Content uploaded by Alexander Ohnemus
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All content in this area was uploaded by Alexander Ohnemus on May 08, 2024
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Alexander Ohnemus
Applied Mathematics
06 May 2024
Kalergi and Hart-Celler(and Memetics): White Antifragility
“Anti-zionism demonstrates North Western European gentiles have always had more
clout than Jews ever have. New discussion Started 2 hours ago Ashkenazi Jews have been part
Northwestern European(Celtic) for a long time:
1) Political
Trends also indicate: 2)
3) 4)“Anti-Zionism.”
Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
Accessed 25 Apr. 2024.”(Ohnemus 2024).
“Politically Correct Response to the Jewish Question: Ashkenazi Jews co-exist and
cooperate with the North Western European self-filter because the former are at least partially
diaspora of the Levantine, mixed with whoever is recessive enough to continue their
phenotype,(Levantine were some of the few Mediterraneans who were not subject to the
dysgenic forces of petty nationalism, which is clinging to a homeland thus being subject to
dysgenic forces). “Conservatives may have more kids but, liberals are more likely to use life
extension and to have increased socioeconomic status. Removing almost all doubt, the
self-imposed demographic decline of the North Western Europeans is an attempt to filter SO,
only their GENERALLY smartest remain. Progressivism rightfully did NOT emerge from the
Jews but, from North Western Europeans recognizing that under their continued empire, proving
constructivism more so than hereditarianism, they would be subject to dysgenic forces and then
become petty nationalists, and they have mysterious impulses to check their own unchecked
power, as the most powerful group. As that was the case with the Mediterraneans. Plus,
GENERALLY the highest IQ North Western Europeans are liberals and they GENERALLY get
more progressive on race relations the more intelligent they become. ALL DISPARITIES are the
fault of the North Western Europeans, thus the MOST ENLIGHTENED North Western
European people should be cloned so they and their descendants can pay reparations. And the
recessive privileges of being an Enlightened North Western European should MAYBE be
distributed through genetically engineered somatic mutations”(Ohnemus 2024)”(Ohnemus
“Read a brief summary of this topic
Lyndon B. Johnson, (born Aug. 27, 1908, Gillespie county, Texas, U.S.—died Jan. 22,
1973, San Antonio, Texas), 36th president of the U.S. (1963–69). He taught school in Houston,
Texas, before going to Washington, D.C., in 1932 as a congressional aide. In Washington he was
befriended by Sam Rayburn, speaker of the House of Representatives, and his political career
blossomed. He won a seat in the U.S. House (1937–49) as a supporter of the New Deal, which
was under conservative attack. His loyalty impressed Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who made
Johnson his protégé. He won election to the U.S. Senate in 1949 in a vicious campaign that
involved fraud on both sides. As Democratic whip (1951–55) and majority leader (1955–61), he
developed a talent for consensus building through methods both tactful and ruthless. He was
largely responsible for passage of the civil rights bills of 1957 and 1960, the first in the 20th
century. In 1960 he was elected vice president under John F. Kennedy; he became president after
Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. In his first few months in office he won passage of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, the most comprehensive and far-reaching legislation of its kind in American
history. Later that year he announced his Great Society program of social-welfare and civil rights
legislation. His attention to domestic matters, however, was diverted by the country’s escalating
involvement in the Vietnam War (seeGulf of Tonkin Resolution), which provoked large student
demonstrations and other protests, beginning in the late 1960s. Meanwhile, discontent and
alienation among the young and racial minorities increased as the promises of the Great Society
failed to materialize. By 1967 Johnson’s popularity had declined steeply, and in early 1968 he
announced that he would not seek reelection. He retired to his Texas ranch”(Britannica 2024).
“For the white they are a constant reminder of guilt”(Johnson 1965).
“Hart–Celler was among the “Great Society” reforms enacted under the Lyndon
B. Johnson administration. Because it eliminated the restrictive nationality-based
immigration quotas that had prevailed since 1924, the law was widely heralded as an
anti-discrimination measure”(Milkman 2021).
“Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was one of the thinkers of a utopian ideal, a
Pan-Europa, a European Union as a cultural, economic, political community of brother
countries to face the challenges of the world of the future and overcome the internal and
external problems of the past.He understood clearly the dynamics and the inertia of history
and for that reason could predict future events, the second World War as direct
consequence from the Treaty of Versailles, Russia as the new force in Europe to be reckon,
the future economic wars coming from America and Asia.But any utopian dream has many
unrealistic elements and ideas that generally goes against its realization and this is also the
case for Pan-Europa. Misplaced faults, misplaced role models, misinterpretation of historical
events and movements of the past, a history written by the winners and interpreted by the
naïve.Today after many years after the creation of the European Union it is facing the same
problems that Coudenhove-Kalergi critiqued as European historical problems, a European
Empire that oppresses people, lack of freedom, economic wars, cultural dissolution,
animosity between neighboring countries, problematic pacts or treaties, decadence in
general and nationalism. Nationalism was viewed by Coudenhove-Kalergi as the problem
for the union of Europe but ironically now a new nationalism is growing in Europe as a
promise for the protection of the cultural identity of Europe, of the Roman-Hellenic and
Christian roots, of science, of philosophy and of the human knowledge in every human field
as specific identity roots of the European peoples as well understood by him.“The two
polarities of the European civilization are the Hellenic individualism and the Christian
socialism”.“The European civilization is by nature pragmatic and rationalist, aspires to
achieve with all its strength reasonable objectives. Its best contribution is the science and
the practical application of this technique, to chemistry and to medicine. In this, it
advantages by far to all the rest of civilizations that existed until now”.“Thanks to its strong
activity, because of its Nordic character, the European civilization dominates around the
entire world, thus, whereas the other civilizations are in decadence, the European advances
triumphant”.“The whole European question finishes in the Russian problem. The main
objective of the European policy must be to prevent the Russian invasion. To prevent it,
there is only one way: the European union”.“However, Europe could find itself in such
favorable situation like the United States, because is populated by the same race, has
approximately the same weather and is ruled by the same democratic principle”.“Every
civilized person must fight for the nation to be converted tomorrow in a private thing of each
one, as it is today the religion. The future separation between nation, cultural entity, and
State, political entity, will be a cultural action so important as the separation between
Church and State. The concept of “National State” will fall in disuse the same that the one of
State Church and will withdraw before the principle: The free nation in the free
State.””(Kalergi and Salvagno 2019).
Alexander Ohnemus
Political Science
27 April 2024
“Conservatives may have more kids but, liberals are more likely to use life extension and
to have increased socioeconomic status. Removing almost all doubt, the self-imposed
demographic decline of the North Western Europeans is an attempt to filter SO, only their
GENERALLY smartest remain. Progressivism rightfully did NOT emerge from the Jews but,
from North Western Europeans recognizing that under their continued empire, proving
constructivism more so than hereditarianism, they would be subject to dysgenic forces and then
become petty nationalists, and they have mysterious impulses to check their own unchecked
power, as the most powerful group. As dysgenics collapsed Mediterraneans empires. Plus,
GENERALLY the highest IQ North Western Europeans are liberals and they GENERALLY get
more progressive on race relations the more intelligent they become. ALL DISPARITIES are the
fault of the North Western Europeans, thus the MOST ENLIGHTENED North Western
European people should be cloned so they and their descendants can pay reparations. And the
recessive privileges of being an Enlightened North Western European should MAYBE be
distributed through genetically engineered somatic mutations”(Ohnemus 2024).
“Higher intelligence is associated with liberal political ideology, atheism, and
men's (but not women's) preference for sexual exclusivity. More intelligent people are
statistically more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences
that are novel to human evolution. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but
not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new
study finds”(Kanazawa 2010).
“Sir Francis Galton, (born Feb. 16, 1822, near Sparkbrook, Birmingham, Warwickshire,
Eng.—died Jan. 17, 1911, Grayshott House, Haslemere, Surrey), British explorer, anthropologist,
and eugenicist. Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, studied medicine at Cambridge University but
never took a degree. As a young man he traveled widely in Europe and Africa, making useful
contributions in zoology and geography. He was among the first to recognize the implications of
Darwin’s theory of evolution, eventually coining the word eugenics to denote the science of planned
human betterment through selective mating. His aim was the creation not of an aristocratic elite but
of a population consisting entirely of superior men and women. He also wrote important works on
human intelligence, fingerprinting, applied statistics, twins, blood transfusions, criminality,
meteorology, and measurement”(Britannica 2024).
“White Supremacy, or at least Nazism, was a political movement so it was definitely white
supremacist yet, it also happened to murder whites(who in the strictest sense only are Western
Europeans, more broadly all Europeans, and at the broadest all Caucasoids ( Europeans, North
Africans, Middle Easterners, Western Asians, Central Asians, etc). The Axis Powers was partially led
by the Japanese(definitely not Caucasoids), the Italians(mostly Mediterraneans and sometimes part
Sub Saharan), and Germany(the most European of the Axis leaders). The Nazis definitely did not
care about the most vulnerable members of Germany's population(even though those may have also
been ethnic Germans). For whatever reason the Nazis sided with the Italians(many of whom were
and are part Sub Saharan). And the Nazis killed the European Jews(the Ashkenazi Jews are
actually more European and closer to Nordic than the Italians). The Nazis actually, by killing many
behaviorally nonconformists(maybe largely ethnic Germans), probably set back scientific progress
that Europe had been famous for. The Nazis, ironically, murdered more Europeans(ethnic European
Jews included) than probably any other population. A parallel may be that conservative(especially
Nazi) policies almost always hinder the very Western Europeans that those ideas are thought to care
so much for. Even the far more innocent American Conservative politics end up killing many Western
Europeans(see Dying of Whiteness). The Slavs, Eastern Europeans killed by the Nazis, are actually
lighter in complexion and more diverse in hair color and eye color than many Western
Europeans(Celts by conjecture are counterintuitively darker than Slavs). More evidence actually
exists of the irony that the white supremacy often ends up hurting the most strictly defined
whites(Western Europeans). And other times the second most strictly defined whites(all Europeans).
Conservative attitudes often cause large segments of the Western European population(and
probably other Europeans) to die out of anti vaccine fallacies. Thus, ignorance leads to anti-vaxx
behavior which results in death. Europeans(being still the most privileged group) are DEFINITELY
not dying out of being European but rather of conservative policies that they have been persuaded to
support. Besides anti-vaxx attitudes and the resulting health issues, another example is
complacency to authority with the East Palestine train derailment. Conservative values are generally
authority, purity, in-group loyalty, harm avoidance, and reciprocity. Liberals emphasize harm
avoidance and reciprocity and the farther towards the political left, the more those two last values
dominate psyches. Perhaps another example is that conservatives have sentiments to allow a
complete violation of harm avoidance and reciprocity, that being Russia invading Ukraine. In total, in
category theory, for reasons not completely known, the category of conservative is overall coercive
to the well-being of whites(most strictly Western Europeans, more broadly all Europeans and most
broadly all Caucasoids)”(Ohnemus 2023).
“We analyzed 127 Ancient Roman genomes with a view to understanding the
possible reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire. Taking the polygenic score for
educational attainment (EA4) as a proxy for intelligence, we find that intelligence
increased from the Neolithic Era (Z= -0.77) to the Iron Age (Z= 0.86), declines after the
Republic Period and during the Imperial Period (Z= -0.27) and increases in Late
Antiquity (Z= 0.25) and is approximately at the same level today (Z= 0.08). We show
that this is congruent with a cyclical model of civilization based around intelligence,
with the documented history of Rome, and also with patterns of immigration into
Rome”(Piffer, et al. 2023).
Even controversial right winger Nathan Cofnas admits liberals tend to be more
intelligent and wokeness is popular among the most intelligent(Cofnas 2024).
Alexander Ohnemus
Applied Mathematics
30 April 2024
Nuance 2
“Conservatives may have more kids but, liberals are more likely to use life extension and to
have increased socioeconomic status. Removing almost all doubt, the self-imposed demographic
decline of the North Western Europeans is an attempt to filter SO, only their GENERALLY smartest
remain. Progressivism rightfully did NOT emerge from the Jews but, from North Western Europeans
recognizing that under their continued empire, proving constructivism more so than hereditarianism,
they would be subject to dysgenic forces and then become petty nationalists, and they have
mysterious impulses to check their own unchecked power, as the most powerful group. As dysgenics
collapsed Mediterranean empires. Plus, GENERALLY the highest IQ North Western Europeans are
liberals and they GENERALLY get more progressive on race relations the more intelligent they
become. ALL DISPARITIES are the fault of the North Western Europeans, thus the MOST
ENLIGHTENED North Western European people should be cloned so they and their descendants
can pay reparations. And the recessive privileges of being an Enlightened North Western European
should MAYBE be distributed through genetically engineered somatic mutations”(Ohnemus 2024).
“The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is true because integration is the inverse operation
of derivation. In the real world, when something is derived from something else, it leaves from that
something else. When something integrates into something else, it becomes part of that something
else. Therefore integration is the opposite of derivation, and an integral is the same as an
antiderivative. An example could be populations. Racial Europeans are the derivative of every other
racial population. Thus, when populations integrate, racial European characteristics are the most
recessive. However, a strong enough acquired mutation could potentially turn any individual into a
part of the Racial European population. Mutations only derive other races into Racial Europeans and
not the other way around. This can be extended to critical race theory, proving the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus. Racial Europeans no longer have genes to mutate back. The concrete
example of the integration and deriving of populations may not match the abstract mathematical
concepts exactly because of entropy. Entropy causes the illusion of time, randomness, and the
difference between the abstract and the concrete. (group theory) A theorem which proves that, given
critical race theory, Europeans evolved to be socially privileged by being privileged derivatives of all
other races in meritocracy through individualism, and all other forms of systemic racism, and being
recessive to all other races upon genetic integration, thus being a real life example of the
fundamental Theorem of Calculus by presenting the inverse relationship of integration and
derivation. Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus through Critical Race Theory Already on
ebooks&qid=1689278494&sr=1-5 “(Ohnemus 2023).
Common knowledge is cloning approaches the future because of technological innovations .
“Western Europeans (Norse, Celts, and Germanics) owe reparations to every other people. So,
Western Europeans should be cloned to outnumber every other population and then be transported
to outer space to begin an interplanetary welfare state”(Ohnemus 2023).
White privilege greatly benefits people and common knowledge is the skin-whitening is
extremely popular thus, lucrative. So, maybe maybe many would genetically engineer themselves to
become white(Gosha 2021).
The precautionary principle matters so, simple surgeries are less dangerous. “If both
the traits and genes desired in genetic
engineering are the more recessive ones then
can the operation be simplified to somatic
mutations? How? Why?”(Ohnemus 2024).
“White Privilege Antiracist Razor: The best way to test a theory is, of course through
observation of tradition, risk analysis, and skin in the game(paying a price for failure or citing those
who do). And more specific theories are easier to support in the social sciences if the evidence can
be highly interdisciplinary(involve more and more disciplines). For example: will the big freeze(the
most likely end of the universe considering the second law of thermodynamics) result in a literally
universal ice age thus turning all humans Western European(Celtic, Norse, and or Germanic) by
either genetic engineering, somatic mutations, natural selection ,etc.? Could that explain the low
ethnocentrism and high individualism of Western Europeans? Theoretical physics and anthropology
combined”(Ohnemus 2023).
Work Cited
Ohnemus, Alexander. “Nuance.” ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus University , 27 Apr. 2024,
Ohnemus , Alexander. “Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus through Critical Race
Theory.” ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus University , 13 July 2023,
Ohnemus, Alexander. “Interplanetary Reparations CRT Welfare State Proposal.”
ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus University , 6 Aug. 2023,
Gosha, Ryan. “CRISPR Gene Editing Could Fix Racism.” Medium, Medium, 14 Feb. 2021,
Ohnemus, Alexander. “If Both the Traits and Genes Desired in Genetic Engineering Are the
More Recessive Ones Then Can the Operation Be Simplified to Somatic Mutations? How?
Why?” ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus University , 18 Jan. 2024,
Ohnemus, Alexander. “White Privilege Antiracist Razor.” ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus
University , 7 Sept. 2023,
Work Cited
Ohnemus, Alexander. “My Current Condensed Political Inclination.” ResearchGate.Net,
Ohnemus University , 10 Feb. 2024,
American Sociological Association. "Liberals and atheists smarter? Intelligent people
have values novel in human evolutionary history, study finds." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 24 February 2010.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Francis Galton". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5
Mar. 2024, Accessed 27 April
Piffer, Davide, et al. “Intelligence Trends in Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of Roman
Polygenic Scores.” OpenPsych, July 2023. Crossref,
Cofnas, Nathan. “Why We Need to Talk about the Right’s Stupidity Problem.” Why We Need to
Talk about the Right’s Stupidity Problem, Nathan Cofnas’s Newsletter, 2 Jan. 2024,
Works Cited
Ohnemus, Alexander. “Anti-Zionism Demonstrates North Western European Gentiles
Have Always Had More Clout than Jews Ever Have.” ResearchGate.Net , Ohnemus University ,
25 Apr. 2024,
Ohnemus, Alexander. “Politically Correct Response to the Jewish Question.”
ResearchGate.Net, Ohnemus University , 1 Feb. 2024,
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Lyndon B. Johnson". Encyclopedia
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LBJ. “Commencement Address at Howard University: ‘To Fulfill These Rights.’”
Presidency.Ucsb.Edu, UCSB, 4 June 1965,
Milkman, Ruth, et al. “How the Hart–Celler Act Changed America.” Dissent Magazine,
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Coudenhove-Kalergi , Count Richard. “Pan-Europa.” Translated by Tabaré Salvagno,
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Ohnemus , Alexander. “Nuance .” ResearchGate.Net , Ohnemus University , 27 Apr.
Ohnemus , Alexander. “Nuance 2.” ResearchGate.Net , Ohnemus University , 30 Apr.