wild animals species
2.2.3 Modulus elascity of plant stems
To idenfy species suitable for briquee producon, the strength of various plant stems
was tested. All species with wooden stems were idened through visual observaon.
By using hands, stress was placed to compare the extent of deformaon that the stem
exhibits along its length. All species that were less resistant to breakage were considered
rich in lignin content.
Figure 7: Distribuon of invasive plant species across dierent ecological habitats
within the crater area
2.3 Data analysis
We analyzed the distribuon of IPS using QGIS soware and mapped their spread on
the crater oor. We calculated the abundance of each IPS and non-invasive based on
the frequency of their presence. Species diversity was measured using the Simpson
Diversity Index (SDI).
A one-way ANOVA test was used to determine the variaon of species abundance across
dierent surveyed wards and major ecological habitats. T-test was used to compare
ecological indices of individual invasive species between grassland and bushland
ecosystems. Results were presented in tables, graphs and maps. All calculaons were
computed in R stascal soware (Team, 2019).
3.1 Within the Ngorongoro Crater area
3.1.1 Species distribuon, abundance and diversity
Our survey idened a total of six invasive plant species, namely: Bidens schimperi,
Gutenbergia cordifolia, Lippia javanicum, Targetes minuta, Solonum incunam and
Verben ocinalis. All invasive plant species were found in grassland and bush land only,
and their abundance was variable (Figs. 7 and 8). The dierence in species abundance
between the two habitats was signicant (W = 1821.5, p-value < 0.05). Based on the
Simpson Diversity Index, bush land indicated higher species diversity (D = 0.26) compared
to grassland (D = 0.3).
Figure 8: Variaon in abundance of IPS dominated the crater oor in NCA
L. Javanica was the most abundant among other IPS (mean = 11.9). It was located at
the foot of the crater rim, especially in the northern and eastern parts (Fig.10). The
higher populaon of L. Javanica was found in bush land (93.1%) compared to grassland
habitats (6.9%) (Figs. 3 and 4). However, the dierence in species abundance between
the two habitats was not signicant (W = 21, p-value > 0.05).
B.schimperi was the most dominant IPS in grassland habitat and the second most
dominant in bush land. It was found both in the central and northern parts of the crater
oor (Fig. 11). More than half of its populaon was found in grassland (68.8%) and
partly in bush land (31.3%), but the dierence was not signicant (W = 82, p > 0.05).
S.incanum was the second dominant IPS in the grassland habitat. About 77% of its
populaon was found in grassland, while 23.7% was in bushland, but the dierence
was not signicant (W = 45, p-value > 0.05). Within the crater oor, it is located in the
northwestern and central parts (Fig. 12).
G. cordifolia was about 50% less abundant than B. schimperi in the grassland and the
least dominant in the bushland. Its populaon was about six mes higher in grassland
(84.5%) compared to bushland (14.5%), but the dierence was not signicant (w = 15.5,
p-value > 0.05). Similar to B. schimperi, its hotspot locaon is in the northern part of the
crater oor, with a few patches in the central part (Fig. 13).
S. minuta was about one-ninth as abundant as B. schimperi and represented the least
dominant IPS within grassland habitat. Its populaon was twice as high in bush land
(66.7%) as in grassland (33.3%), but the dierence was not signicant (W = 1, P-value
> 0.05). The plants were conned only to the northern part of the crater oor (Fig. 11).
V. ocinalis was not present in grassland habitat and was among the least abundant IPS
in bush land too (Fig. 12). It was only found in the southwestern part of the crater oor.
Figure 9: Common invasive plant species dominated the crater oor in NCA
Figure 10: Distribuon of L. Javanica in the crater oor in NCA
Figure 11: Distribuon of B. schimperi in the crater oor in NCA
Figure 12: Distribuon of S. incunum in the crater oor in NCA
Figure 13: Distribuon of G. cordifolia in the crater oor in NCA
Figure 14: Distribuon of T. iminuta in the crater oor in NCA
Figure 15: Distribuon of V. ocinalis in the crater oor in NCA
3.1.2 Distribuon of IPS Percentage Cover
Invasive plant species covered nearly 17% of the crater area (CI = 13.7%, 32.2%).
Notably, B.schimperi covered the largest part of the landscape, followed by L. javanica.
Addionally, G.cordifolia covered nearly half of the surface area occupied by B.schimperi.
Addionally, T.minuta and V. ocinalis sll covered only a small part (< 1%) of the crater
oor. In contrast, a large part of the crater oor (82.7%) was not invaded by any invasive
plants (Fig 16).
Figure 16: The proporon of invaded and non-invaded crater surface area
Figure 17: Variaon of IPS cover (%) between grass and bush land habitats
The percentage cover of all invasive species indicated a signicant dierence between
grassland and bushland (t = 4.9496, df = 67.197, P-value = < 0.05). Under bush land habitat,
L. javanica indicated the highest percentage cover (median = 70%), followed by V. ocinalis
(median = 30%), while the least was T. minuta (median = 5%). Under the bushland habitat,
L. javanica indicated the highest percentage cover (30%). The proporons of B. schmiperi,
G. cordifolia and S. incanum were nearly comparable (median = 10%–12%) (Fig. 17).
3.1.3 Species suitable for briquee producon
The survey determined only two plant species within crater area could be suitable for
briquee producon, namely L. Javanicum and S. incunam. The former was more abundant
(abundance = 336) compared to the laer (abundance = 59).
3.1.4 Rangelands Ulizaon by wildlife
All herbivore species were more abundant in areas un-invaded compared to areas
invaded by invasive plants within rangelands, and their dierence was highly signicant
(df = 1, F = 35.68, p-value < 0.05). Bualo, eland, wildebeest and zebra were present
in all sampling plots that were invaded by invasive species. Seemingly, these four
herbivore species could be more tolerant than other species. The largest number of
bualo (n = 10) was present in plots aected by L. javanica while the fewest (n = 1)
were present under V. ocinalis and T. minuta. Zebra were more abundant (n = 18)
under B. schimperi and under S.incanum (n = 11). Eland ranged between moderate
and large (n = 1–5) with the largest populaon under L.javanica. On the other hand,
baboons and warthogs were rarely observed within the invaded parts of rangelands (n
= 1). The former was present under L. javanica while the laer was under G. cordifolia
(Table 1).
Within invaded areas, between 3 and 7 herbivore species were observed. Locaons
aected by B. schimperi and S. incanum indicated the highest herbivore species
richness (n = 7 and n = 6), while those under V. ocinalis and S. incanum indicated
comparable levels (n = 5). However, the lowest herbivore species richness (n = 3) was
noted in locaons under T. minuta. However, most herbivores could tolerate foraging
in invaded bush land compared to invaded grassland (H = 630.89, df = 357, P-value <
0.05). Bualos and zebras were the most dominant (N > 20%), while warthogs (1.1%)
and hartebeests (0.8%) were the least. Herbivores’ abundance varied signicantly
across dierent invasive plants (df = 5, F = 0.884, p < 0.05). The highest was noted
under B. schimperi (n = 30), L. javanica (n = 26), and S. incunum (n = 20). But, the least
abundant were noted under T. minuta and V. ocinallis (n < 6) (Fig. 18).
Figure 18: Spaal variaon of herbivore abundance under dierent habitat types
A linear relaonship between herbivore populaons and the abundance of IPS was
noted. The increasing populaon of G. cordifollia and L. javanica decreases the
populaon of herbivores, while other IPS indicate a posive correlaon (Fig. 19)
Figure 19: Relaonship between the extent of G.vcorfolia(A) B.vschimperi (B) V.
ocinalis (C) L. javanica (D), T. minuta and S. incanum (E) and the populaon of
various large herbivores in the crater oor
Table 1: Frequency of occurrence of large herbivores across sampling points dominated by dierent IPS
Animal B. schimperi G. cordifolia L. javanica S. incunum T. minuta V. ocinalis Not invaded
Baboon 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Bualo 5 30 5 1 1 110
Dik dik 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Eland 21 5 1 1 1 22
Elephant 0 0 0 1 0 0 72
G.gazelle 1 0 0 1 0 1 33
Hartebeest 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Hippo 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Rhino 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
T.gazelle 1 0 0 0 20 52
Warthog 0 1 0 0 0 0 5
Wildebeest 1 1 1 1 0 0 58
3.2.1 Distribuon of invasive and non-invasive plants species
The survey idened a total of 34 invasive plant species outside the Ngorongoro crater
area which have covered between 30% to 40% of rangelands area. The distribuon of its
coverage across dierent wards in NCA is presented in Table 2. Nevertheless, the coverage
contributed by invasive and non-invasive plants species within rangelands indicated a
signicant dierence (P-value <0.05, F = 1, df = 4). The most aected areas with invasive
species were Enduleni and Ngorongoro wards. Two wards, namely Nainokanoka, and
Kakesio indicated comparable extent of coverage (33% to 37%). In contrary, relavely the
least aected ward was Olbalbal (27%) (Table 2).
Ward Invasive plants (%) Non-invasive (%)
1Enduleni 40 60
2Olbalbal 27 73
3Nainokanoka 33 67
4Kakesio 34 66
5Ngorongoro 37 67
3.2.1 Diversity and richness of invasive plants
The diversity of invasive plants were relavely higher in Nainokanoka and Kakesio wards
(D = 0.37 - 0.45)(D = 0.37–0.45). Ngorongoro and Olbalbal indicated only a slightly
dierence (0.21 and 0.27). The lowest values were observed in Enduleni (D = 0.16). On
other hand, wooded grassland indicated a slightly higher diversity of invasive plants (D =
0.16), while grassland and woodland were comparable (D = 0.14). Habitats with higher
species richness were grassland (n = 29), while the least was woodland (n = 11) (Tables
3 and 4).
Ward Species diversity
Species richness
1Enduleni 0.16 60
2Olbalbal 0.27 9
3Nainokanoka 0.45 5
4Kakesio 0.37 9
5Ngorongoro 0.21 10
Table 3: Diversity and species richness of IPS outside Ngorongoro crater
Table 2: Distribuon (% cover) of invasive and non-invasive plants outside crater
Ward Species diversity
Species richness
1Grassland 0.14 29
2Woodland 0.16 11
3Wooded-grassland 0.14 16
3.2.2 Abundance of invasive plant species
The abundance of invasive plant species indicated a signicant dierence across the
ve study wards (H = 80.39, df = 58, P < 0.05). The most dominant species were Juscia
exigua (n = 197), Gutenbergia cordifolia (n = 107), and Solanum incanum (n = 96). Others
were Indigofera spinosa (n=49), Eleusine jaegeri (n = 38), Tagetes minuta (n = 38), and
Heliotropium indicum (35) (Tables 5 and 6). Enduleni ward indicated the highest number
of invasive plant species (n = 22), while the fewest were recorded in Nainokanoka ward
(n = 5). The rest of the three wards, namely Kakesio, Ngorongoro and Olbalbal indicated
nearly the same number of invasive plants (n = 9–10). The abundance of invasive species
was signicantly dierent across the three ecological habitats (H = 70.54, df = 58, P-value
< 0.05). In grassland, the abundance was about twice (n = 29) that recorded in wooded
grassland (n = 16), but was slightly higher than that recorded in woodland (n = 11).
Table 4: Diversity and species richness of IPS across major habitats
Figure 20: Rangelands dominated by E.Jaegeri in upland areas
Ward Species name Count
1Nainokanoka Eleusine jaegeri 28
Conocarpus erectus 9
Cerasum glomeratum 4
Juscia exigua 2
Heliotropium indicum 1
Enduleni Juscia exigua 120
Gutenbergia cordifolia 90
Solanum incanum 65
Indigofera spinosa 42
Tagetes minuta 25
Leucas aspera 14
Amaranthus spinosus 11
Heliotropium steundrr 10
Lippia javanica 10
Heliotropium indicum 7
Leonos nepefolia 7
Heliotropium steudneri 6
Datura stramonium 5
Xanthium strumarium 4
Bidens schimperii 3
Cuscuta campestris 3
Indigofera.sp 2
Cassia didymobotrya 1
Indigofera gaora 1
Table 5: Abundance of invasive plants species outside Ngorongoro crater
Lippia ucambeusis 1
Ononis spinosa 1
Withania somnifera 1
Kakesio Gutenbergia cordifolia 17
Juscia exigua 16
Biden schirmperii 13
Tagetes minuta 12
Leucas aspera 11
Solanum incanum 7
Amaranthus spinosus 2
Datura stramonium 2
Leonos nepefolia 2
Ngorongoro Eleusine jaegeri 10
Uca masaica 4
Juscia exigua 2
Amaranthus spinosus 1
Cirsium arvense 1
Conocarpus erectus 1
Leucas aspera 1
lantago afra 1
Pteridium exculantum 1
Tagetes minuta 1
Olbalbal Juscia exigua 57
Heliotropium indicum 27
Solanum incanum 24
Indigofera spinosa 7
Withania somnifera 5
Chenopodium.sp 4
Ipomoea.sp 3
Amaranthus spinosus 2
Argemon mexicana 1
Habitat Plant name Count
1Grassland Juscia exigua 118
Solanum incanum 62
Gutenbergia cordifolia 54
Indigofera spinosa 39
Eleusine jaegeri 38
Heliotropium indicum 20
Tagetes minuta 13
Amaranthus spinosus 10
Conocarpus erectus 10
Heliotropium steundri 9
Leucas aspera 7
Heliotropium steudneri 6
Cerasum glomeratum 4
Datura stramonium 4
Leonos nepefolia 4
Uca masaica 4
Bidens schimperi 5
Cuscuta campestris 3
Ipomoea.sp 3
Xanthium strumarium 3
Cirsium arvense 1
Indigofera gaora 1
Indigofera.sp 1
Lippia ucambeusis 1
Ononis spinosa 1
Plantago afra 1
Pteridium exculantum 1
Withania somnifera 1
Table 6: Abundance of IPS across major habitats
2Woodland Juscia exigua 18
Gutenbergia cordifolia 11
Lippia javanica 5
Withania somnifera 5
Chenopodium.sp 4
Leucas aspera 3
Tagetes minuta 3
Biden schirmperii 2
Leonos nepefolia 2
Argemon mexicana 1
Heliotropium indicum 1
3Wooded-grassland Juscia exigua 61
Gutenbergia cordifolia 42
Solanum incanum 34
Tagetes minuta 22
Leucas aspera 16
Heliotropium indicum 14
Indigofera spinosa 10
Biden schirmperii 9
Amaranthus spinosus 6
Lippia javanica 5
Datura stramonium 3
Leonos nepefolia 3
Cassia didymobotrya 1
Heliotropium steundrri 1
Indigofera.sp 1
Xanthium strumarium 1
3.2.3 Diversity and richness of nave forage
The survey found that the dominance of nave forage species was signicantly dierent
across the ve wards (H = 131.64, df = 107, P-value 0.05), but only 11 species were
most dominant. These included Cynadon. dactylon (n = 269), Euphorbia. prostrata (n
= 131), Kyllinga. alata (n = 116), Cyperus. rotundus (n = 89), Indigofera. volkensii (n =
88), Brachiaria. semiundulata (n = 77), Brachiaria. brizantha (n = 68), Tribulus. terestris
(68), Eragross.tenuifolia (n = 67), Chloris. pycnothrix (n = 61), Digitaria. abbysinica (n =
50). Likewise, the dominance of nave forage species indicated a signicant dierence
across the three ecological habitats (H = 184.64, df 107, P - value < 0.05).
Generally, all surveyed wards indicated low diversity of nave forage species, which
ranged from 0.04 to 0.09. Almost all surveyed wards indicated comparable values of
species diversity (D = 0.04–0.05), except in Olbalbal (D = 0.09) (Table 7). However, nave
forage species diversity was only slightly dierent across the major ecological habitats
(D = 0.03–0.04) (Table 8).
Nave forage species richness was relavely high in the Enduleni ward. The value
dropped by nearly 50% in each of the other four surveyed wards. Across habitats,
grassland was the richest in species numbers, followed by wooded grassland. On the
contrary, woodland indicated the least number of species (Table 9).
Ward Species diversity
Species richness
1Enduleni 0.04 94
2Olbalbal 0.05 44
3Nainokanoka 0.05 48
4Kakesio 0.05 37
5Ngorongoro 0.09 47
Table 7: Diversity and species richness of nave forage outside Ngorongoro crater
Ward Species diversity
Species richness
1Grassland 0.04 110
2Woodland 0.03 46
3Wooded-grassland 0.04 80
Table 8: Diversity and species richness of nave forage across major habitats
Figure 21: The most dominant nave forage species outside the crater area
Ward Species name Count
1Nainokanoka Alchemillia alpina 29
Bacopa crenata 28
Cyperus rotundus 26
Eragross tenuifolia 26
Cynodon dactylon 19
Dichondra repens 17
Leontodo hispidus 17
Setaria pumila 17
Sporobolus africanus 16
Tephrosia pumila 15
Alysicarpus vaginalis 14
Euphorbia prostrata 12
Brachiaria brizantha 11
Oxalis corniculata 9
Pennisetum clandesnum 8
Carum carvi 7
Dicondra repens 6
Eragross superba 5
Geranium molle 5
Geranium.sp. 4
Kyllinga alata 4
Aeschynomene indica 3
Dactyloctenium aegypum 3
Fimbristylis.sp. 2
Commelina benghalensis 2
Table 9: Abundance of nave forage species outside Ngorongoro crater
Ward Species name Count
Indigofera volkensii 2
Pennisetum mezianum 2
Alchemill alpina 1
Bidens pilosa 1
Brachiaria semiundulata 1
Cenchrus clandesnum 1
Commelina africana 1
Crepis bursifolia 1
Digitaria abbysinica 1
Geranium.sp 1
Ipomoea sinensis 1
Lathyrus tuberosus 1
Leontodon.sp 1
Orthosiphon.sp. 1
Portulaca quadrifolia 1
Ruelia patula 1
Sennecio gallicus 1
Solanum nigrum 1
Alchemillia alpina 29
Bacopa crenata 28
Cyperus rotundus 26
2Enduleni Abulon pannosum 2
Achyranthes aspera 5
Alchemillia alpina 1
Alternanthera pungens 1
Alysicarpus vaginalis 2
Ward Species name Count
Enduleni cont... Arisda kenyensis 1
Barleria cristata 7
Bidens pilosa 6
Brachiaria brizantha 56
Brachiaria semiundulata 1
Chenopodium murale 1
Chlori gayana 37
Chloris pycnothrix 3
Combretum.sp. 12
Commelina africana 4
Commelina benghalensis 1
Craterosgma plantagineum 1
Crotalaria.sp. 3
Crotalaria spinosa 5
Crotolaria.sp. 9
Crotolaria spinosa 1
Cucumis anguria 2
Cucumis.sp 1
Cyanthula.sp 2
Cyathula prostrata 31
Cymbopogon.sp. 1
Cynodon dactylon 111
Cyperus rotundus 39
Dactyloctenium aegypum 15
Digitaria scala 2
Digitaria scalarum 24
Ward Species name Count
Enduleni cont... Digitaria valuna 3
Digitaria vercilata 17
Digitaria abbysinica 2
Eleusine indica 30
Ephoprostrata.spp 1
Eragross aspera 1
Eragross superba 11
Eragross aspera 7
Eragross tenella 1
Eragross teunifolia 2
Eragross superba 21
Eragross tenuifolia 9
Euphorbia prostrata 60
Galinsoga parviora 4
Gilinsoga parymidalis 1
Glebionis coronaria 1
Harpachne schimperi 1
Hermania.sp. 4
Indigofera basiora 1
Indigofera volkensii 64
Ipomoea sinensis 26
Kalanchoe.sp. 1
Kyllinga.alata 36
Lepidium.sp. 2
Microchloa kunthii 4
Oldenlandia.sp 3
Ward Species name Count
Enduleni cont... Oldenlandia.sp. 2
Orthosiphoa.sp 1
Oxygonum sinuatum 21
Pennisetum mezianum 24
Portulaca quadrifolia 17
Rhynchosia minima 6
Rhynchosia volubilis 1
Ruelia patulla 1
Sanecio gallicus 1
Senecio abbysinica 1
Senna obtusifolia 1
Sennecio abbysinica 1
Sennecio gallicus 15
Setaria homonima 5
Setaria sphacelata 17
Setaria vercilata 19
Setaria pumila 10
Sida cuneifolia 2
Sida ovata 25
Solanum nigrum 1
Sonchus asper 2
Sporobolas pyramidalis 1
Sporobolus africanus 1
Sporobolus iocladus 1
Sporobolus pyramidalis 1
Sporoborus africanus 1
Ward Species name Count
Enduleni cont... Sporoborus africanus 1
Tragus berteronianus 13
Tribulus terestris 49
Vachellia torlis 3
3Olbalbal Cynodon dactylon 117
Kyllinga alata 72
Tribulus terestris 44
Eragross tenuifolia 27
Euphorbia prostrata 23
Brachiaria semiundulata 20
Sida ovata 19
Alysicarpus aginalis 17
Sporobolus ioclados 16
Grangea maderaspatana 12
Sennecio gallicus 12
Achyranthes aspera 10
Digitaria abbysinica 10
Cyperus rotundus 9
Digitaria macroblephara 8
Ipomoea sinensis 8
Portulaca quadrifolia 8
Eragross superba 6
Ruelia patulla 6
Sporobolus ioclodus 6
Alternanthera pungens 5
Indigofera volkensii 4
Ward Species name Count
Olbalbal cont... Sida cuneifolia 4
Craterosgma plantagineum 3
Tephrosia pumila 3
Tribulus terrestris 3
Boeharvia diusa 2
Crotolaria.sp. 2
Malva neglecta 2
Orthosiphoa.sp 2
Oxygonum sinuatum 2
Vachellia mellifera 2
Vachellia torlis 2
Barleria sp 1
Chloris pycnothrix 1
Commelina benghalensis 1
Digitaria veluna 1
Eragross teunifolia 1
Indigofera spinosa 1
Ocimum suave 1
Pennisetum mezianum 1
Setaria vercilata 1
Sinapis arvensis 1
Sporobolus loclodus 1
Viburnum dentatum 1
4Ngorongoro Cynodon dactylon 18
Euphorbia prostrata 15
Bacopa crenata 14
Ward Species name Count
Ngorongoro cont... Cyperus rotundus 14
Alchemillia alpina 13
Sporobolus africanus 13
Brachiaria brizantha 12
Setaria pumila 12
Oxalis corniculata 9
Carum carvi 8
Commelina. benghalensis 7
Dichondra repens 7
Eragross tenuifolia 5
Geranium molle 5
Leontodon hispidus 4
Crotalaria.sp. 3
Cynodon plectostachyus 2
Digitaria abbysinica 2
Fimbristylis.sp. 2
Solanum.nigrum 2
Aeschynomene indica 1
Anchusa ocinalis 1
Astragalus pelecinus 1
Bacopa.sp. 1
Calopogonium mucunoides 1
Crotolaria spinosa 1
Cyathula prostrata 1
Galinsoga parviora 1
Geranium.sp 1
Ward Species name Count
Ngorongoro cont... Indigofera volkensii 1
Ipomoea sinensis 1
Medicago sava 1
Rhynchosia mimina 1
Salvia.sp. 1
Salvia nemorosa 1
Sonchus.asper 1
Vachellia.torlis 1
5 Kakesio Chloris.pycnothrix 23
Dactyloctenium aegypum 19
Euphorbia prostrata 19
Indigofera volkensii 17
Eragross aspera 9
Brachiaria brizantha 8
Digitaria abbysinica 7
Tragus berteronianus 6
Eragross superba 5
Sennecio abbysinica 5
Tribulus terrestris 5
Cenchru ciliaris 4
Cyathula prostrata 4
Cynodon dactylon 4
Glebionis coronaria 4
Kyllinga alata 4
Pennisetum mezianum 4
Setaria pumila 4
Ward Species name Count
Kakesio cont... Achyranthes aspera 3
Ruelia patulla 3
Sporobolus ioclados 3
Abulon pannosum 2
Barleria.sp. 2
Commelina. benghalensis 2
Commiphora africana 2
Digitaria scalarum 2
Panicum maximum 2
Senecio abbysinica 2
Setaria vercilata 2
Sporobolus africanus 2
Sporobolus loclodus 2
Vachellia torlis 1
Acacia torlis 1
Brachiaria brizanza 1
Couchrus cilians 1
Crotolaria.sp. 1
Cyanthula.sp. 1
Cynodon plectostachyus 1
Cyperus rotundus 1
Digitaria vercilata 1
Eragross superba 1
Eragross tenella 1
Ipomoea sinensis 1
Oxygonum sinuatum 1
Ward Species name Count
1Nainokanoka Alchemillia alpina 29
Bacopa crenata 28
Cyperus rotundus 26
Eragross tenuifolia 26
Cynodon dactylon 19
Dichondra repens 17
Leontodo hispidus 17
Setaria pumila 17
Sporobolus africanus 17
Tephrosia pumila 16
Alysicarpus vaginalis 15
Euphorbia prostrata 14
Brachiaria brizantha 12
Oxalis corniculata 11
Pennisetum clandesnum 9
Carum carvi 8
Dicondra repens 7
Eragross superba 6
Geranium molle 5
Geranium.sp. 5
Kyllinga alata 4
Aeschynomene indica 3
Dactyloctenium aegypum 3
Fimbristylis.sp. 3
Commelina benghalensis 2
Indigofera volkensii 2
Ward Species name Count
Nainokanoka cont... Pennisetum mezianum 2
Alchemill alpina 1
Bidens pilosa 1
Brachiaria semiundulata 1
Cenchrus clandesnum 1
Commelina africana 1
Crepis bursifolia 1
Digitaria abbysinica 1
Geranium.sp 1
Ipomoea sinensis 1
Lathyrus tuberosus 1
Leontodon.sp 1
Orthosiphon.sp. 1
Portulaca quadrifolia 1
Ruelia patula 1
Sennecio gallicus 1
Solanum nigrum 1
Alchemillia alpina 29
Bacopa crenata 28
Cyperus rotundus 26
Habitat Plant name Count
1Grassland Cynodon dactylon 196
Kyllinga alata 83
Euphorbia prostrata 82
Cyperus rotundus 62
Eragross tenuifolia 61
Brachiaria brizantha 56
Brachiaria semiundulata 48
Alchemillia alpina 42
Bacopa crenata 42
Indigofera volkensii 38
Setaria pumila 38
Alysicarpus vaginalis 33
Sporobolus africanus 32
Tribulus terestris 29
Chloris pycnothrix 28
Digitaria scalarum 25
Dichondra repens 24
Sennecio gallicus 23
Digitaria abbysinica 22
Cyathula prostrata 21
Eragross superba 21
Leontodon hispidus 21
Oxalis corniculata 20
Ipomoea sinensis 19
Sida ovata 18
Tephrosia pumila 17
Carum carvi 16
Dactylocteniumaegypum 16
Sporobolus ioclados 16
Tribulus terrestris 16
Commelina benghalensis 15
Portulaca quadrifolia 13
Oxygonum sinuatum 12
Pennisetum mezianum 10
Table x: Abundance of IPS across major habitats
Habitat Plant name Count
Grassland cont... Geranium molle 10
Setaria sphacelata 10
Achyranthes aspera 9
Commelina africana 9
Pennisetum clandesnum 9
Digitaria. veluna 8
Digitaria.macroblephara 8
Dicondra. repens 7
Ruelia.patulla 7
Setaria. vercilata 7
Barleria.cristata 6
Sporobolus. ioclodus 5
Fimbristylis.sp. 5
Geraniu.sp. 5
Glebionis. coronaria 5
Tragus. berteronianus 5
Aeschynomene. indica 4
Crotalaria sp 4
Sida.cuneifolia 4
Solanum nigrum 4
Alternanthera pungens 3
Bidens pilosa 3
Crotalaria spinosa 3
Crotolaria spinosa 3
Eragross aspera 3
Eragross teunifolia 3
Galinsoga.parviora 3
Habitat Plant name Count
Grassland cont... Microchloa. kunthii 3
Orthosiphoa.sp 3
Crotolaria.sp. 2
Cynodon. plectostachyus 2
Digitaria. valuna 2
Geranium.sp 2
Hermania.sp. 4
Lepidium.sp. 2
Rhynchosia. mimima 2
Senecio.gallicus 2
Sennecio. abbysinica 2
Sonchus.asper 2
Sporobolus. ioclodus 2
Abulon. pannosum 1
Alchemilla. alpina 1
Anchusa. ocinalis 1
Arisda. kenyensis 1
Astragalus. pelecinus 1
Bacopa sp. 1
Calopogonium. mucunoides 1
Cenchrus. clandesnum 1
Couchrus.cilians 1
Craterosgma.plantagineum 1
Crepis bursifolia 1
Cucumis anguria 1
Cyanthula.sp. 1
Cymbopogon. sp. 1
Habitat Plant name Count
Grassland cont... Digitaria vercilata 1
Eragross superba 1
Eragross tenella 1
Harpachne schimperi 1
Indigofera. basiora 1
Kalanchoe.sp. 1
Lathyrus tuberosus 4
Leontodon.sp. 1
Medicago sava 1
Orthosiphon.sp. 1
Rhynchosia mimina 1
Rhynchosia volubilis 1
Ruelia patula 1
Salvia.sp. 1
Salvia nemorosa 1
Sanecio gallicus 1
Senna obtusifolia 1
Setaria spacelata 1
Sporobolus iocladus 1
Sporobolus.locladus 1
Vachellia.torlis 1
Woodland Digitaria abbysinica 10
Cynodon dactylon 8
Indigofera.volkensii 8
Sida ovata 6
Chloris pycnothrix 5
Euphorbia prostrata 5
Habitat Plant name Count
Woodland cont... Tribulus terestris 5
Cyathula prostrata 4
Cyperus rotundus 4
Eragross superba 4
Dactyloctenium aegypum 3
Rhynchosia mimima 3
Ruelia patulla 3
Sennecio abbysinica 2
Achyranthes.aspera 2
Barleria.sp. 2
Brachiaria semiundulata 2
Digitaria scala 2
Digitaria Scalarum 2
Eragross aspera 2
Ipomoea sinensis 2
Malva neglecta 2
Oxygonum sinuatum 2
Panicum maximum 2
Portulaca quadrifolia 2
Setaria pumila 2
Tephrosia pumila 2
Boeharvia diusa 1
Brachiaria brizanza 1
Brachiaria brizantha 1
Combretum.sp. 1
Commiphora africana 1
Cyanthula.sp. 1
Habitat Plant name Count
Woodland cont... Cynodon plectostachyus 1
Digitaria veluna 1
Eragross tenella 1
Gilinsoga parymidalis 1
Indigofera spinosa 1
Kyllinga alata 1
Pennisetum mezianum 1
Setaria homonima 1
Sporobolus loclodus 1
Sporobolus pyramidalis 1
Tragus berteronianus 1
Tribulus terrestris 1
Vachellia torlis 1
3Wooded-grassland Cynodon dactylon 65
Euphorbia prostrata 44
Indigofera volkensii 42
Tribulus terestris 34
Kyllinga alata 32
Chloris pycnothrix 28
Brachiaria semiundulata 27
Cyperus rotundus 23
Sida ovata 20
Dactyloctenium aegypum 18
Digitaria abbysinica 18
Pennisetum mezianum 18
Tribulus terrestris 17
Ipomoea sinensis 16
Habitat Plant name Count
Wooded grassland cont... Setaria vercilata 15
Eragross superba 13
Tragus. berteronianus 13
Grangea maderaspatana 12
Brachiaria brizantha 11
Cyathula prostrata 11
Eragross aspera 11
Digitaria veluna 9
Oxygonum sinuatum 9
Portulaca quadrifolia 8
Eragross.aspera 7
Achyranthes aspera 7
Crotolaria spinosa 7
Eragross superba 7
Crotolaria.sp. 6
Eragross tenuifolia 6
Vachellia torlis 5
Setaria sphacelata 5
Bidens pilosa 4
Cenchrus ciliaris 4
Commelina africana 4
Sennecio abbysinica 4
Sennecio gallicus 4
Setaria homonima 4
Abulon pannosum 3
Alternanthera pungens 3
Craterosgma plantagineum 3
Habitat Plant name Count
Wooded grassland cont... Digitaria scalarum 3
Glebionis coronaria 3
Senecio abbysinica 3
Setaria pumila 3
Sporobolus ioclados 3
Combretum.sp. 2
Cucumis.sp 2
Digitaria vercilata 2
Gilinsoga parviora 2
Oldenlandia.sp 2
Sida cuneifolia 2
Vachellia mellifera 2
Acacia torlis 1
Alchemillia alpina 1
Alysicarpus vaginalis 1
Barleria cristata 1
Barleria.sp. 1
Boeharvia diusa 1
Chenopodium murale 1
Chloris gayana 1
Commelina benghalensis 1
Commiphora africana 1
Digitaria valuna 1
Eleusine indica 1
Ephoprostrata.spp 1
Microchloa kunthii 1
Ocimum suave 1
Habitat Plant name Count
Wooded grassland cont... Oldenlandia.sp. 1
Rhynchosia minima 1
Senecio gallicus 1
Setaria spacelata 1
Seteria vercilata 1
Sida avata 1
Sinapis arvensis 1
Sonchus asper 1
Sporobolas pyramidalis 1
Sporobolus africanus 1
Sporoborus africanus 1
Viburnum dentatum 1
3.2.4 Plant species suitable for briquees producon
A total of seven plant species were found to indicate desirable traits for briquee
producon (Table 10, Fig. 17). Their distribuon and abundance varied across the study
sites and showed signicant dierences (H = 60.637, df = 6, P-value < 0.05). Nearly 60%
of idened species indicated that they were abundant within rangelands. Seemingly,
L. javanica is poorly established outside the crater. Moreover, J. exigua was the most
widespread species, followed by S. incunm. On the contrary, L. javanica was only found
in Enduleni Ward.
Plant species name Frequency of occurrence
1J. exagua 3050
2S. incunam 856
3E. jaegeri 304
4W. somifera 303
5I. spinos 138
6C. eractus 20
7L. javanica 3
Table 10: Indened IPS suitable for producon of biomass briquees
Figure 22: Idened IPS suitable for biomass briquees producon
4.0 Conservaon implicaons of research ndings
4.1 Importance of conserving diverse habitats in the NCA
The results have revealed that rangelands within the crater area are relavely less
aected by invasive plant species compared to those located outside. This is based on
observaons of surface coverage and the exisng number of species. This dierence is
inferred from current management pracces against invasive plants. According to the
Head of Wildlife Management and Research Department (, eorts to control
invasive plants in the NCA focus more on the crater area compared to other locaons
within the NCA. This priorizaon was based on the fact that the crater area has unique
biodiversity value and also plays an important role in tourism acvies. On the other
hand, there is a shortage of manpower, working gear, and funds to allow one-me
control of invasive plants across the enre ecosystem.
Grassland and bushland could be the most vulnerable habitats to IPS within the NCA.
This is aributed to ongoing over ulizaon of these habitats by large herbivores and
Maasai livestock which leads to dierent degrees of ecosystem disturbance. Notably,
increased trampling in rangelands triggers the loss of nave grass species and inuences
the dominance of invasive plants on the soil surface (Obiri, 2011).
Spaal variaon in diversity and abundance of IPS across habitats explains why ecologists
should always be updated on the ecological status of rangelands. This is important to
avoid increased threats in special habitats or locaons that need conservaon aenon.
For example, above 90% of the L. javanica populaon was recorded on the slope of
the crater rim, which is an important refuge for black rhino. Likewise, the increased
populaons of E . jaegeri in Nainokanoka and Ngorongoro wards were reported to
enhance human-wildlife conicts (HWC). According to Mr. Maura, Nainokanoka Ward
Chairman (Pers. comm). E. jaegeri are not oen eaten by livestock, thus creang
corridors for small stock predators like hyenas and leopards.
Given that the extent of the spread of IPS could vary over me scales, ecologists
should conduct regular monitoring, mapping and mely sharing of results with other
conservaonists and local people.
4.2 A need to integrate innovave conservaon eorts
Although there is no full assessment of the eecveness of current control methods
conducted in NCA (Pers. comm, H-WMR), exisng literature suggests that non-
parcipatory methods for controlling IPS are not sustainable (Rodrigues et al., 2017).
We are opmisc that exploing invasive plants as raw materials for economically
valuable products could be an impacul measure against ongoing degradaon. Thus,
through the Rangeland Care Project, a newly collaborave iniave between TAWIRI
and NCAA is expected to speed up the removal of various IPS from rangelands.
Reportedly, Rangeland-Care Project has successfully developed biomass briquees from
E. jaegeri, one of seven idened IPS in NCA with the potenal to provide raw materials
for biomass briquee producon. Interesngly, local pastoralists in NCA indicated a
posive response when conducng community tests. Likewise, laboratory tests on the
combuson properes of briquees from E. jaegeri have indicated that they fall within
the recommended range for alternave sources of energy in households by the Tanzania
Bureau of Standards (TBS). While the Rangeland-Care Project connues to assess the
energy properes of the other six IPS, parallel eorts should be implemented to idenfy
the potenal use of other IPS that are not suitable for briquee producon.
4.2.3 Protecon beyond NCA boundaries
We detected that a reasonable number of IPS were extensively spread within the
boundaries of the NCA. For example, G. cordifolia and S. incunum in Enduleni and Kakesio
wards have extended to Mwiba and Makao villages. Likewise, the massive abundances
of J. exagua and I.spinosa in Olbalbal have extended to Serenge Naonal Park. These
ndings highlight that a ght against IPS should not concentrate inside NCA boundaries.
Given that human acvies are the major drivers of spreading IPS, care is needed where
rangelands are connected to culvated or livestock grazing areas in adjacent villages.
5.0 Recommendaons and suggesons
Based on our ndings, we recommend the following:
• The reported high abundance and diversity of IPS in rangelands calls for the most
ecient approach to controlling the populaon of invasive plants in the NCA.
• The suggested migaon measures should be supported by detailed scienc data
from accredited laboratories and community percepons about their eciencies
• This exercise should be repeated during the wet season in order to capture temporal
variaons in the ecology of invasive plants in the NCA
• Given that this study assessed herbivore distribuon only within the crater area, we
suggest that the recent report of an aerial census of large mammals conducted by
TAWIRI could be useful for rangelands located outside the crater
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Rangelands Care Project, Technical Report 02