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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(6): 1303-1305
ISSN (E): 2277-7695
ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
TPI 2023; 12(6): 1303-1305
© 2023 TPI
Received: 18-04-2023
Accepted: 19-05-2023
Abhishek Verma
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
Dharmendra Kumar
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
Anuradha Nema
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
TJ Sheikh
Department of Veterinary
Pathology, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Mansi Shukla
Department of Veterinary
Anatomy, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Rajesh Ranjan
Department of Veterinary
Anatomy, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Payal Jain
Department of Veterinary
Anatomy, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author:
Abhishek Verma
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
Studies on the efficacy of fresh Tridax procumbens
leaves on wound healing in calves
Abhishek Verma, Dharmendra Kumar, Anuradha Nema, TJ Sheikh,
Mansi Shukla, Rajesh Ranjan and Payal Jain
Present study was conducted on 12 calves having fresh wound of size 16-25 cm2 anywhere on the body
except joints to evaluate the wound healing using fresh Tridax procumbens leaf paste. These were
randomly divided into two groups for further treatment. Wounds of group I were treated with normal
saline solution whereas, that of group II were applied with Tridax procumbens leaf paste. Temperature
pulse and respiration were recorded from 0 to 5th post-treatment day of each animal in both the groups.
All the values fluctuated within the normal physiological range. Exudates and pain were of the lower
degree in cases treated with Tridax procumbens as compared to normal saline solution treated group.
Observation of wound on 20th day showed intense red colouration in wounds of normal saline solution
treated group suggesting proliferative phase but the colour of the wound treated with Tridax procumbens
were whitish brown suggesting almost healed wound. There was a significant difference between the
treatment and control group in wound contraction rate on 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th post treatment
day. An accelerated wound contraction was seen in Tridax procumbens treated group during all stage of
wound healing wounds, which might be due to its property of initiating early angiogenesis, fibroblatosis
and stimulating proliferation of keratinocytes.
Keywords: Tridax procumbens, calves, exudate, pain, wound contraction, wound healing
Early healing of the wounds depends on the way the wound is managed; however, slight
negligence on the part of the surgeon makes the treatment a complete failure and endangers the
life of the animal (Kumar, 2003) [8]. Since time immemorial man has used various parts of the
plant in the treatment and prevention of different ailments (Chah et al, 2006) [3]. During the last
two decades, traditional medicine has re-emerged as one of the important pillars for the
treatment of various diseases and disorders. It is a well-known fact that the modern drugs have
their origin in plant before they are chemically synthesised (Newman et al., 2016) [9]. Many
medicaments, indigenous preparations and variety of methods have been used to stimulate
wound healing such as topical application of herbal remedies, natural honey, electromagnetic
pulses, fibroblast growth factors and collagen with topical antibiotics. Though various agents
have been identified as a wound healer, still there is a need of cheaper therapy which can
accelerate the rate of healing, without affecting the normal physiological process along with its
socio-economical acceptance and minimal side effects (Sharma, 2018) [12]. Tridax procumbens
is a common plant found throughout the country and is in abundance during rainy season. It
has been claimed to promote wound healing in folk medicine (Anitha et al., 2008) [1] and used
as immunomodulation, wound healing, antidiabetic, hypotensive, antimicrobial, insect
repellent activity, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property (Pingale 2012) [11]. Therefore,
the present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Tridax procumbens as a potent
wound healing age.
Materials and Methods
The work was approved by the institutional ethical committee. It was conducted on twelve
calves aged between six months to one year and weighing approximately 60 to 100 kg that
were presented for treatment of the wound. Calves having fresh wound of size 16-25 cm2 with
a depth of 0.4-0.5 cm were selected for the present study. The wounds selected were anywhere
on the body except joints. The age of the wound was decided based on appearance, and
granulation tissue i.e. Lustre, colour, and texture. Moreover, all the wounds were debrided and
freshened up when it was included in the study.
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The Pharma Innovation Journal
The leaves of the plant of Tridax procumbens were collected
locally, authenticated in Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology. Fresh leaves of these plants were washed and
cleaned with distilled water. Leaves were taken out and
grinded in a fine paste using a mortar and pastel aseptically
for its application on the wound surface. Calves selected for
the present study were randomly divided into two groups for
further treatment. Wounds of group I were treated with
Normal Saline Solution, whereas those of group II were
treated with Tridax procumbens leaf paste. The wounds were
cleaned with hydrogen peroxide solution regularly, followed
by topical application of Normal Saline Solution in group I
and leaf paste of Tridax procumbens in group II respectively,
till the wound healed. The wound was assessed for general
appearance, presence, or absence of exudates, pain, peripheral
contraction, and extent of cicatrisation. Peripheral contraction
of the wound was assessed, using trace paper. Progressive
decreases in wound area were recorded on 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th
and 25th post treatment day based on the formula given by
Singh et al. (2010) [14].
Percentage of wound contraction =𝑎−𝑏
𝑎 x 100
a = Wound area on day zero
b = Wound area on nth day
Clinical examination
Temperature, pulse, and respiration were recorded from 0 to
5th post-treatment day of each animal in both the groups. All
the values fluctuated within the normal physiological range.
These findings were like the findings of Kumar et al. (2006)
[7] in calves. Fluctuation of temperature, pulse, respiration,
and complete blood count between normal physiological
ranges might be because all wounds were localized and none
of it became infectious and systemic throughout the
observation period.
Gross examination of wound healing
General appearance
The wounds of most of the cases irrespective of the groups
were lustreless white when presented at the clinics for
treatment excluding those cases which were reported on the
same day of injury. Appearance of the wound was suggesting
that most of the cases were presented at the clinics between 5-
10 days of the incidence. Gross examination on 5th day of
treatment revealed moist pink coloured wound in all the
groups revealing that proliferative phase had started at this
interval. These findings were in accordance with the findings
of Singh and Singh (2020) [13], who reported the initiation of
proliferative phase after 12 hours of injury. On 15th day all the
wounds in both the groups were dry and intense red; however,
the intensity was more in Tridax procumbens group as
compared to normal saline solution. Observation of wound on
20th day showed intense red colouration of wounds of normal
saline solution treated group suggesting proliferative phase
but the colour of wound treated with Tridax procumbens were
whitish brown suggesting almost healed wound. Wounds of
all groups on 25th day were dry with blackish brown crust
indicating complete healing. These findings were like the
findings of Kumar et al. (2006) [7].
Maximum exudation was observed on 0th day in both the
groups. 5th day observation depicted less exudation in group II
as compared to group I. Complete absence of exudation in the
group treated with Tridax procumbens was observed on 10th
day, however, slight amount of exudation was still present at
this interval in group I, which became absent on 15th post
treatment day in this group. These findings were like the
findings of Das (2013) [4] and Sharma (2018) [12] who observed
a reduction in exudation during later stages of wound healing.
Marked pain in both the groups was observed in the initial
day of treatment irrespective of medicaments used which
decreased at a later stage. Observation on 5th day revealed
more pain in group I in comparison to group II. An absence of
pain on 10th day was observed in group II which was treated
with Tridax procumbens leaf paste. Absence of pain in group
I was observed on 15th post treatment day. A decreasing trend
in pain was too observed by Sharma (2018) [12] during wound
healing in dogs.
Adherence and fly repellent property
Both groups show firm and complete adherence on 0,5th,10th,
and 15th post treatment day in Normal Saline solution and
Tridax procumbens. Moderate and partial adherence on
wound surface was observed on 20th post treatment day in
Normal Saline solution and Tridax procumbens. Tridax
procumbens adherence might be due to adherent property of
the leaves of the plant itself. Maximum fly repellent property
was observed in Tridax procumbens as compared to other. Fly
repellent property of Tridax procumbens was also reported by
Bhalerao and Kelkar (2012) [2] Pingale (2012) [11] and Talekar
et al. (2012) [15].
Wound Contraction
Mean wound contraction in Tridax procumbens treated group
on 5th day was 7.06 ± 3.50 which was higher than the mean
wound contraction of the group treated with a normal saline
solution which was 1.95±0.95. These findings are similar to
the findings of Oryan et al. (2010) [10].
On 10th day wound contraction in Tridax procumbens (35.61
± 5.84) group was significantly higher than the normal saline
solution (21.13±0.99) treated group. These findings are in
agreement with the findings of Talekar et al. (2012) [15] who
found higher wound contraction in treatment groups as
compared to control.
Fig 1: Photograph showing wound healing at a different stage of
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Lower wound contraction (44.78±2.63) was observed in
normal saline solution treated group on 15th post treatment day
and it differed significantly from the group treated with
Tridax procumbens leaf paste which was 59.84±2.34. These
findings corroborate the finding of Talekar et al. (2012) [15]
who observed a significant difference in wound contraction
on 15th post-treatment day while treating the wound with
Tridax procumbens and Normal Saline Solution.
Data of wound contraction on 20th day revealed maximum
contraction in Tridax procumbens treated group (74.55±2.89)
which differed significantly with Normal Saline Solution
treated group which showed a contraction of 60.45±1.01.
These findings are contrary to the findings of Diwan et al.
(1982) [5] who reported a wound contraction of 76 and 92
percent using Tridax procumbens and Normal Saline solution
on 21st post-treatment day.
Observations of 25th post treatment day showed a wound
contraction (81.96±1.69) in the group treated with Tridax
procumbens leaf paste and a contraction of (71.92±1.4) in
normal saline solution. There was a significant difference
between treatment and control group on 5th, 10th, 15th,20th and
25th post treatment day. An accelerated and maximum wound
contraction was seen in Tridax procumbens treated group
during every stage of wound healing. These findings were
similar to the findings of Kumar (2003) [3] who observed a
wound contraction of 77.38, 71.82, 70.15 and 53.74 percent in
wound treated with Tagetes erecta, Blumea lacera, Charmil
ointment and Normal saline solution.
Escalated wound healing by Tridax procumbens has been
described by Gubbiveeranna and Nagaraju (2015) [6] who
reported that wound healing activity of Tridax procumbens is
due to increased lysyl oxidase and hexosamine levels that are
reported to stabilize the collagen fibres by increasing the
cross-linking of collagen during the healing process.
From the above discussion, it can be assumed that increased
rate of wound healing in Tridax procumbens treated wounds
might be due to its property of initiating early angiogenesis,
fibroblatosis and stimulating proliferation of keratinocyte.
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